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Murthy, Siva Ram C. „A Broadcast Cube-Based Multiprocessor Architecture for Solving Partial Differential Equations“. Thesis, Indian Institute of Science, 1998.

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Indian Institute of Science
A large number of mathematical models in engineering and physical sciences employ Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). The sheer number of operations required in numerically integrating PDEs in these applications has motivated the search for faster methods of computing. The conventional uniprocessor computers are often unable to fulfill the performance requirements for these computation intensive problems. In this dissertation, a cost-effective message-based multiprocessor system which we call the Broadcast Cube System (BCS) has been proposed for solving important computation intensive problems such as, systems of linear algebraic equations and PDEs. A simulator for performance evaluation of parallel algorithms to be executed on the BCS has been implemented. A strategy (task assignment . algorithm) for assigning program tasks with precedence and communication constraints to the Processing Elements (PEs) in the BCS has been developed and its effectiveness demonstrated. This task assignment algorithm has been shown to produce optimal assignments for PDE problems. Optimal partitioning of the problems, solving systems of linear algebraic equations and PDEs, into tasks and their assignment to the PEs in the BCS have been given. Efficient parallel algorithms for solving these problems on the BCS have been designed. The performance of the parallel algorithms has been evaluated by both analytical and simulation methods. The results indicate that the BCS is highly effective in solving systems of linear algebraic equations and PDEs. The performance of these algorithms on the BCS has also been compared with that of their implementations on popular hypercube machines. The results show that the performance of the BCS is better than that of the hypercubes for linear algebraic equations and compares very well for PDEs, with a modest number of PEs despite the constant PE connectivity of three in the BCS. Finally, the effectiveness of the BCS in solving non-linear PDEs occurring in two important practical problems, (i) heat transfer and fluid flow simulation and (ii) global weather modeling, has been demonstrated.
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Murthy, Siva Ram C. „A Broadcast Cube-Based Multiprocessor Architecture for Solving Partial Differential Equations“. Thesis, Indian Institute of Science, 1988.

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A large number of mathematical models in engineering and physical sciences employ Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). The sheer number of operations required in numerically integrating PDEs in these applications has motivated the search for faster methods of computing. The conventional uniprocessor computers are often unable to fulfill the performance requirements for these computation intensive problems. In this dissertation, a cost-effective message-based multiprocessor system which we call the Broadcast Cube System (BCS) has been proposed for solving important computation intensive problems such as, systems of linear algebraic equations and PDEs. A simulator for performance evaluation of parallel algorithms to be executed on the BCS has been implemented. A strategy (task assignment . algorithm) for assigning program tasks with precedence and communication constraints to the Processing Elements (PEs) in the BCS has been developed and its effectiveness demonstrated. This task assignment algorithm has been shown to produce optimal assignments for PDE problems. Optimal partitioning of the problems, solving systems of linear algebraic equations and PDEs, into tasks and their assignment to the PEs in the BCS have been given. Efficient parallel algorithms for solving these problems on the BCS have been designed. The performance of the parallel algorithms has been evaluated by both analytical and simulation methods. The results indicate that the BCS is highly effective in solving systems of linear algebraic equations and PDEs. The performance of these algorithms on the BCS has also been compared with that of their implementations on popular hypercube machines. The results show that the performance of the BCS is better than that of the hypercubes for linear algebraic equations and compares very well for PDEs, with a modest number of PEs despite the constant PE connectivity of three in the BCS. Finally, the effectiveness of the BCS in solving non-linear PDEs occurring in two important practical problems, (i) heat transfer and fluid flow simulation and (ii) global weather modeling, has been demonstrated.
Indian Institute of Science
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Ahmed, Usman. „Dynamic cubing for hierarchical multidimensional data space“. Phd thesis, INSA de Lyon, 2013.

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Data warehouses are being used in many applications since quite a long time. Traditionally, new data in these warehouses is loaded through offline bulk updates which implies that latest data is not always available for analysis. This, however, is not acceptable in many modern applications (such as intelligent building, smart grid etc.) that require the latest data for decision making. These modern applications necessitate real-time fast atomic integration of incoming facts in data warehouse. Moreover, the data defining the analysis dimensions, stored in dimension tables of these warehouses, also needs to be updated in real-time, in case of any change. In this thesis, such real-time data warehouses are defined as dynamic data warehouses. We propose a data model for these dynamic data warehouses and present the concept of Hierarchical Hybrid Multidimensional Data Space (HHMDS) which constitutes of both ordered and non-ordered hierarchical dimensions. The axes of the data space are non-ordered which help their dynamic evolution without any need of reordering. We define a data grouping structure, called Minimum Bounding Space (MBS), that helps efficient data partitioning of data in the space. Various operators, relations and metrics are defined which are used for the optimization of these data partitions and the analogies among classical OLAP concepts and the HHMDS are defined. We propose efficient algorithms to store summarized or detailed data, in form of MBS, in a tree structure called DyTree. Algorithms for OLAP queries over the DyTree are also detailed. The nodes of DyTree, holding MBS with associated aggregated measure values, represent materialized sections of cuboids and tree as a whole is a partially materialized and indexed data cube which is maintained using online atomic incremental updates. We propose a methodology to experimentally evaluate partial data cubing techniques and a prototype implementing this methodology is developed. The prototype lets us experimentally evaluate and simulate the structure and performance of the DyTree against other solutions. An extensive study is conducted using this prototype which shows that the DyTree is an efficient and effective partial data cubing solution for a dynamic data warehousing environment.
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Brito, Julian Araujo. „Cuba em transformação: socialismo e as reformas econômicas do 6 Congresso do Partido Comunista“. Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2014.

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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Esta dissertação reflete sobre os dilemas do socialismo contemporâneo a partir da experiência revolucionária cubana, focalizando especialmente a etapa conhecida como "atualização do socialismo". Em 2011 o VI Congresso do Partido Comunista de Cuba aprovou um conjunto de reformas econômicas cuja meta proclamada é a "atualização do modelo econômico e social" do país. Nestes termos, a proposta central do governo aponta para a diversificação dos atores econômicos e maiores níveis de descentralização, entretanto, sem abrir mão do predomínio da propriedade estatal sobre os meios de produção e da planificação sobre o mercado. Por outro lado, inegavelmente, essas medidas trazem mudanças significativas em relação ao modelo socialista historicamente construído em Cuba. Visando entender esse processo de transformações, o presente trabalho abordará os aspectos políticos e teóricos destas reformas.
Esta tesis de maestría reflexiona sobre los dilemas del socialismo contemporáneo desde la experiencia revolucionaria cubana, focalizando especialmente la etapa conocida como actualización del socialismo. En 2011 el VI Congreso del Partido Comunista de Cuba aprobó un conjunto de reformas económicas con la cual se ha proclamado la meta de "actualizar el modelo económico y social" del país. Así, la propuesta central del gobierno apunta para la diversificación de los actores económicos y mayores niveles de descentralización, sin embargo, manteniendo el predominio de la propiedad estatal sobre los medios de producción y la planificación sobre el mercado. Por otra parte, no hay como negar que estas medidas implican cambios significativos en el modelo socialista históricamente construido en Cuba. Buscando entender este proceso de cambios, el presente trabajo abordará los aspectos políticos y teóricos de estas reformas.
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Caldwell, Mary Kathryn. „Characterization of Epoxy-hybrid nano-particle Resins for ambient cure VARTM Processes“. NCSU, 2007.

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This thesis presents the mechanical characterization of fire resistant epoxy-hybrid resin systems suitable for ambient cure VARTM processes. Several new epoxy-hybrid nano-particle resins were developed and tested for use in large scale composite structures. Based on the viscosity, Tg, and cure time requirements twelve of these resins systems were pre-selected for mechanical testing. Neat resin castings were tested in tension to determine the elastic modulus, tensile strength and maximum elongation. From these results, six of the resin systems were further cast in unidirectional glass fiber laminates. Transverse tension and short beam shear testing was performed on all laminates to determine the mechanical properties of the glass/epoxy systems. Two of the epoxy-hybrid resin systems showed promising behaviors, having a higher transverse modulus and ultimate strength than the original benchmark vinyl-ester resin. Additionally, fiber Bragg grating sensors were embedded in one benchmark vinyl-ester laminate and one epoxy-hybrid laminate during the cure cycle. Taking advantage of both the extrinsic and intrinsic properties of these sensors, residual strains, temperature changes, and degree of cure of the resin were monitored. In addition to having a higher modulus of elasticity and ultimate strength, these new epoxy-hybrid nano-particle resin laminates showed minimal temperature increases during cure and smaller residual strains than the comparable vinyl-ester resin laminates.
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Tregnier, Claude. „Fins de parties : identification dans le transfert et achoppement de cure psychothérapeutique“. Thesis, Paris 5, 2014.

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La thèse traite des arrêts non éclairés de cure psychothérapeutique, c'est-à-dire des interruptions définitives à l'initiative exclusive du patient ou de la patiente, sans discussion avec le clinicien ou la clinicienne. Pour la première fois, une telle étude est basée sur des témoignages de patient(e)s, recueillis lors d'entretiens cliniques après consentement éclairé. Au plan théorique, l'étude s'appuie sur une approche métapsychologique informationnelle originale de la psyché comme organe de modélisation du monde par la réalité psychique, inspirée par un historique de l'évolution des notions de projection et d'identification projective en psychanalyse. Pour l'ensemble du panel clinique de l'étude, les arrêts non éclairés de cure résultent systématiquement de la perte de confiance du patient en raison d'un trait disqualifiant imputé au clinicien par transfert objectal ou par identification projective, avec une conviction remarquablement forte, inébranlable et durable que le trait en question appartient effectivement à la personne du clinicien. Au terme de l'étude, il apparaît que les personnes ayant traversé des expériences traumatiques relationnelles dans leur enfance (rupture de continuité relationnelle avec l'environnement parental) pourraient être particulièrement exposées aux risques d'arrêts non éclairés lorsqu'elles entreprennent une psychanalyse ou une psychothérapie. En conséquence, l'étude propose des mesures de métacommunication préventive et curative visant à réduire un tel risque. Ces conclusions nécessiteraient d'être affinées par une recherche ultérieure plus large incluant notamment une comparaison avec une population témoin de patient(e)s n'ayant pas connu d'arrêts non éclairés dans leur(s) cure(s), afin de préciser davantage les spécificités des patient(e)s qui en provoquent et de mieux caractériser les traumatismes relationnels précoces dont ces dernier(e)s ont pu faire l'expérience
This work is about unilateral treatment abortions by the patient, occurring without preliminary discussion with the therapist. For the first time, such a research is based upon testimonies from patients collected during clinical interviews with their informed consent. Theoretically, the study relies on an original informational approach of the psyche as an organ which models the outside world by the psychical reality, approach inspired by an historical survey of projection and projective identification psychoanalytical concepts evolutions. For the entire study sample, unilateral treatment abortion by the patient always derives from loss of confidence in the therapist caused by the attribution to him or her of a disqualifying feature through object transference or projective identification channel, with a remarkably strong, unwavering and long-lasting conviction that the disqualifying feature truly belongs to the therapist. At the end of the study, it appears that the persons who have had relational traumatic experiences during childhood (breaks in the continuity of relations with parental environment) would be particularly prone to unilateral treatment abortions during a psychoanalysis or a psychotherapy. Consequently, the study proposes preventive and curatives measures of metacommunication in order to reduce risk of treatment abortion. The conclusions of this study would require further wider research, involving particularly a control population of patients who never experimented unilateral treatment abortion during their psychoanalysis/psychotherapy, in order to more clearly identify the specificities of the patients who provoke such treatment abortions and the exact nature of the relational trauma which they may have experimented during childhood
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Patsora, Iryna, Dmytro Tatarchuk, Henning Heuer und Susanne Hillmann. „Study of a Particle Based Films Cure Process by High-Frequency Eddy Current Spectroscopy“. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2016.

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Particle-based films are today an important part of various designs and they are implemented in structures as conductive parts, i.e., conductive paste printing in the manufacture of Li-ion batteries, solar cells or resistive paste printing in IC. Recently, particle based films were also implemented in the 3D printing technique, and are particularly important for use in aircraft, wind power, and the automotive industry when incorporated onto the surface of composite structures for protection against damages caused by a lightning strike. A crucial issue for the lightning protection area is to realize films with high homogeneity of electrical resistance where an in-situ noninvasive method has to be elaborated for quality monitoring to avoid undesirable financial and time costs. In this work the drying process of particle based films was investigated by high-frequency eddy current (HFEC) spectroscopy in order to work out an automated in-situ quality monitoring method with a focus on the electrical resistance of the films. Different types of particle based films deposited on dielectric and carbon fiber reinforced plastic substrates were investigated in the present study and results show that the HFEC method offers a good opportunity to monitor the overall drying process of particle based films. Based on that, an algorithm was developed, allowing prediction of the final electrical resistance of the particle based films throughout the drying process, and was successfully implemented in a prototype system based on the EddyCus® HFEC device platform presented in this work. This prototype is the first solution for a portable system allowing HFEC measurement on huge and uneven surfaces.
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Patsora, Iryna, Dmytro Tatarchuk, Henning Heuer und Susanne Hillmann. „Study of a Particle Based Films Cure Process by High-Frequency Eddy Current Spectroscopy“. Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2017.

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Particle-based films are today an important part of various designs and they are implemented in structures as conductive parts, i.e., conductive paste printing in the manufacture of Li-ion batteries, solar cells or resistive paste printing in IC. Recently, particle based films were also implemented in the 3D printing technique, and are particularly important for use in aircraft, wind power, and the automotive industry when incorporated onto the surface of composite structures for protection against damages caused by a lightning strike. A crucial issue for the lightning protection area is to realize films with high homogeneity of electrical resistance where an in-situ noninvasive method has to be elaborated for quality monitoring to avoid undesirable financial and time costs. In this work the drying process of particle based films was investigated by high-frequency eddy current (HFEC) spectroscopy in order to work out an automated in-situ quality monitoring method with a focus on the electrical resistance of the films. Different types of particle based films deposited on dielectric and carbon fiber reinforced plastic substrates were investigated in the present study and results show that the HFEC method offers a good opportunity to monitor the overall drying process of particle based films. Based on that, an algorithm was developed, allowing prediction of the final electrical resistance of the particle based films throughout the drying process, and was successfully implemented in a prototype system based on the EddyCus® HFEC device platform presented in this work. This prototype is the first solution for a portable system allowing HFEC measurement on huge and uneven surfaces.
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Berman, Salomon. „Rowing against the stream elite regeneration and the question of regime continuation in Cuba /“. Connect to Electronic Thesis (ProQuest) Connect to Electronic Thesis (CONTENTdm), 2008.

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Wittmer, Stephan. „Caractérisation du mélange dans une cuve agitée par trajectographie“. Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1996.

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Dans cette thèse, nous essayons de développer de nouveaux outils pour la caractérisation des processus de mélange et ceci dans une approche lagrangienne. L’objectif est de trouver de l'information utile contenue dans la longue trajectoire d'une particule représentant un élément de fluide d'un écoulement turbulent. Les écoulements étudiés sont ceux induits par des turbines Rushton et à Pales inclinées dans une cuve agitée de 20 litres. Un dispositif expérimental utilisant des systèmes vidéo et d'analyse d'images a été développé pour suivre une petite particule, neutre de densité, dans trois dimensions spatiales pendant 1 heure. La qualité de suivi est testée par l'étude de sa densité de présence dans la cuve. La question principale est comment les champs de turbulences de vitesse s'impriment dans des propriétés géométriques et dynamiques des trajectoires. Par exemple, elles visualisent les courants de recirculation de l'écoulement secondaire et la présence des chicanes par leurs intersections avec des surfaces fictives de sections de Poincaré. Parmi les études se trouvent des analyses spectrales de quelques séries temporelles, différentes sortes de distributions lagrangiennes de longueurs, de temps et de vitesses, leurs valeurs moyennes et relations et leur dépendance vis-à-vis de la vitesse d'agitation. Cette information lagrangienne est comparée avec les caractéristiques plus classiques utilisées dans des cuves agitées comme le temps de recirculation. Les résultats montrent des différences significatives selon le type de mobile d'agitation utilisé ce qui souligne que la méthode de suivi de particule est prometteuse pour obtenir des signatures de l'action du mobile d'agitation et de la nature du réacteur dans le mélangeage
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Hellmuth, Marc, Josef Leydold und Peter F. Stadler. „Convex Cycle Bases“. DMFA Slovenije, 2014.

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Convex cycles play a role e.g. in the context of product graphs. We introduce convex cycle bases and describe a polynomial-time algorithm that recognizes whether a given graph has a convex cycle basis and provides an explicit construction in the positive case. Relations between convex cycles bases and other types of cycles bases are discussed. In particular we show that if G has a unique minimal cycle bases, this basis is convex. Furthermore, we characterize a class of graphs with convex cycles bases that includes partial cubes and hence median graphs.
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Habel, Janette. „Cuba dans les Caraïbes : identité, utopie et réalités“. Paris 8, 1994.

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La gravite de la crise qui sevit a cuba n'a pas de precedents depuis la victoire de fidel castro. La desintegration de l'urss a mis a nu la structure maintenue de la monoculture sucriere. 35 ans apres la prise du pouvoir les ressources du pays ne permettent de garantir ni son approvisionnement energetique ni l'alimentation de la population. Tel est le bilan d'une integration dependante et subordonnee dans le comecon. La reintegration du pays dans l'economie mondiale va compromettre de nombreux acquis sociaux et remettre en cause le poids politique acquis par la havane sur la scene internationale. Les reformes economiques engagees en 1993 par fidel castro permettront-t-elles d'assurer une transition pacifique vers une economie de marche ou la crise politique est-t-elle inevitable ?
There has never been such a severe crisis in cuba since fidel's castro victory. The demise of the soviet union which put and end to the previous relationship had revealed that the dependance of the economy on sugar crops remain steady. 35 years after castro's victory the resources of the country are not sufficient to guarantee neither the energetic needs of the country nor the food for the population. This is the balancesheet of the integration in the comecon which have put cuba in a subordinate and dependant status. The reinstatement of the country in the world economy will jeopardize its social achievements and the political influence la havana had won on the world scale. Will the economc reforms which have been initiated in 1993 by f. Castro be able to secure a peaceful transition towards a market economy or is a political crisis unavoidable ?
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Garnaud, Eve. „Dépendances fonctionnelles : extraction et exploitation“. Phd thesis, Université Sciences et Technologies - Bordeaux I, 2013.

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Les dépendances fonctionnelles fournissent une information sémantique sur les données d'une table en mettant en lumière les liens de corrélation qui les unient. Dans cette thèse, nous traitons du problème de l'extraction de ces dépendances en proposant un contexte unifié permettant la découverte de n'importe quel type de dépendances fonctionnelles (dépendances de clé, dépendances fonctionnelles conditionnelles, que la validité soit complète ou approximative). Notre algorithme, ParaCoDe, s'exécute en parallèle sur les candidats, réduisant ainsi le temps global de calcul. De ce fait, il est très compétitif vis-à-vis des approches séquentielles connues à ce jour. Les dépendances satisfaites sur une table nous servent à résoudre le problème de la matérialisation partielle du cube de données. Nous présentons une caractérisation de la solution optimale dans laquelle le coût de chaque requête est borné par un seuil de performance fixé préalablement et dont la taille est minimale. Cette spécification de la solution donne un cadre unique pour décrire et donc comparer formellement les techniques de résumé de cubes de données.
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Horváth, Zsolt. „Částicové simulace v reálném čase“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta informačních technologií, 2012.

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Particle simulations in real-time become reality only a few years before, when in computer science occured the idea of GPGPU. This new technology allows use the massive force of graphics card for general purposes. Today, the trend is to accelerate existing algorithms by rewriting into parallel form. On this priciple operate the particle systems too. An interesting area of particle systems are fluid simulations. The simulations are based on the theory of Navier-Stokes equations and their numerical solutions with SPH (Smoothed particle hydrodynamics). Liquids are part of everyday life, and therefore it is important to render them realistically. They are used in modern computer games and different visualizations that run in real time, therefore they must be quickly displayed.
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Hellmuth, Marc, Josef Leydold und Peter F. Stadler. „Convex Cycle Bases“. WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, 2013.

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Convex cycles play a role e.g. in the context of product graphs. We introduce convex cycle bases and describe a polynomial-time algorithm that recognizes whether a given graph has a convex cycle basis and provides an explicit construction in the positive case. Relations between convex cycles bases and other types of cycles bases are discussed. In particular we show that if G has a unique minimal cycle bases, this basis is convex. Furthermore, we characterize a class of graphs with convex cycles bases that includes partial cubes and hence median graphs. (authors' abstract)
Series: Research Report Series / Department of Statistics and Mathematics
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Damerdji, Amina. „Le soupçon ludique. Les poètes officiels de la Révolution cubaine, de La Havane à Madrid (1966-2002)“. Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018.

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La formation, à partir de 1966, d’un groupe de quatorze poètes autour de la revue El Caimán Barbudo affiliée au Parti Communiste de Cuba a fait émerger un nouvel ethos littéraire. Nous l’appelons « soupçon ludique » pour la méfiance facétieuse qu’il provoque chez le lecteur. Quels sont les traits définitoires, les implications et les incidences idéologiques et esthétiques de cet ethos ? En s’appuyant sur les 48 recueils produits par les membres du groupe entre 1966 et 2002, année de sa dispersion définitive, sur 29 entretiens ainsi que sur le dépouillement de dix fonds d’archives situés à Paris, Madrid et La Havane, cette thèse montre d’abord que la naissance de leur écriture répond à une série d’injonctions politiques et esthétiques paradoxales : être une « avant-garde officielle », rebelle mais pas trop critique, marxiste mais lyrique. Après le renvoi éclair du groupe par le Parti en 1968 puis la forte censure du Quinquennat Gris (1971-1976), l’esprit ludique déserte leurs poèmes politiques devenus solennels et sérieux pour se replier dans la sphère amoureuse et érotique. Dans ces poèmes d’apparence inoffensive, la mise en scène parodique des identités de genre constitue une cri- tique voilée des identités politiques produites par la Révolution. À partir de 1991, la dissidence de plusieurs membres du groupe, sa recomposition partielle autour de la revue Encuentro de la cultura cubana fondée à Madrid en 1996 avec le soutien du gouvernement espagnol invitent à évaluer à nouveaux frais leur écriture : les dissidents quittent le soupçon ludique pour une écriture de la dénonciation qui thématise toutefois le jeu comme le symbole de leurs illusions perdues
From 1966 onwards, the formation of a group of fourteen poets around the Cuban Communist Party-affiliated journal El Caimàn Barbudo created a new literary ethos named “playful suspicion” because of the mischievous mistrust it provokes in the reader. What are the defining traits, implications and ideological and aesthetic occurrences of this ethos? This dissertation was based on the 48 collections produced by the group members between 1966 and 2002 (year of its final dissolution), on 29 interviews, and on the examination of 10 archival holdings in Paris, Madrid and Havana. This dissertation first shows that the birth of their writ- ing responded to a series of paradoxical political and aesthetic demands: to be an “official avant-garde”, to be rebellious but not overly critical, to be both Marxist and lyrical. After the sudden dismissal of the group by the Party in 1968, then the harsh censorship of the five Grey Years (1971-1976), their playful spirit deserts the political poems which become solemn and serious, and withdraws to the romantic and erotic sphere. The parodic staging of gender identities in these seemingly harmless poems constitutes a veiled criticism of the political identi- ties produced by the Revolution. Starting in 1991, the dissent of several members of the group dissent and its partial recomposition around the journal Encuentro de la cultura cubana founded in Madrid in 1996 with the support of the Spanish government invites a new evaluation of their writing. The dissidents abandon playful suspicion in favor of denunciative writing, which nevertheless thematically places playfulness as a symbol of their lost illusions
En Cuba, a partir de 1966, se forma un grupo de catorce poetas en torno a la revista El Caimán Barbudo, afiliada al Partido Comunista nacional, generando un nuevo ethos literario que nosotros llamamos “sospecha lúdica”, por el recelo divertido que provoca en el lector. ¿Cuáles son los rasgos definotorios, las implicaciones y los impactos ideológicos y estéticos de este ethos? Para responder la tesis se basa en el estudio de los 48 poemarios escritos por los miembros del grupo entre 1966 y 2002, año de su desaparición, 29 entrevistas y 10 fondos de archivo sitos en Madrid, París y La Habana. El trabajo muestra en primer lugar que el naci- miento de esta escritura responde a una serie de requisitos políticos y estéticos paradójicos: ser una “vanguardia oficial”, rebelde pero no demasiado crítica, marxista pero lírica. En se- gundo lugar mostramos que, después del súbito desahucio del grupo por el Partido y la fuerte censura del Quinquenio gris (1971-1976), el espíritu lúdico deserta los poemas políticos, que se vuelven solemnes y serios, para replegarse en la esfera amorosa y erótica. En estos poemas aparentemente inofensivos, la paródica puesta en escena de identidades de género constituye une crítica velada de las identidades políticas producidas por la Revolución. A partir de 1991, la disidencia de varios miembros del grupo, su parcial recomposición en torno a la revista Encuentro de la cultura cubana, fundada en Madrid en 1996 con el apoyo del gobierno espa- ñol, son elementos que invitan a reevaluar esta escritura: los disidentes abandonan la sospecha lúdica por una escritura de la denuncia que, sin embargo, tematiza el juego como el símbolo de sus ilusiones perdidas
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Torré, Jean-Philippe. „Quenching runaway reactions : hydrodynamics and jet injection studies for agitated reactors with a deformed free-surface“. Phd thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2007.

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To quench a thermal runaway reaction in a chemical rector, an efficient approach is the introduction of a small quantity of a liquid inhibiting agent, named a “killer”, into the mixing vessel. In this thesis, an experimental approach has been coupled tightly with numerical modelling using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The first part of this thesis is devoted to a study of the hydrodynamics of partially-baffled mixing vessels, including the free-surface deformation caused by the central vortex. The use of an inhomogeneous, multiphase approach allowed simulation of the free-surface deformation. The capability of this novel method was demonstrated by very good agreement between the numerical predictions and experimental data. In the second part, liquid jet injection at the free-surface was coupled with the vessel hydrodynamics. Numerical results, obtained using an Eulerian-Lagrangian approach, have again shown good agreement with experimental data. These results allowed the jet trajectory to be modelled and its penetration into the agitated vessel was quantified. New mixing criteria were introduced that are specific to this application. Finally, the numerical methods validated at the pilot scale were applied at the industrial scale and allowed the proposal of practical improvements to the safety of the synthesis reactors studied
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Oliveira, Severino Gomes de. „A categoria marxista “revolução” na sociologia política de Florestan Fernandes“. Universidade Federal de Alagoas, 2012.

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This study seeks to develop an investigation into the presence of revolutionary theory of Karl Marx in political sociology of sociologist Florestan Fernandes. With that overall goal, put as the central focus of the analysis the category “revolution” of Marxian thought and the way the Brazilian sociologist promotes a recovery of the concept in order to develop explanations about the socio-political processes that occurred in Brazil governed by military dictatorship and the period know as “democratization”. Still, led by this overview seeks to build an argument that identifies possible connections consistent continuity between what Marx described as “Communist” intellectual allies in the ideological-political to the working class, and advocacy and support offered by the Florestan “Cuban Revolution”, the struggle for democracy “social” and against the traditional conservatism of Brazilian politics, and his admission to the Workers’ Party (PT) and a parliamentary constituency. In suggesting a discussion of how a Brazilian Marxist articulates in his political action and the main political ideas that involve the revolutionary conception of Marx, the research proposal developed here attempts to answer, within its possibilities and limitations, what it meant to be Florestan a “revolutionary” in Brazil and the relationship that this position has the meaning given the term by Marx.
CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
O presente estudo procura desenvolver uma investigação sobre a presença da teoria revolucionária de Karl Marx na sociologia política do sociólogo Florestan Fernandes. Orientado por esse objetivo geral, põe como foco central da análise a categoria “revolução” do pensamento marxiano e a forma como o sociólogo brasileiro promove uma recuperação do conceito, a fim de elaborar explicações a respeito dos processos sócio-políticos que ocorreram no Brasil governado pela ditadura militar e no período que ficou conhecido como “redemocratização”. Ainda, conduzido por essa perspectiva geral busca construir uma argumentação que identifique possíveis nexos de continuidade coerente, entre o que Marx descreveu como “comunista”, intelectual que se alia no plano ideológico-político à classe trabalhadora, e a defesa e apoio oferecido por Florestan à “Revolução Cubana”, a luta pela democracia “social” e contra o tradicional conservadorismo da política brasileira, e o seu ingresso no Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) como parlamentar constituinte. Ao sugerir uma discussão sobre como um marxista brasileiro articula em sua obra e ação política as principais idéias políticas que envolvem a concepção revolucionária de Marx, a proposta da pesquisa aqui desenvolvida intenta responder, dentro de suas possibilidades e limites, o que significou para Florestan ser um “revolucionário” no Brasil e a relação que essa posição tem com o sentido dado por Marx ao termo.
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González-Cuevas, Labella José Antonio. „Res publica panhispánica. Esfera de influencia española en América: Una reformulación del espacio hispano al principio del Sexenio Democrático (1868-1870)“. Doctoral thesis, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2019.

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Cuando el general Prim accedió a la jefatura del Gobierno de España, en junio de 1869, tuvo que abordar varias cuestiones urgentes. De entre todas ellas, sobresalía por su complejidad la cuestión colonial. En Cuba se estaba librando, desde octubre de 1868, una guerra agotadora entre independentistas cubanos y el ejército regular español. La cuestión de Cuba no se limitaba a una victoria o a una derrota de España; el futuro de Cuba afectaba a cuestiones subordinadas, como la esclavitud y el librecambio, asuntos vinculados al terreno económico. De acuerdo con su condición progresista, sus convicciones económicas y políticas, cercanas a la masonería, y los conocimientos que tenía del caso inglés, Prim quiso resolver el problema. Para ello, se mostró dispuesto a aceptar la independencia de la isla según determinadas circunstancias. Sobre todo, lo hizo porque previó un enorme espacio de influencia para España en el continente hispanoamericano, inaccesible mientras no se solucionase el conflicto cubano.
When general Prim rose to the highest ranks of the Spanish government, in June of 1869, he had to resolve various urgent issues, one of which, was most pressing for its complexity, the colonial issue. Cuba was engaged in a grueling war, since October of 1868, between Cuban independists and the Spanish national army. The issue with Cuba was not simply about a victory or the defeat of Spanish arms, the future of Cuba was dependent upon additional issues, like slavery and free trade. Prim, influenced by his progressive political views, his convictions about freemasonry and the example of England, he wanted to resolve it and demonstrate that he was able to accept, under certain circumstances, the island´s independence. However, and above all, he did it because he envisioned a great opportunity for Spanish influence on the latin American continent, inconceivable until the resolution of the Cuban conflict.
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Aparicio-Torres, Maria. „Spanish and Cuban Politicians, Publicists and Reporters facing the Cuban Crisis at the End of the Nineteenth Century“. FIU Digital Commons, 2017.

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In my dissertation, I study a selection of little known Spanish and Cuban texts published during the Cuban War of Independence at the end of the 19th century. In this project, I provide a transatlantic approach of literary texts in various genres and subgenres, and political messages exchanged between Cuba and Spain, which have been neglected by scholars in the field. By analyzing the emergence of a colonial discourse in the works of novelists, politicians and thinkers who wrote about the Cuban-Spanish confrontation, I establish their ambiguous and frequently contradictory colonial messages. In doing so, this dissertation furthers our understanding of the complexities of the political moment as well as the interest and ideals that ignited the conflict. The study is of great relevance in view of the recent agreements between the United States and Cuba. The relations between the two countries are evolving in a way that was unthinkable at the beginning of the 20th century. Furthermore, secessionist feelings within the Spanish nation are reemerging and similar allegations and demands that brought Cuba to independence are in place. For all these reasons, it is necessary revisiting and comprehending the complex and, frequently contradictory, discourses that emerged in a moment, which was determinant for the development and future political attitudes of the three nations involved.
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Milet, Tomáš. „Grafické intro 64kB s použitím OpenGL“. Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta informačních technologií, 2012.

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This thesis deals with the creation of the intro with limited size. This work describes methods for reducing the size of the final application. The main part describes methods for generating graphic content and methods for its animation. It deals with creation of textures and geometry. Another part is aimed on the physical simulation of particle and elastic systems.
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Liu, Jungchang, und 劉榮章. „Solving Boolean Matching with Simultaneously Partial Assignment and Redundant Cube and Clause Removal for Large Networks“. Thesis, 2012.

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Given two Boolean functions, Boolean matching determines that if they are equivalent under input permutation and input/output phase assignment. In this thesis, we propose a NP-equivalence Boolean matching Algorithm. Three techniques involving “simultaneously partial assignment” and “redundant cube removal” and “redundant clause removal” are applied in our matching algorithm. Simultaneously partial assignment is to augment the minterms to cubes with don’t care inputs. Redundant cube removal is to use ZDDs as cache to filter the cubes which are duplicate or might be absorbed by others. Redundant clauses removal is to check whether the clause is redundant or not. The experimental results show that our matching algorithm is indeed effective and efficient.
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Rueggeberg, Frederick A. „Depth of cure parameters in light-cured composite a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment ... biomaterials ... /“. 1987.

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Alcoreza, Oscar. „Cleavage site compensatory substitutions partially restore fitness to simian immunodeficiency virus variants“. Thesis, 2015.

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The human immunodeficiency virus is presently one of the most significant global health issues to date, with a disease burden that encumbers developing and developed nations alike. Although current antiretroviral therapy can help patients maintain undetectable levels of the virus throughout their bodies, once the treatment is ceased, the virus will rebound and disease progression continues. Thus, modalities to; 1- stop HIV transmission and spread, or 2- eradicate the virus once it is acquired are both urgently needed. In this project, we seek to evaluate and understand the impact of a candidate vaccine therapy that targets the HIV protease cleavage sites (PCS) on viral fitness. Vaccination with this modality in a monkey model induces mutations at virus regions that are intolerant to change, presumably affecting the "fitness" of viral strains recovered from vaccines. Preliminary results of the study show that in the vaccine group (n=11), a disruption to one or more of the HIV protease cleavage sites results in improved maintenance of CD4+ T cells compared to unvaccinated controls (n=5). Furthermore, a correlation between the percentage of PCS mutations and reductions in viral load were seen. Our data indicate that the most common sites of mutation occur at two cleavage regions PCS2 and PCS12. We used site directed mutagenesis to introduce multiple PCS mutations into infectious clones of SIV. Our ongoing studies are evaluating the viral fitness of the SIV mutants in a cell lines and PBMC using competitive viral fitness assays. The data from these studies will help inform in the areas of vaccine and therapy development for HIV-1.
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徐曼紋. „Effect of core-shell particle on the cure kinetics and glass transition temperature for unsaturated polyester resins“. Thesis, 2003.

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Chiu, Shu-wei, und 邱淑微. „Effects of nano-scale and submicron-scale core-shell rubber additives, inorganic silica gel/organic polymer core-shell particle, and montmorillonite clay on the cure kinetics, glass transition temperatures, volume shrinkage, mechanical properties and cure“. Thesis, 2011.

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The effects of four additives, including (1) nano- scale and submicron-scale core-shell rubber additive,(2) inorganic silica gel/organic polymer core-shell particle, (3) organic montmorillonite clay, on the cure kinetics, glass transition temperatures, cured sample morphology, volume shrinkage characteristics and mechanical properties of the Styrene(St)/ Unsaturated polyester (or Vinyl ester resin)/ additives ternary systems and Epoxy/curing agent /additive ternary systems after the cure have been investigated. The experimental results have been explained by integrated measurements combining phase characteristic of the St/VER/additive ternary system and Epoxy/curing agent /additive ternary systems before the cure, final cure conversion, glass transition temperature, SAXS and WAXS analysis, cured sample morphology and Mechanical properties. Also the scattering intensity of vinyl ester resin (VER) and unsaturated polyester (UP) with different structure in dilute styrene solution was measured by the method of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), and the radius of gyration of VER and the UP molecule can then be calculated by using the Guinier law.
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Hebda-Bauer, Elaine K. „Familiarity and cue use effects of unilateral hippocampal damage in disoriented animals : a research report submitted in partial fulfillment ... for the degree of Master of Science (Medical-Surgical Nursing) ... /“. 1993.

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Lin, Yi-Tsung, und 林誼聰. „Effects of reactive microgel particle type of low-profile additives, nano-scale core-shell rubber tougheners, and montmorillonite clay on the cure kinetics and glass transition temperatures for styrene/unsaturated polyester/additive ternary systems“. Thesis, 2005.

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The effects of reactive microgel particle type of low-profile additives, the effects of core structure and addition of nano-scale core-shell rubber tougheners, and the effects of addition of montmorillonite clay on the cure kinetics and glass transition temperatures for styrene/unsaturated polyester/additive ternary systems. In addition, The effects of the miscibility of styrene/unsaturated polyester/additive ternary systems on DSC reaction rate profile and the cured sample morphology also were investigated.Finally, base on the Takayanagi mechanical models, the glass transition temperature in each phase region of cured saples has been identified by the method of thermally stimulated currents analyser.
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Oktavia, Hyurin, und 林優恩. „Effects of Nano-scale and Submicron-scale Core-shell Rubber Additives, Inorganic Silica/Organic Polymer Core-shell Particle, and Montmorillonite Clay on the Cure Kinetics, Glass Transition Temperatures, Volume Shrinkage, and Internal Pigmentability for Un“. Thesis, 2010.

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The effects of nano-scale and submicron-scale core shell rubbers (CSR), inorganic silica gel/organic polymer core-shell particle (CSP), silane-treated montmorillonite clay (MPSi-MMT) and alkyl-ammonium treated montmorillonite clay (AMMT) as low-profile additives (LPA) on the cure kinetics, glass transition temperatures and volume shrinkage for styrene (ST)/unsaturated polyester (or vinyl ester)/additive ternary systems and epoxy/curing agent/additive ternary systems have been investigated. The reaction kinetics during the cure was measured by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry (FTIR). Based on the Takayanagi mechanical models, the glass transition temperature in each region of the cured samples for ST/UP (or VER)/additive ternary systems and epoxy/curing agent/additive ternary systems was measured by the Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA). The volume shrinkage of the cured sample was also measured using the density method. (Keyword: core-shell rubber (CSR) ; low-profile additive (LPA) ; montmorillonite (MMT) ; unsaturated polyester (UP) ; vinyl ester resin (VER) ; epoxy resin;curing kinetics ; glass transition temperature ; volume shrinkage)
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HSU, Ting-Yu, und 許廷宇. „Effects of nano-scale and submicron-scale core-shell rubber additives, inorganic silica gel/organic polymer core-shell particle, and montmorillonite clay on the cure kinetics and glass transition temperatures for unsaturated polyester, vinyl ester, and ep“. Thesis, 2009.

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Abstract The effects of nano-scale and submicron-scale core shell rubbers (CSR) as low-profile additives (LPA), and inorganic silica gel/organic polymer core-shell particle,and silane treated montmorillonite clay (MMT) on the cure kinetics and glass transition temperatures for styrene/unsaturated polyester (or vinyl ester) /additive ternary systems and epoxy/curing agent /additive ternary systems have been investigated. The reaction kinetics for the ST/UP (or VER)/additive ternary system and epoxy/curing agent /additive ternary systems during the cure was measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR). Finally, based on the Takayanagi mechanical models, the glass transition temperature in each region of the cured samples for ST/UP (or VER)/additive ternary systems and epoxy/curing agent /additive ternary systems has been measured by the dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA).
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Huang, Hsin-Yao, und 黃新堯. „Effects of nano-scale core-shell rubber additives, inorganic silica /organic polymer core-shell particle, and montmorillonite clay on the cure kinetics, glass transition temperatures, volume shrinkage, mechanical properties and cured sample morphology for unsaturated polyester, vinyl ester, and epoxy resins“. Thesis, 2012.

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The effects of four additives, including (1) nano- scale core-shell rubber additive,(2) inorganic silica gel/organic polymer core-shell particle, (3) organic montmorillonite clay, on the cure kinetics, glass transition temperatures, cured sample morphology, volume shrinkage characteristics and mechanical properties of the Styrene(St)/ Unsaturated polyester (or Vinyl ester resin)/ additives ternary systems and Epoxy/curing agent /additive ternary systems after the cure have been investigated. The experimental results have been explained by integrated measurements combining phase characteristic of the St/VER/additive ternary system and Epoxy/curing agent /additive ternary systems before the cure, final cure conversion, glass transition temperature, SAXS and WAXS analysis, cured sample morphology and Mechanical properties. Also the scattering intensity of vinyl ester resin (VER) and unsaturated polyester (UP) with different structure in dilute styrene solution was measured by the method of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), and the radius of gyration of VER and the UP molecule can then be calculated by using the Guinier law. The reaction kinetics for the ST/UP(or VER)/additive ternary system during the cure was measured by differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) and Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR). Finally, based on the Takayanagi mechanical models, the glass transition temperature in each region of the cured samples for ST/UP(or VER)/additive ternary system has been measured by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA).
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Liu, Yi-Shan, und 劉伊珊. „Effects of nano- and submicron-scale core-shell rubber, inorganic/organic hybrid core-shell particle, and montmorillonite clay on cure kinetics, glass transition temperatures, volume shrinkage, mechanical properties and cured sample morphology for unsaturated polyester, vinyl ester, and epoxy resins“. Thesis, 2013.

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The effects of four additives, including (1) nano- scale core-shell rubber additive,(2) inorganic silica gel/organic polymer core-shell particle, (3) organic montmorillonite clay, on the cure kinetics, glass transition temperatures, cured sample morphology, volume shrinkage characteristics and mechanical properties of the Styrene(St)/ Unsaturated polyester (or Vinyl ester resin)/ additives ternary systems and Epoxy/curing agent /additive ternary systems after the cure have been investigated. The experimental results have been explained by integrated measurements combining phase characteristic of the St/VER/additive ternary system and Epoxy/curing agent /additive ternary systems before the cure, final cure conversion, glass transition temperature, SAXS and WAXS analysis, cured sample morphology and Mechanical properties. Also the scattering intensity of vinyl ester resin (VER) and unsaturated polyester (UP) with different structure in dilute styrene solution was measured by the method of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), and the radius of gyration of VER and the UP molecule can then be calculated by using the Guinier law. The reaction kinetics for the ST/UP(or VER)/additive ternary system during the cure was measured by differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) and Fourier transform infrared spectrometry (FTIR). Finally, based on the Takayanagi mechanical models, the glass transition temperature in each region of the cured samples for ST/UP(or VER)/additive ternary system has been measured by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA).
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Dai, Shao-Hua, und 戴劭樺. „Effects of nano-scale and submicron-scale core-shell rubber additives,silane-grafted silica particle, functionalized graphene oxide, functionalized exfoliated graphene nanoplatelet, polymer-grafted graphene oxide, and polymer-grafted exfoliated graphene nanoplatelet on the cure kinetics, glass transition temperatures, and X-ray scattering characteristics for vinyl ester resins“. Thesis, 2015.

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The effects of four special additives, including (1) nano-scale and submicron-scale core-shell rubber additive (CSR), (2) silane-grafted silica noanoparticle (SNP), (3) functionalized graphene oxide (GO), and (4) functionalized thermally reduced graphene oxide (TRGO), on the cure kinetics, glass transition temperature and X-ray scattering characteristics for the Styrene(St)/Vinyl ester resin(VER)/special additives ternary systems after the cure have been investigated. The scattering intensity of vinyl ester resin (VER) with different structure in dilute styrene solution was measured by the method of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), and the radius of gyration of VER can then be calculated by using the Guinier law. Measuring the X-ray scattered intensity profile of the cured specimens for St/VER/GO (or TRGO) ternary system by using wide angle X-ray scattering (WAXS) allows one to investigate the change of d-spacing and the degree of dispersion of the substrate of functionalized graphene oxide (GO) or functionalized thermally reduced graphene oxide (TRGO) nanoplatelet. The structure of intercalated or exfoliated nanocomposites for the cured St/VER/GO (or TRGO) ternary system can then be identified. In the meanwhile, the chemical structures of functionalized graphene oxide (GO) and functionalized thermally reduced graphene (TRGO) were also characterized with Raman Spectroscope (RS) Moreover, the reaction kinetics for the St/VER/special additive ternary system during the cure was measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Finally, based on the Takayanagi mechanical models, the glass transition temperature in each region of the cured samples for St/VER/special additive ternary system has been measured by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA).
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Wu, Chen-Yu, und 吳晨瑜. „Synthesis of nano-scale colloidal silica from elemental silicon by hydrolysis, and effects of nano-scale and submicron-scale core-shell rubber additives, inorganic silica nanoparticles, silane-grafted and polymer-grafted graphene oxide and thermally reduced graphene oxide, and reactive microgel particle on the cure kinetics, glass transition temperatures, and X-ray scattering characteristics for vinyl ester resins“. Thesis, 2016.

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In this study,silica nanoparticles(SNP) with a diameter ranging from15 nm to 60 nm were synthesized by size-controllable hydrolysis of elemental silicon, which can be used as a special additive for vinyl ester resins(VER) in the volume shrinkage control and mechanical property improvements . The effects of three other additives, including (1) nano-scale and submicron-scale core-shell rubber additive , (2) graphene oxide, and (3) thermally reduced graphene oxide . On the cure kinetics, glass transition temperature and X-ray scattering characteristics for the Styrene(St)/Vinyl ester resin(VER)/special additives ternary systems after the cure have also been investigated. The 15 nm silica nanoparticles was then given the surface treatment by the silane coupling agent, 3-methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane (γ-MPS),to obtain the MPS SiO2. In this work, the effects of MPS-SiO2 on the cured sample morphologies, and mechanical properties of the styrene(St)/ vinyl ester(VER)/MPS-SiO2 ternary systems during the cure have also been explored. The scattering intensity of vinyl ester resin (VER) with different chemical structure in dilute styrene solution was measured by the method of small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), and the radius of gyration of VER can then be calculated by using the Guinier law. The phase separation of the cured St/VER/CSR ternary system can be studied by measuring the X-ray scattered intensity profile of the cured specimens for St/VER/CSR ternary system by using small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). In addition, the chemical structures of functionalized graphene oxide (GO) and functionalized thermally reduced graphene (TRGO) were also characterized by Raman Spectroscopy (RS). Moreover, the reaction kinetics for the St/VER/special additive ternary or tetra system during the cure was measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Finally, based on the Takayanagi mechanical models, the glass transition temperature in each region of the cured samples for St/VER/special additive ternary system has been measured by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA).
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Yan, Song. „Über die Wirkung modalitätsspezifischer Hinweisreize im ikonischen Gedächtnis“. 2002.

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