Bücher zum Thema „Paramedic Burnout“
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C, Wagner J., Oak Ridge National Laboratory und U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Division of Systems Analysis and Regulatory Effectiveness., Hrsg. Parametric study of the effect of control rods for PWR burnup credit. Washington, DC: Division of System Analysis and Regulatory Effectiveness, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2002.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenT, Wessells D., Hrsg. Professional burnout in medicine and the helping professions. New York: Haworth Press, 1989.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenV, Parks C., Oak Ridge National Laboratory und U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Division of Systems Analysis and Regulatory Effectiveness., Hrsg. Parametric study of the effect of burnable poison rods for PWR burnup credit. Washington, DC: Division of Systems Analysis and Regulatory Effectiveness, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2002.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenGerald Loren, Ph.D. Fishkin. Firefighter and Paramedic Burnout. Harcourt, 1990.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenMaxwell, Darrell V. The Burnout Paramedic: Remedy And Prevention. Infinity Publishing, 2004.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenMcCann, Leo. The Paramedic at Work. Oxford University PressOxford, 2022. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198816362.001.0001.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGerald Loren Fishkin Ph.D. Firefighter and Paramedic Burnout: The Survival Guide - The Role You Play. Parkhurst Brothers Publishers Inc, 2016.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenSteffensen, George. Paramedic Buff to Burnt. BookSurge Publishing, 2006.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenA comparison of the degree of burnout between paramedics servicing urban and rural areas. 1989.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenA comparison of the degree of burnout between paramedics servicing urban and rural areas. 1991.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenA comparison of the degree of burnout between paramedics servicing urban and rural areas. 1991.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenHealth Problems in Paramedical Staff: Study Examine Mental Health Problems According to Burnout Syndrome & Related Contributing Personal, Environment Factors. Germany: Scholars' Press, 2023.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenProblemi di salute nel personale paramedico (Italian Edition): Uno studio esamina i problemi di salute mentale in base alla sindrome del burnout e ai fattori personali e ambientali che vi contribuiscono. Italy: Edizioni Sapienza, 2023.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenPatient Practitioner Interaction: An Experiential Manual for Developing the Art of Health Care. Slack, 1989.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenPatient practitioner interaction: An experiential manual for developing the art of health care. 2. Aufl. Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Inc., 1994.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenDavis, Carol M. Patient Practitioner Interaction: An Experiential Manual for Developing the Art of Healthcare. 4. Aufl. Slack Incorporated, 2005.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenPatient practitioner interaction: An experiential manual for developing the art of health care. 3. Aufl. Thorofare, NJ: SLACK, 1998.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenPatient practitioner interaction: An experiential manual for developing the art of health care. 4. Aufl. Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Inc., 2006.
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