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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Pānji"


Bajracharya, Bajramuni. „Swayambhu Buddhacharya's relationship with Bungadya:“. Cognition 4, Nr. 1 (31.01.2022): 1–5.

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Swayambhu is located in ward 15 of Kathmandu Municipality and Bungamati is situated in ward 22 of Lalitpur Municipality. Bungadya: is the common deity of Nepalmandal whose image is kept six months in Bungamati and six months at Tahbahal of Lalitpur. Its chariot festival starts in the month of Baisakha. The main aim of the study is to explore Swayambhu Buddhacharya's relation with Bungam Lokesvara. What and how cultural activities are performed during the chariot festival by Budhacharyas. I spent 15 days in Swayambhu for data collection in 2016 Baisakha month. I selected some renowned priests of Swayambhu. I have applied the ethnographic method. During the course of data collection, I have interviewed with priests and observed animal sacrifice four days before starting the festival and involved in the preliminary procession of worship to Bungadya: at Pulchok. Books and articles have been used for description. This study is mostly completed based on the field research. Buddhacharya collects Pooja goods (objects) from each houses of Swayambhu then go to Hanuman Dhoka. The representative Buddhacharya first of all worship to Bungadya: in Pulchok before pulling chariot. Then, other devotees worship Bungadya:. On the way of returning home they deliver Prasad to the certain people. Instead of that, Prasad receiver gives Dakshina. Buddhacharya celebrate Jhwaglapagla Bhoy in Swayambhu. Four days before Panju sacrifice animal at Vayupur in Swayambhu at night and take away Swayambhu as Asana (seat) of Bungadya:. They have strong relation with Bungadya and Pānju of Bungamati. They do not keep marital relation with Bunga as well as Bunga do not marry with Swayambhu.
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Groß, Melanie, und Reinhard Pirngruber. „On Courtiers in the Neo-Assyrian Empire: ša-rēši and mazzāz pāni“. Altorientalische Forschungen 41, Nr. 2 (01.01.2014).

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Bücher zum Thema "Pānji"


Naṭarājana. Padmā nadirā pāni. Kalikātā: Maṇḍala Buka Hāusa, 1988.

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Katō, Eiichi. Saibansho no reddo pāji. Tōkyō: Kōyō Shuppansha, 2009.

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Katō, Eiichi. Saibansho no reddo pāji. Tōkyō: Kōyō Shuppansha, 2009.

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Fukuoka-ken Reddo Pāji Kokka Baishō Yōkyū Dōmei. Kaisō yonjūnen: Reddo pāji 40-shūnen kinen bunshū. Fukuoka-shi: Fukuoka-ken Reddo Pāji Kokka Baishō Yōkyū Dōmei, 1991.

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Bibhāga, Bangladesh Sthānīẏa Sarakāra. Jātīẏa pāni sarabarāha o syāniṭeśana byaẏa-baṇṭana kauśalapatra 2012. Ḍhākā: Sthānīẏa Sarakāra Bibhāga, Sthānīẏa Sarakāra, Pallī Unnaẏana o Samabāẏa Maṇtraṇālaẏa, Gaṇaprajātantrī Bāṃlādeśa Sarakāra, 2012.

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Miyake, Akimasa. Reddo pāji to wa nani ka: Nihon senryō no kage. Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1994.

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Tōkyō-to Futō Kaiko Hantai Dōmei. Tatakai no hi wa kienai: Reddo pāji 35-shūnen kinen kirokushū. Tōkyō: Tōkyō Toku Shokuin Rōdō Kumiai, 1986.

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Bibhāga, Bangladesh Sthānīẏa Sarakāra, und Bangladesh. Dept. of Public Health Engineering. Parikalpanā Sārkela., Hrsg. Samagradeśe Grāmīna Pāni Sarabarāha Prakalpa (Jiobi-4): Prakalpa sārapatra. Ḍhākā: Janasvāsthya Prakauśala Adhidaptara, Parikalpanā Sārkela, 1996.

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New Zealand. Parliament. House of Representatives. Education and Science Committee. Me Pānui Tātou Katoa⁻ let's all read: Report of the education and Science Committee on the inquiry into the teaching of reading in New Zealand : Forty-Sixth Parliament, Liz Gordon, chairperson. Wellington, N.Z: House of Representatives, 2001.

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Cokhera pāni. Kalakātā: Karuṇā Prakāśanī, 2012.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Pānji"


Rath, Akshaya K. „Sexualizing Kālā Pāni“. In (Hi)Stories of Desire, 79–95. Cambridge University Press, 2020.

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„“Complement to” (IGI / pāni)“. In Mesopotamian Commentaries on the Diagnostic Handbook Sa-gig, 388–93. BRILL, 2019.

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„The Cultic Scene in Biblical Religion: Hebrew >AL PĀNÂI ( על פני ) and the Ban on Divine Images“. In In Pursuit of Meaning, 283–300. Penn State University Press, 2011.

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