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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Otomycoses"


Zaror, Luis, O. Fischman, F. A. Suzuki und R. G. Felipe. „Otomycosis in São Paulo“. Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo 33, Nr. 3 (Juni 1991): 169–73.

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In view of the lack of researches on otomycoses in Brazil, we have tried to study their incidence, their clinical characteristics and the predisponent factors During one year, 22 suspected cases were seen, 20 of them corresponded to otomycosis infections. The most frequent species were Aspergillus niger (35%) and Candida albicans (20%). The genus Aspergillus represented 75% of the isolates. Itching and hyperaemia (70%), otalgia (65%), hipoacusia (50%) were the commonest signs. Lack of cerumen (70%) chronic otitis (30%) previous antibiotic therapy and eczema (25%) were the most outstanding predisponent factors.
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Bojanović, Mila, Aleksandra Ignjatović, Marko Stalević, Valentina Arsić-Arsenijević, Marina Ranđelović, Vladimir Gerginić, Zorica Stojanović-Radić, Ognjen Stojković, Emilija Živković-Marinkov und Suzana Otašević. „Clinical Presentations, Cluster Analysis and Laboratory-Based Investigation of Aspergillus Otomycosis—A Single Center Experience“. Journal of Fungi 8, Nr. 3 (18.03.2022): 315.

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Species of Aspergillus (A.) niger complex and A. flavus complex are predominant molds that are causative agents of otomycoses. The goal of this study was to investigate the clinical presentation, diagnostic procedure, and appearance of relapse in patients with Aspergillus-otomycosis, as well as to determine the biofilm production ability of species isolated in relapse. Thirty patients with laboratory evidenced Aspergillus-otomycosis followed by two check-ups (30 and 60 days after initiation of treatment with antimycotics for local application) were included in the study. For isolation and identification of Aspergillus spp. the standard mycological procedure was applied. Results showed very high sensitivity of microscopy, but 16.7% Aspergillus species required the optimal temperature of 27–28 °C for cultivation. Applied statistical cluster analysis showed a defined specific cluster/group of patients with A. niger complex-otomycosis. Sixty days after diagnosis and treatment initiation, six patients had a relapse, with the same species of Aspergillus genus being the cause. To establish the ability of biofilm production, the modified method described by Pierce and Kvasničková was performed, and all six species isolated in the relapse episode had the ability to produce biofilm. Official criteria and recommendations are needed due to the possibility of misdiagnosis, which leads to the prolongation and complication of the disease.
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&NA;. „Bifonazole for otomycoses - pilot study“. Inpharma Weekly &NA;, Nr. 925 (Februar 1994): 14.

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MUFTIC, Mahmoud Kamal. „Mycostatin in Treatment of Otomycoses“. Mycoses 1, Nr. 5 (24.04.2009): 156–61.

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Bojanović, Mila, Marko Stalević, Valentina Arsić-Arsenijević, Aleksandra Ignjatović, Marina Ranđelović, Milan Golubović, Emilija Živković-Marinkov, Goran Koraćević, Bojana Stamenković und Suzana Otašević. „Etiology, Predisposing Factors, Clinical Features and Diagnostic Procedure of Otomycosis: A Literature Review“. Journal of Fungi 9, Nr. 6 (13.06.2023): 662.

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Otomycosis (OM) is a superficial fungal infection of the external auditory canal (EAC) with a worldwide prevalence ranging from 9% to 30%. Commonly, otomycoses are caused by Aspergillus (A.) niger complex and Candida spp. Other causative agents are yeasts of the genera Cryptococcus spp., Rhodotorula spp., Geotrichum candidum, dermatophytes (Trichophyton mentagrophytes), and non-dermatophytes molds (Fusarium spp., Penicillium spp., Mucorales fungi). The widest range of different species causing OM are found in the territories of Iran, India, China, Egypt, Mexico, and Brazil. Fungal infection of the EAC varies from mild to severe forms. It can be acute, subacute, or chronic, and is often unilateral, while the bilateral form is more common in immunocompromised patients. From an epidemiological point of view, tropical and subtropical climates are the most significant risk factor for the development of otomycosis. Other predisposing conditions include clothing habits, EAC hygiene practices, long-term antibiotic therapy, diabetes, and immunodeficiency. Since it is often difficult to distinguish otomycosis from an infection of a different origin, laboratory-based evidence, including standard procedures (microscopy and cultivation), is essential for diagnosis. For the treatment of this superficial fungal infection, there are no official therapeutic guidelines and protocols. However, many antifungals for local application, such as polyene, imidazoles, and allylamines, can be applied, as well as systemic antimycotics (triazoles) in severe forms of infection.
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Dorko, E., A. Jenča, M. Orenčák, S. Virágová und E. Pilipčinec. „Otomycoses of candidal origin in eastern Slovakia“. Folia Microbiologica 49, Nr. 5 (September 2004): 601–4.

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Cojocaru, I., I. Alteraş und Lucia Dulǎmiǎ. „Some data on the treatment of otomycoses“. Mycoses 13, Nr. 5 (24.04.2009): 243–46.

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Aboulmakarim, S., H. Tligui, M. El Mrini, I. Zakaria, N. Handour und A. Agoumi. „Otomycoses : étude clinique et mycologique de 70 cas“. Journal de Mycologie Médicale 20, Nr. 1 (März 2010): 48–52.

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Merad, Y., H. Adjmi-Hamoudi, T. Lansari und S. Cassaing. „Les otomycoses dermatophytiques : étude rétrospective de 2010 à 2015“. Journal de Mycologie Médicale 26, Nr. 2 (Juni 2016): e35-e36.

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Haine-Madani, K., I. Boukerzaza und B. Hamrioui. „Les otomycoses : épidémiologie et diagnostic au CHU Mustapha Bacha d’Alger“. Journal de Mycologie Médicale 23, Nr. 3 (September 2013): 210.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "Otomycoses"


Івахнюк, Юрій Петрович, Юрий Петрович Ивахнюк, Yurii Petrovych Ivakhniuk, Владислав Анатолійович Сміянов, Владислав Анатольевич Смиянов, Vladyslav Anatoliiovych Smiianov, Тетяна Василівна Івахнюк, Татьяна Васильевна Ивахнюк, Tetiana Vasylivna Ivakhniuk und Рудика О. М. „Мікробіологічна структура отомікозів: чутливість збудників до протигрибкових препаратів“. Thesis, Національний фармацевтичний університет, 2020.

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У роботі наведені результати експериментальної роботи: видовий склад збудників отомікозів, чутливість виділених штамів грибів до протигрибкових препаратів.
В работе приведены результаты экспериментальной работы: видовой состав возбудителей отомикозов, чувствительность выделенных штаммов грибов к противогрибковым препаратам.
The paper presents the results of experimental work: the species composition of pathogens of otomycosis, the sensitivity of isolated strains of fungi to antifungal drugs.
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Woods, Owen. „The effect of Nystatin on the inner ear : an experimental guinea pig study“. Thèse, 2011.

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Objectifs: Le Nystatin est un antibiotique efficace pour le traitement d’otomycose. Bien que sa sécurité au niveau de l’oreille externe soit bien établie, son utilisation n’est pas recommandée lorsqu’il y a une perforation tympanique. L’objectif de cette étude est d’évaluer le potentiel ototoxique du Nystatin lorsque celui-ci est appliqué directement au niveau de l’oreille moyenne. Méthodes: Nous avons fait une étude expérimentale avec 18 cochons d’Indes de souche Hartley que nous avons divisés en deux groupes. En exposant l’oreille moyenne de chaque animal au Nystatin (groupe I) ou à la néomycine (groupe II) et chaque oreille controlatérale à une solution physiologique (NaCl), la fonction auditive a été évaluée avec un test de potentiels évoqués auditif du tronc cérébral avant et après les injections. Une étude par microscopie électronique a permis une comparaison histologique de l’état des cellules ciliées cochléaires entre les 2 groupes. Résultats: Les pertes auditives moyennes du groupe « Nystatin » étaient de 13.0 dB et comparables aux pertes moyennes observées dans les oreilles ayant été injectées avec du NaCl (4.0 dB dans le groupe I et 15.1 dB dans le groupe II). Le groupe de contrôle « néomycine » a subi une perte auditive moyenne de 39.3 dB, ce qui représente une différence cliniquement et statistiquement significative (p<0.001). L’étude histologique avec une microscopie à balayage électronique a démontré une conservation de l’architecture des cellules ciliées cochléaires dans les groupe Nystatin et NaCl. La néomycine a causé une destruction marquée de ces structures. Conclusions: Le Nystatin ne provoque pas d’atteinte auditive ni de destruction des cellules ciliées externes après injection directe dans l’oreille moyenne chez le cochon d’Inde.
Objective: Nystatin is an effective topical antifungal agent widely used in the treatment of otomycosis. Though it is safe for external ear use, current recommendations are to avoid its use in cases of tympanic membrane perforation. The objective of our study was to test the security of Nystatin when applied directly to the middle ear of a guinea pig model. Methods: We performed an experimental study with 18 Hartley guinea pigs that were divided into two groups. Exposing middle ears from one group to Nystatin (group I) and from the other to the ototoxic neomycin (group II), we compared results of auditory brainstem response (ABR) testing at three intervals during the study. Each animal’s contralateral ear was injected with a physiological solution (NaCl). At the end of the study, we performed a histological analysis of the animals’ cochleae using a scanning electron microscope. Results: Average hearing loss in the Nystatin group was 13.0 dB which was similar to the results obtained in the NaCl-exposed ears (4.0 dB in group I and 15.1 dB in group II). Average hearing loss in the neomycin group was 39.3 dB, which represents a clinically significant difference (p<0.001). Scanning electron microscope evaluation revealed intact cochlear hair cell architecture in the Nystatin and normal saline groups, compared to important destruction in the neomycin group. Conclusion: Nystatin does not cause hearing impairment or cochlear hair cell damage when exposed directly to the middle ear of a guinea pig model.
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Bücher zum Thema "Otomycoses"


Chakrabarti, Arunaloke. Fungal diseases of the ear, nose, and throat. Herausgegeben von Christopher C. Kibbler, Richard Barton, Neil A. R. Gow, Susan Howell, Donna M. MacCallum und Rohini J. Manuel. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Fungal infection of the ear (otomycosis), nose (fungal rhinosinusitis), and throat (oropharyngeal candidiasis) are common diseases. Fungal laryngeal diseases and invasive otomycosis & acute fungal rhinosinusitis are much less common and occur in immunosuppressed hosts, including those with diabetes. Aspergillus and Candida spp. are the commonest causes of otomycosis, whilst Aspergillus spp. predominate in sinus disease, with members of the Mucorales also causing serious invasive infections. Management of the non-invasive conditions can be difficult, and otomycosis and rhinosinusitis often become chronic. Invasive disease usually requires surgical intervention along with appropriate antifungal therapy. Acute invasive fungal rhinosinusitis has a mortality of approximately 50%.
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Siebenmann, F. Die Fadenpilze, Aspergillus Flavus, Niger U. Fumigatus: Eurotium Repens und Ihre Beziehungen Zur Otomycosis Aspergillina. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Otomycoses"


Carney, A. Simon. „Otitis Externa and Otomycosis“. In Scott-Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, 953–58. Eighth edition. | Boca Raton : CRC Press, [2018] | Preceded by Scott-Brown’s otorhinolaryngology, head and neck surgery.: CRC Press, 2018.

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Ozcan, Muge. „OTOMYCOSIS IN TURKEY: A REVIEW“. In Progress in Mycology, 181–92. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2010.

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Fatimah, Aulia Siti, und Nurmala Shofiyati. „A 19-Year-Old Man with Adenoid Hypertrophy, Otomycosis and Diffused Otitis Externa Sinistra, Effusion Otitis Media Dextra Auricular: A Case Report“. In Advances in Health Sciences Research, 19–29. Dordrecht: Atlantis Press International BV, 2023.

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„Otomycosis“. In Fungal Infection, 162–65. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.

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Soni, Nirmal, und Lokesh Bhama. „Otomycosis (Otomycotic Disease)“. In Clinical Cases in Otolaryngology, 15. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd., 2016.

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Carney, A. „Otitis externa and otomycosis“. In Scott-Brown's Otorhinolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery 7Ed, 3351–57. CRC Press, 2008.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Otomycoses"


Krishnan, Ananthu Hari. „Otomycosis: Study of Etiopathological Factors and Mycological Spectrum“. In 27th Annual National Conference of the Indian Society of Otology. Thieme Medical and Scientific Publishers Private Ltd., 2019.

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Carrasco Piernavieja, L., E. Zhan Zhou, M. Dominguez Bachiller, AM Martín De Rosales Cabrera, MS Marcos Salazar und M. Perez Encinas. „3PC-009 Treatment of recurrent otomycosis with local application of a compounded formulation of voriconazole ear drops: case series“. In 25th EAHP Congress, 25th–27th March 2020, Gothenburg, Sweden. British Medical Journal Publishing Group, 2020.

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Moutsis, Tracy, Stefan Zimmermann, Katrin Hörth, Tobias Albrecht und Sara Euteneuer. „Refractory chronic Otorrhoea due to Scopulariopsis brevicaulis Otomycosis: Case report and review of literature/ treatment options with Azole Antimycotics“. In 95th Annual Meeting German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery e. V., Bonn. Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2024.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Otomycoses"


Wu, Shunyu, Yin Cheng, Shunzhang Lin und Huanhai Liu. A Comparison of Antifungal Drugs and Traditional Antiseptic Medication for Otomycosis Treatment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, März 2022.

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