Dissertationen zum Thema „Océan Austral“

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Marceau, Audrey, und Audrey Marceau. „Les jeunes Aborigènes : le sport, les activités ludiques et les relations interraciales dans le Kimberley (Australie-Occidentale)“. Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/25212.

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Ce mémoire porte un regard sur les dynamiques identitaires et relationnelles des jeunes Aborigènes du Kimberley – une région située au nord de l’Australie-Occidentale – plus précisément à Kununurra et à Kalumburu. Il résulte d’un pré-terrain (2010) et d’une recherche sur le terrain (2012). C’est à travers la pratique sportive, notamment le football australien (Australian Rules Football) et le basketball, ainsi que par les activités ludiques, dont la danse, que j’ai pu rendre compte des particularités de ces jeunes Aborigènes. D’autres sphères de leur vie ont aussi retenu mon attention, dont l’importance de la famille élargie dans les formes aborigènes de socialité et de solidarité, ainsi que les relations, souvent difficiles, avec la société dominante (les Euro-Australiens). À l’aide d’un survol socio-historique global mais aussi local – distinguant la vie semi-urbaine (Kununurra) versus la vie en communauté éloignée (Kalumburu) – il m’a été possible de déployer certains aspects de leur contemporanéité.
Ce mémoire porte un regard sur les dynamiques identitaires et relationnelles des jeunes Aborigènes du Kimberley – une région située au nord de l’Australie-Occidentale – plus précisément à Kununurra et à Kalumburu. Il résulte d’un pré-terrain (2010) et d’une recherche sur le terrain (2012). C’est à travers la pratique sportive, notamment le football australien (Australian Rules Football) et le basketball, ainsi que par les activités ludiques, dont la danse, que j’ai pu rendre compte des particularités de ces jeunes Aborigènes. D’autres sphères de leur vie ont aussi retenu mon attention, dont l’importance de la famille élargie dans les formes aborigènes de socialité et de solidarité, ainsi que les relations, souvent difficiles, avec la société dominante (les Euro-Australiens). À l’aide d’un survol socio-historique global mais aussi local – distinguant la vie semi-urbaine (Kununurra) versus la vie en communauté éloignée (Kalumburu) – il m’a été possible de déployer certains aspects de leur contemporanéité.
This Master’s thesis relate some relational dynamics of Aboriginal youth of the Kimberley – which is situated at the top end of Western Australia – specifically from Kununurra and Kalumburu. It results from a pre-fieldwork (2010) and a field research (2012). It is through sport, especially Australian football (Australian Rules Football) and basketball, as well as playful activities, including dance, that I could account for the peculiarities of these young Aborigines. Other spheres of their lives also caught my attention, mainly the importance of the extended family in aboriginal forms of sociality and solidarity, and relationships, often difficult, with the dominant society (Euro-Australians). Using an overview of the wide but also local socio-historical context – distinguishing the semi-urban life (Kununurra) versus remote community life (Kalumburu) – I could better explain various aspects of their contemporaneity.
This Master’s thesis relate some relational dynamics of Aboriginal youth of the Kimberley – which is situated at the top end of Western Australia – specifically from Kununurra and Kalumburu. It results from a pre-fieldwork (2010) and a field research (2012). It is through sport, especially Australian football (Australian Rules Football) and basketball, as well as playful activities, including dance, that I could account for the peculiarities of these young Aborigines. Other spheres of their lives also caught my attention, mainly the importance of the extended family in aboriginal forms of sociality and solidarity, and relationships, often difficult, with the dominant society (Euro-Australians). Using an overview of the wide but also local socio-historical context – distinguishing the semi-urban life (Kununurra) versus remote community life (Kalumburu) – I could better explain various aspects of their contemporaneity.
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Wahl, Edman Daniel. „Fytoremediering med Salix sp och bladvass (P. australis) : - Reduktion av tungmetaller och användning som biobränsle“. Thesis, KTH, Mark- och vattenteknik (flyttat 20130630), 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-210923.

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Förorenad mark är ett stort och ofta påkostat problem i Sverige och världen. Ofta används konventionella metoder som schaktningsarbete för att åtgärda områdena, men orsakar även höga kostnader och en signifikant inverkan på miljön. I och med dessa problem har fytoremediering, dvs. växters förmåga att åtgärda förorenad mark, som åtgärdsmetod blivit allt mer populär de senaste åren. I denna studie undersöktes bladvass (Phragmites australis) och Salix sp för potentiell upptagningsförmåga av tungmetaller genom att analysera tungmetallminskningen i jorden. Växterna undersöktes i syfte att användas inom fytoremediering, samt som potentiell biobränslekälla. I projektet utfördes en fältstudie vid Ekeby avloppsreningsverk i Eskilstuna. Tre provpunkter på området valdes ut baserat på tidigare miljötekniska undersökningar av Norconsult AB. Jordmaterial förorenat med tungmetaller och lokala populationer av Salix sp och bladvass samlades in för analys i ett krukexperiment i vilket skillnader i metallhalter i jorden före och efter odling undersöktes. Totalt odlades 3 Salix sp-och 3 bladvass-skott i jordmaterial från varje provpunkt i växthus vid Stockholms Universitet. Jordmaterial från varje provpunkt användes som kontrollprov och fick stå i samma växthus under krukexperimentet. De insamlade växterna odlades i den förorenade jorden under 80 dagar och vattnades regelbundet med destillerat vatten. Efter tillväxtperioden visade resultatet inte på några signifikanta skillnader mot kontrolljorden. Orsaken antas bero på den relativt korta odlingsperioden, det låga antalet växtindivider som användes och antalet analyser som genomfördes. Åtgärdspotentialen för de lokala Salix sp- och bladvassväxterna skulle sannolikt kunna bestämmas på ett bättre sätt genom analyser avseende metallhalt i skördad växtbiomassa. Salix och bladvass används som biobränsle i Sverige, men kvalité, hantering och värmeverkens praktiska begränsningar påverkar avkastningen och det avfall som måste tas om hand. För att utvärdera ekonomiska och miljömässiga vinster genom implementering av fytoremediering på förorenad mark bör vidare studier genomföras för att utvärdera när under säsongen växterna bör skördas för största upptag av föroreningar med hänsyn till växterna som konkurrenskraftigt biomaterial. Fytoremediering har påvisats fungera genom flera studier, men en tydlig organisation och kunskap om vilka miljötekniska egenskaper som gäller för det lokala området är väsentlig för att implementera denna åtgärdsmetod med gott resultat.
Contaminated land is a big issue in Sweden and worldwide. Conventional methods like excavation are commonly used to remediate polluted areas, but also cause elevated costs and a significant environmental impact. The interest in phytormemediation, which is the ability of plants to remediate contaminated land, as it has become more popular during recent years. Common reed (Phragmites australis) and Salix sp. were tested in this study to assess the potential for heavy metal uptake by analysis of heavy metal reduction in the soil. The plants were assessed with the purpose to be used within phytoremediation as well as potential source for biofuel. A field study was included in this project at Ekeby wastewater treatment plant in Eskilstuna, Sweden. Three sample points were chosen based on previous environmental studies conducted by Norconsult AB. Soil material contaminated with metals and local populations of Salix sp and common reed were collected for analysis in a pot experiment were differences in metal content in the soil before and after cultivation were investigated. In total 3 shoots of Salix sp and 3 shoots of common reed were cultivated in soil material from each sample point in a greenhouse at Stockholm University. Soil material from each sample point were used as control and were placed in the same greenhouse during the pot experiment. The sampled plants were grown in contaminated soil material for 80 days and regularly irrigated with distilled water. The soil material was analyzed with respect to metals before and after cultivation of the local plants. After the growth period the results did not show any significant differences in the metal content of the soil compared to the control pot. It is assumed that the cause is due to the relatively short cultivation period, the low number of individual plants used and the number of analyzes performed. The  remediation potential for the local plants of Salix sp and common reed could probably be determined in a more suitable way though analysis of metals from the harvested plant material. Salix and common reed are used as biofuel in Sweden, but quality, management and practical limitations affect the yield and the waste that has to be taken care of. Further studies should be carried out to evaluate economic and environmental benefits through implementation of phytoremediation on contaminated land to assess when during the season the plants should be harvested to accumulate the greatest level of contaminants with consideration to the plants as a competitive bio-material. Phytoremediation works and has been demonstrated through several studies. However, a clear organization and knowledge of the local environmental characteristics of the contaminated site are vital features to implement this measure with a good result.
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Kanjookaran, Noble Paul. „Identification and analysis of risks faced by Indian student community in Australia“. Thesis, KTH, Tillämpad maskinteknik (KTH Södertälje), 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-215951.

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Brink, Karlow Jenny. „Hur fyra gymnasielärare möter ideal och verklighet : En jämförelse mellan främmandespråksundervisning i Sverige och Australien“. Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för språkstudier, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-86789.

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This degree project shows how four language teachers teach foreign languages with focus oncommunicative competence, and how their vision of teaching correspond to their reality in the classroom. How do they motivate the students in class and are the conditions good enough tohelp the teachers reach the national goals? A teacher’s vision is formed by his or her education and experiences. However, there are a number of factors which can help or hinder a teacher to reach his or her ideal teaching. Among these factors are the curriculum, the preknowledgeof the students and available technical resources. The method used in this thesis is qualitative interviews with two Australian and two Swedish foreign language teachers. This method was chosen in order to give the interviewees the possibility to speak more freely about their vision compared to their reality. The results show that there are more similarities than differences between Sweden and Australia when we look at the teachers’ ideals. There are anumber of factors why the teachers do not reach their ideals. The findings show that it is necessary with adequate teacher training to uphold qualitative language teaching corresponding to continuously changing curriculums. Moreover, the curriculum mentions communicative language teaching more and more today, but the teachers experience difficulties when teaching and evaluating communicative competence. Another important issue is the lack of money and time for starting and maintaining international exchanges.
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Lindqvist, Michael, und Marie Nilsson. „Australia as a market for Swedish small andmedium sized biotechnology companies“. Thesis, KTH, Industriell ekonomi och organisation (Inst.), 2011. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-33652.

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En liten andel av de svenska små och medelstora bioteknikföretagen finns representerade på den australiensiska bioteknikmarknaden. En enkätundersökning, utförd bland 96 svenska bioteknikföretag, visar att kunskapen och intresset för marknaden är relativt låg. Den främsta anledningen till detta är det geografiska avståndet och bristen på resurser för att undersöka nya marknader. Eftersom de flesta bioteknikföretag erbjuder nischade produkter med en liten inhemsk marknad är det nödvändigt att undersöka alla möjliga marknader och att en marknad inte ignoreras endast på grund av dess geografiska avstånd. Denna rapport belyser den australiensiska bioteknikmarknaden och analysera dess potential för svenska små och medelstora bioteknikföretag genom att marknadens attraktivitet och strategiska betydelse utreds. För detta ändamål studeras ett antal faktorer som exempelvis marknadens storlek, tillväxt, stödjande organisationer, kluster, konkurrenssituation och barriärer som hindrar inträde. För att svara på vilka möjligheter samt begränsningar som finns vid etablering av någon form av verksamhet i Australien har ett teoretiskt ramverk valts ut, ett flertal intervjuer med svenska och australiensiska myndigheter, rådgivare och företag genomförts och lokala influenser har studerats på plats i Australien. Flera viktiga aspekter, rön om potentiella möjligheter, samt begränsningar för svenska bioteknikföretag diskuteras och presenteras i denna rapport.
Few Swedish biotechnology SMEs are currently represented in the Australian market. A survey of 96 Swedish biotechnology companies demonstrated that both their knowledge of the market and their interest in establishing a business in the country are low. The main reasons for this are the geographic distance of the market and the lack of resources to examine new markets. Since most biotechnology companies offer niche products to a small domestic market, all possible markets should be considered and none should be excluded based singularly on geographic distance. This paper analyses the potential of the Australian biotechnology market for Swedish small- and medium-sized biotechnology companies, and aims to give a foundation which Swedish companies can utilize when considering entering the Australian market. The market attractiveness and its strategic importance for Swedish biotechnology companies are evaluated and presented in this thesis. A number of factors such as market size and growth, supporting organizations, research base, clusters, competitive situation and entry barriers are examined. Consequently the problem is defined as: “What potential opportunities and limitations exist in the Australian biotechnology market for Swedish small- and medium-sized biotech companies?” Literature has been reviewed in depth, numerous on-site interviews have been carried out with Swedish biotech companies as well as Swedish and Australian officials and advisors, and local influences have been studied. The conclusions identify several key aspects, potential areas of interest and some limitations for Swedish biotechnology companies, which are discussed and presented in this paper.
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Geiselmann, Katharina. „National Memory Regimes in a Transnational Europe: Re-Shaping Public Holocaust Commemoration in Austria and Germany“. Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Teologiska institutionen, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-392794.

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Baylón, Coritoma Maribel. „Variación espacial e interanual del fitoplancton durante los veranos australes de la ensenada Mackellar-Isla Rey Jorge, Antártica: 2008-2013“. Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2019. https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12672/10494.

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La comunidad del fitoplancton y su variabilidad espacial y temporal de la ensenada Mackellar-bahía Almirantazgo, Antártida, en los veranos australes 2008, 2010, 2012 y 2013. Se hicieron muestreos en 11 estaciones a tres profundidades. Las diatomeas fueron sometidas a un tratamiento oxidativo de la materia orgánica para una mejor observación de las estructuras y ornamentación de las valvas. El análisis semicuantitativo se realizó de acuerdo a una escala relativa de abundancia y el análisis cuantitativo se realizó aplicando la metodología de Uthermöhl. La composición total del fitoplancton en la columna de agua incluyó 68 taxones de diatomeas, 14 taxones de dinoflagelados, 3 especies de nanoflagelados (< 20 µm) fue evidente: en el verano 2008 la abundancia del fitoplancton estuvo dominada por diatomeas (57%) destacando Pseudonitzschia grupo delicatissima (24%), Fragilariopsis sp. (9%), Thalassiosira antárctica (8%), Pseudonitzschia grupo seriata (5%) y Fragilariopsis cylindrus (5%). En el verano 2010 y 2012 el grupo de los nanoflagelados fue el más abundante, con 87% y 86%, respectivamente. Para el verano 2013 la abundancia del fitoplancton estuvo dominada por diatomeas (59%) como Thalassiosira delicatula (36%), Pseudonitzschia grupo delicatissima (9%), Porosira glacialis (6%) y el dinoflagelado Gymnodinium sp. (19%). La comunidad fitoplanctónica mostró una dominancia de diatomeas en términos del número de taxa. La diversidad del fitoplancton fue baja (< 1.97 bits⋅célula-1 ) en todos los veranos. La agrupación de las comunidades fitoplanctónicas mediante dendogramas a diferentes niveles de la columna de agua, formaron un grupo principal, con similitud mayor a 50%, evidencia una homogeneidad de la estructura comunitaria. Para evaluar la variación temporal con el analisis de ordenamiento nMDS se evidencia un % de similaridad mayor al 57% dada por la abundancia y la composición de especies de diatomeas y nanoflagelados que difieren de un verano a otro. Factores fisicoquímicos como salinidad, temperatura y pH juegan un papel importante en las comunidades fitoplanctónicas, la disminución de la salinidad en superficie (33.99 UPS-ANTAR XX), el aumento de temperatura superficial (1.62ºC-ANTAR XX) y aumento de pH (9.80-ANTAR XXI) observado en la Antártida.
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Reath, Warren Anne. „Developing multilingual literacies in Sweden and Australia : Opportunities and challenges in mother tongue instruction and multilingual study guidance in Sweden and community language education in Australia“. Doctoral thesis, Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för språkdidaktik, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-144745.

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This thesis aims to learn about opportunities for and challenges to the development of multilingual literacies in three forms of education in Sweden and Australia that teach or draw on immigrant languages.  In Sweden mother tongue instruction and multilingual study guidance are in focus and in Australia, a community language school. Taking an ecological approach to the research sites, the thesis investigates how language ideologies, organization of the form of education and language practices impact on the development of multilingual literacies. A range of linguistic ethnographic data including 75 lesson observations, 48 interviews, field notes and photographs has been analyzed against the theoretical backdrop of the continua of biliteracy (Hornberger, 1989; Hornberger & Skilton-Sylvester, 2000), heteroglossia (Bakhtin, 1981) and emerging theories of translanguaging (García & Li, 2014) to investigate the questions. The thesis ties together the results of four interlocking case studies investigating the above-mentioned forms of education. Study I analyses the syllabus for mother tongue instruction in Sweden and finds that while aligning with the overall values of the curriculum for the compulsory school, a hidden curriculum constrains implementation. In Study II, multilingual practices during multilingual study guidance in Sweden are analysed, and demonstrate how translanguaging helps recently arrived students reach the learning goals of subjects in the Swedish curriculum. In study III, systematic analysis of indexicals reveals contrasting language narratives about language and language development in and around a Vietnamese community language school in Australia. Study IV focuses on mother tongue instruction in Sweden and through analysis of audio-recordings of lessons, interviews and field notes, finds three dimensions of linguistic diversity infuse the subject.  Opportunities for the development of multilingual literacies are created when there is equal access to spaces for developing literacies in different immigrant languages, within which language ideologies that recognize and build on the heteroglossic diversity of students’ linguistic repertoires dynamically inform the organization of education and classroom practices. Challenges are created when monoglossic ideologies restrict access to or ignore linguistic diversity and when there is a lack of dynamic engagement with implementation and organization. Basing organization, and classroom strategies around the linguistic reality of the students and the genres they need, benefits the development of multilingual literacies in both settings and can help students become resourceful language users (Pennycook, 2012b, 2014).

At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript.

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Andersson, Sandra. „Bedömningen av "lämpliga" familjehem i Sverige och Australien. : En jämförande studie“. Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för socialt arbete (SA), 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-56466.

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This study is about the assessment of foster care families and what´s considered a suitable foster care home. It is a comparative study between two welfare countries, Sweden and Australia. The study aims to increase the understanding of social workers assessment on foster care families and examines what a suitable foster care home looks like for a few social workers in each country. The study was carried out through five qualitative interviews, three of them in Sweden and two of them in Australia. With a social constructivist theory the result was carried out and analysed. The result of the study shows differences in the way social workers in each country talk about the suitability of a foster carer. In Australia the social workers that participated in the study spoke about a suitable foster family as a family that is safe and can provide a safe environment. In Sweden the social workers spoke about a suitable family as a secure and stable family. The result of the study also shows similarities between the two countries, as an example the nuclear family is still the norm and other family structures are exceptions of the norm.
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Buchner, Marc. „The rise of Big Data in Austrian tax consultancies : How stakeholders of Austrian tax consultancies assess the potential influence of Big Data“. Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för informatik (IK), 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-97146.

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The fact is that every individual leaves behind vast amounts of data, companies collect this data and use the knowledge gained from it in a variety of ways. One area that is lucrative for the use of Big data is the financial sector. A prominent example of the use of Big data is real-time stock market insights. However, there are still industries in which Big data is not yet used for various reasons. One of these industries is the tax consulting sector, which will be the focus of this research. With its high entry hurdles, direct dependence on the legislator, and the associated atypical data sets, the tax consulting sector represents a special use case within the financial sector.   Because big data has not been used in the tax consulting sector yet and that the setting is atypical compared to other sectors, a closer analysis of potential influences on services, the working environment, and quality is of particular interest here. This analysis is the core of this study and was carried out using an interpretative qualitative approach in the form of a case study. In this case study, the three most important stakeholders of Austrian tax consultancies- employers, employees, and clients - were interviewed on the one hand through interviews and on the other hand through a survey with open-ended questions. The results were then compared in the discussion with the changes that studies in other fields have identified.   The results of the study showed that the stakeholders predominantly assume that the quality of services will improve significantly through the use of big data, especially in accounting and business management services. Stakeholders also predicted a positive development concerning the range of services offered. It was also predicted that the range of services offered could increase on the one hand and that services of a business management nature could benefit enormously on the other. In the area of the working environment, employees said that increased training activity and process adaptation would be the only significant changes. In the area of risks, all three stakeholder groups agreed and mentioned data protection. Interesting differences between the three stakeholder groups were on the one hand that the employers gave very detailed answers, which allows the assumption that they have already thought carefully about the topic of big data. On the other hand, in contrast to the other two groups, the employees did not primarily think of their area (work environment) in the analysis, but of that of the clients and thus of the provision of the service. This underlines the strong focus on client satisfaction and encourages a more intensive involvement in the design process.   In contrast to other studies, this thesis analyses the influences on the areas not from a retrospective point of view, but a prospective point of view. This approach allows an unbiased look at the opinions of stakeholders and thus provides the best possible information for the design of big data tools for the tax consulting sector. Besides, by comparing this with changes found in other studies, it is possible to estimate how the use of big data in the tax consulting sector differs from other sectors.
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Gallagher, Dean. „Ideological Misinformation: How News Corp Australia amplifies the discourses of the reactionary right“. Thesis, Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-21412.

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This paper analyses the interactions between Australian mainstream media and social media political influencers and how these interactions amplify ideological misinformation. Social media, particularly YouTube, is increasingly a primary source of news and information for people, principally in the younger 18 – 35-year demographic. Yet while social media has opened up horizontal networks of mass self-communication that allow anyone with an internet to communicate on a mass scale, it has also precipitated a significant rise in the dissemination of reactionary right and extremist messages. The analysis is embedded in Manuel Castells network society theory and utilising Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis framework and José van Dijck’s combination of the Network Society theory with Actor Network Theory. By analysing the discourses employed by News Corp around notions of “identity politics” “western civilisation” and “the left”, this paper argues that the discourses of News Corp Australia are largely the same as the Alternative Influence Network (AIN) on YouTube – a loosely connected group of reactionary right-wing influencers. It further analyses the way News Corp reports on these influencers, concluding that the intertwining discursive patterns of both News Corp and the AIN have the effect of discriminating against a range of minority groups due to its centring of white, western identity as default. News Corp produces and amplifies ideological misinformation through both power and counterpower communication networks. This is concerning considering News Corp’s prominence and influence in the Australian media landscape. Finally, it argues that the ideological misinformation amplified by News Corp Australia is contributing to a new ideological paradigm that combines populist nationalism with neoliberalism.
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Cordell, Dana. „Urine Diversion & Reuse in Australia : A homeless paradigm or sustainable solution for the future?“ Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Water and Environmental Studies, 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-8310.

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Diverting urine from faeces or mixed wastewater and reusing it to fertilize crops, is a traditional method used in Asia. It is also a contemporary approach to sustainable nutrient and water management in Scandinavia and other parts of Europe. Urine diversion and reuse is a proven socio-technical system that has significant potential benefits on both a local and global scale, such as recirculating scarce plant nutrients like phosphorus back to agriculture, reducing eutrophication of waterways and improving water and sanitation systems. This thesis explores the nature of these benefits in Australia and the global context and what barriers would need to be overcome if a urine diversion and reuse system were implemented in Australia to achieve significant environmental benefits. These questions are investigated through stakeholder interviews in Sweden, to identify the ‘lessons learnt’ from the Swedish experience with urine diversion and reuse, and, through interviews with relevant stakeholders in Australia to identify possible barriers and opportunities, costs and benefits, and roles and responsibilities in the Australian context. Findings from both the stakeholder interviews are triangulated with other sources of knowledge, such as the literature, personal communications and a qualitative assessment of costs and benefits.

This thesis found that while urine diversion is likely to benefit the Australia situation and warrants further research, these benefits are fragmented and spread across a range of discourses and separate institutions. Its acceptance and effective introduction into Australia might therefore be challenged by its lack of a single obvious organisational home. To overcome this and other identified challenges, several recommendations are made. For example, an Australian demonstration trial of urine diversion and reuse is recommended where clear drivers and opportunities exist, such as: in new developments adjacent to agricultural land; in regions where algal blooms are a critical problem and are predominantly caused by municipal sewage discharges; and where synergies with waterless urinals are being considered for water conservation value. This thesis does not promote urine diversion and reuse as the ‘silver bullet’ to Australia’s water and nutrient problems, however it does recommend that it be considered on an equal basis next to other possible options. For example, if reducing nutrient loads on receiving water bodies is a key objective, then a cost-effective analysis of urine diversion and reuse, compared to other options to reduce nutrient loads, could be undertaken, ensuring all relevant costs and benefits to the whole of society are included in the analysis.

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Kullnig, Isabella. „The Image of IKEA’s Online Portals in Times of COVID-19 With Regards to its CSR and Experiential Marketing- Exemplified by IKEA Austria“. Thesis, Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-22670.

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As a response to COVID-19, IKEA Austria is trying to encourage its customers to rediscover their homes via its online shop. It is making an enormous effort to translate the in-store activity to the digital world, so that its customers may still experience an emotional customer journey. This is done via new online features that call for co-creation and CSR image campaigns that inform about IKEA’s COVID-19 charity projects. The information and online shopping features addressed to IKEA customers reach them through diverse platforms, among them the website as the main online communication and distribution channel (Burt, 2011, p. 192). The analysis of this transition considers the impact of COVID-19 on offline and online shopping modes and includes the reflective interviews with recurring IKEA Austria customers. It ought to describe IKEA’s journey towards online experiential marketing, how it is connected to the company’s recent CSR activities and what effect this has on IKEA’s image. Affordance theory and uses and gratification are applied to analyze and discuss the interviewees’ perception (Norman, 2013; Gao & Feng, 2016). The results of the study showed, that the interviewees’ answers clearly point at a need for further customization of the online experience by IKEA Austria, by adopting virtual shop simulation, or employee assistance features. Since the online experience requires high levels of cognitive involvement on part of the customers, being offered very targeted features can make them experience “uses”, to then derive gratification from such distant visits to the shop. They further showed, that offline retail settings continue to offer an environment in which the customers can discover the products’ affordances without risking the distortion of their senses and thus perception of false affordances. Concluding, the respondents believed, that enforced COVID-19 CSR measures and experiential marketing activities triggered their positive image perception of IKEA Austria.
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Dayet, Laure. „Matériaux, transformations et fonctions de l'ocre au Middle Stone Age : le cas de Diepkloof Rock Shelter dans le contexte de l'Afrique australe“. Phd thesis, Université Michel de Montaigne - Bordeaux III, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00814875.

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En Afrique Australe, plusieurs sites attribués au Middle Stone Age (MSA) ont livré de grandes quantités de blocs " d'ocre ", suggérant une longue tradition d'exploitation, bien avant l'occurrence des premières peintures rupestres. Les indices sur la fonction de ce matériau et le but pour lequel il a été utilisé sont rares, ce qui a conduit à plusieurs hypothèses. Certains auteurs leur ont associé des comportements symboliques tandis que d'autres ont montré qu'une utilisation " utilitaire " était possible. La question de la fonction et du rôle qu'occupait l'ocre est par ailleurs centrale dans le contexte du MSA, étant donnée l'émergence de plusieurs innovations, production de perles, de motifs gravés et technologies de taille spécifiques. Le site de Diepkloof Rock Shelter apparait particulièrement propice pour tenter de comprendre les comportements associés à l'exploitation de l'ocre, du fait de sa longue séquence fouillée récemment. Ce travail propose d'aborder les différentes étapes de l'exploitation de l'ocre, de la collecte des matières premières à l'utilisation, à partir de l'étude des blocs. Plusieurs méthodes d'observations et d'analyse physico-chimique (MEB-EDS, DRX, ICP-MS, TL, TEM et PIXE) ont été mises en œuvre pour identifier les matières premières, leur provenance, et les transformations opérées. Des prospections et une comparaison avec un corpus géologique ont permis de déterminer l'origine géologique des objets. Des expérimentations et une étude des traces d'usure ont permis d'identifier les transformations. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que des distances supérieures à 20 km ont été parcourues pour l'acquisition de certaines matières premières, dont on constate qu'elles sont plus riches en fer que celles accessibles localement. Les matières premières ont été presque systématiquement abrasées pour produire de la poudre. Ces résultats sont compatibles avec une fonction comme agent siccatif, couvrant ou colorant. Enfin, la continuité avec laquelle l'ocre est exploitée à Diepkloof malgré les changements survenus dans les techno-complexes, ainsi qu'un usage différent par rapport à d'autres sites, suggère que l'ocre a pu jouer un rôle dans les relations sociales inter et intra-groupes.
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Ohlsson, Lars-Ola, und Sebastian Karlsson. „Framtidens substrat? : En tvåstegsprocess för rötning av alger och vass i pilotskala“. Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för byggd miljö och energiteknik (BET), 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-65479.

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Detta arbete är en delstudie i projektet Seafarm. Syftet med denna studie är att utreda om algen Laminaria Digitata och vassen Phragmites Australis är lämpliga substrat i en samrötningsprocess för biogasproduktion. Metoden som användes är experimentell och utfördes under 35 dagar med en tvåstegsreaktor bestående av en lakbädd och en UASB-reaktor. Under försökets gång upptäcktes vissa fel och brister hos apparatuppställningen vilka orsakade läckage och andra brister. Detta resulterade i ett systemförslag med skiss till en ny lakbädd samt optimering av driftparametrar om försöket ska återupprepas. Efter 35 dagar avslutades försöket och utifrån den data som sammanställts uppvisar processen en bra metanpotential på 589 liter CH 4/kg COD. Processen uppvisade en låg alkalinitet med ett sjunkande pH som till följd av inmatning. Detta var grunden för den låga belastningen som processen klarade av. För framtida försök för just dessa substrat så rekommenderas en tillförsel av buffert så att alkaliniteten ökar och även möjligheterna för en högre belastning.
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Ocampo, Risco Juan Carlos. „Análisis de la relación del precio de la harina de pescado con la creación de valor de empresas pesqueras austral Group SAA y pesquera Exalmar SAA, periodo 2009-2017“. Master's thesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2021. https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12672/17330.

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La pesca industrial en el Perú ofrece uno de los insumos más importantes para la acuicultura, la alimentación de la avicultura y ganadería en el mundo, esta es la harina de pescado. Los indicadores tradicionales para medir la rentabilidad de una empresa han demostrado sus limitaciones, surgiendo el enfoque de la creación de valor para tomar mejores decisiones. El estudio de la creación de valor en las empresas ha ido ganando espacios en analizar los diferentes sectores económicos, también ha permitido generar un lugar para analizar los elementos que permiten determinar donde crear valor para una organización. Es un estudio exploratorio, no experimental longitudinal, investigación aplicada de tipo correlacional y de método de investigación deductivo. Se ha utilizado información trimestral para el periodo 2009-2017, el comportamiento de las series se analizó con el método de mínimos cuadrados ordinarios para encontrar la relación entre las variables de creación de valor con el precio internacional de la harina, capital invertido y nivel de captura. A partir de ello se obtiene los siguientes resultados que existe una relación negativa entre (i) el valor económico agregado, y (𝑖𝑖) el valor de mercado añadido, con el precio internacional de la harina de pescado para las empresas Austral Group SA y Pesquera Exalmar SA. Los resultados de la investigación llevan a sugerir que el derecho de pesca no se debe aplicar sobre el precio internacional, sino a un determinado nivel de captura para no generar pérdida de valor en la empresa.
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Cortez, Febres Jaime Arturo. „Diseño e implementación de un programa de mejora continua para minería: Mina Blair Athol, Río Tinto Coal Australia“. Bachelor's thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12404/18990.

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En línea con la Industria y Comercio mundiales, la minería moderna se ha visto en la necesidad de implementar programas estructurados de Mejora Continua ante la necesidad de optimizar el uso de sus recursos. En el sector de recursos naturales, tener costos bajos es imperativo (de ser posible ubicarse en el 1er cuartil de costos), dada la naturaleza cíclica de los precios de los commoditites. El presente reporte es sobre mi experiencia profesional como Analista Senior de Mejora Continua para la mina de carbón Blair Athol, propiedad de Rio Tinto Coal Australia, en el estado de Queensland, Australia. Mi tarea se basó en diseñar e implementar, en coordinación con la división corporativa, un Programa de Mejoramiento Continuo de Procesos de Negocios (PMC), que se adaptara a las condiciones y circunstancias de la mina. Blair Athol, una de las minas de carbón más antiguas del estado y una de las mayores en el mundo en producción de carbón termal, llegaba a sus últimos años de vida. Adicionalmente, las industrias generadoras de combustibles fósiles comenzaban a enfrentar oposición por consideraciones ambientales. Debido a esto, la estrategia seguida tenía que considerar los siguientes condicionantes:  La cercanía de la etapa de cierre de mina, obliga a dar menor prioridad al cambio cultural profundo, el cual puede demandar mucho tiempo;  Conforme la etapa de cierre se acerca, se espera un aumento en la rotación de personal, lo cual demanda que los procedimientos estén muy bien documentados (institucionalizados) y no dependan de las personas;  Contracción en el margen de utilidad, por el incremento de los costos operativos, paralelo a la disminución de las ventas por la baja en la calidad del carbón remanente; y  Nuevos desafíos propios del final de la etapa comercial de la mina (medio ambientales, laborales, logísticos, financieros, etc.), incrementándose el riesgo general del negocio. Por todo lo anterior el Programa de Mejora Continua de la Mina Blair Athol debía ser enfocado en el rendimiento económico de los procesos y en la mitigación de riesgos. El programa debería contemplar al cambio cultural como consecuencia de la implementación de los proyectos de mejora, y debía ser altamente estructurado y documentado. El programa se diseñó basado en la arquitectura de un Sistema de Gestión, con similitud a un Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad, Salud e Higiene. Una ventaja de esta estrategia es que el Sistema de Gestión de Mejoramiento Continuo puede en algún momento fusionarse con los Sistemas de Gestión mencionados y lograr sinergias en las plataformas y herramientas de gestión utilizadas. El fin último de todo programa de mejora continua es alinear la cultura de la organización, sus procesos de negocios y sus sistemas de gestión con la estrategia corporativa de negocios; se utiliza como recurso primario la iniciativa y el compromiso con la organización de cada colaborador, quien idealmente deberá actuar como si fuera el “dueño” del negocio. Este esfuerzo requiere del diseño e implementación de sistemas y herramientas de gestión ad hoc. El modelo de programa contenido en el presente reporte es el resultado de la aplicación de metodologías de mejora continua en diversas organizaciones mineras de gran escala a nivel nacional e internacional, en las cuales el autor ha prestado servicios. El PMC propuesto va a necesitar de los siguientes elementos estratégicos para lograr resultados sostenibles y congruentes con los principios de gestión moderna. 1. Principios Éticos de Negocios – representan la base moral que debe tener la empresa, sobre la cual se deben desarrollar todas las actividades relativas al negocio, incluyendo las relacionadas al PMC; 2. Dirección Estratégica – proveen dirección y foco al PMC. Están determinadas por la Visión, Misión y Objetivos; 3. Estructura de Gobierno – determina los roles y responsabilidades para la implementación efectiva del PMC; 4. Elementos Impulsores del PMC – son herramientas y sistemas que permiten la ejecución exitosa del PMC. A saber: a. Generadores de Motivación y Comportamiento; El Reconocimiento, El Desarrollo Profesional e incentivos económicos servirán como medios para desarrollar compromiso en los participantes del PMC. b. Sistema Operativo de Gestión; los mecanismos que permiten la administración y control de la implementación del PMC. Por ejemplo, el registro de ideas de mejora o los procesos de reporte sobre rendimiento y avances. c. Metodología de Mejora Continua; el método general a seguir en la implementación de proyectos de mejora, incluyendo técnicas de análisis y gestión de proyectos. d. Proceso de Desarrollo de Proyecto; el proceso que sigue una Idea de Mejora hasta llegar a ser Proyecto de Mejora. e. Reuniones y Sesiones de Trabajo; se llevan a cabo de acuerdo a estándares de eficiencia predeterminados. f. Adquisición de Habilidades y Entrenamiento; una propuesta para adquirir los conocimientos y habilidades sobre las metodologías de mejoramiento continuo. g. Gestión de Cambio; es crítico para generar aceptación e involucramiento por parte de los miembros de la organización a todo nivel. h. Gestión de Conocimiento; el sistema que captura, documenta y permite compartir el conocimiento adquirido a través de la implementación del PMC. 5. Plan de Implementación – es el paquete de instalación del PMC, el cual incluye un cronograma de actividades conducentes al lanzamiento del PMC; 6. Procesos de Revisión y Reporte – monitorean el desarrollo del PMC brindando información oportuna a la Gerencia y permitiendo la aplicación de medidas correctivas en caso haya desviaciones del plan original; 7. Herramientas Generales y Recursos – facilitan la estandarización de las actividades relacionadas a la implementación de proyectos de mejora continua El PMC, al ser ejecutado y ser probado en circunstancias reales, generará oportunidades de mejora y/o cambios en sí mismo, que pueden ser de formato, metodología e incluso de estrategia. Así. el PMC, se considera un Sistema Vivo y autorregulado. A continuación, un cuadro esquemático que muestra el flujograma del proceso de implementación del programa como también, los pasos requeridos para su revisión y modificación o mejoramiento.
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Lang, Eva. „Young adult "migrant" women's experiences at work : Exploring intersections of gender, origins and age in Germany and Austria“. Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för samhälls- och välfärdsstudier, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-149645.

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Barkataki, Bristi. „Magical Thinking: How Important Is It in Explaining Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms? A Transcultural Exploration of Magical Thinking and OCD in India and Australia“. Thesis, Curtin University, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11937/76184.

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This PhD is a mixed-method project of four interrelated studies that explores the importance of magical thinking in explaining obsessive-compulsive (OC) symptoms with a transcultural perspective, between India (holistic-thinking culture) and Australia (analytic-thinking culture). Findings position magical thinking as a unique and important construct implicated in the pathogenesis of OC symptoms. It adds a new facet to the existing cognitive dysfunction model of OCD and warrants more attention, for both theoretical and clinical advancement.
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Fälbl, Jana, Marc Wicki, Sophie Vrolijk und Maria Alejandra Gonzalez. „Preparing Leaders for Strategic Sustainable Development : A Case Study of the Teach for Austria Leadership Education“. Thesis, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för strategisk hållbar utveckling, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:bth-18195.

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There is an urgent need to have leaders who are able to strategically transition society towards sustainability. Evidence shows that challenges are mounting up and become increasingly complex. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) aims to educate leaders to become competent to lead within the sustainability challenge we are facing. This thesis explores how leadership education can prepare teachers to become leaders to enable Strategic Sustainable Development (SSD). Based on interviews with ESD experts, the research team identified eight key competencies for leaders to enable Strategic Sustainable Development and eight pedagogical approaches to train such competencies. In addition to that, the research team analyzed how the case study organization Teach for Austria (TFA) integrates the identified key competencies and pedagogical approaches. Recommendations are provided indicating TFA’s opportunities regarding a more thorough integration of the key competencies and pedagogical approaches into their leadership education. These recommendations were then made relevant to the broader leadership education context to prepare teachers to lead. The main outcomes of this thesis intend to serve as a guidance to enable leadership the world needs.
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Pacheco, Chirinos Paola Nikoll, Mamani Sharon Gabriela Cornejo, Guevara Alvaro Escobar, Soria Juan Daniel Mayta und Briceño Ángel Iván Alejandro Chávez. „Estudio comparativo del nivel sonoro admisible en centros educativos escolares según la Norma Nacional y de otros III países: Chile, Australia y Reino Unido“. Bachelor's thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12404/18879.

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El presente trabajo de investigación realiza un estudio comparativo de 5 normas sobre la calidad acústica en centros educativos. Los países de análisis incluyen: Perú, Chile, Australia y Reino Unido. Para ello se inicia con una reflexión sobre la importancia de controlar el ruido y evitar sus efectos nocivos en la salud, luego, se describe la situación actual de las normas en cada país y también algunos conceptos básicos de diseño acústico. Finalmente, se analiza y contrasta la información obtenida y se brindan recomendaciones para lograr aislamiento acústico en centros educativos.
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Ivan, Timbs. „The Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement : An analysis of the class divide within Australian society appertaining to globalization“. Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Management and Economics, 2006. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-7970.

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Global interest in using free trade agreements to expand trade, investment, integration and other linkages has expanded dramatically in the last twenty years. Australia is not alone in this development and has concluded Free Trade Agreements (FTA), with a number of countries, with little division or debate, within Australian society, about their merits. However, the announcement by the Australian Government in December 2000 of its intention to pursue an FTA with the United States ignited significant controversy in the Australian community and exposed deep concerns about the phenomenon of globalization and the future of Australian society. The ensuing debate revealed deep-seated divisions within Australian society.

Utlilizing a combination of Weber’s class-based theory and liberal ideologies (economic, welfare and radical), this research intends to analyze public submissions made to the Australian Parliament Senate Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States (US) in an attempt to identify the reasons for the divisions within Australian society concerning the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA). It is expected the results will illuminate the challenges facing both governments and societies alike in a globalizing world and provide fruitful insights for policy makers in future trade negotiations.

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Abdallah, Wissam. „Det sistakorståget: Operation Barbarossa : En historiografisk studie om orsakerna till den tyska invasionen av Sovjetunionen“. Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för idé- och samhällsstudier, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:umu:diva-136104.

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Edin, Elisabet. „"I thought libraries were about books" : Mål och funktioner inom kreativa rum på australiska bibliotek“. Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för ABM, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-295658.

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Creative spaces, or makerspaces, is an emerging and global phenomenon in libraries. The aim of this study is to examine the objectives that underlie the creative spaces in Australia, expressed by library professionals, as well as the purposes they fulfil in the library context. The material is derived from seven in-depth interviews with staff working with creative spaces at three public and one state library. Additionally, one observation was conducted in the creative space at each of these libraries. “The four spaces model”, created by Danish researchers Henrik Jochumsen, Casper Hvenegaard Rasmussen and Dorte Skot-Hansen, comprises the study's theoretical framework. According to the model, the library's objective is to support the goals: experience, involvement, empowerment and innovation. The library spaces, in which the goals should be supported, are the inspiration space, the learning space, the meeting space and the performative space. The study shows that the most distinct objectives of the creative spaces are experience and empowerment. Involvement and innovation are also present, but not as prominent. Further, the study shows that the purposes fulfilled by the creative spaces places them within the learning space and the meeting space, and to some degree in the inspiration space and the performative space. Findings reveal that creative spaces support STEM-based (science, technology, engineering and maths) learning and digital literacy through both collaborative and individual learning. The learning takes place in informal settings where play is a significant factor. The creative spaces function as “high-intensive” meeting places for the local community, and the library professionals highlight the importance of the social aspects of the creative spaces. This is a two years' master’s thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies.
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Panihuara, Aragón Jhans Armando. „Informe sobre el caso Estados Unidos de América – Medidas de salvaguardia contra las importaciones de cordero fresco, refrigerado o congelado procedentes de Nueva Zelanda y Australia“. Bachelor's thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12404/20073.

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El objetivo de este trabajo es utilizar los elementos de hecho del caso Estados Unidos – Carne de cordero para determinar los estándares OMC en tres aspectos principales de los procedimientos de salvaguardias: la determinación de la RPN, la evolución imprevista de las circunstancias y la amenaza de daño. Para ello, se evaluará nuestro caso de análisis a partir de la jurisprudencia OMC en esto temas, determinando así los nuevos elementos de análisis que se han desarrollado después de veinte años de resuelta esta controversia. Además, a partir de la definición de estos estándares OMC actualizados, también se revisará la práctica del Indecopi en casos emblemáticos de defensa comercial, con el fin de evaluar si esta autoridad investigadora efectivamente cumple con dichos estándares, y si se enfrenta a aspectos de carácter estructural que le impiden cumplirlos. Finalmente, este trabajo propondrá ciertas recomendaciones para solucionar los problemas identificados, evitando así el cuestionamiento a nivel internacional.
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Skoglund, Paula. „Hur klimat och levnadsvanor förändrar den upplevda hälsan : En intervjustudie med svenskar som har flyttat till Australien“. Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, Akademin för hälsa och välfärd, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-42782.

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Klimat och levnadsvanor är faktorer som kan påverka människors upplevda hälsa. Denna studie har utforskat hur svenskar som har flyttat till Australien upplever att deras hälsa har förändrats efter flytten. En kvalitativ studie har gjorts genom 10 semistrukturerade intervjuer, med svenskar som numera bor i Australien. Syftet med studien var att utforska hur klimat och levnadsvanorna fysisk aktivitet, kostvanor samt alkoholvanor har förändrat den upplevda hälsan hos svenskar som har flyttat till Australien. Resultatet visar att miljön i Australien möjliggör mer fysisk aktivitet och att vädret och framförallt längre och ljusare dagar har en påverkan på både mående och aktivitetsnivå. Vidare visar resultatet att alkoholvanorna skiljer sig åt i Australien och Sverige på det sättet att de i Australien har en mer avslappnad inställning till alkohol och dricker oftare tillskillnad från Sverige där de dricker mer sällan, men istället större mängder alkohol per gång. Dessutom framkommer det att levnadsvanor, mental hälsa och mentalitet samtliga är faktorer som påverkar välmåendet.
Climate and lifestyle habits are both factors that can affect peoples experienced health. This study has explored how Swedes who have moved to Australia experience that their health has changed after the move. A qualitative study was done with 10 semi- structured interviews, with Swedes that now live in Australia. The purpose with the study was to explore how climate and the lifestyle habits physical activity, diet and alcohol use has had on the experienced health on Swedes who have moved to Australia. The result shows that the environment in Australia makes it possible to be more physically active and that the weather and especially longer and lighter days affects both the mental wellbeing and the activity level. Furthermore the result shows that alcohol habits are different in Australia and Sweden in the sense that people in Australia have a more relaxed attitude towards alcohol and drink more often in comparison to the people in Sweden who drink less often, but larger quantities each time. The study also show that lifestyle habits, mental health and mentality are all factors that affect the wellbeing.
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Espino, Araujo Maria Marylin. „Propuesta de diseño de un sistema de costeo estándar para mejorar la rentabilidad en los polos de algodón peinado 20 al 1 de la empresa KZZU Australia Lima – 2015“. Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, 2016. http://tesis.usat.edu.pe/handle/usat/839.

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KZZU AUSTRALIA, es una empresa textil competitiva en el mercado, donde sus competidores han aumentado notablemente, tras la amenaza la empresa fija su mirada al control y manejo de los costos ya que están relacionados con productividad y rentabilidad. La información que se maneja está lejos de la realidad del negocio tanto que carece de mecanismos para medición y control. Por ello, se propone implementar un sistema de costos estándar cuyo diseño se basa en el control, organización y distribución de los costos incurridos en los proceso de fabricación de sus productos, tanto que permitirá medir y vigilar la eficiencia de las operaciones. El objetivo principal que persigue la presente investigación es demostrar que mediante la propuesta de implementación de un sistema de costeo estándar mejora la rentabilidad, para ello se elaboró un diagnóstico sobre el sistema de costeo y se analizó los procesos productivos de la empresa. Los resultados mostraron que surgen ineficiencias, entonces si se propone esta implementación para una mejora en la rentabilidad de la empresa en el periodo 2015, para ello se realizó una metodología de investigación empírica y un diseño aplicativo-no experimental descriptivo simple. Los resultados obtenidos de la medición y control para la fijación de los estándares y la comparación con lo real aplicado por la empresa, se obtuvieron desviaciones desfavorables, indicando que existe deficiencias en la asignación de cantidad y precio en los elementos del costo, a pesar de estos resultados la empresa es rentable pero tras la fijación de los estándares denotamos que esta rentabilidad puede aumentar dependiendo que tan competitiva quiere ser la empresa en el mercado.
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Anjou, Olle. „Das Bild von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz in schwedischen Lehrbüchern für das Fach Deutsch am Gymnasium, Stufe 4“. Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för språk (SPR), 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-101313.

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This paper presents an analysis on three German books that are written for stage 4 German learners at the Swedish high school. The analysis was made to find out how often Germany, Switzerland and Austria were presented in the books, as well as to find out with which Themes in the books they are associated with. The following Questions are in focus of this paper: -        What themes are being used to represent Germany, Switzerland, and Austria? -        What are the main themes in the schoolbooks? -        How do the Countries stand against one another?   The results show that the focus is mainly on Germany. The German history between 1945-1990 and German literature is frequently used when depicting Germany in schoolbooks for German class, stage 4, at the Swedish high school. Switzerland is presented through its four official languages German, French, Italian, and Romansh as well as goods such as clocks, chocolate, and cheese. Meanwhile is Austria mostly represented by famous people like Elfriede Jelinek or Lise Meitner. Lastly a comparation of the analyzed schoolbooks is presented. Some themes are recurring in all three books. At the same time, the books are differently structured and used different themes that were more or less relevant.   Key words Text analysis, German schoolbooks, representation of Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, High School, Sweden
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Jondorf, Ursula. „Restructured heteronormativity : An analysis of Australian Immigration guidelines for assessing LGBT+ asylum seekers“. Thesis, Malmö universitet, Malmö högskola, Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS), 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-18639.

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This thesis analyses materials – a set of guidelines and a presentation – provided for officials  who assess claims related to sexual orientation and gender identity within the Australian  government’s Department for Immigration and Border Protection. The analysis is conducted  using critical discourse analysis to see if the lexicon shows a white heterosexual bias, and if it  does, how the bias is manifested within the guidelines, especially within the context of the  gender binary. The theoretical framework primarily uses Critical Race theory, but also  combines elements of Said’s Orientalism, and absence and presence theory. The results show  that the guidelines do have a white heterosexual bias, which manifests itself in the form of,  Western superiority, stereotypes about LGBT+ people, as well as an undertheorized portrayal  of the gender binary. The findings contribute to research within the queer asylum field,  especially with regards to research on migration from a non-gender-binary perspective.
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Rapo, Hanna. „The Portrayal of Natural Disasters in News Reporting“. Thesis, Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-22598.

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As climate change becomes more destructive to our planet, some governments have taken action towards a more sustainable future. One being the UK, where a Climate Emergency was declared in 2019, which affects public corporations and news outlets. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how do news reports portray natural disasters from an eco-linguistic perspective. This qualitative study focuses on analysing data regarding the 2019-2020 wildfires in Australia through the linguistic choices made in the texts by incorporating a combination of corpus linguistics, eco-linguistics and media discourse. The corpus under investigation consists of 41,055 words collected from 4 different UK-based news outlets. In order to analyse the data, I chose three search words (fire, climate and animal) to further investigate by using both corpus- and eco-linguistics. The results showcase a consistent pattern within the selected search words: fire and climate are portrayed as threats whereas animals are portrayed as victims. Yet, the most remarkable finding is regarding climate, as it is viewed as a cause rather than an effect caused by human actions. This study is a step towards a better understanding of climate change in news reporting; providing an insight on what the discourse is lacking but should be included.
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Johansson, Josefin. „No Laughing Matter : A study of the use of comedy in public service announcements“. Thesis, Högskolan i Halmstad, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hh:diva-34176.

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This essay is a study which is intended to explore how public service announcements in broadcast media use humour as a method of conveying their core messages in a manner which is both memorable and persuasive; to consider why humour is chosen as a strategy; and to identify the similarities and differences in the use of humour in PSAs and commercial broadcast advertising. Six video commercials were analysed in total: three PSAs and three advertisements. The analysis identified semantic and stylistic features including metaphors, puns, idioms, vagueness, polysemes, homonyms, homographs and homophones, as well as visual metaphors. It continued on to investigate how PSAs contextualise their messages, applying Grice's co-operative principle, as well as the principles of relevance, as proposed by Sperber and Wilson (1986). The results revealed that the PSAs examined appear to show the application of a range of linguistic devices that contribute to making their content humorous. Ambiguity, mostly generated by verbal and visual metaphors, vagueness and polysemy, appears to be the most common strategy for stimulating interest and engaging the viewer. It was observed that viewers must possess the ability to recover meaning through non-linguistic signifiers, such as body language, and through contextual cues. It was also established that similar linguistic devices tend to be used in the production of PSAs and advertisements to create humorous content, but to a different extent.
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Benavente, García Selene Azul Astrid. „Formulación de estándares en la Ley General de Pesca para regular y orientar la discrecionalidad administrativa del Estado peruano respecto de la toma de decisiones concernientes al manejo sostenible de los recursos hidrobiológicos y evitar su sobreexplotación. Análisis de las disposiciones del Código de Conducta para la Pesca Responsable de la FAO y de la legislación comparada de Australia, Canadá, Chile, Estados Unidos, Nueva Zelanda y la Unión Europea“. Bachelor's thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018. http://tesis.pucp.edu.pe/repositorio/handle/123456789/13769.

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El objetivo de la presente investigación es demostrar el amplio margen de discrecionalidad administrativa que tiene el Ministerio de la Producción (PRODUCE) como la autoridad competente para el establecimiento de medidas de ordenamiento pesquero. Esta competencia la otorga la Ley General de Pesca, aprobada por Decreto Ley Nro. 25977; sin embargo la Ley no cuenta con principios o estándares que definan el actuar de PRODUCE respecto del manejo sostenible de los recursos hidrobiológicos. El objetivo de política de pesca contemplado en la Ley es muy general y no permite establecer obligaciones expresas a los operadores de PRODUCE orientadas a asegurar la sostenibilidad de las pesquerías. A diferencia de Perú, en la legislación comparada, se puede apreciar que se han incorporado como objetivos de política pesquera los estándares del Código de Conducta para la Pesca Responsable de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y Agricultura (FAO): i) prevención de la sobrepesca, ii) restauración de las pesquerías sobreexplotadas, iii) disponibilidad de la mejor información científica y iv) participación de los actores involucrados en la pesquería. Cabe precisar que este instrumento no es jurídicamente vinculante para los Estados. Del análisis realizado en la investigación, se puede apreciar que el desarrollo de los estándares antes mencionados en la legislación nacional permite reducir el margen de discrecionalidad administrativa del Estado respecto del manejo de los recursos hidrobiológicos y orientar las medidas de manejo hacia la sostenibilidad de las pesquerías. Por ello, resulta necesaria la incorporación de dichos estándares en la Ley General de Pesca.
Trabajo académico
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Westley, Sebastian. „Repulsion as the Antithesis of Attraction in Soft Power Studies : How Australia's climate change response has elicited a feeling of repulsion in the Pacific islands“. Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Institutionen för ekonomisk och industriell utveckling, 2021. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-177005.

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The ultimate aim of this thesis is to contribute to the development of the concept of repulsion in soft power studies. This is achieved through the operational aim, which is to understand the concept of repulsion by exploring how a feeling of repulsion can be engendered in a state or region by the actions or inactions of the agent. As the antithesis of attraction, I argue that repulsion can be elicited in the subject (state or region) through the culture, values or policies of the agent. Australia’s much maligned climate change response and how it has been received in the Pacific islands was selected as a case study. It was concluded through the application of a repulsion framework that Australia’s response to climate change has likely elicited a feeling of repulsion in the Pacific islands. Through the development of a bespoke repulsion framework, in conjunction with an appropriate methodology that supports the identification of repulsion engendered in a subject by an agent, this study contributes to the advancement of repulsion as a cogent concept in soft power studies.
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Dufbäck, Emma. „Nitrogen Uptake by Vegetation in the Wakkerstroom Wetland, South Africa“. Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för geovetenskaper, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-389981.

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The lack of proper wastewater treatment inhibits the social and economic development in many communities. The South African town Wakkerstroom is an example where wastewater is first treated before it is released. Due to the lack of technical expertise and funding to manage the sewage disposal system, a large part of the wastewater goes directly, without any treatment, into a stream feeding the Wakkerstroom wetland. The wetland purifies the wastewater and provides clean water downstream, thus is indispensable for its detoxification capacity. One relatively cheap method to determine the absorption capacity of a wetland with respect to nitrogen loading is to investigate the nitrogen uptake by the wetland vegetation. In this study, the nitrogen uptake of the vegetation in the Wakkerstroom wetland during the growing seasons between the years 2000-2018 was investigated by using harvested biomass and its nitrogen content as a proxy. The interannual variability of Net Primary Production (NPP) was calculated using a Light Use Efficiency (LUE) model for the period 2000-2018. The NPP derived with LUE-modelling was compared to NPP based on an end-of season harvest of biomass in March 2019. The nitrogen content and carbon and nitrogen (C:N) ratio were determined in the harvested biomass by carbon and nitrogen content analysis. The annual nitrogen uptake of the growing seasons between the years 2000-2018 was subsequently determined by multiplying the calculated NPP by the fraction of nitrogen found in the harvested material. The NPPtot based on harvested biomass (NPPharvest) towards the end of the growing season 2018/2019 was estimated to be 2.01 kg‧m-2‧season-1. The NPPtot calculated from LUE modelling (NPPLUE) varied between 0.49-1.64 kg‧m-2 for the growing seasons between 2000-2018. NPPharvest was between 1.2-4 times higher compared to NPPLUE, probably due to overestimation of NPPharvest because of biomass sampling of more than one-year production, or underestimation of NPPLUE due to a low maximum radiation conversion efficiency factor, εmax. The community mean nitrogen (N) content found in the biomass harvested aboveground was 1.29 % for the Phragmites community and 1.00 % for the Typha community. The nitrogen uptake of the vegetation was estimated to vary between 6.10-20.5 g N∙m-2 per growing season between the years 2000-2018.
Bristen på adekvata reningstekniker för att behandla avloppsvatten hämmar den sociala och ekonomiska utvecklingen i många samhällen. Den sydafrikanska staden Wakkerstroom är ett exempel där avloppsvatten först renas innan det släpps ut. På grund av brisen på teknisk kompetens och finansiering att hantera reningsverket som avlägsnar avloppsvatten så läcker en stor del av det orenade avloppsvattnet ut i en våtmark i Wakkerstroom via en närliggande å. Våtmarken är av regional betydelse för sin reningskapacitet då den renar avloppsvattnet och förser användare nedströms med rent vatten. En viktig aspekt för att bestämma en våtmarks reningskapacitet med avseende på kväve (N) är att undersöka växternas kväveupptag i våtmarken. Kväveupptaget hos växterna i våtmarken i Wakkerstroom under växtsäsongerna mellan år 2000–2018 undersöktes genom att använda skördad biomassa och dess kväveinnehåll som proxy. Den årliga variabiliteten hos nettoprimärproduktionen (NPP) beräknades genom att använda en LUE (Light Use Efficiency)-modell för perioden 2000-2018. NPP framtaget med LUE-modellering jämfördes med NPP baserat på biomassa skördad i slutet av växtsäsongen i mars 2019. Kväveinnehållet och kol-kväve (C:N) kvoten bestämdes hos den skördade biomassan genom en kol- och kväveanalys. Det årliga kväveupptaget under växtsäsongerna mellan 2000–2018 togs därefter fram genom att multiplicera beräknad NPP med kvävefraktionen erhållen från den skördade biomassan. NPPtot framtaget med biomassa skördad i slutet av växtsäsongen 2018/2019 (NPPbiomassa) uppskattades vara 2,01 kg‧m-2‧säsong-1. NPPtot beräknat med LUE-modellering (NPPLUE) varierade mellan 0,49–1,64 kg‧m-2 under växtsäsongerna mellan år 2000–2018. NPPbiomassa var 1,2–4 gånger högre i jämförelse med NPPLUE, vilket troligtvis berodde på att NPPbiomassa överskattades på grund av att mer än en årsproduktion av biomassa skördades, eller för att NPPLUE underskattades på grund av ett för lågt värde på den maximala effektivitetsfaktorn εmax valdes. Medelvärdet för kväveinnehållet erhållen i biomassan skördad ovanför vattennivån var 1,29 % för Phragmites-samhället och 1,00 % för Typha-samhället. Kväveupptaget hos växterna varierade mellan 6,10–20,5 g N∙m-2 per växtsäsong mellan år 2000–2018.
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Karlsson, Eleonor. „BARNKONVENTIONEN : 20 år senare“. Thesis, Växjö University, School of Social Sciences, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:lnu:diva-2424.

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On November 1989 the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. Today more than 20 years later the convention is ratified by all countries in the world except the USA. A question asked is however if the convention after 20 years of development work has in fact accomplished some positive effects for children around the world?


The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in selected states and to reach this aim some questions need to be answered:


  1. What do the selected states do to realize the best interest of the child?
  2. What do the selected states do to guarantee all children’s right to survival and development?
  3. Do all children in the selected states have the same right to health and health services?
  4. Do all children in the selected states have the same right to education?


The material studied in this thesis is those reports that are to be sent periodically to the Committee on the Rights of the Child by all states. The result of this study shows that the Convention on the Rights of the Child has made some positive progresses when it comes to the situation of the child in the world. In the selected states of this study the awareness of the Rights of the Children is noticeable and according to the periodic reports the states continue to work and develop the implementation of the convention.

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Stålberg, Martin. „Reconstruction of trees from 3D point clouds“. Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Avdelningen för systemteknik, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-316833.

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The geometrical structure of a tree can consist of thousands, even millions, of branches, twigs and leaves in complex arrangements. The structure contains a lot of useful information and can be used for example to assess a tree's health or calculate parameters such as total wood volume or branch size distribution. Because of the complexity, capturing the structure of an entire tree used to be nearly impossible, but the increased availability and quality of particularly digital cameras and Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) instruments is making it increasingly possible. A set of digital images of a tree, or a point cloud of a tree from a LIDAR scan, contains a lot of data, but the information about the tree structure has to be extracted from this data through analysis. This work presents a method of reconstructing 3D models of trees from point clouds. The model is constructed from cylindrical segments which are added one by one. Bayesian inference is used to determine how to optimize the parameters of model segment candidates and whether or not to accept them as part of the model. A Hough transform for finding cylinders in point clouds is presented, and used as a heuristic to guide the proposals of model segment candidates. Previous related works have mainly focused on high density point clouds of sparse trees, whereas the objective of this work was to analyze low resolution point clouds of dense almond trees. The method is evaluated on artificial and real datasets and works rather well on high quality data, but performs poorly on low resolution data with gaps and occlusions.
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Gordon, Line. „Land Use, Freshwater Flows and Ecosystem Services in an Era of Global Change“. Doctoral thesis, Stockholm : Univ, 2003. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:su:diva-16.

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Stenbäck, Tomas. „Where Life Takes Place, Where Place Makes Life : Theoretical Approaches to the Australian Aboriginal Conceptions of Place“. Thesis, Högskolan i Gävle, Religionsvetenskap, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hig:diva-26156.

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The purpose of this essay has been to relate the Australian Aboriginal conceptions of place to three different theoretical perspectives on place, to find what is relevant in the Aboriginal context, and what is not. The aim has been to find the most useful theoretical approaches for further studies on the Australian Aboriginal conceptions of place. The investigation is a rendering of research and writings on Australian Aboriginal religion, a recording of general views on research on religion and space, a recounting of written material of three theoretical standpoints on place (the Insider standpoint, the Outsider Standpoint and the Meshwork standpoint), and a comparison of the research on the Aboriginal religion to the three different standpoints.  The results show that no single standpoint is gratifying for studies of the Aboriginal conceptions of place, but all three standpoints contribute in different ways. There are aspects from all three standpoints revealing the importance of place to the Aboriginal peoples.  The most useful theoretical approaches for studies on the Australian Aboriginal conceptions of place are: Place as a living entity, an ancestor and an extension of itself; place as movement, transformation and continuity; place as connection, existential orientation and the paramount focus, and; place as the very foundation of the entire religion.
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