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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "November 21"


Comar, D. „Newsletter number 21 — November 1995“. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine 23, Nr. 2 (Februar 1996): Bp03—Bp08.

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Evans, Lloyd T. „Sir Otto Frankel November 4, 1900-November 21, 1998“. Economic Botany 54, Nr. 3 (Juli 2000): 414–15.

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Evans, Lloyd T. „Sir Otto Herzberg Frankel. 4 November 1900 — 21 November 1998“. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 45 (Januar 1999): 165–81.

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Sir Otto Frankel-whom I shall refer to as Otto because that is how we all addressed him-was a geneticist by training, a plant breeder by occupation, a cytologist by inclination and a genetic conservationist by acclaim. Apart from his personal research, Otto was a highly effective builder and leader of research groups, a Socratic gadfly to the scientific establishment, and a high prophet of the genetic resources conservation movement. His career in science was unusual in that his most widely acclaimed work was done after his official retirement. A man of inexhaustible variety of opinions, he had a complex personality that could be rough or kindly, bored or engaged, impossible or altogether charming by turns, and he did not wish this memoir to paint him otherwise. Otto refused to write an autobiographical sketch, and did not keep many records. However, two interviews with him about his career were recorded, by Gavan McCarthy (McCarthy 1985) and by Max Blythe (Blythe 1993). Much of the information and views quoted here are from records of discussions that I had with him over many years.
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Evans, Lloyd T. „Sir Otto Herzberg Frankel. 4 November 1900-21 November 1998“. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society (1955-2000) 45, Nr. 1 (01.11.1999): 166–81.

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Taichman, Darren B. „Annals for Educators - 21 November 2017“. Annals of Internal Medicine 167, Nr. 10 (21.11.2017): ED10.

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Wesorick, David H., und Vineet Chopra. „Annals for Hospitalists - 21 November 2017“. Annals of Internal Medicine 167, Nr. 10 (21.11.2017): HO1.

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Gross, Robert A. „Spotlight on the November 21 issue“. Neurology 89, Nr. 21 (20.11.2017): 2123.

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Scheib-Rothbart, Ingrid. „Cinefest: Hamburg, November 13-21, 2004 (review)“. Moving Image 5, Nr. 2 (2005): 148–50.

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Emergency Management, Journal of. „Volume 21, Number 6“. Journal of Emergency Management 21, Nr. 6 (21.12.2023): 481–596.

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Chen, X. Y., G. M. Li, Q. Dong und H. Peng. „miR-577 inhibits pancreatic β-cell function and survival by targeting fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF-21) in pediatric diabetes“. Genetics and Molecular Research 14, Nr. 4 (2015): 15462–70.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "November 21"


Weiß, Norman. „Auswertung der Rechtsprechung des Ausschusses gegen Folter (CAT) : Berichtszeitraum: 17. bis 19. Sitzungsperiode (bis 21. November 1997)“. Universität Potsdam, 1998.

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Inhaltsübersicht I. Einleitung II. Darstellung der Fälle 1. Mutombo ./. Schweiz 2. Tahir Hussain Khan ./. Kanada 3. Ismail Alan ./. Schweiz 4. X. ./. Niederlande 5. P. M. P. Kisoki ./. Schweden III. Auswertung
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Kiss, Endre, Dieter Klein, Wolfgang Scheler, Horst-Dieter Strüning und Ernst Woit. „Die Weltwirtschaftskrise und der Frieden: Beiträge zum 14. Dresdner Symposium Für eine globale Friedensordnung am 21. November 2009“. Dresdener Studiengemeinschaft Sicherheitspolitik e. V, 2010.

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Symposiumbeiträge der Projektgruppe Globale Friedensordnung, 2009.:Autorenbeiträge: Dieter Klein, Eine mehrdimensionale Krise und ihre sicherheitspolitischen Folgen. Horst-Dieter Strüning, Die globalen politischen Veränderungen infolge der gegenwärtigen Finanz- und Weltwirtschaftskrise und ihre friedensgefährdenden Aspekte. Siegfried Schönherr, Weltwirtschaftskrise, Rüstung und Rüstungsfinanzierung. Wolfgang Scheler, Über die Wesensmerkmale des Friedens aus dem Blickwinkel der Weltwirtschaftskrise. Ernst Woit, Globale Friedensordnung oder Ressourcenkrieg. Endre Kiss, Die Philosophie der Krise. In memoriam Wolfgang Scheler, Generalleutnant a. D. Prof. Dr. Hans Süß zum Gedenken.
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Robinson, Thomas William. „"Just before a mighty earthquake" : three Southwest Georgia counties during the Secession Crisis, November 1860-January 1861 /“. Full-text of dissertation on the Internet (660.68 KB), 2010.

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Laghouali, Mariya. „Les enjeux de l'assurance maladie obligatoire au Maroc : contenu et portée de la loi 65.00 du 21 novembre 2002“. Perpignan, 2008.

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Passer d'un régime facultatif d'assurance maladie à un régime obligatoire, c'est véritablement changer de monde. Dans la réforme projetée au Maroc, l'AMO et le RAMED représentent les deux changements institutionnels majeurs dans le financement du système de santé. L'AMO constitue le volet assurance sociale fondé sur le principe contributif et financé par des cotisations obligatoires. Le RAMED, constitue le volet assistance ou aide sociale financé par la fiscalité. L'AMO a vocation de devenir progressivement universelle tandis que le RAMED est une mesure subsidiaire dont l'objet est de prévenir l'exclusion des soins d'une partie de la population. Ce qui est en jeu, dans cette réforme, c'est l'accroissement significatif de la part des mécanismes collectifs et publics dans le financement du système de santé et le cheminement vers un nouveau partage des responsabilités entre l'Etat, les entreprises et les ménages dans la prise en charge des dépenses de santé. Ce qui est en jeu, aussi, c'est un nouveau partage des responsabilités entre le secteur public et le secteur privé dans l'offre de soins. L'AMO et le RAMED sont donc appelés à participer très fortement à la restructuration du système national de santé. L'AMO va aider à équilibrer le financement du secteur de la médecine libérale avec celui du secteur de la médecine publique, elle va surtout stimuler l'investissement dans les deux secteurs et relancer la micro-économie de l'ensemble du système. Au plan macro-économique, l'AMO va accroître la fraction du PIB consacré à la santé. Cet accroissement n'a de sens que s'il vise l'amélioration du niveau de santé et une meilleure répartition de ce niveau de santé dans la population. D'autant que le rythme d'évolution des dépenses devra être maîtrisé pour ne pas compromettre le coût du travail, le volume de l'emploi et la compétitivité des entreprises. L’étude de l’assurance maladie obligatoire doit s’attacher à l’étude de l’état de lieux de système sanitaire et les régimes de protection sociale et son cadre juridique dans une première partie et une deuxième partie sera consacrée à sa mise en œuvre
To pass from an optional mode of sickness insurance to an obligatory mode, it is truly to change world. In the reform projected in Morocco, the AMO and the RAMED represent the two major institutional changes in the financing of the system of health. The AMO constitutes the shutter Social Security founded on the principle contributive and financed by obligatory contributions. The RAMED, constitutes the shutter assistance or social assistance financed by the taxation. The AMO has vocation to become gradually universal while the RAMED is a subsidiary measurement whose object is to prevent the exclusion of the care of a part of the population. What is concerned, in this reform, it is the significant increase on behalf of the collective and public mechanisms in the financing of the system of health and the advance towards new shared responsibility between the State, the companies and the households in the assumption of responsibility of the expenditure of health. What is concerned, also, it is new shared responsibility between the public sector and the sector deprived in the offer for care. The AMO and the RAMED thus have to very strongly take part in the reorganization of the national system of health. The AMO will help to balance the financing of the sector of liberal medicine with that of the sector of public medicine, it especially will stimulate the investment in the two sectors and will start again the micro-economics of the whole of the system. In the macro-economic plan, the AMO will increase the fraction of the GDP devoted to health. This increase does not have a direction that if it aims at the improvement of the level of health and a better distribution of this level of health in the population. The more so as the rate/rhythm of evolution of the expenditure will have to be controlled not to compromise the cost of work, the volume of employment and the competitiveness of the companies. The study of the obligatory sickness insurance must be pursued the study of the state of places of medical system and the modes of social protection and its legal framework in a first part and a second part will be devoted to its implementation
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„Neue Medien und Recht : Tag der Juristischen Fakultät 21. November 2001“. Universität Potsdam, 2002.

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Inhalt: - Der Einsatz neuer Medien in Rechtslehre und Rechtspraxis (Gerhard Wolf) 1. Teil: Grundlagen und Chancen der neuen Informationstechnologie 2. Teil: Probleme, die die Nutzung der neuen Informationstechnologie mit sich bringt 3. Teil: Probleme, die die neue Informationstechnologie in der Rechtswissenschaft aufdeckt - Internet und Allgemeiner Teil des BGB (Jens Petersen) I. Internetdomains im Licht des § 12 BGB II. Die Rechtsgeschäftslehre im Internet III. Ergebnis - Strafrecht und neue Medien (Uwe Hellmann) I. Internetstraftaten und Aufklärung von Straftaten mittels der neuen Medien II. Die Strafbarkeit neuer Formen von Angriffen auf das Internet III. Anwendbarkeit des deutschen Strafrechts IV. Zusammenfassung - Öffentliches Recht und neue Medien (Oliver Castendyk)
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Gutierrez-Laffond, Aurore Delmas Christian. „Théâtre et magie dans la littérature dramatique du XVIIe siècle thèse pour obtenir le grade de Docteur de l'université de Toulouse Le Mirail, discipline Lettres Modernes, présentée et soutenue publiquement le 21 novembre 1998, Université Le Mirail, UFR de Lettres Modernes /“. 1998.

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Bücher zum Thema "November 21"


Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts., Hrsg. Ethereal and material: 21 September-21 November 2000. Wilmington, Del: Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts, 2000.

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Parker, Julia. Sagittarius, November 23 - December 21. New York: DK, 1996.

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Kelly, Brian. Scorpio: 23 October - 21 November 1996. London: Pan Books, 1995.

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Productions, Edinburgh Folk Festival, Hrsg. Shoots & roots 18-21 November [1999]. [Edinburgh]: The City of Edinburgh Council/The Scottish Arts Council, 1999.

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Csarnok), International "Experimental Art" Exhibition (1985 Petőfi. Nemzetközi "Kísérleti Művészet" Kiállítás: Budapest 1985. október 21-november 21. [Budapest: Fiatal Művészek Klubja, 1986.

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Subramanyan, K. G. K.G. Subramanyan, 30 October--21 November 2000. New Delhi: Vadehra Art Gallery, 2000.

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A, Great Britain Parliament House of Commons European Standing Committee. Greenhouse gas emissions, Thursday 21 November 2002. London: Stationery Office, 2002.

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(Firm), Bonhams. Vision 21: [auction] Tuesday 16th November 2004 .... London: Bonhams, 2004.

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(Organisation), Environ, Hrsg. Local agenda 21: Communications strategy : November 1993. Leicester: Environ, 1993.

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(Organisation), Environ, Hrsg. Local agenda 21: Communications strategy : November 1993. Leicester: Environ, 1993.

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Buchteile zum Thema "November 21"


Foucault, Michel. „21 November 1973“. In Psychiatric Power, 39–61. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2006.

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Lagrange, Jacques, François Ewald und Alessandro Fontana. „21 November 1973“. In Psychiatric Power, 39–61. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2006.

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Takeyh, Ray. „Middle East“. In Survival: October – November 2023, 189–95. London: Routledge, 2023.

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Chollet, Derek. „Endgame: Dayton, November 11–21“. In The Road to the Dayton Accords, 157–81. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2005.

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Mackinlay, Elizabeth. „Letter fourteen. 29th November, 2020“. In Writing Feminist Autoethnography, 203–6. London: Routledge, 2022.

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Stapleton, Julia. „November 21, 1903. THE UNKNOWN ANIMAL.“ In G K Chesterton at the Daily News, Part I, vol 2, 156–59. London: Routledge, 2024.

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Stapleton, Julia. „November 21, 1908. The Queer Memory.1“. In G K Chesterton at the Daily News, Part II, vol 5, 213–17. London: Routledge, 2024.

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„21. November 2015“. In Operation Goldesel, 91–93. Birkhäuser, 2018.

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Boswell, James. „Wednesday 21 November“. In The Yale Editions of the Private Papers of James Boswell: Research Edition: Journals, Vol. 1: James Boswell: The Journal of his German and Swiss Travels, 1764, herausgegeben von Marlies K. Danziger, 233–35. Edinburgh University Press, 2008.

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Gladstone, William Ewart. „21 November 1873“. In The Gladstone Diaries: With Cabinet Minutes and Prime-ministerial Correspondence, Vol. 12: 1887–1891, herausgegeben von H. C. G. Matthew. Oxford University Press, 1994.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "November 21"


Mayes, Daniel, Thomas Tarman und Ali Pinar. „CESoS '21 Workshop.“ In Proposed for presentation at the Workshop on Cyber Experimentation and the Science of Security held November 9-10, 2021 in ,. US DOE, 2021.

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„Committees: The 3rd International Conference on Science and Innovated Engineering 21 November 2020, Aceh, Indonesia“. In THE 2ND NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICS EDUCATION (NACOME) 2021: Mathematical Proof as a Tool for Learning Mathematics. AIP Publishing, 2023.

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„Preface: The 3rd International Conference on Science and Innovated Engineering 21 November 2020, Aceh, Indonesia“. In THE 2ND NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICS EDUCATION (NACOME) 2021: Mathematical Proof as a Tool for Learning Mathematics. AIP Publishing, 2023.

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Blackwell, Sharon. „21 Discharge time and 30 day readmission rates from skilled nursing facilities“. In Leaders in Healthcare Conference, 17–20 November 2020. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2020.

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Öztunç, Müge, und Umur Bedir. „New Media and National Identity: The Representatıon of Atatürk on Ngo’s November 10th Instagram Posts“. In COMMUNICATION AND TECHNOLOGY CONGRESS. ISTANBUL AYDIN UNIVERSITY, 2021.

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National symbols, traditions, and rituals emerge as the most influential signifiers of national identity and nationalism. These symbols and images that embody the basic concepts of nationalism, make them visible to the members of society, help to make abstract ideologies more socially concrete, strengthen the sense of national loyalty and strengthen the awareness of the community members that belong to the same nation. On the other hand, Atatürk appears as a symbol of both Turkey's modernization process and Turkish unity and solidarity. Focusing on the representations of Atatürk as one of the national symbols on the internet and social media, this research examines the symbolic construction of the national identity of NGOs that represent different social groups in Turkey through the "November 10th, Atatürk Commemoration Day”. In this context, the November 10, 2019, posts of 38 Non-Governmental Organizations, which operate in different fields, are the most followed and have social, cultural, and economic activity on the society, were analyzed on Instagram. Shared visuals were used to categorize with the help of various codes assigned to them. The thematization method was used to characterize the types of photos posted on Instagram with embedded coding. Then, by combining very close codes, they were also subjected to clustering analysis to see which symbols are frequently used together and which meaning patterns they form. The findings of the study show that social media, which is often depicted as the space of global identities and flows, is a space where national identities are eclectically reconstructed by subjects and social groups that make up the nation and circulated through symbols.
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Bradley, Natasha, Mari Lloyd-Williams und Chris Dowrick. „O-21 How do hospices facilitate social support?“ In Transforming Palliative Care, Hospice UK 2018 National Conference, 27–28 November 2018, Telford. British Medical Journal Publishing Group, 2018.

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Evans, Sioned, und Julie Theisinger. „P-21 SPACE – a tool to aid better communication“. In Transforming Palliative Care, Hospice UK 2018 National Conference, 27–28 November 2018, Telford. British Medical Journal Publishing Group, 2018.

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Armstrong, Brian, John Maxwell, Eoghan Ferrie und Linsey Sheerin. „21 The diagnosis of organisational culture within an NHS emergency department“. In Leadership in Healthcare conference, 14th to 16th November 2018, Birmingham, UK. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2018.

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Casida, Jesus M. „21 Surgical care and perioperative nursing management of LVADs“. In 2nd Asia Pacific Advanced Heart Failure Forum (APAHFF 2018), 16th November 2018, Hong Kong. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, British Cardiovascular Society and Asia Pacific Heart Association, 2019.

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Standish, Melanie P., und Andrew N. Garman. „21 Toward a more inclusive leadership competency model and development framework“. In Leaders in Healthcare Conference, Poster Abstracts, 4–6 November 2019, Birmingham, UK. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2019.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "November 21"


Taylor, April. Ocean Shipping Container Availability Report. November 21, 2012. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, November 2012.

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Aston, T. R. C. Visit report - Saskatoon and Calgary November 21-27, 1984. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1985.

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Miller, Norman. Alliance for HIV/AIDS Prevention Conference, November 19-21, 1994. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Dezember 1995.

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Wood, David, und Brent Summerville. Improvements to the Simplified Loads Methodology in IEC 61400-2: November 22, 2021 - November 21, 2022. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2022.

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Reigel, M. ANALYTICAL RESULTS FOR MOX COLEMANITE CONCRETE SAMPLES RECEIVED ON NOVEMBER 21, 2013. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Mai 2014.

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Tsotsis, T. T., P. K. T. Liu und I. A. Webster. High temperature ceramic membrane reactors for coal liquid upgrading. Final report, September 21, 1989--November 20, 1992. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Dezember 1992.

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Hammam, Mohamed, David Wood und Brent Summerville. Modeling the Yaw Behavior of Tail Fins for Small Wind Turbines: November 22, 2021 - May 21, 2024. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Juli 2023.

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Bassiouni, Z. A. Cyclic CO{sub 2} injection for light oil recovery: Performance of a cost shared field test in Louisiana. Final report, November 21, 1988--November 30, 1992. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Dezember 1992.

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Doane, E. P., R. H. Carty und H. Foster. Scale-up of mild gasification to a process development unit. Progress report for August 21--November 20, 1994. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Februar 1995.

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Campbell, J. A. L., R. H. Carty, N. Saladin und H. Foster. Scale-up of mild gasification to a process development unit. Progress report, November 21, 1992--February 20, 1993. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), März 1993.

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