Dissertationen zum Thema „Niveau des eaux – Modèles mathématiques“
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Ma, Qiang. „Etude sur le transport d'énergie thermique à bas niveau à longues distances par procédé d'absorption ammoniac-eau“. Chambéry, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009CHAMS016.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn this thesis, the object is to evaluate the potentials and the performances of the ammonia-water absorption processes in the transportation of low-grade thermal energy over long distance. First of all, it contains the already employed systems for the transportation of low-grade thermal energy over long distance and understands their limitations. After this state-of-the-art introduction, the mathematical model of the ammonia-water absorption system is presented. The analysis of the performance of the transportation of low-grade thermal energy over long distance with this kind of systems is detailed. The output temperatures ranges are presented. The impact of the transportation process on the performance is studied. The investment cost of the transportation pipes was evaluated. Novel ammonia-water absorption cycles are proposed for the revalorization of the low-grade thermal energy. And then, a small-scale prototype is installed to experimentally verifier the thermodynamic feasibility. In order to complete the study, the economical analysis is realized
Chidepudi, Sivaramakrishnareddy. „Deep learning fοr the simulatiοn, recοnstructiοn & prοjectiοn οf grοundwater level variatiοns“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024NORMR050.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAccurate groundwater level (GWL) simulations facilitate reconstructions and projections for analysing historical and future groundwater trends and variability at the decadal scale. In this thesis, we investigate the use of deep learning (DL) approaches for GWL simulations, reconstructions, and projections, with a focus on capturing low-frequency variability and leveraging climate reanalysis and GCM model outputs. A wavelet-assisted DL framework was developed, using the Maximal Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform (MODWT) as a pre-processing step to decompose input signals. We specifically evaluated advanced DL models, including Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), and Bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM), for single-station and multi-station approaches. The single station approach results indicated that MODWT-assisted GRU models allowed for extracting low-frequency information and significantly outperformed standalone models in simulating GWLs, particularly for inertial-type GWL. The Shapley Additive Explanations (SHAP) technique was used to interpret model outputs and highlight important input features. For long-term GWL reconstructions, DL models were trained on ERA5 and ERA20C climate reanalysis datasets, enabling reconstructions up to 1900 and 1940, respectively. These DL-based models were able to capture multi-decadal variability in all reconstructed GWLs. Several multi-station training approaches and clustering were used for large-scale GWL simulations, incorporating dynamic climatic variables and static aquifer characteristics. Models specifically trained on different GWL types, clustered by spectral properties, performed significantly better than those trained on the whole dataset. Finally, A multi-station GRU model trained for each GWL type with boundary-corrected MODWT (BC-MODWT) pre-processing was used to generate projections until 2100. Future changes show decreasing trends in groundwater levels and variability, intensifying from SSP2-4.5 to SSP5-8.5, despite projected groundwater levels being higher on average compared to the historical period in all scenarios. We explain this seemingly counter-intuitive result by the fact that projected levels are systematically much higher at the beginning of the future period (up to ~2050) compared to the historical period. Finally, our results indicate that the variability of annual-type aquifers has increased for all emission scenarios
Saba, Marianne. „Développement et élaboration de méthodes de traitement de données de terrain et de modèles hydrodynamiques et hydrodispersifs dans une optique de développement durable en matière de gestion de l’eau au Nord du Liban“. Thesis, Lille 1, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014LIL10055/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe increasing population in Tripoli and its surrounding has placed an increase in the demand of groundwater and the random drilling of wells. This situation has resulted in a higher demand of groundwater and thus endangered the Miocene aquifer that will cause problems unless serious steps for the management of water resources are implemented. These steps should include defining stringent characterization of the properties of the aquifer in order to properly manage the quality & quantity of pumped water.Our aim in this study is to analyze the hydrochemical, hydro physical quality,& water level of groundwater in the Miocene aquifer in the North of Lebanon. The results have shown that the dominant type of groundwater in the area is highly chlorinated with sulfated calcium and magnesium with heavily charged Nitrate & Nitrite. The spatial distribution of the physiochemical parameters obey an increasing pattern westwards towards the Mediterranean Sea. During the last decades, illegal groundwater pumping mainly for domestic and agricultural use has caused groundwater quality degradation due to saline water intrusion from western areas .In order to study the origin and the hydrochemical aspect of groundwater, Phreeq C & Diagram software helped us determine the properties ;as for the water level Aquitest software was used.GIS ,Surfer & Visual Modflow softwares were used to generate maps locating the spatial distribution of all parameters & most importantly the modeling of the potentiometric map of the North. The end result was the determination of anthropogenic & naturogenic sources of water pollution in the North of Lebanon & the formation of the piezometric map of the region
Hou, Xiaoping. „Composite element method for modelling transient groundwater flow in fractured media and its application to slope stability problem“. Thesis, Lille 1, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LIL10051/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis presents a comprehensive numerical method for analyzing transient groundwater flow in porous and fractured media and its application to the analysis of the stability of soil and rock slopes subjected to transient groundwater flow induced by reservoir drawdown conditions. Compared to that of porous media, the analysis of flow in fractured media is relatively complex, due to the presence of a large number of fractures and strong variations in geometric and hydraulic properties.The thesis is organized in six chapters. Chapter 1 presents the issues to be addressed and the thesis objectives. Chapter 2 discusses basic theories related to the numerical analysis of groundwater flow in fractured media and its effects on slope stability.Chapter 3 develops the numerical model of transient, saturated flow in fractured media with a free surface using the composite element method (CEM). Chapter 4 presents the numerical model of transient, variably-saturated flow in fractured media using the CEM.Chapter 5 includes an investigation of the stability of homogeneous soil slopes under drawdown conditions, depending on the drawdown rate, hydraulic and strength parameters of soils, and slope geometry.The last chapter presents a parametric study on the influence of fracture characteristics on transient flow and stability of layered rock slope subjected to drawdown conditions
Volpe, Laurent. „Conception en vue de test : du niveau comportemental au niveau transferts de registres“. Montpellier 2, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999MON20163.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBuil, Nathalie. „Modélisation tridimensionnelle du transport de polluants dans les écoulements à surface libre“. Lyon 1, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999LYO10059.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleJabbour, Daas. „Etude expérimentale et modélisation de la dispersion en champ lointain suite à un rejet accidentel d'un polluant miscible dans un cours d'eau : application à la gestion de crise“. Aix-Marseille 1, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006AIX11003.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleParé-Bourque, Marie. „Gestion des eaux pluviales : qualité des eaux et contrôle en temps réel“. Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/20657.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAlassir, Mohamad Dib. „Modélisation au niveau système des entrées/sorties d'un système hétérogène“. Paris 6, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA066005.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSimonet, Maria-Ana. „Modélisation des réarrangements V(D)J au niveau du locus TRA/TRD“. Grenoble 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008GRE10302.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleT lymphocytes express at their surface an antigen receptor composed by a~ or y8 chains. A TCRa chains are encoded by a variable (V), ajoining (J) and a constant (C) segments which are under the of the control of a specific recombination mechanism called "V(D)J recombination". The VJ combinatorial diversity is unknown and the current state of molecular technology does not allow us to perform an analysis of aIl putative VJ combination or to estimate the frequencies of the functional VJ in mice. To overcome this difficulty we defined a mathematical model fitting experimental data. This model gives new insights on the mIes controlling the use of the V and the J genes and provides a dynamic ca1culation of the VJ combinations. The model proposes an accessibility of the TRAlTRD locus by sûccessive windows of different sizes and with different speed of progression. Furthermore, a possibility of successive secondary rearrangements was introduced. Ln parallel, an experimental analysis of the VJ combination has been performed in humans. From this analysis, the VJ combination profiles are ca1culated and used to validate our simulation program. Ln the future, the model may be use to analysis the variations between sound or altered repertoire
Carofiglio, Giovanna. „Modèles stochastiques et fluides au niveau flot de réseaux TCP/IP“. Paris, ENST, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008ENST0042.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMore than thirty years after its specification, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) still motivates research around it. This dissertation focuses on the analytical modelling of TCP/IP networks at flow level. At the heart of this representation, indeed, is the notion of a TCP connection as a stream of data, continuous in space and in time, and not as a discrete sequence of packets, as in reality. The packet-to-flow abstraction is at the basis of the application of fluid models to the representation of TCP dynamics and it is the common susbstrate of the thesis. The contribution of the thesis is twofold and it is reflected by the organization of the thesis in two main parts. The first part of the thesis focuses of the model of a “single flow” and studies the microscopic interaction of TCP flows in series. The second part of the thesis adopts a macroscopic perspective in describing the dynamics of a large population of TCP flows. If the first part of the thesis lies on the abstraction from packets to flow dynamics when looking at a few TCP connections, here we also abstract the single TCP flow into the class of TCP flows sharing the same path through the network.
Mesplé, Fabrice. „Modélisation des processus biologiques et physico-chimiques dans un écosystème aquatique eutrophe : le lagunage à haut rendement“. Montpellier 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993MON13514.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGraff, Benjamin. „Prédétermination des débits de crue des petits bassins versants torrentiels“. Montpellier 2, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004MON20201.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLabbani, Ouassila. „Modélisation à haut niveau du contrôle dans des applications de traitement systématique à parallélisme massif“. Lille 1, 2006. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/LIBRE/Th_Num/2006/50376-2006-Labbani.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCasellas-Français, Magali. „Mise en oeuvre, modélisation, optimisation et contrôle d'un procédé discontinu séquentiel (SBR) : application au traitement du carbone, de l'azote, du phosphore et des matières en suspension d'eaux résiduaires urbaines“. Limoges, 2002. https://aurore.unilim.fr/theses/nxfile/default/c7b8b1be-7f59-4700-ba14-86cff384c513/blobholder:0/2002LIMO0035.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWastewater treatment optimization requires the installation of reliable processes and a control of operating conditions. In this context, discontinuous processes like SBR, working on the principle of alternating reaction, settling and purge phases is investigated. A development process methodology based on the use of mathematical simulations, lab scale experiments, full scale extrapolation and simple but robust control strategies is reported. The Benchmark of wastewater treatment associates a wastewater treatment model (ASM n°1 ofHENZE et al. , 1986) and a settling conditions model (TACKACS et al. , 1991). Combining both models allows for the simulation of an activated sludge process operation. An exhaustive bibliographic study could highlight different scenarios of SBR operations able to achieve carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and total suspended solids removal. Different time delays were investigated in order to identify two particular operating conditions : short cycles and long cycles. The use of the Benchmark associated with a critical identification of incoming variables of the model, was extended to the development of strategies for nitrogen removal improvement. This study, combined with an experimental study of phosphorus removal allowed to define a 24 hours cycle, improving denitrification rates but also highlighting problems related to temporal variations of incoming load. In order to solve this problem, a special procedure , based on the use of three sensors : pH, ORP, dissolved oxygen, was investigated and full scale commissioned, in order to control with accuracy operating conditions
Bernier, Jean. „Modélisation simultanée de l'enlèvement des nutriments et de l'évolution de la perte de charge en biofiltration des eaux usées“. Thesis, Université Laval, 2014. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2014/30528/30528.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBiofiltration of wastewater is a fixed-film treatment process which is frequently used in some European countries (France, Germany) and can also be found in a few Canadian cities. It consists in pumping the wastewater through a bed of media on which the purifying bacteria grow and consume the nutrients contained in the water, and which captures and retains suspended solids. Both phenomena lead to a gradual accumulation of biomass and particles, requiring an increase of the water injection pressure in order to keep the water flowing. Once a certain maximum pressure is reached however, treatment must be paused while the biofilter is being backwashed to remove a fraction of the biofilm located on the media. The presence of several phenomena involved during treatment by biofiltration makes this process complex to model as a whole. Hence, most studies on the subject have focused on modeling only a fraction of these phenomena at the same time. In this context, a modeling study aiming to simulate both the pollutant removal and the evolution of headloss occurring during the biofiltration of wastewater is performed. A complete biofiltration model is first built in Matlab®. Several datasets describing the behaviour of a biofilter on both short and long time scales are then used to calibrate the model. Calibration is made individually for three different treatment types (secondary treatment, tertiary nitrification and post-denitrification), in each case performed on full-sized plants. Calibration results show that it is possible in most cases to obtain correct predictions on both pollutant concentrations at the biofilter effluent and on the headloss created during treatment. Some improvements to the filtration sub-model are worth considering, but predictions otherwise globally follow the observed trends. The obtained results allow envisioning the possibility of taking into account both the pollutant removal efficiency and the headloss evolution when using a model to support process optimization, to run different scenario analyses, or even to create control strategies on a biofiltration system.
Laurent, Robert. „Modélisation et identification des systèmes complexes : application à l'épuration biologique des eaux“. Lille 1, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985LIL10042.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleVidil, Christophe. „Gestion des eaux pluviales et changements climatiques : Étude de deux secteurs urbains“. Thesis, Université Laval, 2012. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2012/28896/28896.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFavreau, Guillaume. „Caractérisation et modélisaton d'une nappe phréatique en hausse au Sahel : dynamique et géochimie de la dépression piézométrique naturelle du kori de Dantiandou (sud-ouest du Niger)“. Paris 11, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA112333.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLecomte, Stéphane. „Méthodologie de conception basée sur les modèles de haut niveau pour les systèmes de radio logicielle“. Rennes 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011REN1S142.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn this thesis, we suggest a hardware/software co-design methodology for software radio systems, and more generally for flexible embedded electronics systems, allowing to answer the new design challenges it imposes and to improve the productivity. Our co-design methodology is based on a high-level UML/MARTE (extension of UML dedicated to the hardware modeling) modeling approach. Based on model driven architecture (derived from model driven engineering), our methodology allows to start at a highlevel modeling level and go down to the hardware implementation (generation of VHDL code) by successive rules of transformation and iterative refinements of the models. For that, we defined the middle level of modeling, e. G. Execution Modeling Level, which allows focusing on hardware/software partitioning and focusing on the exploration of architecture to design the hardware platform. To complete the generation of the hardware design language, associated with this methodology, we recommend to couple a co-design methodology based on high-level models with the behavioral synthesis concept. This approach is illustrated with a MIMO decoder example. Finally, in the software radio context, we suggest an extension of the methodology in order to take into account the flexibility of the embedded systems. For that, we include into our methodology an architecture defined at Supélec to manage the reconfiguration. An execution of high-level models on a real radio platform allowed to validate our approach
Hozé, Nathanaël. „Modélisation et méthodes d'analyse de la diffusion et agrégation au niveau moléculaire pour l'organisation sous-cellulaire“. Paris 6, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA066695.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn the present PhD thesis, we study diffusion and aggregation in the context of cellular biology. Our goal is to obtain physical laws of several processes such as particle assembly or laws of diffusion in microdomains, in order to determine how subcellular processes are constructed from elementary molecular organization. This change of scale can be formulated and analyzed using several tools such as partial differential equations, statistical physics, stochastic processes and numerical simulations. We present here several methods and we apply them to study questions in biophysics, neurobiology and cellular biology. Examples are receptors trafficking on cellular membrane, nuclear organization and the dynamics of viral assembly. In the first part, to obtain an estimation of the effective diffusion coefficient of a Brownian particle moving in between obstacles, we compute the mean time for a Brownian particle to arrive to a narrow opening defined as the region of minimal distance between two disks of identical radius. The method relies on M\"obius conformal transformation applied to the Laplace equation. Using this result, we develop statistical methods to solve a reverse engineering problem which consists in recovering parameters of a stochastic equation from a large number of short trajectories. Applying this method to superresolution data of receptor trafficking, we identify novel molecular organization, which are described as potential wells (deterministic part of the SDE). We next solve a different question: how is it possible to reconstruct surfaces from a large sample of short stochastic trajectories? By using Ito's formula, we derive a new class of nonlinear partial differential equations that allow us to reconstruct the surface. This section is illustrated with numerical examples. In the second part, we focus on an aspect of nuclear organization and our goal is to model and analyze telomere dynamics (ends of the chromosomes) in the cell nucleus. Early experimental findings reveal that yeast telomeres organize dynamically in a small numbers of clusters, yet this process remains poorly understood. Thus, we use a statistical physics approach to study the joint dynamics of the 32 telomeres, that we model as independent Brownian particles that can also form aggregates. We estimate the number of clusters and the number of telomeres per cluster using exact formula that we derive from our model. We identify the relevant parameters by comparing our results with experimental data. In particular, we show that a single parameter - the ratio of the association to the dissociation rate - is sufficient to account for telomere clustering in various conditions. Finally, we develop an empirical model to study particle aggregation to a single nucleation site. The distribution of particles in small clusters before arriving is a key ingredient to derive kinetic laws. We derive these laws using first a deterministic model and then a stochastic jump process, which allows us to obtain also an explicit expression for the mean time that the nucleation site is filled. We discuss some applications to HIV capsid formation
Petitjean, Alain Bernard Nicolas. „Modélisation des transferts réactifs diphasiques dans les filtres verticaux pour le traitement des eaux résiduaires urbaines“. Strasbourg, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011STRA6175.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOxygen renewal, as a prominent phenomenon for aerobic bacterial activity, deeply impacts Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland (VFCW) treatment efficiency. We introduce a multiphase model able to simulate multi-component transfer in VFCWs. It is based on a two-phase flow module, and a transport module. The flow module can quantify both water and air velocities throughout the filter during operation. The reactive transport module follows dissolved and gaseous oxygen concentrations, and the transport of solutes such as ammonium and readily biodegradable COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand). The consumption of components is governed by Monod-type kinetics. Heterotrophic and autotrophic bacteria, which are responsible for COD and ammonium degradation respectively, are part of the model components. The kinetics are based on the Constructed Wetlands Model 1. The results from the simulation tool were compared with existing experimental data, and two kinds of operation with VFCWs were investigated. The authors show strong interplay between oxygen renewal and bacterial consumption in case of sequential batch feeding with transient flooding of surface. Oxygen renewal is essentially convection mediated in such operation, while convection is not significant in non-flooding operation. Simulated bacterial patterns are impacted by the operation, both quantitatively and spatially. From a modelling point of view, the authors highlight some limitations of the biological model : the description of bacterial lysis processes needs to be enhanced, as well as ammonium adsorption to organic matter
Golinelli, Éric. „Élaboration d’un outil d'assistance à l'assainissement en milieu rural“. Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000INPLA002.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNeeds for natural environment protection are increasing at a world scale. Sewage treatment installations of local collectivities have to comply with the European legislation. The deadlines are December 31, 2005. The aim of our research is the proposition of a methodology for developing an aid to representation tool in order to conduct such environmental projects. This tool is intended to small French local collectivities of less than 1000 inhabitants. The originality of this work consists, according to a simple formalism, in integrating into the same tool relationships of actors in the project, technical and organizational legislative obligations and sewage treatment processes adapted to small collectivities. In a first part, the implementation of a sewage treatment in rural environment is tackled as a social fact at both the world and local levels. Through the second part, the project is then defined according to a three poles representation: impulse, strategy and management. Impulse consists in understanding the project according to a general model developed from a complex reality. The implementation of the strategy of the project provides a long-term vision, bringing to actors the means for acting in a common sense. Managing the project finally consists in leading actions or correcting them using indicators in order to reach the target defined in the strategy pole. In a last part, an application of the aid to representation tool to a real case is suggested. This case is based on a global approach. Law and processes adapted in rural environment are also integrated. As a result, the presented work links organization and technology, while understanding the state of what the system was, what it is all along the project and what it will become
Leclère, Michel. „Les connaissances du niveau terminologique du modèle des graphes conceptuels : construction et exploitation“. Montpellier 2, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995MON20257.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNaghi, Fadi El. „Contribution à l'étude de la pollution par micropolluants (atrazine, benzène) de la nappe de la craie dans le nord de la France : évaluation du risque de pollution des captages d'eau potable d'Étaples et de Blendecques (Pas de Calais)“. Lille 1, 2006. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/RESTREINT/Th_Num/2006/50376_2006_276.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleA partir des résultats précédents et les caractéristiques du site d'Etaples qui présente une contamination en atrazine par utilisation plutôt urbaine qu'agricole, on a estimé les quantités probablement utilisées en se basant sur l'avis des experts ainsi que sur la bibliographie. Un modèle du bassin versant d'Etaples a ainsi été créé. En raison des limites du logiciel MODFLOW qui ne traite pas des problèmes de migration des pesticides, une approche inverse des phénomènes a été utilisée. Il parait de cette recherche que les modèles hydrodynamiques de nappe sont insuffisants pour simuler correctement le comportement de l 'atrazine dans son cheminement du sol vers la nappe, puis au sein de la nappe. Par approches numériques mettant en jeu une modélisation par Réseau de Neurones Artificielles (RNA) puis par correction graphique des résultats, on a pu mettre en évidence le phénomène de dégradation d'une grande partie de l'atrazine épandue, puis l'entraÎnement par lessivage en des pomts singuliers d'infiltration. La migration est donc rapide par cheminement dans le réseau de fissures de la craie à l'occasion de saturation temporaire de celui-ci. D'autre part, une étude de vulnérabilité de la nappe de la craie du bassin versant de l'Aa (Audomarois) est proposée pour des pollutions ponctuelles par un micropolluant type hydrocarbure (le Benzène), dans le but d 'aboutir à une optimisation de la protection des captages du SIDEN France et de la communaUlé d 'agglomération de Sain/-Omer à Blendecques
Bintein, Sylvain. „Optimisation et validation de CHEMFRANCE : un modèle régional de fugacité niveau III appliqué à la France“. Metz, 1996. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/UPV-M/Theses/1996/Bintein.Sylvain.SMZ9630.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe elaboration of a bilinear relationship between the n-octanol/water partition coefficient (log P) and the accumulation of chemicals in fish allowed to simulate more accurately the bioconcentration potential of very lipophilic molecules. The soil and sediment adsorption of ionized and non-ionized chemicals has been modeled by a regression equation integrating log P, the ionization potential of compounds, the percentage of organic carbon and the pH of the substrates. The incorporation of these two equations in CHEMFRANCE allowed to increase the domain of application of this regional level III fugacity model applied to France. Studies performed on lindane and atrazine underlined the high simulation potential of this model for these pesticides. Last, comparative analyses of structure-bioconcentration and structure-adsorption relationships using log P as molecular descriptor were performed in order to test the usefulness of the models we proposed
Cazal, Elodie. „Etude des potentialités des hydrocyclones dans le domaine du traitement des eaux de ruissellement“. Toulouse, INSA, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996ISAT0013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDrame, Abdou Khadry. „Modélisation et analyse des procédés biologiques : application à la dépollution des eaux : théorie des systèmes asymptotiquement autonomes“. Montpellier 2, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005MON20095.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBeffy, Jean-Luc. „Approche des structures ternaires en écologie par l'analyse en composantes principales à trois modes“. Lyon 1, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993LYO10057.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGoujon, Michaël. „Quantification du devenir des nitrates dans les hydrogéosystèmes hétérogènes fissurés : périmètre expérimental de Kerveldreac'h (Finistère - 29)“. Poitiers, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005POIT2279.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRemediation measures of excessive nitrate concentrations in streamwaters yield contrasted effects regarding response times and degradation rates, generally lower than expected. This can be explain by the role that groundwaters play in the nitrate behaviour at catchment scale. Mechanisms which take place there are controlled by the hydrodynamic properties of fissured and weathered aquifers, and by the hydrochemical processes in groundwaters. Generalization of processes at groundwater scale depends on the understanding of processes at the well scale. Some misinterpretations can then arise due to the proper functioning of the wells. This work has been carried out on the Experimental Perimeter of Kerveldreac'h (EPK) within the Kerharo watershed. It made it possible to confirm the vertical hydrochemical zonation of the fissured aquifer. Two hydrodynamic and hydrochemical studies have been performed. The first study used a well without any equipment (Somlette, 1998). The second study used a well equipped with a packer, which let the aquifer recover its continuity. Despite the multiple inversions of piezometric levels observed in the well, the results show that, during a hydrological cycle, the groundwater hydrochemical stratification is steady. Knowledges, gathered on the EPK, have led to the elaboration of a conceptual model, as accurate and realistic as possible, prerequisite to the numerical modeling. The modeling task performed with MODFLOW allowed to estimate the effect of the hydrochemical zonation, and of the aquifer functioning on the nitrates amounts which are released into the stream, and on the response times of the whole system. This approach allowed also to establish water budgets and nitrate mass balances through the hydrogeosystem. Results show that natural denitrification in groundwater is a significant phenomenon. Actually, the mass balances resulting from the numerical modeling (2D vertical cross section model ) show that, when an oxydo-reduction barrier is present, 80 to 90 % of nitrates entering the aquifer, are decayed during their transport and so don't reach the stream
Farkhutdinov, Anvar. „Les eaux géothermiques du gisement Khankala ˸ formation, utilisation, prévisions“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016PSLEM092.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRecently, considerable attention in the world is given to the use of renewable energy sources. Among them geothermal waters are of great importance due to ecological safety and economic efficiency of their use. Russia has confirmed high potential of geothermal water resources, but today only a small proportion is used. One of the most promising areas for geothermal waters is the Chechen Republic, which is at the 3rd place among the Russian regions for approved operational reserves of geothermal waters deposits, the largest of which is the Khankala deposit.Achievement of the sustainability in geothermal waters resource development requires an integrated approach and an important role in solving the problems of exploitation of thermal waters is played by geostatistical analysis and estimation, as well as mathematical modelling. The adjusted structural map of the most productive layer (layer XIII) and a 3-D map of temperature distribution within the Khankala deposit were created using universal kriging. Results approved the importance of the structural-tectonic factor and movement of groundwater in the formation of the temperature regime of the territory. Modelling of the Khankala geothermal waters deposit exploitation allowed to make prognosis of temperature changes, to provide recommendations on injection-production wells location and distance between down holes and to explore possible further exploitation scenarios such as periodic use of different layers by doublet systems.The development of geothermal waters use has undoubted advantages – environmental friendliness and renewability. In order to develop this domain in the Chechen Republic the state support is needed. Issues are the lack of a special legislative framework and special insurance systems. Use of geothermal waters of the 14 explored deposits in Chechen Republic can be a significant contribution to local energy production and economic stability of the region while bringing the environmental benefits of traditional fuels partial replacement.The present work was a contribution to the Khankala geothermal station project, which was successfully launched in the beginning of the 2016. The Khankala geothermal station represents a new stage in use of geothermal waters in the Northern Caucasus as it is the only Russian example of geothermal station with closed loop of production and injection wells (“doublet”) with 100% reinjection of used fluid back into reservoir
Parhizkar, Masoumeh. „Modelling coupled surface water-groundwater flow and heat transport in a catchment in a discontinuous permafrost zone in Umiujaq, Northern Québec“. Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/66690.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGroundwater systems are expected to respond to climate change in a complex way. In cold regions, simulating the effect of climate change requires a state-of-the-art integrated hydrologic model. In this research, a fully coupled 3D numerical model has been developed to simulate groundwater-surface water flow and heat transport in a 2-km² catchment in Umiujaq, Nunavik (northern Quebec), Canada. The catchment is located in a discontinuous permafrost zone. It contains a lower aquifer, consisting of a thick coarse-grained glaciofluvial layer, overlain by a frost-susceptible silty marine unit and a perched upper aquifer. Detailed field investigations have been carried out to characterize the catchment, including its hydraulic and thermal properties and the subsurface geology. Three different calibration methods using the inverse calibration code PEST were used to calibrate the 3D flow model against measured hydraulic heads, assuming a fixed distribution of low hydraulic conductivity for discontinuous permafrost blocks. Heat transfer was not considered for this calibration. Results showed that using simplified calibration methods, such as the zoning method, is not efficient in this study area, which is highly heterogeneous. Using a more detailed calibration, such as the pilot-points method of PEST, gave a better fit to observed values. However, the computational time was significantly higher. In subsequent simulations, which included heat transport, different approaches for assigning initial temperatures during model spin-up were investigated. Results show that including the spin-up process in the simulations produces more realistic simulated temperatures. Furthermore, the spin-up improves the model fit to deeper subsurface temperatures because areas of the subsurface below the depth where seasonal surface temperature variations penetrate require longer simulation times to reach equilibrium with the applied boundary conditions. Applying the annual average surface temperature as the boundary condition to the heat transport simulation provided a better fit to observed values in the summer compared to winter. During winter, because of different snow thicknesses throughout the catchment, using a uniform surface temperature results in a poor fit to observed values. v Simulations show that warm water entering the subsurface increases the subsurface temperature in the recharge areas. As groundwater flows through the subsurface, it loses thermal energy. Therefore, discharging water is cooler than recharging water. This causes the rate of temperature rise to be lower in discharge areas than in recharge areas. The modelling results have helped provide insights into 3D simulation of coupled water flowheat transfer processes. Furthermore, it will help users of cryo-hydrogeological models in understanding effective parameters in development and calibration of model to develop their own site-specific models.
Meuriot, Frédéric. „Etude et modélisation des effets de l'intensité de la coupe et du niveau des réserves organiques initiales sur la dynamique de l'azote et du carbone au cours de la repousse chez la luzerne (Medicago sativa L. )“. Caen, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004CAEN2016.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHauduc, Hélène. „Modèles biocinétiques de boues activées de type ASM : analyse théorique et fonctionnelle, vers un jeu de paramètres par défaut“. Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/22384.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMathematical modelling of activated sludge systems has become a widely accepted tool and is used in particular for optimization and upgrading of existing plants and for new facilities design, either by engineering and consulting companies, or university and research centers. Ensuring the adequate quality of modelling results is therefore essential. However, an international survey conducted among 96 potential users of activated sludge models (ASM) pointing to two main obstacles to the use of modelling: the selection of the model to use among the available models and the model calibration. The objective of this work was to provide elements to overcome these obstacles and to promote the wider use of biokinetic models for activated sludge systems. It focused on seven published models: (1) ASM1, (2) ASM2d, (3) ASM3, (4) ASM3+BioP, (5) ASM2d+TUD, (6) Barker & Dold and (7) UCTPHO+. First, an analysis of practical knowledge on the models was performed to improve the transfer of modelling knowledge. A database of practical modelling applications from published case studies and from the answers of a questionnaire sent to model users was created. This database enables to establish ranges of parameter values commonly used for the ASM1 and ASM2d. Then the theoretical knowledge on ASMs was analysed to help users to better understand the seven studied models and to select the model most appropriate to their project. The studied models were first verified and typing errors and inconsistencies have been corrected. The modelling concepts were compared to each other through a new graphical representation, and confronted with knowledge about the biology of activated sludge, in order to highlight the theoretical limits of each model. Finally, a methodology has been developed to obtain default parameter values that could be used as initial values for model calibration. To this end, an automated calibration procedure that allows calibration on multiple data sets was proposed. Then, the quality criteria used in environmental sciences have been synthesised. These criteria are required to determine the best set of parameters based on the goodness-of-fit of the model and to compare results from different models.
Blanc, Laurence. „Données spatio-temporelles en écologie et analyses multitableaux : examen d'une relation“. Lyon 1, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000LYO10044.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTurri-Mao, Jun. „Etude comportementale d'effluents industriels par spectrophotométrie UV-visible“. Aix-Marseille 1, 2008. http://theses.univ-amu.fr.lama.univ-amu.fr/2008AIX11007.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNguyên, Viêt-Hai. „Formation interactive, expérimentation à distance, partage des ressources : application : automatique et ingénierie de l'environnement“. Saint-Etienne, EMSE, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009EMSE0035.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe surface treatments industry uses a lot of complex processes and toxic substances. It subjects to different regulations which are strict and limiting quantities of rejected pollutants in the nature. It is always difficult for industrials to comply to these regulations because of a more and more cutthroat competition. Thereof, this economic sector is naturally considered as a rich suggestion box for researchers. The diversity of used processes asks competences, knowledge and approaches from different fields. In the frame of this thesis, our works have focused on the rinsing system and the wastewater detoxication plants: decyanidation and dechrommation. Thanks to different approaches, these processes have been modeled and a simulation tool has been developed. Such a tool could answer to a lot of needs. It will be possible for industrials to optimize processes in taking into account different factors as cost, productivity as well as environmental impacts. In the engineering formation, i twill be easier for students to understand how industrial processes work and to familiarize with industrial constraints
Kartiwa, Budi. „Modélisation du fonctionnement hydrologique des bassins versants : application sur des bassins versants de Java et Sumatra (Indonésie)“. Angers, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004ANGE0008.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe ultimate target is to improve the modeling of the hydrological functioning of the catchment. We aim to develop a general model of determination of the production function in order to couple it to a deterministic transfer function. The research is carried out on five micro catchments (less than 40 ha) located in different agroecological zones which are representative of diversity of the landscape conditions in Indonesia. The modification of the original version of the model H2U will allow the modeling the transfer function on the hillslope. The coupling between the theoretical probability density function (pdf) of the hillslope and the theoretical pdf of the drainage network through a convolution product, gives a theoretical pdf of the catchment nearly identical to the experimental pdf for the five microcatchments studied. It is shown that the modeling of the production function according to the Horton's law by using the parameters fo, fc and k measured on the field, can be applied only in the case of the impervious microcatchments, and the hydrographs obtained from the coupling between the theoretical transfer function and the resulting excess rainfall according to this procedure are not satisfactory. The micro-depression model is developed from the hypothesis that the outgoing discharge of the micro-depression follows linear reservoir law. In this model, infiltration is assumed to occur only in the micro-depression, and the excess rainfall is calculated starting from the discharge which flows from the micro-depression. It succeeds to simulate the excess rainfall in most cases, whatever the permeability of the catchment. By coupling it to the transfer function H2U, this model allows a good simulation of hydrograph for one episode out of four and even almost one out of two in the case of the most impervious catchment. The major advantage of the micro-depression model is that it does not require any calibration, which allows its application on any ungauged catchment
Fallou, Hélène. „Adsorption sur des tissus de carbone activé de micropolluants émergents à l'état de traces dans les eaux : Traitements multi-échelles et modélisation“. Rennes, Ecole nationale supérieure de chimie, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015ENCR0027.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNowadays, several studies have shown the occurrence of emerging pollutants into aquatic compartments. These compounds are not totally removed using conventional treatments. Adsorption processes are promising to remove these undesirable polluants. The first part of our study focuses on the determination of adsorption kinetics and isotherms of 9 compounds, onto activated carbon fiber cloths (ACFC). These experiments were carried out using batch reactors under synthetic and environmental conditions (i. E. Initial concentrations of 1 μg. L-1 and in the presence of natural organic matter). Competitions of adsorption with natural organic matter were especially critical at trace concentrations (decrease between 30 and 95 % of the adsorption capacities at equilibrium concentration of 1 μg. L-1, with 2 mgC. L-1). The competition with the organic matter led to a large decrease of the surface diffusivity. Then, the second part is dedicated to the efficiency of the adsorption process using a fixed-bed of ACFC. Breakthrough curves were experimentally determined and simulated using fundamental parameters obtained from batch-scale experiments. An adsorption pilot, with a flow of 50 L. H-1, was carried out to treat polluted waters (C0 = 1μg. L-1). This pilot is used to study a chronical pollution removal. Various operating conditions were tested and their influence was evaluated: the type of water (tap water, surface water with different contents of natural organic matter), the velocity of the liquid phase through the filter, and the type of ACFC. Adsorption capacities are impacted by the dynamic conditions and the potential development of a biofilm on the surface of material
Federici, Dominique. „Simulation de fautes comportementales de systèmes digitaux décrits à haut niveau d'abstraction en VHDL“. Corte, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999CORT3039.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleChoquet, Catherine. „Analyse de modèles d'écoulements en milieu poreux hétérogène“. Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002CLF21392.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDudamel, Wilmer. „Modélisation et simulation de l'influence de la température lors de l'adsorption de micropolluants organiques par du charbon actif dans les eaux naturelles“. Rennes 1, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005REN1S024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFerchichi, Mounir. „Epuration d'eau usée urbaine par lit bactérien et biodisques“. Montpellier 2, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991MON20056.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLedergerber, Julia Margrit. „Modelling of suspended solids in integrated urban wastewater systems“. Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/40139.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe advantages of integrated water management have been known for decades, but are more than ever important. This is acknowledged in goal six of the 17 sustainable development goals of the United Nations. By targeting both clean water as well as sanitation, this goal is inherently asking for an integrated approach since it recognizes their interdependence. This dissertation aims at advancing the eld of integrated water systems modelling in general, and in particular with respect to suspended solids. Overall emissions from the integratedurban wastewater system have gained interest since water quality standards are increasing lyextended from the water resource recovery facility to the sewer system. Integrated modelling allows evaluating interactions and estimating overall emissions complementary to the not (yet) abundant water quality measurements. For this evaluation suspended solids can be seen asan indicator for the receiving water quality covering particulate pollution as such, but also undesired organic matter, nutrients and substances such as hydrophobic micropollutants. The modelling approach chosen is conceptual, due to its rapid calculations, and based on the particle settling velocity distribution wherever settling and resuspension are the characteristic processes of suspended solids. The approach is extended with complementary models to coverthe integrated system from the catchment down to the water resource recovery facility. The development of an integrated model however requires vast data sets. First, for efficient data collection a procedure is established to build a fast conceptual sewer model from its detailed hydraulic counter part. Second, an optimal experimental design methodology is adapted to the challenging sewer environment for the efficient planning of a water quality measurement campaign. The usability of the particle settling velocity approach is then shown by calibrating and validating the model for a case study. A procedure is developed to consider parameter uncertainty and input variability to identify reliable control handles. The procedure is appliedfor the abatement of total suspended solid, facilitated by the comparably low computational demand of the model, as the procedure asks for multiple global sensitivity analyses. The last chapter closes the dissertation with the practical application of evaluating different strategies to reduce the total suspended emissions to the receiving water. The dissertation thus advances the eld of integrated modelling for particulates and at the same time provides procedures which overcome barriers general to modelling focusing on reliable and efficient data collection,as well as optimization.
Daga, Jean-MIchel. „Modélisation des performances temporelles des circuits CMOS submicroniques au niveau porte logique“. Montpellier 2, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997MON20132.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTroin, Magali. „Réponse hydrologique du Lac Mar Chiquita (Argentine) aux changements climatiques : approche par modélisation couplée lac - bassin versant - climat“. Aix-Marseille 3, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010AIX30035.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe subtropical latitudes of South America have been experiencing a major hydroclimatic change since the early 1970’s that has had a major societal impact affecting the local economy of one of the most densely populated regions. This change resulted in an abrupt increase in lake levels including Laguna Mar Chiquita, a lake which now covers 6000 km2, while the sedimentary records over the last millennium show a long drying trend. In order to gain a better understanding of the relation between lake level fluctuations and the climate variability in this region, this work aims to simulate the hydrological behaviour of Laguna Mar Chiquita and the relationship with its catchment. The implementation of the lake water balance indicates that lake fluctuations at the beginning of the 1970’s were in direct response to increased runoff in its northern sub-basin, suggesting a tropical climate influence. The coupling of the lake water balance with a hydrological watershed model has led to simulate lake level variations in relation with the climate of the northern sub-basin, highlighting the minor human impact in the recent hydroclimatic transition. For the first time, an integrated basin-lake model in link to global climate is presented combining the results of hydrological basin-lake modelling with the outputs of the climate LMDZ model through a statistical downscaling approach. This novel approach allows to explore the ability of global climate models to accurately represent the regional climate. In addition, it confirms the tropical influence on forcing of recent hydrological variabilities in this region of South America
Mangeret, Arnaud. „Cinétiques de dégradation des solvants chlorés dans les eaux souterraines : approche multi-échelles du laboratoire au site réel“. Bordeaux 3, 2009. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00650447.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRibstein, Pierre. „Modèles de crues et petits bassins versants au Sahel“. Montpellier 2, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1990MON20019.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNovak, Sandra. „Dynamique de transfert des produits phytosanitaires vers les eaux superficielles : de l'étude de terrain à l'approche modélisatrice“. Nancy 1, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999NAN10126.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePesticides applied for agricultural purposes can generate a non-point source pollution of surface and ground water. The objectiv of this study was to understand the effects of soil structure, pesticide physicochemical properties and climate conditions on pesticide transfer. Experimentation was carried out after an herbicide application in spring on a field drained plot gathering two soil types (leached brown soil and pelosol). Measurements of pesticide contents in drain water and in the plough layer, together with studies of the sorption capacities of herbicides, suggested the occurrence of two ways for chemical transport : preferential flow and matrix flow. Both fluxes were dependent on the soil structural state, varying with time. Application of a water tracer (bromide) and of herbicides with different properties on soil cores filled wth calibrated aggregate sizes and watered with irrigation of variable intensities confirmed the effects of soil structure on chemical transfer and highlighted its dependency with rain intensity. The magnitude of exportations by matrix or preferential flow was not only dependant on the soil retention properties but also on the chemical localisation in the porous medium. These both approaches were completed with the use of AgriFlux, a mathematical model simulating pesticide fate. Water balance evaluated at the field and bromide losses in drain water were weil simulated. The simulation of metolachlor losses gave evidence for the inadequacy of the fast instantaneous sorption to describe the herbicide retention at the field scale. The integration of slow immobilisation processes yielded a better agreement between simulated and measured losses
Kasakova, Maria. „Modèles dispersifs de propagation de vagues : problèmes numériques et modélisation“. Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018TOU30130.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWater waves propagation is a complex physical process. The direct numerical simulation using Navier-Stokes/Euler equations is a time-consuming and mathematically complicated solution. A good description of large-scale phenomena can be obtained by using relatively simple approximate models. However, if we are interested in a precise description of wave profiles, advanced modelling approaches are required. Once the model is derived, it needs to be solved numerically, and one faces another kind of challenges related to numerical simulations. The first part of the present thesis is devoted to the modelling of surface and internal ocean waves propagation, including dispersive effect and dynamics of the vorticity. In the framework of shallow water hypothesis, two models are derived. Both models involve additional equations for the vorticity evolution. To include the internal waves propagation, first, we consider a system of two immiscible fluids with constant densities. It represents a simple model of the ocean where the upper layer corresponds to the (thin) layer of fluid above the thermocline whereas the lower layer is under the thermocline. The second model includes a surf zone phenomenon. Shearing and turbulence effects in breaking waves are taken into account by a vorticity generation. Both models are governed by dispersive systems and reduce to a classical Green-Naghdi model in the case of vanishing vorticity. Additionally, an algorithm for the numerical resolution of the second model is proposed, and the validation by experimental results is performed. When dispersive/non-hydrostatic effects are taken into account, this usually leads to more accurate models of wave propagation like Green-Naghdi equations, or the two models derived in the first part, for example. The counterpart is that such a type of models requires advanced numerical techniques. In particular, one of the main issues is to define boundary conditions allowing the simulation of wave propagation in infinite physical space but on bounded numerical domains. In the second part of the present research, we focus on a definition of such boundary conditions for the Green-Naghdi equations. Artificial boundary conditions are first proposed for the linearised system. Then we address a hyperbolic system recently proposed to approximate the Green-Naghdi equations. A relatively simple structure of this new hyperbolic system allows for successful applications of Perfect Matched Layer (PML) techniques in order to deal with artificial numerical boundaries. Numerical tests are performed to validate the proposed approaches. In result, we have a correct description of numerical boundaries for non-linear cases. We have shown that the PML equations can be applied to the nonlinear system. Both approaches are then reformulated to solve the problem of injecting propagating waves in a computational domain