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Andreassen, Helen. „Hospitality and tourism as a subject in secondary schools: A worthwhile choice or a ‘dumping ground’?“ Hospitality Insights 2, Nr. 1 (18.06.2018): 1–2. http://dx.doi.org/10.24135/hi.v2i1.30.

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The tourism sector is now New Zealand’s number one export earner, contributing 17.4 percent to New Zealand’s total exports of goods and services [1]. In addition, the sector directly employs 8.4 percent of New Zealand’s workforce and a further 6.1 percent are indirectly employed [2]. Given the obvious importance of hospitality and tourism to both the national economy and local communities, one would expect that a potential career in the industry would be something for a young person to aspire to. Sadly, this is not the case, and recent research has found that much of the poor perception of a career in hospitality and tourism stems from the delivery of hospitality and tourism education in New Zealand secondary schools [3]. In the New Zealand secondary school curriculum, secondary students gain New Zealand’s Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) by working towards a combination of achievement or unit standards. The Ministry of Education is the only developer of achievement standards, which are derived from the achievement objectives of the New Zealand Curriculum. Unit standards are developed by industry training organisations [4]. Both hospitality and tourism are deemed to be ‘vocational’ rather than ‘academic’ subjects in the NCEA structure and are delivered as unit standards. In a review of the list of approved subjects for University Entrance (UE) in 2011, only subjects delivered as achievement standards were eligible, hence the removal of hospitality and tourism after the revisions came into effect in 2014 [5]. Students are often introduced to the study of hospitality and tourism at secondary school and therefore their early perceptions of a potential career are formed at this stage. These perceptions can be influenced by several factors, including the position that studying hospitality and tourism does not prepare students for further or higher education as effectively as other subjects might. Criticisms of hospitality and tourism as secondary school subjects include that the curriculum lacks both serious and relevant content and academic rigour. The idea that hospitality and tourism classes are used as a ‘dumping ground’ for the less academically able students is damning. The attitudes of teachers, career advisors, school management and parents also play a significant role in the development of a positive or negative perception of the industry, with some actively discouraging students’ interest. The removal of hospitality and tourism as UE approved subjects has only contributed to this poor perception both by students and the larger community, including parents [3]. There is an evident disparity between the importance of hospitality and tourism to the economy and local communities, and the perception of a career in the industry. Tourism Industry Aotearoa’s People and Skills 2025 report [6] identifies that an extra 36,000 full-time equivalent workers (approx. 47,000 jobs) could be required to service the visitor economy by 2025. The current delivery of hospitality and tourism education in secondary schools does nothing to enhance the perception of the industry, but instead contributes to its struggle for recognition and credibility. To address this disparity, there is an urgent need for discussion and strategic planning by all stakeholders. The government’s current review of the education system, including NCEA, provides this opportunity. Corresponding author Helen Andreassen can be contacted at helen.andeassen@aut.ac.nz References (1) Tourism New Zealand. About the Industry, 2018. https://www.tourismnewzealand.com/about/about-the-industry/ (accessed Mar 8, 2018). (2) Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (MBIE). New Zealand Tourism Dashboard, 2018. https://mbienz.shinyapps.io/tourism_dashboard_prod/ (accessed Mar 8, 2018). (3) Roberts, M. D.; Andreassen, H.; O’Donnell, D.; O’Neill, S.; Neill, L. (2018). Tourism Education in New Zealand’s Secondary Schools: The Teachers’ Perspective. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education 2018. https://doi.org/10.1080/10963758.2017.1413380 (4) New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA). Standards, 2018. http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/ncea/understanding-ncea/how-ncea-works/standards/ (accessed Apr 26, 2018). (5) New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA). Processes for Maintaining the Approved Subjects List for University Entrance. http://www.nzqa.govt.nz/qualifications-standards/awards/university-entrance/processes-for-maintaining-the-approved-subjects-list-for-university-entrance/ (accessed Jun 12, 2018). (6) Tourism Industry Aotearoa. People & Skills 2025, 2015. http://www.tourism2025.org.nz/assets/Uploads/People-Skills-2025.pdf (accessed Mar 8, 2018).
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Aras Kramar, Slađana. „KAKO ZAKONSKI REGULIRATI OBITELJSKU GRUPNU KONFERENCIJU U HRVATSKOJ?“ Annual of Social Work 28, Nr. 1 (29.07.2021): 205–29. http://dx.doi.org/10.3935/ljsr.v28i1.338.

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HOW TO REGULATE THE FAMILY GROUP CONFERENCE IN CROATIA Taking into account the proclaimed aim of the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy 2019 − 2021, namely, social empowerment and protection of families, children and young people through enhancing family protection and supporting families at risk as a preventive measure of institutionalisation, this paper seeks to discuss the question of how law and legal forms can be used to strengthen families at risk, activate their resources, create a family group network and plan to address family law conflicts of interest and problems. This is done through determining and analysing the procedure and principles of a family group conference, as an alternative to the administrative and/or judicial one in matters of family law and social protection of children and families. For the purpose of reflection and projection, de lege ferenda, on the family group conference in the field of (administrative and judicial) family law and social protection of family members in Croatia, the New Zealand family group conference model, as a starting point for the development of this procedure, and certain European comparative law systems and good practices (the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Norway) are analysed and discussed in the paper. In particular, open questions about the »right« to the family group conference, the assessment and criteria for referring family members to the conference, including the fact of initiation of the court procedure or if the proceedings are already pending, as well as the legal force or effectiveness of the plans achieved in the family group conference will be discussed. Key words: family group conference; child, family; social welfare center; court
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Lucas, Murray. „A Former Principal’s View and Experience of the Ministry of Education’s Involvement in Contemporary Education Issues in New Zealand“. Policy Quarterly 19, Nr. 3 (09.08.2023): 31–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.26686/pq.v19i3.8309.

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This commentary provides a former principal’s perspective on contemporary educational issues and the role of the Ministry of Education in addressing these. In the author’s experience, when the Ministry of Education works with principals, positive changes have begun to happen, although often not to the stage of embedding these changes. Problems can emerge when the Ministry of Education makes decisions without involving the sector.
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McKay, G. R., H. E. Chapman und D. K. Kirkcaldie. „Seismic Isolation: New Zealand Applications“. Earthquake Spectra 6, Nr. 2 (Mai 1990): 203–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1193/1.1585565.

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Seismic isolation of structures has been applied in New Zealand since 1973. To date approximately 45 bridges, 3 large buildings and a few other structures have been protected with this technique. These include 40 bridges and 2 buildings designed by Works and Development Services Corporation (NZ) Ltd (WORKS). Numerous energy dissipating devices have been developed and tested by New Zealand researchers. Six of these designs have proved to be convenient and economical and have been incorporated in the seismic isolation systems of the structures built. Development work on seismic isolation devices is continuing in New Zealand and contact with specialists from other countries - in particular from Japan and the United States of America - is being maintained. Seismic isolation has been found to be a cost effective means of mitigating earthquake effects, particularly if the long term benefits of reduced seismic damage and disruption are taken into consideration.
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Kaplan, Robert B. „Language Policy and Planning in New Zealand“. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 14 (März 1994): 156–76. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0267190500002877.

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In 1992, the author of this paper was invited to New Zealand to work within the Ministry of Education on the development of a New Zealand National Languages Policy. Prior to the arrival of the author, Waite (1992a) had prepared a comprehensive document laying out the language issues in New Zealand (see also Peddie 1991). A search of the documentation available in New Zealand (see, e.g., Kaplan 1981, National Language Policy Secretariat 1989) suggests that the notion of a National Languages Policy has been under discussion in New Zealand for more than a quarter of a century. Largely, that discussion has produced a great number of seminars, retreats, symposia, colloquia, and other meetings, and a plethora of reports, most now overtaken by time.
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McIlroy, Anne-Marie. „All Students Belong inThe New Zealand Curriculum’: A vision supported by the Inclusive Education Capability Building Project.“ Kairaranga 16, Nr. 2 (01.07.2015): 35–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.54322/kairaranga.v16i2.258.

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This article describes the Ministry of Education’s Inclusive Education Capability Building Project (2013-2014). Project members were tasked with creating resources for professional development that would be used to grow inclusive practice in New Zealand schools. This article also shares the learning journey of some members of the project team as they engaged in the inquiry process around inclusive practice. A key understanding for this project was that all students can be successful learners and belong in The New Zealand Curriculum (Ministry of Education, 2007), also referred to in this article as NZC.
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Whisker, Craig. „Opportunities and challenges for psychotherapy in Aotearoa New Zealand’s new health system“. Ata: Journal of Psychotherapy Aotearoa New Zealand 26, Nr. 2 (30.12.2022): 31–60. http://dx.doi.org/10.9791/ajpanz.2022.09.

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The dawning of a new national public health system in Aotearoa New Zealand offers opportunities and challenges for psychotherapists. This paper discusses these against three data sets, namely, a 2022 national District Health Board psychotherapy workforce survey, a video recording of the Psychotherapy and Public Worlds panel event at the 2022 New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists’ (NZAP) conference, and psychotherapist registration statistics supplied by The Psychotherapists Board of Aotearoa New Zealand (PBANZ). The expansion of short-term, risk-based, manualised interventions during the former DHB era did not improve mental health at a community level (Mulder et al., 2022) nor promote equity and sustainability (Berg et al., 2022). Placing Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the Treaty of Waitangi (1840) (Te Tiriti) at the centre of the new health system suits psychotherapy, whose wholistic worldview of health and wellbeing aligns with te ao Māori better than most other Western psychological approaches. Kōrero about the indigenising of psychotherapy in Aotearoa has been around since at least the 1980s. The Ministry of Health (the Ministry) has recently invited psychotherapists’ advice on workforce policy development and how to promote psychotherapy in the new health system. This task will largely fall on the psychotherapy associations and some psychotherapy training organisations. A major challenge may be whether these entities can sustain the expenditure of human and other resources necessary to represent their memberships in continuing dialogue with the Ministry and its operational partners, Te Whatu Ora, Health New Zealand (Te Whatu Ora) and Te Aka Whai Ora, Māori Health Authority (Te Aka Whai Ora). Key opportunities include the recruitment of overseas psychotherapists and the greatly expanded provision of psychotherapy student placements in public health services to stimulate new psychotherapy training programmes and workforce growth.
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Thom, Katey, Brian McKenna, Gareth Edwards, Anthony O’Brien und Ivana Nakarada-Kordic. „Reporting of Suicide by the New Zealand Media“. Crisis 33, Nr. 4 (01.07.2012): 199–207. http://dx.doi.org/10.1027/0227-5910/a000133.

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Background: Rates of suicide in New Zealand are high compared with those of other countries. International evidence suggests that the reporting of suicide may influence rates of suicidal behavior. No research exists, however, on the reporting of suicide by New Zealand media. Aims: This study provides the first baseline picture of the reporting of suicide by New Zealand media. The overall objective was to use the findings to inform future development of media guidelines by the Ministry of Health. Method: Newspaper, Internet, television and radio news items on suicide were collected over 12 months. Descriptive statistical data on the nature and extent of the reporting of suicide were generated through content analysis of applicable items. A random sample of 10% was then subjected to a quality analysis to determine whether items aligned with the Ministry of Health’s guideline for the reporting of suicide. Results: A total of 3,483 items were extracted, most of which reported on an individual’s attempted or completed suicide, while suicide methods were not often mentioned. Few items focused on people overcoming their difficulties or provided information to assist people struggling with suicidal ideation. Conclusions: The reporting of suicide by New Zealand media was extensive and generally of good quality. Better collaboration between the media and mental health professionals is needed, however, to increase information supplied within items on support services. More succinct guidelines and increased journalist awareness of their existence would also contribute to the quality of reporting on suicide.
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Smith, Moira. „Culture Shock: the legacy of the 1960s power generation schemes in Aotearoa New Zealand“. Architectural History Aotearoa 19 (13.12.2022): 61–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.26686/aha.v19i.8049.

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In 1960s Aotearoa New Zealand the response to a post war energy shortage was to look to the country's rivers, lakes, and geothermal areas as a source of electric power. The Ministry of Works began a programme of dam building which peaked in the 1960s and made irreversible changes our lakes, rivers, and landscapes. Although New Zealand now produces about 80% of its electricity through renewable energy, the 1960s also saw a rise in environmental activism and a revaluing of the natural "wilderness." Professor John Salmon's influential book, Heritage Destroyed: The Crisis in Scenery Preservation in New Zealand (1960), drew public attention to the environmental degradation caused by large-scale engineering projects, and the decade ended with the "Save Manapōuri" campaign which, in the early 1970s, prevented the raising of lakes Manapōuri and Te Anau to guarantee power to the Tiwai Point aluminium smelter. This paper considers the legacy of the 1960s power generation schemes, including changes to the physical landscape; new legislation for the preservation of the built and natural environments; and alternative ways to consider the cultural and natural landscapes that prioritise Te Mana o te Wai.
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Seng, Dyna, und Justin Findlay. „Corporate governance and earnings management in New Zealand“. Corporate Ownership and Control 10, Nr. 2 (2013): 40–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.22495/cocv10i2art4.

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This paper examines the relation between corporate governance mechanisms and earnings management. Using data collected from New Zealand listed companies for the financial year ending in 2005, the results show that the size of the board of directors is significantly positively associated with earnings management. This suggests that larger boards seem to be ineffective in their oversight duties relative to smaller boards. On the other hand, the independence of the board of directors, the independent role of the board chair and chief executive officer, and the independence of audit committees are not significantly associated with earnings management. Thus, these three corporate governance mechanisms are ineffective at monitoring the discretionary choices of management. The lack of effective corporate governance in New Zealand, particularly with regard to boards of directors, is mainly due to the lack of “experience and skills required to oversee the scale, complexity, and characteristics of finance operations” (Ministry of Economic Development, 2009, p.8)
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Matthews, Doug. „In-home care and ‘supported independence’ for the frail elderly: A social work perspective“. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work 24, Nr. 1 (08.07.2016): 3–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.11157/anzswj-vol24iss1id137.

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The article focuses on role of social workers in providing in-home care and assistance with the activities of daily living (ADL) for older people in New Zealand. From the physician- and hospital-based medical care for older people, a shift back to home-based medical care was emphasized by the Ministry of Social Development in April 2001. The New Zealand Health of Older People Strategy was implemented with the aim of achieving positive aging, quality of life and independence.
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Berryman, Mere, und Paul Woller. „Early Intervention Services: Effectively Supporting Māori Children and Their Families.“ Kairaranga 12, Nr. 1 (01.01.2011): 3–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.54322/kairaranga.v12i1.149.

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This paper examines Early Intervention (EI) service provision from within one Ministry of Education region in New Zealand. It does this in order to better understand what works well and what needs to change if children from Maori families, of Early Childhood age, are to be provided with the most effective EI services. By engaging with Maori families in group-focused interviews-as- conversation, and then with their service providers, about their experiences of working together, researchers learned about what could provide effective services for other Maori families in similar situations.
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Thompson, Peter. „Wired-up or Wind-up? The Political Economy of Broadband Policy in New Zealand/Aotearoa“. Media International Australia 151, Nr. 1 (Mai 2014): 146–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1329878x1415100119.

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Government policy has played a crucial role in driving the development of broadband technology in New Zealand, but this has evidently been shaped by the interplay of different ministerial imperatives and rationales under different administrations. The Labour-led government's 2005 Digital Strategy primarily aimed at increasing consumer uptake of basic broadband to overcome the ‘digital divide’. This evolved into the more ambitious 2008 Digital Strategy 2.0 which, consistent with Labour's ‘third way’ philosophy, focused both on grassroots community engagement and economic goals (involving both the Ministry for Culture and Heritage and the Ministry of Economic Development). However, the election of the National-led government later in 2008 brought a shift in the principles and outcomes driving broadband policy. National's Ultra-Fast Broadband initiative has seen NZ$1.35 billion allocated to telecommunications companies that won contracts to develop a nationwide fibre-optic infrastructure. The political rationale more strongly reflects macro-economic imperatives informed primarily by the revamped Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment. This more commercial policy orientation has nevertheless led the government into some complex and contradictory positions, particularly with respect to its reluctance to insulate the UFB initiative from demands to re-regulate the media sector in response to convergence and competition issues. Taking a critical institutionalist approach and drawing on evidence from key policy documents and interview data with policy actors, this analysis outlines several policy tensions underpinning the shifts in New Zealand's telecommunications and broadband policy between 2005 and 2013.
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Clarke, Linda, Tara McLaughlin, Karyn Aspden, Tracy Riley und Vicki Gifkins. „Characteristics of professional development research in Aotearoa New Zealand's early childhood education sector“. New Zealand Annual Review of Education 27 (24.11.2022): 79–115. http://dx.doi.org/10.26686/nzaroe.v27.8033.

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Teachers’ professional learning and development (PLD) is an essential component in the provision of quality education. Through objective 3.6 in the Early Learning Action Plan 2019-2029 (Ministry of Education, 2019a) the Ministry of Education has signalled a need for a managed, coherent system of PLD to support the professional learning needs of early childhood teachers in Aotearoa New Zealand. Over time, research has sought to enhance understanding of PLD in ways that can contribute to more effective PLD programmes. Yet, gaps remain between PLD research, policy and practice. Synthesising extant research is important to identify existing and cumulative knowledge, and reveal research-to-practice gaps. This article reports the results of a systematic literature review, conducted to identify characteristics of PLD research within Aotearoa New Zealand’s early childhood education sector. Fifty-six research articles and reports were systematically reviewed. Findings identify that the predominantly descriptive body of research is characterised by a convergence of researchers’ and teachers’ roles, largely positive outcomes, and a broad content focus with less attention paid to PLD processes.
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Gilbert, David J., John H. Annala und Kirsty Johnston. „Technical background to fish stock indicators for state-of-environment reporting in New Zealand“. Marine and Freshwater Research 51, Nr. 5 (2000): 451. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/mf99054.

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Pressure–state–response environmental indicators are proposed for New Zealand fish stocks. This workwas a technical background to the development of a core set of indicators sought by the Ministry for the Environment. It has led, through an extensive programme of consultation, to a set of confirmed indicators. The initial proposals and their basis are described together with their relationship to the confirmed indicators. The proposed indicators could readily be calculated as part of the stock assessments conducted annually by the Ministry of Fisheries and this is recommended. For many stocks, especially minor stocks, only proxies for the preferred indicators would be possible. The proxy indicators would not be useful in all cases, and target or threshold values for them could generally not be calculated. Shortcomings and difficulties in the proposed indicators are described. A state indicator that separates changes induced by fishing from those of a natural origin is described, but it could be obtained for only a few stocks.
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Lee, Kerry, Ghada Hebaishi und John Hope. „The role of senior management in developing and achieving a successful enterprise education programme?“ Education + Training 57, Nr. 7 (14.09.2015): 791–811. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/et-11-2014-0139.

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Purpose – The New Zealand Ministry of Education identified that teachers need to be confident they have the support of their school management team before they embrace twenty-first century teaching and learning in enterprise education (Ministry of Education, 2013b). The purpose of this paper is to outline an interpretive case study which investigated the views held by the management of a New Zealand secondary school, well known for enterprise education. Design/methodology/approach – The study used semi-structured interviews to investigate what aspects were deemed important by senior management and whether they saw themselves as pivotal in the success of enterprise education. Findings – The management team believed their role to be pivotal and that nine aspects were necessary for a successful enterprise programme. Originality/value – It is anticipated that the results from this interpretive case study will assist others in their planning, development and success of future quality enterprise education programmes.
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Bretherton, Edith, Regine Morgenstern und Nicola Litchfield. „Managing Active Fault Surface Rupture Risk through Land Use Planning:“. Policy Quarterly 19, Nr. 4 (23.11.2023): 56–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.26686/pq.v19i4.8568.

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This article reflects on the management of active fault surface rupture hazard after the Canterbury and Kaikōura earthquakes. To understand mitigation barriers, interviews were conducted with planners and natural hazard risk specialists in selected districts with active faults, but without land use provisions. The interviews revealed issues with the interpretation and implementation of the Ministry for the Environment’s Active Fault Guidelines, Planning for Development of Land on or Close to Active Faults: a guideline to assist resource management planners in New Zealand. The purpose and intended use of the New Zealand Active Faults Database (NZAFD) is also explored.
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Farquhar, Sandy. „New Zealand early childhood curriculum: The politics of collaboration“. Journal of Pedagogy 6, Nr. 2 (01.12.2015): 57–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/jped-2015-0013.

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Abstract The New Zealand early childhood curriculum, Te Whāriki (Ministry of Education [MoE],1996), is frequently hailed as a community inspired curriculum, praised nationally and internationally for its collaborative development, emancipatory spirit and bicultural approach. In its best form community can be collaborative, consultative, democratic, responsive and inclusive. But community and collaboration can also be about exclusion, alienation and loss. This paper engages with Te Whāriki as a contestable political document. It explores this much acclaimed early childhood curriculum within a politics of community, collaboration and control. Driving the direction of the paper is a call for a revitalised understanding of curriculum as practices of freedom, raising issues of how to work with difference and complexity in a democratic and ethical manner. The paper concludes that although official curriculum is unavoidably about control, there is a world of difference in the ways such control might be exercised. The real curriculum exists where teachers are working with children - it is in the everyday micro-practices that impacts are felt and freedoms played out.
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Chambers, Geoff. „A review of the new MBIE Report on the Marsden Fund“. New Zealand Science Review 74, Nr. 3 (15.11.2023): 55–58. http://dx.doi.org/10.26686/nzsr.v74i3.8489.

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​The New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employ-ment (MBIE) has recently completed a report on the way that the Marsden Fund works (MBIE 2017). In many ways this is an excellent document. It describes the history and purpose of the fund and explains how it operates. It also compares Marsden to other granting agencies overseas (Section 3). The authors consulted widely with stakeholders, identified many issues in their findings (Section 4) and made a set of recommendations (Section 5). Although a lot of key points were revealed, the MBIE team seems to have been consistently just wide of the mark, in the estimation of this reviewer. In this short article I identify those key topics that have been a source of long-term concern for many applicants and commentators. It is hoped that these, together with the original MBIE report, may stimulate wider discussion in the scientific community.
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Lindup, G. H. „Adapting the structural design actions standard for the seismic design of new industrial plant“. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering 40, Nr. 3 (30.09.2007): 81–141. http://dx.doi.org/10.5459/bnzsee.40.3.81-141.

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In the late 1970’s it was recognised that the seismic provisions of the current NZS 4203:1976 did not readily apply to the types of structures normally used within the land based processing facilities of the “heavy industries” such as petrochemical and oil and gas processing plants impending under the “Think Big” regime. Since the 1984 revision to NZS 4203, there have not been any publicly available New Zealand guidelines on how to interpret the earthquake provisions of the various versions of NZS 4203 (and now AS/NZS 1170) that would update the 1981 publication created by the Ministry of Works for the Ministry of Energy, “Seismic Design of Petrochemical Plants”. There are overseas publications that have considered the differences in the typical structural systems necessary to support the equipment and distributive systems needed to process industrial feedstock. How they behave seismically has been reviewed and recommendations made on the methods to be used to determine the design seismic actions. Such standards as ASCE 7 and FEMA 450 incorporate these in a specific manner relating to the design of industrial plant. With the advent of new oil and gas processing plants in Taranaki, this paper takes the opportunity to review AS/NZS 1170 and adapt these overseas guidelines for the seismic design of new industrial plant in New Zealand. The background for these guidelines will be presented with examples of typical industrial structural systems and their seismic actions. This is with the aim of re-establishing a basis of seismic design for industrial plant within the framework of the new standards AS/NZS 1170.0 and NZS 1170.5.
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Maree, Sami, Funmilayo Ebun Rotimi und James Olabode Bamidele Rotimi. „The Primacy of As-Built Drawings in the Management of Underground Utility Operations: A New Zealand Study“. Buildings 11, Nr. 9 (07.09.2021): 399. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/buildings11090399.

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There are increasing incidences of damages to underground utilities and services during maintenance and construction works. These have posed significant challenges to utility owners regarding the magnitude and costs associated with remediation works. Therefore, this study investigates the management activities for underground utility maintenance works in New Zealand to establish the significance of as-built drawings as a mitigator of these challenges. Data for the analysis was obtained through a questionnaire survey of asset owners, consultants, and contractors based in three major city centres in New Zealand. The responses are analysed descriptively and inferentially for ease of understanding of the study findings. The findings established the challenges around the as-built records, which were significant to utility damages during construction operations in New Zealand. The study participants highlighted other factors such as poor project management, site records, communication, excavation operator competencies, and inadequate site inventory. Generally, more investment in asset documentation is recommended for asset owners. Innovative approaches to information capture, monitoring and updating of as-built drawings are also suggested to improve on current routine processes. Other solutions relate to skills acquisition and development in the management of underground utility maintenance projects.
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Emanuel, Asher Gabriel. „To whom will ye liken Me, And make Me equal? Reformulating the Role of the Comparator in the Identification of Discrimination“. Victoria University of Wellington Law Review 45, Nr. 1 (01.08.2014): 1. http://dx.doi.org/10.26686/vuwlr.v45i1.4971.

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The use of comparator groups has to date been central to establishing a breach of s 19 of the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990. The New Zealand courts' approach to the formulation of comparator groups admits a lack of a clear methodology. The author argues that, in the absence of a framework guiding the formulation of the comparator, the methodology permits arbitrary and inconsistent decision-making. The flexibility of the approach risks premature exclusion of claims in reliance on intuitive rather than analytical reasoning, limiting the transformative potential of non-discrimination provisions and offending against the proper construction of s 19. Of particular concern is the involvement of matters of justification at the comparator stage. The judgments of the High Court and Court of Appeal in B v Chief Executive of the Ministry of Social Development and G B as Executor of the Estate of B of Whangarei v the Chief Executive of the Ministry of Social Development respectively are emblematic of these concerns. Recent developments at the Court of Appeal in Ministry of Health v Atkinson and Child Poverty Action Group Inc v Attorney-General have provided some guidance, but have not gone far enough. The author recommends that the courts defer to the claimant's choice of comparator, and decouple the identification of differential treatment from questions of causation.
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Ritchie, Jenny. „Bicultural Development: Innovation in Implementation of Te Whäriki“. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood 27, Nr. 2 (Juni 2002): 32–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/183693910202700207.

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A recent innovation in early childhood care and education in Aotearoa/New Zealand has been the new curriculum, Te Whäriki (Ministry of Education, 1996), which has a strong bicultural emphasis. This means that early childhood educators and teacher educators are attempting to address the challenges posed by a document which requires them to move outside the mono cultural dominant paradigm. Most early childhood teachers and teacher educators are not speakers of the Maori language, and lack Maori cultural knowledge. This paper discusses some of the strategies identified in research which addresses these issues. The role of teacher education in preparing non-Maori students to deliver a bicultural curriculum, and ‘indicators’ of bicultural development in early childhood centres are also discussed.
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Dymond, John R., Alexander Herzig, Les Basher, Harley D. Betts, Mike Marden, Chris J. Phillips, Anne-Gaelle E. Ausseil, David J. Palmer, Maree Clark und Jon Roygard. „Development of a New Zealand SedNet model for assessment of catchment-wide soil-conservation works“. Geomorphology 257 (März 2016): 85–93. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2015.12.022.

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Gibson, Kass. „More Than Murder: Ethics and Hunting in New Zealand“. Sociology of Sport Journal 31, Nr. 4 (Dezember 2014): 455–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.1123/ssj.2014-0106.

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In this article I examine the practice of hunting in New Zealand with particular reference to the ways in which hunters make sense of hunting, the embodied experience of hunting, and the moral status of animals. Drawing on ethnographic and interview data I reflect on how the practice and understanding of hunting is guided by a form of relational ethics. As such, the social and historical development of hunting in New Zealand and meaningful connections made with the environment and animals developed through the practice of hunting work to guide hunter’s ethical perspectives rather than any universalized philosophical principles or rules. I argue that by hunting, hunters recognize and consciously engage with multiple standpoints and interests in the backcountry environment in a manner that presents particular challenges to critical studies of human-animal interactions that are frequently unable to look past hunting as killing. As such, this article works to explicate the “experiential and cultural complexities” (Marvin, 2011 p.123) of hunting with particular emphasis on the development of an ethical perspective that guides hunters in New Zealand without seeking to judge, or defend, hunting and hunters.
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Petrović, Emina. „Early Twentieth Century Town Planning Improvements in New Zealand“. Architectural History Aotearoa 1 (05.12.2004): 71–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.26686/aha.v1i0.7897.

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The first decades of the twentieth century were critical for an introduction of town planning views in New Zealand. This was the time when the country was moving in a natural progression from solving the basic problems of establishing new settlements, through extensive infrastructural works (construction of roads and railroads; introduction of electricity and tramways, etc), to the point of early re-evaluations and criticisms of the achieved results. Concurrently the British town planning concepts were, for the first time, discussed among New Zealand architectural professionals and other interested parties as the New Zealand cities and towns were actively being constructed with new and improved infrastructure. This period provided ample opportunity to set up models that could influence future urban developments. This paper will discuss the professional town planning developments in relation to the broader context of urban improvements of the same period. It will explore the concepts that underpinned the developments and evaluate the lasting effects they have had on the development of New Zealand towns and cities.
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Teulon, D. A. J., K. S. H. Boyd Wilson, A. Holton und G. S. Ridley. „Research on invasive pests and diseases in New Zealand and the law“. New Zealand Plant Protection 65 (08.01.2012): 281–88. http://dx.doi.org/10.30843/nzpp.2012.65.5423.

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Two New Zealand statutes have important implications for research with organisms not previously found in New Zealand and either incidentally or illegally introduced The Biosecurity Act 1993 and the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 define the legal framework and allowable activities for unwanted and new organisms respectively Aspects of these Acts that are relevant to research activities possible with plant pest and disease organisms after their discovery in particular those organisms requiring rapid development of management strategies and tools are summarised The need for accurate detailed and accessible lists of unwanted and new organisms and the need for the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) to respond rapidly when the status of these organisms needs to be changed is highlighted Consideration should be given to making the legislation concerning new organisms more applicable to incidentally or illegally introduced organisms
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Teulon, David, Boyd Wilson, A. Holton und G. Ridley. „Research on invasive pests and diseases in New Zealand and the law“. New Zealand Science Review 70, Nr. 2 (05.12.2023): 37–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.26686/nzsr.v70.8738.

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​Two New Zealand statutes have important implications for research with organisms not previously found in New Zealand and either incidentally or illegally introduced. The Biosecurity Act 1993 and the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act 1996 define the legal framework and allowable activities for ‘unwanted’ and ‘new’ organisms, respectively. Aspects of these Acts that are relevant to research activities possible with plant pest and disease organisms after their discovery, in particular those organisms requiring rapid development of management strategies and tools, are summarised. The need for accurate, detailed and accessible lists of ‘unwanted’ and ‘new’ organisms, and the need for the Ministry for Primary Industries and the Environmental Protection Authority to respond rapidly when the status of these organisms needs to be changed is highlighted. Consideration should be given to making the legislation concerning ‘new’ organisms more applicable to incidentally or illegally introduced organisms.
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Uruski, Chris, Eva Reid, Vaughan Stagpoole, Rick Herzer, Angela Griffin, Kyle Bland, Brad Ilg und Greg Browne. „The Reinga Basin, North Island, New Zealand“. APPEA Journal 50, Nr. 1 (2010): 287. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/aj09017.

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In early 2009, CGGVeritas, supported by the Crown Minerals Group of New Zealand’s Ministry of Economic Development, undertook a 5,900 km reconnaissance 2D seismic survey of the Reinga Basin, which is located to the northwest of the Northland Peninsula and Basin, New Zealand. Although very little data previously existed across this basin apart from low-fold reconnaissance seismic data, it was suspected of being an extension of the Northland Basin and to contain a thick sedimentary succession. It was thought to have formed as a rift basin near the Gondwana margin and to have been inverted during Neogene evolution of the present plate boundary. This paper is the result of the first interpretation of this new, high-quality data set. It confirms the presence of the basin and its sedimentary succession. Up to 9,000 m of sedimentary fill is imaged. The presence of coaly early rift packages and extensions of the Waipawa Formation black marine shale suggest that the basin contains voluminous source rocks. The basin appears to be more deformed in the northwest where large inversion structures are imaged. The northeastern margin is underlain by an extension of the Northland Allochthon which was obducted onto the New Zealand margin during initiation of the present plate boundary around 25 million years ago (Ma). The basin may also have been affected by strike-slip faulting associated with the Vening-Meinesz fracture zone, which developed during the Miocene. Several volcanic bodies are recognised, but in contrast to the adjacent Northland Basin where many large Miocene shield volcanos erupted, volcanic extrusions are rare in the Reinga region. Thermal modelling suggests that the basal source rocks are mature and expelling hydrocarbons and many direct hydrocarbon anomalies are present. Large trapping structures are apparent throughout the basin and even at this early stage of knowledge it appears that the region may have significant hydrocarbon potential. This paper will discuss the evolution of the basin in the regional tectonic context and summarise its petroleum prospectivity.
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Daubs, Michael S. „Hindsight in 2020? New Zealand's ‘Wait and See’ Approach to Mobile Broadband Regulation“. Media International Australia 151, Nr. 1 (Mai 2014): 171–79. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1329878x1415100121.

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New Zealand's Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment's Review of the Telecommunications Act 2001, released in 2013, highlighted an increased demand for mobile broadband service, particularly in relation to the 700 MHz spectrum auction of 14 January 2014 – space ideal for next-generation 4G or Long Term Evolution (LTE) mobile services. The government seemingly adopted a ‘wait and see’ approach to mobile broadband regulation, however, delaying its development until 2020 when there will be ‘a clearer sense of the impact of new networks and technology’. One can look to Canada to see the need for robust mobile broadband policies. Like New Zealand, Canada has relied primarily upon spectrum auctions to stimulate market competition. The spectrum auction frameworks used there, however, have done little to promote market competition. Applying the lessons learned from Canada to a New Zealand context, this article argues for a more assertive regulatory framework sooner rather than later.
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Mundy, Linda, Janet Hiller und Tracy Merlin. „The true role of horizon scanning in Australia: Who it informs and why“. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 27, Nr. 1 (Januar 2011): 95–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0266462310001212.

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The article by O'Malley and Jordan (2009) contains fundamental errors and misunderstands the process it claims to describe (4).The premise of the paper is that the Australian and New Zealand Horizon Scanning Network (ANZHSN) “was set up to scan the introduction of new and emerging medical technologies into the public sector, with consideration to theprivate sector.” However, the terms of reference of the policy body (HealthPACT) directing the ANZHSN's activities state that its role is to “provide a forum for monitoring, reviewing, and sharing information regarding health technology to inform service planning and policy development in thepublic sector” (1). HealthPACT is largely a jurisdictional committee, with representation from the Australian Government, each of its seven states and territories, the New Zealand Health Ministry and district health boards.
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O'Connor, Peter, und Moema Gregorzewski. „The intellectual whakapapa informing the New Zealand Drama Curriculum“. Teachers and Curriculum 22, Nr. 1 (03.08.2022): 9–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.15663/tandc.v22i1.415.

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Underpinning drama education in New Zealand is the desire to improve the lives of individuals, communities and societies by catalysing embodied learning in and through the art form of theatre. Learning in drama is intended to foster well-being, social cohesion and active citizenship. Put another way, drama education in New Zealand has always been about more than training actors for the theatre stage. It has been about fostering the development of actors who engage in, on and with the world. This determination has led to the particular pedagogical and curricular response that frames how drama is taught in New Zealand. In drama education in New Zealand we have focused for a generation on working practically to explore the nature of drama as a meaning making tool. Students not only study theatre by passively watching, they actively partake in framed fictional worlds and reflect on these embodied experiences. By engaging students in dramatic encounters, we argue drama education bears the potential to engage in critical and creative engagement with pivotal social issues in the real world (Anderson & O’Connor, 2015). The nature of the meaning making has seen a deliberate privileging of non-naturalistic forms of drama presentation and representation. Progression is understood in the curriculum as moving from exploration of narrative through imagined and social play at junior primary to understanding how to use conventions as dramatic structuring devices (Ministry of Education, 2007). This can be understood as a conventions approach (CA) to drama education. In this article we consider the pedagogical and theatre traditions that informed the New Zealand curriculum to contextualise the planned curriculum refresh in 2023.
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Kravinskaya, Yulia Yu, und Elena V. Polkhovskaya. „The Specificity of Postcolonial Text of Settler Societies in Australia and New Zealand: A Comparative Aspect“. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, Nr. 458 (2020): 41–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.17223/15617793/458/5.

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A brief comparative review of English-language literatures of Australia and New Zealand is given in the article. The aim of the article is to highlight the similarities and differences at the stages of the literary process development from the point of view of postcolonial studies. The historical genesis specificity of the region and the uniqueness of national identity formation at the juncture of colonial and colonized cultures stipulate the definition of Australia and New Zealand as settler societies. Tasks needed to be resolved are to disclose the notion “settler societies”, to determine common characteristics of the studied national literatures as postcolonial ones, to give their comparative outline, to make a textual analysis of a number of literary works which are indicative for each stage of the literary process development. In the course of the study, the authors refer to a comparative historical method of scientific enquiry to highlight similarities in the literary process development and the degree of influence of metropolitan literature on it. They also use a sociological method to estimate the impact of the settler societies development on the literary process and a hermeneutic interpretative method in textual analysis to interpret the transformation of a typical hero at various stages of the literary process in Australia and New Zealand. The article is divided into theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical part, the authors define “settler societies”, overview the place of “settler” countries in the postcolonial space, and note factors allowing to review the national literatures comparatively as postcolonial ones. In the practical part, the authors characterize three stages of the literary process development observed in the national literatures of Australia and New Zealand, conduct an interpretative analysis of the works in which the prolific features of a typical hero are shown. On conducting the research the authors come to the following conclusions. The national literatures of Australia and New Zealand are under the influence of the metropolitan culture and literaturel, but the relation started to loosen at a contemporary stage of the literary process development due to the formation of the national identities of Australians and New Zealanders. The impact of colonized indigenous peoples’ cultures on the literary process defines the difference between the national literatures. For the countries, the national identity formation is characteristic in the cultural sphere, which makes the further study of identification processes presentation in literary text promising.
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Coppersmith, Daniel D. L., Shyamala Nada-Raja und Annette L. Beautrais. „An examination of suicide research and funding in New Zealand 2006–16: implications for new research and policies“. Australian Health Review 42, Nr. 3 (2018): 356. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/ah16189.

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Objective Suicide is a significant public health problem in New Zealand, with the youth suicide rate being one of the highest among developed countries. Increased suicide rates in recent years suggest that the evidence base and research priorities for New Zealand suicide prevention need to be reassessed. To inform policy development, the aim of the present study was to evaluate all peer-reviewed New Zealand published suicide research and major grant allocations from 2006 to 2016. Methods The methodology duplicated a recent Australian review of suicide prevention research and funding. Publications and grant funding allocations were assessed independently. Key research databases were searched in April 2016 for all suicide-related publications. Identified papers were then classified by research type, population focus and type of self-injurious behaviour. Citation indices were obtained for each publication. Annual reports, newsletters and summary data from four major New Zealand funding bodies (the Health Research Council of New Zealand, Marsden Fund, Lottery Health Research and the Ministry of Health) were reviewed for funding allocations. Identified grants were coded for type of project, type of self-injurious behaviour and target population. Descriptive analyses were performed. Results In all, 104 published articles and 27 grants met review criteria. Total funding was NZ$12 677 261.62. Most published articles were epidemiological in nature and the most common type of grant was for an intervention. Conclusions In the past decade, a substantial number of articles has been published and significant funding was invested in New Zealand’s suicide research. The present review suggests that future research investments should focus on effective translation of research findings into suicide prevention programs. Several pragmatic recommendations are proposed to help improve the evidence base and reduce New Zealand’s suicide rates. What is known about the topic? Suicide prevention continues to be a national public health priority for New Zealand. Although much is known about the prevalence of suicidal behaviours in New Zealand, less is known about how well suicide research has addressed prevention priorities and specific target populations. Australian research found that research funding and publications were dominated by epidemiological studies rather than evaluation or intervention studies. It is yet to be determined whether these research and funding trends also apply for New Zealand. What does this paper add? This study examined all peer-reviewed and published suicide research and all major suicide prevention projects that have been funded in New Zealand between 2006 and 2016. The purpose of the review was to summarise the evidence base, evaluate funding and determine the ability of the evidence base to inform policy development. The findings demonstrate that the New Zealand research trends are similar to those found in Australia, with most studies being epidemiological and few representative of interventions. What are the implications for practitioners? This review highlights that there were few intervention and evaluation studies. Partnerships between practitioners and/or community organisations implementing interventions and researchers to systematically evaluate existing interventions and develop new evidence-based interventions would help improve the evidence base for New Zealand suicide prevention.
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Döbl, Stefanie, Peter Huggard und Liz Beddoe. „A hidden jewel: social work in primary health care practice in Aotearoa New Zealand“. Journal of Primary Health Care 7, Nr. 4 (2015): 333. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/hc15333.

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INTRODUCTION: The New Zealand (NZ) Ministry of Health?s Primary Health Care Strategy (2001) has an overall vision of better health for all and the reduction of health inequalities between different population groups. This goal can be achieved by comprehensive, integrated primary health care (PHC) service delivery. One useful approach is to place social workers within PHC practices. This study aimed to explore the perceptions about, and the experiences gained by, such integrated social workers regarding their contributions towards the PHC vision. METHODS: This qualitative study focused on three participant groups, namely social workers, PHC professionals and key informants. Overall, 18 one-to-one, semi-structured interviews were undertaken in various locations in NZ. Key themes were identified via a general inductive approach. FINDINGS: Three key themes emerged from the data: wider factors, organisational factors and social work factors. The last theme encompassed the social workers? professional understanding, knowledge and approaches. The organisational factors (a community needs focus and provision of a supportive work environment) and the wider factors identified (funding and issues experienced by communities) had variable impact on these social work positions. CONCLUSION: Participants viewed social workers as facilitating appropriate access to and engagement by people with services; enhancing ongoing, coordinated, safe service provision; and contributing to staff development. The potential of the social work profession within PHC practices was well recognised by non-social worker participants. This study provides initial insights into the unique contributions made by social workers towards achieving NZ Ministry of Health?s PHC vision. KEYWORDS: General practice; primary health care; social work
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Gurney, Jason K., James Stanley, Katherine McGlynn, Lorenzo Richiardi, Caroline Shaw, Richard Edwards, Tony R. Merriman et al. „Testicular Cancer in New Zealand (TCNZ) study: protocol for a national case–control study“. BMJ Open 8, Nr. 8 (August 2018): e025212. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2018-025212.

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Testicular cancer (TC) is by far the most common cancer to affect young men; however, the exposures that cause this disease are still poorly understood. Our own research has shown that Māori men have the highest rates of this disease in New Zealand—a puzzling observation, since internationally TC is most commonly a disease of men of European ancestry. These trends provide us with a unique opportunity: to learn more about the currently unknown exposures that cause TC, and to explain why Māori have the highest rates of this disease in New Zealand. Using epidemiology and genetics, our experienced research team will conduct a nationwide study which aims to answer these internationally important questions.Aim of studyThe overall aim of the current national case–control study is to identify the key exposures in the development of TC in New Zealand, and explore which factors might explain the difference in the incidence of TC between Māori and non-Māori.Methods and analysisOutside of our own investigations into cryptorchidism, we still do not know which exposures are driving the significant incidence disparity between ethnic groups in NZ. The aim of the proposed research is to use a population-based case–control study to identify the key exposures in the development of TC in New Zealand. We will recruit 410 TC cases and 410 controls, and collect (1) environmental exposure data, via interview and (2) genetic information, via genome-wide genotyping.Ethics and disseminationEthical approval for this study was sought and received from the New Zealand Ministry of Health’s Health and Disability Ethics Committee (reference # 17/NTA/248). Following a careful data interpretation process, we will disseminate the findings of this study to a wide and varied audience ranging from general academia, community groups and clinical settings, as well as to the participants themselves.
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Brown, Kimberley J., Kathryn L. Beck, Pamela von Hurst, Anne-Louise Heath, Rachael Taylor, Jillian Haszard, Lisa Daniels et al. „Adherence to Infant Feeding Guidelines in the First Foods New Zealand Study“. Nutrients 15, Nr. 21 (02.11.2023): 4650. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/nu15214650.

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Infant feeding guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations to support optimal infant health, growth, and development, and exploring adherence to guidelines is a useful way of assessing diet quality. The aim of this study was to determine adherence to the recently updated Ministry of Health “Healthy Eating Guidelines for New Zealand Babies and Toddlers (0–2 years old)”. Data were obtained from First Foods New Zealand, a multicentre observational study of 625 infants aged 7.0–10.0 months. Caregivers completed two 24-h diet recalls and a demographic and feeding questionnaire. Nearly all caregivers (97.9%) initiated breastfeeding, 37.8% exclusively breastfed to around six months of age, and 66.2% were currently breastfeeding (mean age 8.4 months). Most caregivers met recommendations for solid food introduction, including appropriate age (75.4%), iron-rich foods (88.3%), puréed textures (80.3%), and spoon-feeding (74.1%). Infants consumed vegetables (63.2%) and fruit (53.9%) more frequently than grain foods (49.5%), milk and milk products (38.6%), and meat and protein-rich foods (31.8%). Most caregivers avoided inappropriate beverages (93.9%) and adding salt (76.5%) and sugar (90.6%). Our findings indicated that while most infants met the recommendations for the introduction of appropriate solid foods, the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding could be improved, indicating that New Zealand families may need more support.
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Thodberg, Christian. „Grundtvigs skovoplevelse i 1811 og prædikerne over Peters fiskedræt i tiden, der fulgte“. Grundtvig-Studier 38, Nr. 1 (01.01.1986): 11–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.7146/grs.v38i1.15970.

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Grundtvig’s Experience in a Wood in 1811 and his subsequent sermons on the miraculous draught of fishes.By Christian Thodberg.It is common knowledge that in connection with the revival of his Christianity Grundtvig suffered a breakdown in December 1810, after which he returned with his friend, F. C. Sibbern, to his home village and his parents in Udby, South Zealand. However, in May 1811, after a stay in Copenhagen, he was again on his way to Udby to become curate for his aging father when he had an equally important experience in the wood outside Udby which has hitherto passed apparently unheeded. He describes it in a contemporary poem to Sibbern himself.In an attack of despondency, brought on by the sight of Udby church and his childhood home and by the thought of his forthcoming ministry, he knelt down in the wood and read I Cor. 15: 55-58. Grundtvig had been ordained in Copenhagen on May 29th, but in the wood two days later he experienced a special call to the priesthood. The nature of this experience is clearly visible in his sermon for the 5th Sunday after Trinity on the miraculous draught of fishes (Luke 5: 1-11), given 22 years later on July 7th 1833. In the sermon Grundtvig relates the experience and adds that the Lord Himself had spoken to him on that occasion and had called him with the words used to Simon Peter: “Let down the net. From henceforth thou shalt catch men!”A closer analysis of Grundtvig’s sermons from 1811 until his death in 1872 shows that over the years it is on the 5th Sunday after Trinity that he reflects on the Lord’s special call to him, and thus on his life’s special destiny. He uses Peter’s catch as his starting-point, both because of Jesus’ words to Peter and because the frightened and kneeling Peter in the gospel story undoubtedly reminds Grundtvig of his situation and literal position in the wood on Friday May 31st 1811.In his sermon for the 5th Sunday after Trinity 1811 the call motif does not appear; on the other hand he does use the biblical themes of Ezek. 47: 8-10 and Amos 8: 11, which are repeated in the later sermons on the miraculous draught. The unfinished sermon of 1812 is of a quite different order, but the very long sermon in 1818 is such a penetrating analysis of the preacher’s situation that it reveals Grundtvig’s extremely personal relationship to the account of Peter’s call. The same tension can be felt in the three drafts for the sermon of 1821; the last draft is continued in the major prose-poem sermon of 1822. The theme is “listening to God’s Word”, and the sermon is divided into five images: the first depicts the days of the ancient covenant, when the Jews refused to listen and ended up under the curse of slavery; the second is John the Baptist’s sermon; the third is Jesus’ teachings and works, while the fourth is the Church’s enthusiastic reflection on this central vision. The fifth image is basically Grundtvig’s own prophecy for the near future and for himself; for it is he himself who through his coming activity in Copenhagen, Denmark’s Jerusalem, will be the crucial link in the renewal of the salvation story. So self-conscious a sermon could not but have its source in a personal revelation, that is, the experience om May 31st 1811. The first sermon in Copenhagen in 1823 already includes the biblical themes mentioned above and describes the coming Christian revival. In the highly-charged sermon of 1824 Grundtvig clearly recalls the beginning of his ministry in 1811 and confesses that he has never preached better! This particular sermon of 1824 affords grounds for an analysis of the two central poems from that year: The Land o f the Living and N ew Year’s Morn, which were most probably written in June and July 1824 respectively. The Land o f the Living contains three sequences: 1) the childhood dream, 2) the vain dream of the adult worldling, and 3) the childhood dream recovered. The same three themes are also to be found in the poem to Sibbern, and the experience in the wood in 1811 offers a plausible explanation of the break between stanzas 1-6 and 7-13, i.e. between the description of the vain dream of the adult worldling and the childhood dream recovered. In fact it is compelling to regard stanzas 7-8 as a retelling in poetic form of the experience in the wood. The same experience would also seem to have left a significant trace in N ew Year’s Morn, in stanza 54 where there are similarities as regards both content and language between the Sibbern poem of 1811 and the retelling of the experience in the wood in the sermon of 1824.Among the reworked sermons in The Sunday Book we find in Vol. II (1828) a memoir of 1811 in a sermon on the miraculous draught of fishes, but the personal experience is emphasised by the stress, under the inspiration of Irenaeus, on the human as a prerequisite for the Christian. The gospel of the day must be particularly comforting to people torn between fear and hope – like Grundtvig in 1811. Jesus’ calling of Peter is again recalled in 1832 as the basic premise for Grundtvig’s own ministry. The sermon of 1833 - the cornerstone of this survey - has already been mentioned. In 1834 Jesus’ words to Peter are underlined with a minor gloss: fisher of living men, from which Grundtvig argues for his new view of the Church: the capacious Church. People must not be forced into Christianity, and they must be allowed to choose the priest they wish to attach themselves to. In 1835 Grundtvig recalls his ordination in 1811. In 1836 the human aspect of the sermon is emphasised, as it is in The Sunday Book.In 1837 Grundtvig uses the call of Peter to consider the justification of lay preaching - presumably because he himself received a direct call in 1811. In 1838 the Irenaeus inspiration culminates. The dangerous life of a fisherman is a precise image of the rightness of Grundtvig’s well-known thesis: First a Man, then a Christian. In 1839 the experience in the wood is retold, this time in even more detail than in 1833; while in 1840 Grundtvig demonstratively sets his two great “revelations” up against one another: the experience in the wood in 1811 and the “unparalleled discovery” of baptism and the eucharist in 1825. From now on it is clear to him that the later “revelation’ is the greater, a belief he finally confirms in his sermon of 1842. Irenaeus continues to inspire him in the sermons of 1841 and 1844, underlining yet again Grundtvig’s personal relationship to the account of the miraculous draught. In the remainder of Grundtvig’s preaching life the, experience of 1811 is less strongly recalled on the 5th Sunday after Trinity, though it does happen both in 1856 and in 1861.The survey shows that the experience has been of central significance to the revival of Grundtvig’s faith, and that right into the 1840s it is an important starting-point for his understanding of himself as a Christian. The sermon on the 5th Sunday after Trinity on the miraculous draught of fishes thus becomes an interesting guideline to an appreciation of Grundtvig’s personal and theological development.
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Blattner, Katharina, Kiki Maoate, Trevor Lloyd, Elizabeth Iro, Scott Davidson und Mareta Jacob. „Initial perspectives of New Zealand doctors: developing capacity and a training programme in the Cook Islands“. Journal of Primary Health Care 9, Nr. 1 (2017): 16. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/hc16025.

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ABSTRACT From 2012 to 2014, 18 New Zealand general and rural medical practitioners worked in the Cook Islands on a visiting programme to achieve the following objectives: (1) assess and assist with the capacity of the Cook Islands medical workforce; (2) assist with the infrastructure to improve clinical records and audit; (3) assist with developing a General Practice training programme for the Cook Islands; and (4) develop a training post for the Division of Rural Hospital Medicine in the Cook Islands. Each visiting doctor spent a minimum of 4 weeks in the Cook Islands. This study presents the results of a questionnaire undertaken to evaluate their experiences. There were challenges, but for most, the experience was overwhelmingly positive. There were synergies with rural practice in New Zealand. Working alongside local clinicians and being immersed in the Cook Islands health system led to better understanding of the Cook Islands perspective of rural and remote medicine. The findings provide insight into the early phase of an ongoing programme between the Cook Islands Ministry of Health and New Zealand, which has led to the development of a reciprocal training programme for generalist doctors.
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Latimer, Michael D., und Sebastian Yeoman. „Further development and testing of a rainfall test rig“. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 154, Nr. 4_supplement (01.10.2023): A129. http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/10.0023016.

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Changes made recently by The Ministry of Health New Zealand, to the internal noise design requirements for Preschools, has required that the design of the roof reduces rainfall noise to Ministry of Education, Design Quality Learning Spaces Acoustics (DQLS) Version 3.0, for rainfall noise. Previously Canterbury Acoustic Testing Services (CATS) had developed a rainfall noise test rig, in accordance with ISO 10140-1: 2016 [3] and ISO 10140-5:2010/Amd 1:2014 and carried out testing on a series of warm roof/ceiling constructions. Preschools tend to use cold roof systems where the thermal insulation sits on the ceiling, rather than in a warm roof, where the insulation is part of the roof structure. So there has been no tested performance data for rainfall noise acoustic design purpose, using a cold roof construction. As part of the testing program, there was a need to recommission the rig, to verify rain drop size and rainfall rate. A testing program was established, to include the base roof structure (roofing iron only) to a full buildup of roof and ceiling, to get a better understanding of how each component in the system contributes to the control of the rainfall noise.
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Su, Bin, und Lian Wu. „Occupants’ Health and Their Living Conditions of Remote Indigenous Communities in New Zealand“. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17, Nr. 22 (11.11.2020): 8340. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17228340.

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The New Zealand Ministry of Health reported that respiratory disease affects 700,000 people, annually costs New Zealand NZ$7.05 billion, and is the third-highest cause of death. The hospitalisation rate for asthma of Māori communities is 2.0 higher than that of other ethnic groups, and hospitalisation rates for deprived homes are 2.3 times higher than those of the least deprived homes. Based on physical data and evidence, which were drawn from a mixed methodology that includes field studies of the indoor microclimate, dust-mite allergens, mould growth, and occupants’ Respiratory Health Survey of a number of sample houses of Māori communities in Minginui, Te Whaiti, Murupara, and Rotorua of New Zealand, the study identifies unhealthy indoor thermal conditions, thresholds or ranges of indoor micro-climate related to different levels of dust-mite allergen and mould growth, the most common type of indoor mould, and correlations between dust-mite and mould and correlations. The study not only identified that the poor health of occupants is closely related to their inadequate living conditions, but also identifies the threshold of indoor micro-climates to maintain indoor allergens at the acceptable level, which can be used as a guideline to maintain or improve indoor health conditions for future housing development or retrofitted old housing.
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Rea, David, und Dean R. Hyslop. „Using a difference-in-difference control trial to test an intervention aimed at increasing the take-up of a welfare payment in New Zealand“. Observational Studies 9, Nr. 4 (2023): 49–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/obs.2023.a906626.

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Abstract: This paper describes a difference-in-difference control trial (DDCT) of an intervention designed to increase the take-up of an income support payment in the New Zealand welfare system. The intervention used a microsimulation model to identify potential claimants who were then contacted by either phone, email, or letter. The trial was designed as a DDCT because of ethical concerns associated with a fully randomized approach. The trial provided convincing evidence that the intervention would increase the take-up of the payment and a modified version was then implemented as an ongoing business process by the New Zealand Ministry of Social Development (MSD). The findings from the trial contribute to the literature about how best to increase the take-up of welfare payments. The study also demonstrates the value of using a difference-in-difference control trial.
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Beck, Douglas, und John Lord. „Design and Production of ANZAC Frigates for the RAN and RNZN: Progress Towards International Competitiveness“. Journal of Ship Production 14, Nr. 02 (01.05.1998): 85–109. http://dx.doi.org/10.5957/jsp.1998.14.2.85.

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ANZAC, the acronym of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, is the name given to a new class often frigates under construction for the Royal Australian and Royal New Zealand Navies. The prime contract was awarded in November 1989, and a separate design sub-contract was awarded concurrently. HMAS ANZAC, the first of eight ships for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), was delivered in March 1996. HMNZS Te Kaha, the first of two ships for the Royal New Zealand Navy (RNZN), was delivered in May 1997. The paper describes the collaborative process, involving the Australian Department of Defence, the New Zealand Ministry of Defence, and Defence Industry in Australia, New Zealand and overseas, for the design and production of the ships. The need to maximise the level of Australian and New Zealand industrial involvement, led to a process of international competition between prospective suppliers, and significant configuration changes from the contract design baseline. Delivery of the first ship was extended to accommodate the revised approach, and in the event only five months additional time proved necessary. Although formal acceptance of HMAS ANZAC is not due until the completion of operational test and evaluation, the contractor's sea trials have successfully demonstrated the performance exceeding the requirements and the expectations of the RAN. The paper also describes the growing maturity of Australia's naval shipbuilding industry. It suggests some lessons learned from the project, and identifies issues important for the further development and sustainability of the industry. It advocates the need for agreed methodologies to evaluate the productivity of the various elements of the shipbuilding process, and to help ensure the establishment and maintenance of world competitive costs and quality.
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Aburn, Anne. „Twenty-five years of adult adoption in New Zealand 1985-2010: An overview of adult adoption since the implementation of the Adult Adoption Information Act 1985“. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work 26, Nr. 4 (12.03.2016): 78–89. http://dx.doi.org/10.11157/anzswj-vol26iss4id28.

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When the Adult Adoption Information Act 1985 was introduced it enabled many people who were adopted to reclaim their original identities. The Act also enabled parents who had relinquished children for adoption to reunite with them. The Act made provision for 24 dedicated social workers known as Adult Adoption Information Officers to be appointed throughout New Zealand. This article, which is a personal reflection on how the Act was implemented and the changes in adoption practice over 25 years, was originally written in 2010 for all Ministry of Social Development Adoption Social Workers.
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Abou- Warda, Sherein Hamed. „New educational services development“. International Journal of Educational Management 30, Nr. 5 (13.06.2016): 698–717. http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/ijem-11-2014-0142.

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Purpose – The overall objective of the current study is to explore how universities can better developing new educational services. The purpose of this paper is to develop framework for technology entrepreneurship education (TEPE) within universities. Design/methodology/approach – Qualitative and quantitative research approaches were employed. This study passes through four phase: reviewing of good practices; a survey of academics (n=150 respondents); semi-structured interviews with leaders of Ministry of Higher Education, the Social Fund for Development, and the ILO Sub-regional Office (n=30 respondents); and two workshop with expert group and stakeholders (n=65 respondents). Findings – This study developed framework for TEPE within universities from three aspects (center for innovation and entrepreneurship (CIE), technology entrepreneurship professors/educators, and technology entrepreneurship programs/courses). Research limitations/implications – TEPE will have an impact at the individual and enterprise. It prepares students to be responsible, enterprising individuals who become entrepreneurs, enhances life skills and life learning experiences and contributes to economic development and sustainable communities; at the enterprise level, this education is expected to create and operate a new venture, help innovation, enhance the level of competitiveness, and develop a more practical entrepreneurial environment. Practical implications – It is important for practitioners and policy makers to gain insights on how academic entrepreneurship support works elsewhere as inspiration for the further development of their approaches. Social implications – TEPE can assist in obtaining higher economic growth and sustainable development, in keeping up with the fast pace of an open-market capitalist society and in promoting self-employment and training, which all lead to the reduction of unemployment. Originality/value – This study offers three principal contributions: first, development of framework for the TEPE from all perspectives within universities as TEPE differentiates from other entrepreneurship education types; second, development of an uncommon concept of new educational services in the marketing literature that is incoherent and lacks theoretical models that reflect good practice of entrepreneurship education; third, identification best practices of TEPE in universities by reviewing and analyzing policy and continuing to experiment.
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Walker, Peter. „Negotiating trans-cultural social service partnerships“. Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work 22, Nr. 3 (08.07.2016): 48–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.11157/anzswj-vol22iss3id183.

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This paper explores trans-cultural organisational partnerships within kaupapa Māori, Pacific people’s and mainstream organisations and how such partnerships are formed and maintained. I describe and analyse such partnerships in practice in New Zealand, using Das and Teng’s (2001) trust, risk and control schema, focusing on what works and why it works, and outline strategies to enable the implementation of such partnerships to other sites. The research will hopefully be a resource for those working in community development and social service organisations, who intend to enter into trans-cultural partnerships.
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Owen, Hazel. „Personalised, Contextualised Professional Learning Development: Putting it into Practice“. Journal of Open, Flexible and Distance Learning 15, Nr. 1 (21.06.2011): 61–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.61468/jofdl.v15i1.13.

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Research, such as that collated as part of the New Zealand Ministry of Education‘s (MoE) Iterative Best Evidence Synthesis (BES), indicates that regular Professional Learning and Development (PLD) for educators can have a positive effect on the quality of teaching and, in turn, on outcomes for diverse students. PLD, though, needs to offer flexibility of choice, time and approach, and to value personal theories and experiences. Learning should be accessible (both physically and design-wise), cumulative and relevant, and couched within an active community of practice (CoP).A pilot to develop a Virtual Professional Learning and Development (VPLD) model that offered personalised, contextualised PLD was initiated by the New Zealand MoE. The project focused on primary and secondary school teachers, although one tertiary teacher participated. This paper provides an overview of the VPLD pilot (2009–2010) while also synthesising main findings from the in-depth evaluation conducted during the pilot and summarising some of the lessons learned.In brief, results suggest that there are affordances built into the VPLD model that encourage and enable education practitioners to develop at their own pace, in a supported, supportive environment, with access to all that they need to scaffold their learning journey. Thus, if it is accepted that student outcomes can mirror practitioner performance (although this is a somewhat simplistic relationship), it would follow that, if practitioners can be mentored and guided in their own continual development and thinking around learning and teaching, there is potential for the overall learning experience for students to be enhanced.
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Walker, Curtis, Susan Reid, Carla White, Merryn Jones, Lee-ora Lusis, Rachael Walker, John Collins, Helen Rodenburg, David Tunnicliffe und Suetonia Green. „Management of chronic kidney disease for Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand: a summary of clinical practice guidelines“. New Zealand Medical Journal 137, Nr. 1594 (03.05.2024): 62–68. http://dx.doi.org/10.26635/6965.6483.

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aims: The kaupapa of the Caring for Australians and New Zealanders with Kidney Impairment (CARI) Clinical practice guidelines for management of chronic kidney disease for Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand is to provide whānau-centred and evidence-based recommendations to healthcare systems, healthcare providers and healthcare workers. The guidelines include screening, identification, management and system-level responses to chronic kidney disease (CKD) to deliver best practice care to Māori affected by CKD across community, primary and secondary services. methods: The guidelines are funded by the Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora and are written by a panel of Māori and non-Māori clinicians and literacy experts across Aotearoa New Zealand from Kaupapa Māori organisations, general practice and nephrology units using standardised methods. The guidelines’ methodology included consultation with whānau Māori with lived experience of CKD and primary and secondary care practitioners. Additional guideline development would be required to inform management of CKD for non-Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand. results: The guidelines provide recommendations about equity, governance and accountability, cultural safety, case management, information systems, social determinants of equity and wellbeing and screening. conclusions: Recommendations to health services for Māori with CKD are based on giving effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and best practice care to prevent CKD, delaying its progression, treating kidney failure through timely transplantation, delivering in community and providing high-quality symptom management.
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Benadé, Leon. „Freire’s Pedagogy of Freedom: Its Contribution to the Development of Ethical Teacher Professionality through the Implementation of the New Zealand Curriculum“. Paideusis 19, Nr. 1 (16.10.2020): 5–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1072319ar.

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This paper takes lessons and directions from Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of Freedom (1998) that both inform the theme of Dialogue and Difference and a particular conception of ethical teacher professionality. Freire’s vision of teachers and teaching challenges managerialist notions of teachers as dispassionate, data-driven objects of bureaucratic policy, aligned to a sanitised list of features that make up ‘the effective teacher’. This representation of teachers is unlikely to motivate or prepare teachers in the future to be critical thinking ethical professionals. An alternative conception of the teaching professional is required, and one is presented here which has strong links to Pedagogy of Freedom in particular, and critical pedagogy more generally. Expressed as ‘ethical teacher professionality’, this account suggests a broader approach to the role of teacher than provided by notions such as ‘satisfactory teacher dimensions’ or ‘characteristics of quality teaching’. The New Zealand Curriculum (Ministry of Education, 2007) is a policy text whose understanding of teachers is informed by such notions. New Zealand schools engaged in a process of preparation in 2008 and 2009 for full implementation of this revised national curriculum in 2010. The scope of these revisions, expectations of teachers, and the requirement that this implementation be school-based (rather than centrally prescribed) mean that in essence this curriculum goes well beyond a mere revision. Further, as a product of early-21st century education reform which seemingly gives schools, teachers and communities greater flexibility, there are lessons that could be relevant internationally. As a fundamentally new approach to policy, implementation of the New Zealand Curriculum could significantly alter how teachers see and approach their work.
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Nugent, Graham, Laurie E. Twigg, Bruce Warburton, Aaron McGlinchy, Penny Fisher, Andrew M. Gormley und John P. Parkes. „Why 0.02%? A review of the basis for current practice in aerial 1080 baiting for rabbits in New Zealand“. Wildlife Research 39, Nr. 2 (2012): 89. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/wr11121.

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Sodium fluoroacetate (1080) has been used as an aerially distributed toxin against mammalian pests in New Zealand since the 1950s. Although its use for rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) control ceased temporarily after the illegal release of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) in 1997, there has been a recent resurgence in the use of aerial baiting with 1080 to control rabbits as the efficacy of RHDV has fallen. Current practices for rabbit control using 1080 have changed little since the 1980s, with high sowing rates and low toxin loadings commonplace. The lack of ongoing development in baiting practices for rabbit control contrasts sharply with continued improvements in the aerial 1080 baiting practices for brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) in New Zealand, such as a shift to a comparatively high 1080 loading and using much lower application rates of prefeed and toxic bait. These modifications have resulted in an overall reduction in the amount of toxin used for possum control. The disparity in these two approaches prompted a formal review of the rationale on which the current 1080 baiting practices for rabbits are based. Two issues emerged strongly. First, the current low toxin loading used (0.02–0.04% 1080 in bait) is not based on experimental optimisation in New Zealand but, rather, on research conducted several decades earlier in Australia. Second, despite long-standing concerns about the quality of carrot bait used in New Zealand, current bait manufacturing and distribution practices still produce large numbers of small sublethal fragments. Thus, the current New Zealand practice of multiple prefeeds and very high sowing rates of bait with a low 1080 loading used against rabbits seems to have resulted from the need to compensate for the low toxic loading and poor quality control of the bait (carrots). We, therefore, suggest that there is considerable potential to improve current aerial 1080 baiting practices for controlling rabbits in New Zealand. More generally, these findings also help illustrate that ‘best’ pest-management practice may sometimes be based on pragmatic solutions aimed at overcoming unrecognised internal constraints that are in fact avoidable. Refining and modernising vertebrate pest-control programs, so that they better meet efficacy requirements and contemporary public expectations, therefore requires understanding not just that a solution works, but also how it works.
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