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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "New York Public Library. Science and Technology Research Center"


Baker, John P. „Preserving the Collections of the Science and Technology Research Center of the New York Public Library“. Science & Technology Libraries 7, Nr. 4 (25.11.1987): 81–95.

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McDonough, Kristin. „The Science, Industry and Business Library of the New York Public Library: A High-Technology Research Centre for High-Volume Public Use“. Alexandria: The Journal of National and International Library and Information Issues 10, Nr. 1 (April 1998): 39–62.

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In 1996, its centenary year, the New York Public Library opened its Science, Industry and Business Library (SIBL) in a former department store in mid-town Manhattan, occupying 160,000 square feet of usable floor space. The building, which has received six awards, is designed to be both attractive and highly functional. The $100 million project was funded by a combination of private and government funds. The concept is of a specialized high technology research centre with unparallelled older and current print collections (1.2 million books and serials) and access to electronic resources, which also incorporates a 50,000-item circulating library of popular print, audiovisual and multimedia materials. All of the resources are available to the public at no charge. Much of the collection is on open access. There are several professionally staffed information service points. The provision of extensive training sessions is proving to be an outstanding success, more than 20,000 people having registered since SIBL opened. A three-year grant from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation has enabled SIBL to train information professionals in the three crucial areas of technological competence, customer service and professional development.
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Floyd, Nancy L. „The National Library of Education“. Education Libraries 20, Nr. 1-2 (05.09.2017): 25.

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The National Library of Education is the largest federally funded library in the world devoted entirely to education. In March 1994, Congress created this new national library, bringing together the former U.S. Department of Education Research Library; the 1-800 user service; INet (ED/OERI's Internet site and services); and the Technology Resources Center. These units now operate in partnership with the ERIC to carry out reference and referral services; collection and technical services; resource sharing and cooperation, including Internet Services (INet); and marketing/public relations. NLE is planning a network of national education technology and related resources. The network will promote greater cooperation and resource sharing among education and library professionals, policymakers, the public and other providers and repositories of education information in America. It will also apply information science, computer and telecommunications technologies for the enhancement of education information dissemination.
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Shrayberg, Y. L., D. S. Moseeva und N. A. Sumro. „The network of sci-tech libraries as the foundation of the national system of sci-tech information: The history, status, and prospects“. Scientific and Technical Libraries, Nr. 3 (04.04.2024): 15–41.

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The authors discuss the sci-tech libraries in historical aspect; these libraries make the key element of the national system of sci-tech information and information services and support national science and technology. They follow the dynamics of building the network of research institutions and special sci-tech libraries that replaced technical, factory and company libraries. The role of the USSR State Public Library for Science and Technology (USSR SPLS&T) is highlighted: during the Soviet era it was the country’s head sci-tech library, the main methodological center for technological libraries, interdepartmental coordinator of user services, collection development, interlibrary loan, and translation of scitech literature. The authors emphasize the importance of the national regulation of sci-tech library and information services, and their development through building the state system of sci-tech information. The authors also examine the goals of t he S PLS&T U SSR a s a research institution in the area of library and bibliographic studies; SPLS&T supported the unity of efforts within the system. The authors analyze the implementation of the national sci-tech program; within the framework of the program, the RNPLS&T acts as the head agency of the Automated System of the Russian Union Catalog in science and technology and provides for interaction of sci-tech library network and sci-tech information institutions in using the databases by associated members. The authors substantiate the need for the new national system of sci-tech information based on the laws and regulations adopted in the recent decades. They analyze the results of 2023 All-Russian monitoring of sci-tech libraries and sci-tech information centers; evaluate the capacities of sci-tech libraries for supporting corporate projects, scitech professionals and researchers.
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Lehner, Edward, und Tonya Johnson. „Toward Distributive Classroom Management: Cogenerative Dialogue and Cooperative Inquiry“. Voices of Reform 5, Nr. 1 (28.12.2022): 59–88.

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The strict classroom control philosophy often adopted within public schools can have counterproductive effects on students, especially African Diaspora and Latinx students. Public schools should ideally provide quality instruction for all students. Unfortunately, teacher-centered practices reinforce stereotypes that African Diaspora and Latinx students are unruly and need institutionally imposed discipline and management, thereby undermining the mission of equitable educational achievement. Students, especially diverse urban students, would benefit from a shift in classroom management from strict control and discipline to student-centered inclusion and cooperative inquiry. We recommend distributive classroom management and examine the practice in the context of its enactment by stakeholders in one social studies classroom in the East New York Alternative Learning Center. Under this model, students demonstrated distributed classroom management actions that fostered improved classroom behaviors and expressions of group solidarity. Students maintained a fertile learning environment by proposing a distributive management practice during the research period. Additionally, students enacted the same approach in the classroom. The study’s findings suggest that teachers and students can integrate standard classroom management rules with transformative stakeholder-directed practices to benefit all participants.
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Donahue, Amy. „Google Wave: Have CTSI-Minded Institutions Caught It?“ Evidence Based Library and Information Practice 5, Nr. 4 (17.12.2010): 70.

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Background - Google Wave was touted as the next big communication tool—combining e-mail, social networking, and chat within a single “wave”—with the potential to create a new world for collaboration. Information professionals who are knowledgeable of this tool and its capabilities could become uniquely situated to use it, evaluate it, and teach it. This seemed especially true for those working within Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA)-minded institutions, given the promise of interdisciplinary collaboration between investigators and the potential for creating new authorship models. This case study on Google Wave users who are affiliated with CTSA-minded institutions, was designed for and presented at the Evidence-Based Scholarly Communication Conference held by the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Library and Information Center. It provides an early evidence based evaluation of Google Wave’s potential. Methods - Two “waves” were created. The first consisted of five survey questions designed to collect demographic data on the respondents’ roles, a general impression of Wave, the specific tools within Wave that might be useful, and potential collaborators with whom the respondents might use Wave. The second wave was a private, guided discussion on Wave’s collaboration potential. Individuals from CTSA-minded institutions were invited to participate with messages on Twitter, forums, blogs, and electronic mail lists, although there were difficulties reaching out to these institutions as a group. Results - By the conclusion of the study, only a small number of people (n=11, with a viable n=9) had responded to the survey. Given this small result set, it made sense to group the responses by the respondents’ roles (CTSA staff and researchers, support staff, medical librarian, or general public) and to treat them as individual cases. Most of the respondents were librarians and support staff who felt that Wave might have potential for collaboration; there were no CTSA researcher respondents. For the second part of the study, the discussion wave, only one participant explicitly expressed interest in joining. All were invited to join, but there was no participation in the discussion wave at the conclusion of the study. Conclusions -The results of this study implied that Google Wave was not on the forefront of CTSA-minded institutions’ communication strategies. However, it was being used, and it did demonstrate new collaboration and authorship capabilities. Being generally aware of these capabilities may be useful to information professionals who seek to be current and informed regarding developing technology and to those interested in scholarly communication practices. In addition, the difficulties encountered during this case study in attempting to reach out to CTSA-minded institutions raised the question of how members currently communicate with each other as institutions and as individuals. There was a lesson learned in the usefulness of doing case-study research to evaluate new technologies; the cost in terms of time was relatively low, and knowledge about the technology itself was gained while establishing a base level of evidence to potentially build on in the future. Methods: Two “waves” were created. The first consisted of five survey questions designed to collect demographic data on the respondents’ roles, a general impression of Wave, the specific tools within Wave that might be useful, and who the respondents might use Wave to collaborate with. The second wave was a private, guided discussion on Wave’s collaboration potential. Individuals from CTSA-minded institutions were invited to participate from related public waves and by sending out calls for through Twitter, forums, blogs, and e-mail, although there were difficulties reaching out to these institutions as a group. Results: By the conclusion of the study, only a small number of respondents (n=11, with a viable n=9) had taken the survey. Given this small result set, it made sense to group the responses by the respondents’ roles (CTSA staff/researchers, support staff, medical librarian, or general public) and treat them as individual cases. Most of the respondents were librarians and support staff who felt that Wave might have potential for collaboration; there were no CTSA researcher respondents. For the second part of the study, the discussion wave, only one participant explicitly expressed interest in joining. All were invited to join for the sake of numbers, but there was no participation in the discussion wave by the conclusion of the study. Conclusions: The results of this study implied that Google Wave was not on the forefront of CTSA-minded institutions’ communication strategies. However, it was being used and it did demonstrate new collaboration and authorship capabilities; being generally aware of these capabilities may be useful to information professionals who seek to stay on top of developing technology and to those interested in scholarly communication practices. In addition, the difficulties encountered during this case study in attempting to reach out to CTSA-minded institutions raised the question of how members currently communicate with each other as institutions and as individuals. There was a lesson learned in the usefulness of doing case-study research to evaluate new technologies; cost in terms of time is relatively low and knowledge can be gained of the technology itself while establishing a base level of evidence to potentially build on in the future.
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Rasmussen, Karsten Boye. „Sharing qualitative research data, improving data literacy and establishing national data services“. IASSIST Quarterly 43, Nr. 4 (02.01.2020): 1–2.

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Welcome to the fourth issue of volume 43 of the IASSIST Quarterly (IQ 43:4, 2019). The first article is authored by Jessica Mozersky, Heidi Walsh, Meredith Parsons, Tristan McIntosh, Kari Baldwin, and James M. DuBois – all located at the Bioethics Research Center, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri in USA. They ask the question “Are we ready to share qualitative research data?”, with the subtitle “Knowledge and preparedness among qualitative researchers, IRB Members, and data repository curators.” The subtitle indicates that their research includes a survey of key personnel related to scientific data sharing. The report is obtained through semi-structured in-depth interviews with 30 data repository curators, 30 qualitative researchers, and 30 IRB staff members in the USA. IRB stands for Institutional Review Board, which in other countries might be called research ethics committee or similar. There is generally an increasing trend towards data sharing and open science, but qualitative data are rarely shared. The dilemma behind this reluctance to share is exemplified by health data where qualitative methods explore sensitive topics. The sensitivity leads to protection of confidentiality, which hinders keeping sufficient contextual detail for secondary analyses. You could add that protection of confidentiality is a much bigger task in qualitative data, where sensitive information can be hidden in every corner of the data, that consequently must be fine-combed, while with quantitative data most decisions concerning confidentiality can be made at the level of variables. The reporting in the article gives insights into the differences between the three stakeholder groups. An often-found answer among researchers is that data sharing is associated with quantitative data, while IRB members have little practice with qualitative. Among curators, about half had curated qualitative data, but many only worked with quantitative data. In general, qualitative data sharing lacks guidance and standards. The second article also raises a question: “How many ways can we teach data literacy?” We are now in Asia with a connection to the USA. The author Yun Dai is working at the Library of New York University Shanghai, where they have explored many ways to teach data literacy to undergraduate students. These initiatives, described in the article, included workshops and in-class instruction - which tempted students by offering up-to-date technology, through online casebooks of topics in the data lifecycle, to event series with appealing names like “Lying with Data.” The event series had a marketing mascot - a “Lying with Data” Pinocchio - and sessions on being fooled by advertisements and getting the truth out of opinion surveys. Data literacy has a resemblance to information literacy and in that perspective, data literacy is defined as “critical thinking applied to evaluating data sources and formats, and interpreting and communicating findings,” while statistical literacy is “the ability to evaluate statistical information as evidence.” The article presents the approaches and does not conclude on the question, “How many?” No readers will be surprised by the missing answer, and I am certain readers will enjoy the ideas of the article and the marketing focus. With the last article “Examining barriers for establishing a national data service,” the author Janez Štebe takes us to Europe. Janez Štebe is head of the social science data archives (Arhiv Družboslovnih Podatkov) at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. The Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) is a distributed European social science data infrastructure for access to research data. CESSDA has many - but not all - European countries as members. The focus is on the situation in 20 non-CESSDA member European countries, with emerging and immature data archive services being developed through such projects as the CESSDA Strengthening and Widening (SaW 2016 and 2017) and CESSDA Widening Activities (WA 2018). By identifying and comparing gaps and differences, a group of countries at a similar level may consider following similar best practice examples to achieve a more mature and supportive open scientific data ecosystem. Like the earlier articles, this article provides good references to earlier literature and description of previous studies in the area. In this project 22 countries were selected, all CESSDA non-members, and interviewees among social science researchers and data librarians were contacted with an e-mail template between October 2018 and January 2019. The article brings results and discussion of the national data sharing culture and data infrastructure. Yes, there is a lack of money! However, it is the process of gradually establishing a robust data infrastructure that is believed to impact the growth of a data sharing culture and improve the excellence and the efficiency of research in general. Submissions of papers for the IASSIST Quarterly are always very welcome. We welcome input from IASSIST conferences or other conferences and workshops, from local presentations or papers especially written for the IQ. When you are preparing such a presentation, give a thought to turning your one-time presentation into a lasting contribution. Doing that after the event also gives you the opportunity of improving your work after feedback. We encourage you to login or create an author login to (our Open Journal System application). We permit authors to “deep link” into the IQ as well as to deposit the paper in your local repository. Chairing a conference session with the purpose of aggregating and integrating papers for a special issue IQ is also much appreciated as the information reaches many more people than the limited number of session participants and will be readily available on the IASSIST Quarterly website at Authors are very welcome to take a look at the instructions and layout: Authors can also contact me directly via e-mail: Should you be interested in compiling a special issue for the IQ as guest editor(s) I will also be delighted to hear from you. Karsten Boye Rasmussen - December 2019
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Scafuto, Isabel Cristina, Priscila Rezende und Marcos Mazzieri. „International Journal of Innovation - IJI completes 7 years“. International Journal of Innovation 8, Nr. 2 (31.08.2020): 137–43.

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International Journal of Innovation - IJI completes 7 yearsInternational Journal of Innovation - IJI has now 7 years old! In this editorial comment, we not only want to talk about our evolution but get even closer to the IJI community. It is our first editorial comment, a new IJI's communication channel. Some of the changes are already described on our website.IJI is an innovation-focused journal that was created to support scientific research and thereby contribute to practice. Also, IJI was born internationally, receiving and supporting research from around the world. We welcome articles in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.We have published eight volumes in IJI since 2013, totaling 131 articles. Our journal is indexed in: Dialnet and Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico; Ebsco Host; Erih Plus; Gale - Cengage Learning; Latindex; Proquest; Redalyc; Web of Science Core Collection (Emerging Sources Citation Index), among others. We provide free access “open access” to all its content. Articles can be read, downloaded, copied, distributed, printed and / or searched.We want to emphasize that none of this would be possible without the authors that recognized in IJI a relevant journal to publicize their work. Nor can we fail to mention the tireless and voluntary action of the reviewers, always contributing to the articles' improvement and skilling up our journal, more and more.All editors who passed through IJI have a fundamental role in this trajectory. And, none of this would be possible without the editorial team of Uninove. Everyone who passed and the current team. We want to express that our work as current editors of IJI would not be possible without you. Changes in the Intenational Journal of Innovation – IJIAs we mentioned earlier, IJI was born in 2013. And, over time, we are improving its structure always to improve it. In this section, we want to show some changes we made. We intend that editorial comments become a communication channel and that they can help our readers, authors, and reviewers to keep up with these changes.Although IJI is a comprehensive Innovation journal, one of the changes we want to inform you is that now, at the time of submission, the author will choose one of the available topics that best suit your article. The themes are: Innovative Entrepreneurship; Innovation and Learning; Innovation and Sustainability; Internationalization of Innovation; Innovation Systems; Emerging Innovation Themes and; Digital Transformation. Below, we present each theme so that everyone can get to know them:Innovative Entrepreneurship: emerging markets provided dynamic advantages for small businesses and their entrepreneurs to exploit the supply flows of resources, capacities, and knowledge-based on strategies oriented to the management of innovation. Topics covered in this theme include, for example: resources and capabilities that support innovative entrepreneurship; innovation habitats (Universities, Science and Technology Parks, Incubators and Accelerators) and their influences on the development of knowledge-intensive spin-offs and start-ups; open innovation, triple/quadruple helix, knowledge transfer, effectuation, bricolage and co-creation of value in knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship ecosystems; and adequate public policies to support innovative entrepreneurship.Innovation and Learning: discussions on this topic focus on the relationship between learning and innovation as topics with the potential to improve teaching and learning. They also focus on ways in which we acquire knowledge through innovation and how knowledge encourages new forms of innovation. Topics covered in this theme include, for example: innovative projects for learning; innovation-oriented learning; absorptive capacity; innovation in organizational learning and knowledge creation; unlearning and learning for technological innovation; new learning models; dynamics of innovation and learning; skills and innovation.Innovation and Sustainability: discussions on this topic seek to promote the development of innovation with a focus on sustainability, encouraging new ways of thinking about sustainable development issues. Topics covered in this theme include, for example: development of new sustainable products; circular economy; reverse logistic; smart cities; technological changes for sustainable development; innovation and health in the scope of sustainability; sustainable innovation and policies; innovation and education in sustainability and social innovation.Internationalization of Innovation: the rise of developing countries as an innovation center and their new nomenclature for emerging markets have occupied an important place in the international research agenda on global innovation and Research and Development (RD) strategies. Topics covered in this theme include, for example: resources and capabilities that support the internationalization of innovation and RD; global and local innovation and RD strategies; reverse innovation; internationalization of start-ups and digital companies; development of low-cost products, processes and services with a high-value offer internationalized to foreign markets; innovations at the base of the pyramid, disruptive and/or frugal developed and adopted in emerging markets and replicated in international markets; institutional factors that affect firms' innovation efforts in emerging markets.Innovation Systems: regulation and public policies define the institutional environment to drive innovation. Topics include industrial policy, technological trends and macroeconomic performance; investment ecosystem for the development and commercialization of new products, based on government and private investments; investment strategies related to new companies based on science or technology; Technology transfer to, from and between developing countries; technological innovation in all forms of business, political and economic systems. Topics such as triple helix, incubators, and other structures for cooperation, fostering and mobilizing innovation are expected in this section.Emerging Themes: from the applied themes, many emerging problems have a significant impact on management, such as industry 4.0, the internet of things, artificial intelligence or social innovations, or non-economic benefits. Intellectual property is treated as a cognitive database and can be understood as a technological library with the registration of the product of human creativity and invention. Social network analysis reveals the relationships between transforming agents and other elements; therefore, encouraged to be used in research and submitted in this section. The theoretical field not fully developed is not a barrier to explore any theme or question in this section.Digital Transformation: this interdisciplinary theme covers all the antecedents, intervening, and consequent effects of digital transformation in the field of technology-based companies and technology-based business ventures. The technological innovator (human side of innovation) as an entrepreneur, team member, manager, or employee is considered an object of study either as an agent of innovation or an element of the innovation process. Digital change or transformation is considered as a process that moves from the initial status to the new digital status, anchored in the theories of innovation, such as adoption, diffusion, push / pull of technology, innovation management, service innovation, disruptive innovation, innovation frugal innovation economy, organizational behavior, context of innovation, capabilities and transaction costs. Authors who submit to IJI will realize that they now need to make a structured summary at the time of submission. The summary must include the following information:(maximum of 250 words + title + keywords = Portuguese, English and Spanish).Title.Objective of the study (mandatory): Indicate the objective of the work, that is, what you want to demonstrate or describe.Methodology / approach (mandatory): Indicate the scientific method used in carrying out the study. In the case of theoretical essays, it is recommended that the authors indicate the theoretical approach adopted.Originality / Relevance (mandatory): Indicate the theoretical gap in which the study is inserted, also presenting the academic relevance of the discipline.Main results (mandatory): briefly indicate the main results achieved.Theoretical-methodological contributions (mandatory): Indicate the main theoretical and / or methodological implications that have been achieved with the results of the study.Social / managerial contributions (mandatory): Indicate the main managerial and / or social implications obtained through the results of the study.Keywords: between three and five keywords that characterize the work. Another change regarding the organization of the IJI concerns the types of work. In addition to the Editorial Comment and Articles, the journal will include Technological Articles, Perspectives, and Reviews. Thus, when submitting a study, authors will be able to choose from the available options for types of work. Throughout the next issues of the IJI, in the editorial comments, we will pass on pertinent information about every kind of work, to assist the authors in their submissions.Currently, the IJI is available to readers with new works three times a year (January-April; May-August; September-December) with publications in English, Portuguese and Spanish. From what comes next, we will have some changes in the periodicity. Next stepsAs editors, we want the IJI to continue with a national and international impact and increase its relevance in the indexing bases. For this, we will work together with the entire editorial team, reviewers, and authors to improve the work. We will do our best to give full support to the evaluators who are so dedicated to making constructive evaluations to the authors. We will also support authors with all the necessary information.With editorial comments, we intend to pass on knowledge to readers, authors, and reviewers to improve the articles gradually. We also aim to support classroom activities and content.Even with the changes reported here, we continue to accept all types of work, as long as they have an appropriate methodology. We also maintain our scope and continue to publish all topics involving innovation. We want to support academic events on fast tracks increasingly. About the articles in this edition of IJIThis issue is the first we consider the new organization of the International Journal of Innovation - IJI. We started with this editorial comment talking about the changes and improvements that we are making at IJI—as an example, showing the reader, reviewer, and author that the scope remains the same. However, at the time of submission, the author has to choose one of the proposed themes and have a mandatory abstract structured in three languages (English, Portuguese, and Spanish).In this issue, we have a section of perspectives that addresses the “Fake Agile” phenomenon. This phenomenon is related to the difficulties that companies face throughout the agile transformation, causing companies not to reach full agility and not return to their previous management model.Next, we publish the traditional section with scientific articles. The article “Critical success factors of the incubation network of enterprises of the IFES” brings critical success factors as the determining variables to keep business incubators competitive, improving their organizational processes, and ensuring their survival. Another published article, “The sharing economy dilemma: the response of incumbent firms to the rise of the sharing economy”, addresses the sharing economy in terms of innovation. The results of the study suggest that the current response to the sharing economy so far is moderate and limited. The article “Analysis of the provision for implementation of reverse logistics in the supermarket retail” made it possible to observe that through the variables that define retail characteristics, it is not possible to say whether a supermarket will implement the reverse logistics process. And the article “Capability building in fuzzy front end management in a high technology services company”, whose main objective was to assess the adherence among Fuzzy Front End (FFE) facilitators, was reported in the literature its application in the innovation process of a company, an innovative multinational high-tech services company.We also published the article “The evolution of triple helix movement: an analysis of scientific communications through bibliometric technique”. The study is a bibliometric review that brings essential contributions to the area. This issue also includes a literature review entitled “Service innovation tools: a literature review” that aimed to systematically review the frameworks proposed and applied by the literature on service innovation.The technological article “A model to adopt Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Business Intelligence (BI) among Saudi SMEs”, in a new IJI publication section, addresses the main issues related to the intention to use ERPBI in the Saudi private sector.As we mentioned earlier in this editorial, IJI has a slightly different organization. With the new format, we intend to contribute to the promotion of knowledge in innovation. Also, we aim to increasingly present researchers and students with possibilities of themes and gaps for their research and bring insights to professionals in the field.Again, we thank the reviewers who dedicate their time and knowledge in the evaluations, always helping the authors. We wish you, readers, to enjoy the articles in this issue and feel encouraged to send your studies in innovation to the International Journal of Innovation - IJI.
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Priyanti, Nita, und Jhoni Warmansyah. „The Effect of Loose Parts Media on Early Childhood Naturalist Intelligence“. JPUD - Jurnal Pendidikan Usia Dini 15, Nr. 2 (30.11.2021): 239–57.

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Naturalist intelligence of early childhood has a very big role in today's modern age as the basis for children to have environmental-loving behaviour. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Loose Parts learning media on the naturalist intelligence. This study uses a quasi-experimental method with data collection techniques through multiple intelligence tests of children's intelligence instruments. The subjects of this study were 17 children aged 5-6 years. The results showed that there was a significant effect of giving Loose Parts media to the naturalist intelligence of early childhood after seeing a difference between pre-test and post-test. The use of natural-based Loose Parts media can be a means for teachers to increase children's naturalist intelligence in kindergarten and be a development of conventional media made from manufacturers in the learning cycle so far. For further research, it is recommended to look at the influence of other factors on naturalist intelligence in early childhood. Keywords: Early Childhood, Loose Parts, Naturalist Intelligence References: Aljabreen, H. (2020). Montessori, Waldorf, and Reggio Emilia: A Comparative Analysis of Alternative Models of Early Childhood Education. International Journal of Early Childhood, 52(3), 337–353. Anjari, T. Y., & Purwanta, E. (2019). Effectiveness of the Application of Discovery Learning to the Naturalist Intelligence of Children About the Natural Environment in Children Aged 5-6 Years. International Conference on Special and Inclusive Education (ICSIE 2018), 296, 356–359. Armstrong, T. (2002). You’re Smarter Than You Think: A Kid’s Guide to Multiple Intelligences. Free Spirit Publishing Inc., 217 Fifth Ave., North, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55401-1299. Asih, S., & Susanto, A. (2017). Peningkatan Kecerdasan Naturalis Pada Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Melalui Model Pembelajaran Di Sentra Bahan Alam. Yaa Bunayya: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, 1(1). Ata-Akturk, A., & Sevimli-Celik, S. (2020). Creativity in early childhood teacher education: Beliefs and practices. International Journal of Early Years Education, 1–20. Azizah, E. N. (2021). Peningkatan Kecerdasan Naturalis Melalui Kolase Bahan Alam Pada Anak Kelompok A TK Kemala Bhayangkari 54 Ngawi. Journal of Childhood Education, 5(1). Damayanti, A., Akbar, M., & Yufiarti, Y. (2019). The Interaction Effect of Learning Methods and Naturalist Intelligence Toward Children’s Art Creativity. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Technology and Educational Science. Diana, H., Diana, S., & Wulan, A. R. (2019). Hubungan antara kecerdasan naturalis dengan sikap lingkungan. Konferensi Internasional Tentang Biologi Dan Sains Terapan (ICOBAS). Ebrahimi, T. (2017). Effect of Technology on Education in Middle East: Traditional Education Versus Digital Education. In Digital Transformation in Journalism and News Media (pp. 519–531). Springer International Publishing. Faridy, F., & Rohendi, A. (2021). The Role of Parents in Engaging Early Childhood to Implement 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Social Science (ICONETOS 2020), 529(Iconetos 2020), 483–486. Fatonah, S., & Prasetyo, Z. K. (2018). Science Learning Model To Improve Naturalist Intelligence For Early Childhood. Sunan Kalijaga International Journal on Islamic Educational Research, 1(1), 34–50. Flannigan, C., & Dietze, B. (2018). Children, Outdoor Play, and Loose Parts. Journal of Childhood Studies, 53–60. Furi, A. Z., Harmawati, Denok, M., & B.A. (2019). Meningkatkan Kemampuan Kognitif melalui Penerapan Metode Eksperimen Menggunakan Media Loose Parts pada Anak Kelompok B. Emphaty Cons: Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 1(2), 7–19. Gardner, H. (1994). Frames Of Mind. New York, NY, Basic Books. Gibson, J. L., Cornell, M., & Gill, T. (2017). A Systematic Review of Research into the Impact of Loose Parts Play on Children’s Cognitive, Social and Emotional Development. School Mental Health, 9(4), 295–309. Gold, Z. S., & Elicker, J. (2020). Engineering Peer Play: A New Perspective on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Early Childhood Education (pp. 61–75). Gull, C., Bogunovich, J., Goldstein, S. L., & Rosengarten, T. (2019). Definitions of Loose Parts in Early Childhood Outdoor Classrooms: A Scoping Review Carla Gull Jessica Bogunovich Suzanne Levenson Goldstein Tricia Rosengarten. International Journal of Early Childhood Environmental Education Copyright, 6(3), 37–52. Hafizotun, L. (2017). Pemberdayaan Sentra Bahan Alam Untuk Mengembangkan Kecerdasan Naturalis Anak Usia Dini Di Taman Kanak-Kanak Islam Terpadu Nurul Ilmi Kota Jambi. 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Nadia Nurul Izza, Mia Sari, Mughnii Kahila und Solahuddin Al-ayubi. „A Twitter Sentimen Analysis on Islamic Banking Using Drone Emprit Academic (DEA): Evidence from Indonesia“. Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan 10, Nr. 5 (30.09.2023): 496–510.

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ABSTRACT The research aimed to identify and collect issues discussed regarding Islamic banking from user activity, sentimen, and content on Twitter. This study used a qualitative approach by collecting data on 145,475 conversations from Twitter using the Twitter Crawling technique with the Drone Emprit Academy (DEA) engine from 28 July 2020 – 10 March 2023 in Indonesia. Text data mining is used with the help of the DEA system by analyzing sentimen, Social Network Analysis (SNA), and other Twitter data analysis. The results showed that the highest number of tweets related to Islamic banking came from the number of tweets which were dominated by millennials and millennials with positive sentimens of 66%, then negative sentimens of 28% and neutral sentimens of 5%. From these results, both positive, negative and neutral sentimens are a challenge for various stakeholders in the field, including academics, government and others, in a more massive manner to explain and provide a more solid and stronger understanding of Islamic finance, especially Islamic banking.Keywords: Islamic Banking; Sentimen Analysis; Twitter; Academic Emprit Drone ABSTRAKPenelitian bertujuan untuk mengindetifikasi dan mengumpulkan isu yang dibahas terkait perbankan syariah dari aktivitas pengguna, sentimen, dan konten di Twitter. Metode ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan mengumpulkan data 145.475 percakapan dari Twitter menggunakan teknik Twitter Crawling dengan mesin Drone Emprit Academy (DEA) dari tanggal 28 Juli 2020 – 10 Maret 2023 di Indonesia. Text data mining digunakan dengan bantuan sistem DEA dengan menganalisis sentimen, Social Network Analysis (SNA), dan analisis data Twitter lainnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah tweet tertinggi terkait perbankan syariah berasal dari jumlah tweet yang didominasi oleh kaum millennials dan zillenial dengan sentimen positif sebesar 66%, kemudian sentimen negatif 28% dan sentimen netral sebesar 5%. Dari hasil tersebut, baik sentimen positif, negative, maupun netral menjadi tantangan bagi berbagai pemangku kepentingan di lapangan, termasuk akademisi, pemerintah, dan lainnya, secara lebih massif untuk menjelaskan dan memberikan pemahaman yang lebih kokoh dan kuat tentang keuangan syariah khususnya perbankan syariah. Kata Kunci: Perbankan Syariah, Analisis Sentimen, Twitter, Drone Emprit Akademik REFERENCES Ahmad, A., Sohail, A., & Hussain, A. (2021). Emergence of financial technology in Islamic banking industry and its influence on bank performance in covid-19 scenario: A case of developing economy. Gomal University Journal of Research, 37(1), 97-109. Alotaibi, M. S. (2013). 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Connington, J. J. Nordenholt's Million. The MIT Press, 2022.

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As a bacteria threatens to wipe out humankind, a plutocrat sets himself up as the benignant dictator of a survivalist colony. In this novel originally published in 1923, as denitrifying bacteria inimical to plant growth spreads around the world, toppling civilizations and threatening to wipe out humankind, the British plutocrat Nordenholt sets himself up as the benignant dictator of a ruthlessly efficient, entirely undemocratic, survivalist colony established in Scotland's Clyde Valley. Discovering just how far their employer is willing to go in his effort to spare one million lives, Jack Flint, the colony's director of operations, and Elsa Huntingtower, Nordenholt's personal assistant, are forced to grapple with the question of whether a noble end justifies dastardly means. Matthew Battles is the author of Library: An Unquiet History, Palimpsest, and Tree, as well as the story collection The Sovereignties of Invention. His writing on the cultural dimensions of science, technology, and the natural world have appeared in the Atlantic, the Boston Globe, and Orion. For Harvard''s metaLAB, he develops research into the dark abundance of collections, cultural and technology, and conditions of experience in the context of deep time. Evan Hepler-Smith teaches the history of science and technology and environmental history at Duke University. He has a special interest in the history of chemicals and chemistry, information technology, and environmental regulation. His book in progress is entitled Compound Words: Chemical Information and the Molecular World. His writing has been published in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal,, and Public Books.
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