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Jaurand, Emmanuel. „Le tourisme naturiste en Méditerranée : entre interface et choc des civilisations (Naturist touristic practices in Mediterranean area : between interface and clash of civilisations)“. Bulletin de l'Association de géographes français 83, Nr. 3 (2006): 331–40.

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Glock, Hans-Johann. „Norms, Reasons, and Anthropological Naturalism“. Philosophical Topics 50, Nr. 1 (2022): 9–32.

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This article addresses the two most important areas of potential conflict between inferentialism and naturalism, namely normativity and rationality. Concerning the first, it sides with inferentialism, while at the same time developing a normativist position less vulnerable to naturalistic objections. There is nothing problematic or mysterious about semantic normativity or normativity in general. But one needs to distinguish different types of normativity and recognize that statements of norms can be perfectly truth-apt. Concerning the second area of conflict, my verdict is partly naturalistic. It rejects overly intellectualist accounts of the normative practices that underlie meaning and content. The article ends with a plea for an ‘anthropological’ naturalism that eschews both ontological supernaturalism and epistemological naturalism.
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Valcuende, Jose Maria, Victoria Quintero und Jose A. Cortes. „Discursive natures in protected areas“. Aibr, Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana 06, Nr. 01 (01.01.2010): 27–54.

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Costa, Joseane Dunga, Ricardo Farias Amaral und Paulo Victor do Nascimento Araújo. „Evolução Espaço-Temporal da Ocupação Urbana Sobre Áreas Naturais em Ambientes Costeiros“. Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física 14, Nr. 4 (2021): 1957–71.

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This work aimed to perform a multidecadal analysis of the spatio-temporal evolution of urban occupation over natural areas in the South and West Zones of the Natal-RN city, through geotechnologies and field study. Between 1969 and 2013, the impacts of urban expansion on tthe main Permanent Preservation Areas - PPA (banks of rivers and lagoons, and dunes remaining) and their temporal changes were identified and characterized. For this, aerial photographs, satellite images and contour lines were used, in addition to pre-existing information, which allowed the creation of a robust spatial database, which resulted in the construction of evolution maps of impervious areas and the use of and land occupation. In general, it was found that urban occupation advanced about 60% over the studied natural areas. This advance was increasing until 2006, when there was a slowdown in this process, except for the Environmental Protection Zone (EPZ) 03, where the Pitimbu River and its PPA are located, which experienced a more significant loss of area. The urban occupation affected the natural drainage and contributed to the contamination of the groundwater of Natal, due to the increase of the waterproofed area, the release of solid and liquid residues, as well as the removal of the riparian forest, which irreversibly altered the natural landscape. And reduced the quality and quantity of local water resources needed by the population.
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Santos, Fábio Zacarias, und Carla Pereira de Abreu. „ATIVIDADES DO ECOTURISMO QUE PODERIAM SER IMPLANTADAS NA ZONA DE TURISMO ECOLÓGICO DA APA DE PIAÇABUÇU EM ALAGOAS“. RDE - Revista de Desenvolvimento Econômico 1, Nr. 39 (April 2015): 590.

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Este artigo tem o principal intuito identificar quais atividades podem ser desenvolvidas na Zona de Turismo Ecológico da APA de Piaçabuçu e levantar quais atividades do ecoturismo poderiam ser implantadas na mesma de acordo com seus atrativos naturais e
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Ribeiro, Adoniran Carvalho, Aurélio José Antunes de Carvalho und Joanison Vicente dos Santos Teixeira. „Conflicts between rural communities and wildlife in an area within the Jiquiriçá Valley“. Revista Macambira 8, Nr. 1 (06.05.2024): e081006.

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Os recentes conflitos entre produtores rurais e a fauna silvestre em uma área de ecótono nas comunidades rurais da cidade de Santa Inês, Bahia, têm suscitado uma discussão sobre a necessidade de estabelecer estratégias para promover uma convivência harmoniosa entre os habitantes do campo e os animais carnívoros. Diante desse cenário, esta pesquisa teve como objetivos quantificar os ataques de predadores naturais às criações domésticas e identificar a percepção das comunidades rurais em relação à presença desses predadores na região. Partimos da hipótese de que a percepção das comunidades em relação aos mamíferos carnívoros pode ser influenciada por atitudes e crenças locais, experiências individuais dos moradores e exposição a informações sobre a conservação da fauna local. Assim, o estudo buscou fornecer subsídios para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de sensibilização ambiental junto às comunidades, destacando a importância da conservação da fauna silvestre e da preservação dos habitats naturais, visando mitigar os conflitos entre predadores naturais e produtores rurais na região do Vale do Jiquiriçá. Espera-se que os resultados contribuam para a adoção de medidas que promovam atitudes conservacionistas, favorecendo uma relação menos conflituosa entre as comunidades rurais e os predadores naturais, além de fornecer uma base para estudos adicionais visando uma compreensão mais aprofundada desses conflitos.
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Pietta, Antonella, und Marco Tononi. „Re-Naturing the City: Linking Urban Political Ecology and Cultural Ecosystem Services“. Sustainability 13, Nr. 4 (07.02.2021): 1786.

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In the last few decades European industrial cities have experienced major transformations which have implied the need to rethink the role of nature. Re-naturing the city, reconnecting urban planning and nature and enhancing sustainability, means taking into account ecosystems and biodiversity through a social approach to nature which reconsiders nature as a social product and re-examines city–nature relationships, the way Urban Political Ecology (UPE) suggests. This paper focuses on the Brescia Quarry Park, a suburban space that until just a few years ago was characterized by mining activities. This area has now been transformed into a re-naturalized area and is projected to become one of Europe’s largest re-naturalized protected urban areas. These transformations are signs of a profound change in the urban metabolism. In fact, the community has struggled for many years for the recognition of the value of the area in ecological and cultural terms. Therefore, an approach was adopted based on Urban Political Ecology, which is useful to study how the socio–natural relationships change and how an exploited and degraded land can become a relevant natural area from the local community’s point of view. This approach also allowed us to study conflicts due to unequal power relations and strategies developed by the community to reduce these conflicts. Particular interest was given to the participatory processes which have driven these transformations and to the role played by the different actors involved through top-down and bottom-up approaches. So, we decided to combine UPE and participatory action research—PAR and create a participatory map of the Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES) in the Park. Attention was given to understanding the practices of the stakeholders and benefits for the community. This involvement allowed us to represent the complexity of the re-naturalized urban landscape which was analyzed through the changes in natural, urban and rural features that emerged. During the process, the interaction between citizens and experts was fundamental in co-producing an analysis of the placemaking of urban landscapes and in revealing the socio–ecological interactions of the stakeholders with these places. The results of the mapping process represent a first step towards promoting sustainable environmental planning and management based on the involvement and empowerment of the local population.
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Lima, Milcíades Gadelha de, und Adeodato Ari Cavalcante Salviano. „Recuperação de Áreas Degradadas no Estado do Piauí (Recuperation of Degradation Areas in the Piauí State)“. Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física 4, Nr. 6 (09.04.2012): 1254.

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A degradação do solo representa um enorme risco para as gerações futuras por ser um dos recursos naturais mais importantes. Entre outras funções, o solo é responsável pela ciclagem dos nutrientes e sustentabilidade dos sistemas naturais. Objetivou-se neste trabalho resgatar as ações e as pesquisas sobre desertificação e recuperação de áreas degradadas no Estado do Piauí. O conhecimento produzido não é suficiente para dimensionar a real área afetada pelo processo de desertificação. A implantação de um programa de controle e/ou recuperação de áreas degradadas deve ser parte de um projeto maior, o de conservação dos recursos naturais e deve ser planejado com base nas várias microbacias existentes no Estado. Recomenda-se testar práticas vegetativas, edáficas e mecânicas para o controle da erosão hídrica e para a recuperação de áreas degradadas. Palavras - chave: Mitigação; Recursos naturais; Desenvolvimento sustentável. Recuperation of Degradation Areas in the Piauí State ABSTRACTThe degradation of the ground represents an enormous risk for the future generations for being one of the more important natural resources. Among others functions, the ground is responsible for the nutrients cycling and support of the natural systems. The objective of this work was to rescue the actions and research on desertification and rehabilitating degraded areas in the State of Piauí. The knowledge produced is not enough for the real size of the area affected by the process of desertification. The implementation of a program for the control and/or recovery of degraded areas should be part of a larger project, the conservation of natural resources and must be planned considering the various watersheds existing in the State. It is recommended that testing practices vegetative, edaphic and mechanical to control erosion and water for the recovery of degraded areas. Keywords: Mitigation; Natural Resources; Sustainable Development.
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Acosta, Raúl, Joseph Adeniran Adedeji, Maan Barua, Matthew Gandy, L. Sasha Gora und Kara Murphy Schlichting. „Thinking with Urban Natures“. Global Environment 16, Nr. 2 (01.06.2023): 177–21.

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Since the Enlightenment, cities have been considered as exemplary spaces of human achievement. Technological developments and the constant reorganisation of materials and infrastructures have contributed to a widely shared conception of nature as something outside of urban areas. Our age, framed by the Anthropocene and the sixth wave of extinction, has shattered such vision. Novel reflections across the natural sciences, the arts and the humanities have chosen to focus on relational entanglements instead of separating the city from the environment. In this short collection, we offer a series of reflections about multiple urban natures that often remain unknown or concealed. Each of us does so from a unique disciplinary perspective, ranging from anthropology to history and geography over urban ecology, urban studies and landscape architecture. We hope to point towards a multidisciplinary articulation of urban nature as in itself diverse, complex and de-centred.
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Suhareva, Lyubov' Vladimirovna. „Effect of biopreparations on growth parameters of Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Stapf“. Agrarian Bulletin of the 24, Nr. 01 (01.02.2024): 12–21.

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Abstract. The purpose of the study was to study the effectiveness of microbiological preparations on the growth characteristics of Sudan sorghum under the conditions of the Vologda region on the background with and without fertilizers. Methodology and methods. Research work was first carried out in the Vologda region in the experimental field of FSBSI “Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences” in 2022. Biopreparations based on living cells of microorganisms were used, the basis of the drug “Naturost-Aktiv” consists of cell culture Lactobacillus buchneri, “Naturost-M” – Bacillus megaterium. The object of the study was Sudanese sorghum variety Zemlyachka. Small-scale field experiment included the following variants: control (1 var.), control + fertilizer (2 var.), biopreparation (3 var.), biopreparation 1 + fertilizer (4 var.), biopreparation 2 + fertilizer (5 var.). Repetition of the experiment – 3 times, the area of recording plot 5 m2. Indicators are presented by 4 counts per season. Results. The total bushiness in the variant with the “Naturost-Aktiv” increases by 35.3 %, an increase of 29.4 % to the control is noted in the variant “Naturost-Aktiv” + fertilizer. Productive bushiness was fixed in each variant, the maximum increase to the control was 45.5 % in the variant control + fertilizer. The greatest gain to the control of 42.5 % in the average area of the leaf surface was determined in the variant with the use of the drug “Naturost-M” and fertilization. Scientific novelty. For the first time a study on Sudan sorghum variety Zemlyachka in the conditions of the Vologda region using the biopreparation “Naturost-Aktiv” based on the cell culture Lactobacillus buchneri and “Naturost-M” – Bacillus megaterium on the background with and without fertilizers, which then can be recommended to increase the adaptation of plants and increase productivity, in turn Sudan sorghum can be recommended as a basic or auxiliary element of crop rotation.
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Robles-Contreras, Fabian, Raul Leonel Grijalva-Contreras*, Manuel de Jesus Valenzuela-Ruiz und Ruben Macias-Duarte. „Perspective for the Sabila (Aloe vera barbadensis) Production in the Mexico Sonoran Desert“. HortScience 39, Nr. 4 (Juli 2004): 778E—778.

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Sabila is a plant that by his multiple applications in the medicine as in the naturist feeding and the cosmetics industry is taking a lot of importance at world-wide level. In addition, this is a crop that requires little amount of water to be developed satisfactorily, for this reason this crop is a good alternative to cultivate in the agricultural areas of the sonoran desert. The objective of this study was to determine the viability to produce sabila in the sonoran desert. During Summer 2002, two experiments of sabila was conducted, and distributed on two agricultural areas of the sonoran desert: The first experiment was carried out in two location of the agricultural region of Sonoyta, Sonora, Mexico, (“The Nariz” and “The Papago” farm). The second experiment was carried out in two lacation of the agricultural region of Caborca, Sonora, Mexico, (“The Bizani” and “The Coast” area) being the less cold area. During the first year we evaluated the surviving plants and the sprout emission. The result indicated that the plant in the Sonoyta region is more affected for the winter frosts, and it is reflected in a smaller average of surviving plants, being this of 78.6% and 97.8% in Sonoyta and Caborca respectively. Also we observed an effect in the percentage of plants that present sprout emission, being this of 11.25% and 23.65% in Sonoyta and Caborca respectively. Apparently the agricultural area of caborca has suitable condition for Sabila production.
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Amri, Fauzul, Reginawanti Hindersah, Benito Kurnani, Sunardi, Martha Cahyandito und Dedi Nursyamsi. „Physical and chemical natures of post artisanal gold mine area at Kebunlado Village of Riau Province“. Indonesian Mining Journal 23, Nr. 1 (2020): 9–19.

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Eduardo, Carlos, Alencar Carvalho und Miguel Ângelo Marini. „Distribution patterns of diurnal raptors in open and forested habitats in south-eastern Brazil and the effects of urbanization“. Bird Conservation International 17, Nr. 4 (Dezember 2007): 367–80.

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AbstractDiurnal raptors may be highly sensitive to anthropogenic disturbances. We evaluated the diversity and abundance of diurnal raptors at an Atlantic Forest–cerrado transition zone in relation to two habitat types (forest fragments and open habitats) and to urbanization, comparing natural open and forested habitats with corresponding habitats within a large urban area. We sampled 80 points, 20 in each of four habitats (semi-natural and urban forests, semi-natural and urban open areas), during 12 months. Diurnal raptors recorded (21 species) included only three out of 10 species with some level of threat in the region. Forested habitats had more species (17) than open habitats (12). Urban areas had only 14 (67%) species, whereas semi-natural areas had all 21 species. Diurnal raptors were as abundant in urban areas as in semi-natural areas in spite of a loss in species richness in urban areas. A re-analysis without Caracara plancus showed that urban areas had a lower mean number of individuals per point than semi-natural areas. Overall species richness usually fluctuated from 14 to 16 species, being slightly higher between January and May than in other months. Overall abundance of diurnal raptors was much higher during summer than during winter. Local extinction may have already occurred for some species of diurnal raptors in the region and will probably shortly include several others. At least C. plancus, a habitat generalist, requires further studies and eventually management actions, since it is able to reach high population numbers in urbanized areas. Furthermore, highly sensitive species that were not recorded require further investigation regarding their conservation status.ResumoRaptores diurnos podem ser altamente sensíveis a perturbações antropogênicas. Avaliamos a diversidade e a abundância de raptores diurnos em uma região de transição entre Floresta Atlântica e Cerrado em relação a dois tipos de hábitats (fragmentos florestais e hábitats abertos) e è urbanização, comparando hábitats abertos e florestais aos hábitats correspondentes dentro de uma área urbana. Amostramos 80 pontos, 20 em cada um dos quatro hábitats (florestas semi-naturais e urbanas, áreas abertas semi-naturais e urbanas) durante 12 meses. Entre os raptores diurnos registrados (21 espécies) estão apenas três das 10 espécies com algum nível de ameaça na região. Mais espécies foram registradas nos hábitats florestados (17) do que nos hábitats abertos (12). Apenas 14 (67 %) espécies foram registradas nas áreas urbanas, enquanto as 21 espécies foram registradas nas áreas semi-naturais. Os raptores diurnos foram igualmente abundantes nas áreas urbanas e nas áreas semi-naturais independentemente da perda de espécies nas áreas urbanas. Uma nova análise sem Caracara plancus mostrou que as áreas urbanas tiveram um menor número médio de indivíduos por ponto do que as áreas semi-naturais. A riqueza total de espécies foi de 14 e 16 espécies, em geral, sendo um pouco mais alta entre janeiro e maio do que nos outros meses. A abundância total de raptores diurnos foi muito maior durante o verão do que no inverno. Algumas espécies de raptores diurnos já podem estar localmente extintas na região, o que ainda pode ocorrer para várias outras espécies em breve. Pelo menos C. plancus, uma espécie generalista de hábitat, necessita de mais estudos e eventualmente ações de manejo uma vez que pode atingir grandes tamanhos populacionais em áreas urbanizadas. Além disso, espécies altamente sensíveis que não foram registradas necessitam de mais investigações sobre seus status de conservação.
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Dantas, Fernanda Raphaela Alves, und Kerlei Eniele Sonaglio. „Tourism Governance and Natural Areas Protected: Analysis of the Tourist Polo Costa Das Dunas-RN, Brazil“. Revista Rosa dos Ventos - Turismo e Hospitalidade 13, Nr. 1 (09.01.2021): 177–99.

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This study aims to analyze the perception of members of the Costa das Dunas Tourist Pole, in the State of Rio Grande do Norte [Brazil], regarding the potential effects of tourism in Protected Natural Áreas, especially in those that are in the process of being implemented. The state parks Mangues do Potengi, in Natal, and Jiqui, in Parnamirim, are studied. The research is exploratory, with a qualitative approach, using for data collection semi-structured interviews, followed by content analysis. It’s noted that the economic aspects are highlighted in their possibility of generating employment and income for the communities. It is also noteworthy that despite tourism being seen as a significant contributor to improving the resident’s quality of life, the involvement of these people in the planning and management of areas, as well as sensitizing visitors, is essential to mitigate undesirable impacts.
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Gasparyan, Diana E. „The first-person perspective description error in naturalism“. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Philosophy and Conflict Studies 37, Nr. 3 (2021): 403–15.

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In this article, it is shown that in some theories defending the non-reductive nature of the firstperson perspective it is possible to find a very inconsistent attitude. Such theories are associated by the author to a so-called moderate naturalism. The article demonstrates the difference between moderate and radical naturalism. Radical naturalism completely abandons the idea of subjectivity as unobservable from a third-person perspective. On the contrary, moderate naturalism defends the irreducibility of subjectivity, but believes subjectivity to be a part of the nature. As a case of moderate naturalism, the article considers the approaches of Lynne Baker and Thomas Metzinger. Exemplifying these approaches to the first-person perspective, it is shown that in the case of certain work strategies focused on the first-person perspective, it is possible that a so-called description error may appear, by which a description error of subjectivity — when it is placed in the world as a part of nature, existing according to its laws — is understood. The logic of this error points to one of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s statements about the incorrect placement of the eye in the perspective of the eye view itself. If the first-person perspective is introduced as a point of view (or a point of observation), then its subsequent shift to the observation result area leads to description error. If there is no observation, as well as no viewpoint, we lose the very idea of first-person perspective and actually take the position of radical naturalism.
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Braga, Liliane Rodrigues de Oliveria, Maria Marcia Magela Machado und Úrsula Azevedo Ruchkys. „Modelagem de recursos da geodiversidade como suporte às práticas ritualísticas de comunidades de matriz africana / Modeling resources of geodiversity to support ritualistic practice of communities of African origin“. Caderno de Geografia 24, Nr. 42 (18.07.2014): 233–48.

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Os elementos naturais constituem a essência das religiões de matriz africana. A supressão de áreas verdes, tidas como potenciais espaços sagrados tem afetado diretamente esta tradição. Este artigo apresenta o resultado de uma modelagem, baseada na relação dos saberes tradicionais de comunidades de candomblé com os recursos naturais, para identificação de potenciais espaços naturais sagrados. O município de Santa Luzia- MG foi escolhido como estudo de caso. A metodologia foi baseada em análise de multicritério. As variáveis e pesos correspondentes considerados foram apontados pelos líderes das comunidades por meio da aplicação de questionário. As bases cartográficas utilizadas tem como fonte o Instituto Mineiro de Gestão da Água; Imagem do Satélite Landsat; CPRM – Serviço Geológico do Brasil; Centro Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservação de Cavernas e o Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. A análise resultou em um mapa de potencialidade de uso de espaços para práticas ritualísticas externas, dividido em baixa, média e alta. Os espaços naturais já utilizados pelas comunidades foram espacializados no mapa e coincidiram com as áreas de alto potencial, validando a análise. Espera-se que os resultados obtidos possam se constituir um instrumento de visibilidade e valorização das comunidades de candomblé, além de subsidiar o planejamento municipal e a criação de políticas públicas.Palavras-Chave: comunidades de matriz africana, geodiversidade, rituais, geoprocessamento.AbstractNatural elements form the essence of religions of African origin. Suppression of green area, considered as potential sacred spaces, has directly affected this tradition. This article presents the results of a modeling, based on the relationship of traditional knowledge of Candomblé communities to natural resources, to identify potential sacred natural sites in Santa Luzia, MG. The methodology was based on multiple criteria analysis. The variables considered and corresponding weights were expressed by community leaders through a questionnaire. The cartographic databases used were provided by Institute of Water Management of Minas Gerais; Landsat Satellite Image; CPRM - Geological Survey of Brazil; National Center for Research and Conservation Caves and Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics. The result was a map of potential areas for outdoor ritual practices, classified into low, medium and high. The natural areas already used by communities were spatially map and coincided with the high potential areas, validating the analysis. It is expected that the result obtained may constitute a visibility tool of Candomblé communities, in addition to supporting the municipal planning and the creation of public policies. Keywords: communities of African origin, geodiversity, rituals, geotechnologies.
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Ribeiro, Marcos Samuel Matias, Lára de Melo Barbosa Andrade, Maria Helena Constantino Spyrides und Pollyanne Evangelista da Silva. „SANITARY, SOCIAL, AND METEOROLOGICAL ASPECTS AND NATURAL DISASTERS IN THE NORTHEASTERN REGION OF BRAZIL“. Mercator 21, Nr. 1 (15.06.2022): 1–18.

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This study aims to characterize the occurrence of natural disasters in the mesoregions situated in Brazil’s Northeastern region from sociosanitary and meteorological aspects during the period from 1991 to 2013. The grade-of-membership (GoM) method, based on fuzzy sets theory, was applied in order to define a typology of groups with distinct features. In order to identify differences among medians of climatic, socio-sanitary and disaster variables, Kruskall Wallis and Nemenyi tests were applied. To illustrate spatio-temporal patterns, thematic maps were made through QGIS software. Typology showed three extreme profiles: predominant 1, characterized by mesoregions with moderate occurrence of drought and flood, favorable conditions for rainfall surplus, best sanitary conditions and more urbanization, standing out in the coastal region of the Northeast; predominant 2 which has high drought and flood records, favorable conditions for rainfall deficit, intermediary sanitary conditions and moderate urbanization, found predominantly in mesoregions located in Brazilian Semiarid area; and predominant profile 3 which shows high flood records, favorable conditions to rainfall surplus, but low sanitary conditions and less urbanization, located fairly close of Maranhão state and the southern part Bahia state. Keywords: Natural disasters, mesoregions, GoM, Brazilian Northeast.
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Cezar Mendonça, Augusto, Paulo Henrique Fosaluza Bezerra, Renato Oliveira de Carvalho und Paulo Renato de Souza. „ÓLEOS ESSENCIAIS NATURAIS E SINTÉTICOS: BENEFÍCIOS NA INDÚSTRIA DE FRAGRÂNCIAS“. Revista ft 28, Nr. 136 (1996): 52–53.

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The use of tropical fruits in the creation of fragrances is a sensorial exercise as it is evident as a reflection of Brazil’s cultural identity. The choice of this theme is justified by the growing need to expand research in the area of ​​Industrial Chemistry, especially given the continuous advancement in the field of perfumery, driven by constant innovations in the obtaining and application of essential oils, both of natural and synthetic origin. Therefore, the general objective of this communication is to evaluate the economic and social relevance of essential and natural oils for the national fragrance industry. Methodologically, a documentary and descriptive bibliographic review was carried out in harmony with qualitative and observational research. From this perspective, it was found that the relationship between perfumery and Brazilian flora is closely linked to sustainability. The progressive demand for tropical fruit ingredients demonstrates the notoriety of sustainable sourcing and fair trade practices, resulting positively in the preservation of biodiversity.
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Platonov, Andrey Viktorovich, Irina Igorevna Rassokhina, Georgiy Yurievich Laptev und Vladislav Nikolaevich Bol'shakov. „Changes of the productivity and nutritional value of ryegrass under the influence of biologics“. Agrarian Scientific Journal, Nr. 10 (17.11.2021): 42–46.

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The article explores the impact of microbial biologics on the yield of one-year ryegrass and the quality characteristics of feed obtained during the silage of green crop mass. The introduction of preparations, made on the basis of live strains of microorganisms – Bacillus subtilis (“Naturost”), Lactobacillus buchneri (“Naturost-Aktiv”), and Bacillus megaterium (“Naturost-M”), was carried out by soaking the seeds before sowing and processing vegetative organs of plants. Small-scale field studies were conducted in the Vologda Oblast in 2019–2020, and silage experiments were held in a laboratory. Under the influence of biologics, the productivity of ryegrass green mass has increased up to 41.2 %. Moreover, biologics had an impact on the preservation of nutrients in the produced silage, the yield of feed units, and exchange energy in ryegrass silage mass from the seeding area of the experimental variants was higher, compared to the control, by 36.2–52.8% and 31.3–42.8%, respectively. A high yield of green crop mass was obtained in experiments using the “Naturost-Aktiv” and “Naturost” biologics. In terms of physical and chemical parameters and nutritional value, the best feed was obtained from ryegrass biomass in the variant with a preparation based on Bacillus subtilis (“Naturost”) bacteria.
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Manfredo Soares, Larissa, Ivan Carlos da Costa Barbosa, Ayslla Mendonça dos Santos Santos, Emerson Renato Maciel da Silva und Albertino Monteiro Neto. „CARACTERIZAÇÃO QUÍMICA DO SOLO E AVALIAÇÃO SOCIOAMBIENTAL EM ÁREAS DE INFLUÊNCIA DO LIXÃO DE CASTANHAL – PA“. REVISTA GEONORTE 12, Nr. 40 (28.01.2022): 92–113.

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O solo tem sido um dos principais recursos naturais afetados pelo mau gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos, o que impacta diretamente em sua qualidade e produtividade, devido às alterações sofridas em suas características físicas, químicas e biológicas. Dessa forma, objetivou-se avaliar os atributos químicos do solo nos arredores do lixão de Castanhal (PA) de acordo com a sazonalidade e declividade da área, bem como entender a dinâmica ambiental e socioeconômica do local. Para isso, coletou-se amostras de solo em três pontos próximos ao lixão e em um ponto de referência em área de vegetação afastado do mesmo, considerando a diferença percentual de declividade na área escolhida, nos meses de março e outubro de 2018. Além disso, para coletar dados de características ambientais, foi aplicado um formulário de avaliação ambiental elaborado com base no questionário da metodologia MESMIS. Os resultados mostraram a influência do lixão nas características do solo quando comparados aos da área de referência. A diferença de declividade entre os pontos não foi um fator significativo para os resultados, e sim as condições ambientais destes. Diferente dos pontos próximos ao lixão, o ponto de referência apresentou, entre outras características, solos mais escuros e com boa cobertura, presença de horizonte O, alta atividade biológica e ausência de erosão, o que contribuiu para que apresentasse melhores teores de cátions trocáveis, matéria orgânica e CTC, quando comparado aos outros pontos. Com relação à sazonalidade, poucos parâmetros apresentaram diferença significativa.
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Playford, Richard. „Non-natural natural law: bridging the gap between Aristotle and Ross“. ethic@ - An international Journal for Moral Philosophy 20, Nr. 1 (30.04.2021): 344–61.

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Aristotelianism is often considered to be a version of naturalism. As a result, non-naturalism is often considered to be incompatible with Aristotelianism. In this paper, I will show that the Aristotelian can actually accept much of what the non-naturalist wants to say. I will show that the Aristotelian can accept a non-natural account of the good, need not be concerned by G. E. Moore’s Open Question Argument and that, as long as we carefully consider and define our terms, they can accept much of non-naturalism in abstract. This then paves the way for the possibility of a non-natural natural law and should go some way to challenging the prevailing orthodoxy that Aristotelianism is a version of naturalism. I do not go so far as to label Aristotelianism a form of non-naturalism as there are some important areas of disagreement. Instead, I think that Aristotelianism should count as its own label and that it will resist any attempts to label it a form of naturalism, non-naturalism or, indeed, supernaturalism.
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Adenaike, Folahan Anthony, Joseph Akinlabi Fadamiro und Akunnaya Pearl Opoko. „Forms and Elements of Recent Ethno-Acculturation Preferences of Yoruba Architecture in Southwest Ngeria; A Case Study of Abeokuta Historic City Core“. Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering 35, Nr. 2 (19.06.2024): 133–52.

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The evolution of indigenous architecture for any social culture is usually sectionalised into thresholds of different but succinct architectural styles. The continued survival of any indigenous style is the ability to accommodate changes in components while preserving the culture of the people. The postmodern and contemporary architectural styles are the most recent defined patterns that have been assimilated into the Yoruba areas of Southwest Nigeria. Existing literature on Yoruba architecture have not addressed the delineation of the current threshold of the indigenous style. In a bid to address this problem, this research set out to define the current outlook of the Yoruba indigenous architecture through the forms and elements that have been acculturised from the foreign styles. This was achieved by locating the study in a historic city centre where the social culture is preserved in the community and the buildings. Urban upgrades carried out in the area stimulated the renovation and fresh construction of buildings where they occurred in the otherwise sedentary community. The older buildings in the sedentary parts of the study area and the newer structures in the upgraded areas provided two different thresholds in the architectural evolution for comparison of the constituents of the building patterns. After defining the study area, building counts were carried out to determine numbers in the upgraded and sedentary areas. This helped to calculate the sample sizes for direct observation guided by a schedule. Questionnaire was administered to evaluate residents’ opinions on the subject. Descriptive statistics were used to identify the trends in typologies and preferences while existing literature was used to explain the chronology of styles and the architectural evolution of the area. The research identified the current natures of the forms and elements being adopted in the area and the reasons for their adoption. It concluded that the forms have been modified to suit the social culture and the climate.
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Romanova, E. B., E. I. Solomaykin, A. G. Bakiev und R. A. Gorelov. „Leukocyte blood composition of Naturix natrix (Serpentes: Colubridae) in the Mordovian State Nature Reserve (Russia)“. Current Studies in Herpetology 21, Nr. 1/2 (21.06.2021): 18–29.

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The state of the grass snake (Natrix natrix) population in the Mordovian State Nature Reserve was assessed using the hematological approach. The leukocyte blood count was estimated together with calculation of the associated leukocyte indices (neutrophil:lymphocyte (N:L), eosinophil:lymphocyte (E:L), heterophil:eosinophil (H/E) and heterophil:lymphocyte (H:L) ratios). The surface area of leukocytes (heterophils, basophils, eosinophils, azurophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes) was measured. The leukocyte blood composition of Natrix natrix was characterized by the predominance of agranulocytes, and the granulocyte fraction was 31– 37% (u = 1.99, p = 0.04). The population pattern of the leukocyte blood composition of Natrix natrix was as follows: heterophils – 8.07±0.6%, basophils – 12.33±0.95%, eosinophils – 8.33±0.65%, azurophils – 5.25±0.53%, monocytes – 9.77±0.42%, and lymphocytes – 56.22±1.7%. According to the averaged area, the leukocytes were arranged in the following order: eosinophils – monocytes – azurophils, basophils – heterophils – lymphocytes. The diameter of the largest cells (eosinophils) was (17.5±2.42) μm. The smallest lymphocytes had diameters within (7.22±1.21) μm. The absence of any differences in the quantitative content of all types of granulocytes and agranulocytes in the blood of the grass snake from different parts of the reserve indicated a comparable level of impact and the identity of the physiological mechanisms of adaptation that occur in the body of animals in protected habitat conditions. Most of the leukocyte integral indices revealed the same type of variability in the parameters of the white blood cell system of the Natrix natrix in three areas of the reserve, with the exception of an increased value of the heterophiles/lymphocytes ratio in the sample from the village Pushta. The increase in this indicator made it possible to draw a conclusion about the stress effect on the individuals of this sample. The principal component method was used to differentiate the samples of the grass snake with a more complete quantitative description of the leukocyte composition of the objects of study; the results obtained are presented in a visual, integrated and generalized form. The use of the principal component method made it possible to combine samples of Natrix natrix with similar indicators of leukocyte composition, as well as to identify a population of Natrix natrix that differs in its indicators in the urbanized territory of the Samara region. The blood pattern and the dynamics of blood leukocyte indices reflected the active response of the Natrix natrix body to the complex of environmental factors of the habitat on the territory of the Mordovian State Nature Reserve.
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Shrivastwa, Bimal Kishore. „Realism and Naturalism in Samrat Upadhyay’s The Guru of Love“. Journal of Language and Literature 21, Nr. 1 (16.03.2021): 137–47.

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This research project seeks to explore realism and naturalism in Samrat Upadhyay's novel, The Guru of Love, in the context of Nepalese society. It analyses how the novel delineates a realistic account of Nepalese middle-class people's hardships, struggles, and problems they face internally and externally through the character of Ramchandra, the protagonist of the fiction, an ordinary mathematics teacher who faces some hindrances in search of a better life and developing a career in the capital city. The principal objective of the study is to find the realistic, naturalistic, and materialistic elements in the novel, to examine the psychic predispositions that characters come through realistically, and to analyze the role of love and sex in terms of spirituality and emancipation as they all fall into the parameters of naturalism and realism. This study is developed through a theoretical framework based on realism and naturalism for the close textual analysis of the novel. The principal finding of the research paper is that the major characters of the novel, The Guru of Love, suffer from the conflict between their desires and their socio-economic realities. The article also surveys how material prosperity fails to resolve all the problems that human being goes through. It is expected that the paper stands as a reference for the research scholars interested to explore in the area.
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O presente trabalho, realizado no porto de Vila do Conde, município de Barcarena-PA, analisa as áreas e os processos que apresentam ameaça potencial ao vazamento de óleo. As áreas identificadas como potenciais ao vazamento de óleo na zona portuária foram: (i) Área de atracação, onde a prática de acostagem, carga, descarga e abastecimento de navios e balsas com óleo combustível são constantes; (ii) Área de acesso, delimitada pela ponte por onde percorre os dutos e (iii) Área de estocagem, onde se concentram os tanques de armazenamento de óleo e plataformas de distribuição. Estas áreas, em decorrência da intensa manipulação de óleo combustível, foram classificadas em níveis de ameaça que vai do pouco provável a muito provável de ocorrer vazamento. Portanto, um sinistro com óleo em uma das áreas citadas podem acarretar danos ambientais imprevisíveis tanto para ambientes naturais como sociais.ABSTRACTThe present work, accomplished in the port of Villa of Conde, municipal district of Barcarena-shovel, analyzes the areas and the processes that present potential menace to the oil leak. The areas identified as potentials to the oil leak in the port zone were: (i) mooring area, where the leant against practice, load, discharge and provisioning of ships and rafts with oil fuel are constant; (ii) access area, defined by the bridge through where it travels the pipeline and (iii) stock area, where they concentrate the tanks of oil storage and distribution platforms. These areas, due to the intense manipulation of combustible oil, they were classified in levels of menace that is going of the probable little to very probable of happening leak. Therefore, a casualty with oil in one of the mentioned areas can cart unexpected environmental damages so much for natural environment as social.
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Liccardo, Antonio, Elvio Pinto Bosetti, Gilson Burigo Guimarães, Christopher Vinicius Santos und Drielli Peyerl. „Museum of Natural Sciences: valuation of the paleontological collection of the State University of Ponta Grossa“. Terr Plural 15 (2021): e2119754.

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In the State University of Ponta Grossa is a reference institution in Paleontology in the State of Paraná, for being located on top of fossiliferous terrains of the Devonian and, mainly, by the tradition in research in this area since 1969. In 2020, the Museum of Natural Sciences (MCN) was created on the UEPG campus with the proposal to enhance the scientific collections of regional and state geodiversity and biodiversity. Among the material on display in this space, there is a set of fossils representative of the Paraná paleontology with didactic potential and also for tourist visitation. The MCN has the support of research laboratories and their researchers to advance in the communication of science and, in the case of fossils, the Laboratory of Paleontology and Stratigraphy of the Department of Geosciences supports the curatorship and scientific investigation of the museum. The MCN concentrates on the most representative fossils of the region, culturally valuing the university collection and bringing to the public the results of decades of academic research, usually not accessible to the community. This paper presents the characteristics of this paleontological collection.
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Giri, M. S., A. Munawir, A. Sundawiati, M. E. Sodahlan, Y. Prasetyo, H. W. Nugrahareni, H. Kurniawan, A. J. Rinekso und D. A. Rahman. „Habitat Suitability Modeling of Javan Slow Loris (Nycticebus javanicus) in the Forest Cluster of Gunung Halimun Salak“. Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika (Journal of Tropical Forest Management) 29, Nr. 2 (18.08.2023): 119–26.

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Javan slow loris (Nycticebus javanicus) is one of the endemic wildlife on Java Island. This species owns particular characteristics, including arboreal, solitary, and nocturnal natures. The species is threatened due to habitat loss and illegal trafficking. Nevertheless, their current geographic distribution remains unclear and environmental factors impact on these species is mostly unknown. This study aims to predict the habitat suitability of javan slow loris in the Conservation Management Forest Unit area of Mount Halimun Salak Forest Group. The study employs a species distribution modeling approach using Maximum Entropy. The presence data of javan slow loris was collected from the radio-telemetry devices used in post-release monitoring. The modeling utilizes elevations, distance from the settlements, slopes, and land covered as its environment variables. The result shows that 52% of the study areas, or 54,669 ha are suitable as the habitat of N. javanicus. Since as the largest protected area on Java Island, Gunung Halimun Salak National Park is one of the natural habitats that are pivotal for this species. This study provides essential documentation for developing management strategies within protected areas. Hence, the result of the study could serve as one of the factors in the determination of animal release location in the future.
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Felicissimo, Rodrigo. „Report on Music Composition and Visual Art Exhibitions: Ongoing Research“. Roczniki Humanistyczne 72, Nr. 12 Zeszyt specjalny (23.08.2024): 95–107.

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The present work is related to the epistemology of music signification, and the correlation with the compositions that brings in a narrative process: nature as its resemblance. In the structural narrative process music acquires signifiers that infer to a segment of the representative work related to the area of research in sonic naturalism (naturalism sonore). This essay will present separated works in non-hierarchy sequence. The idea is to communicate the chain of sign systems and its processes concerning the epistemology of music signification on the fine arts. The music creative process will guide us through this promenade by having music in service to the fine arts.
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Faria, Núbia Rabelo Bakker. „A difícil aritmética do corpo e da linguagem: reflexões sobre o input e a aquisição de linguagem“. Cadernos de Estudos Lingüísticos 47, Nr. 1/2 (17.07.2011): 69–82.

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From the point of view of reflection on Language Acquisition, the thesis that inspires this article brings to discussion the impossibility of searching for reconciliation between two natures differently conceived for body and language – the body, as a sensitive organism is in the domain of biology, whereas language, with its structures and categories, is in the realms of linguistics. In this case, to the area of language acquisition is left the ungrateful and fruitless task of operating the relationship between those two different natures. That task limits itself to the operations of addition or subtraction. In order to conduct such reflection, two theories were called into play: Chomsky’s, whose research in linguistics was responsible for the consolidation of the area of language acquisition and Skinner’s, which is the trigger for Chomsky’s option for the rationalist principles in search for an answer to the question of how a child masters the complex structures of a language disclosed by means of formalization applied to linguistics which signals the entrance of that author in the area of linguistics.
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Jasper, Samir Paulo, Maura Seiko Tsutsui Esperancini, Marco Antonio Martin Biaggioni, Eduardo Luiz de Oliveira und Saulo Philipe Sebastião Guerra. „ANÁLISE DE ECONOMETRIA DE DOIS SISTEMAS NATURAIS DE TRATAMENTO DE ÁGUA RESIDUÁRIA NA SUINOCULTURA“. IRRIGA 13, Nr. 4 (18.12.2008): 540–51.

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Análise DE economEtria de dois sistemas naturais de tratamento de água residuária na suinocultura Samir Paulo Jasper1; Maura Seiko Tsutsui Esperancini2; Marco Antônio Martin Biaggioni1; Eduardo Luiz de Oliveira3; Saulo Philipe Sebastião Guerra21Departamento de Engenharia Rural, Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu, Sp, jasper@fca.unesp.br2Departamento de Gestão e Tecnologia Agroindustrial, Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu, Sp3Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Faculdade de Engenharia de Bauru, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Bauru, Sp 1 RESUMO Este trabalho teve por objetivo desenvolver uma análise econométrica comparativa entre os sistemas de alagados construídos (tipo combinado) e lagoas de estabilização (modelo facultativa) em função de seis tamanhos de granjas de terminação de suínos e dois tipos de manejos aplicados nos dejetos (úmido x seco). Os resultados mostraram que o sistema de alagados construídos, operando com manejo seco dos dejetos foi o que apresentou melhores resultados econômicos, devido aos menores custos anuais de implantação, tanto por animal, como por quilograma de carne produzida, além disso, neste sistema houve uma menor necessidade de área para tratamento de dejetos. A alternativa de adoção de lagoas facultativas com manejo úmido resultou em menores custos anuais de implantação, por suíno e por quilograma de carne produzida, mas demanda maiores áreas para implantação. Em ambos os sistemas de tratamento de água residuária a análise econométrica indicou economia de escala. UNITERMOS: Alagados construídos, lagoas de estabilização, análise econômica. JASPER, S. P.; ESPERANCINI, M. S. T.; BIAGGIONI, M. A. M.; OLIVEIRA, E. L. de; GUERRA, S. P. S. Econometric analysis of two natural pig waste water treatment systems 2 ABSTRACT The aim of this work was to develop a detailed econometric analysis to compare a constructed wetland system – combined model, and a waste stabilization pond system - facultative pond, as a function of six different sizes of finishing pig farms and two waste management systems - wet and dry. The constructed wetland system using dried waste management showed the best economic results. This finding is due to the low-cost implementation a year both per animal and per kilogram of meat. This system also required the smallest area for waste treatment. The use of stabilization pond with wet waste management system showed a lower implementation cost a year per animal and per kilogram of meat, but it required large areas. The econometric analysis of both systems of wastewater treatment revealed an economy of scale. KEY WORDS: constructed wetland, stabilization pond, econometric analysis
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Silva, Rui, und Cidália Oliveira. „The Influence of Innovation in Tangible and Intangible Resource Allocation: A Qualitative Multi Case Study“. Sustainability 12, Nr. 12 (18.06.2020): 4989.

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Considering the current turbulent macroeconomic environment, the aim of this research is to explore the influence of innovation in tangible and intangible resource allocation. The literature underlines that organizations are facing a revolution in their business processes. As such, there is a need to understand the value of knowledge resources and to identify ways to manage them. This paper explores the field of resource allocation, namely dynamic capabilities, and highlights the importance of monitoring intangible resources. This research has three specific contributions. The first contribution provides a comprehensive picture of what has occurred in the field of tangible and intangible resource allocation, such as intellectual capital and its importance towards organizational performance. Secondly, it offers evidence about the actual need for performance measurement tools that foster intangible resource monitoring. Organizations devote special attention to market demands which consequently lead managers to adapt their strategies in areas concerning resource allocation. Given this importance, this research, comprising major innovative organizations in Portugal from diverse activity sectors, provides new insights and stresses the importance of tools to follow the overall performance of resource allocation. Managers of innovative organizations recognize the very powerful features of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in monitoring and linking strategic resources of both tangible and intangible natures. Thirdly, this research, with a view to enrich the field of intangible natures, points out some aspects for future research areas, bearing in mind the relevance of this research area confirmed by managers of the major innovative organizations. Thus, it provides prominent information for both academia and innovative organizations.
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Hofmeister, Sabine. „Natures Running Wild: A Social-Ecological Perspective on Wilderness“. Nature and Culture 4, Nr. 3 (01.12.2009): 293–315.

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This article is based on the thesis that wilderness as a cultural value emerges where it has been lost as a geographical and material phenomenon. In Europe the idea of wilderness experienced a surprising upswing at the end of the twentieth and beginning of the twenty-first century, with wilderness tours, wilderness education, and self-experience trips into “wilderness” becoming widely established. Also, protection of “wilderness areas” which refers to such different phenomena as large forests, wild gardens, and urban wild is very much in demand. Against this background, the article looks into the material-ecological and symbolic-cultural senses of “wilderness” in the context of changing social relations to nature. Three forms of wilderness are distinguished. Adopting a socio-ecological perspective, the article builds on contemporary risk discourse.
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Brandão, Pamela Cássia, Daniela Rocha Teixeira Riondet-Costa und Luciana Botezelli. „Políticas Públicas Federais, Estaduais e Municipais Voltadas para Unidades de Conservação.“ Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física 15, Nr. 2 (21.04.2022): 650.

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As alterações causadas por atividades humanas em áreas naturais são uma das principais ameaças à biodiversidade. Assim, faz-se importante a implantação de Políticas Públicas visando a criação e gestão das Unidades de Conservação, estratégia eficaz para garantir a preservação de uma área natural. Objetivou-se neste artigo, identificar as Políticas Públicas Federais, do Estado de Minas Gerais e de quatro Municípios do Sul de Minas (Inconfidentes, Itajubá, Poços de Caldas e Pouso Alegre) voltadas para a criação e gestão de Unidades de Conservação. A pesquisa documental foi realizada através dos websites relacionados aos níveis Federal, Estadual e Municipal, com as palavras-chave: “Unidade de Conservação”, “UCs”, “Área de Proteção Ambiental”, “Áreas Protegidas” e “Preservação”. Os resultados obtidos apresentaram que os principais Programas Federais que envolvem Unidades de Conservação, procuram por soluções que combinem a conservação da biodiversidade da área preservada e do meio ambiente em geral, com o uso sustentável de seus recursos naturais, ao mesmo tempo em que melhoram as condições de vida da população local. Não foi encontrado, dentre os locais estudados, nenhum programa municipal envolvendo Unidades de Conservação. Verificou-se que, apesar do Brasil ser um país que tem uma legislação ambiental numerosa, muitas normas são antigas e não tiveram alterações adequando-se às novas Políticas Federais e Estaduais. A instabilidade política do Brasil dificulta a criação e coordenação de políticas ambientais. Palavras-chave: conservação, biodiversidade, legislação, direito ambiental. Federal, state and local public policies about protected areas A B S T R A C TThe changes caused by human activities in Natural Areas are one of the main threats to the biodiversity. Therefore, it’s necessary the implementation of Public Policies aiming the creation of a Conservation Unit, an effective strategy to guarantee the preservation of a natural area. It was objectified in this article, to identify the Federal Public Policies, in the State of Minas Gerais and in four cities from the Southern of the State (Inconfidentes, Itajubá, Poços de Caldas e Pouso Alegre) aimed to the creation and management of Conservation Units. The documental research was realized through websites related to the Federal, Subnational and Municipalities levels, with the keywords: “Conservation Units”, “Environmental Protection Area” “Protected Areas” and “Preservations”. The achieved results have shown that the main Federal Programs that involve Conservation Unit, look for solutions that combine the conservation of the biodiversity in preserved area and environment areas in general, with the sustainable use of their natural resources, by the same time that have been improved the local population lives’ condition. It hasn’t been found out, among the studied places, any city’s program related to Conservation Units. It was verified that, even though Brazil be a country that has numerous environment legislation, many norms are old and haven't had alterations, adapting themselves to the New Federal and Subnational Policies. The instable politic from Brazil makes difficult the creation and coordination of Environmental Policies.Keywords: conservation, biodiversity, legislation, environmental law.
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Silva, Thais Sousa, Nádia Socorro Fialho Nascimento und Maria Elvira Rocha de Sá. „Conflitos socioambientais em áreas de complexos portuários na Amazônia paraense: ameaças, agentes e resistências“. Revista Katálysis 26, Nr. 1 (2023): 89–99.

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Resumo: Este artigo aborda conflitos socioambientais decorrentes da construção de complexos portuários no estado do Pará a partir de três parâmetros de análise: ameaças às comunidades tradicionais, agentes envolvidos e formas de resistências daquelas comunidades. Em função da pandemia do novo coronavírus (SARS-COV-2), os procedimentos metodológicos foram redefinidos, utilizando-se da técnica de Revisão Sistemática de Literatura (RSL) agregada à pesquisa documental, observação in loco e entrevistas realizadas na comunidade de Guajará de Beja, município de Abaetetuba, um dos lócus da pesquisa. Da aplicação do Protocolo de Pesquisa (PP) da RSL resultaram dez estudos selecionados, os quais, após análise agregada aos demais procedimentos metodológicos, indicaram que as disputas por recursos naturais/locacionais, em especial para instalação de complexos portuários no estado do Pará, têm produzido conflitos socioambientais entre agentes econômicos, agentes públicos e comunidades tradicionais na Amazônia paraense.
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Kolase, Sanjay, Sachin Jagtap und Pravin Khaire. „Unlocking Natures Secret: Revealing the Culprit Behind Maharashtra Papaya Ringspot Disease“. Journal of Advances in Microbiology 24, Nr. 7 (27.06.2024): 25–35.

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The papaya ringspot disease (PRSD) in Western Maharashtra, India, it is a big threat to cause complete loss in papaya cultivation and the symptomatology of this disease is still insufficient to identify with accuracy to manage the disease. Therefore, the current research was conducted during year 2020-21 with objective to check the occurrence and severity of disease in five major papaya growing districts (Ahmednagar, Pune, Sangli and Satara and Solapur) by using 0-4 disease rating scale. The further studies on Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) were employed for identification of virus associated with it. The result of the survey shows that, Ahmednagar having the highest incidence at 87.50%, followed by Solapur (68.75%). In surveyed area Taiwan-786 papaya cultivar found everywhere and revealing an average disease incidence ranging from 10.41 to 87.50%. Common symptoms were found including light leaf discoloration, mosaic patterns, chlorotic patches, leaf curling, stunting, blisters, and fruit deformation. The ringspot virus is characterized by distinctive features such as green ice-land, shoe string formation, pale oily greasy streaks, and ringspots on leaves, fruits, and stems. The TEM studies confirmed the presence of flexible rod-shaped particles of papaya ringspot virus (PRSV) in infected samples.
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Sabol, Ján. „Interlingválne A Intralingválne Súvislosti Ikonickosti A Arbitrárnosti Jazykového Znaku“. Journal of Linguistics/Jazykovedný casopis 69, Nr. 3 (01.12.2018): 316–26.

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Abstract The relation between the symmetry and the asymmetry of form and content in a language has become a basic stimulant of two central semiotic natures, „messages” of linguistic schemes: the iconic­symbolic (with symmetry of form and content; form is a part of reflectional area of the sign) and the arbitrary (with „inherited” symmetry of non­reflectional type of symmetry, but with a dominant asymmetry of form and content; form is not a part of reflectional area of the sign) semiotic principles, which closely – mostly through its elements – cooperate, supplement and regroup each other. In order to specify the relation between iconic­symbolic and arbitrary semiotic principles, it is necessary (mostly in contradiction with the connection between synchronicity and diachronicity, in particular through the viewpoint of motivation – non­motivation as a binary opposition) to analyse interlingual and intralingual relations of semiotic natures stated above. There is – according to the extent of proximity in linguistic schemes – a (largely) synchronous tendency of linguistic­semiotic units to be arbitrary in the interlingual area of the sign, and in their structuring the more intensive representation of (genetic) motivation as an „echo” of iconic linguistic „tonality” in the intralingual area of the sign. The combination of interlingual and intralingual connections between language units extends the penetration of relation between iconicity and arbitrariness in the language system.
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Martins, Patrick Thomaz de Aquino. „Áreas prioritárias à preservação e à recuperação de comunidades florestais naturais: estudo de caso no entorno das represas da Bacia Hidrográfica do Alto Vale do Paraíba, São Paulo (Priority Areas to Natural Forest Communities Preservation and ...)“. Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física 3, Nr. 3 (07.11.2010): 139.

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Com o objetivo de identificar e caracterizar áreas prioritárias à preservação e à recuperação de formações florestais naturais no entorno das represas de Paraibuna, Paraitinga e Santa Branca, Estado de São Paulo, a partir da definição de Áreas de Proteção Permanente (APPs), foi estabelecida uma faixa marginal de 100m e analisada a distribuição da cobertura vegetal e uso do solo atuais. Houve a constatação de um padrão de uso do solo e cobertura vegetal em ambas as represas (Santa Branca e Paraibuna-Paraitinga), caracterizado pela predominância da classe pasto/agricultura (61%), seguido de mata/capoeira (25%), e eucalipto, (10%). O percentual remanescente ficou representado pelas classes unidade urbana, solo exposto e água. Sendo a classe mata/capoeira a única a ser prioritária à preservação, esta representa quase que ¼ da área total de APP. A área prioritária à recuperação (pasto/agricultura, eucalipto e solo exposto) prevalece, ao passo que as não enquadradas (água e unidade urbana) possuem uma participação irrisória. Por gerar recursos econômicos importantes aos municípios, um plano de manejo dessa área se faz necessário. A manutenção do panorama atual no entorno das represas pode ter influência negativa direta na qualidade de água, prejudicando assim o abastecimento de água aos municípios servidos por esta.Palavras-chave: Geotecnologias, Área de Proteção Permanente, Código Florestal Brasileiro. Priority Areas to Natural Forest Communities Preservation and Recovery: Case Study in Adjacencies of Basin River Dams from Alto Vale do Paraíba, São Paulo, Brazil ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to identify priority areas to the preservation and the recovery of natural forest formations around the dams of Paraibuna, Paraitinga and Santa Branca, São Paulo State. From the definition of Permanent Protection Areas (APP), it was established a buffer of 100m and it was analyzed the vegetal covering distribution and also the current use of the ground. It was verified a pattern of land use and vegetation cover in both reservoirs (Santa Branca and Paraibuna-Paraitinga), characterized by the predominance of class pasture/agriculture (61%), followed of forest/“capoeira” (25%), and eucalyptus, (10%). The remaining percentage was represented by the classes unit urban, exposed soil and water. As the class forest/“capoeira” is the only priority to preservation, this represents almost ¼ of the total area of APP. The priority area for rehabilitation (pasture/agriculture, eucalyptus and exposed soil) prevails, while those not covered (water and urban unit) have a ridiculous stake. Since this area generates significantly economic resources to municipalities, a management plan for it is necessary. The permanence of the current landscape around the dams may have direct negative impact on water quality and adversely affect the water supply to municipalities served by it. Keywords: Geotechnologies, Permanent Protection Areas, Brazilian Forest Code.
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Barboza, Renato, und Simone Alves de Assis Martorano. „Reflexões e práticas na formação de professores de ciências naturais“. Revista Brasileira de Educação em Ciências e Educação Matemática 1, Nr. 1 (21.12.2017): 16.

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Resumo: A formação de professores de Ciências tem se mostrado com um dos grandes desafios da área de ensino nas últimas décadas. Isso decorre da sua complexidade. Formar um professor de Ciências apenas valorizando os aspectos pedagógicos da profissão ou, pelo contrário, valorizando apenas o conteúdo científico só fará com que a sua formação seja incompleta e insuficiente para lidar com os desafios do mundo atual. Assim, neste artigo apresentamos algumas reflexões sobre as práticas realizadas no nosso grupo com intuito de aprimorar a formação inicial de professores de Ciências. Apoiadas sobre a necessidade de existir uma base mínima de saberes inerentes à formação docente, estas práticas visaram trabalhar com aspectos relacionados com a atividade docente, seja os relacionados com o conhecimento dos conteúdos pedagógicos e contexto ou com os conhecimentos do conteúdo específico necessário à formação deste professor. Longe de apontar soluções, estes trabalhos vêm ressaltar a necessidade do trabalho integrado e aplicado em vários momentos da formação do estudante com o propósito de provê-lo de habilidades e competências que os auxiliarão em sua atuação profissional.Palavras-chave: Ensino de Ciências; Ciências Naturais; Formação de Professores. Reflections and practices in teacher’s education of natural sciencesAbstract: The science Teacher education has been shown with one of the great challenges of the teaching area in the last decades. This is due to its complexity. To train a science teacher only by valuing the pedagogical aspects of the profession or, on the contrary, valuing only the scientific content will only make its education incomplete and insufficient to deal with the challenges of the world today. Thus, in this article we present some thought on the practices carried out in our group to improve the initial natural sciences teacher education. Based on the necessity to have a minimum of knowledge inherent in teacher education, these practices aimed to work with aspects related to the teaching activity, be they related to the knowledge of the pedagogical content and context or to the knowledge of the specific content necessary to the formation of this teacher. Far from pointing out solutions, these works highlight the necessity for an integrated and applied work in different moments of the student's education with the purpose of providing him with skills and competences that will assist them in their professional performance.Keywords: Science Teaching; Natural Sciences; Teacher’s Education.
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Barros-Souza, Alex Sandro, Ruth Leila Ferreira-Keppler und Daniela de Brito Agra. „Development Period of Forensic Importance Calliphoridae (Diptera: Brachycera) in Urban Area Under Natural Conditions in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil“. EntomoBrasilis 5, Nr. 2 (25.06.2012): 99–105.

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In order to describe the development period of forensically-important Calliphoridae species (Diptera: Brachycera) under natural conditions in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, two experiments were carried out at Campus II of National Institute for Amazon Research (INPA), Manaus, Amazonas, one in the rainy season and the other one in the less rainy season. Pig carcasses (25kg each) were used as attractive to oviposition of the blowflies. Calliphoridae females were collected and the eggs were placed into containers with ground beef. The reared species and development time from egg to adult (in days) in the rainy season and less rainy season, respectively, were: Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann) 14.5 days and 9.4 days, C. megacephala (Fabricius) 10.7 and 9.4, Hemilucilia segmentaria (Fabricius) 11.5 and 10.7, Lucilia eximia (Wiedemann) 19.7 and 14.3 and Paralucilia paraensis (Mello) reared only in the less rainy season with 11.8 days. This is a first record of the development time of P. paraensis. Período de Desenvolvimento sob Condições Naturais de Espécies de Calliphoridae (Diptera: Brachycera) de Importância Forense em Área Urbana, Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil Resumo. Para descrever o tempo de desenvolvimento dos imaturos de Calliphoridae sob condições naturais, dois experimentos foram realizados no Campus II do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (INPA), Manaus, Amazonas, um na estação chuvosa e o outro na estação menos chuvosa. Cadáveres de porcos domésticos (25kg cada) foram utilizados como substrato atrativo para a ovipostura dos califorídeos. Fêmeas grávidas de Calliphoridae foram coletadas e os ovos foram transferidos para potes plásticos contendo placas de Petri com carne bovina moída. As espécies criadas, com respectivo tempo de desenvolvimento de ovo a adulto (em dias), na estação mais chuvosa e menos chuvosa, foram: Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann), 14,5 e 9,4 dias, Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius), 10,7 e 9,4, Hemilucilia segmentaria (Fabricius), 11,5 e 10,7 Lucilia eximia (Wiedemann) 19,4 e 14,3 e Paralucilia paraensis (Mello), 11,8 dias, essa criada somente na estação menos chuvosa. Este é o primeiro registro do tempo de desenvolvimento de P. paraensis.
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Moura, Rosianne Mendes de Andrade da Silva, Maria Elizabete Oliveira, Roseli Farias Melo de Barros, Estevam Da Silva Neto und Jandson Vieira Da Costa. „Ethnobotanical And Phytosociological Studies of Forage Plants in the Lisboa Settlement in a Sedimentary Caatinga Area“. Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia 19, Nr. 2 (28.06.2024): 148–66.

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As pastagens nativas da Caatinga são ecossistemas multifuncionais que contribuem para a conservação de recursos naturais, da biodiversidade, para a produção animal e para a geração de renda. Os caprinos são amplamente distribuídos nessas pastagens, logo a identificação da composição botânica da sua dieta é essencial para a conservação da riqueza e abundância de plantas forrageiras. Objetivou-se neste trabalho descrever a dieta de caprinos e a fitossociologia de plantas forrageiras em pastagem nativa em área de caatinga. A lista de espécies foi elaborada em um levantamento etnobotânico com criadores de caprinos; o estudo fitossociológico foi realizado em pastagem nativa manejada com caprinos há mais de 30 anos. Os criadores citaram 34 espécies forrageiras, com predominância de árvores e arbustos. No levantamento fitossociológico as famílias mais relevantes foram Fabaceae e Euphorbiaceae, nas quais identificaram-se 16 plantas forrageiras. As espécies arbóreas sucedem as arbustivas com aumento da diversidade na comunidade das plantas forrageiras. As espécies dominantes são Senna macranthera, Caesalpinia pyramidalis, Piptadenia moniliformis e Mimosa tenuiflora.
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Bufalini, Margherita, Domenico Aringoli, Petros Didaskalou, Marco Materazzi, Fabio Pallotta, Gilberto Pambianchi und Pietro Paolo Pierantoni. „Geo-environmental changes and historical events in the area of the Greek archaeological site of Selinunte (Western Sicily, Italy)“. Caminhos da História 27, Nr. 1 (03.01.2022): 70–95.

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Neste estudo no sítio arqueológico grego de Selinônte foram realizados levantamentos geomorfológicos e geoarqueológicos detalhados com o intuito de reconstruir a evolução da paisagem que ocorreu antes e durante a antropização do sítio e para verificar as possíveis correlações entre mudanças geoambientais e eventos humanos que caracterizou quase quatro séculos da história da cidade. Utilizando uma abordagem multidisciplinar e diferentes técnicas de levantamento, este estudo testemunhou o papel desempenhado pelo clima, configuração geomorfológica e georrecursos no condicionamento do desenvolvimento da cidade e a estreita relação por vezes observada entre os acontecimentos históricos e os processos naturais. Isso incluiu a polêmica e nunca descoberta obra hidráulica de Empédocles, que em 444 a.C., conforme as fontes textuais, resolveu um problema de saúde pública ligado à presença de áreas pantanosas.
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Massa, Teba Félix. „Factores determinantes da disposición a pagar por recursos naturais. O caso da lagoa e o areal de Valdoviño“. Revista Galega de Economía 28, Nr. 3 (19.12.2019): 115.

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O método de valoración continxente (MVC) baséase na construción de mercados hipotéticos a través dunha enquisa, onde normalmente se lles pregunta aos entrevistados pola súa disposición a pagar (DAP) por un determinado ben que carece de mercado e, polo tanto, de prezo. O obxectivo principal deste traballo é identificar as variables explicativas que condicionan a DAP dos visitantes por gozar dun dos principais elementos do patrimonio natural de Galicia: o conxunto formado pola lagoa e o areal de Valdoviño. A información obtida pode ser de grande utilidade na análise custo-beneficio como fundamento das decisións políticas que afectan á xestión deste recurso natural.
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Fuccille, Luís Alexandre, Milton Carlos Bragatti und Maria Luísa Telarolli de Almeida Leite. „Geopolítica dos Recursos Naturais na América do Sul: um panorama dos recursos hídricos sob a ótica da Segurança Internacional | Geopolitics of Natural Resources in South America: a panorama of water resources under the view“. Mural Internacional 8, Nr. 1 (01.06.2018): 59–75.

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A questão ambiental e dos recursos naturais, pela mudança climática em curso, crescente escassez e aumento populacional global, se tornou motivo de preocupação e de segurança internacional. A América do Sul se insere nesse contexto devido à sua riqueza natural e hídrica, o que desperta interesse internacional e torna latente a necessidade de marcos regulatórios para essas questões. O presente artigo tem como objetivo traçar um panorama dos recursos naturais sul-americanos, especialmente da água, buscando não apenas ressaltar como esse tema ganha espaço no cenário internacional e no âmbito da segurança, mas evidenciando a necessidade premente de ações compartilhadas entre os Estados sul-americanos na construção de diretrizes para o manejo e defesa dessa riqueza natural da região, algo que envolve inclusive interesses globais. ABSTRACTThe environmental and natural resources issues, because of the ongoing climate change, the growing scarcity, and the global population growth have become a cause of concern and international security. South America is inserted in this context due to its natural and water richness, which attracts international interest and makes latent the need for regulatory frameworks in this area. The objective of this article is draw a scenery of the South American natural resources, especially water, not only to highlight how this issue gains space in the international scene and in the area of international security, but highlighting the urgent need of shared actions among the southern americans states on the construction of guidelines for the management and the defense of this natural wealth of the region, something that involves global interests.Palavras-Chave: Recursos Naturais; América do Sul; Recursos Hídricos; Segurança Internacional; Meio AmbienteKeywords: Natural Resources; South America; Water Resources; International Security; Environment Recebido em 30 de Janeiro de 2018 | Aceito em 24 de março de 2018.Received on January 30, 2018 | Accepted on March 24, 2018.
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Feitosa, Ailton, Bruno Olimpio Santos und Maria do Socorro Bezerra de Araújo. „Caracterização Morfométrica e identificação de Áreas Susceptíveis a Erosão na Bacia do Rio Pajeú, PE: o Estudo de Caso da Bacia do Rio Pajeú/PE (Morphometric Characterization and Identification of Areas Susceptible to Erosion on the Pajeú River Watershed)“. Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física 4, Nr. 4 (22.01.2012): 820.

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A análise de como os elementos da paisagem interage no meio, pode levar a tomada de decisões sobre o uso e a distribuição de determinadas atividades antrópicas sobre os recursos naturais. Para tanto, é necessário a combinação de diversos dados, a exemplo dos parâmetros morfométricos que de certa forma, permitem a classificação física e a diferenciação de áreas susceptíveis à erosãodentro de uma bacia hidrográfica. Nesse sentido, o uso da análise linear e areal têm como objetivo neste estudo, a identificação das áreas de maior fragilidade à erosão na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Pajeú. As informações produzidas revelam que o Rio Pajeú possui canais de até 7ª ordem, densidade de drenagem (Dd) de 0,753 (baixa), forma alongada com índice de circularidade (Ic) igual a 0,189, declividade média (3,41%), índice de sinuosidade alto (1,5)e um grau de dissecação baixo com 0,611 canal/km2. A partir desses resultados e de outros que foram calculados, bem como utilizando o NDVI que foi calculado para toda a área da bacia e os dados de declividade, foi feito o cruzamentocom as diferentes classes de solos localizados na bacia, buscando-se identificar as áreas de maior susceptibilidade à erosão. Palavras-Chaves: bacia hidrográfica; solos,semi-árido; Pernambuco, erosão, solos. Morphometric Characterization and Identification of Areas Susceptible to Erosion on the Pajeú River Watershed ABSTRACT The analysis of how the elements interact in the enviroment, can lead to making decisions about the use and distribution of certain human activities on natural resources. To do so, you need a combination of various data, such as morphometric parameters that somehow allow the physical classification and differentiation of areas susceptible to erosion within a watershed. In this sense, the use of linear and areal aim of this study, identifying areas of greater vulnerability to erosion in the river basin Pajeu. The information produced Pajeu reveal that the river channels has up to 7 th order, drainage density (Dd) of 0.753 (low), elongated shape with an index of circularity (Ci) equal to 0.189, average slope (3.41%), index of high sinuosity (1.5) and a low degree of dissection with canal/km2 0.611. From these and other results were calculated as well as using the NDVI was calculated for the whole basin area and slope data, the crossing was made with the different classes of land located in the basin, seeking to identify the areas of greatest susceptibility to erosion. Keywords: basin; soil;Pajeu, semi-arid; Pernambuco, erosion, soils, ground.
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Lima, Valéria Raquel Porto de, Jorge Flávio Casé Braga da Costa Silva, Inocencio de Oliveira Borges Neto und Rafael Albuquerque Xavier. „Instruments for Territorial Planning and Management: Subsidy to the Zoning of the Environmental Protection Area of Cariri – Paraíba“. Espaço Aberto 14, Nr. 1 (15.05.2024): 91–110.

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O Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação (SNUC) foi um avanço na lei que cria as Unidades de Conservação (UC) no Brasil. No entanto, muitas das UCs são criadas e não possuem planos de manejo e zoneamento, instrumentos de gestão imprescindíveis para sua efetivação. A Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) do Cariri, localizado no Estado da Paraíba, é um dos exemplos de UCs que foram criadas, mas não avançaram com relação à efetivação. O objetivo do artigo é propor um zoneamento da APA do Cariri com base em duas metodologias usadas em escala nacional – IBAMA (2001) – e estadual – SUDEMA (2017). Para o mapeamento do zoneamento foi utilizada a imagem de alta resolução adquirida pelos satélites WorldView-2 e 3 com resolução espacial de 70 cm. A maior área da APA deve ser destinada à Zona de Conservação em que são permitidos usos moderados e sustentáveis dos recursos naturais. Em seguida ocorrem as Zonas de Proteção e de Manejo.
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Pedreira Junior, Altemar Lopes, Marcelo Sacardi Biudes, Nadja Gomes Machado, Andreia Godoy Rocha Arruda, Luiz Octavio Fabricio Dos Santos und Israel Oliveira Ivo. „Efeito da Mudança da Cobertura em Parâmetros Biofísicos em Cuiabá, Mato Grosso“. Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física 13, Nr. 3 (07.06.2020): 1324.

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Técnicas de sensoriamento remoto possibilita monitorar e identificar alterações que ocorrem na superfície terrestre, sejam elas ocasionadas por fenômenos naturais ou ação antrópica. O monitoramento dessa dinâmica tornou-se um importante instrumento de pesquisa, pois as transformações ocorridas na cobertura do solo alteram as trocas de radiação entre a superfície a atmosfera. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar os parâmetros biofísicos da superfície em diferentes uso e ocupação em Cuiabá. Foram utilizadas imagens do satélite Landsat 5 durante o ano de 2009. As estimativas dos parâmetros biofísicos foram produzidas a partir de uma camada vetorial com nove pixels sobre cada área. Essas áreas foram classificadas como área de solo exposto, área urbana, vegetação rasteira, área reflorestada, fragmento de floresta urbana e vegetação densa. O índice de vegetação da diferença normalizada (NDVI) apresentou variação de acordo com a cobertura do solo, sendo observado os maiores valores nas áreas com vegetação mais densa. Os maiores valores de albedo foram encontrados nas áreas com pouca ou ausência de vegetação. A Ts foi maior nas áreas com maior grau de antropização e baixa quantidade de vegetação. O Rn foi maior nas áreas com maior densidade vegetal e menor nos pontos com maior antropização. Enfim, os locais com maior quantidade de biomassa vegetal apresentaram maiores valores de NDVI e Rn, além de menores valores de αs e Ts. Effect of Coverage Change on Biophysical Parameters in Cuiabá, Mato Grosso A B S T R A C TRemote sensing techniques make it possible to monitor and identify changes that occur on the earth's surface, whether caused by natural phenomena or anthropic action. Monitoring these dynamics has become an important research tool, since the transformations in the ground cover alter the radiation exchanges between the surface and the atmosphere. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze the surface biophysical parameters in different use and occupation in Cuiabá. Landsat 5 satellite images were used during 2009. Estimates of biophysical parameters were produced from a vector layer with nine pixels over each area. These areas were classified as exposed soil area, urban area, undergrowth, reforested area, urban forest fragment and dense vegetation. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) varied according to soil cover, with the highest values being observed in areas with denser vegetation. The highest albedo values were found in areas with little or no vegetation. The Ts was higher in the areas with higher degree of anthropization and low amount of vegetation. Rn was higher in areas with higher plant density and lower in areas with greater anthropization. Finally, the sites with the highest amount of plant biomass presented higher NDVI and Rn values, as well as lower αs and Ts values.Keywords: Anthropization, Satellite image, Urbanization.
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Pimenta Ribeiro, Ana, José Augusto Drummond und Eduardo Magalhães Ribeiro. „The The handwriting of society on the landscape: modeling of the Environmental Changes on the Borders of Protected Areas located in the Espinhaço Mountain Range, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil“. Sustentabilidade em Debate 11, Nr. 2 (31.08.2020): 64–80.

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Este artigo analisa os contextos da criação de duas áreas protegidas localizadas na Serra do Espinhaço, no estado de Minas Gerais (Brasil): Parque Estadual do Rio Preto e Parque Estadual de Serra Negra. O trabalho compara os contextos sociais e naturais do processo de criação das duas áreas protegidas entre os anos de 1986 e 2009. Para tanto, buscamos entender os padrões de uso dos recursos naturais pelas populações locais, relacionando-os com os resultados da dinâmica do uso da terra ao longo do tempo, identificados através do monitoramento com imagens orbitais e através da modelagem ambiental. Quanto à análise do uso do solo, as mudanças na paisagem ao redor do Parque Estadual do Rio Preto corroboraram os levantamentos de campo, que registraram um aumento na percepção da população local sobre os problemas ambientais e na fiscalização após a criação do parque. Nenhuma relação relevante foi encontrada para o Parque Estadual de Serra Negra. A modelagem ambiental do Parque Estadual do Rio Preto registrou um resultado positivo em termos de proteção ambiental, pois uma tendência de degradação dos recursos naturais foi contida após a criação do parque. Para o Parque Estadual de Serra Negra, embora a proteção da área não tenha influenciado as mudanças na paisagem, a dinâmica de uso dos recursos pela população local não degradou o ambiente natural.
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Barbosa, Davi Leal dos Santos, Karoline De Sousa Almeida, Eduardo Lima de Sousa Júnior, Reurysson Chagas de Sousa Morais und Bruna De Freitas Iwata. „Padrões Espaciais e Usos da Terra em Manguezais do Delta do Parnaíba“. Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física 14, Nr. 7 (03.01.2022): 3881.

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R E S U M OAs unidades de conservação em zonas costeiras e manguezais se distribuem em todo o litoral brasileiro, representando um sistema de preservação essencial às zonas frágeis. Os manguezais são parte dessa biodiversidade, sendo ecossistemas concessores de variados serviços ecossistêmicos às espécies animais e humanas. As pressões das comunidade antrópica representa uma série de perdas em serviços ecossistêmicos, se estendendo aos mais variados usos e coberturas naturais decorrente da distribuição ocupacional desta população, assim como os padrões destas, apresentam em parte os panoramas de distribuição, crescimento urbano e políticas de planejamento, haja vista que a dinâmica de sua distribuição espacial, assim como a velocidade que isso acontece responde a políticas de planejamento, quando aplicado a unidades de conservação torna-se ainda mais urgente sistemas eficazes de monitoramento ambiental de padrões de uso e ocupação da terra. O trabalho objetivou avaliar os padrões de cobertura e uso da terra na APA do Delta do Parnaíba ao longo das duas últimas décadas. Para tanto, foram utilizados dados abertos do projeto Mapbiomas, e imagens de satélite para geração de índices espectrais da vegetação. Foi identificado na APA do Delta do Parnaíba uma taxa de desflorestamento em torno de 64,8 Km² ao longo das duas últimas décadas (1999-2019). Áreas exploradas pelo agronegócio cresceram em 196,9 Km² e florestamento em torno de 194,4 Km², os padrões se distribuíram com melhor visibilidade em uso aquícola e crescimento urbano e sendo suas refletâncias essenciais para distinção de usos do solo, naturais e antrópicos.Palavras-chave: Unidade de conservação; serviços ecossistêmicos; exploração agropecuária. Spatial patterns and land uses in mangroves in the Parnaíba Delta A B S T R A C TConservation units in coastal and mangrove areas are found throughout the coast of Brazil and compose an essential preservation system for fragile areas. Mangroves are part of these areas with fragile biodiversity, and are ecosystems that provide different ecosystem services to animals and humans. Anthropogenic pressures cause a series of losses in ecosystem services, encompassing different land uses and natural soil coverings. These pressures are due to the occupancy distribution of the population and its and patterns and, partly, show the distribution design, urban growth, and planning policies, since the dynamics and speed of the spatial distribution respond to planning policies. When these polices are applied to conservation units, the use of effective systems become even more urgent for environmental monitoring of land use and occupancy patterns. The objective of this work was to evaluate land use and cover patterns in the environmental preservation area (EPA) of the Delta do Parnaíba over the last two decades. Open data from the Mapbiomas project and satellite images were used to generate vegetation spectral indexes. A deforestation area of approximately 64.8 km² was found in the Delta do Parnaíba EPA over the last two decades (1999-2019). Areas explored by agribusiness showed an increase of 196.9 km² and forest areas showed an increase of 194.4 km². The distribution of the patterns was better noticed for aquaculture and urban growth, and their reflectance are essential to distinguish natural and anthropogenic land uses.Keywords: Conservation unit. ecosystem services. agricultural exploitation.
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Oliveira, Lawrence Nóbrega de, Gustavo Maximiano Junqueira Lazzarini, Antonio Carlos Batista, Kaio Cesar Cardoso de Lima Fonseca Alves und Marcos Giongo. „USE OF MULTISPECTRAL IMAGING IN THE EVALUATION OF BURNINGS AND FOREST FIRES IN KRAHÔLANDIA INDIGENOUS LAND (2003-2014)“. FLORESTA 45, Nr. 4 (17.08.2015): 853.

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AbstractHuman actions change the natural occurrences of wildfire. The indigenous communities, during their time of occupation of the Cerrado, probably utilized fire to manipulate the landscape and its resources. In this study, we mapped and analyzed the spatial distribution of burned areas of the Kraholândia Indigenous Land, from 2003 to 2014, using Remote Sensing resources and GIS tools. During the assessed period, the total burned area extended across 1,516,873 ha, representing 4.94 times the sum of Kraholândia Indigenous Land area (306,871 ha). The average annual burned area was 126,406 ha (41.19%), with the year of the largest burned area recorded at 185,297 ha (60.4%) and the year of the smallest burned area was 71,764 ha (23.4%). There were 29,764 ha (9.7%) that had never been burned during the 12 years, and 1,693 ha (0.6%) that had been burned every year of the period. Moreover, the areas that recorded the highest frequency of fire occurrence and burnings were surprisingly not those that produced the largest burned areas over the period. The remote sensing data, allied with methodology employed, succeeded in identifying the frequency of burnings and wildfire in the Krahôlandia Indigenous Land.ResumoUtilização de imagens multispectrais na avaliação das ocorrências de queimadas e incêndios florestais na Terra Indígena Krahôlandia (2003-2014). As ações humanas alteram as ocorrências naturais dos incêndios e queimadas. Os povos indígenas, quando da ocupação do Cerrado, provavelmente usavam o fogo para manipular a paisagem e os seus recursos em várias épocas do ano. Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar e mapear a distribuição espacial de áreas queimadas na Terra Indígena Krahôlandia, no período de 2003 a 2014, utilizando ferramentas de sensoriamento remoto e SIG. Nos 12 anos avaliados, a área queimada total foi de 1.516.872,51 ha, que representa 4,94 vezes a área total da TI Krahôlandia (306.871,02 ha). A média anual de área queimada foi de 126.406,04 ha (41,19%) com o ano da maior área queimada com 185,297 ha (60,4%) e o ano da área menor com 71,764 ha (23,4%). Houve 29.764 ha (9,7%) que nunca tinham sido queimadas durante os 12 anos, e 1.693 ha (0,6%) que tinham sido queimados todos os doze anos. Além disso, as áreas que registraram a maior frequência de ocorrência de incêndios e queimadas não foram surpreendentemente aquelas que produziram as maiores áreas queimadas ao longo do período. Os dados de sensoriamento remoto aliados com metodologia empregada conseguiu identificar a frequência de ocorrência de queimadas e incêndios florestais na terra indígena Krahôlandia.Palavras-chave: Cerrado; recorrência de fogo.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Musholli, Musholli, Sudarmaji Sudarmaji und Dianta Mustofa Kamal. „The Impact of Pipe Ø 0,5 Heater Length and Temperature on Ovality and The Difference in Pipe Thickness for Its Bending“. LOGIC : Jurnal Rancang Bangun dan Teknologi 23, Nr. 2 (31.07.2023): 131–37.

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Ferrous metal is of material utilized mostly for many objects or kinds of stuff to help humans and their work easier. Low-carbon steel is one of the ferrous metal natures that could be utilized when transforms into more useful objects. There be cold as well as hot working to undertake. Molting by bending pipe includes cold working due to it being bent as its recrystallization temperature is lower. When the process is undertaken, the pipe dimension would be oval which needs to be examined by enumerating a lower-recrystallization temperature and whether or not to shrink the pipe ovality percentage. In addition, as the pipe is bent there would be changes in the pipe dimension because it would drives pulls as well as puts pressure on one of the cross-sectional areas so the pipe percentage of dimension/thickness changes should also be examined. Methods to apply are a series of experiments by firstly treating heating which is up to 650o C and bending pipe as its temperature goes lower between 410o C – 500o C. These two types of independent variables that differ only in their cross-sectional areas of heating also resulted in impacting on both ovality percentage and the pipe thickness of its cross-sectional area.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen
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