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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Naturism area"


Jaurand, Emmanuel. „Le tourisme naturiste en Méditerranée : entre interface et choc des civilisations (Naturist touristic practices in Mediterranean area : between interface and clash of civilisations)“. Bulletin de l'Association de géographes français 83, Nr. 3 (2006): 331–40.

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Glock, Hans-Johann. „Norms, Reasons, and Anthropological Naturalism“. Philosophical Topics 50, Nr. 1 (2022): 9–32.

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This article addresses the two most important areas of potential conflict between inferentialism and naturalism, namely normativity and rationality. Concerning the first, it sides with inferentialism, while at the same time developing a normativist position less vulnerable to naturalistic objections. There is nothing problematic or mysterious about semantic normativity or normativity in general. But one needs to distinguish different types of normativity and recognize that statements of norms can be perfectly truth-apt. Concerning the second area of conflict, my verdict is partly naturalistic. It rejects overly intellectualist accounts of the normative practices that underlie meaning and content. The article ends with a plea for an ‘anthropological’ naturalism that eschews both ontological supernaturalism and epistemological naturalism.
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Valcuende, Jose Maria, Victoria Quintero und Jose A. Cortes. „Discursive natures in protected areas“. Aibr, Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana 06, Nr. 01 (01.01.2010): 27–54.

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Costa, Joseane Dunga, Ricardo Farias Amaral und Paulo Victor do Nascimento Araújo. „Evolução Espaço-Temporal da Ocupação Urbana Sobre Áreas Naturais em Ambientes Costeiros“. Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física 14, Nr. 4 (2021): 1957–71.

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This work aimed to perform a multidecadal analysis of the spatio-temporal evolution of urban occupation over natural areas in the South and West Zones of the Natal-RN city, through geotechnologies and field study. Between 1969 and 2013, the impacts of urban expansion on tthe main Permanent Preservation Areas - PPA (banks of rivers and lagoons, and dunes remaining) and their temporal changes were identified and characterized. For this, aerial photographs, satellite images and contour lines were used, in addition to pre-existing information, which allowed the creation of a robust spatial database, which resulted in the construction of evolution maps of impervious areas and the use of and land occupation. In general, it was found that urban occupation advanced about 60% over the studied natural areas. This advance was increasing until 2006, when there was a slowdown in this process, except for the Environmental Protection Zone (EPZ) 03, where the Pitimbu River and its PPA are located, which experienced a more significant loss of area. The urban occupation affected the natural drainage and contributed to the contamination of the groundwater of Natal, due to the increase of the waterproofed area, the release of solid and liquid residues, as well as the removal of the riparian forest, which irreversibly altered the natural landscape. And reduced the quality and quantity of local water resources needed by the population.
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Santos, Fábio Zacarias, und Carla Pereira de Abreu. „ATIVIDADES DO ECOTURISMO QUE PODERIAM SER IMPLANTADAS NA ZONA DE TURISMO ECOLÓGICO DA APA DE PIAÇABUÇU EM ALAGOAS“. RDE - Revista de Desenvolvimento Econômico 1, Nr. 39 (April 2015): 590.

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Este artigo tem o principal intuito identificar quais atividades podem ser desenvolvidas na Zona de Turismo Ecológico da APA de Piaçabuçu e levantar quais atividades do ecoturismo poderiam ser implantadas na mesma de acordo com seus atrativos naturais e
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Ribeiro, Adoniran Carvalho, Aurélio José Antunes de Carvalho und Joanison Vicente dos Santos Teixeira. „Conflicts between rural communities and wildlife in an area within the Jiquiriçá Valley“. Revista Macambira 8, Nr. 1 (06.05.2024): e081006.

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Os recentes conflitos entre produtores rurais e a fauna silvestre em uma área de ecótono nas comunidades rurais da cidade de Santa Inês, Bahia, têm suscitado uma discussão sobre a necessidade de estabelecer estratégias para promover uma convivência harmoniosa entre os habitantes do campo e os animais carnívoros. Diante desse cenário, esta pesquisa teve como objetivos quantificar os ataques de predadores naturais às criações domésticas e identificar a percepção das comunidades rurais em relação à presença desses predadores na região. Partimos da hipótese de que a percepção das comunidades em relação aos mamíferos carnívoros pode ser influenciada por atitudes e crenças locais, experiências individuais dos moradores e exposição a informações sobre a conservação da fauna local. Assim, o estudo buscou fornecer subsídios para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de sensibilização ambiental junto às comunidades, destacando a importância da conservação da fauna silvestre e da preservação dos habitats naturais, visando mitigar os conflitos entre predadores naturais e produtores rurais na região do Vale do Jiquiriçá. Espera-se que os resultados contribuam para a adoção de medidas que promovam atitudes conservacionistas, favorecendo uma relação menos conflituosa entre as comunidades rurais e os predadores naturais, além de fornecer uma base para estudos adicionais visando uma compreensão mais aprofundada desses conflitos.
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Pietta, Antonella, und Marco Tononi. „Re-Naturing the City: Linking Urban Political Ecology and Cultural Ecosystem Services“. Sustainability 13, Nr. 4 (07.02.2021): 1786.

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In the last few decades European industrial cities have experienced major transformations which have implied the need to rethink the role of nature. Re-naturing the city, reconnecting urban planning and nature and enhancing sustainability, means taking into account ecosystems and biodiversity through a social approach to nature which reconsiders nature as a social product and re-examines city–nature relationships, the way Urban Political Ecology (UPE) suggests. This paper focuses on the Brescia Quarry Park, a suburban space that until just a few years ago was characterized by mining activities. This area has now been transformed into a re-naturalized area and is projected to become one of Europe’s largest re-naturalized protected urban areas. These transformations are signs of a profound change in the urban metabolism. In fact, the community has struggled for many years for the recognition of the value of the area in ecological and cultural terms. Therefore, an approach was adopted based on Urban Political Ecology, which is useful to study how the socio–natural relationships change and how an exploited and degraded land can become a relevant natural area from the local community’s point of view. This approach also allowed us to study conflicts due to unequal power relations and strategies developed by the community to reduce these conflicts. Particular interest was given to the participatory processes which have driven these transformations and to the role played by the different actors involved through top-down and bottom-up approaches. So, we decided to combine UPE and participatory action research—PAR and create a participatory map of the Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES) in the Park. Attention was given to understanding the practices of the stakeholders and benefits for the community. This involvement allowed us to represent the complexity of the re-naturalized urban landscape which was analyzed through the changes in natural, urban and rural features that emerged. During the process, the interaction between citizens and experts was fundamental in co-producing an analysis of the placemaking of urban landscapes and in revealing the socio–ecological interactions of the stakeholders with these places. The results of the mapping process represent a first step towards promoting sustainable environmental planning and management based on the involvement and empowerment of the local population.
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Lima, Milcíades Gadelha de, und Adeodato Ari Cavalcante Salviano. „Recuperação de Áreas Degradadas no Estado do Piauí (Recuperation of Degradation Areas in the Piauí State)“. Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física 4, Nr. 6 (09.04.2012): 1254.

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A degradação do solo representa um enorme risco para as gerações futuras por ser um dos recursos naturais mais importantes. Entre outras funções, o solo é responsável pela ciclagem dos nutrientes e sustentabilidade dos sistemas naturais. Objetivou-se neste trabalho resgatar as ações e as pesquisas sobre desertificação e recuperação de áreas degradadas no Estado do Piauí. O conhecimento produzido não é suficiente para dimensionar a real área afetada pelo processo de desertificação. A implantação de um programa de controle e/ou recuperação de áreas degradadas deve ser parte de um projeto maior, o de conservação dos recursos naturais e deve ser planejado com base nas várias microbacias existentes no Estado. Recomenda-se testar práticas vegetativas, edáficas e mecânicas para o controle da erosão hídrica e para a recuperação de áreas degradadas. Palavras - chave: Mitigação; Recursos naturais; Desenvolvimento sustentável. Recuperation of Degradation Areas in the Piauí State ABSTRACTThe degradation of the ground represents an enormous risk for the future generations for being one of the more important natural resources. Among others functions, the ground is responsible for the nutrients cycling and support of the natural systems. The objective of this work was to rescue the actions and research on desertification and rehabilitating degraded areas in the State of Piauí. The knowledge produced is not enough for the real size of the area affected by the process of desertification. The implementation of a program for the control and/or recovery of degraded areas should be part of a larger project, the conservation of natural resources and must be planned considering the various watersheds existing in the State. It is recommended that testing practices vegetative, edaphic and mechanical to control erosion and water for the recovery of degraded areas. Keywords: Mitigation; Natural Resources; Sustainable Development.
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Acosta, Raúl, Joseph Adeniran Adedeji, Maan Barua, Matthew Gandy, L. Sasha Gora und Kara Murphy Schlichting. „Thinking with Urban Natures“. Global Environment 16, Nr. 2 (01.06.2023): 177–21.

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Since the Enlightenment, cities have been considered as exemplary spaces of human achievement. Technological developments and the constant reorganisation of materials and infrastructures have contributed to a widely shared conception of nature as something outside of urban areas. Our age, framed by the Anthropocene and the sixth wave of extinction, has shattered such vision. Novel reflections across the natural sciences, the arts and the humanities have chosen to focus on relational entanglements instead of separating the city from the environment. In this short collection, we offer a series of reflections about multiple urban natures that often remain unknown or concealed. Each of us does so from a unique disciplinary perspective, ranging from anthropology to history and geography over urban ecology, urban studies and landscape architecture. We hope to point towards a multidisciplinary articulation of urban nature as in itself diverse, complex and de-centred.
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Suhareva, Lyubov' Vladimirovna. „Effect of biopreparations on growth parameters of Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Stapf“. Agrarian Bulletin of the 24, Nr. 01 (01.02.2024): 12–21.

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Abstract. The purpose of the study was to study the effectiveness of microbiological preparations on the growth characteristics of Sudan sorghum under the conditions of the Vologda region on the background with and without fertilizers. Methodology and methods. Research work was first carried out in the Vologda region in the experimental field of FSBSI “Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences” in 2022. Biopreparations based on living cells of microorganisms were used, the basis of the drug “Naturost-Aktiv” consists of cell culture Lactobacillus buchneri, “Naturost-M” – Bacillus megaterium. The object of the study was Sudanese sorghum variety Zemlyachka. Small-scale field experiment included the following variants: control (1 var.), control + fertilizer (2 var.), biopreparation (3 var.), biopreparation 1 + fertilizer (4 var.), biopreparation 2 + fertilizer (5 var.). Repetition of the experiment – 3 times, the area of recording plot 5 m2. Indicators are presented by 4 counts per season. Results. The total bushiness in the variant with the “Naturost-Aktiv” increases by 35.3 %, an increase of 29.4 % to the control is noted in the variant “Naturost-Aktiv” + fertilizer. Productive bushiness was fixed in each variant, the maximum increase to the control was 45.5 % in the variant control + fertilizer. The greatest gain to the control of 42.5 % in the average area of the leaf surface was determined in the variant with the use of the drug “Naturost-M” and fertilization. Scientific novelty. For the first time a study on Sudan sorghum variety Zemlyachka in the conditions of the Vologda region using the biopreparation “Naturost-Aktiv” based on the cell culture Lactobacillus buchneri and “Naturost-M” – Bacillus megaterium on the background with and without fertilizers, which then can be recommended to increase the adaptation of plants and increase productivity, in turn Sudan sorghum can be recommended as a basic or auxiliary element of crop rotation.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Naturism area"


Bacon, Thelma. „Le naturisme en France : usages sociaux différenciés et enjeux de définitions“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Angers, 2024.

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Depuis son apparition en France dans l’entre-deux guerres, le naturisme est une pratique éminemment plurielle qui n’est pas pratiquée de manière uniforme par tous les adeptes. La définition des modalités de pratiques légitimes sont donc enjeux de luttes entre les différents promoteurs du naturisme. Différentes définitions coexistent et sont source d’interprétations différentes. Ces dernières surgissent régulièrement dans les discours des adeptes sous forme de critique des autres pratiquants. Ainsi, la phrase << ça, c’est pas du naturisme>> est employée pour discréditer les modalités de pratiques différentes. Comment se structure l’espace du naturisme en France depuis les années 1930 jusqu’à aujourd’hui ? Quels sont les différents promoteurs du naturisme et quelles modalités de pratiques concurentielles valorisent-ils et légitiment-ils ? Quelles sont, en conséquence, les différentes manières de pratiquer le naturisme ? Basée sur des méthodes croisées de phases longues d’observations participantes, la réalisation d’entretiens mais également de recueil de discours informels, cette thèse de doctorat ambitionne d’interroger la pratique du naturisme dans les campings en France au prisme d’un double continuum. Ce double continuum permet de positionner les entreprises et les associations, les promoteurs, mais également les individus naturistes au croisement de deux axes : recherche de profit (camping naturistes commerciaux) ou le bénévolat (associations naturistes) d’une part et la dénégation des sexes(naturistes familiaux) ou la sexualisation des corps nus (naturistes libertins) d’autre part
Since its emergence in France in the interwar period, naturism has been an eminently pluralistic practice that is not practiced uniformly by all its followers. The definition of the modalities of legitimate practices are therefore at stake between the various promoters of naturism. Different definitions coexist and give rise to different interpretations. The latter regularly appear in the speeches of the followers in the form of criticism of other practitioners. Thus, the phrase << this is not naturism>> is used to discredit the modalities of different practices. How has naturism been structured in France from the 1930s to the present day? Who are the different promoters of naturism and which modalities of competitive practices do they value and legitimize? What are, therefore, the different ways of practicing naturism? Based on cross-cutting methods of long phases of participatory observations, the conduct of interviews but also the collection of informal speeches, this doctoral thesis aims to examine the practice of naturism in campsites in France through the prism of a double continuum. This dual continuum allows companies and associations, promoters, but also naturist individuals to be positioned at the crossroads of two axes: profit-seeking (commercial naturist camping) or volunteering (naturist associations) on the one hand, and the denial of gender (family naturists) or the sexualization of naked bodies (libertine naturists) on the other
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Bueno, Eduardo Silva. „A área urbana e as áreas naturais da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo: de compartimentos fisiográficos a categorias geográficas“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2013.

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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar a relação entre a urbanização e os terrenos sedimentares e cristalinos na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP). Para isso se intentou identificar uma área de caráter urbano e demais áreas de caráter natural. A primeira devendo ser aquela que abriga toda ou grande parte de uma forma espacial, a mancha urbana, ocorrendo sobre a maior parte dos terrenos sedimentares e cristalinos associados (de aplainamento generalizado). Já as segundas seriam as caracterizadas pelo predomínio do cinturão verde que envolve a mancha urbana, ocorrendo sobre os terrenos cristalinos não associados aos sedimentares, que não possuem aplainamento generalizado, nem abrigam pacotes sedimentares que poderiam facilitar a urbanização nos mesmos. Outro objetivo foi demonstrar que tal organização é reproduzida por ações de cunho espacial, estabelecimento e proposições de unidades espaciais ao longo do tempo. Identificada e demonstrada tal organização, intentou-se também utilizar a mesma para sugerir a divisão da RMSP em setores com diferentes prioridades para a conservação do cinturão verde. Para isso se articulou o Método Regional de Richard Hartshorne (1978), que propõe uma relação entre a Geografia Idiográfica e Nomotética, com a utilização de amostras espaciais localizadas no Município de São Paulo, bem representativas de toda a transição e diferenciação entre ambiente associado à mancha urbana e ao cinturão verde. Em cada amostra se realizou integrações espaciais específicas, da comparação das mesmas identificou-se um parâmetro associado à ocorrência da mancha urbana, e o mesmo foi associado à delimitação e configuração espacial da organização espacial pretendida. A cota 800 m correspondeu a esse parâmetro, dessa forma, as terras baixas de significância regional foram associadas à área urbana e as altas às áreas naturais. Demonstrouse que ações de cunho espacial, o eixo Leste-Oeste de expansão urbana induzida pelo poder público desde a década de 1970, bem como as unidades de proteção ambiental de diversas categorias de conservação presentes na RMSP, reproduzem tal organização espacial, a corroborando, podendo-se ainda identificar aquelas que concordaram com a mesma e poderiam ser justificadas na lógica da sociedade e não só na científica ou ambiental. Tal análise permitiu a identificação de uma organização espacial complementar que associa a expansão urbana a tipos climáticos e justifica socialmente a presença de grande parte das unidades de proteção ambiental localizadas em área de caráter urbano na RMSP. Baseado em tal conhecimento se sugeriu setores desde os mais vulneráveis à conservação do cinturão verde, aqueles constituídos de unidades de proteção ambiental dadas em área de caráter urbano, aos com vulnerabilidade menor, de unidades de proteção ambiental dadas em área de caráter natural. Foram sugeridos também os mais adequados e em que se prognostica a intensa expansão urbana e aqueles em que podem ser estabelecidos parques urbanos metropolitanos, ambos cumprem o papel de atender as necessidades da metrópole e amenizar a ocupação dos setores que devem ter conservação prioritária. Concluiu-se que na RMSP a organização espacial vislumbrada só não é válida para os trechos de escarpa das Serras do Mar e de Paranapiacaba e que a realidade pode ser abordada sob o ponto de vista da área das formas espaciais, sendo que a partir desse tipo de análise é possível sugerir setores espaciais que visem contribuir ao planejamento de determinados territórios, seja sob o foco ambiental ou social.
The goal of this research was to investigate the relationship between the urbanization and the sedimentary and crystalline lands in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (MRSP). In order to achieve this, two types of areas were identified: an area with urban character, and areas with natural character. The first is the one which contains all or most of a specific spatial shape, the metropolitan area, occurring in the majority of the sedimentary and associated crystalline lands (with widespread planning). The latter are characterized by the predominance of the greenbelt, which surrounds the metropolitan area, occurring on the crystalline lands not associated to the sedimentary ones. The greenbelt areas neither have widespread planning, nor contain sedimentary lands that could facilitate their urbanization. Another goal was to demonstrate that such organization is reproduced through actions of spatial character, which are here understood as the establishment and proposition of spatial units over time. Once such organization was identified and demonstrated, it was used as a base to propose the division of the MRSP in sectors with different priorities for the greenbelt conservation. In order to do so, the Regional Method of Richard Hartshorne (1978), that proposes a relationship between the Idiographic and Nomothetic Geography, was articulated. This approach involved the utilization of spatial samples located in the City of São Paulo, well representative of all the transition and differentiation between environments associated to the metropolitan area and to the greenbelt. In every sample, specific spatial integrations were performed, and from their comparison it was identified a parameter associated to the occurrence of the metropolitan area. This parameter was associated to the delimitation and configuration of the intended spatial organization. The elevation of 800 meters corresponded to this parameter, thus, the lowlands with regional significance were associated to the urban area, and the higher ones to the natural areas. It was demonstrated that actions of spatial nature, the east-west axis of urban expansion induced by the government since the 1970s, as well as the environmental protection units of several categories of conservation located in the MRSP, reproduce such spatial organization, and corroborate it. It was also possible to identify actions which agreed with this spatial organization and might be justified in the societys logic, and not only in the scientific or environmental logic. Such analysis allowed the identification of a complementary spatial organization that associates the urban expansion to climatic types and socially justifies the presence of a great part of the environmental protection units located in the urban area in MRSP. Based in such knowledge, it were suggested sectors ranging from the most vulnerable ones for the greenbelt conservation, which are constituted of environmental protection units situated in the area with urban character, to the less vulnerable ones, with environmental protection units situated in the areas with natural character. It was also suggested the most suitable sectors in which it is prognosticated the intense urban expansion, and those in which metropolitan parks can be established. Both of them fulfill the role of answering the needs of the metropolis and mitigate the occupation of sectors that must have priority conservation. It was concluded that in MRSP the spatial organization glimpsed is not valid only for the escarpment areas of Serra do Mar and Paranapiacaba, and that the reality can be approached from the point of view of the area of the spatial shapes. From this type of analysis its possible to suggest spatial sectors that aim to contribute to the territorial planning,under the environmental or social focus.
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Borba, Ricardo Perobelli 1963. „Arsenio em ambiente superficial : processos geoquimicos naturais e antropogenicos em uma area de mineração aurifera“. [s.n.], 2002.

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Orientador : Bernardino Ribeiro de Figueiredo
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociencias
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Detoni, Sandro Francisco. „Natureza e patrimônio cultural: a geomorfologia como referencial metodológico no tombamento de áreas naturais“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2016.

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Ações de proteção da natureza engendradas nos órgãos responsáveis pela execução de políticas culturais, frequentemente, trazem à tona questionamentos sobre a extrapolação das dimensões e das limitações sobre o que deva se entender como patrimônio cultural. Entende-se que a natureza pode ser considerada como um dos objetos de defesa e de proteção na esfera cultural. O Conselho de Defesa do Patrimônio Histórico, Arqueológico, Artístico e Turístico do Estado de São Paulo, o Condephaat, por exemplo, apresenta inúmeras Áreas Naturais Tombadas (ANTs) na amplitude dos seus objetos de tombamento. Este trabalho analisou a incorporação da natureza às práticas de preservação do patrimônio cultural, sobretudo, ao considerar a paisagem como o pressuposto para o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia que justificasse o reconhecimento da natureza no universo das políticas culturais. Verificou-se a importância do atributo geomorfológico que, em grande parte dos tombamentos naturais, efetuados no Estado de São Paulo, constituiu-se como o estruturador da paisagem e se apresentou como o principal elemento simbólico para embasar a proteção da dimensão natural do ambiente. Por se tratar de um espaço territorial especialmente protegido, as ANTs poderiam ser consideradas como unidades de conservação da natureza, no seu sentido jurídico, ou seja, uma das categorias do Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação da Natureza (SNUC). Por isso, efetuou-se o levantamento sobre o histórico da criação das diferentes tipologias de áreas naturais protegidas. Tais espaços, que foram concebidos, inicialmente, no contexto de um discurso preservacionista, diversificaram-se sob a influência teórica da vertente conservacionista, no qual o ser humano passou a ser considerado na constituição de novas categorias de manejo. Dessa forma, o estabelecimento de ANTs veio ao encontro de uma prática de preservação da natureza que se baseia na sua valorização cultural. A participação social na defesa e na criação desses espaços naturais no domínio cultural apresentou diferentes conflitos de interesse e foi procedida por um processo de desregulamentação, caracterizado por não respeitar a rica contribuição teórica e metodológica das experiências, até então, empreendidas.
Action plans for nature protection conducted by cultural policies agencies often bring some questions about the typological limits of cultural heritage. Nature can also be considered as a object of cultural protection. The Condephaat, for instance, has several nature areas considered as cultural heritage. This study analyzed how nature became an important element in cultural heritage practices, and how the landscape was considered as a methodology for recognition of nature in the field of cultural policies. Geomorphology was an important reference in the landscape structure in most of the nature heritages, in the State of São Paulo. The relief was considered as symbolic element for cultural protection. The nature heritage areas are territorial spaces with special protection, but these places not are conservation units, in legal sense, that is, a category in national conservation system of nature. Then, it was also studied the process of creation of the different protection nature areas. Initially, these areas were created based on a preservationist discourse. After, they were designed by a conservationist theory that included human occupation in creation of new management categories. Thus, the nature heritage areas in the cultural sphere are consistent with the current theoretical bases. Social participation in defense and for creation of these natural spaces presented conflicts of interest, and was preceded by a deregulation process that did not consider the rich theoretical and methodological contribution of the experience undertaken.
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Gallo, Dominique Chahine. „Gestão territorial e dos recursos naturais na praia do Cambury, Ubatuba, SP“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2014.

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A criação de Unidades de Conservação pode ser considerada como uma das principais formas de se buscar a conservação da biodiversidade. A legislação brasileira institui dois grupos principais de unidades de conservação (UC): Proteção Integral e Uso Sustentável. Os Parques Nacionais e Estaduais fazem parte do primeiro grupo, no qual a presença de moradores no interior de Parques é proibida, embora a maioria das UC dessa categoria situadas no Bioma Mata Atlântica contava com ocupações anteriores à sua definição. De acordo com a legislação federal, os Parques devem ser de posse e domínio públicos, ou seja, as áreas particulares incluídas em seus limites devem ser desapropriadas. Populações específicas, culturalmente diferenciadas, e que possuem formas próprias de organização social, como os caiçaras e remanescentes de quilombos, entram neste cenário de maneira especial. Tais grupos ocupam e utilizam territórios e recursos naturais tradicionalmente, além de possuírem cultura, dinâmica social e formas de gestão do ambiente diferenciadas. Sendo assim, passa a ser necessário compreender como se dá a permanência dessas populações dentro das UC de proteção integral, enquanto ocorre a definição do futuro de tais comunidades. A partir das ações do poder público, pressupondo a existência de relação de causalidade para a emergência das controvérsias no território, analisamos os conflitos de uso do território e dos recursos naturais no bairro do Cambury, inserido dentro do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar e do Parque Nacional da Serra da Bocaina. A apreensão das \"lógicas de ação\" dos atores e a investigação dos processos que os põem em relação, formando \"redes sócio-técnicas\", fundamentaram-se, respectivamente, em referenciais teóricos como as \"Economias de Grandeza\" e a \"Sociologia da Inovação\". Além disso, foi usado o conceito de resiliência sócio-ecológica de maneira a complementar a análise. Foi realizada uma avaliação ex-post das ações do poder público, baseada na metodologia contida no \"Petit guide de l\'évaluation des politiques publiques\", desenvolvido pelo \"Conseil Scientifique de L´Evaluation\" na França. Os resultados das análises quantitativas e qualitativas foram cruzados para a elaboração de um quadro temporal compreendendo os períodos a serem determinados, suas respectivas características, eventos marcantes, atuação dos atores-chave, atribuindo-lhes os fatores causais, como auxílio à compreensão da evolução organizacional da área de estudo. Os resultados primeiramente indicam a emergência de conflitos, provocados pelo poder público, e que inicialmente trouxeram desestabilização dos modos de vida tradicionais e inseriram outros atores no território, cujas lógicas de ação eram bastante distintas daquelas exibidas pelos moradores tradicionais. A gestão do território se deu de forma truncada, ora ocorrendo de forma impositiva, ora sendo feita a partir de acordos e negociações. A evolução organizacional da área de estudo aponta que o processo de definição do território tradicional vem se desenvolvendo por um longo tempo. A construção da Rodovia e a criação do PESM provocaram inúmeras modificações sobre o sistema social, econômico e político do lugar, e a formação do Quilombo e do PUT contribuíram para a mitigação dos conflitos e a construção de uma nova coletividade. As análises demonstram que as políticas participativas (Criação do Quilombo; e estabelecimento do Plano de Uso Tradicional) foram mais eficazes e pertinentes do que aquelas consideradas como \"verticais descendentes\", nas quais os sujeitos sociais foram pouco ou nada consultados (como por exemplo, a implantação da Rodovia BR-101 e a criação dos parques no local, especialmente o Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar). Apesar de todas as dificuldades relatadas pelos atores entrevistados, em alguns momentos observados eles foram capazes de se organizar e convergir para cenas de concertação, a partir das traduções ocorridas dentro das redes sócio-técnicas. Isso significa que quanto mais eles conseguiram se organizar e dialogar, tanto mais eles avançaram na construção de acordos rumo à estabilização dos conflitos e a uma gestão integrada do território, de modo a buscar melhor qualidade de vida para os moradores, conciliada com a conservação do ambiente e dos aspectos culturais.
The establishment of protected areas (PAs) has been considered one of the main tools to achieve the conservation of biodiversity. The Brazilian legislation establishes two main groups of PAs: Whole Protection and Sustainable Use. The National and State Parks take part of the first group, in which the presence of inhabitants inside the PA is forbidden; however, this statement did not consider the fact that most of whole protection PAs situated within the Atlantic Rainforest Biome presented some kind of occupation in the date they were created. According to the federal legislation, Parks must be of public domain (e.g., private properties included within the PA domains must be expropriated and people relocated to other places). Specific populations, culturally differentiated, which have their own forms of social organization, as the \"caiçaras\" and the remaining inhabitants from the Quilombos, have a very unique participation in this scenario. Such groups occupy and use the land and the natural resources in a traditional way, presenting differentiated cultures, social dynamics and forms of managing the environment. Thus, it is necessary to comprehend how these populations remain within whole protection PAs, while their future is defined. Considering the actions from the Public Power and the existence of a causality relationship to the emergence of controversies in this territory, we analyzed the conflicts of use of land and natural resources in the Cambury district, which is inserted within the Serra do Mar State Park and the Serra da Bocaina National Park. The comprehension of the rationale of action of the actors and the investigation of the processes that put the actors in relationship, forming sociotechnical nets, were based on some theoretical referentials, as the \"Greatness Economies\" and the Innovation Sociology. Moreover, we used the concept of Socioecological Resilience, in order to complement the analysis. The actions emanated by the public power were also evaluated by the approach proposed in the \"Petit guide de l\'évaluation des politiques publiques\", which was developed by the \"Conseil Scientifique de L´Evaluation\" of France. The results of the quantitative and qualitative analyzes were integrated to the elaboration of a temporal framework containing the relevant periods, with their main characteristics, remarkable events, role of key actors, attributing the causal factors to such elements, in order to search a comprehension of the organizational evolution of the study area. The results firstly indicated that the emergence of conflicts was mainly caused by the public power, which brought destabilization to the traditional ways of life and inserted new actors into the territory, which rationales of action were quite distinct from those exhibited by the traditional population. The land management occurred in a truncated way, sometimes by an imposing form, and sometimes being made from agreements and negotiation. The organizational evolution of the study area has been developing from a long time. The inauguration of a federal highway (BR-101) and the creation of the PAs caused several modifications in the social, economic and political local systems, whereas the definition of the Quilombo and the establishment of the Traditional Use Plan contributed to mitigate the conflicts and to the construction of a new collectivity. The analyzes showed that the participative policies (Quilombo Creation; establishment of the Traditional Use Plan) were more effective and pertinent than those considered as \"vertical descending\", in which the social subjects were low listened or even ignored (for example, the implementation of the BR-101 and the establishment of the State and National parks, especially the Serra do Mar State Park). Despite all difficulties that were reported by the interviewees, we found that in some moments they were capable of organizing themselves and converge to \"concertation\" scenes, from translations occurred within the sociotechnical net. The more the actors could get together, organized and dialogue, the more they advanced towards the construction of agreements to pacify the conflicts and effectively could make an integrated management in the area, in order to search better quality of life to the inhabitants, conciliated to the conservation of the environment and cultural aspects.
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Faxina, Thábata Cristina. „Dilemas da regularização fundiária no Parque nacional de São Joaquim. A valoração de áreas naturais“. Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina, 2014.

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Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-12T20:12:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PGEF14MA027.pdf: 1058498 bytes, checksum: 6501dab1ea3b3aad80c46c5326c56a8b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-14
The Conservation Unit of National Park category aims mainly the preservation of natural ecosystems, as it is of public possession and domain private areas included in its boundaries should be properly expropriated. Law No. 9985 of 2000 provides that Units of Integral Protection category are considered rural.For determining the expropriation amount, environmental agencies use the methodology proposedby theInstitutoNacional de Colonização e ReformaAgrária (INCRA) [National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform] that reflects the prioritization of valuation factors related to area productivity, commonly seeing diversity as a limiting factor to agricultural activities. Since National Park objective is ecosystems preservation, the question is does the methodology used for valuing not underestimate the values of wilderness areas properly preserved by the owners? From the forest survey data made in a 957.1 ha area inserted in São Joaquim National Park, the Valuation of Ecological Factors methodology associated with the Contingent Valuation Method proposed in this paper were used, to supplement the data already obtained in the valuation performed by the responsible agency. The proposed methodology resulted in an increase of 39.18% in the final value of the property under study. Therefore, it is concluded that the values obtained with valuation method used by INCRA, does not consider ecological factors and preserved areas that are the goal of a PARNA, so that owners of inserted land in the Conservation Units of Integral Protection may be being compensated for those areas with values below its importance. This work aims to support new tools for land policies so that homeowners are encouraged to not modify the preserved areas, contributing to the larger goal of a conservation Integral Protection: biodiversity conservation
A Unidade de Conservação de categoria Parque Nacional objetiva principalmente a preservação de ecossistemas naturais, como é de posse e domínio públicos as áreas particulares incluídas em seus limites devem ser devidamente desapropriadas.A Lei nº 9985 de 2000 determina que as Unidades de categoria de Proteção Integral são consideradas zonas rurais. Para determinar os valores de desapropriação os órgãos ambientais utilizam a metodologia proposta pelo Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA) que reflete a priorização da valoração de fatores ligados à produtividade da área, muitas vezes encarando a diversidade como um fator limitante às atividades agrícolas. Visto que o objetivo do Parque Nacional é a preservação dos ecossistemas, questiona-se: será que a metodologia empregada para valoração não subestima os valores das áreas naturais devidamente preservadas pelos proprietários? A partir do levantamento de dados florestais efetuados em uma área de 957,1 ha inserida no Parque Nacional de São Joaquim, utilizou-se a metodologia de Valoração de Fatores Ecológicos associada ao Método de Valoração Contingente, proposta no presente trabalho, para complementar os dados já obtidos na valoração realizada pelo órgão responsável. A metodologia proposta proporcionou um aumento de 39,18% no valor final da propriedade em estudo. Diante disso, conclui-se que os valores obtidos com a metodologia de Valoração utilizada pelo INCRA, não consideram fatores ecológicos e áreas preservadas que são o objetivo de um Parque Nacional, logo os proprietários de terras inseridas em Unidades de Conservação de Proteção Integral podem estar sendo indenizados por essas áreas com valores aquém de sua importância. Este trabalho visa subsidiar novas ferramentas para políticas fundiárias de modo que os proprietários sejam incentivados a não alterarem as áreas preservadas, contribuindo para o maior objetivo de uma Unidade de Conservação de Proteção Integral: a conservação da biodiversidade
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Guanaes, Senilde Alcantara. „Nas trilhas dos garimpeiros de serra : garimpo e turismo em areas naturais na Chapada Diamantina-Ba“. [s.n.], 2001.

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Orientador: Mauro William Barbosa de Almeida
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T14:23:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Guanaes_SenildeAlcantara_M.pdf: 1798144 bytes, checksum: 328a43edbb7abee6c2389b96fb6ab001 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2001
Resumo: Este trabalho trata do modo como os garimpeiros manuais de diamantes da Chapada Diamantina no estado da Bahia percebem, interagem e se reconhecem diante das transformações que trouxeram novos usos e apropriações do espaço natural, assim como diante do desenvolvimento do turismo ecológico como a atividade econômica emergente. O garimpo de diamantes em sua forma manual ou artesanal - localmente conhecido como garimpo de serra - representa aqui não apenas uma porta de entrada para o universo de uma pequena, porém representativa, cidade baiana na região centro-oeste do Estado e seu crescente florescimento turístico mas também e principalmente procura situar os garimpeiros como sujeitos centrais na construção desse universo e de suas transformações. Em outras palavras, os garimpeiros de serra são tratados aqui como guias nas trilhas que nos levam ao Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina mas também e principalmente como aqueles que nos possibilitaram hoje estar trilhando esses caminhos.
Abstract: This dissertation is on how the diamond miners or garimpeiros of the Chapada Diamantina in the State of Bahia perceive the transformations which have recently brought in new uses and appropriations of the natural space; on how they interact with these transformations and on how they have come to see themselves through these changes which have introduced among other things the ecological tourism as an emerging economic activity. Diamond mining, in its manual or artisanal form ?locally known as garimpo de serra, or hill mining ? is thus not just an entrance door to the world of a small but representative town of the hinterland State of Bahia, and to its bourgeoning tourism, but is also the trail which will lead us to depict the hill miners as central subjects in the construction of this world and of its transformations. In other words, the hill miners are the guides who will take us through the trails leading to the Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina ? the National Park of the Plateau of Diamonds; they are also those who made it possible for us to be following these trails today.
Mestre em Antropologia Social
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Azevedo, Nara Guimar?es. „Benef?cios econ?micos agregados ?s propriedades urbanas pelas paisagens naturais“. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, 2014.

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Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:55:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 NaraGA_DISSERT.pdf: 1500404 bytes, checksum: 25c744f7a7ac2b02102cad56468c08e6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-17
Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior
Amenities value provided by green areas, sea, river and natural landscapes are hardly perceived and incorporated on urban planning and development. In this work, distance and view to protected and non-protected green areas, sea and river were evaluated as to how they increase the housing prices in Natal. Hedonic pricing methods were used with linear models to estimate the marginal implicit value of environmental, residential and neighborhood features. Results on Chapter 1 demonstrate the view to the sea and protected natural areas were largely capitalized on housing prices, while non-protected natural areas didn t display such effect. Housing prices also increase when close to the sea or to parks entrance. However, housing prices fall when houses are near non-protected natural areas. When estates with sea view were excluded, the protected natural areas view and a longer distance to non-protected natural areas increased dwelling prices. Results on Chapter 2 point the sea view as an hedonic variable the contributes strongly to the property selling prices, even though not always as the greatest contributor; furthermore, the property proximity to Dunas Park or City of the Park entrance increases its price, as does closeness to Dunas Park, view to City of the Park or Dunas Park. On the other hand, selling prices diminish if properties are close to City of the Park or Morro do Careca. Results on this study confirm the hedonic pricing methods is an important intrument, capable of revealing to popullation the importance of enviromental amenities and can be used by public managers for creating public policies for conservation and restoration projects
O valor das amenidades fornecidas por ?reas verdes, o mar, o rio e a paisagem natural s?o dificilmente percebidas e incorporadas no planejamento e desenvolvimento urbano. Neste trabalho foram avaliadas como a dist?ncia e a vista para ?reas verdes urbanas protegidas, n?o protegidas, para o mar e o rio incrementam o valor de resid?ncias em Natal. Foi utilizada a metodologia de pre?os hed?nicos para estimar o valor impl?cito marginal de atributos ambientais, residenciais e urban?sticos atrav?s de modelos lineares. Os resultados do Cap?tulo 1 demonstram que a vista para o mar e para as ?reas naturais protegidas foram amplamente capitalizadas nos pre?os dos im?veis, enquanto que para as ?reas naturais n?o protegidas este efeito n?o foi observado. O pre?o do im?vel tamb?m aumenta se est? pr?ximo ao mar e a entrada de parques. No entanto, os pre?os das habita??es diminuem quando est?o pr?ximas as ?reas naturais n?o protegidas. Quando os im?veis com vista para o mar foram exclu?dos, tanto a vista para a ?rea natural protegida quanto uma maior dist?ncia da ?rea natural n?o protegida aumentaram o pre?o da propriedade. Os resultados do Cap?tulo 2 indicaram que a vista para o mar ? uma vari?vel hed?nica que contribui muito para o pre?o de venda do im?vel, embora nem sempre seja a que mais contribui; ainda, a proximidade do im?vel em rela??o ? entrada do Parque das Dunas ou do Parque da Cidade aumenta o seu pre?o, como tamb?m aumenta se est? pr?ximo ao Parque das Dunas e se tem vista para o Parque da Cidade ou para o Parque das Dunas. Por outro lado, os pre?os de venda diminuem se as propriedades est?o pr?ximas ao Parque da Cidade ou ao Morro do Careca. Os resultados deste estudo confirmam que a metodologia de pre?os hed?nicos ? um instrumento importante capaz de revelar ? popula??o a import?ncia das amenidades ambientais e pode ser utilizada por gestores p?blicos na cria??o de pol?ticas p?blicas para projetos de conserva??o e recupera??o do meio ambiente
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Garagorry, Fabio Cervo. „Construção de uma tipologia funcional de gramíneas em pastagens naturais sob diferentes manejos“. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2008.

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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Plant functional types defined from morphological attributes are fundamental to understanding functioning of grasslands communities. Thus, to build a classification based solely on grasses (family of greater biomass contribution), it is necessary for increasing the knowledge about complex ecosystems. This work aims to characterize vegetation dynamics by species and by functional types of grasses of two RS physiographic regions (Depressão Central-Santa Maria and Campanha-Bagé) under different managements. The evaluated treatments were: natural pasture and natural pasture overseeded with cool season species (Bagé) and natural pasture submitted to burning and grazing treatments (Santa Maria). For this, permanent transects were used in order to represent the different communities at paddock level. Vegetation dynamics was evaluated using procedures of BOTANAL method. Tillers of grasses with contributions exceeding 3% of total aboveground biomass were collected for subsequent measurement of the attributes specific leaf area (AFE) and leaves dry matter content (TMS). Burned treatments presented greater contribution of Andropogon lateralis, while in grazed treatments there was a greater species diversity. Introduction of cool season species combined with fertilizer promotes an increase of species characterized by resources´ capture. TMS was more stable for species linked to capturing resources strategy and AFE was more robust for species characterized by resources conservation. Therefore, until a regional data basis were developed, it is recommended to use both attributes for future research.
Tipos funcionais de plantas definidos a partir de atributos morfológicos são fundamentais para o entendimento do funcionamento de comunidades campestres. Desta maneira, a construção de uma tipologia baseada apenas em gramíneas (família de maior contribuição), torna-se necessária para o avanço do conhecimento sobre ecossistemas complexos. Este trabalho tem por objetivo caracterizar duas regiões fisiográficas do RS (Depressão Central-Santa Maria e Campanha-Bagé) sob distintos manejos quanto à dinâmica vegetacional por espécies e por tipos funcionais de gramíneas. Os tratamentos avaliados foram: pastagem natural e pastagem natural com introdução de espécies hibernais (Bagé) e pastagem natural submetida a tratamentos de queima e pastejo (Santa Maria). Para isto, foram dispostas transectas fixas de modo a representar as diferentes comunidades em nível de potreiro. Foi avaliada a dinâmica vegetacional utilizando os procedimentos do método BOTANAL. Foram coletados afilhos das gramíneas com contribuição superior a 3% da biomassa aérea total para posterior medida dos atributos área foliar específica (AFE) e teor de matéria seca da folha (TMS). Os tratamentos queimados tiveram maior contribuição de Andropogon lateralis, enquanto nos tratamentos pastejados houve uma maior diversidade de espécies. A introdução de espécies de estação fria, aliada à adubação, promove um acréscimo das espécies caracterizadas por captura de recursos. O TMS se mostrou mais estável para espécies ligadas à estratégia de captura de recursos e a AFE mais robusta para as espécies caracterizadas pela conservação de recursos. Por tanto, até que se desenvolva uma base regional de dados, recomenda-se que futuras pesquisas continuem a utilizar os dois atributos.
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Silva, Mirtes Moreira. „Conquistas e desafios de uma area de protecao ambiental inserida na zona leste de Sao Paulo“. Sao Paulo : [s.n.], 2003.

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Bücher zum Thema "Naturism area"


Rego, Carlos Caramelo. Espacios naturais de Galicia. A Coruña: Bahia Edicions, 1995.

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Henriques, Pedro Castro. Parques e reservas naturais de Portugal. Lisboa: Verbo, 1990.

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Mohan, Gh. Rezervații și monumente ale naturii din România. București: Casa de Editură și Comerț "Scaiul", 1993.

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Xavier, Clésio Lourenço. ALCA: Estudos sobre setores intensivos em recursos naturais. Uberlândia, MG: EDUFU, 2005.

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Mohan, Gh. Rezervații și monumente ale naturii din Muntenia. București: Editura Sport-Turism, 1986.

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Maria Regina Whitaker de Souza. Responsabilidade constitucional na exploração dos recursos naturais: Propostas para a mineração de areia. São Carlos, SP: Rima, 2008.

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Wales, Countryside Council for, Hrsg. Gwarchod ein treftadaeth naturiol: Canllaw i safleoedd a thirluniau dan warchodaeth yng Nhgymru = Protecting our natural heritage : a guide to the designated sites and landscapes of Wales. Bangor: Countryside Council for Wales = Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru, 1997.

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Lawlor, Mary. Recalling the wild: Naturalism and the closing of the American West. New Brunswick, N.J: Rutgers University Press, 2000.

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Melo, Mario Sergio de. Patrimônio natural dos Campos Gerais do Paraná. Ponta Grossa, Paraná: Editora UEPG, 2007.

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Great Britain. National Assembly for Wales., Hrsg. Scoping: The environmental impact assessment (EIA) regulations for use of uncultivated land and semi-natural areas for intensive agricultural purposes = Cwmpasu : rheoliadau Asesu Effeithiau Amgylcheddol ar gyfer defnyddio tit heb ei drin ac ardaloedd lled-naturiol at ddibenion amaethyddol dwys. Caerdydd: Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru = National Assembly for Wales, 2002.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Naturism area"


Nelson, James M., und Noelle Canty. „Positive Psychology and the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality in Historical Perspective“. In Handbook of Positive Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality, 21–35. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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AbstractThe fields of positive psychology (PP) and the psychology of religion/spirituality (PRS) have much in common, both in terms of their areas of interest and the presuppositions they bring to their work. For example, PP and PRS are both rooted in the philosophies of positivism (which assumes all knowledge must be empirically verified using the scientific method) and naturalism (which assumes there are no realities beyond the natural, material world). Both PP and PRS have much to offer society and the scientific community, but their historic roots in positivistic naturalism currently limit this potential, both in terms of concepts and methods. In this chapter, we argue that for PP and the PRS to coevolve and flourish, they must transcend their perhaps often unaware—but staunch—commitment to positivistic naturalism. In particular, the fields of PP and PRS need to draw inclusively and meaningfully from the methodological, conceptual, and experiential insights of philosophical and religious traditions. Doing so will help PP and PRS broaden the scope of what they each consider meaningful, possible, desirable, and transformative. Ironically, a greater appreciation of the past will enable both fields to have greater scientific, societal, and practical impact in the future.
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Durkheim, Émile. „The Leading Conceptions of Elementary Religion (Continued)“. In The Elementary Forms of Religious Life, herausgegeben von Carol Cosman und Mark S. Cladis. Oxford University Press, 2009.

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Naturism The naturist school is inspired by a very different mentality. It finds recruits, moreover, in different circles. The animists are, for the most part, ethnographers or anthropologists. The religions they have studied figure among the crudest ever practised by humanity. Hence the primary importance...
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„Nature’s Popular Metropolis: The Greening of the San Francisco Bay Area“. In Grounding Urban Natures. The MIT Press, 2019.

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Garfield, Jay L. „Naturalism“. In Buddhist Ethics, 169–79. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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This chapter argues that naturalism is a virtue in an account of human experience, and thus desideratum in any ethical theory, and that Buddhist ethics is indeed naturalistic. In particular, its ethical orientation relies on no transcendent or transcendental concerns; its theory of the good is rooted in an account of human nature and the nature of the natural world, and its account of agency and responsibility is thoroughly causal. The chapter also discusses some of the aspects and implications of karma, including karmic fruition, the ways that our future lives are conditioned by our present ones, and the idea of collective karma.
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Siderits, Mark. „Fundamental Ontology“. In How Things Are, 47–71. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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This chapter discusses three crucial metaphysical theses endorsed and argued for by all schools of Indian Buddhist philosophy: mereological nihilism, anti-substantialism, and momentariness. The “neither identical nor distinct” argument for mereological nihilism is presented and evaluated, and its consequence for fundamental ontology—that only entities with intrinsic natures are strictly speaking real—is explored. One important result, that only tropes and not substances as property-possessors belong in our ultimate ontology, is discussed. Two arguments for momentariness are presented: the argument from cessation and an argument from the nature of existence. Out of this investigation there should emerge a clearer picture of the Buddhist conception of just what the ultimate nature of reality would have to be like.
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Williams, Bernard. „Naturalism and Genealogy“. In Morality, Reflection, and Ideology, 148–61. Oxford University PressOxford, 2000.

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Abstract In ethics, ‘naturalism’ has two different kinds of associations. One set of associations flows from Moore’s unfortunate appropriation of the term in the expression ‘naturalistic fallacy’. The others go with the use of the term in other areas of inquiry, and they circle round the slogan that human beings are part of nature. That the two are not the same comes out if one considers the view that moral requirements are the commands of God: such a view may well be naturalist in Moore’s use—that is to say, it may commit the naturalistic fallacy—but it is clearly non-naturalist in the other use.
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Emery, Nina. „From Content Naturalism to Methodological Naturalism“. In Naturalism Beyond the Limits of Science, 10—C1P136. Oxford University PressNew York, 2023.

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Abstract This chapter defines methodological naturalism—the view that metaphysicians should, whenever possible, make use of the methodology of science—and argues that most philosophers have commitments that lead straightforwardly to methodological naturalism. The argument begins by defining content naturalism—the idea that metaphysicians ought to avoid conflicts with the content of our best science—and demonstrating that the vast majority of contemporary philosophers are committed to content naturalism. The chapter then presents an argument for the content-methodology link—the claim that anyone who is committed to content naturalism should accept methodological naturalism as well. The chapter closes with a discussion of several potential objections to the argument for the content-methodology link.
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Irwin, Terence. „Suarez: Naturalism“. In The Development of Ethics, 28–70. Oxford University PressOxford, 2008.

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Abstract So far we have not found that Suarez takes every moral ought to require an obligation imposed by the command of a superior. He maintains only that the impositive obligation belonging to the natural law is derived from a divine command. To discover other aspects of his view about the relation between obligation and moral oughts, we need to see what is left of the natural law without the impositive obligation coming from a divine command. His claims about obligation constitute an analysis of a narrow concept of obligation, and do not imply that all moral requirements involve an imposed necessity. In that case, he ought to recognize moral necessity and moral requirements that are independent of obligation (in his sense).
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McCauley, Robert N., und George Graham. „Ecumenical Naturalism“. In Hearing Voices and Other Matters of the Mind, 211–28. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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This book advances a comprehensive, multidisciplinary model of human religiosity. Ecumenical naturalism (EN) assumes that both normal and pathological forms of religiosity share the same subpersonal cognitive systems. So mental disorders or illnesses of human religiosity are alternative expressions of similar general features of religious cognition. This assumption of continuity of features and systems has direct implications for how to use EN to understand diagnosis and treatment in psychiatry. Our hope is that, through successive successful applications of the model, EN will ultimately emerge as a popular framework for cross-disciplinary research. The chapter briefly describes examples of possible future applications. One among them is to examine the role of the illness of psychopathy in religious terrorism. Another is to develop a form of psychotherapy that accommodates a patient’s commitment to prayer but which produces a gradual discontinuation of depressive rumination on the perceived silence of the client’s God.
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Cottingham, John. „Which Naturalism?“ In The Humane Perspective, 157–70. Oxford University PressOxford, 2024.

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Abstract This chapter examines the ‘naturalizing’ agenda of contemporary secularist philosophy. The history of the terms ‘nature’ and ‘natural’ reveals a discontinuity between present-day and earlier understandings of these terms. Given the radical shift in how the natural domain is understood, today’s ‘naturalist’ philosophers, insisting that all phenomena fall within the domain of the natural, are advancing a thesis that many classical, medieval, and early-modern philosophers and theologians would have regarded as self-evident. The philosophically interesting question is not whether we should be naturalists, but which of two naturalisms we should adopt: secular naturalism, with its neutral or blank conception of nature in general and human nature in particular, or theistic naturalism, according to which both the natural world and our own nature bear the stamp of the divine. The chapter concludes by suggesting that the former (secularist) view faces serious difficulties, on both the epistemic and the moral fronts.
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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Naturism area"


Ramos, Lucas Thadeu da Silva, André Barroso Mourão, Ivan Batista Morais, Hélvius de Castro Bicalho Ferreira, Augusto Cesar da Silva Bezerra und Flávia Spitale Jacques Poggiali. „Durabilidade de concretos produzidos com substituição de areia por rejeito de minério de ferro“. In XX ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGIA DO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 1–15. UFAL, 2024.

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A substituição de areia por rejeito de minério de ferro (RMF) visa contribuir para a sustentabilidade na construção civil e reduzir o impacto ambiental da mineração. O estudo produziu e ensaiou espécimes de referência e com substituição de 30% e de 50% para as idades de 7 e 28 dias. Foram realizados ensaios de absorção de água (Abs), índice de vazios (ivazios), carbonatação acelerada e ataque ácido. Os experimentos mostraram que, para a resistência mecânica, a substituição de 30% implica em ganhos de até 1/3 em comparação à referência, enquanto a substituição de 50% apresentou perdas de até 30% na resistência. A incorporação de RMF apresentou menor ganho de massa para a carbonatação com 30% de substituição, assim como menor (Abs) e (ivazios), mas a perda de massa no ataque ácido foi maior nessa faixa de substituição. O estudo sugere que o RMF é uma alternativa viável para a sustentabilidade, dada a capacidade de reduzir a extração de recursos naturais, com potencial para mudanças significativas no consumo de materiais convencionais e na gestão de resíduos de mineração.
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Kong, K. K., C. W. Chuen, T. P. Leung und T. T. Wong. „An Integrated Approach to the Design and Maintenance of Pneumatic Power Systems“. In ASME 1997 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 151–56. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1997.

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Abstract An integrated knowledge representation for the design, diagnosis and maintenance of physical systems has been developed. This approach can minimize the redundancy of represented knowledge in building expert systems for the design and maintenance of physical systems. In the knowledge of human beings, the design knowledge, diagnosis knowledge and maintenance knowledge of the physical systems are integrated and can be retrieved as required. A thorough analysis on the knowledge of human beings has been carried out in order to determine the critical points which enable the human beings to design, diagnose and maintain physical systems. “Change Theory” is developed to explain the natures of knowledge and the relations among design, diagnosis and maintenance knowledge of physical systems. The natures of knowledge consist of sensation-state-change identification and sensation-state-change initiation. The clustering of the state changes gives rise to different types of knowledge. An integrated knowledge representation for building expert systems is developed with features that keep the redundancy of represented knowledge to a minimum. These features are: i) the knowledge base of the expert system is separated into the knowledge of entities and the knowledge of manipulating the entities; and ii) the inference engine of the expert system is context dependence, which retrieves the corresponding knowledge by checking the preference and non-preference status of the states of the entities. The developed methodology is implemented on an expert system which exhibits design, diagnosis and maintenance of pneumatic power systems.
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Richez, François. „Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Stall for Different Helicopter Rotor Flight Conditions“. In Vertical Flight Society 73rd Annual Forum & Technology Display, 1–16. The Vertical Flight Society, 2017.

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Helicopter reaches its flight domain limit at high-thrust forward flight or maneuver with high load factors because of dynamic stall. This phenomenon is due to complex unsteady three-dimensional flow separation mechanisms that occur on the retreating blade. These flow separations can be of different natures depending on the flight conditions. This paper proposes to investigate numerically two significantly different cases of dynamic stall on a helicopter rotor in forward flight. The results show that the numerical simulation can capture the variations of section pitching moment associated with dynamic stall, for each of these two flight cases. A deep analysis of the numerical results allows to identify distinct flow separation regions appearing on the rotor disk. Similarities and differences are highlighted between the dynamic stall characteristics of these two rotor flight conditions.
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Hristoski1, Ilija, und Marija Malenkovska Todorova. „Graph Database Modeling of Urban Area Road Networks“. In TRANSPORT FOR TODAY'S SOCIETY. Faculty of Technical Sciences Bitola, 2021.

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Abstract – Specific features delivered by the class of Graph Databases allow for modeling road networks of different scales. In this paper, we propose and implement a Graph Database model of a typical road network inherent to urban areas. Such a database can be used along with diverse information systems, to provide information of various natures. Keywords – Road networks, Urban areas, Traffic, Graph databases, Neo4j.
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„AREA FOLIAR E BIOMASSA DO GERGELIM BRS SEDA EM DIFERENTES TIPOS DE SOLO E ADUBAÇÃO“. In II Simpósio Brasileiro de Recursos Naturais do Semiárido. Associação CONVERGIR Sustentável, 2015.

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Martins Razera, Tatiele, Matheus Dos Santos und Ademir Camillo Junior. „Rain Alert - Mapeamento de Desastres Naturais“. In Computer on the Beach. Itajaí: Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, 2022.

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Natural disasters, such as floods, floods and inundations, arefrequent in Brazil, and it is important to know the placesthat experience these disasters. In this context, this work ispresented, which proposes an application, with which it willbe possible to make disaster markings and visualize on themap the disasters according to the region of interest of theuser, thus making it possible to avoid risk areas and promotepreventive planning of occurrence control.
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BACIU, Ana-Maria, und Angela BODEA. „Realism and naturalism in romanian literature“. In Învățământul superior: tradiţii, valori, perspective. "Ion Creanga" State Pedagogical University, 2023.

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Realism and Naturalism are two of the main literary movements in the XIX-th century European Literature. In fact, Naturalism is a form of radical Realism, which appears towards the end of Realism.The most important realis is Honore de Balzac, as Realism appeared in France at the end of the XVIII-teen century due to many political and social events, such as:The French Revolution from 1789, The Revolution between 1830-1831, the impact of Restauration, The Revolution from 1848 and the Industrial Revolution in England. The main goal of realism is to reflect reality as in a mirror. On the other hand, Naturalism is a literary movement developped from Realism as a more brutal reflection of reality, the impact of society and genetic pathologies upon human being.
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Wang, Xia, und Xiaodong Sun. „CFD Simulations of Cap-Bubbly Two-Phase Flows Using Two-Group Interfacial Area Transport Equation“. In ASME-JSME-KSME 2011 Joint Fluids Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2011.

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Knowledge of cap-bubbly flows is of great interest due to its role in understanding of flow regime transition from bubbly to slug or churn-turbulent flow. One of the key characteristics of such flows is the existence of bubbles in different sizes and shapes associated with their distinctive dynamic natures. This important feature is, however, generally not well captured by available two-phase flow models. In view of this, a modified two-fluid model, namely a three-field two-fluid model, is proposed. In this model, bubbles are categorized into two groups, i.e., spherical/distorted bubbles as Group-1 while cap/churn-turbulent bubbles as Group-2. A two-group interfacial area transport equation (IATE) is implemented to describe the dynamic changes of interfacial structure in each group, resulting from intra- and inter-group interactions and phase changes due to evaporation and condensation. Attention is also paid to the appropriate constitutive relations of the interfacial transfers due to mechanical and thermal non-equilibrium between different fields. The proposed three-field two-fluid model is used to predict the phase distributions of adiabatic air-water flows in a narrow rectangular duct. Good agreement between the simulation results from the proposed model and relevant experimental data indicates that the proposed model may be used as a reliable computational tool for two-phase flow simulations in narrow rectangular flow geometry.
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Brasiel, Heitor Castro, und Danielli Araújo Lima. „Parameter analysis in Probabilistic Cellular Automaton model for fire spread simulation in Sete Cidades National Park“. In Workshop de Computação Aplicada à Gestão do Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2024.

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This study investigates forest fire dynamics in Sete Cidades National Park, a Cerrado Biome area, using cellular automaton models. We examine how varying wind speeds and vegetation scenarios affect fire spread, analyzing their impact on burned area expansion. By simulating fire spread across varied landscapes, we analyze the impact of wind velocities w = {5, 20} on the expansion of burned areas over successive iterations, roughly doubling the burned area (b) rate. Heterogeneous vegetation varies in fire susceptibility, with certain scenarios, like Rupestrian Cerrado and Clean Camps, suffering more damage. Our simulations can aid wildfire management, emphasizing the importance of considering environmental factors to effectively mitigate fire risks in the Cerrado biome.
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Este artigo aborda os impactos trazidos pelo desmatamento da floresta amazonica na fragmentacao de habitats naturais, considerando que as mudancas ambientais induzidas pelo homem modificam a estrutura populacional da vida selvagem, afetando a biodiversidade e influenciando na dinamica das especies, resultando em condicoes ambientais que favorecem determinados hospedeiros, vetores e/ou patogenos. Analisa como a alteracao nos ecossistemas naturais reduz a capacidade do ambiente de controlar infeccoes e desestabiliza a interacao patogeno-hospedeiro, ocasionando falha no controle da dispersao de organismos patogenicos. Argumenta que as perdas florestais levam a vida selvagem a se aproximar dos assentamentos humanos, gerando o surgimento e proliferacao de doencas infecciosas que, por fim, representam riscos consideraveis para a saude publica. Especificamente trata acerca do impacto que a exploracao na regiao amazonica causa na perda de biodiversidade, apontando como principais causadores da destruicao de areas florestais as praticas de expansao agricola e ocupacao humana. Por fim, levanta a discussao sobre quais seriam as solucoes cabiveis para uma mudanca socioambiental adequada, para que nao se culmine numa grande onda de zoonoses.,
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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Naturism area"


Shaffer, Austin, Justin Tweet und Vincent Santucci. Colorado National Monument: Paleontological resource inventory (sensitive version). National Park Service, 2024.

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Colorado National Monument (COLM) in western Colorado was established on May 24, 1911 with the purpose of preserving, understanding, and enjoying the natural and cultural resources of the landscape, focusing on the history, erosional processes, and geology present. Although not explicitly mentioned in the monument?s purpose statement, the paleontological resources of COLM are nevertheless important. Significant fossils have been known from the area since the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and from COLM specifically within a few decades of the monument?s founding. The direct urban interface of COLM with Colorado?s Grand Valley provides unique management concerns for fossils and other resources of the monument. While COLM preserves a long geologic history (roughly 1.7 billion years ago to the present), the fossils preserved at the monument mostly come from sedimentary rocks of the Mesozoic Era. The paleontological resources of COLM include both body fossils and trace fossils of a wide variety of organisms (e.g., freshwater mussels, dinosaurs, plants) representing diverse paleoenvironments. In order to assess the paleontological resources of COLM, a field inventory was conducted from April to November 2023, visiting all previously reported fossil sites and documenting new localities. A total of 226 paleontological localities were verified during this fieldwork, of which nearly two-thirds (146 sites) were newly documented. Two more were discovered in March 2024. These 228 localities are distributed throughout much of the monument and many of the geologic units, with higher concentrations present in certain units (e.g., the Morrison Formation). Fieldwork was supplemented by the review of published and gray literature and assessment of COLM paleontological collections. A number of significant paleontological discoveries were made during this inventory, including the first documented fossils (dinosaur tracks, plant fossils, and dinosaur skin) from the Naturita Formation within COLM and multiple novel fossil occurrences (e.g., likely the oldest-known fish otoliths in North America and possibly one of the only Jurassic ankylosaur tracks known globally). When considered alongside previously identified significant fossil finds from COLM (e.g., one of only three known turtle tracksites in the Morrison Formation and potentially one of the only known lizard trackways in the same unit), the paleontological resources of the monument are of high scientific importance. Future research on the paleontological resources of COLM has a high potential for identifying important fossil specimens and/or describing new species. This report provides foundational data on the scope, significance, and distribution of paleontological resources at COLM and provides recommendations to support the management, interpretation, and research of these resources.
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Shaffer, Austin, Justin Tweet und Vincent Santucci. Colorado National Monument: Paleontological resource inventory (public version). National Park Service, 2024.

Der volle Inhalt der Quelle
Colorado National Monument (COLM) in western Colorado was established on May 24, 1911 with the purpose of preserving, understanding, and enjoying the natural and cultural resources of the landscape, focusing on the history, erosional processes, and geology present. Although not explicitly mentioned in the monument?s purpose statement, the paleontological resources of COLM are nevertheless important. Significant fossils have been known from the area since the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and from COLM specifically within a few decades of the monument?s founding. The direct urban interface of COLM with Colorado?s Grand Valley provides unique management concerns for fossils and other resources of the monument. While COLM preserves a long geologic history (roughly 1.7 billion years ago to the present), the fossils preserved at the monument mostly come from sedimentary rocks of the Mesozoic Era. The paleontological resources of COLM include both body fossils and trace fossils of a wide variety of organisms (e.g., freshwater mussels, dinosaurs, plants) representing diverse paleoenvironments. In order to assess the paleontological resources of COLM, a field inventory was conducted from April to November 2023, visiting all previously reported fossil sites and documenting new localities. A total of 226 paleontological localities were verified during this fieldwork, of which nearly two-thirds (146 sites) were newly documented. Two more were discovered in March 2024. These 228 localities are distributed throughout much of the monument and many of the geologic units, with higher concentrations present in certain units (e.g., the Morrison Formation). Fieldwork was supplemented by the review of published and gray literature and assessment of COLM paleontological collections. A number of significant paleontological discoveries were made during this inventory, including the first documented fossils (dinosaur tracks, plant fossils, and dinosaur skin) from the Naturita Formation within COLM and multiple novel fossil occurrences (e.g., likely the oldest-known fish otoliths in North America and possibly one of the only Jurassic ankylosaur tracks known globally). When considered alongside previously identified significant fossil finds from COLM (e.g., one of only three known turtle tracksites in the Morrison Formation and potentially one of the only known lizard trackways in the same unit), the paleontological resources of the monument are of high scientific importance. Future research on the paleontological resources of COLM has a high potential for identifying important fossil specimens and/or describing new species. This report provides foundational data on the scope, significance, and distribution of paleontological resources at COLM and provides recommendations to support the management, interpretation, and research of these resources.
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Tyson, Paul. Sovereignty and Biosecurity: Can we prevent ius from disappearing into dominium? Mέta | Centre for Postcapitalist Civilisation, 2021.

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Drawing on Milbank and Agamben, a politico-juridical anthropology matrix can be drawn describing the relations between ius and bios (justice and political life) on the one hand and dominium and zoe (private power and ‘bare life’) on the other hand. Mapping movements in the basic configurations of this matrix over the long sweep of Western cultural history enable us to see where we are currently situated in relation to the nexus between politico-juridical authority (sovereignty) and the emergency use of executive State powers in the context of biosecurity. The argument presented is that pre-19th century understandings of ius and bios presupposed transcendent categories of Justice and the Common Good that were not naturalistically defined. The very recent idea of a purely naturalistic naturalism has made distinctions between bios and zoe un-locatable and civic ius is now disappearing into a strangely ‘private’ total power (dominium) over the bodies of citizens, as exercised by the State. The very meaning of politico-juridical authority and the sovereignty of the State is undergoing radical change when viewed from a long perspective. This paper suggests that the ancient distinction between power and authority is becoming meaningless, and that this loss erodes the ideas of justice and political life in the Western tradition. Early modern capitalism still retained at least the theory of a Providential moral order, but since the late 19th century, morality has become fully naturalized and secularized, such that what moral categories Classical economics had have been radically instrumentalized since. In the postcapitalist neoliberal world order, no high horizon of just power –no spiritual conception of sovereignty– remains. The paper argues that the reduction of authority to power, which flows from the absence of any traditional conception of sovereignty, is happening with particular ease in Australia, and that in Australia it is only the Indigenous attempt to have their prior sovereignty –as a spiritual reality– recognized that is pushing back against the collapse of political authority into mere executive power.
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Tran, Tut, Alexandra Bonham, Justin Tweet und Vincent Santucci. Bryce Canyon National Park: Paleontological resource inventory. National Park Service, 2024.

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Originally designated as a national monument in 1923, Bryce Canyon National Park (BRCA) is recognized for its exceptional pink-orange hoodoo landscapes. Its iconic hoodoos, consisting of the Paleocene?Eocene Claron Formation, are only part of the geology of BRCA, which includes a nearly uninterrupted sequence of Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway evolution and diverse depositional environments from approximately 100 to 77 million years ago. This sequence consists of the coastal Naturita Formation, the marine Tropic Shale, the transitional Straight Cliffs Formation, and the terrestrial Wahweap Formation. These strata, and the Claron Formation, preserve diverse paleontological resources. Fossils at BRCA have received little visibility for most of the park?s history, despite relatively rapid advances in the study of Late Cretaceous and Paleogene paleontology in neighboring public lands, especially Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (GSENM) to the east. The best documentation of paleontological resources at BRCA was produced through concerted field inventory of the park conducted by Dr. Jeff Eaton and several cohorts of interns and students from 1988 to 2015. In that time, Eaton?s team documented nearly 200 paleontological localities within the park that yielded clams, snails, fish, frogs, turtles, lizards, snakes, crocodilians, dinosaurs, and mammals from the Straight Cliffs and Wahweap Formations and invertebrates, plants, and trace fossils in the Claron Formation. Eaton?s survey resulted in several publications, including the description of new microvertebrate species from the Straight Cliffs and Wahweap Formations. Despite this body of work, the park did not develop an internal paleontological resources management program. A new paleontological resources program at BRCA was advanced in response to construction activities that impacted several fossil localities in the Wahweap Formation. Newly hired paleontological staff conducted two seasons of field inventory (2022?2023), relocating as many of Eaton?s sites as possible and recording new fossil occurrences along the way. In this timeframe, BRCA paleontologists encountered more than 150 localities. They also conducted detailed literature review, examined the park?s paleontological collections data, and cultivated partnerships with outside researchers to better comprehend the current state and future potential of the park?s paleontological resources. This document synthesizes the total current body of knowledge on paleontological resources at BRCA to create a comprehensive paleontological inventory report. It combines historical data from the scientific literature, previous work conducted in the park, and recent fieldwork to cover BRCA?s geologic history and fossil diversity and the history of paleontological study, education, and resources management in the park.
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Tran, Tut, Alexandra Bonham, Justin Tweet und Vincent Santucci. Bryce Canyon National Park: Paleontological resource inventory (public version). National Park Service, 2024.

Der volle Inhalt der Quelle
Originally designated as a national monument in 1923, Bryce Canyon National Park (BRCA) is recognized for its exceptional pink-orange hoodoo landscapes. Its iconic hoodoos, consisting of the Paleocene?Eocene Claron Formation, are only part of the geology of BRCA, which includes a nearly uninterrupted sequence of Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway evolution and diverse depositional environments from approximately 100 to 77 million years ago. This sequence consists of the coastal Naturita Formation, the marine Tropic Shale, the transitional Straight Cliffs Formation, and the terrestrial Wahweap Formation. These strata, and the Claron Formation, preserve diverse paleontological resources. Fossils at BRCA have received little visibility for most of the park?s history, despite relatively rapid advances in the study of Late Cretaceous and Paleogene paleontology in neighboring public lands, especially Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (GSENM) to the east. The best documentation of paleontological resources at BRCA was produced through concerted field inventory of the park conducted by Dr. Jeff Eaton and several cohorts of interns and students from 1988 to 2015. In that time, Eaton?s team documented nearly 200 paleontological localities within the park that yielded clams, snails, fish, frogs, turtles, lizards, snakes, crocodilians, dinosaurs, and mammals from the Straight Cliffs and Wahweap Formations and invertebrates, plants, and trace fossils in the Claron Formation. Eaton?s survey resulted in several publications, including the description of new microvertebrate species from the Straight Cliffs and Wahweap Formations. Despite this body of work, the park did not develop an internal paleontological resources management program. A new paleontological resources program at BRCA was advanced in response to construction activities that impacted several fossil localities in the Wahweap Formation. Newly hired paleontological staff conducted two seasons of field inventory (2022?2023), relocating as many of Eaton?s sites as possible and recording new fossil occurrences along the way. In this timeframe, BRCA paleontologists encountered more than 150 localities. They also conducted detailed literature review, examined the park?s paleontological collections data, and cultivated partnerships with outside researchers to better comprehend the current state and future potential of the park?s paleontological resources. This document synthesizes the total current body of knowledge on paleontological resources at BRCA to create a comprehensive paleontological inventory report. It combines historical data from the scientific literature, previous work conducted in the park, and recent fieldwork to cover BRCA?s geologic history and fossil diversity and the history of paleontological study, education, and resources management in the park.
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