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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "National Music Museum (U.S.)"


Jaeeun Jeong. „A Comparative Study on the National Core Music Standards in the U. S.“ Journal of Future Music Education 3, Nr. 2 (Dezember 2018): 27–49.

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Študent, Miloslav. „Sources of Lute- and Guitar Music in the Holdings of the National Museum in Prague“. Musicalia 8, Nr. 1-2 (2016): 114–29.

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This study gives an overview of lute and guitar tablatures in the holdings of the National Museum (at the Czech Museum of Music and the National Museum Library), and it briefly characterizes them in the form of a catalogue. Since music from the Strahov and Lobkowicz collections, which also involve a rather large set of tablatures, has been returned to its original owners in restitution, the study provides up-to-date information about where this historical material is now kept. It reflects new knowledge and discoveries (lute tablature with the shelf mark KNM Nostic gg 412). The composers presented (e.g. G. P. Foscarini, P. Mutti, N. Vallet, Ch. Mouton, P. I. Jelínek, A. Dix, M. Galilei, J. Dowland, Ch. de Lespine, J. Regnart, S. L. Jacobides, J. Ch. Beyer and many others), living and working in the sixteenth through the eighteenth centuries, are primarily Italian, French, German, and Czech, and with respect to social classes, they represent practically all of the environments where playing on plucked instruments was cultivated.
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Gerster, Robert. „By the Time We Got to Phoenix: Report on the 1985 A. S. U. C. National Conference“. Perspectives of New Music 23, Nr. 2 (1985): 292.

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Eyster, Jason. „United States v. Pre-Columbian Artifacts and the Republic of Guatemala: Expansion of National Stolen Property Act in its Application to Illegally Exported Cultural Property“. International Journal of Cultural Property 5, Nr. 1 (Januar 1996): 185–91.

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One of the major issues confronting U. S. courts in international cultural property cases is the significance of foreign export restriction violations. This is a particularly sensitive issue for museums in art purchasing nations since aggressive support of the view that export restriction violation is theft could result in the return of much of a museum's collection. In fact, Thomas Hoving, past director of New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art stated, “almost every antiquity that has arrived in America in the past ten to twenty years has broken the laws of the country from which it came.”
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<div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span>* </span><span>A previous versions of this article was published in C. James Newlan’s journal, T</span><span>HE </span><span>S</span><span>OCIAL </span><span>C</span><span>RITIC</span><span>, </span><span>as Ellis Washington, </span><span>Excluding the Exclusionary Rule</span><span>, 3 T</span><span>HE </span><span>S</span><span>OC</span><span>. C</span><span>RITIC </span><span>(1998), and in E</span><span>LLIS </span><span>W</span><span>ASHINGTON</span><span>, T</span><span>HE </span><span>I</span><span>NSEPARABILITY OF </span><span>L</span><span>AW AND </span><span>M</span><span>ORALITY</span><span>: T</span><span>HE </span><span>C</span><span>ONSTITUTION</span><span>, N</span><span>ATURAL </span><span>L</span><span>AW AND THE </span><span>R</span><span>ULE OF </span><span>L</span><span>AW </span><span>16-28 (2002) [</span><span>hereinafter </span><span>W</span><span>ASHINGTON</span><span>, I</span><span>NSEPARABILITY OF </span><span>L</span><span>AW AND </span><span>M</span><span>ORALITY</span><span>]. For a comprehensive legal and historical analysis regarding the integration of the rule of law, jurispru- dence, and society in modern times, </span><span>see generally </span><span>Ellis Washington, </span><span>Reply to Judge Richard A. Posner on the Inseparability of Law and Morality</span><span>, 3 R</span><span>UTGERS </span><span>J. L. &amp; R</span><span>ELIG</span><span>. 1 (2001-2002); </span><span>The Nuremberg Trials: The Death of the Rule of Law </span><span>(In International Law), 49 L</span><span>OY</span><span>. L. R</span><span>EV</span><span>. 471-518 (2003). </span></p><p><span>** </span><span>Ellis Washington, DePauw University; B.A. 1983, University of Michigan; M.M. 1986, John Marshall Law School; J.D. 1994. The author an editor at the U</span><span>NIVERSITY OF </span><span>M</span><span>ICHIGAN </span><span>L</span><span>AW </span><span>R</span><span>EVIEW </span><span>and a law clerk for the Rutherford Institute. He was a faculty member at Davenport University and member of the Board of Visitors at Ave Maria School of Law. Currently, Mr. Washington is a freelance writer and lecturer at high schools, universities, and law schools throughout America specializing in the history of law, legal and political philosophy, jurisprudence, constitutional law, critical race theory, and legal feminist theory. He also teaches composition at Lansing Community College. In addition to numerous articles, he has published three books: T</span><span>HE </span><span>D</span><span>EVIL IS IN THE </span><span>D</span><span>ETAILS</span><span>: E</span><span>SSAYS ON </span><span>L</span><span>AW</span><span>, R</span><span>ACE</span><span>, P</span><span>OLITICS AND </span><span>R</span><span>ELIGION </span><span>(1999); B</span><span>EYOND </span><span>T</span><span>HE </span><span>V</span><span>EIL</span><span>: E</span><span>SSAYS IN THE </span><span>D</span><span>IALECTICAL </span><span>S</span><span>TYLE OF </span><span>S</span><span>OCRATES </span><span>(2000, 2004); T</span><span>HE </span><span>I</span><span>NSEPRABILITY OF </span><span>L</span><span>AW AND </span><span>M</span><span>ORALITY</span><span>: T</span><span>HE </span><span>C</span><span>ONSTITUTION</span><span>, N</span><span>ATURAL </span><span>L</span><span>AW AND THE </span><span>R</span><span>ULE OF </span><span>L</span><span>AW </span><span>(2002). His article, </span><span>The Nuremberg Trials: The Death of the Rule of Law (In International Law)</span><span>, 49 L</span><span>OY</span><span>. L. R</span><span>EV</span><span>. 471-518 (2003), has received both national and international recognition and has been accepted into many prestigious archives and collections including–Chambers Library of the Supreme Court of the United States, State Museum of Auschwitz-Birkenau, The Simon Wiesenthal Center, The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, The Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity. </span></p><p><span>*Exceeding gratitude to my friend, attorney Che Ali Karega (a.k.a. “Machiavelli”) for his antagonism, advice, ideas, source materials, and inspiration. To Arthur LaBrew, musicologist and historian, founder Michigan Music Research Center (Detroit), for his prescient comments and attention to detail on earlier drafts of the Article. To C. James Newlan, publisher of the Journal, T</span><span>HE </span><span>S</span><span>OCIAL </span><span>C</span><span>RITIC</span><span>, for being my friend, my first publisher, an intellectual, a visionary, and the first person to believe that I had ideas worthy to be published and read. </span></p></div></div></div>
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Wolberg, Donald L. „Third notice of transfer of cephalopods described and figured by Rousseau H. Flower“. Journal of Paleontology 64, Nr. 6 (November 1990): 1042–43.

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Rousseau H. Flower (1913-1988) described and figured more than hundreds of fossil taxa, collected throughout the world, during his long and colorful career (Wolberg, 1988). Most of the fossils Flower worked with remain at the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources (NMBM&MR). Not surprisingly, given his interests in worldwide distributions of cephalopods and other groups, a rather small proportion of the fossils Rousseau worked with throughout his career were collected in New Mexico; a large proportion of the fossils actually belong to other institutions. The NMBM&MR continues to receive requests for published specimens and is making every effort to return loan material. The NMBM&MR also believes that the professional community would be best served by maintenance of the Flower/NMBM&MR fossils in a national repository. It was Rousseau's wish that the Smithsonian Institution/U. S. National Museum serve as one of the repositories of the NMBM&MR collections.
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Абдуллаев, Р. С. „Uzbek maqamat and composers creative“. Музыкальное искусство Евразии. Традиции и современность, Nr. 1(10) (06.06.2023): 25–34.

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В статье рассматриваются вопросы взаимоотношений традиционной музыки и композиторского творчества в музыкальной культуре Узбекистана, в которой макомат в его различных аспектах проявления реализовал свои огромные креативные возможности при создании национальной стилистики в новых жанрах профессионального многоголосного искусства: в музыкально-сценических произведениях (музыкальная драма, опера, балет) В. Успенского и Г. Мушеля, М. Ашрафи, С. Василенко, Т. Садыкова, Р. Глиэра, М. Бурханова, У. Мусаева, И. Акбарова, М. Бафоева; в симфонической музыке Т. Курбанова, М. Таджиева, М. Махмудова и других. The article deals with the relationship between traditional music and composer creativity in the musical culture of Uzbekistan, in which maqamat, in its various aspects of manifestation, has realized its enormous creative potential in creating national stylistics in new genres of professional polyphonic art: in musical stage works (musical drama, opera , ballet) V. Uspensky and G. Muschel, M. Ashrafi and S. Vasilenko, T. Sadykov and R. Glier, M. Burkhanov, U. Musaev, I. Akbarov, M. Bafoev; in symphonic music by T. Kurbanov, M. Tajiev, M. Makhmudov and others.
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In mid-1930’s, previously united leadership of the German minority in Kingdom of Yugoslavia became torn apart by the fallout between two mutually opposed and irreconcilable fractions. Group of older and conservative but democratic politicians, with political experience gained already in pre-1918 Austria-Hungary was still in charge of affairs, holding key positions within Schwäbisch-deutsche Kulturbund, the umbrella Volksdeutsche organization in Yugoslavia; however, they were challenged by the so-called Renewalists – younger, energetic politicians who were educated in Germany where they embraced national-socialism and brought it home with them afterwards. Second half of 1930’s oversaw bitter and merciless struggle for power between these two parties that was eventually resolved in mid-1939 by complete victory for Nazis. This paper provides the analysis of the annual publication titled Volk und Arbeit (engl. People and Work), edited by leading Renewalists such as Jakob Awender, Sepp Janko, Gustav Halwax, Fritz Metzger, Heinrich Reister etc. In total of 3 issues available today, stemming from 1937 to 1939, this magazine (”calendar”) published cca. 60 various texts on subject of history, literature, physical education, racial hygiene (eugenics), music, political situation in regard of German minorities in Southeast-European countries etc. Accompanied with powerful and suggestive imagery, these written contributions openly disseminated Nazi ”blood and soil” propaganda among Yugoslav Volksdeutsche readership. However, the impact of Volk und Arbeit remains unclear, as there are no data regarding this matter – no surveys or statistic were made whatsoever. Nevertheless, views and ideas promoted through this magazine clearly indicate which way to look in order to find culprits for tragic events that occured not only during the war, but also in its close and immediate aftermath.
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In terms of pandemics, tourism gained a huge loss. However, the background for a qualitatively new restoration of the branch has appeared. One of the actual scientific and practical problems is an estimation of the condition of usage of elements of natural and historical-cultural heritage in tourism in terms of probable growth of domestic tourism during quarantine. In the article was analyzed the potential of natural heritage and museums as elements of the historical-cultural heritage of the Ivano-Frankivsk region in the context of their usage in tourism and dynamics of tourism visits of these objects which testify about the existence of the number of barriers of growth. As of 26.01.2020 region`s natural reserve fund counts of 482 territories and objects of the total area of 218,9 thousand hectares which is 15.7% of the total region`s area. It can be stated that the Ivano-Frankivsk region is a popular tourist destination due to the tourist visits of the territories of the national parks. On the background of national parks visit increase, the problem of the statistic visits data collection and low park`s service commercialization because of an absence of fee collection mechanism on the whole park`s territory. Was observed uneven distribution of tourist flow in national parks. Various institutional affiliations of the natural reserve establishments and the absence of tourism branch specialists in establishments, and the fact that tourism is only one of the different branches of these establishments complicates the organization of tourism activities. The level of national park`s promotion as tourism destinations stays low. None of the nature reserves of the region has a marketing strategy to promote them in the tourism market, so the level of advertising activity of the parks is reduced to printing booklets. Park sites focus the attention of park visitors, mainly on the results of their activities, and little attention is paid to tourist information. Most sites do not have a comprehensive section for tourists with the full range of tourist services and the possibilities of the park to provide them. Excursion activities are one of the main activities of museums as elements of cultural heritage. Every year the museums of Ivano-Frankivsk region are visited by more than 400 thousand people, however, there is a negative dynamics of attendance, the vast majority of visitors (in 2017 – 277, 5 thousand people) are local students, ie not tourists. The decrease in attendance may be due to an increase in the number of non-state and other public museums, which are mainly collections of private collections (more than 210 in the region), as well as the emergence of other tourist attractions of this type. The problems of tourist use of museums as tourist objects of cultural heritage are the low promotional activity of museums, the lack of additional services for tourists and outdated, of little interest to the average tourist exhibitions, the lack of additional hospitality infrastructure. Improving museum expositions, updating existing ones and creating modern expositions – providing material and technical equipment (premises, music, multimedia centers, purchase of modern office equipment) will increase the attractiveness of museums as tourist attractions. Lack of marketing strategies, experience of cooperation with all stakeholders of the tourist process also significantly slow down the development of tourism based on the use of elements of natural and historical and cultural heritage of the studied region. Promotion of museum services in the market of tourist services – creation of an informative catalog about museums, which is periodically updated, distribution of information publications, booklets, holding various events that will promote museums, such as exhibitions, celebrations, coverage of museums in the media, organization of a series films for television, creation of museum websites and targeted advertising, involvement of educational institutions, tourism specialists in the promotion of museums. The measures proposed by the authors for more effective use of elements of natural and historical and cultural heritage in tourism can be successfully applied in other tourist destinations of environmental nature and museum institutions of the country. Keywords: nature reserves, elements of museum heritage, tourism, tourist destinations.
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Polyakova, Evgeniya, und Mikhail Manokin. „Cultural Professions in Modern-Day Russia: Statistical Portrait of the Workers“. Journal of Economic Sociology 22, Nr. 1 (2021): 35–60.

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In this study, we aim to provide a statistical portrait of employment in the cultural field with regard to occupations on the Russian labor market. The data from the ‘Comprehensive Monitoring of Living Conditions’ are used to illustrate the main differences in the socio-demographic and occupational characteristics of culturally employed respondents and other professional groups. Additionally, the most relevant factors that may have an impact on individuals’ probability to be cultural workers are analyzed. Our study is based on the theoretical frameworks of U. Beck, R. Florida, J. Urry, and Z. Bauman. We also consider the possible Soviet legacy of the contemporary Russian culture, which may interconnect with labor conditions in this field, using S. Fitzpatrick’s works. We also provide an overview of other relevant studies. Our findings show that a larger number of cultural workers among the respondents are librarians, archivists, teachers of music and art schools, linguists, museum workers, journalists, and writers. The results on the statistical portrait display that on average, the cultural workers are highly educated married women in their forties or older who live predominantly in the largest regions of the Russian Federation (Moscow and Moscow region, St. Petersburg). Almost three-quarters of the group have relevant education. They are mostly regular full-time employees with a daytime work schedule. We have also found that the most influential factors for becoming cultural workers are the region of residence and relevant professional education.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "National Music Museum (U.S.)"


Veverka, Karel. „Hudební život a významné hudební události u pražských křižovníků s červenou hvězdou v 18. století ve světle listinných pramenů“. Doctoral thesis, 2017.

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This dissertation thesis is focused on music performance within the bounds of Order of the Cross with Red Star in the 18th century. The history of the Knight's Order rises from the first half of the 13th century and concerns the only original Czech church order. In the 18th century Knights of the Cross belonged to the most significant patrons of Art in Czech lands. Church and monastery of St. František in Prague, the center of the Order, became the most influential culture center. The charity work of the Order of that time influenced the creation of the extraordinary institution - the Order's menza that had the significant importance for operating of organ lofts of St. František Church because it provided the sufficient amount of singers and musicians. The research is exclusively based on non-music materials deposited in the Cross paper fond (Nr.195) consigned in the 1st department of the National Archives in Prague. According the information of the inventory department, the fond contains altogether 2315 cartons of paper material and 3306 books. Until now, the researchers have been interested in these sources only marginally which was caused mostly by its disorderliness and most important discoveries have been realized mostly just by lucky coincidences. The main part of this work is devoted to St....
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Bücher zum Thema "National Music Museum (U.S.)"


Leeches of the U. S. National Museum. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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Barnacles: Contained in the Collections of the U. S. National Museum. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2023.

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Bernadou, Allen, and Jouy Corean Collections in the U. S. National Museum. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2023.

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Pilsbry, Henry Augustus. The Barnacles: Contained in the Collections of the U. S. National Museum. Arkose Press, 2015.

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Mason, Otis Tufton 1838-1908. Aboriginal Skin-Dressing: A Study Based on Material in the U. S. National Museum. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2023.

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Christensen, Carl. American Ferns of the Group of Dryopteris Opposita Contained in the U. S. National Museum. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2015.

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Christensen, Carl. American Ferns of the Group of Dryopteris Opposita Contained in the U. S. National Museum. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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American Ferns of the Group of Dryopteris Opposita Contained in the U. S. National Museum. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2023.

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Rockhill, William Woodville. Notes on the Ethnology of Tibet: Based on the Collections in the U. S. National Museum. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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McGuire, Joseph Deakins 1842-1916. Pipes and Smoking Customs of the American Aborigines, Based on Material in the U. S. National Museum. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.

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Buchteile zum Thema "National Music Museum (U.S.)"


„The Renewed Focus On Comics As Art After 1970“. In Comic Art in Museums, herausgegeben von Kim A. Munson, 113–19. University Press of Mississippi, 2020.

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This is a brief interstitial introduction by art historian Kim A. Munson describing the rediscovery of original comic art following the Pop Art movement and influential publications of the late 1960’s. A wave of large survey shows were organized that took on a more formal appearance and established a loose canon of comic artists. The National Cartoonist Society’s Cavalcade of Comics toured the US. Well reviewed shows of the early 70s included The Art of the Comic Strip (U of Maryland, 1971), The Comics as an Art Form (U of Nevada Las Vegas), and 75 Years of the Comics (New York Cultural Center). Many shows included underground comix. Comics speciality museums opened and flourished, such as the Museum of Comic Art (Rye Brook, NY, 1975), The Cartoon Art Museum (San Francisco, 1987), and the ToonSeum (Pittsburgh, 2007). Images: The Muller Comics Collection, 1976, Cartoon Art Museum, 2016.
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