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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Music and folk-songs"


Verma, Shalini. „Indian Folk Music“. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary 8, Nr. 4 (14.04.2023): 108–13.

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Folk songs have been a medium for the common people to express their feelings and emotions. There is a simple introduction of folk life in folk songs. Along with the external life of a person, they are also the reflection of his mental feelings. Folk music is short, simple, clear, natural, beautiful, emotional and musical. The real introduction to the natural relationship between life and music is through folk songs. In Indian folk music, its different types have been classified as follows – folk songs, folk instruments, folk dances. Folk songs are classified as follows: - Nature related, family related, religious related, various subject related folk songs. Natural season-based songs are sung under nature related folk songs; Family-related folk songs in this, the heroine urges her hero to come to her home from another state. Under religious-related folk songs, songs are sung at the time of worshiping or praying and worshiping their favorite deity, folk songs on various topics in which animals-birds Songs based on clothes and ornaments are sung. Dholak, Harmonium, Ghungroo, Manjira Naal etc. are used as the main instruments. Simplicity is often found in folk songs. Folk songs are in folk language. Abstract in Hindi Lanaguage: लोकगीत जनसाधारण द्वारा अपने आमोद प्रमोद व अपनी भावनाओं को प्रकट करने का माध्यम रहा है। लोकगीतों में लोक जीवन का सीधा-साधा परिचय होता है। वे व्यक्ति के वाह्य जीवन के साथ-साथ उसके मानसिक भावों के परिचायक भी होती हैं । लोक संगीत संक्षिप्त, सरल, स्पष्ट स्वाभाविक, सुंदर, अनुभूतिमय और संगीतमय होता है। जीवन और संगीत के नैसर्गिक संबंध का वास्तविक परिचय हमें लोकगीतों के माध्यम से होता है।भारतीय लोकसंगीत में इन विधाओं के अन्तर्गत उसके विभिन्न प्रकारों को निम्न प्रकार से वर्गीकृत किया गया है – लोकगीत, लोकवाद्य, लोकनृत्य। लोकगीतों को निम्न प्रकार वर्गीकृत किया है:– प्रकृति सम्बन्धी,पारिवारिक सम्बन्धी,धार्मिक सम्बन्धी, विविध विषयक सम्बन्धी लोकगीत।प्रकृति सम्बन्धी लोकगीतों के अन्तर्गत प्राकृतिक ऋतु आधारित गीत गाए जाते हैं ; पारिवारिक सम्बन्धी लोकगीत इसमें नायिका अपने नायक को दूसरे प्रदेश से अपने घर आने का आग्रह करती है ।धार्मिक सम्बन्धी लोकगीतों के अन्तर्गत धर्म सम्बन्धी अपने इष्ट देव को रिझाने या प्रार्थना व पूजा करने के समय गीत गाए जाते हैं ,विविध विषयक लोकगीत जिसमें पशु – पक्षियों, वस्त्रों व आभूषणों पर आधारित गीत गाए जाते हैं। प्रमुख वाद्य के रूप में ढोलक, हारमोनियम, घुँघरू, मंजीरा नाल आदि का प्रयोग किया जाता है । लोकगीतों में प्रायः सरलता मिलती है । लोकगीत लोक भाषा में होती है। Keywords: लोक संगीत, कजरी, लोक वाद्य
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Gao, Yu. „Study on the Historical Development of Folk Songs in Shanbei“. International Journal of Education and Humanities 14, Nr. 1 (14.05.2024): 166–67.

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Northern Shanbei folk songs are famous traditional music in China. This study focuses on the origin and historical development of northern Shanbei folk songs, as well as its characteristics and ways of expression. The origin and development of northern Shanbei folk songs have not only incorporated ancient farming culture and theatre traditions, but also combined them with modern music to form a unique musical style and mode of expression. This has made northern Shanbei folk songs retain their ancient characteristics in their inheritance, while also advancing with the times and adapting to the needs of modern society. As an important part of Chinese folk songs, northern Shanbei folk songs are of great significance to the study of Chinese music culture and social history.
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Terzioğlu, Ahmet Mutlu. „A Values Education Investigation of Folk Songs in Elementary School Music Textbooks“. Shanlax International Journal of Education 10, S1-Aug (18.08.2022): 110–15.

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The aim of this descriptive study was to examine the values in Turkish Folk Music songs included in the elementary school music textbooks developed in line with 2018 curriculum in Turkey. In this sense, 44 folk songs included in elementary school music textbooks used in Turkey in the 2019-2020 academic year were investigated in order to reveal the values in these songs. Content analysis was adopted in this study. The findings showed that the textbooks generally consisted of folk songs in which the values of love, patriotism and courage were addressed. In this context, 20 folk songs with the value of love and 4 folk songs with patriotism and courage are included in the textbooks. In addition, it was found that there were four folk songs with the value of local values, two with compassion, one with kinship,one with perseverance, and one with belonging.
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Mihelač, Lorena. „The Role of Songbooks in the Preservation of Children’s Folk Songs in Kindergarten“. Revija za elementarno izobraževanje 15, Nr. 3 (September 2022): 301–15.

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The paper presents an analysis of songbooks used in kindergarten. It outlines the need for renewal of the existing kindergarten curriculum from the perspective of preserving the Slovenian music tradition, and within this context, the indispensable role of children’s folk songs in the preservation of Slovenian folk music. Furthermore, it tackles the following three issues: (i) the disproportionate representation of children’s folk songs and author songs in songbooks; (ii) the information provided about children’s folk songs in songbooks, and (iii) the representation of children’s folk songs in kindergarten.
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Bhatt Saxena, Archana. „MUSIC IN MALVI FOLK SONGS“. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH 3, Nr. 1SE (31.01.2015): 1–3.

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Indian folk life has always been music. There is no caste in India which does not have any influence on music. For Indian music, it is said that knowledge of Brahm comes from literature and Brahm is obtained from music. In India, there has been a tradition of singing, playing and dancing on various festivals and occasions since ancient times. Folklore is the indelible boon of ancient culture and wealth in which the souls of many cultures have been united. Folk music is a joyous expression of public life. According to Padma Shri Omkaranath-Folk music is the background to the development of Devi music. The country or caste of which a sensitive human was oriented to express the feelings of his heart, on the same occasion, the self-proclaimed tone, rhythm, nature emerged from his mouth and the classical development which he developed by binding the same tone, song and rhythm Gaya became the only country music. भारतीय लोक जीवन सदैव संगीत मय रहा है। भारत वर्ष का कोई अंचल कोई जाति ऐसी नहीं जिसके जीवन पर संगीत का प्रभाव न पड़ा हो। भारतीय संगीत के लिए कहा जाता है कि साहित्य से ब्रह्म का ज्ञान और संगीत से ब्रह्न की प्राप्ति होती है। भारत में पुरातन काल से विभिन्न पर्वो एवं अवसरों पर गायन, वादन व नृत्य की परंपरा रही है। लोकगीत प्राचीन संस्कृति एवं सम्पदा के अमिट वरदान है जिसमें अनेकानेक संस्कृतियों की आत्माओं का एकीकरण हुआ है। लोक संगीत जन-जीवन की उल्लासमय अभिव्यक्ति है। पद्म श्री ओंकारनाथ के मतानुसार-‘‘देवी संगीत के विकास की पृष्ठभूमि लोक संगीत है। जिस देष या जाति का सम्वेदनषील मानव जिस समय अपने हृदय के भावों को अभिव्यक्त करने के लिए उन्मुख हुआ उसी अवसर पर स्वयंभू स्वर, लय, प्रकृत्या उनके मुख से उद्भूत हुए और उन्हीं स्वर, गीत और लय को नियम बद्ध कर उनका जो शास्त्रीय विकास किया गया वही देषी संगीत बना।‘‘
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Watts, Sarah H., und Patricia Shehan Campbell. „American Folk Songs for Children“. Journal of Research in Music Education 56, Nr. 3 (Oktober 2008): 238–54.

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American composer Ruth Crawford Seeger grew into the role of music educator as a consummate musician with a deep interest in connecting children to their American musical heritage. This article examines the contributions of Ruth Crawford Seeger to American music education, principally through examination of primary and secondary sources and review of her published works. While historical in some of its methodological procedures, it is even more so a biographical study of a composer who was consumed with a passion to preserve and transmit American heritage music to children. Her life in music as pianist, music intellectual, and composer notwithstanding, this research draws attention to her work in the selection, transcription, and placement of songs from the vast collections of the Lomax family into published works for use with children in schools. The authors examine the legacy of Ruth Crawford Seeger as an educator, with particular emphasis on the manner in which music of the people was masterfully transcribed from recordings and prepared for children and their teachers in schools and preschools.
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Kang, Sangmi, und Hyesoo Yoo. „Effects of a Westernized Korean Folk Music Selection on Students’ Music Familiarity and Preference for Its Traditional Version“. Journal of Research in Music Education 63, Nr. 4 (30.12.2015): 469–86.

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The purpose of this study was to reveal the effects of Westernized arrangements of traditional Korean folk music on music familiarity and preference. Two separate labs in one intact class were assigned to one of two treatment groups of either listening to traditional Korean folk songs ( n = 18) or listening to Western arrangements of the same Korean folk songs ( n = 22); a second intact class served as a control group with no listening ( n = 20). Before and after the listening treatment session, pre- and posttests were administered that included 12 music excerpts of current popular, Western classical, and traditional Korean music. Results showed that participants who listened to traditional folk songs demonstrated significant increases in both familiarity and preference ratings; however, those who listened to Westernized folk songs showed increases only in familiarity ratings but not preference ratings for the same Korean songs in traditional versions. An analysis of participants’ open-ended responses showed that affective–positive responses were used most frequently when explaining preference for traditional versions of Korean folk songs (28.1%) among the traditional Korean listening group; structural–negative reasons (47.8%) were the most frequent among the Westernized listening group.
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Bosman, Martjie. „Die FAK-fenomeen: populêre Afrikaanse musiek en volksliedjies“. Tydskrif vir Letterkunde 41, Nr. 2 (20.04.2018): 21–46.

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Afrikaans popular music of a variety of genres and subgenres is currently flourishing. A very productive phenomenon is the re-interpretation of older songs, in particular folk songs. This article gives a short historical overview of the collection and publication of Afrikaans folk songs, followed by a brief description of various ways in which folk songs have previously been utilised. The collection of Afrikaans folk songs known as the FAK (Federation of Afrikaans Cultural Organisations) songbook earned itself an important position in Afrikaans cultural circles, but it was also stigmatised. Since the end of the 1990s, Afrikaans popular songwriters and singers showed a renewed interest in so-called FAK songs and a number of musical arrangements and re-writings of folk song lyrics have been recorded. A number of lyrics that either contain references to folk songs or are re-writings of folk songs, are discussed. Tension between the old, well-known words of the folk songs and the new songs often develops, while the intertextual references to older songs are used to comment on current situations. The importance of popular music in minor cultures is briefly discussed.
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Chen, Junnan, Jiawei Zhong, Jiajie Xiang, Yingjie Gong, Yilu Li und Chenghong Wang. „Musical Characteristics of Tibetan Folk Songs in Baima“. International Journal of Education and Humanities 6, Nr. 3 (03.01.2023): 88–89.

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Baima Tibetan is a branch of Tibetan in Longnan area. Its historical origin, religious beliefs, customs and folk customs are very different from Tibetan. Baima Tibetan folk songs have rich flavor and various forms, including toasting songs, labor songs, dance songs, sacrificial songs and other types. Baima Tibetan folk songs are a vivid display of their national customs and living customs. This paper introduces the types of Baima Tibetan folk songs, and analyzes their music characteristics, hoping that more researchers can go to Baima Tibetan and learn about the charming Baima Tibetan folk songs.
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Xiang, Jiajie, Jiawei Zhong, Junnan Chen, Jinwen Liu, Shasha He und Chenghong Wang. „Enriching the Charm of Folk Songs with Multi part Forms: A Practical Exploration of the Creation of Multi part Chorus of Qiang Folk Songs“. Journal of Education and Educational Research 5, Nr. 3 (01.10.2023): 136–40.

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The Qiang ethnic group is a long-standing ethnic group in China, and its historical changes, religious beliefs, customs, and customs have great research value. Qiang folk songs are a vivid display of their ethnic customs and living customs. Qiang folk songs have a rich flavor and diverse forms, including love songs, labor songs, mountain songs, wine songs, and other types. Folk song choir is an important way to inherit and promote Qiang folk songs. This article introduces the types of Qiang folk songs and creates a multi part choir to enrich the charm of folk songs with multi tone sound, in order to enable more music enthusiasts to understand Qiang folk songs and culture.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Music and folk-songs"


Posner, David M. „Reviving a lost art : piano music of Russian-Jewish origin /“. Access Digital Full Text version, 1988.

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Baltagi, Ibrahim H. „Relationships among folk song preferences of grade five students“. Columbus, Ohio : Ohio State University, 2006.

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Nguyễn, Xuân-Thaʼo Joseph. „Music ministry the inculturation of liturgical vocal music in Vietnam /“. Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 2007.

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Lin, Pei-Ying. „Development of curriculum materials to teach American children about the culture of Taiwan through Taiwanese children's songs“. Diss., Columbia, Mo. : University of Missouri-Columbia, 2005.

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Thesis (M.A.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 2005.
The entire dissertation/thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file (which also appears in the research.pdf); a non-technical general description, or public abstract, appears in the public.pdf file. Title from title screen of research.pdf file viewed on (July 10, 2006) Includes bibliographical references.
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Diehl, Keila. „Echoes from Dharamsala : music in the lives of Tibetan refugees in north India /“. Digital version accessible at:, 1998.

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Noll, William Henry. „Peasant music ensembles in Poland : a culture history /“. Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 1986.

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Cheung, Kwok-hung Stephen. „Traditional folksongs in an urban setting a study of Hakka Shange in Tai Po, Hong Kong /“. Click to view the E-thesis via HKUTO, 2004.

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Ward, Marilyn. „The extent to which American children's folk songs are taught by general music teachers throughout the United States“. [Gainesville, Fla.]: University of Florida, 2003.

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Thurston, Donna. „Irish music in Wellington : a study of a local music community : a thesis submitted to the New Zealand School of Music in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music in Musicology /“. ResearchArchive@Victoria e-Thesis, 2010.

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Messoloras, Irene Rose. „East meets West arranging traditional Greek folk songs for modern chorus /“. Diss., Restricted to subscribing institutions, 2008.

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Thesis (D.M.A.)--UCLA, 2008.
Vita. Part II consists of six traditional Greek folk songs transcribed and arranged for mixed chorus and women's chorus. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 81-83) and discography (leaves 84-85).
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Bücher zum Thema "Music and folk-songs"


Mashmalon, Micah. Palestinian folk songs. Silver Spring, Md: Shazco, 1988.

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Ventura, Florie. Filipino folk songs. So. San Francisco, [Calif.]: VJ Music Productions, 1994.

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Litova-Nikolova, Lidii︠a︡. Bulgarian folk music. Sofia: Marin Drinov Academic Pub. House, 2004.

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Eugenio, Damiana L. Philippine folk literature: The folk songs. Malate, Manila, Philippines: De La Salle University Press, 1996.

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Sieling, Peter. Folk songs. Broomall, Pa: Mason Crest Publishers, 2003.

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1923-1991, Smith Harry Everett, Hrsg. American folk music. [Washington, DC: Smithsonian Folkways Recordings, 1997.

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Seeger, Pete. A child's celebration of folk music. Redway, CA: Music for Little People, 1996.

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Schaeffer, Deborah L. Irish folk music: A selected discography. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989.

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Moyle, Richard M. Traditional Samoan music. Auckland, N.Z: Auckland University Press in association with the Institute for Polynesian Studies, 1988.

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Kodály, Zoltán. Folk music of Hungary. New York: Da Capo Press, 1987.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Music and folk-songs"


Christoforidis, Michael. „Fabricating Spanish folk songs in Paris“. In Manuel de Falla and Visions of Spanish Music, 68–87. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2018.: Routledge, 2017.

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Patel, Anshul, Anuj Shah, Krutarth Gor und Sapan H. Mankad. „IFSC: A Database for Indian Folk Songs Classification“. In Advances in Speech and Music Technology, 171–86. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.

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Mukherjee, Himadri, Ankita Dhar, Sk Md Obaidullah, Santanu Phadikar, Kaushik Roy und Sukumar Nandi. „An Artificial Intelligence-Based Approach Towards Segregation of Folk Songs“. In Advances in Speech and Music Technology, 133–43. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2021.

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Silfiani, Diana, und Agus Sardjono. „Harmonization of Regulations Concerning the Registration of Folk Songs and Music in Indonesia“. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies (ICoMSi 2023), 652–69. Paris: Atlantis Press SARL, 2024.

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„FOLK SONGS“. In Comprehensive Introduction to Chinese Traditional Music, 15–82. Hollitzer Verlag, 2023.

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Manning, David. „English Folk-Songs“. In Vaughan Williams on Music, 184–200. Oxford University Press, 2007.

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Simeone, Nigel, John Tyrrell und Alena Němcová. „Folk-Music Editions“. In Janáěek’s Works, 339–42. Oxford University PressOxford, 1997.

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Abstract In addition to the 2057 numbered songs and dances, there are many others included in Janacek’s Introduction and 17 street cries in an Appendix (pp.1157-63). Most items are given as a single-stave tune, but some (e.g. nos 1729-39) are given in score for a variety of folk instruments. The book was originally issued in two parts: i (1899; 907 songs); ii (1901; 1150 songs).
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Titan, Jeff Todd. „Music, Folk and Traditional“. In Folklore, Cultural Performances, And Popular Entertainments, 167–71. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 1992.

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Abstract Generally speaking, folk music comprises traditional, orally transmitted, and regionally and ethnically based genres of mu sic, often performed in small groups with a major everyday emphasis on face-to-face communication and social interaction (see Genre; Interaction, Face-To-Face). Early folklorists understood folk songs to differ both from popular music (tainted by professionalism, the profit motive, and mass media) and from art music (composed and per formed for an urban, educated elite). Folk songs, they thought, could be found only among an agrarian, illiterate peasantry; literacy, urbanization, and modernization were thought to work against folk tradition. This formulation meant that students of folk song were fated to preside over dying artifacts and that the nature and quality of folk song among descendants of settlers in the New World must be derivative and inferior. But as many of those European peasant cultures disappeared during the twentieth century, folklorists observed that folk songs and folk processes were alive and well among European and American working classes and well-knit ethnic groups, whether in rural areas or in cities.
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Manning, David. „Introduction to Classic English Folk Songs“. In Vaughan Williams on Music, 288–92. Oxford University Press, 2007.

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Manning, David. „Folk Songs of the Four Seasons“. In Vaughan Williams on Music, 369–70. Oxford University Press, 2007.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Music and folk-songs"


Kučerová, Judita. „Najdeme edukační potenciál lidové písně i v současné hudební výchově?“ In Musica viva in schola. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2023.

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The author of the paper reflects on the possibilities of applying musical folklore in schools. It is based on the long-standing tradition of applying Czech, Moravian and Silesian songs in music education and at the same time on the findings of empirical surveys that were carried out in the Czech Republic. Her study contains historical aspects of the issue, further discusses the importance of folk songs from the point of view of the ontogenesis of the child and presents the possibilities of applying folk songs in the conditions of contemporary education.
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Svobodová, Zdeňka, und Michaela Šilhavíková. „Současný stav hudebního vzdělávání v Maďarsku a Nizozemsku a postoje tamních učitelů k lidové písni (výsledky 1. výzkumné sondy)“. In Musica viva in schola. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2023.

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This paper looks at research on music teachers’ attitudes towards folk songs. The investigation of the Department of Music, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University in Brno began by looking at the situation in the Czech Republic and was subsequently extended to a broader European context. Our analysis compares the first results obtained in Hungary and the Netherlands, emphasizing the current state of cultural and social change and its impact on teaching folk songs in schools. In addition to the above, it also presents the current position of folklore in contemporary Hungarian and Dutch society.
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Das, Nikhil, Esther Ramdinmawii, Ajit Kumar und Sanghamitra Nath. „Vocal Singing and Music Separation of Mizo Folk Songs“. In 2023 4th International Conference on Computing and Communication Systems (I3CS). IEEE, 2023.

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Olărescu, Dumitru. „Folk music in cinematographic formulas“. In Simpozion internațional de etnologie: Tradiții și procese etnice, Ediția III. Institute of Cultural Heritage, Republic of Moldova, 2023.

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Th e folk music, being a complete sociocultural phenomenon, expresses over the centuries the most diverse emotional-psychic states about the inner wealth of man, his emotional relationships with other people, with society, with his native lands. Th e local documentary fi lm managed to record the images and voices of several popular music performers in order to preserve and capitalize on this art, which contains priceless samples of our spiritual culture, of our identity valences. Several fi lmmakers devoted their fi lms to the creation of popular music performers: Emil Loteanu, Anatol Codru, Andrei Buruiană, Petre Ungureanu, Iacob Burghiu, Vlad Druc, Ion Mija, Ștefan Bulicanu et al. Th e director Vlad Druc got interested in the universe of folk music and through the creation of several professional and amateur singers in the fi lm Ploi de dor (Rain of Longing) (1975) manages to prove to us that our people created songs for all the events of human life: from birth to death. Director Andrei Buruiana’s fi lm about the distinguished performer Nicolae Sulac, whose creation constituted an era in our folk music, is also of interest.
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Chloupek, Tomáš, Vilma Polmanová und Pavel Ostrý. „Lidová píseň v současné školní praxi: dílčí výsledky výzkumu o využití lidové písně a folkloru pohledem učitelů hudební výchovy základních a středních škol“. In Musica viva in schola. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2021.

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Folk music is undoubtedly an essential cultural asset with great didactic potential. The content of the paper are the ongoing results of a research survey focusing on the teachers’ usage of folk songs in music education at primary and selected secondary schools. The main ways of using this topic in the context of four fundamental teaching areas (set out in the FEP) and in other musical or interdisciplinary topics and activities are presented here. A specific group of respondents who reported to folklore activities in the questionnaire is then examined. Their answers regarding preference and especially the use of folk music in music lessons are evaluated. Everything is simultaneously compared with the answers of the remaining respondents who did not report to folklore.
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Westheimer, Joel. „"Dissonance Is the Music of Democracy": Folk Songs, Curriculum, and Civic Community“. In 2023 AERA Annual Meeting. Washington DC: AERA, 2023.

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APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO und andere Zitierweisen

Westheimer, Joel. „Dissonance Is the Music of Democracy : Folk Songs, Curriculum, and Civic Community“. In AERA 2023. USA: AERA, 2023.

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Olărescu, Dumitru. „The evolution of the documentary film, dedicated to popular music performers“. In Conferința științifică internațională "Învăţământul artistic – dimensiuni culturale". Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts, Republic of Moldova, 2022.

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Our folk songs, coming from over centuries, still today express the deepest soul of the man’s inner world, his sentimental experiences in the middle of the world, the connections with loved ones, with his native land, with society. These musical pieces, very diverse from the melodic perspective and the ideational background, form a complex socio-cultural phenomenon, which has interested scientists, men of art and culture. Back in the 1950s, at the beginnings of our cinema, current affairs topical cinematographic magazines already included subjects about some folk music performers, such as Tamara Ceban, Maria Bieşu, Gheorghe Eşanu and some amateur singers. Since then, the creation of folk music performers has been the basis of several documentary films, made at the “MoldovaFilm” studio by the filmmakers: Emil Loteanu (“Fresco pe alb”, “Ecoul văii fierbinţi”), Andrei Buruiană (“Nicolae Sulac”, “Cantecele noastre”), Anatol Codru (“Tălăncuţa”), Ana Iuriev (“Fluieras”), Iacob Burghiu (“Surorile”), Vlad Druc (“Ploi de dor”, “Vai, sarmana turturica”), Ştefan Bulicanu (“Asa-i viata omului”) etc. We will try to elucidate the aesthetic-artistic specifics and the role of the documentary film in the preservation and valorization of the spiritual heritage of the people.
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Prevlovšek, Anita. „Music in the Life and Literary Works of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov“. In Socratic Lectures 8. University of Lubljana Press, 2023.

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The purpose of the article is to present, with reference to a number of his stories and plays, the part played by music in Chekhov's works, which contain many borrowings from folk songs, Russian romances and classical music. The heroes of his works sing arias from operas, playing and singing the works of Russian and foreign composers. There are many extracts from the works of Tchaikovsky, with whom the writer enjoyed a relationship marked by mutual respect and friendship. Music in Chekhov's literary works embraces the whole of human life, covering a wide variety of emotions and situa-tions described in many of the writer's works, which also include stories with purely musical titles. The article also briefly mentions some descriptions of Italy, a country much admired by the writer. Keywords: Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
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Dermenji, Igor. „Aspects of creation portrait of a teacher Ion Radu“. In International scientific conference "Valorization and preservation by digitization of the collections of academic and traditional music from the Republic of Moldova". Academy of Music, Theatre and Fine Arts, Republic of Moldova, 2023.

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The article illustrates some biographical moments from the life and activity of Ion Radu, an accordionist and teacher at the Department of Folk Instruments at the College of Music and Pedagogy from Balți. The author presents his contribution to the training and development of the interpretive mastery of the students in the accordion class at the college, and also the rise of the professional activity and his major contribution to the enrichment of the accordion repertoire through numerous transcriptions for this instrument. At the same time, Ion Radu also promotes the folklore traditions, collecting about 150 folk songs from the Danube Bugeac, most of them being presented in the collection of folkloric works „Chiti, Miti”, thus demonstrating the continuity and viability of the local musical folklore.
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