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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Musée municipal de Tonnerre"


Blokh, Alexandre. „Le Leventis, musée municipal de Nicosie“. Museum International (Edition Francaise) 46, Nr. 3 (24.04.2009): 51–53.

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Martinet, J. „Le cabinet des estampes du Musée municipal D'Amsterdam“. Museum International (Edition Francaise) 12, Nr. 2 (24.04.2009): 95–100.

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Sciallano, Martine. „Musée municipal d’Hyères : quel PSC au regard des collections ?“ La Lettre de l’OCIM, Nr. 124 (01.07.2009): 44–48.

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Bertenshaw, Norman. „Le Musée municipal des sciences et de l'industrie, Birmingham“. Museum International (Edition Francaise) 20, Nr. 3 (24.04.2009): 193–95.

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Nabais, Antonio José. „Le Musée municipal de Seixal: un écomusée de développement“. Museum International (Edition Francaise) 36, Nr. 2 (24.04.2009): 71–74.

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Stratford, Neil. „Savigny. Acquisition de deux sculptures romanes par le musée municipal“. Bulletin Monumental 175, Nr. 4 (2017): 405–7.

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Croz, Jean-François. „Une tête de marbre rouge veiné d'époque impériale romaine au musée municipal de Pithiviers“. Bulletin de la Société Nationale des Antiquaires de France 2004, Nr. 1 (2011): 387–403.

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Rannou, Nolwenn. „La place Saint-Corentin à Quimper au XIXe siècle : l’achèvement de la cathédrale et la construction du musée municipal“. Histoire de l'art 56, Nr. 1 (2005): 27–39.

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Keers, Frits. „Preliminaries for a bibliography of museum collection catalogues: Some Historical Observations on a Hitherto Neglected Aspect of Museum History“. Art Libraries Journal 22, Nr. 2 (1997): 26–34.

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Catalogues of 18th century private and municipal collections are the precursors of museum catalogues. But museum catalogues proper date from the establishment of the Musée du Louvre and the publication of its first catalogue in 1793. In this catalogue can be found the essential features of the museum catalogue: a printed list of objects in the collection, in systematic order, and including descriptions which facilitate identification of the objects by the public. From the Louvre catalogue of 1793 a continuing line of development leads to the present day, although different catalogues have adopted different methods of organising their entries, in some cases echoing the arrangement of the collections within the museum building. Two centuries of publishing, and recent developments in editing art historical texts, suggest that there is a serious and growing need for a bibliography of museum catalogues. A few such bibliographies already exist, devoted to single institutions (such as the Louvre) or cities (Berlin, Munich), but there is no comprehensive bibliography comparable to Frits Lugt’s unique listing of auction catalogues. A start should be made on this enormous task.
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Frigo, Manlio. „The International Symposium “From Anatomic Collections to Objects of Worship: Conservation and Exhibition of Human Remains in Museums,” Paris (France), February 22–23, 2008“. International Journal of Cultural Property 15, Nr. 4 (November 2008): 437–39.

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The Musée du Quay Branly held an international symposium, “From Anatomic Collections to Objects of Worship: Conservation and Exhibition of Human Remains in Museums,” in Paris on February 22–23, 2008, at the museum's Théatre Claude Levy Strauss. The main purpose of the 2-day conference—opened by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication's Christine Albanel—was to stimulate an international debate on a multidisciplinary basis concerning the roles and responsibilities of museums in the exhibition and repatriation of human remains. The subject turned out to be topical, originating from the case of thetoi moko, the Maori tattooed head belonging to the collection of the Natural History Museum in Rouen, France, since 1875. The restitution of thetoi mokoto the Papa Museum in Wellington, New Zealand, deliberated by the city of Rouen, was recently banned by the Administrative Tribunal of Rouen, on request of the Ministry of Culture at the end of 2007. The head actually belonged to a municipal museum, which was in fact part of the Musées de France, and therefore it was considered part of a public collection. Accordingly, the 2002 French statute providing for the inalienability of state properties was applicable.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Musée municipal de Tonnerre"


Adam, Francine. „Des noms et des lieux : la médiation toponymique au Québec et en Arcadie du Nouveau-Brunswick“. Thesis, Paris 4, 2008.

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La médiation toponymique est l’un des ensembles relationnels qui font une terre habitée, ici le Québec et l’Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick. Trois souches linguistiques principales y ont déployé les lieux : l’autochtone, la française, l’anglaise. Les motifs de dénomination reliés à la propriété et la fréquentation, l’appartenance et l’événement, l’expérience directe et l’honorifique fondent la résonance des noms et de la terre. Les noms de lieux constituent un héritage à vivre et à transmettre. Corps, cœur et esprit alimentent une toponymie affective et sensible qui ressortit aux visions et perceptions du milieu naturel, s’exprime par l’anthroponynie (possessive et honorifique) et la consécration culturelle, imprègne la dynamique des changements de noms. En est une illustration le débat identitaire dans le contexte des fusions municipales au Québec. La dimension spécifiquement sémantique de la toponymie affective et sensible a permis d’établir trois grandes classes thématiques : empreintes possessives et identitaires, sens et sensations, ambiances et sentiments. Des profils régionaux apparaissent au Québec et des profils de comtés en Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick ; une toponymie des bonheurs et des malheurs se dessine. De cette mise en parallèle du Québec et de l’Acadie du Nouveau-Brunswick, il ressort des types toponymiques fortement contrastés qui témoignent de leur histoire politique respective et du rôle des autorités institutionnelles en la matière
The toponymic mediation is one of the systems of relationships, which compose an inhabited land, here Quebec and Acadia of New Brunswick. Three main linguistic stems have influenced the construction of places : the autochthonous one, the French one and the English one. Denomination in relationship with property and socializing, belonging and event, direct experience and honours make the names resound with the earth. The place names offer an inheritance to live with and transmit. Body, heart and mind nourish an affective and sensitive toponymy, which relies on visions and perceptions of the environment. It expresses itself through anthroponymy (possessive and honorary) and through cultural consecration ; it influences the dynamics of changing names. An illustration of that is the debate on identity in the context of municipal mergers in Quebec. The specifically semantic dimension of affective and sensitive toponymy establishes three great thematic categories : imprints of possession and identity, senses and sensations, atmospheres and feelings. Regional profiles appear in Quebec and profiles of counties in Acadia of New Brunswick : it outlines a toponymy of happiness and sorrow. Very contrasted toponymic types stand out from this comparison between Quebec and Acadia of New Brunswick ; they testify to the respective political history of both regions and to the role of institutional authorities
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Gravel, Denis. „Élites commémorantes et mise en scène de l’histoire dans la construction de l’identité lachinoise à l’époque du maire Anatole Carignan (1933-1939 et 1944-1952)“. Thèse, 2018.

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Bücher zum Thema "Musée municipal de Tonnerre"


Rieti, Nelly. Portraits à Tonnerre. La Ferté-sous-Jouarre, France: Éditions GEDA, 2006.

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Jacquiot, Musée municipal Josèphe. Musée municipal Josèphe Jacquiot, Ville de Montgeron. [Amboise]: Editions du Cygne, 1993.

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municipal, Soissons (France) Musée, Hrsg. Le musée sort de sa réserve: Une collection redécouverte. Gand]: Snoeck, 2016.

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Boudin, Eugène. Eugène Boudin: Limoges, Musée municipal de l'évêché, 1er juillet-31 août 1989. [Limoges: s.n.], 1989.

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Chaumont, Musée municipal de. Carreaux de pavement du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance: Catalogue des collections des musées de Chaumont et de Saint-Dizier (Haute-Marne). Chaumont [France]: Musée municipal de Chaumont, 1987.

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Louttre, Marc-Antoine. Louttre.B: L'oeuvre gravé, 1984-2006. Paris: Area, 2008.

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Chanteux, Sarah. Musée de la Roche-sur-Yon: Brèves de collection. Nantes: 303 Arts, Recherches et Créations, 2017.

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Linfert, Andreas. Die antiken Skulpturen des Musée municipal von Château-Gontier. Mainz am Rhein: P. von Zabern, 1992.

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Despiau-Wlérick, Musée. Catalogue des sculptures des XIXe et XXe siècles: Collections du Musée municipal de Mont-de-Marsan. [Mont-de-Marsan]: Le Musée, 1985.

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municipal, Limoges (France) Musée. Miniatures & dessins: Catalogue sommaire illustré. Limoges: Musée municipal de l'evêché/Musée de l'email, 1997.

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