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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Multi-Mode interference (MMI) coupler"
Kumari, Sneha, Akhilesh Kumar Pathak, Rahul Kumar Gangwar und Sumanta Gupta. „Performance Analysis of SiGe-Cladded Silicon MMI Coupler in Presence of Stress“. Computation 11, Nr. 2 (14.02.2023): 34.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMoskalev, Dmitrii, Andrei Kozlov, Uliana Salgaeva, Victor Krishtop, Anatolii V. Perminov und Vladimir Venediktov. „A Semi-Analytical Method for the S-Parameter Calculations of an N × M Multimode Interference Coupler“. Photonics 10, Nr. 11 (14.11.2023): 1260.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleYasui, Takashi, Jun-ichiro Sugisaka und Koichi Hirayama. „Structural Optimization of an Optical 90 Degree Hybrid Based on a Weakly-guided 4x4 Multimode Interference Coupler Using a Parallelized Real-coded Micro-genetic Algorithm“. Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society 36, Nr. 5 (14.06.2021): 526–32.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDARMAWAN, S., S. Y. LEE, C. W. LEE und M. K. CHIN. „TRANSFORMATION OF DIRECTIONAL COUPLERS TO MULTI-MODE INTERFEROMETERS BASED ON RIDGE WAVEGUIDES AND ITS APPLICATIONS“. Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 14, Nr. 02 (Juni 2005): 221–35.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLe, Trung-Thanh. „Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) Like Transmission Based on 3 × 3 Cascaded Multimode Interference Resonators“. Micromachines 9, Nr. 8 (20.08.2018): 417.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLenstra, Daan. „Rate-Equation Analysis for a Coupled-Cavity Laser with MMI Anti-Phase Coupler“. International Journal of Engineering and Technologies 8 (August 2016): 14–23.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLenstra, Daan. „Rate-Equation Analysis for a Coupled-Cavity Laser with MMI Anti-Phase Coupler“. International Journal of Engineering and Technologies 8 (09.08.2016): 14–23.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleChiu, C. L., und Yen-Hsun Liao. „The Critical Adiabatic Linear Tapered Waveguide Combined with a Multimode Waveguide Coupler on an SOI Chip“. International Journal of Optics 2019 (11.11.2019): 1–10.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBrand, Omer, Benjamin Wolftson und Dror Malka. „A Compact Polarization MMI Combiner Using Silicon Slot-Waveguide Structures“. Micromachines 14, Nr. 6 (06.06.2023): 1203.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLiao, Jiali, Linke Liu, Yanling Sun, Zihao Wang, Wei Li, Jinrong Lan, Lin Ma und Zhenzhong Lu. „Polarization-Insensitive Lithium Niobate-on-Insulator Interferometer“. Micromachines 15, Nr. 8 (30.07.2024): 983.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "Multi-Mode interference (MMI) coupler"
Kut, King Kan Warren. „Design and characterization of subwavelength grating (SWG) engineered silicon photonics devices fabricated by immersion lithography“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSilicon photonics technology leverages the mature fabrication processes of the semi-conductor industry for the large volume production of opto-electronic devices. Subwavelength grating (SWG) metamaterials enable advanced engineering of mode confinement and dispersion, that have been used to demonstrate state-of-the-art performance of integrated photonic devices. SWGs generally require minimum feature sizes as small as a 100 nm to suppress reflection and diffraction effects. Hitherto, most reported SWG-based devices have been fabricated using electron-beam lithography. However, this technique is not compatible with large volume fabrication, hampering the commercial adoption of SWG-based photonic devices. Currently, immersion lithography is being deployed in silicon photonic foundries, enabling the patterning of features of 70 nm, when used in conjunction with optical proximity correction (OPC) models. The main goal of this PhD is to study the feasibility of immersion lithography and OPC for the realization of high-performance SWG devices. The SWG devices developed here have been fabricated using the OPC models and 300 mm SOI wafer technology at CEA-Leti. Three devices have been considered as case studies, each with a specific technological challenge: i) a power splitter requiring a single full etch step, ii) a fiber-chip grating coupler interleaving full and shallow etch steps, and iii) an optical antenna array covering a large surface area with a shallow etch step. The power splitter is implemented using a SWG-engineered multi-mode interferometer (MMI) coupler. The SWG is used to control the dispersion of the optical modes to achieve an ultrawide operating spectral bandwidth. This device experimentally showed state-of-the-art bandwidth of 350 nm, in good agreement with simulations. Note that the bandwidth of a conventional MMI without SWG is around 100 nm. The fiber-chip coupler relies on an L-shaped geometry with SWG in full and shallow etch steps to maximize the field radiated towards the fiber. The measured coupling efficiency, of - 1.70 dB (68 %) at a wavelength of 1550 nm, is the highest value reported for an L-shaped coupler fabricated without electron-beam lithography. Still, this value differs from the calculated efficiency of 0.80 dB (83 %), and compares to experimental values achieved with fiber-chip grating couplers without SWG (~ -1.50 dB). One of the main reasons for the limited experimental performance is the strong sensitivity of the structure to errors in the alignment between the full and shallow etch steps. The optical antenna uses shallowly etched SWG teeth to minimize the grating strength, allowing the implementation of a large area emission aperture, of 48 × 48 µm, which is required to minimize the beam divergence. A two-dimensional (2D) optical phased array (OPA) with an antenna pitch of 90 µm × 90 µm, comprising 16 antennas was designed and fabricated. The SWG-based unitary antenna has a measured full width at half maximum divergence of 1.40° at a wavelength of 1550 nm, while the beam emitted from the phased array has a divergence of 0.25°, both in very good agreement with expected values. These results serve as a good proof-of-concept demonstration of this novel antenna architecture. In summary, the results shown in this PhD illustrate the great potential of immersion lithography and OPC for harnessing SWG-engineering, paving the way for their commercial adoption. Devices with full or shallow etch steps exhibited excellent performance close to that predicted by simulations. The fiber-chip grating couplers deviated from expected results, probably due to the tight fabrication tolerances associated with the combination of full and shallow etch steps
Islam, S. „Multi-way mode-interference and warped-mode microwave combline directional couplers“. Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1986.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDeng, Yu-Lin, und 鄧鈺霖. „All-optical switch realized by nonlinear multi-mode interference coupler in Ta2O5 waveguide of subwavelength thickness“. Thesis, 2018.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle國立中山大學
The rapid advancement in information science and technology, such as big data and deep learning opens even higher demand for data processing and transmission, which is beyond the capability of currently mature technology based on electronic circuits. Although integrated optics and silicon photonics serves one of the solution to such a demand, the electronic response in data modulation and processing still set the limit to the speed. Femtosecond response time are easily achieved in nonlinear optical materials, for example the Kerr effect can be used for all optical processing in ultrafast regime. Even though silicon itself is one of the good nonlinear material, its two photon absorption (TPA) become an obstacle for implementing efficient nonlinear optical processing device. Ta2O5, on the other hand, is a wide band gap material providing high transmission and low loss in communication bandwidth. In the meanwhile, it has large Kerr nonlinear coefficient that is comparable to silicon but does not suffer from TPA. In this dissertation, we implement and demonstrate non-linear all-optical optical switcher using nonlinear multiple interference effect in Ta2O5 waveguide of sub-wavelength thickness. We design the device based on multiple-mode nonlinear Schrödinger equations and split-step Fourier method for simulation. We designed and fabricated multi-mode waveguides of width 8um, height 0.1um, length 0.4557cm(31L), and length 0.7497cm(51L) and characterize them by a femtosecond oscillator emitting 100fs mode locked pulses at 80MHz repetition frequency and the wavelength of 1064 nm. It is observed that the transmission through the nonlinear MMI waveguide drops as the peak intensity of the incident laser increases. The transition in the power depending transmission is consistent with the simulation when the modal losses are justified unequally.
Zhang, Yang active 2013. „Multi-layer silicon photonic devices for on-chip optical interconnects“. Thesis, 2013.
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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Multi-Mode interference (MMI) coupler"
Chen, Liuwei, Enge Zhang und Lei Zhang. „Polarization-insensitive 1 × 2 Multi-mode Interference Coupler on SOI“. In 2024 Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), 1–4. IEEE, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCamacho, F., A. C. Bryce und J. H. Marsh. „Phase-locked array laser using a multi-mode interference coupler: theory and experiments“. In The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1998.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOkayama, Hideaki, Yosuke Onawa, Daisuke Shimura, Hiroki Yaegashi und Hironori Sasaki. „Si waveguide AWG using local rib waveguide MMI coupler structure at slab-array interface“. In JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2017.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDai, Xiangyang, Jieru Zhao, Liyuan Song, Yudan Zhang, Qiaoyin Lu, John F. Donegan und Weihua Guo. „Optical 90° Hybrid Based on Cascaded Deformed MMI Couplers with Low Loss and High Balance“. In CLEO: Applications and Technology. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNuck, Madeleine, Moritz Kleinert, Hauke Conradi, David de Felipe, Crispin Zawadazki, Anja Scheu, Martin Kresse, Walter Brinker, Norbert Keil und Martin Schell. „3D photonic integrated 4x4 multi-mode interference coupler“. In Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXIII, herausgegeben von Sonia M. García-Blanco und Pavel Cheben. SPIE, 2019.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBeena, Madeeha Uzma, Sundas Amin und Talal Azfar. „Selective mode excitation in GaAs Multi-Mode Interference MMI Device using Bragg grating“. In 2011 High Capacity Optical Networks and Enabling Technologies (HONET). IEEE, 2011.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTajaldini, Mehdi, und Mohd Zubir Mat Jafri. „All optical switch using ultra compact multi mode interference coupler“. In 2012 10th IEEE International Conference on Semiconductor Electronics (ICSE). IEEE, 2012.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKim, Woo-Ju, Hak-Soon Lee und Sang-Shin Lee. „Bandwidth adjustable grating coupler integrated with serially connected multi-mode interference filters“. In 2011 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC). IEEE, 2011.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTakiguchi, Koichi, Tsutomu Kitoh, Manabu Oguma, Yasuaki Hashizume und Hiroshi Takahashi. „Integrated-optic OFDM demultiplexer using multi-mode interference coupler-based optical DFT circuit“. In Optical Fiber Communication Conference. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 2012.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLe, Chien V., Dien V. Nguyen, Ngan T. K. Nguyen, Tuyen T. T. Le, Chien Tang-Tan, Cao Dung Truong und Hung Nguyen Tan. „Wideband optical logic gates based on a 3×3 multi-mode interference coupler“. In 2017 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC). IEEE, 2017.
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