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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Motivati"


Vučetić, Zorica. „Contributo allo studio della composizione delle parole : Raffronto contrastivo italiano-croato, croato-italiano. Primi risultati“. Linguistica 39, Nr. 1 (01.12.1999): 83–98.

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Nel presente lavoro si considerano le parole composte italiane e croate, e più pre­ cisamente nella fase moderna dell'italiano e del croato. L'approccio allo studio della composizione delle parole nelle due lingue è sincronico. Si prendono in considerazione solo parole motivate nella coscienza linguistica dei parlanti di oggi. La composizione delle parole, che unisce due o più elementi costitutivi, creando in tal modo nuove unità lessicali, è molto importante nella lingua italiana. Si distinguono due casi: in un gran numero di composti ii parlante continua ad identificare i due ele­ menti costitutivi dopo che la fusione è avvenuta (A+B=AB): in questo caso ii signifi­ cato del composto è la somma dei significati dei membri costitutivi e il composto è motivato nella consapevolezza linguistica dei parlanti di oggi; mentre in altri composti la fusione dei due elementi costitutivi dà origine a un nuovo significato (A+B=C), per cui i composti non sono motivati nella consapevolezza linguistica dei parlanti di oggi, quindi non sono trasparenti e dal punto di vista sincronico non sono parole composte, ma vanno studiati dal punto di vista diacronico.
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Basile, Fabio. „Il diritto penale nelle società multiculturali: i reati culturalmente motivati“. Política criminal 6, Nr. 12 (2011): 339–86.

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Afifah, Nurul, Hilmi Hambali und Nurul Magfirah. „HUBUNGAN ANTARA MOTIVATI BELAJAR DENGAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA SMP PADA PEMBELAJARAN BIOLOGI“. Jurnal Riset dan Inovasi Pembelajaran 3, Nr. 2 (22.08.2023): 85–94.

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Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian ex-post facto yang dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 1 Selayar pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2021/2022. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran motivasi belajar (X) dan hasil belajar (Y) pada mata pelajaran biologi kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Selayar. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Selayar. Sampel pada penelitian ini berjumlah 72 orang siswa yang diambil secara acak dari 5 kelas yaitu XI IPA 1, XI IPA 2, XI IPA 3, XI IPA 4 dan XI IPA 5. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik random sampling kemudian pengumpulan data menggunakan angket motivasi belajar dan data hasil belajar siswa. Data hasil belajar siswa tersebut diambil dari hasil ujian semester ganjil. Data yang terkumpul kemudian di analisis secara deskriptif dan inferensial. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya hubungan antara motivasi belajar dengan hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran biologi kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Selayar dilihat dari uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan uji korelasi person yang menunjukkan nilai sig < ɑ dengan nilai signifikannya ɑ = < 0,05 yang artinya hipotesis diterima dengan nilai 0,001.
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Congleton, Roger D. „Toward a Transactions Cost Theory of Environmental Treaties: Substantive and Symbolic Environmental Agreements*“. Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice 13, Nr. 2 (01.10.1995): 119–39.

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Abstract Questo scritto sviluppa una teoria positiva dei trattati internazionali in materia ambientale sulla base di un’analisi dei prerequisiti istituzionali per il rispetto dei trattati.Le soluzioni pacifiche a problemi di esternalità internazionali sono limitate a contratti volontari soggetti alia diretta applicazione delle parti.I trattati internazionali su temi ambientali sono in parte contratti motivati da reciproci vantaggi realizzati con impegni commerciali per rafforzare le regolamentazioni ambientali interne. In parte, essi sono una forma di costituzione sovranazionale che stabilisce gli strumenti per l’applicazione e il monitoraggio.L’analisi economica dei problemi da risolvere e del costoso processo di negoziazione dei trattati chiarisce i contenuti dei trattati in materia ambientale stipulati durante gli ultimi quarant’anni.
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Catizone, Luigi. „Perché non siamo riusciti a modificare i fattori che marginalizzano la dialisi peritoneale?“ Giornale di Clinica Nefrologica e Dialisi 26, Suppl. 5 (19.02.2014): S21—S22.

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La domanda da porsi è: “Perché non siamo riusciti a modificare i fattori che marginalizzano la Dialisi Peritoneale?”. Per rispondere, bisogna riconoscere autonomo valore alla dialisi peritoneale e non inseguire un confronto a tutti i costi con la dialisi extracorporea. Strumento indispensabile è un ben organizzato ambulatorio per l'uremia avanzata, affidato a Medici e a Infermieri preparati e motivati; bisogna far sì che la Sezione di Dialisi Peritoneale non sia una zona grigia e trascurata nell'organizzazione della propria Unità Operativa. Indispensabili sono, poi, la ricerca, non solo clinica, e l'innovazione. Il GdS e la SIN devono contribuire a modificare la percezione della dialisi peritoneale agli occhi dei Pazienti, dei Colleghi e delle Istituzioni e devono informare e formare i Colleghi più giovani.
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Fuadiyah, Ellya, und Fatmasari Sukesti. „ANALISIS FAKTOR-FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI MAHASISWA DALAM MEMAHAMI MATA KULIAH AUDITING (Studi empiris pada mahasiswa Jurusan Akuntansi di Fakultas Ekonomi UNIMUS dan UNISSULA Semarang)“. MAKSIMUM 3, Nr. 2 (11.03.2016): 42.

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This study aims to analyze the factors that students affect on understanding of auditing course. The study based on the motivation's theory that is developed by Maslow and Big Five Personality's theory that is introduced by Goldberg, then it use the variable understanding of auditing course, motivation, communication skills, and personality. The method used is survey research. Analytical instrument to examine the hipotheses and validity of this study uses Structural Equation Model (SEM), it uses AMOS 21.0 program. Whereas, the program that be used in this study for descriptive statistic and reliability analysis uses SPSS 16.0 program, with notice means and standard deviation for statistic descriptive and cronbach alpha value to determine reliability.The results showed that motivati on, communication skills, and personality a studens positive affect on understanding of auditing course. While communication skills no students positive effect on understanding auditing course. Keywords: auditing course, auditing course understanding, motivation, communication skills, personality
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Lazzaretti, Letizia. „Efficacia di un progetto di educazione linguistica inclusivo su auto-percezioni e struttura di testi narrativi“. DIDIT. Didattica dell’italiano. Studi applicati di lingua e letteratura, Nr. 2 (16.11.2022): 11–41.

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Lo studio ha confrontato gli alunni con DSA di 4 classi sperimentali (tot. 8) e 3 di controllo (tot. 7) su abilità di scrittura e auto-percezioni su atteggiamenti di scrittura e benessere di classe. Le classi sperimentali hanno seguito un progetto di educazione linguistica che, tra i suoi obiettivi, annovera la promozione di atteggiamenti motivati e strategici verso la scrittura e la costruzione di un clima di classe sereno e inclusivo; le classi di controllo hanno seguito la normale programmazione prevista per l’anno scolastico in corso. Gli alunni hanno scritto un testo narrativo, valutato con procedure olistiche e analitiche, e completato tre questionari di auto-percezione inerenti a autoefficacia, strategie di scrittura e benessere di classe. I risultati evidenziano che le abilità di scrittura e le percezioni sono migliori per il gruppo sperimentale, soprattutto per gli alunni con DSA. Da qui emerge l’efficacia del Progetto nel garantire una didattica inclusiva e un miglioramento di abilità e percezioni di scrittura per tutti gli studenti con difficoltà, anche quelli con DSA.
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Collins, Frank, Oscar Holzmann und Roberto Mendoza. „Central America: The effect of organizational complexity, competitive fears, budgetary workrole importance and budget criticality on budgetary motivati“. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation 5, Nr. 2 (Januar 1996): 197–214.

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Primavera, Mauro. „Il tramonto delle aspirazioni unioniste dei Ba?th iracheno e siriano“. STORIA URBANA, Nr. 174 (Juni 2024): 87–111.

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Il contributo intende analizzare i tentativi unionisti tra Siria e Iraq compiuti dal partito Ba?th in nome del panarabismo;; progetti ambiziosi che, pur motivati da solidi fondamenti storici e culturali, mostravano, tanto a livello ideologico quanto organizzativo, notevoli lacune e fragilità che, col passare del tempo, avrebbero contribuito al fallimento finale dell'immaginato stato panarabo. Dopo aver accennato al ruolo cruciale dei movimenti proto-­nazionalisti presenti nella regione liminale di Dayr el-­Zor e i contributi ideologici di Sa?i? al-­?u?ri, il saggio ripercorre l'ascesa della corrente panarabista in Iraq nel periodo interbellico, soffermandosi su nascita e affermazione del Ba?th in Siria e Iraq. Si esaminerà, poi, la posizione del partito dapprima sul progetto unionista della Mezzaluna Fertile, e in seguito su quello della Repubblica Araba Unita, ossia l'unione statuale tra Egitto e Siria proclamata nel febbraio 1958 che segnò l'apogeo del panarabismo ma che, al tempo stesso, gettò le premesse per il suo fallimento. In conclusione, si menzioneranno gli Accordi tripartiti tra Iraq, Siria ed Egitto del 1963, ultimo concreto tentativo unionista, e la Carta di Azione Nazionale tra Baghdad e Damasco del 1978, redatta su presupposti e contingenze geopolitiche assai differenti dai progetti precedenti.
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Matta, Emad Samir. „Perché alcuni studenti sono più motivati di altri? Un’indagine empirica che esplora il ruolo protettivo della qualità della vita in correlazione con il clima familiare e con la motivazione allo studio“. Revista de Educação ANEC 42, Nr. 155 (2018): 110–35.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "Motivati"


ABIS, ALESSANDRA. „I REATI RELIGIOSAMENTE MOTIVATI“. Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2020.

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In una prospettiva pluralista e post-secolare, un terreno fertile su cui riflettere a proposito di conflitti tra norma secolare e norma religiosa è rappresentato da quella particolare nicchia di fatti criminosi costituita dai cosiddetti reati religiosamente motivati. Si tratta di reati la cui realizzazione è consistita in un comportamento percepito dall’agente come religiosamente doveroso o, quanto meno, meritorio, pur configurandosi come illecito penale. Il presente lavoro si propone di indagare questo fenomeno criminoso, mettendo in luce lo spazio che l’ordinamento intende riservare al fattore religioso, ogniqualvolta quest’ultimo abbia ingenerato nell’individuo un conflitto tale da indurlo a infrangere la legge dello Stato. Esso consisterà, per buona parte, in una ricerca giurisprudenziale volta ad analizzare i percorsi argomentativi con cui i giudici hanno trattato il movente religioso nella commissione di reati, evidenziando le problematiche di tipo tecnico-operativo al fine di trovare spunti proficui per la creazione di un lessico giuridico positivo che sia rispettoso dei principi di uguaglianza, laicità e libertà religiosa.
In a pluralistic and post-secular perspective, fertile ground on which to reflect on conflicts between secular norm and religious norm is represented by the so-called religiously motivated crimes. These are crimes whose realization consisted of behavior perceived by the agent as religiously dutiful or, at least meritorious, even though it is considered a criminal offense. This work aims to investigate this criminal phenomenon, highlighting the space that the system intends to reserve for the religious factor, whenever the latter has engendered a conflict in the individual such as to induce him to break state law. It will consist, for the most part, in a jurisprudential research aimed at analyzing the argumentative paths with which the judges have treated the religious motive in the commission of crimes, highlighting the technical-operational problems in order to find fruitful ideas for the creation of a positive legal lexicon that is respectful of the principles of equality, secularism and religious freedom.
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Mazlan, Mohammad Nur Azhar. „Students’ perception of motivation to learn : does an avatar motivate?“ Thesis, Durham University, 2012.

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Context: This research investigates students’ perception of motivation to learn among students at one of the public university in Malaysia. Students were provided with an avatar as well as an avatar environment called the Avatar Hall. The Avatar Hall was developed in order for the student to access their avatar. Although other studies have been carried out when an avatar is constantly displayed on the screen, while students having their learning with Computer-based Learning (CBL) environment, where learning is conducted fully on the CBL, this research is primarily focused on the context of having an avatar when it is not displayed constantly to the students when students is having their learning in conventional learning environment (attending lecture). Aim: The aim of the research is to investigate the effect of having an avatar alongside learning activities. Method: This research is an empirical research where students have been given access to the Avatar Hall alongside their learning activities. There were two experiments conducted in this research, Experiment 1 and Experiment 2. A total number of 71 first year students from the Department of Cognitive Science and 45 first year students from the Department of Human Resource Development were selected to participate in this research. These students were further grouped into three: human character avatar (treatment 1), text avatar (treatment 2) and non-avatar (control group). As the name implied, students who were in treatment 1 will be offered a human-type avatar character, whereas students in treatment 2 had a text as their avatar. Students in the control group did not get any of avatar character or avatar name. The Avatar Hall was developed and categorised into two: attribute-based environment (AbE) and ranking-based environment (RbE). The AbE environment was designed for treatment 1 whereas the RbE environment was designed for treatment 2. In the AbE environment, students were offered an opportunity to view and personalise their human avatar character. Students who were in the RbE environment, on the other hand, were presented of a ranking board where their text avatar was placed. The research instrument used in this research was a motivation inventory, designed and developed by Ryan and Deci (2008). This inventory was modified according to the needs of the research. It was used to measure students' perceptions of motivation to learn. The inventory was consisted of Likert-type statements, each with five choices of response from "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree". Results: The results from the statistical analysis indicate that students in Experiment 2 were more motivated than students in Experiment 1, specifically from the human character avatar group. In addition, students who used the text avatar in Experiment 1 were accessing the Avatar Hall more often than students who used the text avatar in Experiment 2. Conclusions: This research has shown that having a human character avatar, in comparison with a text avatar and non-avatar, in their learning environment does give an opportunity to offer an alternative factor to motivate students to learn, even though the existence of an avatar and the Avatar Hall environments was applied in the conventional learning environment.
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Ingnäs, Gustav, und Kasper Heikkilä. „Motivating Millennials : A study on generation Y motivation“. Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 2015.

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This thesis explores generation Y motivators. They are a growing group of young people among the general workforce, and they have different behavior and motivators at work. This paper explores effective motivating factors for this group of employees by studying a company, LinkedIn, which successfully motivates generation Y employees. Data is gathered through several interviews done with LinkedIn employees working at their Dublin office. The data is analyzed with the help of a motivational theory called self-determination theory and its main concepts autonomy, relatedness and competence. Other insights from earlier studies done on generation Y motivation are used to support the analysis as well. The results and analysis are consistent with theory and earlier studies, and can even show some interesting factors generation Y employees value, such as high value for manager flexibility and sharing similar values with the company they work for.
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Ugail, Hassan, Rokas Mackevicius, Maryann L. Hardy, A. Hill, Maria Horne, T. Murrells, J. Holliday und R. Chinnadorai. „MotiVar: Motivating Weight Loss Through A Personalised Avatar“. IEEE, 2019.

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This work aims to develop a personalised avatar based virtual environment for motivating weight loss and weight management. Obesity is a worldwide epidemic which has not only enormous resource impact for the healthcare systems but also has substantial health as well as a psychological effect among the individuals who are affected. We propose to tackle this issue via the development of a personalised avatar, the form of which can be adjusted to show the present and the future self of the individual. For the avatar design and development phase, we utilise a parametric based mathematical formulation derived from the solutions of a chosen elliptic partial differential equation. This method not only enables us to generate a parameterised avatar model, but it also allows us to quickly and efficiently create various avatar shapes corresponding to different body weights and even to different body postures.
This research was funded by the NIHR Research for Patient Benefit Programme (project reference PB-PG-1215-20016).
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Balliett, Timothy R. Stevens Robert J. „Motivated by grace? exploring achievement motivation in catholic secondary schools /“. [University Park, Pa.] : Pennsylvania State University, 2008.

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Hána, Michal. „Analýza motivace studentů FM ve vztahu k volbě oboru a fakulty“. Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008.

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The theoretical part describes the basic knowledge of management, positions and operations of manager, motivation, and motivation to learn. At the same time it sets up the foundation for practical section. In the practical part are mentioned the objectives of work, research questions, research data and data processing procedures. In the practical part analyzes the motivation of students through a questionnaire survey.
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Čunderlíková, Petra. „Motivace zaměstnanců mezinárodní společnosti“. Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2010.

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Employee motivation is phenomen of these days. It should be responsibility of each employer. Each emlpoyer should pay enough attantion to this area, if they would like to have emlployees who are loyal, enthusiastic, empolyees who would like to build up company. Particular attention should be paid to the following areas: manager, team work, content of the work and evaluation of emlpoyees. Motivace zaměstnanců je aktuálním tématem dnešní doby. Každý zaměstnavatel by měl věnovat dostatečnou pozornost této oblasti, pokud chce získat zaměstnancce loajální, plné elánu, zaměstnace, kteří budou chtít vytvářet hodnoty pro svou společnost. Zvláštní pozornost by se měla věnovat zvláště následujícím oblastem: vedoucí pracovník, spolupráce v týmu, obsah vykonávané práce a hodnocení zaměstnanců.
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Scholten, Lotte. „Motivation matters motivated information processing in group and individual decision-making /“. [S.l. : Amsterdam : s.n.] ; Universiteit van Amsterdam [Host], 2007.

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Charvátová, Soňa. „Motivace pracovníků v malém podniku“. Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2010.

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This thesis is concerned with motivation and satisfaction of employees of one company in Prague. The theory is mainly focused on the explanation of motivation and stimulation, labour motivation and employee benefits. The point of the practical part is an analysis of the motivation system and employee satisfaction in the company. The resulting information is explicated. For the parts with the worst findings, some recommendations for improving the present motivation system are suggested.
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Jansson, Lina, und Majken Sørensen. „Motivation factors within non-profit projects : How project leaders can motivate their project group“. Thesis, Högskolan Väst, Avd för företagsekonomi, 2015.

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Projects as a work model are becoming more and more popular and also within non-profit organizations. The non-profit organization however, cannot offer monetary rewards as compensation for the time people put in when working within non-profit organizations. They need to find other ways to motivate people to join the non-profit projects but also to remain within these projects. The purpose of this study was to investigate which motivation factors were considered important within two student unions when joining a non-profit project. The purpose was also to investigate how project leaders should act in order to keep their project group motivated within these non-profit projects. To fulfill these purposes we investigated these problems qualitatively, through interviews and quantitatively, through a survey. 16 interviews were performed, seven with project leaders and nine with project workers and the survey resulted in 64 respondents. In the theoretical part, the following motivation theories were used; Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Herzberg’s two-factor theory, Vroom’s expectancy theory, Hackman and Oldham’s theory of motivation and McClelland’s need theory. In addition to these theories, theories about non-profit motivation, leadership, and leadership within non-profit organizations were presented along with McGregor’s theory X & Y. These theories formed the basis on which the empirical results were collected along with the interpretations of the results, which showed that some of the theories were more applicable than others. The conclusions of the study showed that the most motivating factors were personal development, new experiences, social belonging as well as gaining merits to put on the résumé. A project leader who was motivating was also someone who was respondent, engaged, positive and who gave feedback, which were all very important for the volunteers’ motivation.
Projekt som arbetsmodell blir alltmer populär även inom den ideella verksamheten. Ideella organisationer har dock inte möjlighet att erbjuda lön som kompensation till människor som engagerar sin tid i den ideella organisationen utan behöver finna andra sätt att motivera människor att dels ansluta sig till de ideella projekten och dels att stanna inom dessa projekt. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka motivationsfaktorer som ideellt engagerade inom två studentkårer ansåg vara viktiga för att gå med i ett ideellt projekt. Syftet var också att undersöka hur projektledare kan gå tillväga för att hålla sin projektgrupp motiverad inom dessa ideella projekt. För att uppnå syftet undersökte vi dessa problem kvalitativt, genom intervjuer samt kvantitativt, genom enkäter. Det genomfördes 16 intervjuer, sju med projektledare och nio med projektarbetare och enkäten resulterade i 64 svar. I teoridelen användes motivationsteorierna Maslows behovshierarki, Herzbergs tvåfaktorteori, Vrooms förväntansteori, Hackman och Oldhams motivationsteori samt McClellands behovsteori. Utöver det presenterades även teorier om ideell motivation, teorier om ledarskap, McGregors teori X & Y samt teorier om ledarskap inom ideell verksamhet. Dessa teorier utgjorde grunden för insamlingen av empirin samt för tolkningen av resultatet, som visade att vissa av teorierna var mer applicerbara än andra. Resultatet av studien visade att de faktorer som var mest motiverande var personlig utveckling, nya erfarenheter, social tillhörighet samt meriter att sätta på sitt CV. En projektledare som var motiverande var även någon som var lyhörd, engagerad, positiv och som gav feedback vilket var viktigt för volontärernas motivation.
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Bücher zum Thema "Motivati"


Galgano, Francesco. Pareri motivati di diritto civile. 2. Aufl. Padova: CEDAM, 1998.

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Vincent, Elizabeth A. Teacher self-motivation: How to motivate a teacher over fifty. Derby: University of Derby, Research Centre for Education & Professional Practice, 2002.

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Franken, Robert E. Human motivation. 2. Aufl. Pacific Grove, Calif: Brooks/Cole Pub. Co., 1988.

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Franken, Robert E. Human motivation. 3. Aufl. Pacific Grove, Calif: Brooks/Cole Pub. Co., 1994.

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Wack, Bob. Motivating the unmotivated: Teaching self-motivation, self-discipline & responsibility. Oakland, Calf: ELR, 1990.

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Warren, William E. Coaching and winning. West Nyack, N.Y: Parker Pub. Co., 1988.

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Vivere motivati, vivere bene! Milano: Scuola di Palo Alto, 2010.

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Motivati - Trenta Giorni per Crescere! Independently Published, 2020.

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I reati culturalmente motivati: Ideologie e modelli penali. Pisa: ETS, 2010.

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Motivazione per il Successo: Come Essere Motivati Ogni Giorno. Independently Published, 2021.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Motivati"


Mangel, Marc. „Motivation, Learning, and Motivated Learning“. In Insect Learning, 158–73. Boston, MA: Springer US, 1993.

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Elbeheri, Gad. „Motivate students with dyslexia by understanding motivation“. In Motivating Students with Dyslexia, 25–49. First edition. | Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, [2021]: Routledge, 2020.

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Dhiman, Satinder. „Self-Motivation: Motivating the Whole Person“. In Holistic Leadership, 17–42. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2017.

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Balzac, Stephen R. „Motivation and Loyalty: Creating a Motivated Workforce“. In Management for Professionals, 83–101. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013.

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Broom, Donald M. „Motivation.“ In Broom and Fraser’s domestic animal behaviour and welfare, 59–75. 6. Aufl. Wallingford: CABI, 2021.

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Abstract This chapter discusses the fundamentals of motivation in animals such its causal factors, state of being motivated, history of motivational ideas, monitoring motivation, motivational control systems, feelings, emotions, mood, needs, emotions, and judgement bias.
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van Dam, Arno, Carola van Tilburg, Peter Steenkist und Margreet Buisman. „Motivatie“. In Niet meer door het lint, 15–23. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2011.

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van Dam, Arno, Carola van Tilburg, Peter Steenkist und Margreet Buisman. „Motivatie“. In Niet meer door het lint, 15–23. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2008.

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Beer, Renée, und Karin Tobias. „Motivatie“. In Eten zonder angst, 8–9. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2011.

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Hjalmarsson, Anders, Gustaf Juell-Skielse und Paul Johannesson. „Motivate Developers“. In Open Digital Innovation, 73–78. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Schmidt, Dirk. „Alles eine Frage der eigenen Motivation“. In Motivation, 13–15. Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2011.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Motivati"


Baermann, Maren. „Motivating Creativity - Creating Motivation“. In 14th European Conference on Creativity in Innovation. AIJR Publisher, 2023.

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We live in challenging times. And to flourish in these times and work towards a sustainable future, I believe creativity is the best instrument we have. I see creativity as the magic ingredient for complexity competence, that is, the ability to navigate complex contexts. Thus, my goal is to enable people, teams, and organizations to be more creative. When we create truly agile work settings, these three levers are addressed astonishingly well. When they are mishandled, however, they can turn highly creative and well-motivated teams into mobs of zombies who are merely doing their jobs by the book, failing to think and find solutions for themselves.
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Ugail, Hassan, Rokas Mackevicius, Maryann Hardy, Andrew Hill, Maria Horne, Trevor Murrells, Judith Holliday und Rajeswaran Chinnadorai. „MotiVar: Motivating Weight Loss Through A Personalised Avatar“. In 2019 13th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications (SKIMA). IEEE, 2019.

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„Motivating Self-Motivation: Reflections on Teaching a New Generation“. In International Conference on Humanities, Literature and Management. International Centre of Economics, Humanities and Management, 2015.

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In order for a person to motivate others, he must first find an adequate way to motivate himself. If we want to make the work with other people more successful, it is very important to know what motivates people in the environment. Motivation involves the process of initiating and directing human behavior, it is an internal force that drives us to achieve our goals and meet our needs. Greater curiosity and interest contribute to achieving greater success in all fields, and in particular the success of students in school. In contrast, lack of motivation impedes anything to be done in a better way. Poor motivation leads to failure, to the extent that one performs activities without ambition and with great difficulty. Studying the literature aims to determine what role motivation plays in the educational context, which is at the same time the basic goal. It also wants to point out the importance of motivation in teaching. The paper used the historical method as the basic method of historical research and analysis of the contents of pedagogical documentation. One of the basic tasks of teachers is to familiarize students with the nature of motivation and to teach them the procedures that develop motivation for students to learn. This is the key to the success of both the teacher and the students themselves.
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Borowski, Andrzej. „Motivating Emloyees in Public Administration“. In 5th International Scientific Conference 2021. University of Maribor Press, 2021.

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The purpose of the publication is to present the specifics of motivating in public administration. There is no doubt that employees should be motivated regardless of the workplace. The publication presents the definition of motivation and its theory. It contains tips on what should be particularly considered in creating an incentive system in public administration. Particular attention was devoted to creating the foundations of a motivational system that has roots in motivation theories. The most common motivational theories and their importance in shaping the incentive system were presented.
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Caybas, Utku. „"We Motivate One Another": Peer Influences on Undergraduate Students' Motivation in Introductory Biology“. In 2023 AERA Annual Meeting. Washington DC: AERA, 2023.

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Drobot, Irinaana. „THE ROLE OF THE TEACHER OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES IN ONLINE ENVIRONMENT AND IN CLASSICAL CLASSROOMS“. In eLSE 2019. Carol I National Defence University Publishing House, 2019.

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Given the interactive environment and communication through internet opportunities, learning foreign languages in a mass online course and by using audiovisual materials such as videos on youtube, what is the current role of the foreign languages teacher? Is there a competition between classical, classroom learning and teaching of a foreign language and using what the internet offers? The paper argues for the role of the teacher in any environment as a source of motivation. We could draw a parallel with the way a therapist motivates his or her patient in a session with the way the same transference works in a teacher - student relationship. However, the online medium does offer more opportunities and more attractive material, as in mass online courses we interact with students and teachers from all over the world. The paper will also argue for more opportunities in an online environment given the fact that interacting with other students who are highly motivated also motivates any learner to continue with the study of the respective foreign language. While in a classical classroom the number of interested students may be scarce, in an online medium the situation can be different as there the classroom is never empty. Lack of interest or high interest from the part of the other student serve as a way to increase motivation and performance for the whole group. However, due to the fact that it is by your own decision that you take the study of a foreign language online, and no outside obligation from school, then the decision remains to yourself whether or not to continue. If you abandon the study, then no consequences will affect your activity. The question remains, though, to what extent and up to what age the teacher acts as a motivator for any student to continue with the study of a foreign language.
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Nedeva, Liliya. „Study of the Motivating Factors of the Human Resources Management System in the Municipality of Plovdiv“. In Sixth International Scientific Conference ITEMA Recent Advances in Information Technology, Tourism, Economics, Management and Agriculture. Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, Serbia, 2022.

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Motivation can encourage employees to achieve the organi­zation’s goal because if workers feel that managers practically communi­cate with them, it motivates them to perform better and work as a team. Mismanagement of motivation in any organization can lead to demotiva­tion, apathy and even resistance. The symptoms of a lack of inspiration in the workplace are frequent turnover, frequent absences from work, delays, low quality of performed activities, lack of interest in new exercises, etc. Em­ployees with high job satisfaction are more focused on tasks and activities and are more motivated to stay with the organization. The conducted re­search found low motivation among employees in the municipality of Plov­div, which is why improving interpersonal communication is a prerequisite for increasing job satisfaction.
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Baieșu, Marina, und Angela Boguș. „Effective Employee Motivation Strategies“. In 27th International Scientific Conference “Competitiveness and Innovation in the Knowledge Economy”. Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 2024.

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In a constantly changing business world, motivating employees within a company and attracting new human resources become strategic priorities for companies. In order to achieve these objectives, it is crucial to implement effective motivational strategies, which lead to the retention of employees and the attraction of new valuable candidates. An effective motivational strategy not only attracts valuable candidates, but also determines the existing employees to make their maximum contribution to the success of the organization. Managers are increasingly concerned with assuming an important responsibility, namely that of motivating their employees to achieve performance. More and more companies realize the need to awaken the interest of employees to participate to a large extent in the company's success. Companies that maintain a focus on employee motivation will always have an advantage because a motivated employee is a productive employee. This will positively influence the results of the companies. That is why the motivational process is an important one, and managers should juggle motivational strategies to drive performance and help the company thrive. In this article, we will explore various forms of motivation, the causes for lack of motivation and what are the benefits that motivational strategies bring. Therefore, investing in effective strategies regarding the motivation of staff and candidates not only increases the attractiveness of the company on the labor market, but also strengthens the solid basis for the long-term success of the organization.
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Dimovska, Nena, und Ljupcho Eftimov. „MEASURING THE EFFECT OF SALARY RAISE OVER THE PERFORMANCE OF SALES PROFESSIONALS – THE CASE OF AN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION“. In Economic and Business Trends Shaping the Future. Ss Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Economics-Skopje, 2020.

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Should fixed salary be the single and most appropriate tool for motivating employees; or should management consider a more diverse, innovative tools for motivation, based on multiple factors? Does a salary increase always guarantee ROI? Also, will sales professionals be motivated by an incremental, equal-to-all salary increase? This paper elaborates these and similar dilemmas and presents a research conducted in the sales sector, in a medium-sized international firm. It represents consequences of applying an equal and applicable to all salary increase of 10%. Тhe paper tries to reject traditional beliefs (and awards distribution models) that salary, per se, is the highest source or motivation and a guarantee for improving performance. Тhe research shows how sales professionals are affected by incremental salary increase, and tries to provide recommendations for further research on effective, cost-efficient award strategies that increase motivation and performance and can be easily adopted in similar organizations.
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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Motivati"


Cotton, Christopher, Brent Hickman, John List, Joseph Price und Sutanuka Roy. Productivity Versus Motivation in Adolescent Human Capital Production: Evidence from a Structurally-Motivated Field Experiment. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, Oktober 2020.

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Bano, Masooda. Narratives of Success against the Odds: Why Some Children in State Schools Go Far in Life—Evidence from Pakistan. Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE), August 2022.

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What makes some children succeed despite studying in failing education systems? Are these children exceptionally gifted, or do other psychological or sociological factors and family circumstances contribute to success? To address the learning crisis in state schools in developing countries, development agencies have primarily focused on identifying inputs that can improve state education provision. Yet, even from low-performing state schools, some children do manage to successfully complete primary and secondary education cycles, pursue higher education, and record upward social mobility, but we know very little about the factors that facilitate this success. This paper addresses this gap in the literature. Tracing life histories of successful alumni of state schools supported by CARE, an education foundation in Pakistan, this paper identifies children’s motivation to succeed as having a major impact on educational performance. However, for most this motivation is not a product of an innate desire to excel, it is a product of contextual factors: parental encouragement; an acute desire to make parents happy and to alleviate their sufferings; the company of friends, cousins, and peers who are keen on education and thus help to create an aspiring, competitive spirit; encouragement given by good teachers; and exposure to new possibilities and role models that raise aspirations by showing that what might appear to the child unachievable is in fact attainable. High motivation in turn builds commitment to work hard. Equally important, however, is the provision of financial support at critical points, especially when transitioning from secondary school to college and university. Without financial support, which could be in the form of scholarships, loans, or income from part-time work, at critical junctures, even highly motivated children in state schools cannot succeed. The paper thus argues that rather than being focused solely on education inputs, development agencies should also seek to explore and understand the factors that can motivate children in state schools to aim high and work hard to succeed.
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Bano, Masooda. Narratives of Success against the Odds: Why Some Children in State Schools Go Far in Life—Evidence from Pakistan. Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE), August 2022.

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What makes some children succeed despite studying in failing education systems? Are these children exceptionally gifted, or do other psychological or sociological factors and family circumstances contribute to success? To address the learning crisis in state schools in developing countries, development agencies have primarily focused on identifying inputs that can improve state education provision. Yet, even from low-performing state schools, some children do manage to successfully complete primary and secondary education cycles, pursue higher education, and record upward social mobility, but we know very little about the factors that facilitate this success. This paper addresses this gap in the literature. Tracing life histories of successful alumni of state schools supported by CARE, an education foundation in Pakistan, this paper identifies children’s motivation to succeed as having a major impact on educational performance. However, for most this motivation is not a product of an innate desire to excel, it is a product of contextual factors: parental encouragement; an acute desire to make parents happy and to alleviate their sufferings; the company of friends, cousins, and peers who are keen on education and thus help to create an aspiring, competitive spirit; encouragement given by good teachers; and exposure to new possibilities and role models that raise aspirations by showing that what might appear to the child unachievable is in fact attainable. High motivation in turn builds commitment to work hard. Equally important, however, is the provision of financial support at critical points, especially when transitioning from secondary school to college and university. Without financial support, which could be in the form of scholarships, loans, or income from part-time work, at critical junctures, even highly motivated children in state schools cannot succeed. The paper thus argues that rather than being focused solely on education inputs, development agencies should also seek to explore and understand the factors that can motivate children in state schools to aim high and work hard to succeed.
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Exley, Christine, und Judd Kessler. Motivated Errors. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, Dezember 2019.

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Davis, Kristin E., Suresh Chandra Babu und Catherine Ragasa. Introduction and motivation. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2020.

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Erel, Isil, Yeejin Jang und Michael Weisbach. Financing-Motivated Acquisitions. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, Februar 2012.

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Landy, Frank J., und Wendy S. Becker. Adaptive Motivation Theory. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Juni 1985.

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Singh, Satinder, Andrew G. Barto und Nuttapong Chentanez. Intrinsically Motivated Reinforcement Learning. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Januar 2005.

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Burleigh, S., M. Ramadas und S. Farrell. Licklider Transmission Protocol - Motivation. RFC Editor, September 2008.

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Maddocks, Sally C. Music and Combat Motivation. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, April 2015.

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