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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Montaigne, Michel de (1533-1592 ; écrivain) – Influence"
Schaefer, David Lewis. „Montaigne, Architect of or Modern Liberty“. Journal des Économistes et des Études Humaines, 28.11.2022.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "Montaigne, Michel de (1533-1592 ; écrivain) – Influence"
Bardyn, Christophe. „Montaigne, la politique et la religion : le moyenneur de la paix“. Paris, EHESS, 2012.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe aim of this work was to determine Montaigne's position in the midst of the civil and religious wars of his time. We took for granted that, in this context, political commitment could not be separated from religious concern. As for philosophy, we suggested that Montaigne is a mitigated cynic, wich allowed us to explain some of his contradictions. In the first Part, the most significant point is the role of political authority to solve conflicts, and an utter preferences for republicanism. Reading the Essais, we understand Montaigne's political thought as centered upon the theme of frankness, both a freedom and sincerity, leading us a new towards a cynical statement. The second Part of our work bears more specifically on Montaigne's religion. We first examined the grounds of the opinion according to wich Montaigne would have been an excellent catholic. A confrontation between Montaigne and Augustine fills most of this Part of our work. The result of those analyses was that Montaigne opposes each and every fundamental thesis of Augustine, as much metaphysical ones as ethical or theological ones. Montaigne eventually appears as a thinker most concerned by the political impact of religious theses and desirous to find merely political solutions. He is a moyenneur and an irénique. His endeavor to propose an original solution to the theological-political problem of his time led to a renewal of the literary forms
Triantafyllou, Angeliki. „Roger Martin du Gard lecteur des Essais de Montaigne. Un inventaire des extraits annotés des Essais dans les Thibault et Maumort“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMontaigne's Essays being one of the most marked and annotated books in the library of Roger Martin du Gard, according to Jochen Schlobach, who compiled the catalog of his library, the idea of undertaking a detailed and exhaustive study of the marked and annotated passages in the two editions of the Essays—the Pléiade edition and the Librairie des Bibliophiles edition—tempted us, as well as the project of establishing a parallel between the Essays, Roger Martin du Gard's Journal, Les Thibault, and Maumort, his posthumous work. These form a novel and three types of self-writing, each with its own characteristics, allowing us to thoroughly explore what constitutes a suitable model of life, ranging from a smiling pessimism to the happiness of a man who has lived a full life without scruples.With the help of the Institut de Romanistik at Saarland University, through the Association des Amis de Roger Martin du Gard, we were able to obtain the collection of photocopies that Schlobach had entrusted there, photocopies of the pages where passages of the Essays were marked/annotated. We copied all of them, and we thoroughly read, pencil in hand, RMG's Journal as well as Les Thibault and Maumort, a work of autofiction where the author seems to be omnipresent, despite himself, in the form of a well-developed figure, scrupulously crafted and more avant-garde than the one he meticulously reveals in his personal Journal, but also in Les Thibault, where we encounter figures and themes that haunt him, in order to construct our own foundation for study. The study of these three texts allowed us to observe the continuity and evolution of RMG, which is clearly recognizable.We had to establish a thematic file according to what Roger Martin du Gard attached great importance to, ranging from the vocation and aspirations of a small child to fatality, and then we tried, by association of ideas, to establish the link among these four texts. Why does RMG make Montaigne one of his favorite thinkers? Why does he mark/annotate so many passages? Does he annotate them because he identifies with them, because he recognizes himself in them? To cancel himself out? To redefine himself? To appropriate them? How do Les Thibault reflect his own fantasies, his own torments? And the Journal of Maumort, started at a very advanced age and supposed to be the journal of a happy, accomplished man, a disciple of Montaigne—why does it have as its hero a man who has learnt to accept himself and let himself be guided by his desires, his own will, seeking to belong only to himself and to be master of himself? Can the writer distance himself from his heroes? Can there be a neutral text, though one of autofiction, without reminiscences of its creator?If, according to Antoine Thibault, one cannot escape one's father, and according to Maumort, one cannot escape one's time, one also cannot escape one's creator. RMG seems to mark and annotate in both editions of the Essays passages that touch on themes that concern him throughout his life. Sometimes he aligns himself with Montaigne, sometimes he takes him as an example, sometimes he seems to regret not being able to behave like him. Our work has been a work of citation that made us recall many times La seconde main by Antoine Compagnon. Highlighting, marking, annotating, reactions of appropriation. Working on and with the citation, a game of cutting and assembling, a child's play, in order to trace the spiritual itinerary that led to this collection of citations that we have just cataloged. Unwittingly, we became participants in this adventure of reading and rereading, searching for RMG's intentions when he marks the excerpts of the Essays, but also when he creates his characters in Les Thibault and Maumort
Ordynski, Rémi. „Montaigne et les traditions de consolation, « pour moy, ou pour un autre »“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 3, 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRecent research has opened the way to a better understanding of ancient consolatory traditions and the forms of their revival during the Renaissance. This dissertation aims at studying how they may have influenced Montaigne’s writings from the edition of works by La Boétie (1571-1572) to the publication of the Essais in 1595. This legacy does not only involve the reading and re-writing of ancient texts, it also establishes a dialogue with some practices that were contemporary to the author, whether they be social, philosophical or literary. The essay on consolatory traditions displays a critical analysis of these practices but also a shifting and protean experience and it singles itself out as a real assessment of these procedures. While constantly referring to the consolatory thesaurus, Montaigne also devotes himself to bending and altering these traditions which he questions without dismissing them altogether. A rhetorical analysis based on the treatises on letters (Erasm, Fabri), poetry (Scaliger) or speeches (Vossius, Keckermann) reveals the actual use, up to the last chapters and on the Bordeaux Copy, of a type of parenesis that irony alone cannot invalidate. This mode of expression connects an "I" and a "You" that do not correspond exactly to the author and the reader. In this in-between area, we can find the search for an autonomy and a singularity in the way of expressing oneself and experiencing life, a process that can only become meaningful if it calls upon and appeals to the other
Yamamoto, Yoshio. „Montaigne et les loci communes : pratiques de lecture et d'écriture au XVIe siècle“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 3, 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOur study shows that Montaigne’s rhetoric has some relationships with commonplace-book method, which constitute an important part of school curriculum in the Sixteenth Century, and with the concept of loci communes.The first part describes the history and evolution of rhetorical concept, locus and loci communes, from antiquity to the Renaissance. After studying theories for rhetorical education written by Erasmus and Melanchthon, we outline precisely the mechanism, function and influence of commonplace-books.The second part makes analysis of the use of quotations in the Essays. Montaigne compose them with random order so that the Essays get close to miscellanies. We examine also the use of loci communes of traditional rhetoric in the Essays. Montaigne shows us a fine collaboration of rhetoric and skepticism in the chapter of « Apology of Raimond de Sebonde ». The last part places the Essays on the historical context of the second-half of sixteenth century. We envisage particularly Montaigne’s brevity of style in relation to his preference for writers of the Silver-Latin. Finally, we wish to make it clear Montaigne’s intention and objective of writing, which allow to distinguish the Essays from Commonplace-Books
Roger-Vasselin, Bruno. „L'ironie et l'humour chez montaigne dans les essais“. Paris 3, 2000.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe object of this thesis is to demonstrate why Montaigne’ s conscience of his personal, social and literary uniqueness leads him to an attitude which combines irony and humour as a special means of distance throughout the Essais. Distanciation is to be understood as a means by which to penetrate the reality, to master its elements and difficulties, to render it more human while transposing it on a playful and ludicrous scale. All aspects of laughter share this distance which does not exclude the self implication of the user. This self implication is somewhat immunised by the power of laughter which untangles agressions on blunts the spurs of this reality. Ironic distance is called distanciation, humoristic distance understatement. The first part of this thesis deals with the various literary, social and ethical models upon which Montaigne situates himself and takes his distances. The second and third parts are focused on irony as a source of truth and humour as an element of health, neither truth nor health being incompatible. Both attitudes comprise three tendancies each which are successivly studied : irony is expressed through satire, scepticism and distanciation, humour through charge, mirth and politeness
Takenaka, Koji. „La relecture des Essais de Montaigne au prisme de l'amitié“. Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis study aims to examine Montaigne’s friendship with La Boétie from the perspective of readership. The first part, “We the readers of Montaigne”, reflects upon reading and interpretation. Following A. Compagnon’s studies on the question of reading in Montaigne’s Essays, we will adopt as paradigm Augustine’s exegesis which draws inspiration from ancient rhetoric and grammar. The relationship that the Bishop of Hippo observed between the Old and the New Testament will enable further reflection regarding « Montaigne and La Boétie ». The second part, “Montaigne editing La Boétie’s Editor”, attempts to survey La Boétie’s works published in 1570 by Montaigne. As these publications closely follow his translation of Raymond Sebond’s Natural Theology and the retirement of the editor, it is necessary to first situate them in context of Montaigne’s biography. We will proceed to consider the editorial principal of the Mesnagerie, which led Montaigne to publish his friend’s works, accompanied by the letter-prefaces which he saw fit to place at the beginning, before investigating the last words he attributed to La Boétie. The third and last part, “Montaigne reading La Boétie”, will first approach the problem of the center of Book I of the Essays, supposedly reserved to La Boétie’s Discourse on Voluntary Servitude. We will proceed to consider the relationship that Montaigne had wished to establish between his own work and his friend’s masterpiece, before examining this latter’s presence in the Essays by comparing their works
Haberkorn, Tobias. „Das Problem des Zuviel in der Literatur : Rabelais, "Gargantua et Pantagruel", Montaigne "Les Essais"“. Paris, EHESS, 2016.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWriting and reading are selective activities. One could always choose a different phrase to express oneself, or understand the other in a different way; one could always write more text, read more text or read more into a text; there is no end to the virtual meaning and proliferation of words. The reason we're rarely aware of the contingency and limitlessness of language is that contexts and conventions restrain its use. In the case of literary communication - a process that spans from the writing of a text to each of its subjective readings - these restrictions tend to be weak. The premise of my study is that some literary texts manifest a in a particularly ostentatious way. As readers, we do not know yet what precisely it is, but it is apparent to us that the author has dealt with an excess, that the text produces irreducible semantic or discursive surplus, that
Chappé, Raphaël. „Montaigne, Spinoza, Feuerbach : l’homme en question“. Paris 10, 2013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleI take as my starting point Althusser’s theoretical anti-humanism (directed in particular against Feuerbach) and more recent analyses on alienation, a notion that was precisely contested by Althusser insofar as it refers to humanism understood as the recognition of a subject that is self-determining. In order to shed light on what is at stake in this tension, I examine the positions of three philosophers who differentiate themselves from this “humanist” paradigm that has held a dominant position in the modern era: Montaigne, Spinoza, Feuerbach. I seek to establish that they form a historico-philosophical line and that there are historical pathways and important analogies between them. The very way they distinguish themselves respectively from doctrines of human “dignity,” from Descartes’ “real distinction,” and from the different varieties of subjectivity in German idealism entitles me to draw the comparison. These converging positions are always built on the background of a separation between philosophy and theology and are made up of both an anti-humanist perspective and a concern for constituting a natural anthropology. If man remains at the center of their discourses, they are not dealing any more with “humanist” subjectivity. Naturalizing man contributes each time to depriving him of his traditional prerogatives and to making room for conceiving what alienation amounts to. I reach the conclusion that these authors, who have put passions and sensibility in the core of man, satisfy two apparently contradictory requirements: the anti-humanist test, and the required elaboration of a concept of alienation to which they belong from a proto-historical point of view
Misono, Keisuke. „Ecrire contre le jansénisme au XVIIe siècle : Léonard de Marandé polémiste vulgarisateur“. Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2009.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBeuvier, Clément. „La notion de 'bonne foy' au XVIe siècle“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Tours, 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis focuses on the notion of “bonne foy”, described in the sixteenth century as a fundamental moral, political and religious norm. From a first point of view, it refers to the requirement to keep one's word, and is at the centre of a discourse that is formed at the crossroads of law, moral philosophy and literature, whose main sources, privileged exempla and conceptual structure are analyzed in this thesis. Through the study of specific cases, the ai mis to highlight the specific content of the notion in the French context of the sixteenth century, particularly evident in literary works such as Jean de Beaubreuil's Regulus (1582) or Michel du Rit's Le Bon François (1589). A study of this kind, however, shows that the uses of “bonne foy” cannot be reduced to the paradigm of given word alone, where “bonne foy” consists first and foremost in being faithful to a word kept against all odds, according to the ideal of constancy overcoming circumstances. In the corpus we have collected, “bonne foy” consists, on the contrary, in taking account of circumstances and anything that goes beyond the strict letter of the words. This is what a legal study of the notion shows : bona fides first appeared in Roman law, and underwent a decisive theoretical development in the learned law of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, in which it was gradually linked to the paradigm of equity. The notion is based on a certain mistrust of the consequences, contrary to what is good and true, to which an overly literal interpretation of words can lead. This aspect determines the uses of “bonne foy” outside the law, where we can observe this transposition of a moral category into the field of interpretation. This transformation of the requirement of fides that is at work in the notion constitutes the main object of this work, which explores the tension between two requirements that “bonne foy” expresses without them overlapping perfectly: on the one hand, to assert the obligatory force of the words held by men, and on the other, to subordinate the words to the intention that animates them and to the conditions of their enunciation. The “bonne foy” thus tends to be defined within a hermeneutic ethic whose two privileged processes are as follows : the recognition by someone that they were in error, and the correct interpretation of another's words. Basically, the notion is defined as a relationship to knowledge and language. The study of “bonne foy” in the Essais, which brings this work to a close, focuses on Montaigne's singular use of a notion that is closely linked to the gnoseology developed in the work, based on the recognition of ignorance
Bücher zum Thema "Montaigne, Michel de (1533-1592 ; écrivain) – Influence"
Paulson, Michael G. The possible influence of Montaigne's Essais on Descartes' Treatise on the passions. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1988.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenLee, John. Shakespeare's Hamlet and the controversies of self. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2000.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenCalhoun, Alison. Montaigne and the Lives of the Philosophers. University of Delaware Press, 2014.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenCalhoun, Alison. Montaigne and the Lives of the Philosophers: Life Writing and Transversality in the Essais. University of Delaware Press, 2014.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenCalhoun, Alison. Montaigne and the Lives of the Philosophers: Life Writing and Transversality in the Essais. University of Delaware Press, 2016.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenGrady, Hugh. Shakespeare, Machiavelli, and Montaigne: Power and Subjectivity from Richard II to Hamlet. Oxford University Press, USA, 2003.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenShakespeare, Machiavelli, and Montaigne: Power and subjectivity from Richard II to Hamlet. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenThe poetics of literary transfer in early modern France and England. Farnham, England: Ashgate, 2010.
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