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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Monoïde des traces"


DUCHAMP, GÉRARD, und JEAN-GABRIEL LUQUE. „LAZARD'S ELIMINATION (IN TRACES) IS FINITE-STATE RECOGNIZABLE“. International Journal of Algebra and Computation 17, Nr. 01 (Februar 2007): 53–60.

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We prove that the codes issued from the elimination of any sub-alphabet in a trace monoid are finite-state recognizable. This implies in particular that the transitive factorizations of the trace monoids are recognizable by (boolean) finite-state automata.
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Köcher, Chris, Dietrich Kuske und Olena Prianychnykova. „The inclusion structure of partially lossy queue monoids and their trace submonoids“. RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications 52, Nr. 1 (Januar 2018): 55–86.

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We model the behavior of a lossy fifo-queue as a monoid of transformations that are induced by sequences of writing and reading. To have a common model for reliable and lossy queues, we split the alphabet of the queue into two parts: the forgettable letters and the letters that are transmitted reliably. We describe this monoid by means of a confluent and terminating semi-Thue system and then study some of the monoid’s algebraic properties. In particular, we characterize completely when one such monoid can be embedded into another as well as which trace monoids occur as submonoids. Surprisingly, these are precisely those trace monoids that embed into the direct product of two free monoids – which gives a partial answer to a question raised by Diekert et al. at STACS 1995.
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Husainov, Ahmet A. „Cubical Sets and Trace Monoid Actions“. Scientific World Journal 2013 (2013): 1–9.

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This paper is devoted to connections between trace monoids and cubical sets. We prove that the category of trace monoids is isomorphic to the category of generalized tori and it is a reflective subcategory of the category of cubical sets. Adjoint functors between the categories of cubical sets and trace monoid actions are constructed. These functors carry independence preserving morphisms in the independence preserving morphisms. This allows us to build adjoint functors between the category of weak asynchronous systems and the category of higher dimensional automata.
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Janicki, Ryszard, und Łukasz Mikulski. „Algebraic Structure of Step Traces and Interval Traces“. Fundamenta Informaticae 175, Nr. 1-4 (28.09.2020): 253–80.

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Traces and their extensions as comtraces, step traces and interval traces are quotient monoids over sequences or step sequences that play an important role in the formal analysis and verification of concurrent systems. Step traces are generalizations of comtraces and classical traces while interval traces are specialized traces that can deal with interval order semantics. The algebraic structures and their properties as projections, hidings, canonical forms and other invariants are very well established for traces and fairly well established for comtraces. For step traces and interval traces they are the main subject of this paper.
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Hygate, Alexander P. S., J. M. Diederik Kruijssen, Mélanie Chevance, Andreas Schruba, Daniel T. Haydon und Steven N. Longmore. „An uncertainty principle for star formation – IV. On the nature and filtering of diffuse emission“. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488, Nr. 2 (25.07.2019): 2800–2824.

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Abstract Diffuse emission is observed in galaxies in many tracers across the electromagnetic spectrum, including tracers of star formation, such as H α and ultraviolet (UV), and tracers of gas mass, such as carbon monoxide (CO) transition lines and the 21-cm line of atomic hydrogen (H i). Its treatment is key to extracting meaningful information from observations such as cloud-scale star formation rates. Finally, studying diffuse emission can reveal information about the physical processes taking place in the interstellar medium, such as chemical transitions and the nature of stellar feedback (through the photon escape fraction). We present a physically motivated method for decomposing astronomical images containing both diffuse emission and compact regions of interest, such as H ii regions or molecular clouds, into diffuse and compact component images through filtering in Fourier space. We have previously presented a statistical method for constraining the evolutionary timeline of star formation and mean separation length between compact star-forming regions with galaxy-scale observations. We demonstrate how these measurements are biased by the presence of diffuse emission in tracer maps and that by using the mean separation length as a critical length-scale to separate diffuse emission from compact emission, we are able to remove its biasing effect. Furthermore, this method provides, without the need for interferometry or ancillary spectral data, a measurement of the diffuse emission fraction in input tracer maps and decomposed diffuse and compact emission maps for further analysis.
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BERTONI, ALBERTO, und ROBERTO RADICIONI. „APPROXIMATING THE MEAN SPEEDUP IN TRACE MONOIDS“. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 19, Nr. 03 (Juni 2008): 497–511.

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Traces can be viewed as parallel processes and the "mean speedup" of a trace monoid has been introduced as a measure of "intrinsic parallelism" of the monoid. We study the problem of computing the mean speedup under two conditions: uniform distribution on the words of given length and uniform distribution on the traces of given height. In the first case, we give an approximability result showing a probabilistic fully polynomial time approximation scheme, while, in the second case, we prove that the problem is NP-hard to approximate within n1-c for every ∊ > 0, unless NP = coR. A further consequence is the hardness of the problem of generating traces of a given height uniformly at random.
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Dionatos, Odysseas, Lars E. Kristensen, Mario Tafalla, Manuel Güdel und Magnus Persson. „Feedback of molecular outflows from protostars in NGC 1333 revealed by Herschel and Spitzer spectro-imaging observations“. Astronomy & Astrophysics 641 (September 2020): A36.

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Context. Far infrared cooling of excited gas around protostars has been predominantly studied in the context of pointed observations. Large-scale spectral maps of star forming regions enable the simultaneous, comparative study of the gas excitation around an ensemble of sources at a common frame of reference, therefore, providing direct insights in the multitude of physical processes involved. Aims. We employ extended spectral-line maps to decipher the excitation, the kinematical, and dynamical processes in NGC 1333 as revealed by a number of different molecular and atomic lines, aiming to set a reference for the applicability and limitations of different tracers in constraining particular physical processes. Methods. We reconstructed line maps for H2, CO, H2O, and [C I] using data obtained with the Spitzer infrared spectrograph and the Herschel HIFI and SPIRE instruments. We compared the morphological features revealed in the maps and derive the gas excitation conditions for regions of interest employing local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) and non-LTE methods. We also calculated the kinematical and dynamical properties for each outflow tracer in a consistent manner for all observed outflows driven by protostars in NGC 1333. We finally measured the water abundance in outflows with respect to carbon monoxide and molecular hydrogen. Results. CO and H2 are highly excited around B-stars and, at lower, levels trace protostellar outflows. H2O emission is dominated by a moderately fast component associated with outflows. H2O also displays a weak, narrow-line component in the vicinity of B-stars associated to their ultraviolet (UV) field. This narrow component is also present in a few of outflows, indicating UV radiation generated in shocks. Intermediate J CO lines appear brightest at the locations traced by the narrow H2O component, indicating that beyond the dominating collisional processes, a secondary, radiative excitation component can also be active. The morphology, kinematics, excitation, and abundance variations of water are consistent with its excitation and partial dissociation in shocks. Water abundance ranges between 5 × 10−7 and ~10−5, with the lower values being more representative. Water is brightest and most abundant around IRAS 4A, which is consistent with the latter hosting a hot corino source. [C I] traces dense and warm gas in the envelopes surrounding protostars. Outflow mass flux is highest for CO and decreases by one and two orders of magnitude for H2 and H2O, respectively. Conclusions. Large-scale spectral line maps can provide unique insights into the excitation of gas in star-forming regions. A comparative analysis of line excitation and morphologies at different locations allows us to decipher the dominant excitation conditions in each region in addition to isolating exceptional cases.
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García, A. R., R. Volkamer, L. T. Molina, M. J. Molina, J. Samuelson, J. Mellqvist, B. Galle, S. C. Herndon und C. E. Kolb. „Separation of emitted and photochemical formaldehyde in Mexico City using a statistical analysis and a new pair of gas-phase tracers“. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions 5, Nr. 6 (11.11.2005): 11583–615.

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Abstract. Photochemical pollution control strategies require an understanding of photochemical oxidation precursors, making it important to distinguish between primary and secondary sources of HCHO. Estimates for the relative strengths of primary and secondary sources of formaldehyde (HCHO) were obtained using a statistical regression analysis with time series data of carbon monoxide (CO) and glyoxal (CHOCHO) measured in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA) during the spring of 2003. Differences between Easter week and more typical weeks are evaluated. The use of CO-CHOCHO as HCHO tracers is more suitable for differentiating primary and secondary sources than CO-O3. The application of the CO-O3 tracer pair to mobile laboratory data suggests a potential in-city source of background HCHO. A significant amount of HCHO observed in the MCMA is associated with primary emissions.
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Garcia, A. R., R. Volkamer, L. T. Molina, M. J. Molina, J. Samuelson, J. Mellqvist, B. Galle, S. C. Herndon und C. E. Kolb. „Separation of emitted and photochemical formaldehyde in Mexico City using a statistical analysis and a new pair of gas-phase tracers“. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 6, Nr. 12 (09.10.2006): 4545–57.

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Abstract. Photochemical pollution control strategies require an understanding of photochemical oxidation precursors, making it important to distinguish between primary and secondary sources of HCHO. Estimates for the relative strengths of primary and secondary sources of formaldehyde (HCHO) were obtained using a statistical regression analysis with time series data of carbon monoxide (CO) and glyoxal (CHOCHO) measured in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA) during the spring of 2003. Differences between Easter week and more typical weeks are evaluated. The use of CO-CHOCHO as HCHO tracers is more suitable for differentiating primary and secondary sources than CO-O3. The application of the CO-O3 tracer pair to mobile laboratory data suggests a potential in-city source of background HCHO. A significant amount of HCHO observed in the MCMA is associated with primary emissions.
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MÉTIVIER, YVES, und BRIGITTE ROZOY. „ON THE STAR OPERATION IN FREE PARTIALLY COMMUTATIVE MONOIDS“. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 02, Nr. 03 (September 1991): 257–65.

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Let X be a finite set of traces. In this paper we show that each connected iterative factor of X* has a power which may be expressed as the conjugate of a product of the elements of X. From this property we deduce that if the star of a finite set of traces is recognizable then maximal connected factors of iterative factors of X* have a power which is the conjugate of a product of the elements of X.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Monoïde des traces"


Chen, Yi ting. „Random generation of executions of concurrent systems“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2022.

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La concurrence joue un rôle important dans les systèmes et la programmation modernes. Il révèle le phénomène selon lequel plusieurs calculs s'exécutent simultanément. Ces exécutions entrelacées entraînent le "problème d'explosion d'états". Dans cette thèse, nous visons à construire un cadre probabiliste sur les exécutions de systèmes concurrents à des fins de génération aléatoire. La mesure uniforme des exécutions s'inspire des monoïdes de traces définis sur des traces infinies. La théorie des traces a une solide base combinatoire autour du polynôme de Möbius. L'irréductibilité des monoïdes de traces implique la forte connectivité du digraphe des cliques. Par conséquent, une valeur propre dominante existe et détermine le taux de croissance des monoïdes de traces. Dans notre travail, nous considérons les systèmes concurrents abstraits comme des actions de monoïdes sur un ensemble fini d'états. Ce paramètre englobe les réseaux de Petri à 1-bornés. Nous donnons deux interprétations à la mesure uniforme des exécutions pour les systèmes concurrents. La première interprétation donne la valeur de la measure uniforme sur les cylindres élémentaires du point de vue algébrique sur le monoïde de traces. Cette mesure uniforme est réalisée par une chaîne de Markov d'états-et-cliques. L'autre interprétation s'intéresse à la mesure de Parry sur le digraphe des états-et-cliques. La difficulté à étendre aux systèmes concurrents est que le théorème de Perron-Frobenius n'est pas applicable. Pour résoudre ce problème, nous avons trouvé la propriété spectrale des systèmes concurrents irréductibles. Cela nous permet de distinguer les principaux composants qui déterminent la racine caractéristique du système. Nous prouvons également l'unicité de cette mesure uniforme. La matrice de transition peut être obtenue soit à partir de la chaîne de Markov d'états-et-cliques, soit à partir de la mesure de Parry avec le rayon spectral des composantes dominantes
Concurrency has an important role in modern systems and programming. It reveals the phenomenon that multiple computations run simultaneously. These interleaved executions cause the so-called "State explosion problem". In this thesis, we aim at constructing a probabilistic framework on the executions of concurrent systems for the purpose of random generation. The uniform measure of executions is inspired by trace monoids defined on infinite traces. Trace theory has a strong combinatorial foundation around the Möbius polynomial. The irreducibility of trace monoids implies the strong connectivity of the digraph of cliques. Hence, a dominant eigenvalue exists and determines the growth rate of trace monoids. In our work, we view the abstract concurrent systems as monoid actions on a finite set of states. This setting encompasses 1-bounded Petri nets. We give two interpretations to a uniform measure of executions for concurrent systems. One is constructed by the elementary cylinders in trace monoids. This uniform measure is realized a Markov chain of states-and-cliques. The other is to study the Parry measure on the digraph of states-and-cliques. The difficulty to extend to concurrent systems is that the Perron-Frobenius theorem is not applicable. To resolve this problem, we found the spectral property of the irreducible concurrent systems. This allows us to distinguish the main components which determine the characteristic root of the system. We also prove the uniqueness of this uniform measure. The transition matrix can be obtained either from the Markov chain of states-and-cliques or from the Parry measure with the spectral radius of the dominant components
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Duboc, Christine. „Commutations dans les monoïdes libres : un cadre théorique pour l'étude du parallélisme“. Rouen, 1986.

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Guaiana, Giovanna. „Parties reconnaissables et morphismes sur les monoi͏̈des trace“. Paris 7, 1994.

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Cette thèse porte sur les monoi͏̈des partiellement commutatifs libres ou monoi͏̈des trace, qui constituent un des principaux modèles sémantiques du parallélisme. Les thèmes abordés sont essentiellement la reconnaissabilité des langages trace et le codage sur les monoi͏̈des trace. Pour ce qui concerne le premier thème, nous donnons une nouvelle preuve de la clôture par produit de la famille des langages trace reconnaissables. Notre approche utilise une décomposition du langage produit induite par un treillis associé au graphe des commutations. Cela fournit un algorithme effectif pour le calcul du produit de deux langages trace. Nous démontrons ensuite que dans un monoi͏̈de finiment engendre quelconque la famille des ensembles apériodiques est contenue (en général strictement) dans la famille des ensembles sans étoile, et nous étendons le théorème de Schitzenberger, établi sur les mots, aux traces: la famille des langages trace apériodiques coi͏̈ncide avec la famille des langages trace sans étoile. Avec l'idée d'étendre la notion de codage aux traces, nous étudions essentiellement le problème de l'existence d'un morphisme injectif entre monoi͏̈des trace. Pour cela nous introduisons la nouvelle notion de morphisme fort, qui impose que deux lettres indépendantes aient pour images des traces indépendantes
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Kufleitner, Manfred. „Logical fragments for Mazurkiewicz traces expressive power and algebraic characterizations /“. [S.l. : s.n.], 2006.

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Wong, Kung-hin. „Clinical application of trace analysis of carbon monoxide in expired air /“. [Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong], 1986.

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黃功顯 und Kung-hin Wong. „Clinical application of trace analysis of carbon monoxide in expired air“. Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1986.

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Backus, John. „An analysis of methods to measure carbon monoxide in residential construction“. Menomonie, WI : University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2007.

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Kirsten, Daniel. „Some Undecidability Results related to the Star Problem in Trace Monoids“. Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2012.

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This paper deals with decision problems related to the star problem in trace monoids, which means to determine whether the iteration of a recognizable trace language is recognizable. Due to a theorem by Richomme from 1994[30,31], we know that the Star Problem is decidable in trace monoids which do not contain a C4-submonoid. The C4 is (isomorphic to) the Caresian Product of two free monoids over doubleton alphabets. It is not known, whether the Star Problem is decidable in C4 or in trace monoids containing a C4. In this paper, we show undecidability of some related problems: Assume a trace monoid which contains a C4. Then, it is undecidable whether for two given recognizable languages K and L, we have K ⊆ L*, although we can decide K* ⊆ L. Further, we can not decide recognizability of K ∩ L* as well as universality and recognizability of K U L*.
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Kirsten, Daniel. „Some Undecidability Results related to the Star Problem in Trace Monoids“. Technische Universität Dresden, 1998.

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This paper deals with decision problems related to the star problem in trace monoids, which means to determine whether the iteration of a recognizable trace language is recognizable. Due to a theorem by Richomme from 1994[30,31], we know that the Star Problem is decidable in trace monoids which do not contain a C4-submonoid. The C4 is (isomorphic to) the Caresian Product of two free monoids over doubleton alphabets. It is not known, whether the Star Problem is decidable in C4 or in trace monoids containing a C4. In this paper, we show undecidability of some related problems: Assume a trace monoid which contains a C4. Then, it is undecidable whether for two given recognizable languages K and L, we have K ⊆ L*, although we can decide K* ⊆ L. Further, we can not decide recognizability of K ∩ L* as well as universality and recognizability of K U L*.
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Sjoeberg, Tristan Nenne. „The distribution and cycling of dissolved carbon monoxide in estuarine, coastal and shelf break environments“. Thesis, University of East Anglia, 1999.

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Bücher zum Thema "Monoïde des traces"


Walsh, Denis M. “Chance Caught on the Wing”. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Jacques Monod’s Chance and Necessity poses a paradox for modern biology: Organisms both must be and cannot be purposive systems. To resolve the paradox we must explain purpose by appeals to invariance or invariance by appeal to purpose. The methodology of modern science, however, allows no unreduced appeals to purpose. Monod traces the modern synthesis commitment to ineluctable chance back to its animadversion to teleology. He credits the pre-Socratic Atomist philosopher Democritus with holding that everything in the world is the fruit of chance and necessity. It is becoming increasingly obvious that their purposiveness is pivotal to the dynamics of evolution. This chapter outlines a ‘neo-Aristotelian’ alternative to the neo-Democritean commitments of modern synthesis biology, one that accords the purposiveness of organisms a central explanatory role in evolution.
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Buchteile zum Thema "Monoïde des traces"


Messner, Jochen. „Pattern matching in trace monoids“. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 571–82. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1997.

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Abbes, Samy, und Jean Mairesse. „Uniform Generation in Trace Monoids“. In Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2015, 63–75. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015.

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Kuske, Dietrich, und Olena Prianychnykova. „The Trace Monoids in the Queue Monoid and in the Direct Product of Two Free Monoids“. In Developments in Language Theory, 256–67. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016.

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Bertol, Michael. „Efficient rewriting in cograph trace monoids“. In Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 146–55. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1995.

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Krob, Daniel, Jean Mairesse und Ioannis Michos. „On the Average Parallelism in Trace Monoids“. In STACS 2002, 477–88. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002.

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Bruyère, Véronique, und Clelia Eelice. „Coding and strong coding in trace monoids“. In STACS 95, 373–84. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1995.

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Kirsten, Daniel. „The Star Problem in Trace Monoids: Reductions Beyond C4“. In Automata, Languages and Programming, 591–602. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2001.

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Kuske, Dietrich, und Markus Lohrey. „On the Theory of One-Step Rewriting in Trace Monoids“. In Automata, Languages and Programming, 752–63. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002.

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Parrish, David D. „Carbon Monoxide and Light Alkanes as Tropospheric Tracers of Anthropogenic Ozone“. In The Tropospheric Chemistry of Ozone in the Polar Regions, 155–69. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1993.

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Banderier, Cyril, und Massimiliano Goldwurm. „Number of Prefixes in Trace Monoids: Clique Polynomials and Dependency Graphs“. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 251–63. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Monoïde des traces"


Wojtas, J., Z. Bielecki, J. Mikołajczyk, M. Nowakowski, D. Szabra, B. Zakrzewska und A. Prokopiuk. „Detection of the trace amounts of carbon monoxide using cavity enhanced spectroscopy“. In 11th Integrated Optics - Sensors, Sensing Structures and Methods, herausgegeben von Tadeusz Pustelny, Przemyslaw Struk, Pawel Mergo und Jacek Wojtas. SPIE, 2016.

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Walker, William, Ali Farhadi, George Tsvik, Tom Roesel, Naresh K. Selvarasu, Yeow Siow und Chenn Q. Zhou. „3-D Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis of Bustle Gas Combustion in a Direct Reduced Iron Plant“. In ASME 2007 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2007.

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Gases from a natural gas reformer are used to reduce iron oxides to iron in the direct reduced iron (DRI) plant. The reducing gases consist of mainly hydrogen and carbon monoxide and traces of methane, water vapor, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Part of this gas mixture is burned to heat the gases to 1000°C (1832°F) by the injection of pure oxygen through an Inconel nozzle. The oxygen nozzle fails frequently, mainly due to the high temperature reactions. This paper aims to study the reactions that contribute to the high temperature for different oxygen flow rates and thus optimize the flow rates to prevent failure of the nozzle using a three dimensional (3D) computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model.
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Strow, L. Larrabee. „A Signal-Processing Approach for the Retrieval of Global Tropospheric CO Using the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS)“. In Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1993.

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One goal of the Earth Observing Systems (EOS) is to measure concentrations of key atmospheric gases on a global scale in order to understand biogeochemical cycles in both the natural, unpolluted atmosphere, and in regions where anthropogenic activities have perturbed concentrations of gas-phase species. A particular concern in tropospheric chemistry is that increasing levels of carbon monoxide (CO) may lead to a decrease in atmospheric hydroxyl (OH) which would reduce the atmosphere's ability to scavenge other trace gases.
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Pougatchev, N. S., und G. W. Sachse. „Characterization of Carbon Monoxide Measurements by Gas Filter Correlation Radiometers from Satellites“. In Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1997.

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Results of carbon monoxide (CO) measurements in the atmosphere, that have been performed by the MAPS (Measurement of Air Pollution from Satellite) instrument, show that the Gas Filter Correlation Radiometric (GFCR) technique is a powerful tool for atmospheric trace gas studies [Reichle et al., 1986]. The MAPS instrument has flown several times aboard the Space Shuttle. Based on the same GFCR approach, the MicroMAPS and MOPITT [Drummond et al., 1993] instruments are scheduled for launch in 1997 and 1998. Both of these instruments are remote sensors, and hence, their retrievals should be validated through the comparison of satellite data to the results obtained by other techniques (e.g. ground-based solar spectroscopy, in situ aircraft and ground measurements, modeling results, etc.). Spatial resolution of satellite and nonsatellite measurements ranges from several meters (in situ techniques) to up to ~ 10 km (remote methods). Moreover, radiative transfer processes in the nonuniform and nonhomogeneous atmosphere make remote methods unequally sensitive to different layers of the atmosphere. Thus, to make all these results intercomparable we need an explicit procedure which relates a retrieved value by any of remote technique to the real distribution of a target gas at the moment and place of observation.
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Shi, Yunye, Tejasvi Sharma und Albert Ratner. „Characterization of Real Time Producer Gas Generation From Paper Sludge Gasification“. In ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.

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Biomass Gasification is incomplete combustion of biomass resulting in production of combustible gases consisting of Carbon monoxide (CO), Hydrogen (H2) and traces of Methane (CH4), the mixture of which is called producer gas. Producer gas can be cleaned and directly used in internal combustion engines or can be converted to various attractive biofuels. The paper sludge is a byproduct produced from recycled cardboard and into pallets. This paper is focused on gasification of paper sludge and its real-time gas evolution through this process. Variables include temperature; equivalence ratio and superficial velocity were tested and analyzed. Results demonstrate that CO2 and H2 formation is favored at higher temperature and higher oxygen concentrations. CO production is ruled by oxidation and water shift reactions but it is difficult to determine from two single variables.
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Shi, Lichao, Wei Zhang, Jie Jin, Yidong Huang und Jiangde Peng. „Trace Level Multi-gas Sensing of Methane and Carbon Monoxide in a Quaternary Hollow-core Bragg Fiber“. In CLEO: Science and Innovations. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 2012.

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McMillan, W. Wallace, L. Larrabee Strow und Brian Foutz. „Remote Sensing of CO Over the Continental US on September 12/13, 1994“. In Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1995.

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A particular concern in tropospheric chemistry is the abundance of carbon monoxide (CO). Increasing levels of CO may lead to a decrease in the abundance of atmospheric hydroxyl (OH), which would reduce the atmosphere’s ability to scavenge other trace gases. While recent results indicate the abundance of CO has been decreasing since 1987 [Kahil and Rasmussen, 1994], prior to that time, the CO abundance was increasing. Most previous CO measurements have been limited to the boundary layer, i.e. ground stations. While widely distributed, these ground stations lack the global coverage and temporal resolution necessary to accurately assess and model the effects of CO on global tropospheric chemistry.
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Hoerzer, Klaus, Hermann Haselbacher, Anthony J. Griffiths, Nick Syred und Thomas A. Fraser. „CFD-Analysis of the Combustion in the Primary Stage of a Two-Stage Combustion Chamber“. In ASME Turbo Expo 2002: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. ASMEDC, 2002.

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Combustion of wood powder may be applied in a two-stage multi-inlet combustion chamber. The primary stage of the combustion chamber has tangential air inlets to provide high swirl flow. The wood powder and its conveying air enter the gasification chamber axially through a center inlet in the bottom. The aim of the investigation was the analysis of the combustion flow of the primary stage of the combustion chamber. The calculation grid was three-dimensional and unstructured. Turbulence was modelled with the Reynolds-Stress-Model, species with mixture fraction/pdf-approach, radiation with the P1-model. Postprocessing has been done for particle tracks, the temperature distribution and tangential velocity distribution and for the species distributions of solid carbon, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and oxygen as well.
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Shi, Yunye, Diego M. Yepes Maya, Regis Nascimento, Tejasvi Sharma, Albert Ratner und Electo E. Silva Lora. „Experimental and Simulation Studies of Corn Kernel Gasification in a Double Air Stage Downdraft Reactor“. In ASME 2018 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

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Biomass gasification is the devolatilization and incomplete combustion of biomass resulting in the production of a combustible gas mixture including carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen (H2) methane (CH4), and traces of other hydrocarbons (CnHm), and referred to as producer gas. Producer gas can be cleaned and then used in various engines or can be converted to various biofuels. This paper presents an experimental and simulation-based evaluation of producer gas quality resulting from corn kernel gasification in a two-stage downdraft gasifier. Test conditions were selected, based on the results of previous studies, to yield high conversion efficiency and low tar production. Experimental tests were performed with an air flow of 25 Nm3/h and with 80% of the air supplied to the first gasification stage. Simulations based on a chemical and thermal equilibrium model were carried out to examine the effect of equivalence ratio (ER) changes. Both the experimental and modelling results show that using a two-stage air supply leads to a significant reduction in the tar content of the producer gas, while maintaining a high gasification efficiency.
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Tugulea, Andrian. „Dinamica numărului unităților de transport ca factor de poluare a aerului atmosferic în R.D. Nord a Republicii Moldova“. In Provocări şi tendinţe actuale în cercetarea componentelor naturale şi socio-economice ale ecosistemelor urbane şi rurale. Institute of Ecology and Geography, Republic of Moldova, 2020.

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Because of the growing vehicle population and the high emission rates, serious air pollution problems have become common phenomenon in modern life. Emissions from the transport sectors (land-based transport, shipping, and aviation) significantly contribute to this effect. This is of particular relevance in view of comparatively large growth rates of these sectors. Climatically active components of transport emissions include: the long-lived greenhouse gas CO2; shortlived trace gases, in particular nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO + NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and volatile organic compounds (VOC), which can induce changes in the concentration of the greenhouse gases ozone (O3) and methane (CH4); as well as aerosol particles (e.g., soot) and aerosol precursor gases (e.g., SO2 or the aforementioned NOx and VOC), which can cause important modifications of clouds and radiation.
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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Monoïde des traces"


Thompson und Anderson. GRl-90-0337 Identification of Injected Storage Gas. Chantilly, Virginia: Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), Dezember 1990.

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This project developed and evaluated methods for distinguishing between natural gases from different sources. Identification of particular "batches" of gas can be of considerable importance. For example, means of distinguishing between gases can demonstrate whether a gas appearing at the surface over a storage area is migrating storage gas or is gas formed by bacterial action above the storage zone. As another example, identification methods can allow detection of migration from a storage zone to an adjacent production zone. Two general methods were evaluated/developed in this project; tracers and compositional methods. Relative migration rates of a series of potential tracers were evaluated under a variety of conditions and in varying reservoir materials. Tracers having the best migration characteristics were identified. Potential tracers (either present in natural gas or added) which are not detected by electron capture or flame ionization detectors need improved methods of detection. The discharge ionization detector was evaluated for the detection of argon, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, Freon-14 (carbon tetrafluoride), and neon. Two computer programs, based on regression and factor analysis methods, to aid in the identification of gases using compositional analyses, were further developed and improved.
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