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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Modélisation de paysage"
Michel, V., S. de La Rocque, J. F. Michel, G. De Wispelaere, I. Touré, X. Augusseau und D. Cuisance. „Modélisation de «paysage épidémiologiquement dangereux» par télédétection et SIG“. L'information géographique 65, Nr. 1 (2001): 73–80.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAbergel, Violette, Renato Saleri und Hervé Lequay. „Vecteurs aériens téléopérés pour l'acquisition de données spatiales d'objets patrimoniaux, Retour d'expérience“. Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection, Nr. 213 (27.04.2017): 73–79.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMonaco, Marina, und Monique Clavel-Lévêque. „Analyse spatiale, archéologie des paysages et centuriation, application des méthodes SIG : 2 - La modélisation d'un paysage centurié : le Sud Biterrois ; 3 - La reconstitution d'un paysage antique : l'ager Campanus .“ Dialogues d'histoire ancienne 30, Nr. 1 (2004): 186–200.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAthéa, Héloïse. „Modéliser en biologie expérimentale : les modèles animaux“. Cahiers philosophiques N° 176, Nr. 1 (18.06.2024): 45–63.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBeven, K., A. Musy und C. Higy. „Tribune Libre : L'unicité de lieu, d'action et de temps“. Revue des sciences de l'eau 14, Nr. 4 (12.04.2005): 525–33.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePLOTARD, Christophe, Sylvain MOULHERAT, Catherine De ROINCÉ und Jérémie CORNUAU. „Prendre en compte la pollution sonore dans une modélisation de dynamiques de populations d’espèces“. Sciences Eaux & Territoires, Nr. 43 (08.10.2023): 43–47.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleXu, Wenjing, Richard Fayrer-Hosken, Marguerite Madden, Chenay Simms, Lan Mu und Andrea Presotto. „Coupling African elephant movement and habitat modeling for landscape availability-suitability-connectivity assessment in Kruger National Park“. Pachyderm 58 (11.11.2020): 97–106.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBUREAU, Luc. „Des paysages, des idées et des hommes : le projet collectif de Charlevoix 1“. Cahiers de géographie du Québec 61, Nr. 173 (04.07.2018): 329–60.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBureau, Luc. „Des paysages, des idées et des hommes : le projet collective de Charlevoix“. Cahiers de géographie du Québec 21, Nr. 53-54 (12.04.2005): 187–219.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIMFELD, Gwenaël, Sylvain PAYRAUDEAU, Sabine SAUVAGE, Francis MACARY, Cédric CHAUMONT, Jérémie D. LEBRUN, Anne PROBST, José-Miguel SÁNCHEZ-PÉREZ, Jean-Luc PROBST und Julien TOURNEBIZE. „Quel est le rôle des retenues collinaires pour limiter les flux de pesticides dans le paysage agricole ?“ Sciences Eaux & Territoires, Nr. 43 (09.10.2023): 49–56.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "Modélisation de paysage"
Houillon, Ismaël. „Modélisation du paysage agricole et inférence du risque pour l'accompagnement des réseaux d'épidémiosurveillance : application au paysage agrumicole réunionnais“. Thesis, La Réunion, 2022.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePlant disease surveillance is a major food safety issue. Although surveillance methods have been greatly improved in the last decade, especially with risk-based surveillance, implementing effective surveillance is not obvious in some regions. Reunion Island is an excellent example of such territories where organizing plant disease surveillance is a challenge due to its position as a DROM, with a very heterogeneous landscape and limited resources. Since 2012, Huanglongbing (HLB), caused by the bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter, is re-emerging in citrus orchards in Reunion Island and the state services have to organize the surveillance of a fragmented, heterogeneous citrus landscape and this taking into account local policies. We will show here the methods developed to improve the knowledge of the landscape, and thus better understand the potential epidemiological pathways. The approach of photo-interpretation of satellite images and field confirmation has allowed to consolidate the existing incomplete database. We will also show how risk-based surveillance can guide sampling. In the context of HLB surveillance in Reunion, a list of the most connected orchards was used to target sampling of areas most likely to be epidemiological nodes. We were able to show through learning algorithms that elevation and connectivity are variables of major importance in explaining the health status of citrus. Furthermore, the involvement of home gardens in the epidemic was highlighted, supporting the fact that the surveillance of the agricultural compartment alone was not sufficient. An evaluation of the surveillance system was also carried out using the OASIS method. This allowed us to highlight the good functioning of the core of the surveillance chain, despite the fact that positions in the central organization need to be defined and communication with the general public needs to be improved
Duretz, Sylvia. „Modélisation intégrée des flux et transformations d’azote à l’échelle du paysage“. Paris 6, 2011.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePicard, Coralie. „Modélisation et optimisation de la gestion d’une épidémie : quel impact du paysage ?“ Thesis, Montpellier, SupAgro, 2018.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHow to identify effective strategies to manage the epidemics impacting crops?The answer to this question is not obvious because of the complexity of epidemics (they simultaneously depend on biological processes, patch organization in the landscape, and human interventions). To answer that question, models can be used because of their ability to simulate many scenarios. Indeed, they can enable to estimate epidemiological parameters, to assess the efficiency of different management strategies and to optimize them.In this context, we developed a generic framework for in silico optimization of plant disease management strategies at the landscape scale. This framework is based on (i) the characterization of the epidemic dynamics to estimate its key parameters, (ii) the use of a spatially explicit model to simulate the dynamics and management of this disease and (iii) the use of numerical optimization methods to identify efficient management strategies. Here, we apply this approach to sharka, caused by Plum pox virus. This disease has a worldwide impact on the Prunus industry and is associated with huge management costs in many countries. In France, the management strategy for this disease principally consists of orchard surveillance, removal of trees that might contribute to the epidemic propagation, and plantation bans.My PhD indicates that some strategies should be more profitable than the one currently applied in France. These strategies require less orchard surveillance and do not impose any plantation ban. It turns out that some of these strategies are efficient for all tested landscape types, which may be interesting in practice for risk managers. This approach was applied to the sharka, but could be transposed to optimize the management of other epidemics
Depigny, Sylvain. „Le modèle PAYSAGRIExpérimentation de la sensibilité au paysage des agriculteurs comme facteur des évolutions du paysage rural“. Phd thesis, AgroParisTech, 2007.
Der volle Inhalt der Quellesuggère l'hypothèse d'une sensibilité au paysage de l'agriculteur comme facteur de l'entretien des couverts végétaux des surfaces agricoles.
La parcelle agricole, unité élémentaire choisie du paysage, est définie par un État Fonctionnel Physionomique (EFP), qui renseigne l'agriculteur sur ses potentialités fourragères et paysagères. Chaque système de production agricole est à la fois associé à un objectif de
production et à une finalité paysagère, dictée par la sensibilité au paysage de l'agriculteur. Les pratiques de production courante, considérées optimales, modifient les EFP du parcellaire. Chaque année, les pratiques d'entretien permettent de corriger les physionomies des parcelles agricoles inadaptées aux attentes paysagères de l'agriculteur ; elles initient également une modification pluriannuelle de la conduite du système de production agricole, afin de répondre plus justement aux objectifs fixés.
Les simulations réalisées testent l'impact paysager de différentes populations d'agriculteurs sur un territoire virtuel comportant vingt exploitations agricoles. Chaque population représente une proportion donnée des deux types d'agriculteurs, respectivement deux sensibilités au paysage opposées. Les différences significatives observées soulignent la pertinence de considérer la
sensibilité au paysage des agriculteurs comme un facteur important de la modification des paysages ruraux.
Chiarello, Ernest. „Pyramide stochastique et écologie du paysage : modélisation des structures spatiales par images de synthèse“. Lyon 1, 1994.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGirardet, Xavier. „Paysage & [et] infrastructures de transport : modélisation des impacts des infrastructures sur les réseaux écologiques“. Phd thesis, Université de Franche-Comté, 2013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSahraoui, Yohan. „Le paysage, entre esthétique & écologie : modélisation rétrospective à partir de changements d'occupation du sol“. Thesis, Besançon, 2016.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLandscape is both a backdrop to the lives of human populations and a medium for the life cycle of animal species. Landscape changes induced by land-use and land-cover dynamics affect both these dimensions, the one aesthetic, and the other ecological. Because these rationales areusually studied within different disciplines, little research has been done into how the two clashor combine as and when landscape structures change. This work seeks therefore to model the spatial co-evolution of the aesthetic and ecological functions of landscape retrospectively usingspatial metrics based on land-cover data. It focuses on changes in the urban fringes of two French cities (Paris and Besançon) over the last 30 years. The approach attempts first to use land-cover data to model (1) the landscape preferences of a set of individuals and (2) the ecological connectivity of a set of animal species. Drawing on both multivariate statistical analysis and spatial analysis, the core of this work consists in investigating how the two functions have evolved in convergent or divergent ways over time. The results provide fresh insight into the relationship between landscape aesthetics and landscape ecology and raise questions about the value of spatial modelling for a landscape management approach that endeavours to reconcile the preservation of residents’ living environments and the conservationof biodiversity
Soularue, Jean-Paul. „Évolution de la phénologie des arbres à l'échelle d'un paysage forestier“. Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2012.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTiming of bud burst (TBB) is a key adaptive trait affected by temperature variations. Predicting the evolution of natural forests undergoing environmental variations requires to understand the evolutionary dynamics that have resulted in the strong patterns of differentiation characterized for this trait. It has been shown experimentally that the TBB was strongly correlated with the timing off lowering. This suggests that trees having similar TBB tend to mate preferentially, making assortative mating at TBB the default reproduction regime within tree species. Clinal patterns of genetic differentiation have been mostly interpreted as resulting from divergent selection, however, few studies have considered the peculiar features of timing of bud burst. Through a modelling approach based on quantitative genetics models, we first demonstrate here that the sole interaction between assortative mating at TBB and pollen flow can induce a clinal differentiation among populations without any selection pressure. In a such theoretical context, assortative mating filters pollen flow in presence of environmental gradients and progressively shifts the genetic values of populations. Then, we demonstrate that assortative mating amplifies the adaptive response of populations to co-gradient selection, and constrains it in the case of countergradient selection. Finally, we show that assortative mating differentiates populations even in the case of uniform selection
Bell, Michael. „Emission, dispersion et dépôt d'ammoniac de l'échelle de la parcelle à l’échelle du paysage“. Thesis, Rennes, Agrocampus Ouest, 2017.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleEmissions of ammonia (NH3) to the atmosphere have been implicated in a web of harmful environmental impacts, from pollution of sensitive terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems to worsening of urban air quality. The application of atmospheric measurements and inverse dispersion modelling may be unique in providing a singular methodology which can quantify emissions of NH3 to the atmosphere from almost any source. However, there are various measurement and modelling techniques and options which may be implemented within the inverse dispersion method, which can be optimised for specific sources. The special case of NH3 in the context of inverse dispersion presents a number of measurement and modelling challenges, all related to the reactive nature of the molecule.This thesis features six experiments carried out in three countries, in which NH3 emissions were quantified from multiple sources across a broad range of scales and system complexities. In each case the inverse dispersion method was adapted to the specific nature of the source being investigated and the uncertainties of NH3 measurement and modelling, where local deposition must be considered. The experiments were undertaken with an emphasis on methodological evaluation, in which novel techniques were developed and alternative methods are compared.This thesis ultimately expands the scope of the inverse dispersion method applied for NH3 to the landscape scale, connecting with integrated nitrogen assessments which may bring forth new understanding into cascade of reactive nitrogen to the environment
Choucair, Ali. „Modélisation paysagère et urbanisation : une entrée de ville“. Rouen, 1999.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFor the past thirty years, city access roads have been subjected to some disorganized development, as they have been object of anarchical implantation, mainly for commercial purposes, without any concern for proper planning. The aim of this doctorate dissertation is an attempt to clarify town planning and architectural solutions that are appropriate to the deteriorating peri-urban landscapes, in order to allow some discussion among the public before being implemented. This objective involves on the one hand a precise graphic restitution of the present situations, and, on the other hand, a panel of possible solutions. Visual tests must be proposed, in order to take benefits of the improvements linked to the reactions of the population concerned. There is therefore in this work an initial phase of analysis, a second phase of modeling, and a final phase of virtual 3d image restitution featuring different possible planning options. The present paper document is accompanied by a cd-rom containing the results of the modeling process, with "3d studio", a software for image processing : * the scene of the national road 14 (n14) from the borough of Boos to Rouen modeled using 3ds format (autodesk tm 3d studio). * the textures library including various types of buildings facades, vegetation, and road signs along the n14 that were scanned and treated using adobe Photoshop tm software. * the animations of three comparative planning options on the maxicoop commercial center at Bonsecours along the n14 road, using the avi format (audio-video interleaved). * a presentation of some modeled images in form of pictures along the road using the bmp format (windows-bitmap). * a general presentation of the thesis using the ppt format (microsoft powerpoint tm software)
Bücher zum Thema "Modélisation de paysage"
Pierret, Pascal. Activité agricole, organisation de l'espace rural et production de paysage: Une démarche de modélisation multi-échelle testé dans le département de la Haute-Marne. Lille: A.N.R.T, Université de Lille III, 1996.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenChoucair, Ali. Modélisation paysagère et urbanisation: Une entrée de ville. 1999.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenLes paysages du Caucase: Contribution géographique à l'étude des représentations et des modélisations de la montagne. 2000.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenBuchteile zum Thema "Modélisation de paysage"
Ballut, Christèle, Grégoire Gaby und Béatrice Prat. „Restitution et modélisation de l’évolution paysagère du bassin versant de Montchâtre à l’Holocène récent (Massif central, France)“. In Paysages et environnement, 395–404. Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHouet, Thomas, und Laurence Hubert-Moy. „La géoprospective : approche méthodologique pour la modélisation prospective spatialisée à une échelle fine des changements d’usages des sols“. In Paysages et environnement, 469–89. Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMoreau, Myrtille. „Essai de modélisation de la colonisation végétale sur la marge proglaciaire du glacier Midre Lovén, Spitsberg (79°N)“. In Paysages et environnement, 457–68. Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAlary, Véronique. „Chapitre 11. Le rôle de l'élevage laitier dans la gestion des risques paysans : diagnostic et modélisation des exploitations agricoles du nord de l'Inde“. In L'élevage, richesse des pauvres, 163. Editions Quæ, 2009.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle