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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Mighty Striker"


Visser, Wessel P. „“To Fight the Battles of the Workers”: The Emergence of Pro-strike Publications in Early Twentieth-Century South Africa“. International Review of Social History 49, Nr. 3 (29.11.2004): 401–34.

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The role of pro-strike newspapers during the first two decades of labour history in twentieth-century South Africa, an era of intense industrial strife, has not been researched in depth by labour historians. This article examines the emergence of a pro-strike press and examines its position on various strike issues. It served as a conduit for workers' grievances during industrial disputes, such as the strikes of 1911, 1913, 1914, and 1922. Such papers were often also the only means of communication between the strike committee and the strikers themselves. The article also discusses the extent to which such publications might have impacted upon their readership and actual strike action. It concludes that pro-strike literature in essence reflects a “white-labour” discourse and a fusion of the class and racial consciousness that prevailed among the white working class of South Africa.
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Treu, Tiziano. „Regulation of strikes and the European social model“. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 8, Nr. 4 (November 2002): 608–23.

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Regulation of conflict is not currently part of the European social model. This contribution suggests methods for underpinning the European social model with a robust system of industrial relations. One important issue is that of transnational strikes. The author sets out a number of hypotheses for what might constitute legitimate strike action in European terms. Dispute prevention and settlement procedures should be an important part of a European industrial relations system. Italian legislation on public-service strikes, with its focus on users as well as strikers, is discussed. The Italian model provides useful pointers for a European system, balancing as it does the collective and individual interests of the workers and users involved in labour conflicts.
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Addison, John T., und Paulino Teixeira. „Are Good Industrial Relations Good for the Economy?“ German Economic Review 10, Nr. 3 (01.08.2009): 253–69.

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Abstract Recent US microeconomic analysis indicates that good industrial relations might improve firm performance. Of late, it has also been claimed that the benefits of industrial relations quality - proxied inversely by a strikes variable - could also extend to the macroeconomy. Using cross-country data, we find that, independent of other labor market institutions, a lower strike volume is associated with lower unemployment. Although there is a separate line of causation running from unemployment to strikes, our analysis suggests that this is not dominant. That said, support for the notion that macro performance owes something to good industrial relations is, however, weakened once we formally control for strike endogeneity.
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SEYMOUR-BUTLER, AIDAN. „“Escaping the Sunken Place: indefinite detention, asylum seekers, and resistance in Yarl’s Wood IRC”“. Denning Law Journal 31, Nr. 1 (03.01.2020): 167–86.

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The Law Society has recently raised concerns about the UK’s migration system, stating that ‘failures in UK immigration and asylum undermine the rule of law’. Nowhere are those problems more apparent than in the UK’s handling of migrants and asylum seekers in detention centres. A particular recurring issue that speaks to the Law Society’s concern is the absence of a defined time limit for immigration detention. The possibility of indefinite detention has been a source of tension both within British politics, and within UK immigration detention centres. An example of this can be understood with reference to the Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre (IRC) in Bedfordshire, known for its controversial and rebellious past. In 2015 Nick Hardwick, a former chief prisoner inspector, labelled the Centre a place of ‘national concern’, after examining the mistreatment of vulnerable detainees. Yarl’s Wood’s problematic history, seems to have continued into the present, following a detainee led hunger strike that resulted in ‘renewed concerns’ over health care in detention centres. In addition to protesting the standard of medical treatment received by detainees, the strikers’ underlying focus was on indefinite detention. The Home Office’s response to these strikes was unsympathetic, it sent a letter to detainees suggesting that their continued participation in the strike may in fact result in their removal being accelerated. Although, the hunger strike ended in March 2018 the Home Office’s response to the strike raised some interesting legal and philosophical questions about human rights and resistance in detention centres. In order to grapple with some of these issues, this paper has been separated into two parts. The first part will attempt to contextualise the existing immigration regime and explore how legal disputes might fit within the broader scheme of opposing indefinite detention. It will also briefly examine the legal challenges that may arise from the use of threats of accelerated deportations.
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GOUREVITCH, ALEX. „The Right to Strike: A Radical View“. American Political Science Review 112, Nr. 4 (21.06.2018): 905–17.

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Workers face a common dilemma when exercising their right to strike. For the worst-off workers to go on strike with some reasonable chance of success, they must use coercive strike tactics like mass pickets and sit-downs. These tactics violate some basic liberties, such as contract, association, and private property, and the laws that protect those liberties. Which has priority, the right to strike or the basic liberties strikers might violate? The answer depends on why the right to strike is justified. In contrast to liberal and social democratic arguments, on the radical view defended here, the right to strike is a right to resist oppression. This oppression is partly a product of the legal protection of basic economic liberties, which explains why the right to strike has priority over these liberties. The radical view thus best explains why workers may use some coercive, even lawbreaking, strike tactics.
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Stark, Alejo. „Containing the Surplus Rebellion: Prison Strike/Prison Riot“. New Global Studies 14, Nr. 2 (25.07.2020): 193–203.

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AbstractThe 2016 and 2018 wave of prison strikes in the United States presents itself as an extraordinary flashpoint of the prisoner resistance movement. But how might these events be understood in relation to what has been broadly characterized as an “age of riots”? Following Joshua Clover’s characterization of the contemporary riot in Riot. Strike. Riot. as a “surplus rebellion” of racialized “surplus populations” and given the characterization of the contemporary carceral state as a warehouse to contain such racialized populations, this essay characterizes the contemporary wave of prison riots accordingly as a “surplus rebellion.” More specifically, it focuses on the Kinross prison strike-riot that broke out in September 2016 in Michigan’s Kinross prison in order to derive some general parallels between the surplus rebellion and the singularity of recent prison strikes.
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Coombs, Sheryl, James J. Finneran und Ruth A. Conley. „Hydrodynamic image formation by the peripheral lateral line system of the Lake Michigan mottled sculpin, Cottus bairdi“. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences 355, Nr. 1401 (29.09.2000): 1111–14.

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Lake Michigan mottled sculpin ( Cottus bairdi ) have a lateral–line–mediated prey–capture behaviour that consists of an initial orientation towards the prey, a sequence of approach movements, and a final strike at the prey. This unconditioned behaviour can be elicited from blinded sculpin in the laboratory by both real and artificial (vibrating sphere) prey. In order to visualize what Lake Michigan mottled sculpin might perceive through their lateral line when approaching prey, we have combined anatomical, neurophysiological, behavioural and computational modelling techniques to produce three–dimensional maps of how excitation patterns along the lateral line sensory surface change as sculpin approach a vibrating sphere. Changes in the excitation patterns and the information they contain about source location are consistent with behavioural performance, including the approach pathways taken by sculpin to the sphere, the maximum distances at which approaches can be elicited, distances from which strikes are launched, and strike success. Information content is generally higher for laterally located sources than for frontally located sources and this may explain exceptional performance (e.g. successful strikes from unusually long distances) in response to lateral sources and poor performance (e.g. unsuccessful strikes) to frontal sources.
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Stepanuk, JEF, EI Heywood, JF Lopez, RA DiGiovanni Jr und LH Thorne. „Age-specific behavior and habitat use in humpback whales: implications for vessel strike“. Marine Ecology Progress Series 663 (31.03.2021): 209–22.

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Vessel strikes are a major threat impacting large whales globally. Juvenile whales often represent a high proportion of lethal vessel strikes, but few studies have investigated whether juvenile whales show different behaviors that might influence their risk of vessel strike. We evaluated how variability in habitat use and foraging behavior by age class influences the risk of vessel strike for humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae in the New York Bight (NYB), a highly urbanized region with frequent vessel strikes. We used data from unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) surveys to compare the habitat use and foraging behavior of adult and juvenile humpback whales and compared length measurements of foraging individuals with those confirmed to have been killed by vessel strikes. Further, using Automatic Information System data, we analyzed the speed and density of vessel traffic relative to humpback whale habitat use. The vast majority (93%) of humpback whales confirmed to have been struck by vessels in the NYB were juveniles. Whales foraging in nearshore waters were exclusively juveniles that were surface feeding, while both juveniles and adults foraged cooperatively in offshore waters. Passenger vessel density and speed were highest in nearshore waters. The habitat use and surface foraging behavior of juvenile humpback whales may make them particularly vulnerable to vessel strikes in nearshore waters, and passenger vessels in these waters may be a risk factor. This work highlights the importance of understanding age-specific differences in habitat use to better understand and mitigate the risk of anthropogenic threats to large whales.
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Swinnen, Wannes, Wouter Hoogkamer, Tijs Delabastita, Jeroen Aeles, Friedl De Groote und Benedicte Vanwanseele. „Effect of habitual foot-strike pattern on the gastrocnemius medialis muscle-tendon interaction and muscle force production during running“. Journal of Applied Physiology 126, Nr. 3 (01.03.2019): 708–16.

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The interaction between gastrocnemius medialis (GM) muscle and Achilles tendon, i.e., muscle-tendon unit (MTU) interaction, plays an important role in minimizing the metabolic cost of running. Foot-strike pattern (FSP) has been suggested to alter MTU interaction and subsequently the metabolic cost of running. However, metabolic data from experimental studies on FSP are inconsistent, and a comparison of MTU interaction between FSP is still lacking. We, therefore, investigated the effect of habitual rearfoot and mid-/forefoot striking on MTU interaction, ankle joint work, and plantar flexor muscle force production while running at 10 and 14 km/h. GM muscle fascicles of 9 rearfoot and 10 mid-/forefoot strikers were tracked using dynamic ultrasonography during treadmill running. We collected kinetic and kinematic data and used musculoskeletal models to determine joint angles and calculate MTU lengths. In addition, we used dynamic optimization to assess plantar flexor muscle forces. During ground contact, GM fascicle shortening ( P = 0.02) and average contraction velocity ( P = 0.01) were 40–45% greater in rearfoot strikers than mid-/forefoot strikers. Differences in contraction velocity were especially prominent during early ground contact. Moreover, GM ( P = 0.02) muscle force was greater during early ground contact in mid-/forefoot strikers than rearfoot strikers. Interestingly, we did not find differences in stretch or recoil of the series elastic element between FSP. Our results suggest that, for the GM, the reduced muscle energy cost associated with lower fascicle contraction velocity in mid-/forefoot strikers may be counteracted by greater muscle forces during early ground contact. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Kinetic and kinematic differences between foot-strike patterns during running imply (not previously reported) altered muscle-tendon interaction. Here, we studied muscle-tendon interaction using ultrasonography. We found greater fascicle contraction velocities and lower muscle forces in rearfoot compared with mid-/forefoot strikers. Our results suggest that the higher metabolic energy demand due to greater fascicle contraction velocities might offset the lower metabolic energy demand due to lower muscle forces in rearfoot compared with mid-/forefoot strikers.
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Myers, Matt. „Racialized Obsolescence: Multinational Corporations, Labor Conflict, and the Closure of the Imperial Typewriter Company in Britain, 1974–1975“. International Labor and Working-Class History 102 (2022): 23–50.

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AbstractThis article will explore one of the most significant strikes by migrant workers in Britain during the 1970s and the subsequent company closure the year after their victory. In May 1974, a predominantly South Asian workforce at the Imperial Typewriter Company in Leicester went on strike over unequal bonus payments and discrimination in promotion. The shop stewards committee and Transport & General Workers Union branch refused their support and the workforce split partly on racial lines. The strikers stayed on strike for almost 14 weeks until they emerged victorious. Though it appears as a central reference point in histories of migrant experience in Britain, the strike and closure has garnered little systematic, primary research. This article will fill this gap through the use of published sources and extensive unused archival deposits. During the strike part of the largely South Asian workforce sought to break with the racialized division of the workforce between different groups, skill levels, and work-types. Almost immediately after the strike ended in victory the company announced its intention to close down the vast majority of its British production. In Hull 1400 jobs were lost and in Leicester over 1600 were to go. This article shows that whilst the strike might have been the start of a politically, culturally, and intellectually significant period of significant protagonism by Britain's first-generation black and racialized working class, it also marked the beginning of the end of an industrial model dependent on the hyper-exploitation and racialized subordination of their labor. The closure was framed by contemporaries and subsequent historical accounts as a dispute marked more by the end of empire than worker obsolescence. As an article in the Guardian on the closure of the plants was put it in January 1975, it was ‘The day that Imperial&s empire fell'. Yet it might be more accurate to understand the strike as an early premonition of the globalisation of manufacturing production which was to emerge strongly in the 1980s and 1990s. The experience of Imperial Typewriters highlights the central importance of racialized labour hierarchies and immigrant counter-militancy in post-war Britain. The Imperial Typewriter Company provides a case study of how worker resistance to labour intensive modes of capital accumulation, in relatively low capital intensive industries, during a global crisis of capitalist profitability, was followed by the decision of a multinational corporation to immediately transfer its production overseas. The closure of Imperial Typewriters therefore offers a means to reconceptualize how we understand the 1970s as a period of interlocking crises, as well as the major shift of power from labour to multinational capital which emerged in its wake. The findings of this article indicate that British workers were significantly disempowered before the electoral victory of Margaret Thatcher in 1979. Recentering labor conflict in the history of technological obsolescence can offer alternative perspectives on why the British left and trade unions were unable to resist the rise of neoliberalism.
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Bücher zum Thema "Mighty Striker"


Striker, Mighty. The true history of calypso. Trinidad and Tobago: Percy Oblington, 2000.

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Perotti, Giovanni, Hrsg. Sega Mega Drive Game Secrets: Strategie e Segreti, Volume 3. Via Rosellini, Milano, Italy: Jackson Libri, 1993.

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Perotti, Giovanni, Hrsg. Sega Mega Drive Game Secrets: Strategie e Segreti, Volume 2. Via Rosellini, Milano, Italy: Jackson Libri, 1993.

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Perotti, Giovanni, Hrsg. Sega Mega Drive Game Secrets: Strategie e Segreti, Volume 1. Via Rosellini, Milano, Italy: Jackson Libri, 1993.

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Arnold, J. Douglas. Awesome Sega Genesis Secrets II. Lahaina, HI: Sandwich Islands Publishing, 1993.

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DeMaria, Rusel, und Zach Meston. Sega Genesis Secrets, Volume 3. Rocklin, CA: Prima Publishing, 1992.

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DeMaria, Rusel, und Zach Meston. Sega Genesis Secrets, Volume 2. Rocklin, CA: Prima Publishing, 1991.

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Prima. Official Sega Genesis: Power Tips Book. Rocklin, CA: Prima Publishing, 1992.

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Sandler, Corey. Official Sega Genesis and Game Gear strategies, 3RD Edition. New York: Bantam Books, 1992.

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Mcdermott, Leeanne. GamePro Presents: Sega Genesis Games Secrets: Greatest Tips. Rocklin: Prima Publishing, 1992.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Mighty Striker"


Farmer, Paul. „8. A39 Into 1986: The State of Things“. In After the Miners’ Strike, 95–104. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2023.

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A39 enacts ‘point of action’ socialism: the conditions of Thatcher’s Britain means that every day is a crisis for a socialist and the members share experiences of the organised Left that render us wary of its shortcomings and pitfalls. A39 makes decisions by consensus. We insist on the right to communicate and to create, not just for us but for everyone. Art is where we can postulate our predictions and our prayers for the achievement of all that humans might be. Theatre too is for everyone, a fundamental aspect of human communication: we find ourselves in demand to work with people with learning difficulties, often through Artshare Cornwall. We form links with other Cornish theatre companies in the form of the Cornwall Theatre Alliance. At first this feels like a somewhat uneasy truce. Footsbarn Theatre’s departure for Europe has left a creative vacancy: which company will be supported to fill it? It becomes apparent that we are witnessing the beginnings of the inexorable rise of Kneehigh Theatre. But the CTA sustains to mount two substantial festivals and is a context in which lots of misunderstandings can be re-understood and collaborations initiated. Later it will transmute into the Cornwall Theatre Umbrella with links to statutory provision.
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Farmer, Paul. „5. Touring One & All!“ In After the Miners’ Strike, 67–82. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2023.

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The first performance of One & All! is at the Crypt Centre in Truro at the end of March 1985 before a small audience of members and friends. Then we set out on tour to other community initiatives, local Labour groups, and anyone else who might arrange a show. We decide we need to carry our own theatre lighting, but the cost is prohibitive so we come to an ingenious if slightly dangerous arrangement. The show evolves. Political theatre and cabaret turn out to work well in Cornwall–you can say anything you liked as long as you are entertaining. An important part of A39 is its ‘hinterland’, its links to groups outside theatre. Initially this is composed of socialist and community groups, but it comes increasingly to include the Cornish cultural movement, a celebration and defence of communities, of the Cornish people’s relationships with work and with their part of the planet. These are too the causes for which the Miners’ Strike has been fought, so our commitment to this movement continues the struggle for which A39 was formed. A report for the ‘Regional Arts Association’, South West Arts (SWA), that functions as an agency of the Arts Council, dismisses A39’s work, and A39 is never to form a working relationship with SWA. Instead we participate in the Enterprise Allowance Scheme that will give us each an income and A39 prepares to go–international!
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Molitor, Jochen. „The Imagined Disastrous: West German Civil Defence Between War Preparation and Emergency Management 1950–1990“. In Cold War Civil Defence in Western Europe, 53–76. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractHistories of civil defence have tended to focus on large-scale endeavours during the early Cold War. In West Germany, however, civil defence became more successful after concepts of ‘total defence’ and accompanying shelter construction programmes were discontinued. From the mid-1960s, officials who had initially spoken of ‘disasters’ to avoid the unpopular term ‘war’ began focusing on less obtrusive, attainable all-hazards measures. Similarly, the majority of German physicians involved in disaster medicine pragmatically imagined scenarios up to, but not exceeding, nuclear reactor meltdowns or isolated nuclear strikes. In the wake of political détente and technical disasters during the 1980s, most critics came to agree that at least some specialised preparation for more extreme scenarios might be warranted and did not necessarily amount to militarisation.
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Ó Dochartaigh, Niall. „The Hunger Strikes“. In Deniable Contact, 165–87. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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This chapter analyses back-channel negotiations during the republican hunger strikes of 1980 and 1981. Although it has ancient precedents in Ireland, hunger-striking is a modern negotiating tactic. Time was crucial to the power exerted by the H-Block hunger strikers of 1980 and 1981 and it is a key focus of the analysis here of the negotiations to end their strikes. The central concerns are the negotiating dynamics at work in the hunger strikes and the intense struggle over time that they involved. The chapter analyses how and when the deadline set by the prospect of a hunger striker dying generated movement in negotiations and the temporal strategies deployed during the approach to this deadline, focusing on the nexus of information, biological processes, and communication. The hunger strikes distilled the wider conflict, concentrating it in time and space. It became the site of a massive concentration of forces by both the British government and the IRA, and both parties understood it as a location at which the outcome of the conflict that had begun in 1969 might finally be determined. The failure to negotiate a settlement illuminates some of the deep structural pressures working against a compromise that would end the wider conflict. But it also provides glimpses of some of the underlying forces that would bring both Britain and the IRA back to the back-channel in the 1990s.
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Anae, Nicole. „“Taking mighty strides across the world”“. In Literature and Ecofeminism, 84–97. Routledge, 2018.

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„9. The Mighty World Bank: Washington, 1975-1982“. In A Stubble-Jumper in Striped Pants. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999.

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Goodin, Robert E. „Consent of the Mute“. In Consent Matters, 190–205. Oxford University PressOxford, 2024.

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Abstract This chapter focuses upon the permissibility of inferring consent from people who have previously refused it, taking as its running example that of prisoners engaged in collective hunger strikes. Assisted feeding of patients who refuse to consent to it is standardly regarded as a serious violation of medical ethics. But in the case of collective hunger strikes, strong peer pressure provides a way of ‘explaining away’ a patient’s refusal to give explicit consent and justifies reliance on more indirect but nonetheless clear ways (such as ‘silence on notice’) by which their consent might be indicated. Should hunger strikers become comatose, those same considerations also justify discounting any ‘advance directives’ that they have given in favour of doctors doing what is in the patient’s best interests.
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„6. The New England Shoe Strike of i860“. In We Will Rise in Our Might, 76–86. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2019.

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Knox, W. W. J., und A. McKinlay. „Strike“. In Jimmy Reid, 193–222. Liverpool University Press, 2019.

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Chapter seven commences with Reid’s post-1979 defeat and his new career in journalism against the backdrop of a decade of Thatcherism, apartheid in South Africa, the troubles in Northern Ireland and the Falklands war. This is the political preface to the miners’ strike which undoubtedly dominated mid-1980s British politics and so naturally it dominated this chapter of Reid’s public life. During his time as a columnist for the Glasgow Herald, Reid became at odds with the Labour party over his criticism of Arthur Scargill’s leadership of the miners’ strike and of how the strike might impact Labour’s potential for victory in future elections. Objectively looking back at this pivotal time in British history, we analyse Reid’s interpretations of the strike, Scargill and Labour’s losses as well as evaluating how far Reid’s political background, experience and principles influenced his attitudes towards them.
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Olsthoorn, Peter. „Ethics for Drone Operators: Rules versus Virtues“. In Ethics of Drone Strikes, 115–29. Edinburgh University Press, 2021.

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Beyond considerations of state practice, individual agency is morally significant too, so it is useful to conceptualise drone violence by reference to the personal experience of the individuals who directly wield that violence. This chapter moves ethical discussion away from traditional, rules-based, state-centric modes of thinking about military violence. Today, most militaries regard virtue ethics as an important complement to regulations imposed from above. Military virtues such as honour, courage and loyalty dominate official lists of virtues desired behaviours within militaries. Yet, as this chapter shows, it is evident that some conventional soldierly virtues are not particularly helpful to military personnel operating armed drones. The chapter assesses the ethics of drone violence from the perspective of military virtues and military ethics education, and it addresses the question of what change might be needed: a different interpretation of the existing virtues; a new set of virtues; or an abandonment of efforts to teach virtues? This challenge arises partly because armed drones raise risk asymmetry in war to a new level, so the chapter also addresses the extent to which, and how, the possibility of ‘riskless warfare’ make drone use ‘virtue-less’.
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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Mighty Striker"



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Aerospace composite laminate construction is widely used in various airframe components. Composite structures are often joined with other structure and substructure via fasteners that are inevitably exposed to lightning strike currents. The interaction of a lightning strike with a fastener can lead, through complex electrical, mechanical, and thermochemical processes, to the degradation of the strength of the fastened structure. Although degradation can often be seen on the surface as damage via paint discoloration, surface ablation, or surface delamination, a larger subsurface volume of material might be affected by the electrical current and thermo-chemical processes resulting in a heat affected zone and multi-planar delamination. Together, these effects have the potential to degrade the structural performance of the joint. In this work, a series of electro-mechanical tests is performed in order to evaluate the effect of lightning strikes of varying amplitudes on structural composite. The experimental methodology includes subjecting a single-fastener aerospace-composite lap joint to scaled Awaveform electric current pulses to determine the combined electromagnetic and structural effect on the system. Following the electrical test, the tested articles undergo a non-destructive inspection to quantify the extent of the damage, from which the relation between heat-affected zones extents and current levels is given. Finally, electrically-tested articles undergo a bearing test and the structural effect of the lightning strike on the structural properties of the fastened system is determined and implications on composite structural performance is assessed.
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Dickey, Rachel. „Robots, Cyborgs, and Architecture“. In 105th ACSA Annual Meeting Paper Proceedings. ACSA Press, 2017.

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This paper seeks to examine the robot cyborg paradigm in relation to architecture and artificial intelligence.It asks, what knowledge might arise from the cross disciplinary study of the historical narrative of the robot and cyborg? Referencing the birth of the robot and cyborg and exploring their significance from past to present, this paper strives to point out how these figures could help us question the status quo or reveal something to us about the world. Through the suggestion of a collective non-human form of intelligence in architecture we can ask, what might the machine have to offer that we haven’t considered or weren’t even capable of considering? How might machines actively collaborate in the design process?How might our relationship with technology enhance our creative capacities? The response to these questions begins with a comparative investigation of approaches to architecture and AI.
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Watson, Andrew B. „Sensitivity to spatial variations in image motion“. In OSA Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1991.

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Extending a method of van Doorn and Koenderink,1 I have examined visibility of spatial modulations of image motion. The stimulus was the sum to two moving bandpass noise images with different velocities. Over the vertical extend of the stimulus, the two noise images were contrast modulated in antiphase by the square root of a stationary sinusoid. For large modulation amplitude, the typical appearance is alternating horizontal stripes of differing velocity. At smaller amplitudes, the stripes disappear. The experimental task was forced-choice discrimination between zero and some nonzero modulation amplitude. A staircase measured the threshold amplitude for various modulation frequencies to determine a velocity-modulation sensitivity function. Data were collected for several noise spatial frequencies and velocities. For each noise frequency tested, modulation sensitivity falls off steeply about one octave below the noise frequency. In certain conditions, sensitivity also declines at low modulation frequencies, consistent with differentiation of motion estimates, as might be employed in a motion-edge sensor.
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Tamaddoni, Seyed Hossein, Aria Alasty, Ali Meghdari, Saeed Sohrabpour und Hassan Salarieh. „Spring-Mass Jumping of Underactuated Biped Robots“. In ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2007.

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In many types of fast animal and human locomotion an almost sinusoidal pattern is observed for the ground reaction force; therefore, a simple spring-mass model can approximate the generally observed force pattern. The adjustment of the leg during running, jumping or hopping is addressed using a spring-mass model with a fixed landing angle of attack with the objective of obtaining periodic movement patterns. We found that this self-stabilizing spring-mass model can be applied as a movement criterion for biped joints’ trajectory generation in jumping. To create desired velocity and stride-to-stride length, a synchronization method was applied between biped nonlinear dynamics and spring-mass dynamics as slave and master dynamics, respectively. The results of performed simulations show that while our model lacks the flight phase and impact model for a complete cycle of jumping process, this technique might become of great use in the future’s biped path planning which we call it “dynamic path planning”.
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Wróbel, Krzysztof, Mateusz Gil und Jakub Montewka. „Towards a Method Evaluating Control Actions in STPA-Based Model of Ship-Ship Collision Avoidance Process“. In ASME 2018 37th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2018.

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As system-theoretic methods of safety assessment are developed, certain aspects of them remain under-explored, including the question of prioritizing one control action’s adequacy over another. This paper investigates this feature based on an analysis of a process of merchant vessels’ collision avoidance. We first elicit experts’ views on the structure of the process and importance of particular interactions occurring therein. Thence, we analyse a number of incident reports to examine the percentage of cases in which failure to ensure the particular control action contributed to the loss. By comparing the results, we strive to determine whether any of the approaches might be beneficial in determining safety control actions’ priorities.
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Ferguson, Scott, Andrew Olewnik und Phil Cormier. „Exploring Marketing to Engineering Information Mapping in Mass Customization: A Presentation of Ideas, Challenges and Resulting Questions“. In ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2011.

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The paradigm of mass customization strives to minimize the tradeoffs between an ‘ideal’ product and products that are currently available. However, the lack of information relation mechanisms that connect the domains of marketing, engineering, and distribution have caused significant challenges when designing products for mass customization. For example, the bridge connecting the marketing and engineering domains is complicated by the lack of proven tools and methodologies that allow customer needs and preferences to be understood at a level discrete enough to support true mass customization. Discrete choice models have recently gained significant attention in engineering design literature as a way of expressing customer preferences. This paper explores how information from choice-based conjoint surveys might be used to assist the development of a mass customizable MP3 player, starting from 140 student surveys. The authors investigate the challenges of fielding discrete choice surveys for the purpose of mass customization, and explore how hierarchical Bayes mixed logit and latent class multinomial logit models might be used to understand the market for customizable attributes. The potential of using discrete choice models as a foundation for mathematically formulating mass customization problems is evaluated through an investigation of strengths and limitations.
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Joshi, Nikhil, und Debasish Dutta. „Towards Regulatory Compliance Through PLM“. In ASME 2006 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2006.

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Increasingly stringent laws regulating the amounts of hazardous substances and recyclable content in products are placing a heavy burden on product manufacturers. While manufacturers strive to be the first to bring innovative products to the market, they need to safeguard against late design changes or penalties that might result from non-compliance. At the same time, they need to ensure that the quality of the product is maintained, and prevent undue pressure on suppliers, who have to meet targets specified by the manufacturer. This paper presents a method to utilize the enterprise-wide scope provided by modern PLM systems to account for these considerations in the early design stages during the selection of material and processing specifications for product components. The method employs the chance constrained programming technique to account for the inherent uncertainties faced during these early design stages.
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Bukaty, Michael E. „A Vehicle Identification System For Surveillance Applications“. In Machine Vision. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1987.

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Many surveillance applications require electronic imagers to provide real time or near real time pictures. An example might involve the security system of a sensitive facility where the monitoring of entering and exiting traffic is important. Since the objects of interest in this scenario are vehicles, it is possible to use a one-dimensional line scanner and let the vehicle self scan via its motion. The resulting image is two-dimensional with the vertical representing a spatial displacement and the horizontal time. The system consists of a Reticon 1 × 128 array, 8-bit Flash A/D, and TMS320 digital signal processor. The amount of light incident on a photodiode and integrated over time determines the value read by the A/D for that pixel. To achieve optimal operating range, the average value of all the pixels in the scan should be at the midpoint of the intensity range. This is accomplished by adjusting the integration time or the amount of time light is allowed to strike the element before it is interrogated. The adjustment procedure involves having two valid reads that occur at a fixed time interval. Between these two valid scans is a “dummy” read which has an adjustable time preceeding the next valid read.
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Veselinović, Nevena, und Jelena Živković. „Environmental Implications of Financial Development in CEE countries“. In 2nd International Conference on Chemo and Bioinformatics. Institute for Information Technologies, University of Kragujevac, 2023.

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The examination considers the causality between financial development and carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions in the sample of six Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries in the period range between 2000 to 2020. Utilizing the Dumitrescu and Hurlin panel causality test, the results confirmed a one-way causality, where financial development precedes changes in CO₂ emissions. The observed one-way causality suggests that improvements or advancements in financial development might have implications for environmental sustainability. Additionally, the Westerlund error-correction–based panel cointegration tests reveal cointegration between the variables, indicating a stable equilibrium association among them in the complete sample of countries. As countries strive for economic growth and development, it becomes crucial to consider the environmental consequences and adopt measures that promote sustainable practices. Policymakers and stakeholders must proactively recognize the potentially important role of financial development in shaping environmental outcomes and identify opportunities to effectively integrate sustainable practices into financial and economic strategies.
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O’Rourke, Michael J., Tarek H. Abdoun und Da Ha. „Seismic Behavior of Buried PE Pipelines Subject to Fault Offsets“. In ASME 2010 Pressure Vessels and Piping Division/K-PVP Conference. ASMEDC, 2010.

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The paper presents the results of a series of centrifuge tests on the behavior of buried PE pipe subject to the fault offset hazard. The tests simulated both Strike-Slip (SS) and Normal offsets. Besides fault type, the three main parameters that were varied include the pipe burial depth, the intersection angle between the pipe axis and the fault (SS faults) and the direction of faulting (SS with right lateral or left lateral offset). Instrumentation allowed acquisition of pipe strain data which was decomposed into axial strain and flexural (bending) strain components. The paper will describe the rates at which strain decreases with distance from the fault, and the strong influence of burial depth and intersection angle on the magnitude of axial and flexural strain. New instrumentation allowed acquisition of the normal pressure between the buried PE pipe and the surrounding soil. As one might expect the normal pressure varied in the circumferential direction, as well as with distance from the fault. These pressures were used to estimate force-deformation characteristics of the equivalent ‘soil-springs’. Unlike the 2-D behavior assumed for soil-spring models currently used in practice, the centrifuge results show that the behavior is actually 3-D in nature. Fortunately, as will be shown in the paper, 2-D soil-spring models yield conservative results in terms of pipe strains.
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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Mighty Striker"


Kunz, Johannes S., Carol Propper und Trong-Anh Trinh. The Impact of Internet Access on COVID-19 Spread in Indonesia. Asian Development Bank, April 2024.

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This study examines the impacts of 3G internet connectivity on COVID-19 case rates across districts in Indonesia. By analyzing geographical variations in mobile internet access and employing lightning strikes as an instrumental variable, the study establishes a causal link between improved internet connectivity and reduced transmission of COVID-19. The findings suggest that investments in digital infrastructure might be a crucial and effective tool in pandemic prevention and response.
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Scartascini, Carlos, Ernesto H. Stein und Mariano Tommasi. Political Institutions, Intertemporal Cooperation, and the Quality of Policies. Inter-American Development Bank, April 2009.

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While economists have tended to focus on specific public policies when developing recommendations, the achievement of welfare objectives might depend more on the quality of policies than their content. This paper develops several measures of the qualities of policies across countries, arguing that the quality of public policies depends on each politys ability to strike intertemporal transactions necessary to develop and sustain effective policies. The analytical framework developed here indicates that this ability depends on several characteristics of political institutions, such as congressional capabilities, judicial independence, and bureaucratic independence and professionalism. The empirical evidence presented supports this idea. The measures of policy quality developed here could be utilized for other purposes, including the determination of conditions under which more public spending in a given area is likely to generate the desired outcomes.
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Arcone, Steven, James Lever, Laura Ray, Benjamin Walker, Gordon Hamilton und Lynn Kaluzienski. Ground-penetrating radar profiles of the McMurdo shear zone, Antarctica, acquired with an unmanned rover : interpretation of crevasses, fractures, and folds within firn and marine ice. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), Dezember 2021.

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The crevassed firn of the McMurdo shear zone (SZ) within the Ross Ice Shelf may also contain crevasses deep within its meteoric and marine ice, but the surface crevassing prevents ordinary vehicle access to investigate its structure geophysically. We used a lightweight robotic vehicle to tow 200- and 40 MHz ground-penetrating radar antennas simultaneously along 10 parallel transects over a 28 km² grid spanning the SZ width. Transects were generally orthogonal to the ice flow. Total firn and meteoric ice thickness was approximately 160 m. Firn crevasses profiled at 400 MHz were up to 16 m wide, under snow bridges up to 10 m thick, and with strikes near 35°–40° to the transect direction. From the top down, 200- MHz profiles revealed firn diffractions originating to a depth of approximately 40 m, no discernible structure within the meteoric ice, a discontinuous transitional horizon, and at least 20 m of stratified marine ice; 28–31 m of freeboard found more marine ice exists. Based on 10 consecutive transects covering approximately 2.5 km², we preliminarily interpreted the transitional horizon to be a thin saline layer, and marine ice hyperbolic diffractions and reflections to be responses to localized fractures, and crevasses filled with unstratified marine ice, all at strikes from 27° to 50°. We preliminarily interpreted off nadir, marine ice horizons to be responses to linear and folded faults, similar to some in firn. The coinciding and synchronously folded areas of fractured firn and marine ice suggested that the visibly unstructured meteoric ice beneath our grid was also fractured, but either never crevassed, crevassed and sutured without marine ice inclusions, or that any ice containing crevasses might have eroded before marine ice accretion. We will test these interpretations with analysis of all transects and by extending our grid and increasing our depth ranges.
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Djordjević, Ljubica. ECMI Minorities Blog. National Minorities and the Future of Europe. European Centre for Minority Issues, Januar 2022.

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The Conference on the Future of Europe, which was finally launched on 9 May 2021, has opened “a new space for debate with citizens to address Europe’s challenges and priorities”. The initiative uses three channels for citizens’ participation: the Multilingual digital platform, European Citizens’ Panels, and Conference Plenary. Content-wise it is grounded on the indicative list of nine topics covering wide range of areas from climate change to sports. This blog post draws attention to the importance of involving national minorities in the process, both regarding participation and issues covered. The Conference should strive to reach out to various population groups, including the ones in minority or marginalized position. Moreover, the Conference could serve as a good opportunity to reconsider the EU’s position with regard to the protection of national minorities: in a complex and increasingly diverse Europe, the EU has to take responsibility and search for innovative models of diversity management, including the protection of national minorities. Provided that it leads to some tangible action, the Conference might be a valuable step forward.
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Levkoe, Charles Z., Peter Andrée, Patricia Ballamingie, Nadine A. Changfoot und Karen Schwartz. Building Action Research Partnerships for Community Impact: Lessons From a National Community-Campus Engagement Project. Community First: Impacts of Community Engagement Project, 2023.

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While many studies have addressed the successes and challenges of participatory action research, few have documented how community campus engagement (CCE) works and how partnerships can be designed for strong community impact. This paper responds to increasing calls for ‘community first’ approaches to CCE. Our analysis draws on experiences and research from Community First: Impacts of Community Engagement (CFICE), a collaborative action research project that ran from 2012-2020 in Canada and aimed to better understand how community-campus partnerships might be designed and implemented to maximize the value for community-based organizations. As five of the project’s co-leads, we reflect on our experiences, drawing on research and practice in three of CFICE’s thematic hubs (food sovereignty, poverty reduction, and community environmental sustainability) to identify achievements and articulate preliminary lessons about how to build stronger and more meaningful relationships. We identify the need to: strive towards equitable and mutually beneficial partnerships; work with boundary spanners from both the academy and civil society to facilitate such relationships; be transparent and self-reflexive about power differentials; and look continuously for ways to mitigate inequities.
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