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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Mental health care without consent"


Fennell, Phil. „The Mental Capacity Act 2005, the Mental Health Act 1983, and the Common Law“. International Journal of Mental Health and Capacity Law 1, Nr. 13 (05.09.2014): 163.

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<p align="LEFT">This paper considers what has come to be known as the ‘interface’ between the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Mental Health Act 1983. Until the 2005 Act comes into force in 2007, practitioners will have to be aware of the interface between powers to admit to institutional care and treat without consent under common law and those which exist under the Mental Health Act 1983.</p><p align="LEFT">In simple terms, the interface question is ‘When may the common law or, after 2007, the 2005 Act, be used to admit to institutional care and treat without consent, and when will use of the Mental Health Act be required?’ This article argues that there are two decisions of the European Court which need to be considered in determining how to bridge what has become the “Bournewood gap”: <em>HL v United Kingdom</em> and <em>Storck v Germany</em>. These will require that the State must provide effective supervisory mechanisms to ensure that mentally incapacitated people are not deprived of their liberty (Article 5) and do not have their right of bodily integrity interfered with (Article 8) without lawful authority.</p>
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Ashley, Florence. „Reply to ‘Hormone replacement therapy: informed consent without assessment?’“. Journal of Medical Ethics 45, Nr. 12 (12.07.2019): 826–27.

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In a previous article, I argued that assessment requirements for transgender hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are unethical and dehumanising. A recent response published by the Journal of Medical Ethics criticises this proposal. In this reply, I advance that their response misunderstood core parts of my argument and fails to provide independent support for assessment requirements. Though transition-related care may have similarities with cosmetic surgeries, this does not suffice to establish a need for assessments, and nor do the high rates of depression and anxiety justify assessments, especially given the protective role HRT plays towards mental well-being.
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Maylea, Christopher. „The capacity to consent to sex in mental health inpatient units“. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 53, Nr. 11 (22.05.2019): 1070–79.

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Objective: Discussions of capacity to consent in mental health care usually revolve around capacity to consent to treatment. This paper instead explores the issue of capacity to consent to sexual activity in a mental health inpatient setting as a way of exploring capacity from a different perspective. This is not a purely theoretical exercise, with both consensual sexual activity and sexual assault commonplace in mental health inpatient units, current policy and practice approaches are clearly not working and require re-examination. Methods: Four key frameworks are explored: human rights law, mental health law, the criminal law and the law of tort governing the duty of care. These frameworks are explored by highlighting relevant case law and statutes and considering their potential application in practice. This is undertaken using the state of Victoria, Australia, as a case study. Results: The four frameworks are shown to be consistent with each other but inconsistent with contemporary policy. All four legal frameworks explored require clinicians to take a case-by-case assessment to ensure that a person’s right to make their own decisions is preserved ‘ unless the contrary is demonstrably justified’ or where it is ‘ legally demanded’. While Victorian inpatient units attempt to enforce a blanket ban on consensual sexual activity in inpatient settings, this ban may be without legal basis and may be in breach of both human rights and mental health law. Conclusion: In policing the lawful bodily interactions of their patients and pushing sexual activity out of sight, clinicians may be breaching their duty of care to provide sexual health support and risk creating an environment in which the therapeutic relationship will be sacrificed to the enforcement of institutional policy. Clinicians and policymakers must understand the relevant legal frameworks to ensure that they are acting ethically and lawfully.
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Bakshi, Shinjini. „Peer Support as a Tool for Community Care: “Nothing About Us, Without Us”“. Columbia Social Work Review 19, Nr. 1 (04.05.2021): 20–43.

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In the face of socio-political marginalization, frontline communities reclaim power by harnessing peer wisdom and resilience. The year 2020 marked the confluence of a global pandemic and widespread resistance against anti-Black racism and police violence, highlighting the value of peer voices and community perspectives. To dismantle and transcend carceral approaches to community care, the field of social work is invited to join a larger anti-carceral mental health movement that honors lived experience and works alongside peers to build identity-affirming structures of mental health care. This article examines the ways in which frontline communities benefit from expanded access to anti-carceral formal and informal peer support as a mental health safety net that interrupts harm and prioritizes agency, consent, and self-determination. This paper broadens social work’s conceptualization of peer support through theoretical frameworks of anti-carceral social work, abolition, and intersectionality. Social work and its adjacent fields are called to urgently center Black liberation, collective healing, and community care by advocating for the integration of formal and informal peer support into mental health policy and practice. This paper strategically leans into a lineage of critical peer thought scholarship by utilizing footnotes and citations to model the ethical acknowledgment of peer labor within human rights movements. This intentional structure promotes radical solidarity that resists the exploitation of people with lived experience.
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Adwedaa, E. O. „Consent to Medical Treatment: What about the Adult Patient who is Incapable of Providing a Valid Consent?“ Postgraduate Medical Journal of Ghana 4, Nr. 2 (12.07.2022): 93–97.

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Consent to medical treatment is a principle that is increasingly gaining attention in health care systems across the world. For consent to be valid, five essential elements must exist. The patient must have the mental ‘capacity’ to provide consent, he or she must receiveadequate and accurate information, understand the information disclosed, make a decision voluntarily and without coercion, and then authorize the treatment. In an article on ‘consent to medical treatment’ in a previous edition of this journal, I outlined how the Ghanaian courts may resolve consent related information disclosure disputes. That article dealt with the provision of information to the adult patient who has the mental capacity to provide lawful consent to medical treatment. A likely question that an interested reader of that article may ask is; ‘what are the legal provisions in Ghana for treating patients who lack the capacity to provide lawful consent to medical treatment as a result of factors such as a young age, disease, severe brain or mental illness or incapacity such as occurs in severe dementia, severe learning disabilities, and being unconscious? The purpose of this article is to attempt to answer sucha question. The scope of the article is limited to the management of the adult patient without the mental capacity to consent to medical treatment, which for the purpose of this article, in Ghana, refers to any individual aged 18 years or older who lacks the mentalcapacity.
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Schulz, Sarah L. „The Informed Consent Model of Transgender Care: An Alternative to the Diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria“. Journal of Humanistic Psychology 58, Nr. 1 (13.12.2017): 72–92.

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Historically, researchers and clinicians have viewed the transgender experience through a narrow diagnostic lens and have neglected to acknowledge the diverse experiences of those who identify as transgender. Currently, under the mainstream treatment paradigm, in order to be deemed eligible for gender transition services, transgender clients must meet criteria for a diagnosis of “gender dysphoria” as described in the DSM-5. An alternative to the diagnostic model for transgender health is the Informed Consent Model, which allows for clients who are transgender to access hormone treatments and surgical interventions without undergoing mental health evaluation or referral from a mental health specialist. This model shows promise for the treatment and understanding of the transgender experience outside of the lens of medical pathologization.
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Kramers-Olen, Anne. „Quantitative assessment of sexual knowledge and consent capacity in people with mild to moderate intellectual disability“. South African Journal of Psychology 47, Nr. 3 (September 2017): 367–78.

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While it is well known that people with an intellectual disability experience the same needs for intimacy as those without an intellectual disability, a number of developmental, structural, environmental, and attitudinal barriers circumvent the expression of sexuality in people with an intellectual disability – particularly in institutional and residential health care settings. People with an intellectual disability generally have lower levels of sexual knowledge than those without an intellectual disability, and sexual exploration and expression is frequently viewed with concern by mental health care practitioners and caregivers, who may regard people with an intellectual disability as being ‘nonsexual’ or ‘hypersexual’. However, the rights of people with an intellectual disability to sexual expression have been established in policy and legislation. Service providers are required at times to make determinations regarding the ability of people with an intellectual disability to consent to sexual intercourse in a number of health care settings. There is a dearth of published literature on psychometric instruments to assess sexual knowledge and consent capacity. This article briefly reviews the more commonly used sexual knowledge and consent assessments for people with mild to moderate intellectual disability and advances recommendations in this regard.
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Slade, Mike, Vanessa Pinfold, Joan Rapaport, Sophie Bellringer, Sube Banerjee, Elizabeth Kuipers und Peter Huxley. „Best practice when service users do not consent to sharing information with carers“. British Journal of Psychiatry 190, Nr. 2 (Februar 2007): 148–55.

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BackgroundService users with psychosis may not consent to sharing information with carers. However, carers require access to relevant information to support them in their role.AimsTo inform clinical practice when service users withhold consent to share information with their carer.MethodStudy data were derived from a synthesis of policy review (n=91), national survey (n=595) and individual interviews (n=24).ResultsKey principles to guide information-sharing practices were identified. Service users highlighted confidentiality being guaranteed by consent processes. Carers suggested a ‘culture shift’ was required, with professionals trained to work with carers. Professionals emphasised mental capacity, professional judgement and the context of care. A best practice framework is proposed.ConclusionsAn important distinction is between general information, which can always be shared without consent, and personal information, which is new to the carer and where consent needs to be considered. Clinical judgement is central to balancing conflicting ethical imperatives in this area.
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Akhmetianova, Zamira Asrarovna, Geliusa Khadievna Garaeva, Olga Nikolaevna Nizamieva und Farda Ildarovna Khamidullina. „Rights of underage patients“. Linguistics and Culture Review 5, S1 (08.10.2021): 1195–202.

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The right of Russian citizens to their health protection is enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. However, there are peculiarities of the exercise of this right by a minor category of patients. The article analyzes the legal status of a minor patient, considers his social and individual rights in medical care. The peculiarities of the exercise of the child's right to information about the state of his health are revealed, the aspects of deciding on consent or refusal from medical care are considered. Given the fact that minor patients do not have full civil legal capacity, i.e. they cannot be responsible for their health and are not able to protect themselves, the article examines the relationship between the child's right to give his consent to medical intervention with the volume of civil legal capacity, as well as the conditions for the participation of a minor in contractual relations in the field of health care. The authors analyzed peculiarities of the exercise of rights by certain categories of minor patients: those who suffer from mental disorders, orphans and children left without parental care, minors, drug addicts, etc.
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Jones, Linda A., Jenny R. Nelder, Joseph M. Fryer, Philip H. Alsop, Michael R. Geary, Mark Prince und Rudolf N. Cardinal. „Public opinion on sharing data from health services for clinical and research purposes without explicit consent: an anonymous online survey in the UK“. BMJ Open 12, Nr. 4 (April 2022): e057579.

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ObjectivesUK National Health Service/Health and Social Care (NHS/HSC) data are variably shared between healthcare organisations for direct care, and increasingly de-identified for research. Few large-scale studies have examined public opinion on sharing, including of mental health (MH) versus physical health (PH) data. We measured data sharing preferences.Design/setting/interventions/outcomesPre-registered anonymous online survey, measuring expressed preferences, recruiting February to September 2020. Participants were randomised to one of three framing statements regarding MH versus PH data.ParticipantsOpen to all UK residents. Participants numbered 29 275; 40% had experienced an MH condition.ResultsMost (76%) supported identifiable data sharing for direct clinical care without explicit consent, but 20% opposed this. Preference for clinical/identifiable sharing decreased with geographical distance and was slightly less for MH than PH data, with small framing effects. Preference for research/de-identified data sharing without explicit consent showed the same small PH/MH and framing effects, plus greater preference for sharing structured data than de-identified free text. There was net support for research sharing to the NHS, academic institutions, and national research charities, net ambivalence about sharing to profit-making companies researching treatments, and net opposition to sharing to other companies (similar to sharing publicly). De-identified linkage to non-health data was generally supported, except to data held by private companies. We report demographic influences on preference. A majority (89%) supported a single NHS mechanism to choose uses of their data. Support for data sharing increased during COVID-19.ConclusionsSupport for healthcare data sharing for direct care without explicit consent is broad but not universal. There is net support for the sharing of de-identified data for research to the NHS, academia, and the charitable sector, but not the commercial sector. A single national NHS-hosted system for patients to control the use of their NHS data for clinical purposes and for research would have broad support.Trial registration numberISRCTN37444142.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Mental health care without consent"


Mariller, Elodie. „Les droits du patient en prison et en soins psychiatriques sans consentement“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.

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Les patients détenus et en soins psychiatriques sans consentement (DSPSC) sont des patients à part entière de notre système de santé. À ce titre, ils devraient bénéficier du droit à la protection de la dignité humaine, du droit à la protection de la santé, et plus généralement, de tous les droits reconnus par le Code de la santé publique aux articles L. 1110-1 et suivants. Toutefois, la prison et l’institution psychiatrique sont des lieux singuliers. L’influence de l’impératif sécuritaire dans ces établissements ne peut pas être ignorée. Le législateur doit constamment veiller à préserver les prérogatives des patients DSPSC, en tenant compte des attentes de la société et des impératifs d’ordre public. Si des efforts sont consentis, ils ne sont pas toujours suffisants pour maintenir cet équilibre délicat. Outre l’influence du concept de moindre éligibilité, ce dernier est fragilisé par la crise que connait le milieu sanitaire depuis plusieurs années et qui met à mal les bonnes pratiques professionnelles. Cette situation délétère se répercute sur la qualité de la prise en charge. Pour tenter de protéger les patients DSPSC de ces atteintes, des garanties effectives doivent leur être accordées. Dans ces situations, il est légitime de vouloir s’en remettre aux juges internes et européens. Cependant, leur saisine obéit à des procédures formalisées qui peuvent facilement décourager les requérants. Face à ce constat, des alternatives ont été instaurées. Elles peuvent se manifester par l’intervention d’autorités administratives indépendantes comme le Contrôleur général des lieux de privation de liberté ou encore, de manière plus originale, par des acteurs privés
Patients detained and in psychiatric care without consent are fully-fledged patients of our health system. As such, they should enjoy the right to protection of human dignity, the right to health protection and more generally all the rights recognized by the Public Health Code in articles L. 1110-1 et seq. However, the prison and psychiatric institution are unique places. The influence of the security imperative in these institutions cannot be ignored. The legislator must constantly ensure that the prerogatives of this patients are preserved, taking into account the expectations of society and the imperatives of public order. While efforts are made, they are not always sufficient to maintain this delicate balance. In addition to the influence of the concept of lower eligibility, this latter is weakened by the crisis that the health sector has been experiencing for several years and which undermines good professional practices. This deleterious situation affects the quality of care.To try to protect this patients from these attacks, effective safeguards must be provided. In these situations, it is legitimate to want to leave it to the domestic and European judges. However, their seizure is subject to formal procedures which can easily discourage applicants. In response to this, alternatives have been introduced. They may be manifested by the intervention of independent administrative authorities such as the Inspector-General of Locations of Deprivation of Liberty or, in a more original way, by private actors
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Schultz, Sarah Robinson. „Health coverage without health care unmet mental health care needs among the publicly insured /“. Connect to Electronic Thesis (CONTENTdm), 2009.

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Kodytė, Ona. „Psichikos pacientų teisės – svarbi žmogaus teisių stritis“. Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2006.

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This paper analyses mental patient’s rights. Mental patient has all political, economic, social and cultural rights. Mental patient with a mental illness has a right to appropriate, accessible and suitable medical aid provided free of charge at state health-care institutions. The paper further discusses such patients’ rights as the right to confidentiality with regard to information concerning their health. Involuntary hospitalization is studied in consideration of the constitutional right to liberty of an individual. Paper analyses criteria for involuntary hospitalization. The institute of guardianship is also discussed.
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Chevalier, Sébastien. „Refus d'un acte médical et liberté individuelle“. Thesis, Angers, 2015.

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Le droit au refus d’un acte médical, corollaire du principe du consentement aux soins, traduit l’expression des libertés individuelles et du respect de l’intégrité physique des personnes. Néanmoins, l’affirmation de ce droit n’apparaît pas comme une évidence : elle revient à admettre la détérioration de la santé d’une personne alors que la finalité de la médecine est d’aboutir à la guérison d’un patient. De surcroît, comme tous les droits et libertés fondamentaux, la nuisance à autrui est une limite à l’application du droit au refus d’un acte médical. Si des tempéraments sont prévus, les limitations dudit droit sont susceptibles de degrés : le non-respect des dispositions législatives relatives aux vaccinations obligatoires engendrent l’interdiction d’accès au service public scolaire et expose le contrevenant à des sanctions pénales. Dans cette hypothèse, il n’est pas porté atteinte à l’intégrité physique des individus puisque la faculté de procéder à une injection forcée est inexistante. En revanche, le principe du consentement aux soins est remis en cause dans deux cas de figure. D’une part, lorsque le pronostic vital du patient est en jeu, des interventions peuvent être prodiguées de force ; cela vise les transfusions sanguines destinées à un patient Témoin de Jéhovah. D’autre part, en matière d’hospitalisation sans consentement des personnes souffrant de troubles mentaux, le droit au refus d’un acte médical peut disparaître. Toutefois, des garanties renforcées ont été récemment mises en place : de nouvelles règles procédurales plus protectrices des libertés fondamentales sont appliquées et le rempart juridictionnel est plus efficient. Par conséquent, les restrictions de l’exercice du droit au refus d’un acte médical sont justifiées au nom de la sauvegarde de l’ordre public, dont la définition est extensive
The right to refuse a medical act, a corollary of the principle of consent to care, reflects the expression of individual freedoms and respect for the physical integrity of individuals. However, the affirmation of this right does not appear to be self-evident: it amounts to admitting the deterioration of a person’s health whereas the purpose of medicine is to achieve the healing of a patient. Moreover, like all fundamental rights and freedoms, nuisance to others is a limit to the application of the right to refuse a medical act. If temperaments are provided for, the limitations of the said right are susceptible of degrees: failure to comply with the legislative provisions relating to compulsory vaccinations results in the prohibition of access to the public school service and exposes the offender to criminal sanctions. In this case, the physical integrity of individuals is not affected since there is no possibility of forced injection. On the other hand, the principle of consent to care is called into question in two cases. On the one hand, when the patient’s vital prognosis is at stake, interventions can be given by force; this applies to blood transfusions intended for a Jehovah’s Witness patient. On the other hand, the right to refuse a medical procedure can disappear when people suffering from mental disorders are hospitalized without consent. However, strengthened safeguards have recently been put in place: new procedural rules that are more protective of fundamental freedoms are being applied and the judicial wall is more efficient. Consequently, restrictions on the exercise of the right to refuse a medical act are justified in the name of safeguarding public order, the definition of which is extensive
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Zwart, Liezl. „An analysis of informed consent and clinical aspects regarding mental capacity in context of the Mental Health Care Act 17 of 2002“. Diss., 2015.

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This study aims to establish a coherent framework for informed consent by mentally ill persons in South Africa, with specific focus on the role and impact of the Mental Health Care Act 17 of 2002. The analysis is done from a constitutional-, legislative-, common law- and ethics perspective. Selected clinical aspects pertaining to informed consent by mentally ill persons are explored with reference to the different categories of mental health care users provided for in terms of the Mental Health Care Act. It is found that although the Mental Health Care Act has made considerable progress in terms of promoting the basic human- and health rights of the mentally ill, discrepancies and deficiencies are still present in the Act which may result in unnecessary confusion and prejudice to the rights of mental health care users, hence undermining the objectives of the Act itself. An attempt is made to address the current shortcomings and discrepancies within the mental health care system by means of suggested amendments to the Mental Health Care Act.
Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2015.
Public Law
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Heinrichs, Dustin. „A population-based comparative study of health and health care utilization of Manitoba children in care with and without developmental disabilities“. 2015.

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Population-based administrative data (2009-2012) from several sources were used to compare the health status and access to health services between a cohort of children in care with developmental disabilities (DD) (n=1,212) and a matched comparison group of children in care without DD (n=2,424). The two study groups were compared on a number of measures, including total respiratory morbidity, prevalence of diabetes, mood and anxiety disorders, continuity of care, injury-related hospitalizations, hospital-based dental care, and total number of ambulatory physician visits. Children in care with DD were significantly more likely to have a history of mood and anxiety disorders, respiratory illnesses, diabetes, hospital-based dental care, and injury-related hospitalizations compared to the matched comparison group. Children in care with DD also had significantly higher number of physician visits than children in the matched comparison group. No significant difference between the two study groups was found for continuity of care.
October 2015
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Sintra, Pedro Miguel Pinto. „Complexidade clínica e social da doença neuropsiquiátrica : estudo de caso“. Master's thesis, 2019.

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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2019
Este trabalho apresenta a história de um utente observado pelo autor durante o estágio numa Unidade de Cuidados de Saúde Personalizados, no contexto curricular profissionalizante do sexto ano do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina. É descrito um quadro de hidrocefalia arrastada com uma constelação sintomatológica de alterações cognitivas e possível evolução demencial, achados psicopatológicos de doença afectiva e marcada disfunção pessoal, profissional e social, permitindo apreciar as componentes neurocirúrgica, neurológica e neuropsiquiátrica da patologia. Procedeu-se à análise das limitações à marcha diagnóstica e das dificuldades experienciadas na negociação de uma abordagem terapêutica satisfatória para as partes interessadas, bem como aos seus pontos fortes e fracos, a partir do ponto de vista do clínico de cuidados de saúde primários. Foram igualmente analisados aspectos relacionados com a prática médica em relação a indivíduos com doença mental, particularmente os referentes ao domínio da decisão informada, concluindo-se pela necessidade de reapreciar o contexto legal português de Saúde Mental em relação às implicações do paradigma das Neurociências. Finalmente, procurou-se identificar e reflectir sobre recursos interpessoais adquiridos ao longo do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina que foram relevantes para a abordagem ao doente.
This paper recounts the history of a patient followed up during the author’s internship at a community health care service. A clinical presentation of hydrocephalus with a long course of evolution is described, comprising neurocognitive disorder and possible dementia onset, psychopathological affective symptomatology, and disfunction at personal, professional and social levels, allowing to appreciate the neurosurgical, neurological and neuropsychiatric aspects of the disease. An analysis is made regarding the limitations that emerged in the midst of the diagnostic effort, and the difficulties felt in the process of negotiating acceptable therapeutic options. The intervening aspects related to the medical practice in the context of mental illness, particularly those pertaining to informed decision-making, are also scrutinized, supporting the conclusion for the need to review the Portuguese legal background in Mental Health, concerning the implications of the Neurosciences’ paradigm to the old organic-functional duality in central nervous system pathology. Last, as an undergraduate final essay, a review is made regarding resources acquired during the graduate program which proved to be particularly useful in studying and designing a care plan for this patient.
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Cauchon, Marc. „À l’écoute du soignant : relation de soins et considérations éthiques dans la pratique des soins psychiatriques communautaires“. Thèse, 2012.

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Un phénomène de résistance au traitement pharmacologique chez les personnes souffrant de maladies psychiatriques graves et persistantes comme la schizophrénie, tel que révélé par la pratique des soins psychiatriques communautaires de première ligne, sert de point de départ pour poser une distinction fondamentale entre les notions de traitement et de soins. Conséquemment, la question du consentement selon qu’il est attribué au traitement ou aux soins suggère des formes de consentement distinctes susceptible d’affecter la façon de faire face à des problèmes particuliers sur le plan de l’éthique. L’analyse conceptuelle d’un certain modèle d’interventions psychiatriques de crise, qui regroupe des travailleurs de la santé et des policiers au sein d’une même équipe de travail, permet de circonscrire des catégories de problèmes éthiques qui conduiront éventuellement à la formalisation d’une approche de résolution de problème. Trois façons d’approcher un problème d’éthique clinique sont proposées sous la forme d’enjeux, de dilemmes, puis de défis éthiques. L’intervention de crise y est catégorisée selon quatre niveaux d’intensité de crise, donnant lieu à une appréciation subjective par le soignant de la capacité de la personne soignée d’établir et de maintenir une relation de soins en situation de crise. Des parallèles entre les soins psychiatriques et les soins palliatifs permettent d’approfondir la question de la souffrance en lien avec la douleur et de distinguer à nouveau les notions de soins et de traitement. La relation de soins est présentée comme une occasion de normaliser les rapports entre soignants et soignés, de valoriser un état de souffrance à l’origine de la rencontre de soins, tout en mettant à profit la dimension relationnelle d’une condition qui appelle à être non pas traitée mais soignée. Ces considérations permettent de dégager une responsabilité nouvelle pour le soignant : celle de se faire le gardien de la relation de soins. Une transition du primum non nocere au primum non excludere : d’abord ne pas exclure est suggérée comme une maxime pour guider la relation de soins vers un consentement aux soins plus authentique.
Resistance to or non-compliance with medical interventions on the part of people presenting with severe and persistent manifestations of a psychiatric disorder, such as schizophrenia, will be the context in which to develop a formal distinction between the concepts of treatment and care, and subsequently between the consent to treatment and consent to care as separate forms of consent. The practice of first line community psychiatry will serve as a starting point to raise interesting challenges from an ethical standpoint. This thesis will explore the ethical implications of consent within a therapeutic relationship. Discussion around a specific model of crisis intervention characterized by a multidisciplinary approach will lead to the categorization of ethical problems and the formalization of a problem-solving model. A three-fold approach to ethical problems will be presented in terms of issues, dilemmas and ethical challenges. Crisis intervention will be categorized into four increasing levels of intensity based on the subjective assessment of a person in crisis and their capacity to establish and maintain a therapeutic rapport with a caregiver, throughout and beyond the crisis. Parallels between psychiatric and palliative care will be established in order to question the concepts of suffering and pain and to stress the importance of setting distinctions, once again, between care and treatment. The rapport that can develop between a caregiver and a person cared for will be presented as an opportunity to normalize a specific therapeutic rapport and value a perceived state of suffering calling for change, a condition that requires not treatment, but rather caring. These considerations will lead to the identification of a new goal for the caregiver, that is, to preserve the therapeutic rapport. A transition from the primum non nocere to a primum non excludere, i.e., “first, do not exclude “will serve as a motto to provide guidance towards a more authentic consent to care.
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Bücher zum Thema "Mental health care without consent"


Ian, Shaw. Understanding treatment without consent: An analysis of the work of the Mental Health Act Commission. Aldershot, Hants, England: Ashgate, 2007.

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1957-, Shaw Ian, Middleton Hugh 1950- und Cohen Jeffrey 1949-, Hrsg. Understanding treatment without consent: An analysis of the work of the Mental Health Act Commission. Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2007.

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New York State Task Force on Life and the Law. When others must choose: Deciding for patients without capacity : supplement to report and proposed legislation. New York: New York State Task Force on Life and the Law, 1993.

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Washington (State). Dept. of Social and Health Services., Hrsg. Mental health advance directives: Information for consumers. [Olympia, Wash.]: Washington State Dept. of Social & Health Services, 2004.

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Maine. Dept. of Mental Health and Mental Retardation. und Maine. Bureau of Children with Special Needs., Hrsg. Re-investing in mental health care: A policy document in response to past, current, and future consent decree issues. [Augusta, Me.?]: The Dept., 1994.

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Fennell, Phil. Treatment without consent: Law, psychiatry, and the treatment of mentally disordered people since 1845. London: Routledge, 1996.

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Association, British Medical, Hrsg. Consent, rights and choices in health care for children and young people. London: BMJ Books, 2001.

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New York (State). Mental Hygiene Medical Review Board, Hrsg. In the matter of Joseph Kirsh, a resident of Craig Developmental Center: A report. Albany, NY]: The Commission, 1987.

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Zigmond, Tony. A clinician's brief guide to the Mental Health Act. London: RCPsych Publications, 2014.

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Kjønstad, Asbjørn. Helserettslige emner: Rett til helsehjelp, taushetsplikt og informert samtykke, sinnslidende og psykisk utviklingshemmete. Oslo: Ad notam Gyldendal, 1994.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Mental health care without consent"


Bilgin, Hulya. „Mental Health“. In Health Assessment & Physical Examination in Nursing, 199–211. Istanbul: Nobel Tip Kitabevleri, 2023.

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To provide quality mental health care, a comprehensive assessment is needed. Without knowing what a person’s strengths and needs are, or at least might be, health professionals are unable to provide appropriate help and support. The emphasis on what happens between the nurse and the patient has to do with practice. It describes how to make assessments, what interventions are eff ective in the various everyday situations in which nurses fi nd themselves, and how to devel- op structures and systems to support this work.Within psychosocial assessment, the recovery approach, which takes a holistic view, focuses on the patient’s perception of strengths, needs, and goals and recognizes that individuals have personal strengths and abilities as well as needs. The purpose of this chapter is to describe the process of mental health assessment within the holistic nursing approach. It emphasizes that assessment is inextricably linked to other parts of the nursing process to create coherent, comprehensive, and personalized care for the patient and discusses the major components of mental health assessment, such as mental status using medical terminology, psychosocial assessment, and risk assessment.
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Ayres, Zoë J. „Self-Care: Without You There Is No PhD“. In Managing your Mental Health during your PhD, 41–60. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Mjøsund, Nina Helen. „A Salutogenic Mental Health Model: Flourishing as a Metaphor for Good Mental Health“. In Health Promotion in Health Care – Vital Theories and Research, 47–59. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractThis chapter focuses on a salutogenic understanding of mental health based on the work of Corey Keyes. He is dedicated to research and analysis of mental health as subjective well-being, where mental health is seen from an insider perspective. Flourishing is the pinnacle of good mental health, according to Keyes. He describes how mental health is constituted by an affective state and psychological and social functioning, and how we can measure mental health by the Mental Health Continuum—Short Form (MHC-SF) questionnaire. Further, I elaborate on Keyes’ two continua model of mental health and mental illness, a highly useful model in the health care context, showing that the absence of mental illness does not translate into the presence of mental health. You can also read about how lived experiences of former patients support Keyes dual model of mental health and mental illness. This model makes it clear that people can perceive they have good mental health even with mental illness, as well as people with perceived poor or low mental health can be without any mental disorder. The cumulative evidence for seeing mental disorder and mental health function along two different continua, central mental health concepts, and research significant for health promotion are elaborated in this chapter.
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Raveesh, B. N., Peter Lepping und Tom Palmstierna. „Eastern and Western Approaches to Coercion in Mental Health“. In Coercion and Violence in Mental Health Settings, 27–39. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.

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AbstractThe use of coercion in mental health treatment is still controversial worldwide, with differing philosophical and cultural viewpoints influencing how patients are treated and given autonomy. To better understand compulsion in mental health, this research compares and contrasts Western and Eastern views, looking at the underlying ideologies, institutional structures, and real-world applications in each region.Western societies, especially those in the USA and Europe, place a strong focus on the autonomy and rights of the person, which frequently leads to a preference for minimum coercion in mental health care. The goal of legal frameworks like psychiatric advance directives and the informed consent concept is to protect patient autonomy and restrict forceful interventions. Nonetheless, discussions about striking a balance between paternalism and autonomy continue, particularly when it comes to individuals who are incapable of making their own decisions.On the other hand, Eastern methods of compulsion in mental health put the welfare of families and society before that of the individual. Coercive treatments may be more well-accepted by patients and their families in Asian nations where familial authority is highly valued, frequently as a tool to maintain societal harmony and filial piety. However, questions have been raised concerning the possibility of power abuse and the violation of individual rights in these systems.This chapter looks at the cultural underpinnings of Western and Eastern perspectives on coercion in mental health, as well as how these perspectives affect clinical practice and the formulation of public policy. Mental health practitioners can successfully negotiate moral problems and work towards promoting patient-centred care that respects cultural diversity and upholds fundamental human rights by being aware of the subtle differences between these various approaches.
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Ackley, Dana C. „Practicing without third parties: How private pay and the development of basic business skills solve the ethical problems of managed care.“ In Practicing in the new mental health marketplace: Ethical, legal, and moral issues., 239–60. Washington: American Psychological Association, 1998.

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Abdulcadir, Jasmine, Noémie Sachs Guedj, Michal Yaron, Omar Abdulcadir, Juliet Albert, Martin Caillet, Lucrezia Catania et al. „Assessing the Infant/Child/Young Person with Suspected FGM/C“. In Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Children and Adolescents, 3–14. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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AbstractFemawle Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) comprises all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or injury to the female genital organs that are medically unnecessary (i.e. performed primarily for cultural or religious reasons), especially when done without the consent of the affected person. Such procedures are usually carried out in infancy or childhood and, most often before the age of 15. Although some pictorial and training tools are available, existing literature focuses primarily on adults. The signs of FGM/C particularly in prepubertal girls, can be subtle and depend on the type as well as on the experience of the examiner. The health care provider (HCP) should be trained to be familiar with, and able to identify a wide range of both modified and unmodified genitalia, as well as findings that may superficially look like FGM/C but actually reflect the normal range of genital anatomy. Knowledge of FGM/C types and subtypes, as well as complications and differential diagnoses of physical findings, are critical. We present a reference guide and atlas containing iconographic material of both the pre- and post-pubertal external female genital area with and without genital cutting/alteration. Our purpose is to facilitate training of health care professionals in making accurate diagnoses, providing appropriate clinical management, ensuring culturally informed/sensitive patient–provider communication, and accurate recording and reporting to child welfare/law enforcement agencies, where required.
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Gunn, Michael. „Mental Health Care“. In The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and United Kingdom Law, 243–68. Oxford University PressOxford, 1995.

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Abstract The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights provides standards against which mental health care provision may be measured. Article 9 provides everyone with the right to liberty and security of the person. It does not contain a list of exceptions, as is, for example to be found in Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). However, Article 9(1) prohibits ‘arbitrary arrest or detention’, and requires that no one be deprived of his or her liberty unless the grounds and procedure are ‘established by law’. Article 9(2) provides a right to be given reasons for one’s arrest. Article 9(4) secures a right to challenge one’s arrest or detention by application to a court; the court shall decide without delay upon the lawfulness of the detention and order his/ her release if the detention is not lawful. Article 9(5) guarantees victims of unlawful arrest and detention an enforceable right to compensation. Article 7 outlaws ‘torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment’ and also provides that no one is to be subjected to medical or scientific experimentation without his or her free consent.
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White, Stuart M. „Incapacity: learning impaired, dementia, mental, and emotional disturbance“. In Consent, Benefit, and Risk in Anaesthetic Practice, 103–16. Oxford University PressOxford, 2009.

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Abstract Consent is a moral concept that reflects the respect given by society towards the autonomy of its citizens. In clinical practice, consent allows an autonomous patient to define and protect his or her own interests and to control bodily privacy(1). However, there is a large and increasing number of patients who do not possess the ability to make autonomous healthcare decisions, in that they lack the capacity to think, decide, and act on the basis of such thought, independently and without hindrance by others. Such patients are commonly encountered in anaesthetic and critical care practice—for example, the demented geriatric patient requiring operative fixation of a fractured neck of femur, the majority of interventions administered to intensive care patients, the semiconscious inebriate requiring anaesthesia for computed tomography of the head, followed by operative drainage of a traumatic intracerebral haemorrhage, and the emergency resuscitation and continuing care of a variety of medical, surgical, and obstetric patients. Yet adult patients who lack legal capacity still require health care, whether it is necessary to alleviate their condition or to prevent further deterioration. If incapacitated patients are not able to participate in directing their own treatment, of necessity it falls to others—usually doctors, occasionally judges or relatives—to make treatment decisions on the patients’ behalf. This requires that such proxy decision makers to refer to some putative but transparent set of values when deciding what is best for the patient. Te aim of this chapter is to describe what the common law is, with regard to medical decision-making on behalf of adults who lack capacity, and to describe how this has been superseded by statutory legislation in the form of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, brought in to further protect incapacitated patients, and enforced from October 1st 2007, in England and Wales.
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O'Dwyer, Anne-Marie, und Mariel Campion. „Forensic perspectives in general psychiatry“. In Practical Psychiatry for Students and Trainees, 191–200. Oxford University Press, 2022.

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This chapter provides key information about forensic psychiatry. Legal aspects of mental health are complex, with far-reaching implications for patients and clinicians. While some legal aspects of medical care require the intervention of specialists in psychiatry and the law (forensic psychiatrists), every doctor will encounter, and needs to manage, legal aspects of medical and psychiatric care in their daily work. While every jurisdiction has specific laws, common concepts exist across all jurisdictions. This introductory guide for medical students, accordingly, will focus on subjects that any doctor is likely to encounter, namely: • How to assess capacity. • Treatment without consent. • Confidentiality and when it may need to be breached. • Principles of ‘risk’ assessment. Practical tips include how to avoid breaching confidentiality and key features in treatment without consent.
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McKnight, Rebecca, Jonathan Price und John Geddes. „Psychiatry and the law“. In Psychiatry. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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In most of medicine, legal situations are rarely encoun­tered, typically related to complaints or complex eth­ical issues. Unusually, psychiatry is closely connected with the law, with most psychiatrists dealing with legal issues on a daily basis. There are three main areas of law which are relevant to psychiatry: … 1 Civil law relating to the involuntary admission and treatment of patients with mental disorders (in the UK, this is outlined in the Mental Health Act (MHA) 2007). 2 Civil law concerning issues of consent, capacity, and deprivation of liberty (Mental Capacity Act 2005 including Deprivation of Liberty Safeguarding (DoLS)). 3 Criminal law as it relates to individuals with mental disorders. … There are various reasons why knowledge of mental health legislation is helpful to all clinicians: … ● Laws and official guidelines provide backing to some aspects of ethical decision- making within medicine. ● The law regulates the circumstances under which treatment can be given without patients’ consent. All doctors may encounter situations in which patients refuse essential treatment, and may have to decide whether to invoke powers of compulsory admission and/ or best interest treatments. ● Doctors may be asked for reports used in legal decisions, such as the capacity to make a will or claims for compensation for injury. They may be asked for reports that set out the relationship between any psychiatric disorder and criminal behaviour. ● A minority of patients behave in ways that break the law. Doctors need to understand legal issues as part of their management of care. ● Victims of crime may suffer immediate and long-term psychological or physical consequences. … This chapter will describe the main principles of mental health legislation with particular reference to UK law. While some of the detail discussed (e.g. par­ticular definitions or legislative act numbers) may not be relevant to international readers, legal frameworks across the globe are broadly similar. Information of mental health legislation in most countries is now easily available online. The latter part of the chapter will provide an overview of the relationship between mental disorders and crime.
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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Mental health care without consent"


Cunradi, Carol, Raul Caetano, William Ponicki und Harrison Alter. „Prevalence and Correlates of Cannabis Use and Co-use in Cigarette Smokers and Non-Smokers: An Emergency Department Study“. In 2021 Virtual Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Marijuana. Research Society on Marijuana, 2022.

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Background: Compared to the general household population, elevated rates of cannabis and cigarette smoking are found among adults seeking medical care at urban safety-net hospital Emergency Departments (ED). The goal of this study is to assess the prevalence and identify the demographic and psychosocial correlates of cannabis use with and without cigarette co-use in comparison to non-cannabis/tobacco users in an urban ED population. Methods: Secondary analysis was conducted on cross-sectional data collected in 2017 for a study on intimate partner violence, drinking and drug use among married/partnered adults ages 18-50 who were English or Spanish speakers seeking non-acute care at an urban ED (N=1,037; 53% female). Face-to-face survey interviews were conducted after obtaining informed consent from participants. We measured past 12-month cannabis use and past 30-day cigarette smoking. Data were collected on demographic (age, gender, level of education, race/ethnicity) and mental health factors (anxiety, depression, PTSD, past 12-month risky drinking [females/males drank 4+/5+ drinks]). Study participants were categorized as tobacco users without cannabis use (13.5%); cannabis users without tobacco use (13.8%); cannabis users with tobacco use (13.3%); and those who used neither substance (59.5%). We conducted chi-square analysis to examine the relationship between demographic and psychosocial factors and cannabis/tobacco co-use status, and multinomial logistic regression to estimate the factors associated with each type of cannabis/tobacco co-use category relative to non-users. Results: Approximately half of cannabis users smoked cigarettes. Compared to women, men had greater odds of smoking cigarettes without cannabis (aOR=3.26; 95% CI 2.12, 5.00), using cannabis without cigarettes (aOR=2.38; 95% CI 1.54, 3.69), or being a cannabis/tobacco co-user (aOR=3.72; 95% CI 2.30, 6.02). Latinx participants were less likely to smoke cigarettes without cannabis (aOR=0.24; 95% CI 0.10, 0.56), use cannabis without cigarettes (aOR=0.18; 95% CI 0.08, 0.42), or co-use cannabis/tobacco (aOR=0.05; 95% CI 0.02, 0.11) than white participants. Participant age was inversely associated with using cannabis without cigarettes (aOR=0.93; 95% CI 0.91, 0.96) and being a cannabis/tobacco co-user (aOR=0.95; 95% CI 0.93, 0.98). Regarding psychosocial factors, those who screened positively for anxiety had greater odds for using cannabis without cigarettes (aOR=1.93; 95% CI 1.20, 3.10) and being a cannabis/tobacco co-user (aOR=3.40; 95% CI 2.04, 5.66) compared to those who screened negatively. Those who screened positively for PTSD had elevated odds for using cannabis without cigarettes (aOR=1.65; 95% 1.00, 2.75) compared to those who screened negatively. Those who had engaged in risky drinking had greater odds of smoking cigarettes without cannabis (aOR=2.27; 95% CI 1.47, 3.48), using cannabis without cigarettes (aOR=2.54; 95% CI 1.61, 4.02), or being a cannabis/tobacco co-user (aOR=4.34; 95% CI 2.71, 6.97) compared to those who had not engaged in this behavior. Conclusions: Over one quarter of an urban ED sample used cannabis either with or without cigarettes. The results suggest that there are distinct demographic and mental health risk and protective factors associated with cannabis use and co-use in cigarette smokers and non-smokers. Cannabis users who smoke cigarettes may be especially vulnerable to mental health problems.
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de Souza, Luciana Batista, und Margarita Antonia Villar Luis. „FAMILY PLANNING AND MENTAL HEALTH IN PRIMARY CARE: NURSES' PERSPECTIVES“. In I Congresso Internacional Multidisciplinar de Ciências da Saúde - I CIMS. New Science Publishers, 2024.

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Family planning is among the actions in Primary Care that are relevant and impactful in terms of women's quality of life indicators, but the particularities of women with mental disorders are still invisible to health professionals. The study aims to evaluate family planning performed by Primary Care nurses for women with mental disorders. This is a qualitative and cross-sectional study using Alceste software for content analysis. The results showed that Primary Care nurses who perform family planning have difficulties in managing the program in their routines. When women with mental disorders are highlighted, these difficulties are accentuated, and in many cases, they are not even identified during the care, which remains fragmented in terms of the demand presented, without considering the woman's comprehensiveness. The nurses also pointed out that they feel a lack of matrix support and collaboration from CAPS in implementing the program. We conclude that family planning should have a prominent place in ongoing training and integrate nurses working in Mental Health, to achieve comprehensive care for women, demystifying myths about pathologies and providing quality of life for this population.
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Paradiso, Rita, Eefke Krijnen und FEderica Vannetti. „Wearable System for the evaluation of Well-Being in the Workplace“. In 15th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2024). AHFE International, 2024.

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Healthcare workers experience physically, emotionally stressful situations, are exposed to human suffering, experience pressure from interactions with patients and family members, and are under constant threat of infection, injury and stress. Healthcare workers are at greater risk of developing stress-related mental disorders, such as depression or post-traumatic stress disorder (Braquehais et al., 2023, doi:10.1016/j.mcna.2022.04.004). The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for healthcare organizations to ensure the well-being of healthcare workers. Indeed, more stressful working hours, the fear of being infected and the need to ensure immediate decision-making have significantly increased the risk of burnout, depression, anxiety and insomnia. In the USA and Europe, a series of regulations have been issued to preserve the health of workers, specific to the workload linked to the various tasks and in the literature work-related stress indices have been evaluated in the healthcare sector, linked to muscle disorders skeletal injuries due to patient handling, for nurses and personal care/assistance workers. However, biomechanical overload and the risk of damage to the musculoskeletal system are only one aspect linked to the health of the worker: the dimension of work stress has a significant role in the general well-being of the worker during his activities and a methodology for the objective assessment of mental and physical workload in work environments.In this study we propose the use of a wearable system (WWS by Smartex) compatible with work activity, to monitor and extract significant information on the workload, due to the physical demand and the physiological response to stress, on a sample of physiotherapists. The system consists of a t-shirt for the continuous detection of a cluster of physiological parameters, that can be stored and processed during work. The system detects an ECG lead via integrated textile electrodes, the respiratory signal through the measurement of thoracic movement, posture, and physical activity recognition, via an Inertial and Magnetic Measurement Unit (IMMU), integrated into the RUSA device, a portable data logger dedicated to the acquisition, processing, storage and/or transmission of data.The RUSA is connected to the garment through a simple plug and can be easily unplugged when necessary. The T-shirt is absolutely similar to a common underwear. The base yarn is composed by antibacterial materials to guarantee a safe and prolonged use. The sensors are made of fibers that are directly woven during the production process to be fully integrated in the garment without discontinuity. The shirts come in male and female version and in several sizes to fit the largest number of users. The data acquired by the RUSA are processed on board to extract the following parameters: Hearth Rate (HR), HR Variability, RR interval, signal quality, Breathing rate, activity classification, activity intensity. The RUSA can save data on a Flash Memory (microSD), transmit data via Bluetooth® 2.1), save and transmit them simultaneously, without losing information in case of interruption of wireless transmission.A pilot study has been performed on 11 physiotherapists, engaged in XX sessions. During the study, the cluster of physiological data have been combined with a set of meta-data related to the work session such as the type of intervention (i.e. neurological rehabilitation, orthopaedic rehabilitation, etc), the level of physical impairment of the patient (according to modified Rankin score and Communicative disability scale), the working place etc.). As well as to the results of NASA questionnaire that has been administrated after each acquisition section to the physiotherapists. Preliminary results on the stress level will be presented, in parallel to evaluate the use of the IMMU platform for the overload of the musculoskeletal system, research on the posture evaluation in the rehabilitation workplace has been performed. The accuracy of a single IMMU to retrieve trunk angles was assessed by comparison with stereophotogrammetry. The results revealed that the IMMU is adequately effective in determining sagittal angles but has limitations in assessing lateral and transverse angles in a natural and uncontrolled environment.
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Hájková, Petra, Lea Květoňová und Vanda Hájková. „THE NEEDS OF WOMEN-MOTHERS WITH CHRONIC MENTAL ILLNESS IN THE FIELD OF SHARED CHILDCARE – A HEALTH LITERACY RESEARCH STUDY“. In International Conference on Education and New Developments. inScience Press, 2022.

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"The study, which is presented in the contribution, is carried out with the support of the Charles University Grant Agency in the Czech Republic. Its objective is to identify the obstacles that arise when carrying out daily parental activities of women with chronical mental illness, caring for a child or children under the age of 7. The women admitted to this study are diagnosed with mental illness in category F 00-99, are aged 19 to 49, and have their child or children in their own care, whether in a complete or incomplete family. The comparative sample consists of women-mothers without a mental health disorder. Both groups of women with comparable demographic characteristics participated in a questionnaire survey, the results of which are presented in the contribution. Subsequently, 22 women-mothers with a chronical mental illness will take part in semi-structured interviews, and the corresponding demographic sample of 22 women without a mental health disorder will again be used for the comparison. The results of the study will contribute to the knowledge of the needs of a numerically significant minority of women - mothers with mental health disorders, which is currently growing not only in the Czech Republic. From a psychosocial point of view, the results will also contribute to the destigmatization of these women."
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Pâslaru, Ana Maria, Ana Maria Fătu, Alexandru Nechifor, Laura Florentina Rebegea, Diana Bulgaru Iliescu und Anamaria Ciubara. „PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY. CASE PRESENTATION“. In The European Conference of Psychiatry and Mental Health "Galatia". Archiv Euromedica, 2023.

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Increased survival of oncology patients brings to attention new aspects of adverse effects due to antineoplastic treatment. Psychiatric disorders, cardiovascular disorders as well as the progressive incidence of multiple primary neoplasia are some of the most common side effects. Aim: Care of the oncology patient undergoes an important period of change, from the management of tumor disease to the multidisciplinary approach, centered on improving the quality of life. Method: We present the case of a 75-year-old patient, whose personal pathological history reveals the presence of a diagnosis of left testicular seminoma, in 1978, for which he received radiochemical therapy. An oncological patient under long-term medical supervision for several decades is diagnosed in November 2017 with urothelial carcinoma, infiltrative, invasive in his own muscle patch, pT2NxMx. Approximately 40 years later, the second neoplastic site, the malignant bladder tumor, appears. Facing this diagnosis, the patient becomes anxious, anticipates catastrophic consequences, isolates himself. The family and friends support is essential in these moments, the patient tries cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, as well as various relaxation techniques, which have positive results for the patient attitude towards the disease. He admits, to complete staging, to follow the recommendations of the oncologist, perform proton emission tomography, which detects the presence of two lesions on the right lung. In January 2018, the surgical intervention is done by straight thoracotomy, atypical upper lobe resection and inferior lobectomy is performed. The histopathological and immunohistochemical results describe the presence of the third primary adenocarcinoma neoplasia. The initial emotional reaction is one of anger, denial, followed by demoralization, easy crying, sadness. The patient is examined by the psychiatrist, thus receiving the diagnosis of a severe depressive episode without psychotic symptoms. He follows an anxiolytic, antidepressant, sedative treatment but continues also the cognitive-behavioral therapy. The patient shows good compliance with psychopharmacological treatment and accepts adjuvant chemotherapy courses, which are well tolerated. Throughout the antineoplastic therapy, there was a close collaboration between the psychiatrist and the oncologist, to avoid drug interactions that could have led to interruption of the treatment. Under the oncology supervision, the patient receives another bad news, in September 2018, the fourth neoplastic localization, the prostatic adenocarcinoma pT2bN0M0, is discovered. In this case, in the presence of the combination of synchronous and methacrone tumors, the patient's psyche is deeply affected, continuing the psychopharmacological treatment. Conclusions: Psychiatric disorders are common among oncological patients, and they may suffer serious impairments in quality of life and treatment compliance, psycho-oncological collaboration being indispensable for the success of antineoplastic treatment.
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Quirino, Maria Catarina de Cassia, Carlos Takeo Okamura und Eleine Aparecida Martins. „Integrative review of the five actions understood as self-care“. In III SEVEN INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONGRESS. Seven Congress, 2023.

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There are numerous concepts of health, although the one standardized by the World Health Organization since 1946 is the "State of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely absence of disease". That said, it is understandable that the maintenance of health is also the responsibility of the same, since the health professional cannot intervene in personal aspects of the patient's life. From this analysis, it is possible to correlate the concept of health with that of self-care, which consists of giving the individual the responsibility and possibility of promoting and maintaining their own health and well-being. This concept was first published by nurse Dr. Dorothea E. Orem in 1959 and later supplemented by several authors. Currently, this term is linked to the autonomy and empowerment of the patient, giving him greater responsibility for maintaining and promoting his own health. Moreover, due to the numerous contributions and correlations linked to the initial concept of self-care, today there is no absolute definition of the term, as well as no specific actions are presented that contemplate all the areas to which self-care is related. Thus, guidance on self-care actions becomes the responsibility of the health professional and, in most cases, includes actions previously correlated to the user's underlying pathology, without addressing other actions that would also contribute to the overall well-being of the patient.
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Yakovleva, T. P., E. A. Bugaenko und M. Yu Rubtsov. „HEALTHCARE WORKERS NEUROPSYCHIATRIC MALADJUSTMENT ASSESSMENT UNDER COVID‑19 PANDEMIC CONDITIONS“. In The 17th «OCCUPATION and HEALTH» Russian National Congress with International Participation (OHRNC-2023). FSBSI «IRIOH», 2023.

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Study aim is to assess the degree of neuropsychiatric adaptation of healthcare workers under COVID‑19 pandemic. Working conditions assessment, occupational risk self-assessment were carried out in four Moscow’ healthcare institutions in 2022, as well adaptive potential according to the questionnaire of neuropsychiatric maladjustment (NPMQ). 68 healthcare workers were divided into 3 groups: 1 — working in «red zone», having had coronavirus (22 people), 2 — not working in «red zone», having had coronavirus (24 people); 3 — not working in «red zone», without coronavirus (22 people). Health care workers working conditions during pandemic corresponds to 3.3 harmful class. Risk of overwork, stress, damage to nervous system 66% of respondents noted as leading risk factor, 16% — the risk of COVID‑19. The average values of NPMQ parameters fell within of norm limits with tendency in group 1 to asthenization (60.2 T-points) and depression (65.1 T-points), and in group 2 — to depression (62.0 T-points) and mental discomfort (63.5 T-points). Asthenic manifestations norm exceeding were noted in 1/3 of groups 1 and 2, depression — in 41.7% of group 1 staff, and mental discomfort — in 46.1% of group 2 staff. The revealed trends of asthenia, depression and mental discomfort manifestation may be associated, first, with high work intensity during pandemic and partly with recurrent coronavirus disease risk.
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Nolêto, Mariana Ribeiro Jacinto Barros, und Felipe Barros Nolêto. „Profile of hospitalizations for mental and behavioral disorders due to alcohol use in Maranhão“. In V Seven International Multidisciplinary Congress. Seven Congress, 2024.

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The use of alcohol and other drugs is linked to health problems and causes financial and family losses. Between 2010 and 2020, there were 423,290 hospitalizations for mental and behavioral disorders due to alcohol use in Brazil. The objective of the study is to evaluate and discuss the profile of hospitalizations for alcohol use disorders in Maranhão. This is an epidemiological study of hospitalizations for mental and behavioral disorders due to alcohol use between 2013 and 2023 in Maranhão. The data were taken from the SUS Hospital Information System and stratified into: age group, sex, race/color and type of care. 7,689 people were hospitalized for alcohol-related disorders. In the age group, 30-39 years old (29.9%), 40-49 years old (25.6%) and 20-29 years old (20.4%) stood out, and 2023 with both highest percentages per year: 40-49 years old (27.9%) and 30-39 years old (26.8%) - follow the national parameter of emphasis for age groups. In terms of sex, there was an increasing trend for both sexes in most of the annual analysis, with a predominance of males (82.06%) in relation to females (17.9%) in the general analysis, a predominance that follows the literature. In terms of color/race, there was a predominance of white women (58.3%) in relation to brown women (23.9%) and black women (0.56%), with emphasis on the percentage without information (14.1%). Regarding the nature of care, emergency services (80.6%) stood out in relation to elective services (19.4%). Therefore, people between 30-39 years old, male, white and in emergency care represent the predominance of hospitalizations for mental and behavioral disorders caused by alcohol in Maranhão. The predominance of men and young people and the year 2023 stand out as factors that reflect the contemporary importance of increasing specific policies to improve public health and safety and, therefore, reduce the number of hospitalizations for alcohol use.
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Vlašković, Veljko. „OSVRT NA PRAVA DECE SA INVALIDITETOM SA TEŽIŠTEM NA PRISTUP ZDRAVSTVENIM USLUGAMA“. In XVII majsko savetovanje. Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, 2021.

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It is no coincidence that the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is the first international human rights treaty in the 21st century. The Convention seeks to amend the social and legal status of persons with disabilities, including children, in a revolutionary way. The main goal is to remove social barriers by adopting a social model of disability in recognizing and exercising the human rights of persons with disabilities on an equal basis with other persons. Therefore, it is understandable that the rules of earlier international human rights treaties, such as the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child or the European Convention on Human Rights, are beginning to be directly adjusted to the this Convention. From the aspect of recognition and exercising of the rights of children with disabilities, the issue of accessibility to health care services is especially important. It insists on the application of the principles of reasonable accommodation, accessibility and non-discrimination so that children with disabilities have access to health care facilities on an equal basis with other children. This implies significant involvement of the state, local community and family in order to remove social and infrastructural barriers. Furthermore, the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities calls for an absolute ban on the forced detention and placement of children in health care facilities, while there is a very negative attitude towards the care of children with disabilities in social protection institutions. In this regard, an amendment to the domestic Law on the Protection of Persons with Mental Disabilities is required. According to the social model of disability, the family environment with the appropriate and effective support of the local community is a necessary environment for the realization of the rights of children with disabilities. When it comes to the consent of a child with a disability to a medical treatment, it is necessary to determine the child's capability to form views, as in the case of other children. In that sense, the mentioned child should be provided with appropriate assistance and support to express his / her views. This support consists primarily in the way in which the child is informed about the proposed medical treatment.
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Henneberry, Debra, Dimitrios Ziakkas und Stephanie Brown. „How Wearable Technologies Enhance the Implementation of Peer Support Programs in Aviation Training“. In 2024 AHFE International Conference on Human Factors in Design, Engineering, and Computing (AHFE 2024 Hawaii Edition). AHFE International, 2024.

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Integrating wearable technologies and affective computing into aviation training presents a promising avenue for enhancing Peer Support Programs (PSPs), a critical component in promoting pilots' and aircrew's mental health and well-being. PSPs have traditionally offered emotional and psychological support to aviation professionals, fostering a culture of mutual care and intervention. However, traditional PSPs face challenges in real-time monitoring and early detection of stress, fatigue, and emotional distress. Wearable technologies, such as biometric sensors, smartwatches, and EEG headsets, combined with social and affective computing, provide a novel approach to addressing these limitations by enabling continuous, real-time assessment of physiological indicators linked to emotional and cognitive states.This paper explores how wearable technologies can augment the effectiveness of PSPs by offering several key advantages. First, real-time monitoring through wearables allows for early detection of mental health challenges, enabling timely peer or professional intervention. Second, the data collected from wearable devices can be used to create personalized mental health profiles, allowing for more targeted support tailored to trainees' individual needs. Third, affective computing enhances peer interactions by analyzing emotional states in real time, fostering empathy, and improving group dynamics during training sessions. Fourth, wearable technologies provide real-time feedback to trainees on their emotional and cognitive states, helping them develop self-awareness and emotional regulation skills, which are crucial for high-stress aviation environments.Furthermore, integrating wearable technologies into PSPs supports a broader safety and mental well-being culture in aviation. By normalizing the use of such technologies in training, the industry can reduce the stigma surrounding mental health monitoring and encourage open discussions about psychological resilience. The paper also addresses ethical concerns about data privacy and consent, proposing best practices for handling sensitive biometric and emotional data in aviation training contexts.Based on the literature review, wearable technologies and affective computing offer significant potential to transform PSPs in aviation training. This approach provides a proactive, data-driven approach to supporting the mental and emotional well-being of aviation professionals. This integration not only enhances individual well-being but also contributes to overall aviation safety by ensuring that pilots and crew members are mentally and emotionally prepared for the demands of their roles.The presented research examines how Europe has proactively explored wearable technologies to enhance PSPs. This is partly due to EASA’s comprehensive safety management system requirements, which encourage innovation in mental health support. In the U.S., while there is growing interest in using technology to monitor pilot well-being, regulatory and cultural challenges have slowed the widespread adoption of wearables in PSPs. In both the U.S. and Europe, these technologies can:1. Improve Early Detection: Wearables can help detect signs of stress, fatigue, and emotional distress earlier than traditional PSP methods, allowing for more effective peer support interventions.2. Facilitate Personalized Support: The data collected can be used to create personalized mental health profiles, enabling more tailored support for pilots and crew members.3. Enhance Training and Performance: Real-time feedback on emotional states during training sessions can help pilots develop better emotional regulation and resilience, ultimately improving performance in high-stress environments.Finally, implementing wearable technologies in PSPs requires careful consideration of ethical and privacy concerns. In Europe, robust data protection laws like GDPR provide a model for how sensitive health data can be handled responsibly, balancing privacy with the benefits of real-time monitoring. In the U.S., the lack of a unified regulatory framework presents challenges, but the growing emphasis on safety and well-being in aviation could drive further adoption of these technologies.In conclusion, this paper examines how Wearable Technologies Enhance the Implementation of Peer Support Programs in Aviation Training, following the ICAO ADDIE approach in the USA and Europe.
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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Mental health care without consent"


Rudd, Ian. Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Robotics to Improve Mental Health. Intellectual Archive, Juli 2022.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the oldest fields of computer science used in building structures that look like human beings in terms of thinking, learning, solving problems, and decision making (Jovanovic et al., 2021). AI technologies and techniques have been in application in various aspects to aid in solving problems and performing tasks more reliably, efficiently, and effectively than what would happen without their use. These technologies have also been reshaping the health sector's field, particularly digital tools and medical robotics (Dantas & Nogaroli, 2021). The new reality has been feasible since there has been exponential growth in the patient health data collected globally. The different technological approaches are revolutionizing medical sciences into dataintensive sciences (Dantas & Nogaroli, 2021). Notably, with digitizing medical records supported the increasing cloud storage, the health sector created a vast and potentially immeasurable volume of biomedical data necessary for implementing robotics and AI. Despite the notable use of AI in healthcare sectors such as dermatology and radiology, its use in psychological healthcare has neem models. Considering the increased mortality and morbidity levels among patients with psychiatric illnesses and the debilitating shortage of psychological healthcare workers, there is a vital requirement for AI and robotics to help in identifying high-risk persons and providing measures that avert and treat mental disorders (Lee et al., 2021). This discussion is focused on understanding how AI and robotics could be employed in improving mental health in the human community. The continued success of this technology in other healthcare fields demonstrates that it could also be used in redefining mental sicknesses objectively, identifying them at a prodromal phase, personalizing the treatments, and empowering patients in their care programs.
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Wang, Zaisheng, Chris Blackmore und Scott Weich. Mental Health Services International Students can Access in UK Higher Education: an Evidence and Gap Map (EGM). INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, Dezember 2022.

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Review question / Objective: a. Question • What kind of mental health services that international students can access in UK higher education? b. Objectives • to systematically search and identify the range of mental health services that international students in UK higher education can access. • to gather and display evidence on health care and services to maintain or enhance mental health conditions of mental health services in the UK. • to collect clusters of existing evidence and gaps to inform the potential literature review design. Background: Mental health is already a significant global issue in higher education (Alonso et al., 2018; Auerbach et al., 2016a, 2016b; Mortier et al., 2018). As the WHO argued, there is no health without mental health (DH, 2011; Prince et al., 2007; WHO, 2018, 2021, 2022a). Higher education students who are far away from home, lack social support and face language and cultural differences are the vulnerable populations in terms of mental health compared with home students (Blackmore et al., 2019; Forbes-Mewett & Sawyer, 2016, 2019; Minutillo et al., 2020; Sachpasidi & Georgiadou, 2018; Sherry et al., 2010). As a critical industry, UK higher education has the second-largest group of international higher education students globally (Department for Education & Department for International Trade, 2021; QS, 2019; QS Enrolment Solutions, 2021; Universities UK, 2021a, 2021b). However, compared with home students, international students are less likely to use mental health services in UK higher education. Attention to the mental health conditions of international students in UK higher education has more possibility to be improved in this country (HESA, 2021; Orygen, 2020; Quinn, 2020).
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McFee, Erin, Jonathan Röders, Rimjhim Agrawal, Emma van den Aakster und Daryna Sudachek. Between the Frontline and the Home Front: Reintegration, Resilience and Participation Strategies for Ukraine's Veterans. Corioli Institute, August 2024.

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Veteran reintegration in Ukraine is a critical priority due to the anticipated increase in the veteran population from 800,000 to 2 million, raising concerns about the long-term support service adequacy and availability. Without immediate action, many veterans will face significant hardship that impacts not only their own well-being but affects their communities and Ukrainian society as a whole. This Project Report aims to highlight and expand existing Grassroots, NGO, and multi-sector initiative efforts, offering a detailed analysis of the challenges faced by veterans and their families, including gaps in mental health, medical care, and economic opportunities. It seeks to inform policymakers, practitioners, and researchers on devising effective and participatory support and resilience strategies for Ukraine's defenders.
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The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on social isolation and loneliness – A Nordic research review. Nordic Welfare Centre, 2023.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has in many ways challenged the health and well-being of people, and more widely, the welfare systems in the Nordic countries. Due to regulations and lockdowns, many people have experienced social isolation, and certain vulnerable groups – such as older adults and those with disabilities – have been hit especially hard. As loneliness has implications for people’s long-term mental and physical health, the consequences of the pandemic are significant for health and social care as a whole.This literature review describes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on loneliness and social isolation among younger and older adults living in the Nordic countries, with and without disabilities, and in different situations.
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