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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Mental health care without consent"
Fennell, Phil. „The Mental Capacity Act 2005, the Mental Health Act 1983, and the Common Law“. International Journal of Mental Health and Capacity Law 1, Nr. 13 (05.09.2014): 163.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAshley, Florence. „Reply to ‘Hormone replacement therapy: informed consent without assessment?’“. Journal of Medical Ethics 45, Nr. 12 (12.07.2019): 826–27.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMaylea, Christopher. „The capacity to consent to sex in mental health inpatient units“. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 53, Nr. 11 (22.05.2019): 1070–79.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBakshi, Shinjini. „Peer Support as a Tool for Community Care: “Nothing About Us, Without Us”“. Columbia Social Work Review 19, Nr. 1 (04.05.2021): 20–43.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAdwedaa, E. O. „Consent to Medical Treatment: What about the Adult Patient who is Incapable of Providing a Valid Consent?“ Postgraduate Medical Journal of Ghana 4, Nr. 2 (12.07.2022): 93–97.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSchulz, Sarah L. „The Informed Consent Model of Transgender Care: An Alternative to the Diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria“. Journal of Humanistic Psychology 58, Nr. 1 (13.12.2017): 72–92.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKramers-Olen, Anne. „Quantitative assessment of sexual knowledge and consent capacity in people with mild to moderate intellectual disability“. South African Journal of Psychology 47, Nr. 3 (September 2017): 367–78.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSlade, Mike, Vanessa Pinfold, Joan Rapaport, Sophie Bellringer, Sube Banerjee, Elizabeth Kuipers und Peter Huxley. „Best practice when service users do not consent to sharing information with carers“. British Journal of Psychiatry 190, Nr. 2 (Februar 2007): 148–55.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAkhmetianova, Zamira Asrarovna, Geliusa Khadievna Garaeva, Olga Nikolaevna Nizamieva und Farda Ildarovna Khamidullina. „Rights of underage patients“. Linguistics and Culture Review 5, S1 (08.10.2021): 1195–202.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleJones, Linda A., Jenny R. Nelder, Joseph M. Fryer, Philip H. Alsop, Michael R. Geary, Mark Prince und Rudolf N. Cardinal. „Public opinion on sharing data from health services for clinical and research purposes without explicit consent: an anonymous online survey in the UK“. BMJ Open 12, Nr. 4 (April 2022): e057579.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "Mental health care without consent"
Mariller, Elodie. „Les droits du patient en prison et en soins psychiatriques sans consentement“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePatients detained and in psychiatric care without consent are fully-fledged patients of our health system. As such, they should enjoy the right to protection of human dignity, the right to health protection and more generally all the rights recognized by the Public Health Code in articles L. 1110-1 et seq. However, the prison and psychiatric institution are unique places. The influence of the security imperative in these institutions cannot be ignored. The legislator must constantly ensure that the prerogatives of this patients are preserved, taking into account the expectations of society and the imperatives of public order. While efforts are made, they are not always sufficient to maintain this delicate balance. In addition to the influence of the concept of lower eligibility, this latter is weakened by the crisis that the health sector has been experiencing for several years and which undermines good professional practices. This deleterious situation affects the quality of care.To try to protect this patients from these attacks, effective safeguards must be provided. In these situations, it is legitimate to want to leave it to the domestic and European judges. However, their seizure is subject to formal procedures which can easily discourage applicants. In response to this, alternatives have been introduced. They may be manifested by the intervention of independent administrative authorities such as the Inspector-General of Locations of Deprivation of Liberty or, in a more original way, by private actors
Schultz, Sarah Robinson. „Health coverage without health care unmet mental health care needs among the publicly insured /“. Connect to Electronic Thesis (CONTENTdm), 2009.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKodytė, Ona. „Psichikos pacientų teisės – svarbi žmogaus teisių stritis“. Master's thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2006.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleChevalier, Sébastien. „Refus d'un acte médical et liberté individuelle“. Thesis, Angers, 2015.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe right to refuse a medical act, a corollary of the principle of consent to care, reflects the expression of individual freedoms and respect for the physical integrity of individuals. However, the affirmation of this right does not appear to be self-evident: it amounts to admitting the deterioration of a person’s health whereas the purpose of medicine is to achieve the healing of a patient. Moreover, like all fundamental rights and freedoms, nuisance to others is a limit to the application of the right to refuse a medical act. If temperaments are provided for, the limitations of the said right are susceptible of degrees: failure to comply with the legislative provisions relating to compulsory vaccinations results in the prohibition of access to the public school service and exposes the offender to criminal sanctions. In this case, the physical integrity of individuals is not affected since there is no possibility of forced injection. On the other hand, the principle of consent to care is called into question in two cases. On the one hand, when the patient’s vital prognosis is at stake, interventions can be given by force; this applies to blood transfusions intended for a Jehovah’s Witness patient. On the other hand, the right to refuse a medical procedure can disappear when people suffering from mental disorders are hospitalized without consent. However, strengthened safeguards have recently been put in place: new procedural rules that are more protective of fundamental freedoms are being applied and the judicial wall is more efficient. Consequently, restrictions on the exercise of the right to refuse a medical act are justified in the name of safeguarding public order, the definition of which is extensive
Zwart, Liezl. „An analysis of informed consent and clinical aspects regarding mental capacity in context of the Mental Health Care Act 17 of 2002“. Diss., 2015.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2015.
Public Law
Heinrichs, Dustin. „A population-based comparative study of health and health care utilization of Manitoba children in care with and without developmental disabilities“. 2015.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOctober 2015
Sintra, Pedro Miguel Pinto. „Complexidade clínica e social da doença neuropsiquiátrica : estudo de caso“. Master's thesis, 2019.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleEste trabalho apresenta a história de um utente observado pelo autor durante o estágio numa Unidade de Cuidados de Saúde Personalizados, no contexto curricular profissionalizante do sexto ano do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina. É descrito um quadro de hidrocefalia arrastada com uma constelação sintomatológica de alterações cognitivas e possível evolução demencial, achados psicopatológicos de doença afectiva e marcada disfunção pessoal, profissional e social, permitindo apreciar as componentes neurocirúrgica, neurológica e neuropsiquiátrica da patologia. Procedeu-se à análise das limitações à marcha diagnóstica e das dificuldades experienciadas na negociação de uma abordagem terapêutica satisfatória para as partes interessadas, bem como aos seus pontos fortes e fracos, a partir do ponto de vista do clínico de cuidados de saúde primários. Foram igualmente analisados aspectos relacionados com a prática médica em relação a indivíduos com doença mental, particularmente os referentes ao domínio da decisão informada, concluindo-se pela necessidade de reapreciar o contexto legal português de Saúde Mental em relação às implicações do paradigma das Neurociências. Finalmente, procurou-se identificar e reflectir sobre recursos interpessoais adquiridos ao longo do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina que foram relevantes para a abordagem ao doente.
This paper recounts the history of a patient followed up during the author’s internship at a community health care service. A clinical presentation of hydrocephalus with a long course of evolution is described, comprising neurocognitive disorder and possible dementia onset, psychopathological affective symptomatology, and disfunction at personal, professional and social levels, allowing to appreciate the neurosurgical, neurological and neuropsychiatric aspects of the disease. An analysis is made regarding the limitations that emerged in the midst of the diagnostic effort, and the difficulties felt in the process of negotiating acceptable therapeutic options. The intervening aspects related to the medical practice in the context of mental illness, particularly those pertaining to informed decision-making, are also scrutinized, supporting the conclusion for the need to review the Portuguese legal background in Mental Health, concerning the implications of the Neurosciences’ paradigm to the old organic-functional duality in central nervous system pathology. Last, as an undergraduate final essay, a review is made regarding resources acquired during the graduate program which proved to be particularly useful in studying and designing a care plan for this patient.
Cauchon, Marc. „À l’écoute du soignant : relation de soins et considérations éthiques dans la pratique des soins psychiatriques communautaires“. Thèse, 2012.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleResistance to or non-compliance with medical interventions on the part of people presenting with severe and persistent manifestations of a psychiatric disorder, such as schizophrenia, will be the context in which to develop a formal distinction between the concepts of treatment and care, and subsequently between the consent to treatment and consent to care as separate forms of consent. The practice of first line community psychiatry will serve as a starting point to raise interesting challenges from an ethical standpoint. This thesis will explore the ethical implications of consent within a therapeutic relationship. Discussion around a specific model of crisis intervention characterized by a multidisciplinary approach will lead to the categorization of ethical problems and the formalization of a problem-solving model. A three-fold approach to ethical problems will be presented in terms of issues, dilemmas and ethical challenges. Crisis intervention will be categorized into four increasing levels of intensity based on the subjective assessment of a person in crisis and their capacity to establish and maintain a therapeutic rapport with a caregiver, throughout and beyond the crisis. Parallels between psychiatric and palliative care will be established in order to question the concepts of suffering and pain and to stress the importance of setting distinctions, once again, between care and treatment. The rapport that can develop between a caregiver and a person cared for will be presented as an opportunity to normalize a specific therapeutic rapport and value a perceived state of suffering calling for change, a condition that requires not treatment, but rather caring. These considerations will lead to the identification of a new goal for the caregiver, that is, to preserve the therapeutic rapport. A transition from the primum non nocere to a primum non excludere, i.e., “first, do not exclude “will serve as a motto to provide guidance towards a more authentic consent to care.
Bücher zum Thema "Mental health care without consent"
Ian, Shaw. Understanding treatment without consent: An analysis of the work of the Mental Health Act Commission. Aldershot, Hants, England: Ashgate, 2007.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle finden1957-, Shaw Ian, Middleton Hugh 1950- und Cohen Jeffrey 1949-, Hrsg. Understanding treatment without consent: An analysis of the work of the Mental Health Act Commission. Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2007.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenNew York State Task Force on Life and the Law. When others must choose: Deciding for patients without capacity : supplement to report and proposed legislation. New York: New York State Task Force on Life and the Law, 1993.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenWashington (State). Dept. of Social and Health Services., Hrsg. Mental health advance directives: Information for consumers. [Olympia, Wash.]: Washington State Dept. of Social & Health Services, 2004.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenMaine. Dept. of Mental Health and Mental Retardation. und Maine. Bureau of Children with Special Needs., Hrsg. Re-investing in mental health care: A policy document in response to past, current, and future consent decree issues. [Augusta, Me.?]: The Dept., 1994.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenFennell, Phil. Treatment without consent: Law, psychiatry, and the treatment of mentally disordered people since 1845. London: Routledge, 1996.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenAssociation, British Medical, Hrsg. Consent, rights and choices in health care for children and young people. London: BMJ Books, 2001.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenNew York (State). Mental Hygiene Medical Review Board, Hrsg. In the matter of Joseph Kirsh, a resident of Craig Developmental Center: A report. Albany, NY]: The Commission, 1987.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenZigmond, Tony. A clinician's brief guide to the Mental Health Act. London: RCPsych Publications, 2014.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenKjønstad, Asbjørn. Helserettslige emner: Rett til helsehjelp, taushetsplikt og informert samtykke, sinnslidende og psykisk utviklingshemmete. Oslo: Ad notam Gyldendal, 1994.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenBuchteile zum Thema "Mental health care without consent"
Bilgin, Hulya. „Mental Health“. In Health Assessment & Physical Examination in Nursing, 199–211. Istanbul: Nobel Tip Kitabevleri, 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAyres, Zoë J. „Self-Care: Without You There Is No PhD“. In Managing your Mental Health during your PhD, 41–60. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMjøsund, Nina Helen. „A Salutogenic Mental Health Model: Flourishing as a Metaphor for Good Mental Health“. In Health Promotion in Health Care – Vital Theories and Research, 47–59. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRaveesh, B. N., Peter Lepping und Tom Palmstierna. „Eastern and Western Approaches to Coercion in Mental Health“. In Coercion and Violence in Mental Health Settings, 27–39. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAckley, Dana C. „Practicing without third parties: How private pay and the development of basic business skills solve the ethical problems of managed care.“ In Practicing in the new mental health marketplace: Ethical, legal, and moral issues., 239–60. Washington: American Psychological Association, 1998.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAbdulcadir, Jasmine, Noémie Sachs Guedj, Michal Yaron, Omar Abdulcadir, Juliet Albert, Martin Caillet, Lucrezia Catania et al. „Assessing the Infant/Child/Young Person with Suspected FGM/C“. In Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in Children and Adolescents, 3–14. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGunn, Michael. „Mental Health Care“. In The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and United Kingdom Law, 243–68. Oxford University PressOxford, 1995.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWhite, Stuart M. „Incapacity: learning impaired, dementia, mental, and emotional disturbance“. In Consent, Benefit, and Risk in Anaesthetic Practice, 103–16. Oxford University PressOxford, 2009.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleO'Dwyer, Anne-Marie, und Mariel Campion. „Forensic perspectives in general psychiatry“. In Practical Psychiatry for Students and Trainees, 191–200. Oxford University Press, 2022.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMcKnight, Rebecca, Jonathan Price und John Geddes. „Psychiatry and the law“. In Psychiatry. Oxford University Press, 2019.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKonferenzberichte zum Thema "Mental health care without consent"
Cunradi, Carol, Raul Caetano, William Ponicki und Harrison Alter. „Prevalence and Correlates of Cannabis Use and Co-use in Cigarette Smokers and Non-Smokers: An Emergency Department Study“. In 2021 Virtual Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Marijuana. Research Society on Marijuana, 2022.
Der volle Inhalt der Quellede Souza, Luciana Batista, und Margarita Antonia Villar Luis. „FAMILY PLANNING AND MENTAL HEALTH IN PRIMARY CARE: NURSES' PERSPECTIVES“. In I Congresso Internacional Multidisciplinar de Ciências da Saúde - I CIMS. New Science Publishers, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleParadiso, Rita, Eefke Krijnen und FEderica Vannetti. „Wearable System for the evaluation of Well-Being in the Workplace“. In 15th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2024). AHFE International, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHájková, Petra, Lea Květoňová und Vanda Hájková. „THE NEEDS OF WOMEN-MOTHERS WITH CHRONIC MENTAL ILLNESS IN THE FIELD OF SHARED CHILDCARE – A HEALTH LITERACY RESEARCH STUDY“. In International Conference on Education and New Developments. inScience Press, 2022.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePâslaru, Ana Maria, Ana Maria Fătu, Alexandru Nechifor, Laura Florentina Rebegea, Diana Bulgaru Iliescu und Anamaria Ciubara. „PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY. CASE PRESENTATION“. In The European Conference of Psychiatry and Mental Health "Galatia". Archiv Euromedica, 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleQuirino, Maria Catarina de Cassia, Carlos Takeo Okamura und Eleine Aparecida Martins. „Integrative review of the five actions understood as self-care“. In III SEVEN INTERNATIONAL MULTIDISCIPLINARY CONGRESS. Seven Congress, 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleYakovleva, T. P., E. A. Bugaenko und M. Yu Rubtsov. „HEALTHCARE WORKERS NEUROPSYCHIATRIC MALADJUSTMENT ASSESSMENT UNDER COVID‑19 PANDEMIC CONDITIONS“. In The 17th «OCCUPATION and HEALTH» Russian National Congress with International Participation (OHRNC-2023). FSBSI «IRIOH», 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNolêto, Mariana Ribeiro Jacinto Barros, und Felipe Barros Nolêto. „Profile of hospitalizations for mental and behavioral disorders due to alcohol use in Maranhão“. In V Seven International Multidisciplinary Congress. Seven Congress, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleVlašković, Veljko. „OSVRT NA PRAVA DECE SA INVALIDITETOM SA TEŽIŠTEM NA PRISTUP ZDRAVSTVENIM USLUGAMA“. In XVII majsko savetovanje. Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, 2021.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHenneberry, Debra, Dimitrios Ziakkas und Stephanie Brown. „How Wearable Technologies Enhance the Implementation of Peer Support Programs in Aviation Training“. In 2024 AHFE International Conference on Human Factors in Design, Engineering, and Computing (AHFE 2024 Hawaii Edition). AHFE International, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBerichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Mental health care without consent"
Rudd, Ian. Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Robotics to Improve Mental Health. Intellectual Archive, Juli 2022.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWang, Zaisheng, Chris Blackmore und Scott Weich. Mental Health Services International Students can Access in UK Higher Education: an Evidence and Gap Map (EGM). INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, Dezember 2022.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMcFee, Erin, Jonathan Röders, Rimjhim Agrawal, Emma van den Aakster und Daryna Sudachek. Between the Frontline and the Home Front: Reintegration, Resilience and Participation Strategies for Ukraine's Veterans. Corioli Institute, August 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on social isolation and loneliness – A Nordic research review. Nordic Welfare Centre, 2023.
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