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Mullainathan, Sendhil. Do firm boundaries matter? Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Economics, 2001.

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Haskel, Jonathan. Do other firms matter in oligopolies? London: Centre for EconomicPolicy Research, 1995.

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Mamingi, Nlandu. Firms' environmental performance: Does news matter ? Washington, D.C: World Bank, 2006.

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Haskel, Jonathan. Do other firms matter in oligopolies? London: London University, Queen Mary and Westfield College, Department of Economics, 1994.

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Pelham, Alfred M. Does market orientation matter for small firms? Cambridge, Mass: Marketing Science Institute, 1995.

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Trades Union Congress. Economic and Social Affairs Department. Size does matter: Small firms and enterprise. London: Trades Union Congress, Economic and Social Affairs Department, 1999.

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Pelham, Alfred M. Does market orientation matter for small firms? Cambridge, Mass: Marketing Science Institute, 1995.

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Beck, Thorsten. Financial and legal constraints to firm growth: Does size matter? Washington, D.C: World Bank, Development Research Group, Finance, 2002.

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Maksimovic, Vojislav. The industry life cycle, acquisitions and investment: Does firm organization matter? Cambridge, Mass: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2006.

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Allaby, Michael. Fire: The vital source of energy. New York, NY: Facts on File, 1993.

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No laughing matter. Clacton on Sea: Apex Pub., 2008.

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Musée régional d'anthropologie de la Corse. De Louis-Napoléon à François Mattei: Un siècle et une entreprise corse : exposition. [Bastia]: Le Musée, 1992.

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Maksimovic, Vojislav. The industry life cycle and acquisitions and investment: Does firm organization matter? Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2006.

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Collings, J. Mind over matter: The Sasol story: a half-century of technological innovation. Johannesburg, South Africa: Sasol, 2002.

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Sabarwal, Shwetlena. Does gender matter for firm performance ? evidence from Eastern Europe and Central Asia. [Washington, D.C: World Bank, 2008.

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Dolfi, Anna, Hrsg. Stabat mater. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.36253/978-88-6453-688-0.

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Lo stabat mater, come pochi altri oggetti della tematologia, vede una stessa postura tradursi in linguaggi diversi, registra il modificarsi e il persistere di una gestualità che dà voce all’inaccettabilità della perdita e alla durata immobile del dolore. Dalle mères en deuil dell’antichità classica al venir meno di Maria ai piedi delle crocifissioni che hanno scandito la storia dell’arte, da Jacopone da Todi, dal Giotto degli Scrovegni ad oggi, rilievi in pietra e in marmo, pannelli lignei, affreschi, vetrate, incisioni, tempere, olii, manoscritti, scrittura, accanto alle note di Palestrina, Vivaldi, Scarlatti, Pergolesi, Boccherini, Rossini…, hanno riproposto la figura della madre dolente. In questo libro si è cercato di registrare le costanze e le alterazioni del topos, sottolineando le differenze che esistono tra espressioni verbali, musicali, visive in relazione al mutamento dei tempi, al rovesciamento del ruolo. Se la narrativa, soprattutto italiana, è presente con Manzoni, Fogazzaro, D’Annunzio, Gadda, Vittorini, Pavese, Dessí, la Morante, Calvino…; la poesia con Gatto, Jaccottet, la Szymborska, la Merini, Yves Bichet…, quanto intriga, in questo complesso volume ideato e curato da Anna Dolfi , è il tentativo di muoversi su terreni quasi di confine, facendo parlare il cinema (Pasolini), l’architettura, facendo interagire la musica con la letteratura e i libretti d’opera, intrecciando colonne sonore con film di successo, dando modelli figurativi alla fotografi a (con gli scatti di Letizia Battaglia). Testi poetici di De Signoribus e Vegliante, per l’occasione ricondotti al tema, sigillano una ricerca che si interroga su modelli e tipologie, mostrando anche l’esistenza di un ulteriore recente rovesciamento, quello, inedito, che vuole che sia la pietas del figlio a posare accanto alla madre.
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Bright air, brilliant fire: On the matter of the mind. [New York, N.Y.]: BasicBooks, 1992.

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Film Education Working Group (Great Britain), Hrsg. Making movies matter: Report of the Film Education Working Group. London: British Film Institute, 1999.

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Bright air, brilliant fire: On the matter of the mind. London: Allen Lane, 1992.

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Wes Anderson: Why his movies matter. Santa Barbara, Calif: Praeger, 2011.

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Amery, Colin. Four London architects, 1985-88: Chipperfield, Mather, Parry, Stanton Williams. London, England: 9H Gallery, 1987.

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Amery, Colin. Four London architects, 1985-88: Chipperfield, Mather, Parry, Stanton Williams. London, England: 9H Gallery, 1987.

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Jake, Waddington C., American Institute of Physics und Symposium on "Cosmic Abundances of Matter" (1988 : University of Minnesota), Hrsg. Cosmic abundances of matter: Minneapolis, Mn, 1988. New York: American Institute of Physics, 1989.

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Barreca & La Varra: Questioni di facciata = a matter of fa-cade. Milano: Skira, 2012.

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Intermountain Research Station (Ogden, Utah), Hrsg. Nylon tent screens out smoke particulate matter. Ogden, UT (324 25th St., Ogden 84401): U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, 1994.

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Hall, Bronwyn H. Investment and research and development at the firm level: Does the source of financing matter? Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1992.

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In the matter of allegations relating to the lobbying activities of Paul Magliocchetti and Associates Group, Inc. (PMA): Report of the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 2010.

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Forman, Christopher. Technology adoption in and out of major urban areas: When do internal firm resources matter most? Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2005.

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Forman, Christopher. Technology adoption in and out of major urban areas: When do internal firm resources matter most? Cambridge, Mass: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2005.

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Audretsch, David B. Does size matter?: Evidence on the impacts of liquidity constraints on firm investment behaviour in Germany. London: Centre for Economic Policy Research, 1994.

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Veglia, Luciano. La città e il cinema: Tutti i film girati a Matera. Matera: Edizioni Giannatelli, 2017.

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1948-, Davey Rick, Hrsg. A matter of degree: The Hartford Circus fire and mystery of Little Miss 1565. Simsbury, Conn: Willow Brook Press, 2001.

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Baker, Malcolm. When does the market matter?: Stock prices and the investment of equity-dependent firms. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2002.

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David, Gritten, Hrsg. Halliwell's The movies that matter: From Bogart to Bond and all the latest film releases. London: HarperCollins, 2008.

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Halliwell's the movies that matter: From Bogart to Bond and all the latest film releases. New York: Barnes & Noble, 2009.

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Dalkin, James R. PCAOB rulemaking docket matter 037: PCAOB release no. 2011-006 : concept release on auditor independence and audit firm rotation. Washington, DC: U.S. Govt. Accountability Office, 2011.

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The matter of images: Essays on representations. London: Routledge, 1993.

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Heritage, Canada Canadian, Hrsg. Canadian content in the 21st century in film and television productions: A matter of cultural identity. [Hull, Quebec: Canadian Heritage, 2003.

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Macerola, François N. Canadian content in the 21st century in film and television productions: A matter of cultural identity. [Hull, Quebec]: Canadian Heritage, 2003.

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Mamingi, Nlandu, Jong Ho Hong, Susmita Dasgupta und Benoit Laplante. Firms' Environmental Performance : Does News Matter ? The World Bank, 2006. http://dx.doi.org/10.1596/1813-9450-3888.

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Vargas, Mauricio. Identifying Binding Constraints to Growth: Does Firm Size Matter? International Monetary Fund, 2015.

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Cevik, Serhan, und Fedor Miryugin. Death and Taxes: Does Taxation Matter for Firm Survival? International Monetary Fund, 2019.

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Vargas, Mauricio. Identifying Binding Constraints to Growth: Does Firm Size Matter? International Monetary Fund, 2015.

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Cevik, Serhan, und Fedor Miryugin. Death and Taxes: Does Taxation Matter for Firm Survival? International Monetary Fund, 2019.

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Vargas, Mauricio. Identifying Binding Constraints to Growth: Does Firm Size Matter? International Monetary Fund, 2015.

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Cevik, Serhan, und Fedor Miryugin. Death and Taxes: Does Taxation Matter for Firm Survival? International Monetary Fund, 2019.

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Stille, Darlene R. Matter and Material (Science Around Us (Child's World (Firm)).). Child's World, 2004.

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Stoneman, Paul, Eleonora Bartoloni und Maurizio Baussola. Empirical Evidence on the Determination of the Extent of Product Innovation. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198816676.003.0008.

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This chapter considers determinants of product innovation across and within firms. Firms that are innovative in one dimension are also innovative in others; thus both what distinguishes the innovating firm and the literature based upon the analysis of various innovation indicators can give insight into the determinants of product innovation. It is concluded that (i) technological characteristics of industries matter; (ii) firm and market characteristics are related, but not linearly, to innovation; (iii) the two most important firm characteristics are internal finance and sales; (iv) there is an inverted U-curve relationship between competition and R&D; (v) competition in foreign markets is predominantly found to have positive effects on innovation at home; (vi) there are various spillover effects. Survey data on the constraints to innovation indicate that the issues considered to be of main importance are (i) innovation costs; (ii) risk and finance; and (iii) the availability of qualified labour.
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Macfarlane, Tim, Patrick Bellew und Robert Maxwell. Rick Mather Architects. Black Dog Publishing, 2006.

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Jackson, Robert. The Matter of Treatment. Oxford University Press, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190660178.003.0007.

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Chapter 6 places the African American race film industry into the context of southern history as well as the studio system. Hollywood’s combination of derivative typecasting of African American characters and strict segregation in institutional practices evidenced a broad neglect of black topics, themes, and audiences, and well before the studio system’s consolidation, African American filmmakers showed an interest in the possibilities of the medium. In the years after World War I especially, a tradition of African American filmmaking sought to redress the commercial, aesthetic, and political deficiencies of the mainstream film industry. Through figures such as Oscar Micheaux, Spencer Williams, and others, race film played a number of key roles in a black culture within and beyond the South, even as civil rights figures like the NAACP’s Walter F. White attempted, with modest success, to bring about reform within Hollywood.
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