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Christieson, Karin. In a hidden manner: The story of the Marist sisters in Aotearoa - New Zealand. Auckland, N.Z: Marist Sisters of NZ Trust Board, 2011.

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Schneller, Mary Paulita. Half-pint on Guadalcanal: A saga of heroism, commitment, and love as told by Sister Mary Evangeline. Waltham, Mass: Marist Missionary Sisters, 1993.

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Sharogradskiĭ, Vladimir Isaevich. Dialektika stanovlenii͡a︡ filosofskoĭ sistemy marksizma. Leningrad: Izd-vo Leningradskogo universiteta, 1987.

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Kni︠a︡zev, B. V. Nauchnyĭ kommunism kak sistema znanii︠a︡. Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1987.

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N, Letunov V., Hrsg. Nervnai͡a︡ sistema morskikh bespozvonochnykh. Leningrad: Zoologicheskiĭ in-t AN SSSR, 1988.

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Cooper, Susan. Lysets Ridder / Susan Cooper ; oversatt av marit berger. [Oslo]: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1987.

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Greze, Vladimir Nikolaevich. Pelagialʹ Sredizemnogo mori͡a︡ kak ėkologicheskai͡a︡ sistema. Kiev: Nauk. dumka, 1989.

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McCluskie, Tom. Titanic and her sisters Olympic & Britannic. London: Parkgate, 1999.

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McCluskie, Tom. Titanic and her sisters Olympic & Britannic. London: PRC, 2002.

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Ivanovich, Nikishov Serafim, Hrsg. Nauchnyĭ kommunizm kak sistema znanii︠a︡. Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1987.

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Stilton, Gerónimo. De Thea Sisters op avontuur. Amsterdam: De Wakkere Muis, 2008.

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Nodia, G. O. Trud i gumanizm: O meste kategorii truda v sisteme marksistskogo teoreticheskogo gumanizma. Tbilisi: Met͡s︡niereba, 1986.

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Nodia, G. O. Trud i gumanizm: O meste kategorii truda v sisteme marksistskogo teoreticheskogo gumanizma. Tbilisi: Metsniereba, 1986.

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L, Uti͡akov L., Hrsg. Izmeritelʹnye sistemy dli͡a geofizicheskikh issledovaniĭ v okeane. Moskva: "Nauka", 1988.

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I͡A︡, Agarova I., Gupalo E. I͡U︡ und Gosudarstvennyĭ okeanograficheskiĭ institut (Russia), Hrsg. Issledovanii͡a︡ fitoplanktona v sisteme monitoringa Baltiĭskogo mori͡a︡ i drugikh moreĭ SSSR. Moskva: Moskovskoe otd-nie Gidrometeoizdata, 1991.

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Maggie, Smith. Amanda explores the ocean. New York: Inchworm Press, 1998.

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1919-, Abel Erich, und Riedl Rupert, Hrsg. Fauna y flora del mar Mediterra neo: Una gui a sistema tica para bio logos y naturalistas. Barcelona: Omega, 1986.

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Kolpachnikov, A. N. Spravochno-informat͡sionnai͡a sistema i programmnyĭ kompleks dli͡a analiza biologicheskoĭ i okeanograficheskoĭ informat͡sii. Apatity: Kolʹskiĭ nauch. t͡sentr Rossiĭskoĭ akademii nauk, 1992.

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Donativi, Vincenzo. Autoproduzione e concorrenza nel sistema portuale: Il servizio di rimorchio. Milano: A. Giuffrè, 1993.

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Institut okeanologii im. P.P. Shirshova., Hrsg. Geokhimii͡a︡ organicheskogo veshchestva v sisteme reka-more. Moskva: "Nauka", 1993.

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Dergausov, Mikhail. Ukraina v mirovoĭ khozi︠a︡ĭstvennoĭ sisteme i problema vybora optimalʹnoĭ strategii razvitii︠a︡ (monografii︠a︡). Donet︠s︡k: "Donechchyna", 2003.

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Kassens, Heidemarie. Sistema mori͡a Laptevykh i prilegai͡ushchikh moreĭ Arktiki: Sovremennoe sostoi͡anie i istorii͡a razvitii͡a. Moskva: Moskovskiĭ gos. universitet, 2009.

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Magalí, Daltabuit Godás, und Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias., Hrsg. El turismo costero en la ecorregión del Sistema Arrecifal Mesoamericano. Cuernavaca: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias, 2006.

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S, Kravet͡s︡ A., Filosofskoe obshchestvo SSSR und Voronezhskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet imeni Leninskogo komsomola., Hrsg. Mirovozzrenie v sisteme obshchestvennogo soznanii͡a︡: Zadachi formirovanii͡a︡ kommunisticheskogo mirovozzrenii͡a︡ trudi͡a︡shchikhsi͡a︡ v svete resheniĭ XXVII sʺezda KPSS : tezisy vsesoi͡u︡znoĭ konferent͡s︡ii. Voronezh: [s.n.], 1988.

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italiano, Federazione del sistema marittimo. L'economia del mare per l'ambiente: Best practice del sistema marittimo nella tutela ambientale, 2004. Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2004.

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Nigro, Giampiero, Hrsg. Reti marittime come fattori dell’integrazione europea / Maritime Networks as a Factor in European Integration. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.36253/978-88-6453-856-3.

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Il tema, di grande respiro, prende come punto di partenza il concetto braudeliano di Mediterraneo. La sua visione di un mare chiuso come una opportunità geografica per una integrazione economica fra popolazioni diverse per religioni, linguaggi ed entità etniche e politiche continua a funzionare come modello per studi applicati ad un ampio raggio di contesti. L’obiettivo che si è posta la 50ª Settimana di studi è stato quello di andare oltre lo studio dei singoli sistemi visti in modo isolato per combinare diverse analisi di mari aperti e chiusi o aree costiere, allo scopo di comprendere il ruolo di integrazione giocato in Europa dalle connessioni marittime. Poiché nelle civiltà preindustriali il trasporto per via d’acqua era più facile di quello via terra, è sembrato giunto il momento di richiamare l’attenzione sul modo in cui queste reti di relazione operavano a livello europeo e con i partner commerciali asiatici e nordafricani. Il volume prende le mosse dalle grandi tradizioni di ricerca su base regionale o tematica, che però sono state raramente integrate su una più ampia scala continentale. Immanuel Wallerstein ha elaborato il concetto braudeliano concettualizzandone le dimensioni interculturali e transnazionali e il ruolo nel sistema di divisione del lavoro. Egli lo chiamò un “sistema mondo”, non perché coinvolgesse il mondo intero, ma perché è più vasto di qualunque unità politica giuridicamente definita. E si tratta di una “economia mondo” perché il legame di base tra le varie parti del sistema è economico. I vari aspetti e le tradizioni regionali di ricerca sono stati collegati tra loro in un approccio coerente che si posto l'obiettivo di valutare: - Sulla base di quali elementi geografici, nautici, tecnici, economici, giuridici, sociali e culturali siano emerse le varie reti regionali, e come funzionavano, - Il carattere e il ruolo dei porti marittimi come punti nodali delle rotte marine e del loro hinterland, attraverso fiumi, canali e strade, - I legami commerciali e personali tra mercanti e armatori in vari porti, - In quale modo le reti regionali si collegavano tra di loro e come, nel corso del tempo, finirono per integrarsi in unità più ampie, - In quale modo le reti private, inizialmente costituite da organizzazioni di mercanti e navigatori, finirono per trattare con le autorità locali e, una volta cresciute, con gli stati e gli imperi, per proteggere i propri interessi
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Camara, Elisa. American brother. Ashland, Oregon: Hellgate Press, 2013.

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Petróleos Mexicanos. Gerencia de Coordinación y Control de Protección Ambiental. und Mexico. Dirección General de Oceanografía., Hrsg. Evaluación de los corales escleractinios del sistema arrecifal del puerto de Veracruz: Arrecifes--Isla de Enmedio, Anegada de Afuera, Isla Verde, Isla Blanquilla, Isla Sacrificios, Anegada de Adentro. [México]: Petróleos Mexicanos, Subdirección Técnica Administrativa, Coordinación Ejecutiva para el Desarrollo de Zonas Petroleras, Gerencia de Coordinación y Control de Protección Ambiental, 1987.

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Warner, Gertrude Chandler. The great shark mystery. Morton Grove, IL: Albert Whitman, 2003.

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Fathers, Marian, Hrsg. The Promise: The story of the film Divine mercy--no escape. Stockbridge, Mass: Congregation of Marians of the Immaculate Conception, Marian Press, 1987.

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Ferial, El-Hawary, Hrsg. The ocean engineering handbook. Boca Raton, Fla: CRC Press, 2001.

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Osborne, Mary Pope. Dark day in the deep sea. New York: Scholastic, 2009.

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Osborne, Mary Pope. Dark Day in the Deep Sea. New York: Random House Children's Books, 2009.

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Osborne, Mary Pope. Dark day in the deep sea. New York: Random House, 2008.

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ill, Murdocca Sal, Hrsg. Dark Day in the Deep Sea. New York: Random House, 2008.

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Hunter (The Marist Sisters Book 2). Wheeler Publishing, 2007.

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Hidden Fruitfulness: The Life and Spirituality of Jeanne-Marie Chavoin, Foundress of the Congregation of Marist Sisters (1786-1858). Columba Press, 2001.

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Rollings, Gwen C. We Band of Sisters. Xulon Press, 2007.

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McCluskie, Tom, Michael Sharpe und Leo Marriott. Titanic & Her Sisters Olympic & Britannic. PRC Publishing, Ltd., 1998.

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Sistemas biofísicos en el golfo de Guayaquil. [Guayaquil]: Comisión Asesora Ambiental de la Presidencia de la Républica del Ecuador, 1996.

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Riley, Lucinda. Storm Sister: Book Two. Atria Books, 2016.

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Stilton, Gerónimo. Die Thea Sisters und der tanzende Schatten. Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verla, 2014.

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Stilton, Gerónimo. Die Thea Sisters und das Gespensterschiff. Rowohlt Taschenbuch, 2016.

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Zony melovoj sistemy v SSSR: Niz nij otdel. Leningrad: Nauka, 1989.

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Storm Sister: A Novel. Atria Books, 2017.

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Storm Sister: A Novel. Atria Books, 2016.

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Struktura dna Mirovogo okeana: Po dannym avtomatizirovannoĭ sistemy mnogokanalʹnogo seĭsmoprofilirovanii͡a︡. Moskva: "Nauka", 1988.

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Economia sostenibile: rischi e opportunità per il sistema bancario italiano. AIFIRM, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.47473/2016ppa0031.

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The transition towards a sustainable economy, i.e. towards business models that are able to reconcile the typical objectives of economic and financial management with environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects and implications, is gaining increasing attention from all the main stakeholders, be they representatives of the political, scientific and social world, regulatory and supervisory authorities, market investors, workers and consumers. The companies, both industrial and financial, that will best respond to this market trend will be those that address ESG issues not as a pure response to public and regulatory pressure, but those that make it a lasting competitive advantage and longterm growth, taking an active leadership position in sustainability. For the banking sector, in particular, the implications will be considerable, given the fundamental role that banks play in financing the economy and businesses. In fact, being able to accurately identify the sectors, companies and business initiatives most exposed to these trends will be a fundamental factor in being able, on the one hand, to understand, identify, measure and effectively mitigate the new risks associated with them and, on the other, to promptly seize the new opportunities linked to the support and financing of the reconversion towards a more sustainable economy. In the current context, moreover, a great opportunity in this sense is represented by the possibility of channelling towards sustainable economy initiatives a substantial share of the public funds made available by Eurozone governments for the relaunch of the economy following the pandemic emergency. The objective of the position paper is to analyze the strategic priorities in addressing the risks and opportunities associated with the transition to a sustainable economy, to identify the initiatives with greater added value for the market and the respective enabling factors for their concrete implementation. The position paper is divided into four parts: 1. Market context and state of the art of Italian banks; 2. ESG in the banking sector; 3. ESG for non-financial institutions; 4. Key success factors and the role of risk management. Chapter 5 also includes the results of a questionnaire prepared by the Commission to which 31 banks responded, representing around 95% of the total assets of the Italian banking system.
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Whyman, Susan E. Hutton Rises in the World. Oxford University Press, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198797838.003.0005.

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Hutton’s business success and social mobility are viewed in the context of Birmingham’s industrial development, a booming land market, the lack of government regulation, and the diversity of religious practice. This chapter reveals the economic framework that allowed Hutton to amass wealth. Once he settled in Birmingham, he found new ways to develop business skills and make money. Early failure stiffened his resolve, taught him lessons, and led him to focus on selling paper, instead of books. Convinced of the future value of land, he made risky speculations and accumulated large debts. A case study compares Hutton’s response to the Industrial Revolution with that of his sister, Catherine Perkins. Hutton devoted all his energies to making money and buying estates. His sister found greater happiness in her religious faith and charity. Their opposing views about land, trade, money, and religion reveal a spectrum of personal responses to rapid economic change.
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Bañuelos García, Francisco H., Michael Ring, Edgar G. Mendoza Baldwin und Rodolfo Silva Casarín. Foundation Design for Marine Turbines on Rocky Soils. EPOMEX-UAC, 2021. http://dx.doi.org/10.26359/epomex.cemie012021.

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Un elemento fundamental para un sistema de turbinas marinas que funcionan mediante la acción corrientes marinas es la cimentación, la cual absorbe un gran porcentaje del costo total del proyecto, en algunos casos presentándose valores de hasta el 35 %, por consiguiente, es necesario poner especial énfasis en el diseño de estas estructuras. En general, la mayoría de los procedimientos de diseño para cimentaciones o sistemas de anclajes están enfocados principalmente en suelos arenosos y arcillosos. Sin embargo, existen sitios donde predominan principalmente los suelos rocosos en los cuales las corrientes marinas son propicias para instalar este tipo de dispositivos. Por tal motivo, en esta obra se propone un procedimiento de diseño de anclajes mediante pilotes de acero, y de peso muerto (apm) de concreto para suelos rocosos. El procedimiento se concentra en determinar las dimensiones principales del ancla, sin considerar detalles específicos como la conexión ojal-ancla. El procedimiento consiste en tres fases, la primera se enfoca en el diseño preliminar a través de ecuaciones prácticas del diseño de estructuras “ordinarias”, o bien mediante la experiencia del diseñador. La segunda consiste en evaluar la capacidad estructural del elemento prediseñado; y finalmente en la tercera se evalúa la capacidad geotécnica del anclaje considerando suelo rocoso. Los sistemas de anclajes están diseñados con las formulaciones establecidas tanto en documentos técnicos como códigos de diseño para este tipo de estructuras. Para exponer la aplicación de este procedimiento se realizó el diseño de cada tipo de anclaje, un pilote y un apm, como sitio de instalación se consideró el Canal de Cozumel. Los resultados de diseño mostraron que las dimensiones (y por ende el peso) del apm es significativamente mayor que el pilote de acero para las características de la turbina considerada. Típicamente, los anclajes mediante pilotes son más eficientes, en lo que respecta al peso del elemento, además de que se pueden utilizar en suelos inclinados. Sin embargo, especialmente en suelos marinos rocosos con corrientes significativas su instalación es más complicada, ya que se tiene que considerar equipo y mano de obra costosa en comparación con los apm. Por lo tanto, la elección de la cimentación depende en gran medida de las condiciones y características del suelo marino del proyecto. En esta obra se presenta un procedimiento simplificado de diseño, con el cual se puede evaluar de manera rápida y eficiente sistemas de anclajes en suelos rocosos.
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