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Govindaraju, Shanthilaxmi, Sakinah Azmi, Muhammad Zulhilmi Muhammad Zain, Siti Munawwarah Kamal, Hans Van Rostenberghe, Mohamed Ikram Ilias, Norsarwany Mohamad et al. „“AOR” Discharge in Paediatrics: An Ethical Conundrum“. Education in Medicine Journal 15, Nr. 1 (31.03.2023): 123–29. http://dx.doi.org/10.21315/eimj2023.15.1.10.

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At own risk (AOR) discharge in the paediatric setting is a complex phenomenon due to the triad of patient, caregiver, and clinician’s involvement. It would cross disciplines from legal (child protection), moral (professional conducts and legal decisions), and ethical (age, condition, and nationality) perspectives in managing these situations. There are certain ethically acceptable practices that can be approached in the decision-making process such as respecting autonomy, individual’s competence, the truth, patient’s confidentiality and avoidance of paternalism, and all conflicts of interest. We should aim for a collaborative effort in decision-making to prevent AOR. Here, we illustrate a case where parent have opted for an AOR discharge to seek for alternative medical treatment. The article discusses the ethical dilemma when dealing with potentially life-saving conditions.
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Wiśniewska, Jolanta. „Managing an Enterprise and Ethical Dilemmas in Accountancy“. Olsztyn Economic Journal 9, Nr. 2 (27.06.2014): 141–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.31648/oej.3171.

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The purpose of this article is to present the correlation between management of an economic entity and the development of ethical accounting dilemmas in the era of high-risk business. In the globalisation era and recurring economic crises, realisation of the objectives of a company takes place under high risk conditions. It is therefore necessary to use a proper management system. The necessary condition for making all decisions is to have relevant information. The value and relevance of these decisions depend on the quality of information which they have been based on. Lack of ethics in accounting has a direct impact on the company's management, which is based on information generated by the accounting system of the company. Ethical dilemmas arising in accounting are also ethical dilemmas arising in the process of business management.
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Sarkar, Jaydip. „To be or not to be: legal and ethical considerations in suicide prevention“. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 19, Nr. 4 (Juli 2013): 295–301. http://dx.doi.org/10.1192/apt.bp.112.010595.

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SummaryMaking potentially critical clinical decisions in complex cases with the real risk of death by suicide is a most challenging job in psychiatry. Sadly, risk assessment and management of harm to self is a largely ignored area compared with risk of harm to others. The legal and ethical challenges are more nuanced, and contemporary training schemes and textbooks on psychiatry have not always done justice to this area, where front-line clinicians require probably most assistance. This article is an attempt to integrate the seemingly disparate threads from legal, ethical and clinical realms to assist decision-making, and it introduces a set of principles for managing these in clinical practice. It refers in particular to legislation in England and Wales, but the clinical and ethical issues discussed are universal.
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Natalson, Alexander V. „APPLICATION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TO ANALYZE RISKS ON THE SECURITIES MARKET“. EKONOMIKA I UPRAVLENIE: PROBLEMY, RESHENIYA 3/6, Nr. 144 (2024): 145–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.36871/ek.up.p.r.2024.03.06.018.

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This scientific article is devoted to the actual topic of application of artificial intelligence for risk analysis in the securities market. The article considers the role of artificial intelligence in analyzing data, identifying potential risks and making informed investment decisions. The research methodology is based on theoretical and empirical methods, as well as the results of domestic scientific research. The results of the study emphasize the importance of understanding and managing risk in financial markets, including the concept of portfolio and systemic risk. The author analyzes various methods of risk analysis, including statistical models, fundamental analysis, technical analysis, scenario analysis, and machine learning methods. Special attention is given to the application of neural networks, genetic algorithms, and other artificial intelligence techniques to improve price forecasting, optimal portfolio determination, and risk management. The conclusion emphasizes the promising direction of using artificial intelligence in financial analytics, but notes the need to consider potential challenges and limitations, such as market volatility, data availability and quality, interpretability of models, and ethical considerations.
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Taheri, Fatemeh. „Decision-Making in Crisis Situations: How Do Leaders Manage Scarce Resources?“ Journal of Resource Management and Decision Engineering 1, Nr. 1 (2022): 17–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.61838/kman.jrmde.1.1.4.

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Crises pose significant challenges for leaders, particularly in the management of scarce resources. The objective of this study was to explore the decision-making processes of leaders across various sectors during crisis situations, focusing on how they navigate the complexities of strategic decision-making, leadership challenges, and organizational dynamics. This qualitative study employed semi-structured interviews with 20 leaders experienced in crisis management from sectors including healthcare, emergency services, business, and non-profit organizations. Data collection aimed at achieving theoretical saturation was guided by a set of pre-determined, open-ended questions allowing for in-depth exploration of individual experiences and strategies. The interviews were transcribed, coded, and analyzed to identify recurring themes and patterns. Three main themes were identified: Strategic Decision-Making, Leadership Challenges, and Organizational Dynamics. Strategic Decision-Making encompassed risk assessment, resource allocation, long-term planning, stakeholder engagement, and decision-making styles. Leadership Challenges included communication barriers, ethical dilemmas, and stress and pressure management. Organizational Dynamics covered team dynamics, change management, leadership influence, resource management, and policy and governance. Each theme and its categories highlighted specific strategies and challenges faced by leaders in managing scarce resources effectively during crises. The study highlights the critical importance of strategic decision-making, robust communication, ethical leadership, and adaptive organizational policies in crisis management. Leaders who effectively navigate these aspects are better equipped to handle crises, suggesting a need for targeted training and policy development to enhance crisis preparedness and leadership competencies.
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Trobec, Irena, und Andreja Istenic Starcic. „Developing nursing ethical competences online versus in the traditional classroom“. Nursing Ethics 22, Nr. 3 (10.06.2014): 352–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0969733014533241.

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Background: The development of society and science, especially medical science, gives rise to new moral and ethical challenges in healthcare. Research question/objectives/hypothesis: In order to respond to the contemporary challenges that require autonomous decision-making in different work contexts, a pedagogical experiment was conducted to identify the readiness and responsiveness of current organisation of nursing higher education in Slovenia. It compared the successfulness of active learning methods online (experimental group) and in the traditional classroom (control group) and their impact on the ethical competences of nursing students. The hypothesis set in the experiment, hypothesis 1 (the experimental group will be successful and will have good achievements in comprehension and application of ethical principles) was confirmed based on pre-tests and post-tests. The hypothesis tested by the questionnaire, hypothesis 2 (according to the students, the active learning methods online in the experimental group have a positive impact on the development of ethical competences) was confirmed. Research design: The pedagogical experiment was supported by a multiple-case study that enabled the in-depth analysis of the students’ attitudes towards the active learning methods in both settings. Participants and research context: The study included Slovenian first-year nursing students (N = 211) of all the enrolled students (N = 225) at the University of Ljubljana and University of Primorska in the academic year 2010/2011. Ethical considerations: Before the study ethical permission was obtained from the managements of both participating faculties. The students were given all the necessary information of the experiment before the tutorials. Findings: No significant difference was found between the two learning settings and both had a positive impact upon learning. The results of the content analysis show that the students’ active engagement with the active learning methods in the group enables the development of ethical competences and the related communicative competences, interpersonal skills, collaboration and critical thinking. Discussion: Active learning methods in the settings compared, online and the traditional classroom, enabled the development of a higher level of knowledge defined by the ability of critical thinking and reflective response, the core of ethical competences. Students develop ethical competence through active engagement in a group work, role play and discussion, and there is no difference between online or traditional learning settings. Conclusion: In the healthcare, it is crucial for providers to be capable of making autonomous decisions and managing various communication situations and contexts in which the moral attitudes and ethical sensibility are essential.
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Muftah, Mohammed Abu Reemah Ahmed. „The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Auditing Practices and Financial Reporting Accuracy“. Integrated Journal for Research in Arts and Humanities 2, Nr. 1 (31.01.2022): 40–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.55544/ijrah.2.1.49.

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The transformational effects of artificial intelligence (AI) on auditing procedures and financial reporting accuracy are examined in this study article. This research looks at how artificial intelligence (AI) tools, such data analytics and machine learning, are changing auditing by making it more efficient, lowering the risk of human mistake, and boosting the ability to spot fraud. The study outlines the advantages and difficulties of using AI in auditing via a thorough examination of the literature and an analysis of current trends. Based on important discoveries, AI-powered audits may greatly improve the timeliness and dependability of financial reporting, enabling stakeholders to make better decisions. However, there are drawbacks to integrating AI as well, such as the need for large training and technological expenditures as well as possible ethical and security issues. In order to fully use AI in auditing while managing the related dangers, the study ends with suggestions for practitioners and policymakers. By offering insightful information to academics, business professionals, and regulators, this study adds to the continuing conversation on auditing's future in the digital era.
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Brigden, Tanya, Colin Mitchell, Elizabeth Redrup Hill und Alison Hall. „Ethical and legal implications of implementing risk algorithms for early detection and screening for oesophageal cancer, now and in the future“. PLOS ONE 18, Nr. 10 (30.10.2023): e0293576. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0293576.

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Background Oesophageal cancer has significant morbidity and mortality but late diagnosis is common since early signs of disease are frequently misinterpreted. Project DELTA aims to enable earlier detection and treatment through targeted screening using a novel risk prediction algorithm for oesophageal cancer (incorporating risk factors of Barrett’s oesophagus including prescriptions for acid-reducing medications (CanPredict)), together with a non-invasive, low-cost sampling device (CytospongeTM). However, there are many barriers to implementation, and this paper identifies key ethical and legal challenges to implementing these personalised prevention strategies for Barrett’s oesophagus/oesophageal cancer. Methods To identify ethical and legal issues relevant to the deployment of a risk prediction tool for oesophageal cancer into primary care, we adopted an interdisciplinary approach, incorporating targeted informal literature reviews, interviews with expert collaborators, a multidisciplinary workshop and ethical and legal analysis. Results Successful implementation raises many issues including ensuring transparency and effective risk communication; addressing bias and inequity; managing resources appropriately and avoiding exceptionalism. Clinicians will need support and training to use cancer risk prediction algorithms, ensuring that they understand how risk algorithms supplement rather than replace medical decision-making. Workshop participants had concerns about liability for harms arising from risk algorithms, including from potential bias and inequitable implementation. Determining strategies for risk communication enabling transparency but avoiding exceptionalist approaches are a significant challenge. Future challenges include using artificial intelligence to bolster risk assessment, incorporating genomics into risk tools, and deployment by non-health professional users. However, these strategies could improve detection and outcomes. Conclusions Novel pathways incorporating risk prediction algorithms hold considerable promise, especially when combined with low-cost sampling. However immediate priorities should be to develop risk communication strategies that take account of using validated risk algorithms, and to ensure equitable implementation. Resolving questions about liability for harms arising should be a longer-term objective.
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Plummer, Dillon. „Ethical AI and the Future of Healthcare: Combining Academic Theory and Industry Practice to Ensure Patient-Centered Care“. European Journal of Technology 8, Nr. 1 (04.01.2024): 1–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.47672/ejt.1727.

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Purpose: This paper seeks to define a risk taxonomy, establish meaningful controls, and create a prospective harms model for AI risks in healthcare. Currently, there is no known comprehensive definition of AI risks, as applied to industry and society. Materials and Methods: The temptation for current research, both in academia and industry, is to apply exclusively-tech-based solutions to these complex problems; however, this view is myopic, and can be remedied by establishing effective controls informed by a holistic approach to managing AI risk. Sociotechnical Systems Theory (STS) is an attractive theoretical lens for this issue, because it prevents collapsing a multifaceted problem into a one-dimensional solution. Specifically, the multidisciplinary approach—one that includes both the sciences and the humanities—reveals a multidimensional view of technology-society interaction, exemplified by the advent of AI. Findings: After advancing this risk taxonomy, this paper utilizes the risk management framework of Lean Six Sigma (LSS) to propose effective mitigating controls for the identified risks. LSS determines controls through data collection and analysis, and supports data-driven decision making for industry professionals. Implications to Theory, Practice and Policy: Instantiating the theory of STS into industry practices could be critical, then, for determining and mitigating real-world risks from AI. In summary, this paper combines the academic theory of sociotechnical systems with the industry practice of Lean Six Sigma to develop a hybrid model to fill a gap in the literature. Drawing upon both theory and practice ensures a robust, informed risk model of AI use in healthcare.
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Abdul Hamid, Suhaila, Mariatul Liza Meor Gheda, Nurul Fairuz Buang, Khairul Fahzan Salleh und Mohd Hazry Yusof. „OSH 21ST CENTURY SKILLS IN A VUCA ENVIRONMENT“. Journal of Research and Innovation In Open and Distance Learning 3, Nr. 1 (03.06.2024): 44–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.33830/jriodl.v3i1.9390.

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Today, businesses are operating in a VUCA environment. In the VUCA environment, Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) skills are essential for a business’s viability and sustainability since they safeguard personnel, ensure legal compliance and standards conformance, reduce operational costs, foster productivity, elevate reputation, and exhibit social responsibility. In a VUCA environment, the risk management process acts as a pillar for business viability and sustainability. With effective risk management, businesses can use it to proactively detect and reduce risks, improve adaptation and resilience, guarantee business continuity, make better decisions, and instill confidence among stakeholders. Businesses may negotiate uncertainty, grasp opportunities, and put themselves in a position for long-term success by managing risks properly. Effective risk assessors are essential to the success of risk management because they provide accurate and trustworthy assessments of potential risks. Hence, through this study, it investigates the criticality of OSH risk assessor skills in functioning in the VUCA environment; and identifies the pedagogical preferences for effective risk assessor program. A quantitative research approach is employed for this study, utilising a three (3) parts survey comprising 25 items. The study involved fifty (50) OSH practitioners as the respondents. The Relative Importance Index (RII) results for OSH risk assessor skills in a VUCA environment, assessed on a ten-point Likert scale, are as follows: applied knowledge of the subject matter (0.88), communication skills (0.87); attention to detail (0.87); risk control techniques (0.87); ethical consideration (0.87); risk assessment methodologies (0.86); analytical thinking (0.85); critical thinking (0.85); data analysis (0.84) and adaptability (0.84). Next, respondents conveyed their preferences regarding pedagogical approaches using a ten-point Likert scale. The Relative Importance Index (RII) scores for these approaches are as follows: problem-based learning (0.83); authentic assessment (0.82); inquiry-based learning (0.81); collaborative learning (0.81); technology integration (0.81); experiential learning (0.81); cultivating creativity and innovation (0.81); project-based learning (0.80); multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches (0.80) and metacognitive strategies (0.79).This study contributes to the design of the OSH risk assessor programme for assisting industries in operating in the VUCA environment by helping them to understand the vision, develop situational awareness, make complex situations clear, and generate hypotheses to address potential risks, all of which lead to more informed decision-making, increased resilience, and efficient resource use.
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Salazar, Leonardo, und Roberto Lorusso. „Protected cardiac surgery: strategic mechanical circulatory support to improve postcardiotomy mortality“. Current Opinion in Critical Care 30, Nr. 4 (17.06.2024): 385–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/mcc.0000000000001179.

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Purpose of review To examine the evolving landscape of cardiac surgery, focusing on the increasing complexity of patients and the role of mechanical circulatory support (MCS) in managing perioperative low cardiac output syndrome (P-LCOS). Recent findings P-LCOS is a significant predictor of mortality in cardiac surgery patients. Preoperative risk factors, such as cardiogenic shock and elevated lactate levels, can help identify those at higher risk. Proactive use of MCS, rather than reactive implementation after P-LCOS develops, may lead to improved outcomes by preventing severe organ hypoperfusion. The emerging concept of “protected cardiac surgery” emphasizes early identification of these high-risk patients and planned MCS utilization. Additionally, specific MCS strategies are being developed and refined for various cardiac conditions, including AMI-CS, valvular surgeries, and pulmonary thromboendarterectomy. Summary This paper explores the shifting demographics and complexities in cardiac surgery patients. It emphasizes the importance of proactive, multidisciplinary approaches to identify high-risk patients and implement early MCS to prevent P-LCOS and improve outcomes. The concept of protected cardiac surgery, involving planned MCS use and shared decision-making, is highlighted. The paper also discusses MCS strategies tailored to specific cardiac procedures and the ethical considerations surrounding MCS implementation.
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Kuswanto, Adi. „Indonesia Insurance Corporate Governance: A Literature Review“. East African Scholars Journal of Economics, Business and Management 7, Nr. 04 (08.04.2024): 106–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.36349/easjebm.2024.v07i04.003.

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The aim of this research is to present and evaluate corporate governance framework for insurance companies in Indonesia based on previous researches related to corporate governance and The Indonesia Financial Services Authority Regulation. We evaluate concerning to governance objectives that include protecting shareholder interests, enhancing shareholder value, ensuring accountability, managing risk, promoting ethical behavior, transparency and disclosure, balancing interests, strategic decision-making, compliance with laws and regulations, efficient operations, long-term sustainability, stakeholder engagement, adapting to change, creating a positive reputation, and facilitating investment. We discuss the corporate governance framework for insurance companies in Indonesia based on the Indonesia Financial Services Authority regulation that states governance structure, corporate governance code, self-assessment & governance report, governance process and corporate governance principles to meet governance objectives. Although every year all insurance companies report corporate governance, but some companies have been stopped by the Authority. This raises research problems for the future relating to why insurance companies that have complied with corporate governance provisions have been stopped by the Authority.
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Samsonova, V. V. „Influence of the Covid-19 pandemic on trends in development of professional ethics“. Bioeconomics and Agrarian Business 11, Nr. 3 (03.03.2021): 87–97. http://dx.doi.org/10.31548/bioeconomy2020.03.087.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for businesses and organizations in the public and private sectors around the world. It has forever changed the business environment and pushed companies to a turning point in technology change. The catastrophic consequences of the pandemic for human health, its psychological endurance, emotional resilience and moral consciousness are striking. The results of the study show that in the near future it is necessary to prepare for overcoming the consequences of the pandemic not only in terms of medical and practical aspects, but also in terms of ethical issues. The article considers the challenges and consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for the world economy, professional moral norms. Six megatrends that transform the world after the end of the pandemic, identified by the United Nations, including the advent of the big data economy: hyper-connected society; the wellbeing economy; low-carbon economy; the circular economy; the bio growth economy; the experience economy. It is noted that the likely emergence of new approaches to professional activities may create new threats or affect the level of previously identified threats to the basic principles of professional ethics and lead to certain ethical dilemmas in the performance of professional duties. These examples of the application of the basic principles of professional ethics in modern conditions will help to formulate the necessary ethical values for each person and better guide professionals in solving complex problems that currently arise in decision-making and create an ethical infrastructure that will improve the culture of business management at the operational and strategic levels. This will increase the efficiency of managing the economic development of the country. The emphasis is on the ethical responsibility of professionals in any field in the post-pandemic period. The results of the study suggest that the risk of discrediting ethics increases against the background of a pandemic. The article outlines the main directions of overcoming these challenges, trends in the development of professional ethical systems. There is a growing need for ethical regulation of professional behavior and actions in vital areas of human life.
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Akoh Atadoga, Ogugua Chimezie Obi, Shedrack Onwusinkwue, Samuel Onimisi Dawodu, Femi Osasona und Andrew Ifesinachi Daraojimba. „AI's evolving impact in US banking: An insightful review“. International Journal of Science and Research Archive 11, Nr. 1 (30.01.2024): 904–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.30574/ijsra.2024.11.1.0157.

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This paper presents an in-depth review of the evolving impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the US banking sector, focusing on how AI technologies are revolutionizing various aspects of banking operations. The review synthesizes information from a wide range of sources, including industry reports, academic literature, case studies, and expert interviews, to provide a comprehensive understanding of AI's role in the banking industry. The key findings of the review indicate that AI has significantly improved operational efficiencies in banks by automating routine tasks and enhancing decision-making processes. AI applications in customer service, such as chatbots and virtual assistants, have transformed customer interactions by offering round-the-clock support and personalized financial advice. In the realm of risk management, AI algorithms have proven effective in detecting fraudulent activities and managing credit risks, outperforming traditional methods through advanced data analysis capabilities. Additionally, AI is playing a crucial role in helping banks comply with regulatory requirements by automating compliance processes and conducting real-time transaction monitoring. The review concludes that AI offers substantial opportunities for innovation and efficiency in the US banking sector. However, it also highlights the challenges associated with AI adoption, including ethical issues, data privacy concerns, and the imperative for workforce up skilling. The paper emphasizes the need for a strategic approach to AI integration in banking, where technological advancements are balanced with human oversight, ethical considerations, and regulatory compliance to maximize the benefits of AI while mitigating its risks
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Wolff, Jennifer, Diane Echavarria und Laura Gitlin. „ADVANCE CARE PLANNING IN PRIMARY CARE: ENGAGING ACCOMPANIED OLDER ADULTS WITH COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT“. Innovation in Aging 7, Supplement_1 (01.12.2023): 12–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/geroni/igad104.0039.

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Abstract Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (ADRD) are among the most profoundly disabling and costly of all health conditions, and persons living with dementia are at heightened risk for high utilization of burdensome and costly end-of-life care. Family caregivers are at the forefront of managing ADRD, however, they are not routinely engaged in primary care discussions about prognosis and the healthcare preferences of the people for whom they care. Advance care planning (ACP) is a longitudinal communication process that supports adults at any age or stage of health in understanding and sharing their personal values, life goals, and preferences regarding future medical care. Early initiation of ACP, communication with the primary care team, and the inclusion of associated caregivers is imperative in ADRD care due to progressive and devastating effects on decision-making capacity connected with the disease. SHARE, a multicomponent communication intervention, engaged 273 patient-family caregiver dyads in a randomized-controlled trial collecting baseline and six-month survey data related to experiences in the primary care setting. 145 patient-caregiver dyads assigned to the intervention received an offer for a facilitated advance care planning conversation. This symposium will highlight 6-month outcomes from caregiver-reported surveys. Attendees will gain a perspective on ACP considerations in a cognitively impaired population including ethical considerations and the factors influencing preparedness for medical decision making for involved family caregivers. Additional attention concerning the quality and content of ACP conversations with patient-caregiver dyads and the development of a fidelity tool for usage with audio-recorded ACP conversations will be presented.
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Enoch Oluwademilade Sodiya, Boma Sonimitiem Jacks, Ejike David Ugwuanyi, Mojisola Abimbola Adeyinka, Uchenna Joseph Umoga, Andrew Ifesinachi Daraojimba und Oluwaseun Augustine Lottu. „Reviewing the role of AI and machine learning in supply chain analytics“. GSC Advanced Research and Reviews 18, Nr. 2 (28.02.2024): 312–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.30574/gscarr.2024.18.2.0069.

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The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in supply chain analytics has emerged as a transformative force in reshaping traditional logistics and operations. This review critically examines the multifaceted role of AI and ML in optimizing supply chain processes, enhancing decision-making capabilities, and fostering agility in an era of dynamic market demands. AI and ML technologies have revolutionized data analytics by enabling the extraction of actionable insights from vast and complex datasets. The application of predictive analytics, powered by machine learning algorithms, allows supply chain professionals to forecast demand more accurately, identify potential disruptions, and optimize inventory levels. This not only improves overall efficiency but also reduces costs and minimizes the risk of stockouts or overstock situations. Furthermore, the integration of AI-driven automation in supply chain management has streamlined routine tasks, such as order processing, inventory replenishment, and route optimization. This automation not only accelerates processes but also mitigates the risk of human errors, enhancing overall reliability. The ability of AI to continuously learn from historical data and adapt to evolving market conditions contributes to a more agile and responsive supply chain ecosystem. In the context of supply chain risk management, AI and ML play a pivotal role in identifying vulnerabilities and providing proactive strategies to mitigate potential disruptions. Sentiment analysis and predictive modeling enable organizations to assess geopolitical, economic, and environmental factors, thereby enhancing the resilience of their supply chains. However, the adoption of AI and ML in supply chain analytics is not without challenges. This review explores the ethical considerations, data security concerns, and the need for skilled personnel in managing these advanced technologies. Additionally, it delves into the importance of explainability and transparency in AI-driven decision-making processes, emphasizing the need for a balance between automation and human oversight. This review underscores the transformative impact of AI and ML on supply chain analytics, emphasizing their potential to revolutionize traditional practices, enhance efficiency, and fortify resilience in an increasingly complex and dynamic business environment.
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Wang’ombe, Sharon. „The Role of Actuaries in Sustainable Development Goals“. Journal of Actuarial Research 2, Nr. 1 (28.03.2024): 14–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.47941/jar.1757.

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Purpose: The general purpose of this study was to investigate the role of actuaries in Sustainable Development Goals. Methodology: The study adopted a desktop research methodology. Desk research refers to secondary data or that which can be collected without fieldwork. Desk research is basically involved in collecting data from existing resources hence it is often considered a low cost technique as compared to field research, as the main cost is involved in executive’s time, telephone charges and directories. Thus, the study relied on already published studies, reports and statistics. This secondary data was easily accessed through the online journals and library. Findings: The findings reveal that there exists a contextual and methodological gap relating to the role of actuaries in Sustainable Development Goals. The study underscored the indispensable role of actuaries in advancing sustainable development goals (SDGs) across multiple sectors. Actuaries contribute significantly to promoting environmental sustainability by assessing and managing risks associated with climate change, while also fostering social equity and inclusivity through the design of insurance and pension schemes. Moreover, they facilitate long-term investment and infrastructure development aligned with SDGs 8 and 9, and support health and well-being initiatives, particularly in healthcare financing and risk assessment. Overall, through their expertise in risk assessment, financial management, and strategic decision-making, actuaries play a critical role in driving transformative change towards a more sustainable, inclusive, and resilient future. Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The Stakeholder theory, Institutional theory and Systems theory may be used to anchor future studies on the role of actuaries in Sustainable Development Goals. The study provided recommendations aimed at enhancing the contributions of actuaries to sustainable development agendas. It advocated for increased awareness among actuaries about their role in supporting SDGs, fostering collaboration between stakeholders, integrating sustainability considerations into actuarial practices, and promoting transparency and accountability within the profession. These recommendations emphasized the importance of aligning actuarial efforts with sustainability goals, leveraging collective expertise, and ensuring ethical and responsible decision-making. By implementing these recommendations, actuaries could play a more proactive and impactful role in advancing sustainable development goals and addressing societal challenges. Keywords: Actuaries, Sustainable Development Goals, Contributions, Recommendations, Awareness, Collaboration, Sustainability Considerations, Transparency
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Johnston, Brian, Alexandra Nelson, Alicia C. Waite, Gedeon Lemma und Ingeborg Welters. „Anticoagulation strategies in critical care for the treatment of atrial fibrillation: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis“. BMJ Open 10, Nr. 10 (Oktober 2020): e037591. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037591.

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IntroductionAtrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common cardiac arrhythmia in critically ill patients and is associated with an increased risk of thromboembolic events and mortality. Oral anticoagulation for thromboembolism prophylaxis is a key component of managing AF in the general population and is recommended by National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines. However, assessment tools used to aid decision making about anticoagulation have not yet been validated in the critical care setting. There is a paucity of data assessing the impact of anticoagulation strategies on clinical outcomes in critically ill patients with AF. We present a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of anticoagulation strategies for AF used specifically in critical care.Methods and analysisWe will conduct a systematic review of the literature by searching MEDLINE, EMBASE, CENTRAL and PubMed databases for articles published from January 1990 to October 2019. Studies reporting anticoagulation strategies for AF in adults (>18 years) admitted to a general critical care setting will be assessed for inclusion. Outcomes of interest will include (1) percentage of patients started on anticoagulation in critical care for AF, (2) incidence of thromboembolism, (3) incidence of bleeding events, (4) intensive care unit (ICU) mortality, (5) hospital mortality, (6) ICU length of stay and (7) hospital length of stay. We will conduct a meta-analysis of trials. Risk of bias will be assessed using the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool for randomised trials or the Newcastle-Ottawa Risk of Bias assessment tool for non-randomised studies. This protocol and subsequent systematic review will be reported following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses checklist.Ethics and disseminationThis proposed systematic review will include data extracted from published studies; therefore, ethical approval is not required. The results of this review will be published in clinical specialty journals and presented at international meetings and conferences.Trial registration numberCRD42020158237.
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Jawad, Ibrahim, Stuart Watson, Peter M. Haddad, Peter S. Talbot und R. Hamish McAllister-Williams. „Medication nonadherence in bipolar disorder: a narrative review“. Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology 8, Nr. 12 (16.10.2018): 349–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/2045125318804364.

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A number of effective maintenance medication options exist for bipolar disorder (BD) and these are regarded as the foundation of long-term treatment in BD. However, nonadherence to medication is common in BD. For example, a large data base study in the United States of America (USA) showed that approximately half of patients with BD were nonadherent with lithium and maintenance medications over a 12 month period. Such nonadherence carries a high risk of relapse due to the recurrent nature of the illness and the fact that abrupt cessation of treatment, particularly lithium, may cause rebound depression and mania. Indeed, medication nonadherence in BD is associated with significantly increased risks of relapse, recurrence, hospitalization and suicide attempts and a decreased likelihood of achieving remission and recovery, as well as with higher overall treatment costs. Factors associated with nonadherence include adverse effects of medication, complex medication regimens, negative patient attitudes to medication, poor insight, rapid-cycling BD, comorbid substance misuse and a poor therapeutic alliance. Clinicians should routinely enquire about nonadherence in a nonjudgmental fashion. Potential steps to improve adherence include simple pragmatic strategies related to prescribing including shared decision-making, psychoeducation with a clear focus on adherence, reminders (traditional and digital), potentially using a depot rather than an oral antipsychotic, managing comorbid substance misuse and improving therapeutic alliance. Financial incentives have been shown to improve adherence to depot antipsychotics, but this approach raises ethical issues and its long-term effectiveness is unknown. Often a combination of approaches will be required. The strategies that are adopted need to be patient specific, reflecting that nonadherence has no single cause, and chosen by the patient and clinician working together.
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Savčuk, Olga. „INTERNAL AUDIT EFFICIENCY EVALUATION PRINCIPLES“. Journal of Business Economics and Management 8, Nr. 4 (31.12.2007): 275–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.3846/16111699.2007.9636180.

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Current business environment has experienced rapid and revolutionary change with far reaching consequences for companies worldwide. Management responses to fierce global competition include improved quality and risk management initiatives, reengineered structures and processes and greater accountability to ensure more timely, reliable and relevant information for decision‐making and to secure confidence and trust of the investors. Over the last few years the importance to the strong corporate governance of managing risk has been increasingly acknowledged. Companies are under pressure to identify all the business risks they face: social, ethical and environmental as well as financial and operational, and to explain how they manage them to an acceptable level. Therefore in order to reach its objectives each company has to develop and implement an approach to assessing and managing the uncertainties and opportunities it faces in the pursuit of its business strategy, with the intention of maximizing shareholder value and performance, i.e. meeting the determined objectives. Shareholders are extremely demanding with respect to the activities of the management and want an independent and objective assessment of the risk management and governance system the management is responsible for. In this radically changed business environment the internal auditing gained an important role within companies. Over the past sixty years internal audit developed from control function responsible for inspection of accounting and financial data to a strategic partner for the shareholders and the management of the company in improving governance processes. In current environment the management of the company more and more rely on the internal audit to evaluate whether controls are sufficient to manage risks and uncertainties. This developing role of the internal auditing is also reflected in its current definition, i.e. internal auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve a company's operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes. Only efficient internal audit can perform its tasks properly. Internal audit efficiency depends on its subordination level, which must be appropriate for internal audit to be independent and objective, on the professional qualification and practical experience of internal audit staff, on the internal audit strategy, activities and value added to the company and on the ability to improve itself. The article analyses efficient internal audit establishment and support issues and internal audit efficiency estimation principles. Taking into account the scope of organization's direction and control, internal audit takes on important roles, integrating several other governance and control aspects into organizational governance and stands out as the most important, single mechanism for ensuring adequate and effective governance of the organization. The article provides criteria to assess efficiency of internal audit which could be applied when implementing internal audit function or improving the existing one.
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Figar, Nadica, und Biljana Đorđević. „Managing an Ethical Dilemma“. Economic Themes 54, Nr. 3 (01.09.2016): 345–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/ethemes-2016-0017.

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Abstract An ethical dilemma is a situation of making a choice between two or more alternatives. An agent is in unpleasant and difficult situation because he/she often needs to make a choice between ethical and unethical alternatives, and when it comes to the ethical alternatives, he/she should choose the best one. Selection reflects to a large number of principals, so this situation causes conflicts between different levels of ethical dilemmas, but also the conflicts within the same level. These conflicts can be solved by applying the hierarchy and priority rules which are incorporated in the procedure and, in particular,in the strategy for solving the ethical dilemmas. Through many case studies this paper points out the importance of an ethical dilemma in making business decisions, the so-called business ethical dilemma. It is the result of the incompatibilities between altruism, egoism and the common good. Neglecting the need for establishing the compatibility not only creates an ethical dilemma, but it becomes deeper, which is firstly manifested through the loss of reputation of the company, then through decreasing the financial results, and, in the worst case, in closing the company. Therefore, an ethical dilemma must be continuously managed.
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IVANCHENKOVA, Larysa, und Kateryna STASIUKOVA. „QUALITY OF PRODUCTS IN THE FACTORY SYSTEM OF PROVIDING COMPETITIVENESS OF MODERN PRODUCTION“. Ukrainian Journal of Applied Economics, Nr. 2 (2019): 67–75. http://dx.doi.org/10.36887/2415-8453-2019-2-8.

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Abstract Introduction. The question of manufacturing quality products is relevant to any enterprise. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to meet international standards and established requirements. In today's market conditions, the efforts of commodity producers are aimed at meeting the demand of consumers, which, in turn, are guided by the quality characteristics of the product. The purpose of the article is coverage of the main issues of product quality, as one of the factors of increasing and ensuring the competitiveness of modern production. Results. The stages of information support of the decision-making process for the reasonable choice of strategy for managing the quality parameters and image of the enterprise are offered. It is established that the concept of quality should be considered as a balance between the components: formal quality, functional quality and ethical quality. The role of logistical thinking in ensuring the innovative processes implementation in the enterprise activity is presented. The regularity of production and cash flow management is considered based on the information of the monitoring assessment of the market state and development a strategy. The principles of marketing research are being developed taking into account the logistics chain. This leads to an increase in the role of interaction between the units of the enterprise to ensure the stability of the flow processes from the purchase of raw materials to the sale of finished products. The necessity to take into account the fundamental relation between the expectations and the real properties of the object is proved when substitutes are available at the market. The content of risk is defined. An understanding of the specific risk of the company is presented that implements the strategy of improving the quality and competitiveness. A risk group for businesses focused on the production of goods that provide quality of life is considered. Methodical approaches that provide economic stability and rational positioning of the enterprise are considered: the first focused on the production potential formation, the second – on using the diversification principle as a factor of reducing the investment risk of implementing a quality improvement program in the marketing area. Conclusions. The main problem in the quality management system is the establishment of indicators and the sensitivity degree of demand for products and its characteristics. The crucial importance of investment in ensuring an adequate level of product quality necessitates the need to manage projects on the basis of assessing models the capital assets performance by the criteria of minimizing investment risk and maximizing profitability. Key words: product quality, competitiveness, competitive production, enterprise, competitiveness factors.
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Cenedesi Júnior, Mario Angelo, Dirce Pacheco Vitório Rodrigues, Maria Cecília Merege, Fernanda Santos Schwarz, Glaucia Sá Brandão Freitas Gomes, Jocilane Lima de Almeida Vasconcelos, Juciane Lima do Nascimento Melo et al. „The challenges in rebuilding a quality public health in Brazil“. OBSERVATÓRIO DE LA ECONOMÍA LATINOAMERICANA 22, Nr. 2 (15.02.2024): e3219. http://dx.doi.org/10.55905/oelv22n2-088.

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In recent years, Brazil has grappled with a denialist approach to its healthcare system, the Unified Health System (SUS), especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Influential figures, including public personalities, have cast doubt on science, leading to widespread uncertainty. Despite the challenges, Brazil boasts a strong National Immunization Plan (PNI) that has served as a global reference. The country faces the demographic transition, with an aging population requiring healthcare adaptation. Addressing chronic diseases becomes paramount, as does managing the economic implications of an older workforce supporting retirees. Inequalities in access to quality public healthcare persist due to socioeconomic disparities, a divided healthcare system, geographic disparities, ethnic and racial inequalities, education and cultural factors, and long wait times in the public healthcare system. Environmental issues, like deforestation, wildfires, climate change, water pollution, pesticide use, industrial pollution, and food security, impact public health. Sustainable policies and awareness are crucial. Health research in Brazil thrives in universities, institutions, and through international collaboration. Clinical research, epidemiology, public health research, and tropical medicine research are prevalent, but funding challenges and research misconduct persist. Combating infodemia and fake news is essential to ensure that public health decisions are based on reliable information. Fact-checking organizations, healthcare professionals, and education play a vital role. Expanding vaccination coverage is critical to protect against infectious diseases. Brazil employs campaigns, vaccination centers, home visits, school vaccination, partnerships, effective communication, vaccination records, education, and prioritizing high-risk groups. Strengthening the First Level of Health Care through the Family Health Strategy, coverage expansion, professional qualification, electronic health records, prevention programs, management strategies, specialized care, service integration, and community participation can improve healthcare access and coordination. Health education in Brazil focuses on health promotion, disease prevention, child and family health, sexual education, community engagement, school education, information accessibility, and trust in public health policies. The growth of health technology in Brazil can enhance care quality, access, resource management, disease prevention, cost savings, and innovation. However, ethical considerations, equitable access, and data privacy are vital. A democratic environment in public health promotes community participation, accountability, equity, evidence-based decision-making, individual and collective rights, anti-corruption efforts, conflict resolution, and long-term policy planning. SUS funding faces challenges of insufficient resources, budget predictability, dependence on unstable funding sources, regional inequalities, healthcare professional shortages, underfunding of complex services, lack of prevention investment, corruption, and an aging population. Addressing these challenges is vital to maintain SUS as an equitable and effective healthcare system. In conclusion, addressing these healthcare challenges and opportunities is crucial for Brazil's future. It requires ongoing investment in public policies, a multidisciplinary approach, and active community participation. Strengthening primary healthcare and combating misinformation are essential steps toward a healthier and more equitable Brazil.
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Ahmed Narikkoottungal, S., A. Siddiqui, A. Constantin, S. Farrow und K. Ahmed. „POS1177 REVAMPING BIOLOGIC THERAPY DURING COVID-19“. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 80, Suppl 1 (19.05.2021): 869.1–870. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/annrheumdis-2021-eular.1008.

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Background:The COVID-19 pandemic has caught us all by surprise – from governments to individuals; the medical fraternity being no exception. It has affected all walks of life; with its immense contagiosity, diverse and intriguing pathogenesis and manifestations differing from other viruses. It has indeed left humanity in dark, unchartered waters; particularly in the early months of the pandemic.Objectives:This article shares the experience, in a Rheumatology department in a District General Hospital (DGH) in the United Kingdom, of managing patients on Biologic (b) and Targeted Synthetic (ts) DMARDs, in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic.Methods:All Rheumatology patients at the Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH) in Harlow newly started on a biologic or targeted synthetic DMARD between 3rd July and 3rd Oct 2020 were identified. These patients had active inflammatory arthritis. Each patient was discussed in a dedicated Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) meeting and a consensus on treatment reached in-line with local and National guidelines.Figure 1.A slide presented at the Essex Rheumatology Association (ERA) meeting explaining the process adopted at the Rheumatology Department at Harlow during the peak of COVID-19 pandemic with new b/ts DMARD patients.Results:Of the 50 patients identified; 39 had Rheumatoid Arthritis, 6 had Ankylosing Spondylitis and 5 had Psoriatic Arthritis. Of these 50 patients, 5 patients decided against treatment during the stage of ‘Enhanced Verbal Consent’. These patients were flaring recurrently and were in regular contact with the department. However, they were afraid to start new Biologic treatment because of the risks of Covid-19. The breakdown of the biologic agents used in the remaining 45 patients were as follows: Adalimumab:11, Rituximab: 10, Etanercept: 9, Tofacitinib: 11, Tocilizumab SC: 3, Tocilizumab IV: 1, Sarilumab: 2, Secukinumab: 1, Infliximab: 1, Baricitinib: 1, Apremilast: 1Figure 2.Breakdown of the various b/ts DMARD agents newly started in the 45 patients between 3/7/20 - 3/10/20 at PA Hospital, Harlow, UKConclusion:The over-riding principle that guided the Department during the COVID crisis was: primum non nocere (first, do no harm). The adherence to the Case Based Discussions (CBDs) positively impacted on decision making, ensuring safe initiation of Biologic DMARDs even during the height of the pandemic. This is vital to achieve early disease remission. The MDT meetings comprising Doctors, Specialist Pharmacist and Nurse Specialists ensured prompt risk stratification of individual patients. It gave patients the opportunity to be part of the decision-making - evident in the five of the fifty patients, who opted to defer the start date of their treatments. The choice of the new Biologic agent was based on the latest National COVID-19 guidelines. The agents with the shortest half-life were selected. Moreover, patients for Rituximab were given one pulsed infusion, as opposed to two infusions. Only one of the 45 patients started on a Biologic agent over this period, either was tested positive or had symptoms suggestive of COVID-19.References:[1]https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7261974[2]https://rmdopen.bmj.com/content/6/2/e001314[3]https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmc2009567[4]https://www.jrheum.org/content/early/2020/05/13/jrheum.200527[5]https://www.uptodate.com/contents/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-care-of-adult-patients-with-systemic-rheumatic-disease[6]www.england.nhs.uk/clinical-guide-rheumatology-patients-v1-19-march-2020.pdf[7]https://www.rheumatology.org.uk/practice-quality/covid-19-guidance[8]https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng167/chapter/4-Treatment-considerations[9]https://www.gmc-uk.org/ethical-guidance/ethical-guidance-for-doctors/decision-making-and-consentAcknowledgements:We acknowledge the whole Rheumatology Dept at Harlow for their sincere team work during the COVID-19 pandemic – Sabaa Naz (Rheumatology Pharmacist), Mona Kamal Zou (Biologics Nurse Specialist), Lily Robinson (DMARD Nurse Specialist), Mary Surendran (Osteoporosis Nurse Specialist), Janet Bell (Secretary to Dr Ahmed) and Claire Stroud (Secretary to Dr Farrow).Disclosure of Interests:None declared.
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Athanassoulis, Nafsika, und Allison Ross. „A virtue ethical account of making decisions about risk“. Journal of Risk Research 13, Nr. 2 (März 2010): 217–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13669870903126309.

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Carroll, Andrew. „How to make good-enough risk decisions“. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 15, Nr. 3 (Mai 2009): 192–98. http://dx.doi.org/10.1192/apt.bp.107.005439.

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SummaryMaking decisions in the context of risk is an integral part of psychiatric work. Despite this, decision-making skills are rarely systematically taught and the processes behind decisions are rarely made explicit. This article attempts to apply contemporary evidence from cognitive and social psychology to common dilemmas faced by psychiatrists when assessing and managing risk. It argues that clinical decision-making should acknowledge both the value and limitations of intuitive approaches in dealing with complex dilemmas. After discussing the various ways in which clinical decision-making is commonly derailed, the article outlines a framework that accommodates both rational and intuitive modes of thinking, with the aim of optimising decision-making in high-risk situations.
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Zang, Zhi, Qingyue Zheng und Lingna Luo. „Risk sensitivity mediates the relationship between construal level and ethical decision making“. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 50, Nr. 4 (06.04.2022): 1–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.2224/sbp.11309.

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Although researchers have proposed that construal level has a substantive impact on decision making in ethical scenarios, the internal mechanism underlying this relationship is yet to be fully explored. Drawing on construal level theory and risk sensitivity theory, we conducted two ethical dilemma experiments to test the mediating role of risk sensitivity in the relationship between construal level and ethical decision making. In Study 1 we found that individuals with a high (vs. low) construal level were more likely to intend to behave ethically. In Study 2 we tested the mediating effect of risk sensitivity in this relationship. Individuals with a high (vs. low) construal level demonstrated lower risk preference and were sensitive to the change in level of risk, which resulted in decisions for behaviors that were more ethical. Conversely, individuals with a low construal level focused more on short-term interests and showed insensitivity to risk level, resulting in self-interested and unethical decisions. The practical and theoretical implications of the findings are discussed.
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Leslie, Paula, und Dominika Lisiecka. „Ethical Issues in Dysphagia Management“. Seminars in Speech and Language 41, Nr. 03 (Juni 2020): 257–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-0040-1710561.

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AbstractDysphagia management is complex and requires balancing individuals' preferences, quality of life, and medical consequences. Ethical challenges are not uncommon given the complexity of dysphagia. Professionals must engage in ethical reflection and shared decision-making when managing dysphagia. Recognizing one's own presuppositions and beliefs may be fundamental to ensuring an ethical approach. The goal of this article is to apply principles of ethics using hypothetical case studies of dysphagia. To this end, we will describe the challenges of working with the disorder of dysphagia; the influence of culture on decision-making about eating and feeding; the importance of information disclosure and respect for individuals' refusal of recommendations; and the interplay of ethical reflection, evidence, and clinical judgment when making complex dysphagia management decisions. These concepts should be kept in mind to ensure compassionate and competent care of the person with eating, drinking, or swallowing problems and their family caregivers.
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Pembi, Stephen, und Bulus Kamna Ali. „Ethical Business Decision-Making in Organizations: A Theoretical Perspectives“. Advanced Qualitative Research 2, Nr. 1 (27.02.2024): 19–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.31098/aqr.v2i1.2133.

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Ethics issues are characterized by ambiguity and complexity, and they have high-stakes implications for both individuals and organizations. The study of business ethics focuses on identifying the moral standards of good and wrong that govern interactions between and within organisations. To sustain a competitive advantage in today's competitive market, business leaders must embrace ethical decision-making. Businesses that do not make ethical decisions, risk falling behind their market competitors. This research looks at ethical frameworks that can help managers distinguish between ethical and unethical business decisions. As it is a review of literature, the current study mainly depends on literature. Several theories, including utilitarianism, individualism, justice, and right theories, have been examined in this study to explain the underlying cognitive and behavioural processes governing ethical decision-making. The results show that while making moral decisions, managers need to be aware of the ethical ramifications of various issues and circumstances. As a result, managers should use ethical principles while making decisions, especially when it comes to stakeholders in a business. The findings of this study will assist other researchers in identifying comparable studies during the literature review stage of their research and will serve as a framework for future research in business ethics.
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Sucipto, Purwo Agus, Maria Jashinta Elisabet Hamboer, Nazaruddin Ahmad, Zakaria Satrio Darmawan und Filda Angellia. „Ethical Leadership in Information Technology Decision Making and its Impact on Risk Management“. Jurnal Minfo Polgan 12, Nr. 2 (11.11.2023): 2135–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.33395/jmp.v12i2.13173.

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In the rapidly growing digital era, information technology has become an integral part of almost all aspects of our lives, including in the world of business and management. Appropriate and effective use of information technology is the key to achieving competitive advantage in today's competitive business environment. However, making decisions related to information technology is not an easy task, as information technology is often complex and high-risk. The purpose of this study is to analyse ethical leadership in information technology-related decision making and its impact on risk management. The method used is a qualitative literature review that focuses on an in-depth understanding of the topic in the time span from 2006 to 2023. The main objective of this method is to identify, analyse, and synthesise relevant scientific literature that has been published in various journals, conference papers, and other academic sources accessible through Google Scholar. The study results show that ethical leadership plays a central role in ensuring that IT-related decisions are taken with ethical principles in mind and with the aim of minimising risk. Ethical leadership contributes to the avoidance of data misuse, creating a culture of transparency and accountability, ensuring fair use of technology, and being mindful of the impact of IT decisions on society and the environment.
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Knaus, William. „Ethical Implications of Risk Stratification in the Acute Care Setting“. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2, Nr. 2 (1993): 193–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0963180100000906.

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The increasing complexity of modern hospital care and the decisions that must be made were the reasons we began our research on the Acute Physiology, Age and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) project. As a clinician in an intensive care unit (ICU), I felt very uncomfortable making the sorts of decisions that are common today without any source of information or any reference points. These decisions are not avoidable, they are not discretionary, and they are going to become more frequent in the future because we are treating people at later stages of disease.
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Halim, Zuhri, Ngurah Pandji Mertha Agung Durya, Kraugusteeliana Kraugusteeliana, Suherlan Suherlan und Ayu Latifah Alfisyahrin. „Ethics-Based Leadership in Managing Information Security and Data Privacy“. Jurnal Minfo Polgan 12, Nr. 2 (18.09.2023): 1819–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.33395/jmp.v12i2.13018.

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In the advancing digital age, technological transformation has created endless opportunities for efficiency, innovation and connectivity. However, behind these advancements lie significant challenges related to information security and data privacy. Adverse data breaches and cyber-attacks have reminded us of the vulnerabilities inherent in today's digital environment. Therefore, protecting information security and data privacy has become a top priority for organisations around the world. This research aims to explore how ethical leaders can influence decision-making and practices related to information security and data privacy. This research is a literature review that adopts a qualitative method approach, which means it will analyse and interpret data by relying on information and text from various sources. The study results arrive at a statement that ethical leaders ensure that technical aspects and ethical values go hand in hand in making decisions related to information security and data privacy. Through ethics-based leadership, organisations are able to build a culture that cares about data privacy, create a secure and transparent environment for customers and users, and comply with increasingly stringent regulations. The trust of customers and business partners built through ethical practices in information and data management will be a competitive advantage for organisations in the ever-changing digital age.
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MORALES, ROBERTA A., und ROBERT M. McDOWELL. „Risk Assessment and Economic Analysis for Managing Risks to Human Health from Pathogenic Microorganisms in the Food Supply†“. Journal of Food Protection 61, Nr. 11 (01.11.1998): 1567–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.4315/0362-028x-61.11.1567.

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Risk managers increasingly face having to justify their decisions in allocating limited resources. These decisions may include prioritizing hazards, determining appropriate levels of safety, and identifying and selecting optimal risk reduction strategies. These decisions require making choices among alterative, choices that may be difficult because they invariably involve trade-offs. Integrating risk assessment and economic analyses can aid decision making by determining the benefits and costs of alterative actions. Risk assessment and economic analysis provide the measurement tools that will facilitate intelligent, informed, risk management and will enable effective and efficient resource allocation decisions.
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Duchan, Judith Felson, Stephen Calculator, Rae Sonnenmeier, Sylvia Diehl und Gary D. Cumley. „A Framework for Managing Controversial Practices“. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools 32, Nr. 3 (Juli 2001): 133–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.1044/0161-1461(2001/011).

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Every day, speech-language pathologists working in schools make difficult, life-impacting decisions regarding which assessment and intervention approaches to use with their clients. These decisions can become even more difficult when the approaches being considered for use are controversial. The risks involved in making choices about controversial practices are likely to have increased significance simply because the approach being considered is not widely accepted. The increased professional risk may cause decisions to be made based on risk avoidance rather than on a careful consideration of the pros and cons of the approach itself. This article offers a clinical practice framework for gathering information about controversial approaches and for implementing and monitoring their use. The framework will be illustrated using facilitated communication as an example of a controversial practice.
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Basir, Abdul, Erlinda Dwi Puspitasari, Cindy Chintya Aristarini, Pebri Defi Sulastri und Abu Muna Almaududi Ausat. „Ethical Use of ChatGPT in the Context of Leadership and Strategic Decisions“. Jurnal Minfo Polgan 12, Nr. 1 (15.07.2023): 1239–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.33395/jmp.v12i1.12693.

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The development of AI has had a significant impact on various aspects of human life, including in the fields of communication and decision-making. One popular example of AI is ChatGPT, a generative language model designed to interact and generate human-like text. While ChatGPT provides great potential in facilitating communication and decision-making, its presence also poses ethical challenges that need to be considered. This research aims to explore the ethical issues that arise in the use of ChatGPT in the context of leadership and decision-making, and formulate an ethical framework that can guide the responsible and beneficial practice of using ChatGPT. The current research type is qualitative. Data collection techniques include listening and recording important information to conduct data analysis through data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The study results show that the ethical use of ChatGPT in the context of leadership and strategic decision-making involves complex and important considerations related to transparency, fairness, privacy, long-term impact considerations, and risk management. While ChatGPT can provide significant benefits, it also poses ethical challenges that need to be addressed.
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Hankinson, Bruce. „A network-centric approach to managing risk“. APPEA Journal 54, Nr. 2 (2014): 483. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/aj13056.

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The strategies of many large organisations are underpinned by top down, hierarchical management, complex forecasting and predictive modelling, standardised processes, siloed business units, division of labour, information biases and disjointed stakeholder management. Rigid and inflexible, organisations are struggling to respond to the risks associated with unpredictable, ever changing and complex operational environments. Budget blowouts into the billions of dollars, stretched resources, increasing governance, social and political interdependencies and a complex playing field that is constantly changing as it grows and matures is what oil and gas companies in Australia today face. Proponents of Australia’s massive LNG boom are doing the hard yards and they are feeling the pressure. Unfortunately with pressure comes poor decision making. Lack of access to evidence based and up to date, real time information means decisions are often made based on intuition or unqualified, out of date information due to immature systems. Research has clearly proven that intuitive decision making results in cognitive biases. These biases results in perceptual blindness or distortion (seeing things that aren’t really there), illogical interpretation (being non-sensical) and inaccurate judgments (being just plain wrong). Without a system in place to manage risks in it’s operational space, companies will continue to make poor decisions that only increase the risks they try so hard to control. This paper proposes a new approach to better understanding organisational interdependency and risk management through adoption of a network centric approach. It explores the benefits of a network centric approach and how this it can be applied in a multi dimensional environment to not only reduce risk events and costs but enable a truly resilient and competitive business.
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DePree, Chauncey M., und C. Terry Grant. „Earnings Management and Ethical Decision Making: Choices In Accounting for Security Investments“. Issues in Accounting Education 14, Nr. 4 (01.11.1999): 613–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.2308/iace.1999.14.4.613.

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General Electric, Matell, NationsBank, and W. R. Grace are among companies recently under scrutiny for managing their earnings. This case uses a fictitious data set to simulate a decision environment in which earnings are managed in the context of accounting for investments in marketable securities. Decisions are made from the perspective of management interests and other stakeholders, the FASB's conceptual framework, and GAAP. These competing interests may lead to inconsistent conclusions. As a result, proper analysis of the issues and framing of defensible positions requires more than application of professional accounting standards. Resolution of conflicts of interest is made using appropriate ethical analysis based upon a philosophical framework of Utilitarian-Theory, Rights-Theory and Justice-Theory.
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Popkova, Elena G. „Spirituality in the realities of digitalization of society in the era of intelligent machines development“. RUDN Journal of Economics 32, Nr. 1 (15.03.2024): 170–86. http://dx.doi.org/10.22363/2313-2329-2024-32-1-170-186.

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The study is devoted to determining the consequences of the digitalization of society in the era of the development of intelligent machines from the perspective of spirituality. Using the regression analysis method, econometric modeling of the impact of the spread of artificial intelligence (according to Tortois) on human development (according to UNDP) in 2022 is carried out. The obtained quantitative results are complemented by qualitative research based on the methodology of neo-institutionalism using a critical analysis method to identify hidden threats of artificial intelligence for spirituality, not reflected in official statistics. As a result, it was concluded that the spread of artificial intelligence has a contradictory impact on society. A quantitative analysis of official statistics showed that the spread of artificial intelligence not only does not slow down, but even accelerates human development. At the same time, qualitative analysis pointed to hidden threats to the digitalization of society in the era of the development of intelligent machines for spirituality, requiring attention and neutralization by managing the spread of artificial intelligence. A scientific interpretation of these potential problems of the spread of artificial intelligence as “institutional traps” is given. These include: 1) the “trap” of the transition from human-inspired labor to impersonal production in the process of automation; 2) the “trap” of the spiritual and moral assessment of the release of personnel under the influence of automation; 3) the “trap” of eliminating the spiritual component from social communications during their transition to a human-machine format; 4) the “trap” of distortion of spirituality in the “distorting mirror” of artificial intelligence when mindlessly copying people’s social and moral assessments; 5) the “trap” of the transition from spiritual and moral understanding of the situation to “blind faith” in artificial intelligence with intellectual support for decision-making (rationality = soullessness). The uniqueness of the article and its theoretical significance lies in the fact that it was the first to reveal and systematize the socio-ethical aspects of the spread of artificial intelligence. The practical significance of the new scientific results obtained in the article is due to the fact that they revealed the prospect of improving the management of the spread of artificial intelligence. In order to minimize the risk of personality degradation, that is, to achieve consistent comprehensive human development in the era of the development of intelligent machines, it is recommended to pay attention to issues of spirituality. This will ensure the humanization of artificial intelligence, thereby optimizing its impact on society.
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TILSE, CHERYL, JILL WILSON, LINDA ROSENMAN, DAVID MORRISON und ANNE-LOUISE MCCAWLEY. „Managing older people's money: assisted and substitute decision making in residential aged-care“. Ageing and Society 31, Nr. 1 (17.09.2010): 93–109. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0144686x10000747.

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ABSTRACTCurrent approaches to the assessment of cognitive capacity in many jurisdictions seek to balance older people's empowerment with their protection. These approaches incorporate a presumption of capacity, a decision-specific rather than global assessment of that capacity, and an obligation to provide the support needed for adults to make or communicate their own decisions. The implication is that older people are assisted to make decisions where possible, rather than using substitute decision makers. For older people, decision making about financial matters is a contentious domain because of competing interests in their assets and concerns about risk, misuse and abuse. In residential-care settings, older people risk being characterised as dependent and vulnerable, especially in relation to decisions about financial assets. This paper reports an Australian study of the factors that facilitate and constrain residents' involvement in financial decision making in residential settings. Case studies of four aged-care facilities explored how staff interpreted the legislative and policy requirements for assisted and substitute decision making, and the factors that facilitated and constrained residents' inclusion in decisions about their finances. The observed practices reveal considerable variation in the ways that current legislation is understood and implemented, that there are limited resources for this area of practice, and that policies and practices prioritise managing risk and protecting assets rather than promoting assisted decision making.
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Ratnawati, Vince, Riska Anggraini und Ruhul Fitrios. „Determinants of Ethical Decision-Making: A Study on the Role of the Professionalism of Members of the Indonesian Association of Tax Consultants“. Journal of Tax Reform 9, Nr. 2 (2023): 246–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/jtr.2023.9.2.140.

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This study aims to examine and analyze the direct influence among Machiavellian Traits, Perceptions of Ethics and Social Responsibility, and Risk Preference on Tax Consultant Ethical Decision Making. The novelty of this research is to use of the professionalism of tax consultants as members of the profession as a moderating variable. It is expected that the professionalism of the tax consultant can limit the occurrence of unethical decision making by tax consultant. The respondents were all tax consultants registered with the Indonesian Tax Consultants Association for the Pekanbaru region. Data analysis techniques in this study using Structural Equation Modeling– Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) Smart-PLS Software version 4.0. This study found that Machiavellian traits, ethical perceptions and social responsibility, and risk preferences have an influence on the ethical decision-making of tax consultants. This study also found that professionalism moderates the effect of Machiavellian Traits, Perceptions of Ethics and Social Responsibility, and Risk Preference on Ethical Decision Making. This study offers theoretical and practical implications for strengthening attitudes that always prioritize ethics in every decision-making. Ethical decision making can be done by reducing Machiavellian traits, considering ethics and social responsibility, and always considering the risks that will be faced because of the decisions to be taken. The value of the study provides an academic contribution regarding the effect of Machiavellian traits, ethical perception, and social responsibility, and also risk preference, and the moderating role of professionalism in reducing unethical decision making.
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He, Kuang. „Ethical IT Decision Making and Data Governance“. Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences 89, Nr. 1 (10.06.2024): 68–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.54254/2754-1169/89/20241912.

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This paper explores the importance of data governance in influencing ethical decision-making in the context of information technology (IT). Data governance is used as a management technique to ensure the quality of organisational data by establishing and implementing policies, procedures and standards. Three main types of data governance are discussed: silo-oriented data governance, functional data governance, and platform data governance. The impact of each type on ethical IT decision-making is analysed, highlighting the challenges and benefits associated with each approach. Ethical IT decision-making hinges on robust data governance. Silo-oriented governance fosters fragmentation, conflicting standards, and security vulnerabilities. Functional Data Governance tailors policies to departments, enhancing accountability and risk mitigation but may lack unified ethics. Platform Data Governance builds on this, ensuring clearer accountability, data privacy, and unified ethical standards. To foster ethical IT decision-making, prioritize Platform Data Governance, establish a data platform for security, cultivate a unified ethical culture, and enforce organizational standards. These steps promote accountability, mitigate risks, and safeguard data integrity, crucial for ethically sound IT decisions in today's complex landscape.
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Endriulaitienė, Auksė, und Vaclovas Martišius. „RIZIKINGŲ SPRENDIMŲ PRIĖMIMO IR SITUACIJOS POBŪDŽIO SĄSAJOS“. Psichologija 26 (01.01.2002): 7–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.15388/psichol.2002..4401.

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Šiuolaikinė socialinė teorija nurodo, kad vystosi vadinamoji rizikos visuomenė, todėl problemos, susijusios su rizikingų sprendimų priėmimu, tampa vis aktualesnės. Didžiausia yra konteksto veiksnių priimant rizikingus sprendimus srities (pvz., problemos formulavimo, užduoties sudėtingumo ir kt.) tyrimų įvairovė. Tačiau neaišku, ar problemos turinys turi įtakos polinkiui priimti rizikingus sprendimus. Šio darbo tikslas buvo patikrinti hipotezę, ar žmonės labiau linkę priimti rizikingus sveikatos ir piniginės nei socialinės ir etinės rizikos sričių sprendimus. Tyrime dalyvavo 602 respondentai; jie pildė Kogano ir Wallacho (1964, 1967) pasiūlytą Pasirinkimo dilemų klausimyną. Pagal metodiką reikėjo pasirinkti priimtiną rizikingo sprendimo tikimybę iš dvylikos situacijų (piniginės, sveikatos, socialinės ir etinės rizikos sričių). Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad žmonės priima rizikingiausius sveikatos rizikos ir saugiausius etinės rizikos sričių sprendimus. Tačiau rizikingų sprendimų priėmimo ir rizikos srities, situacijos pobūdžio ryšys gali kisti dėl individualių veiksnių (pvz., lyties, amžiaus). THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RISKY DECISION MAKING AND SITUATIONAL FACTORS Auksė Endriulaitienė, Vaclovas Martišius SummaryRecent social theory proposes the idea that the risk society is developing, so the problems of risky decision making are more and more urgent. There are a lot of investigations in the field of situational correlates of risky decision making (e. g., problem framing, task difficulty, etc.). But there is not clear if the problem content has the impact upon the propensity to make risky decisions. The goal of this work was to test hypothesis that people are more prone to risky decision making in health and monetary risk area than in social and ethical risk area. Participants were 602 subjects (age 18-60; 262 students and 340 workers). They completed Kogan and Wallach's (1964, 1967) Choice Dilemma Questionnaire (CDQ), where they had to choose the appropriate for them probability for risky decision in twelve situations (from monetary, health, social and ethical risk areas). The results showed that people make the most risky decisions in health risk area and the safest decisions in ethical risk area. But the relationship between risk area and risky decision making may be mediated by individual factors (e. g., gender and age).
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Will, Jonathan F. „Covid‐19: Medical Decisions, Mandates, and High‐Risk Minors“. Hastings Center Report 52, Nr. 3 (Mai 2022): 4–5. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/hast.1389.

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AbstractKensey Dishman was unvaccinated when she contracted Covid‐19 at thirteen years old. She also had asthma and is now dead. Her divorced parents disagreed about whether Kensey should be vaccinated, and her father suggested that it was Kensey's own choice to refuse vaccination. This situation is as complicated as it is tragic, and it raises a number of legal and ethical issues regarding medical decision‐making for minors, parental rights, vaccination mandates, and individual freedom versus government interests in protecting minors as well as public health. This commentary explores these issues and highlights potential sources of liability for those involved in Kensey's treatment decisions given her high‐risk for complications from Covid‐19.
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Khan, Irfan Ullah, Muhammad Siddique und Asad Ali Khan. „THE ETHICAL LEADERSHIP & SUSTAINABLE PERFORMANCE: ROLE OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE“. JUNE 2024 3, Nr. 2 (07.06.2024): 117–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.53664/jssd/03-02-2024-10-117-127.

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The ethical leadership is responsible for confirming the ethical standards overwhelmed at desired norms and shared values, that results in workforces’ effective attitudes and behaviors, culminates at sustainable performance. In order to examine role of organizational culture in linking ethical leadership and sustainable performance, the data was collected from teachers (sample from population) hailing from higher education institutions in the southern region, KP, Pakistan, to investigate hypothesized relationship (association & mediation), among variables, to extract desired information in reaching the conclusion and making suitable decisions. The results of study confirmed the existence of association and partial mediation through the correlation and mediation procedures wherein findings can be used as guiding principles in managing research issues more artistically in attaining desired outcomes. Thus, it is suggested from results that ethical leadership can play significant role in higher institutions by ensuring ethical values and standards that are essential parameters for the behavioral transformation overwhelmed at the sustainable performance and culminates at sustainable development and anticipated success.
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Loon, Marije S. Koelewijn-van, Anneke van Dijk-de Vries, Trudy van der Weijden, Glyn Elwyn und Guy AM Widdershoven. „Ethical issues in cardiovascular risk management“. Nursing Ethics 21, Nr. 5 (19.11.2013): 540–53. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0969733013505313.

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Involving patients in decisions on primary prevention can be questioned from an ethical perspective, due to a tension between health promotion activities and patient autonomy. A nurse-led intervention for prevention of cardiovascular diseases, including counselling (risk communication, and elements of shared decision-making and motivational interviewing) and supportive tools such as a decision aid, was implemented in primary care. The aim of this study was to evaluate the nurse-led intervention from an ethical perspective by exploring in detail the experiences of patients with the intervention, and their views on the role of both the nurse and patient. The study had a qualitative design. 18 patients who had received the intervention participated. Data were gathered by in-depth interviews. The interviews were analysed using directed content analysis. The findings revealed that patients perceived the consultations not as an infringement on their autonomy, but as supportive to risk reduction efforts they tried but found hard to realise. They specifically emphasised the role of the nurse, and appreciated the nurse's realistic advice, encouragement, and help in understanding. Patients' views on and experiences with risk management are in line with notions of relational autonomy, caring cooperation and communicative action found in the literature. We conclude that patients define the relationship with the nurse as shared work in the process of developing a healthier lifestyle.
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Ryus, Caitlin, und Jay Baruch. „The Duty of Mind: Ethical Capacity in a Time of Crisis“. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness 12, Nr. 5 (02.11.2017): 657–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/dmp.2017.120.

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AbstractIn a disaster, physicians are forced to make challenging and heartbreaking ethical decisions under conditions of physical and emotional exhaustion. Evidence shows that the conditions of stress that mark disasters can undermine the process of ethical decision-making. This results in biased allocation of scarce resources, fewer utilitarian and altruistic decisions, and a wider variation in decisions. Stress also predisposes clinicians to decision strategy errors, such as premature closure, that lead to poor outcomes. The very ability to make sound and ethical decisions is thus a scarce resource. Ethical frameworks underpinning disaster protocols enumerate many physician obligations, but seldom articulate the risk posed by having decisions made ad hoc by decision-makers who are compromised by the stress of the concurrent crisis. We propose, therefore, that a “duty of mind”—the obligation to make critical decisions under the clearest possible state of thought—be added to ethical frameworks for disaster response. Adding the duty of mind to the pillars on which planning is based would force attention to a moral imperative to include decision support tools in disaster planning. By moving the consideration of possible choices to a moment when time and consultation facilitate clear and considered thought, the duty of mind is upheld. (Disaster Med Public Health Preparedness. 2018;12:657–662)
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Jasienė, Meilė, Jonas Martinavičius, Filomena Jasevičienė und Gražina Krivkienė. „BANK LIQUIDITY RISK: ANALYSIS AND ESTIMATES“. Business, Management and Education 10, Nr. 2 (20.12.2012): 186–204. http://dx.doi.org/10.3846/bme.2012.14.

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In today’s banking business, liquidity risk and its management are some of the most critical elements that underlie the stability and security of the bank’s operations, profit-making and clients confidence as well as many of the decisions that the bank makes. Managing liquidity risk in a commercial bank is not something new, yet scientific literature has not focused enough on different approaches to liquidity risk management and assessment. Furthermore, models, methodologies or policies of managing liquidity risk in a commercial bank have never been examined in detail either. The goal of this article is to analyse the liquidity risk of commercial banks as well as the possibilities of managing it and to build a liquidity risk management model for a commercial bank. The development, assessment and application of the commercial bank liquidity risk management was based on an analysis of scientific resources, a comparative analysis and mathematical calculations.
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Bagrationi, Irma. „On the Risks of Ethical Decision-Making from the History of the Political Thought“. Cybernetics and Computer Technologies, Nr. 4 (30.12.2021): 89–94. http://dx.doi.org/10.34229/2707-451x.21.4.9.

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Introduction: We are interested in the theoretical considerations of the actual pragmatic questions about ethical worldview meaning of understanding of the innovation dealings world, the nature of its conceptual risk dilemmas and problems and sententious thinking in the sphere of political business industry. Our viewpoint is dedicated to the most important aspects of the essence and peculiarities of the social moral standards of innovation approaches in the context of a political solution through methodology of modern mental technology - especially: cognitive methods with gnostic wisdom research and utilitarian creative knowledge and axiological methodology with overestimation ethical values and demonstrating intellectual concepts. Into the framework of the main goal of the research are reviewed the basic theoretical paradigms on the background of ethical worldview analysis (through comparative historical technique of thinking) of the leading-edge conceptual theories of the famous contemporary Russian, American and European thinkers. The purpose of the article is to prove, substantiate and confirm the following thesis. In order for the ethical of timely paroemiac responsibility and political freedom to be able to fulfill its axiological tasks, it is necessary to reach some worldview ideas: ??to create an universal model of moral consciousness and high valuable behavior; overcome mental and sociocultural biases regarding the debatable assessment of the convincingness of events and determine the relevant logical reaction of society not only to a certain risk of eatable technical thinking, but also to uncertainty regarding their intellectual decision in relation to approved ethical, operational, empirical and principled notions, proposals, expression views and suggestions. The results. Scientific conceptual alternatives of optimization of practical and urgent ethical valuable dilemmas are given. The issues of the possibility of formation of a worldview system through practical ethical requirements that standard regulates the reactionary politics of intellectual reality to probabilistic hazards are discussed. The ethical standards of universal prohibitions, the moral responsibility of human nature and the ethics of virtue make a conflict of social and political interests through insurmountable cognitive, discussible, reviewable and discursive difficulties are demonstratively shown. Conclusions. Taking into dominant the essence of the main backgrounds of the existential specific theoretical approaches for worldview methods solving moral political problems is integrated some innovation decisions through valuable considerations. The fundamental ethical concepts of utilitarian thought of historical reminiscences synthesize the possibility problematic circumstances into the logical model of making morally important and useful decisions much easier are analyzed, but through in the valuating pragmatic context needs a main transformation in mental formation of ideological metric and social-political structure. Keywords: ethical worldview decision, political industry, innovation approaches, moral values, mental technologies, risk decision methods, conceptual risk dilemmas.
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BUCHANAN, ROBERT L., SHERRI DENNIS und MARIANNE MILIOTIS. „Initiating and Managing Risk Assessments within a Risk Analysis Framework: FDA/CFSAN'S Practical Approach“. Journal of Food Protection 67, Nr. 9 (01.09.2004): 2058–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.4315/0362-028x-67.9.2058.

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Management of risk analysis involves the integration and coordination of activities associated with risk assessment, risk management, and risk communication. Risk analysis is used to guide regulatory decision making, including trade decisions at national and international levels. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) formed a working group to evaluate and improve the quality and consistency of major risk assessments conducted by the Center. Drawing on risk analysis experiences, CFSAN developed a practical framework for initiating and managing risk assessments, including addressing issues related to (i) commissioning a risk assessment, (ii) interactions between risk managers and risk assessors, and (iii) peer review.
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Mou, Bo, und Xiaopei Yang. „Analysis of the Role of Compliance Plan in AI Criminal Risk Prevention-Take AI Criminal Risk in Network Communication as Example“. International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) 15, Nr. 3 (13.12.2023): 154–67. http://dx.doi.org/10.17762/ijcnis.v15i3.6242.

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To address the criminal risks associated with artificial intelligence (AI) in network communications, such as privacy invasion, information leakage and abuse, prejudice and discrimination, and intelligent crime, it's crucial to implement robust compliance plans. These plans should ensure legal compliance by adhering to relevant laws and regulations, thus safeguarding against unlawful use of AI. Strengthening data privacy and protection is vital to prevent unauthorized access and misuse of sensitive information. Ensuring fairness and eliminating discrimination are essential to maintaining ethical AI practices and preventing biases in AI decision-making processes. Improving system transparency and interpretability is also critical; it involves making AI systems more understandable and accountable for their actions and decisions. Additionally, reinforcing security measures is necessary to defend against cyber threats and vulnerabilities, thereby reducing the probability of AI- enabled criminal activities. These comprehensive strategies are pivotal in mitigating the criminal risks of AI in network communication and promoting the responsible and ethical development of AI technology.
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