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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Malian fiction"


Prozesky, Maria. „African speculative fiction as Indigenous remembering: Contrasting stories by Jonathan Dotse and Masima Musodza“. Tydskrif vir Letterkunde 59, Nr. 1 (12.05.2022): 109–20.

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How to understand what uniquely African contribution speculative fiction created by African authors makes is a vexed question. Drawing on concepts of the geopolitics of knowledge and locus of enunciation, from the South American tradition of decolonial theory, I argue that the term “Indigenous” must be retained to specify works that speak from epistemic locations within Indigenous African cultures. Such fiction does important remembering work by recovering, renewing, and extending Indigenous knowledge traditions and so claiming the right to imagine futures in Indigenous terms. This remembering is obscured if such fiction is examined in terms such as Afrofuturism, which primarily focuses on race, or Africanfuturism, which focuses on geographical location. Indigenous remembering works from a specific Indigenous locus of enunciation and uses this episteme to explain the present and imagine the future. Such remembering must be distinguished from works that reduce Indigenous knowledge and knowers to tokens of their culture, as the “Other” to Eurocentric knowledge and its claim of universality. I illustrate this distinction by discussing two stories, “The writing in the stars” by Jonathan Dotse and “Herbert wants to return home” by Masima Musodza, showing how Musodza’s story is told from within a specific Indigenous framework, the Shona conception of personhood known in Shona as hunhu, whereas Dotse’s tale speaks about Malian astrophysics but from outside it. It is this distinction, a vital colonial difference, that the term Indigenous African speculative fiction aims to capture.
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Diarra, Modibo. „Love and taboo in Malian popular fiction: Amour Haram by Aramata Diawara and L'Union interdite by Ouleï Ba“. ALTERNATIVE FRANCOPHONE 3, Nr. 4 (15.02.2024): 53–60.

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Cet article qui analyse deux romans populaires maliens tente de répondre à trois questions essentielles relatives à l’intérêt du roman populaire, les sujets spécifiques qu’il traite et ses frontières avec le roman canonique. Il montre que le roman populaire malien répond aux mêmes critères esthétiques que les autres romans de cette catégorie qu’on peut trouver sous d’autres cieux. Amour Haram d’Aramata Diawara et L’Union interdite d’Ouleï Ba marquent l’évolution significative du roman sentimental malien, en ce sens qu’ils proposent une poétique où les frontières entre le roman dit « lettré » et celui dit « populaire » deviennent parfois difficiles à tracer. Ces romans mettent non seulement en scène la crise politique que connaît le Mali depuis plusieurs années, mais décrivent aussi un problème social majeur : le tabou et sa transgression.
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Sahn, Sarah F. „Secrets, Lies, and Children’s Fiction by Kerry Mallan“. Children's Literature Association Quarterly 39, Nr. 4 (2014): 586–89.

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Ostry, Elaine. „Secrets, Lies and Children’s Fiction by Kerry Mallan“. Lion and the Unicorn 39, Nr. 2 (2015): 229–31.

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Grace, Fraser. „Platonov or bust“. Short Fiction in Theory & Practice 13, Nr. 1 (01.03.2023): 23–36.

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The author presents a highly personal case for considering Andrey Platonov as the third person of a ‘holy trinity’ of writers from early twentieth-century Russia. Where Chekhov foresaw huge social upheaval (but died before seeing it) and Gorky staged the beginnings of insurrection, Platonov explores the fallout of the Revolution. The malign impact of Gorky’s doctrine of Socialist Realism on Platonov’s life and work is tracked. The challenges of adapting Platonov’s fiction to the stage are examined, and a case study offered of the new play Bliss, based on ‘The River Potudan’, which premiered in Platonov’s hometown of Voronezh, in June 2019.
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Pavlik, Anthony. „Secrets, Lies and Children's Fiction. Kerry Mallan. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2013. 224 pages.“ International Research in Children's Literature 7, Nr. 2 (Dezember 2014): 221–23.

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Wilks, Yorick. „Will There Be Superintelligence and Would It Hate Us?“ AI Magazine 38, Nr. 4 (28.12.2017): 65–70.

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Bostrom’s Superintelligence (SI) is a wide-ranging essay (2016) that has raised important questions about the future of intelligent machines and the possible malign developments they may undergo. But, and perhaps surprisingly, it is not about technical developments in artificial intelligence (AI) nor a philosophical analysis of the concept of SI. There is little of either of these in it, which is largely an extended and stimulating essay on economics, decision theory and other forms of social science, all held together by the unsubstantiated hypothesis of “superintelligence” that belongs more to science fiction than AI. AI may well in some future produce undesirable social effects — the Internet itself could already be such a development — but there is as yet no reason to think they could be on the massive and end-of-civilization scale Bostrom so confidently predicts.
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Craven-Matthews, Catriona, und Pierre Englebert. „A Potemkin state in the Sahel? The empirical and the fictional in Malian state reconstruction“. African Security 11, Nr. 1 (02.01.2018): 1–31.

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Franck, Mia. „Gender Dilemmas in Children's Fiction. Kerry Mallan. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. ix + 221 pages. USD 80 (hardback).“ International Research in Children's Literature 3, Nr. 1 (Juli 2010): 102–4.

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Aggarwal, Kusum. „Tchouaffe (Jean-Olivier), Passion of the Reel : Cinematic versus Modernist Political Fictions in Cameroon. Translated and edited by Sheri Malman. Bristol (UK) ; Chicago : Intellect, 2015, x-218 p. – ISBN 978-I-84150-564-0“. Études littéraires africaines, Nr. 47 (2019): 255.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "Malian fiction"


Buyu, Mathew Osunga. „Racial intercourse in Joseph Conrad's Malayan and African fiction“. Thesis, University of Sussex, 1987.

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Longou, Schahrazède Ungar Steven. „Violence et rebellion chez trois romancières de l'Algérie contemporaine Maissa Bey, Malika Mokeddem et Leila Marouane /“. Iowa City : University of Iowa, 2009.

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Kampf, Raymond William. „Fauxtopia“. VCU Scholars Compass, 2004.

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To all who come to this fictitious place:Welcome.Fauxtopia is your land. Here, age relives distorted memories of the past, and here, youth may savor the challenge of trying to understand the present. Fauxtopia is made up of the ideals, the dreams and the fuzzy facts which have re-created reality... with the hope that it will be a source of edutainment for all the world.Ray KampfFauxtopia DedicationApril 1st, 2004
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Mo, Yimei. „Local colour in Malayan Chinese fiction : a new approach“. Master's thesis, 1988.

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1. Malayan Chinese Literature :1920-1937 : Definitions and Significance Malayan Chinese literature, that is a literature written in Chinese by Chinese resident of Malaya (including Singapore), is a complex subject, both in itself and in the ways in which it is perceived by different people. Therefore, before entering into any description or discussion, it is necessary to defme both the writers and the geographical limits of Malayan Chinese literature in the period under study. For the purpose of this thesis, Malayan Chinese authors can be classified into two general categories. Firstly, those born either in China or Malaya, who lived for various periods of time in Malaya, and who published literary work ( including poetry, fiction, drama, prose, fables, literary comment, etc) locally between 1920 and 1937. This is regardless of whether they used Nanyang, that is modern Southeast Asia, as the setting of their work. Secondly, there are those who lived in Malaya and wrote about the Nanyang area, but published their work elsewhere, primarily in mainland China.
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Ntita, Samuel. „Le conflit des generations dans Sous l’orage de Seydou Badian et Le porte-parole du president de Marcel Khombe Mangwanda“. Diss., 2014.

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Observateur invétéré des réalités quotidiennes de son milieu natal, Seydou Badian a publié, en 1957, un roman intitulé Sous l’orage. Témoin oculaire des événements journaliers de son terroir natal, surtout ceux du milieu professionnel, Marcel Khombe Mangwanda a publié de son côté, en 2008, un ouvrage intitulé Le Porte-parole du président. Après une lecture méticuleuse des deux romans, on constate que ces deux écrivains africains ont examiné avec finesse, dans leurs productions littéraires respectives un thème commun, à savoir le conflit des générations. Qu’entendent-ils par conflit des générations? Comment conçoivent-ils et exploitent-ils ce thème dans ces romans? Quelles solutions proposent-ils aux vieux et aux jeunes d’une part, au pouvoir et au peuple d’autre part pour éradiquer le conflit qui demeure, en Afrique, non seulement un obstacle pour l’épanouissement de l’individu, mais aussi un frein pour le développement de leurs pays et de la société africaine?
Seydou Badian, inveterate observant of the daily realities of his native milieu published in 1957 a novel called Sous l’Orage. Marcel Khombe Mangwanda, eyewitness of his native terrirory daily events, mostly those of the professional milieu, on his side, published in 2008 a book called Le Porte-parole du président. After a careful reading of the two novels, we can notice that the two African writers have carefully scrutinized a common theme in their literary work, conflict of generations. What do they mean by conflict of generations? How do they understand and exploit this theme in their respective novels? Which solutions do they propose to old people and to the youths on one hand, to leaders on power and to the people on the other hand, to eradicate the conflict which is in Africa, not only an obstacle to individual blossoming, but also an obstruction for the development of the society, of the country and of the African continent?
Classics & World Languages
M.A. (French)
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Ntita, Samuel Beya. „Le conflit des generations dans Sous l’orage de Seydou Badian et Le porte-parole du president de Marcel Khombe Mangwanda“. Diss., 2014.

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Text in French
Observateur invétéré des réalités quotidiennes de son milieu natal, Seydou Badian a publié, en 1957, un roman intitulé Sous l’orage. Témoin oculaire des événements journaliers de son terroir natal, surtout ceux du milieu professionnel, Marcel Khombe Mangwanda a publié de son côté, en 2008, un ouvrage intitulé Le Porte-parole du président. Après une lecture méticuleuse des deux romans, on constate que ces deux écrivains africains ont examiné avec finesse, dans leurs productions littéraires respectives un thème commun, à savoir le conflit des générations. Qu’entendent-ils par conflit des générations? Comment conçoivent-ils et exploitent-ils ce thème dans ces romans? Quelles solutions proposent-ils aux vieux et aux jeunes d’une part, au pouvoir et au peuple d’autre part pour éradiquer le conflit qui demeure, en Afrique, non seulement un obstacle pour l’épanouissement de l’individu, mais aussi un frein pour le développement de leurs pays et de la société africaine?
Seydou Badian, inveterate observant of the daily realities of his native milieu published in 1957 a novel called Sous l’Orage. Marcel Khombe Mangwanda, eyewitness of his native terrirory daily events, mostly those of the professional milieu, on his side, published in 2008 a book called Le Porte-parole du président. After a careful reading of the two novels, we can notice that the two African writers have carefully scrutinized a common theme in their literary work, conflict of generations. What do they mean by conflict of generations? How do they understand and exploit this theme in their respective novels? Which solutions do they propose to old people and to the youths on one hand, to leaders on power and to the people on the other hand, to eradicate the conflict which is in Africa, not only an obstacle to individual blossoming, but also an obstruction for the development of the society, of the country and of the African continent?
Classics and World Languages
M.A. (French)
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Bücher zum Thema "Malian fiction"


Aligo. Souffrance delicieuse. Bamako (Mali): La Sahélienne, 2019.

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N'Tji, Idriss Mariko. Ciel d'hivernage: Roman. Paris: Présence africaine, 2004.

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Agréable, Saccharose Buccal. Allamako. Bamako, Mali: Takaba Editions, 2020.

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Bricoul. Le corbeau blanc: Roman. Bamako: Editions Tombouctou, 2019.

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Mohamed, Ibrahim AG. Quatre saisons de tourbillons. Bamako: La Sahélienne, 2021.

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Tapo, Abdoulaye Garbo. L'HÉRITAGE EMPOISONNÉ. Paris: Editions L'Harmattan, 2004.

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Diabaté, Massa M. L' assemblée des djinns: Roman. Paris: Présence africaine, 1985.

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Traoré, Henriette Samaké. Femme d'espérance. Bamako, Mali: Les Editions Gafé, 2020.

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Touré, Jonas A. La saison des prédateurs. Bamako (Mali): La Sahélienne, 2020.

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Sintédia, Diakité Mahamadou, Coulibaly, Mahamadou Somé, ca. 1938-, Coulibaly, Mahamadou Somé, ca. 1938- und Bamako (Mali : District). Direction régionale de la jeunesse, des sports, des arts et de la culture., Hrsg. Concours de la meilleure nouvelle en langue française (édition 1991). Bamako (Mali): Editions Jamana, 1992.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Malian fiction"


Siebert, R., Y. Zhang, R. Matthiesen, K. Weber-Matthiesen und B. Schlegelberger. „Molekularzytogenetische Untersuchungen bei malignen Lymphomen: Neue Erkenntnisse für Biologie, Klassifikation und Klinik durch FISH, FICTION und CGH“. In Maligne Lymphome, 73–88. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1997.

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Hampson, Robert. „Introduction“. In Cross-Cultural Encounters in Joseph Conrad’s Malay Fiction, 1–30. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2000.

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Hampson, Robert. „Homecoming“. In Cross-Cultural Encounters in Joseph Conrad’s Malay Fiction, 182–89. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2000.

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Hampson, Robert. „Problems of Historiography“. In Cross-Cultural Encounters in Joseph Conrad’s Malay Fiction, 31–43. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2000.

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Hampson, Robert. „The Advancement of Learning: Marsden, Raffles, Brooke“. In Cross-Cultural Encounters in Joseph Conrad’s Malay Fiction, 44–71. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2000.

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Hampson, Robert. „The Inward Turn: Wallace and Clifford“. In Cross-Cultural Encounters in Joseph Conrad’s Malay Fiction, 72–98. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2000.

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Hampson, Robert. „Cultural Diversity and Originary Identity: Almayer’s Folly and An Outcast of the Islands“. In Cross-Cultural Encounters in Joseph Conrad’s Malay Fiction, 99–115. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2000.

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Hampson, Robert. „Encountering the Other: ‘Race’ and Gender in ‘The Lagoon’ and ‘Karain’“. In Cross-Cultural Encounters in Joseph Conrad’s Malay Fiction, 116–28. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2000.

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Hampson, Robert. „Speech and Writing in Lord Jim“. In Cross-Cultural Encounters in Joseph Conrad’s Malay Fiction, 129–45. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2000.

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Hampson, Robert. „Absence and Presence in Victory“. In Cross-Cultural Encounters in Joseph Conrad’s Malay Fiction, 146–60. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2000.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Malian fiction"


Abdul Halim, Hazlina. „Translation Errors in Malaysian Children’s Movie Subtitles“. In GLOCAL Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology 2019. The GLOCAL Unit, SOAS University of London, 2019.

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Subtitling Malay movies into English in Malaysia presents particular constrictions and defies subtitlers, as the two languages have little in common and have a number of untranslatability elements. Upin and Ipin is a Malaysian television series produced by Les’ Copaque Production, which features the life of the twin brothers in a fictional Malaysian village. The series was first introduced in 2007 and can be considered as one of the most successful animated television series in Malaysia. However, the series represents significantly unique language, leading to a significant concern in subtitling. Hence, this article aims to investigate the errors utilized in the movie Upin and Ipin Pengembaraan Bermula. The research used Koponen’s (2010) error categories to classify the translation errors, by comparing the subtitles in the source and target texts. The study supports the findings of Rull et al. (2016) on omission and mistranslation as the common errors. It is hoped that this study could serve as a reference for other translation research on subtitling to and from other languages in Malaysia.
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Grosu, Corina, und Marta Grosu. „HIT BY WEIBULL: PLAY TO LEARN NOW!“ In eLSE 2019. Carol I National Defence University Publishing House, 2019.

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A major goal of today's teaching pedagogy is to fine-tune the acquired theoretical Mathematics models in order to address hands-on problems. More specifically, among the probability distribution laws which students are supposed to know, the Weibull distribution plays a very important role, due to its versatility and wide range of real-life applications. In order to stress the importance of the specific scientific uses of the Weibull distribution, we have designed an e-learning game which confronts students with some of the real life problems to which this distribution law can be successfully applied. In fact, the player's role in applying the Weibull distribution is to correctly determine the parameters which correspond to the recorded data of an observed system. Since this distribution law characterizes issues associated to the reliability and survival rate of the components of a system, we have imagined a game scenario featuring a catastrophic computer virus attack. The challenge of the unresponsive software systems and the failure of all performant antivirus programs, demands the urgent intervention of a competent student team. The fictional second year Politehnica students' team steps in and analyzes the situation by making use of their acquired Mathematical statistics skills. The students' team discovers, by means of the Weibull distribution law, that there is a hidden batch file which infected the PCs, a file associated with the visualization of a certain web page. The malign website is meant to hack personal data out of end users' computers. This aggression, in turn, is needed in order to determine users to move their files in a newly launched cloud storage app. The aim of the cloud storage app is unlawful data mining in order to serve the ambitious marketing purposes of a big fashion label.
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