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Teves, Franco, Mónica Lamas-Maceiras, Carlos García-Estrada, Javier Casqueiro, Leopoldo Naranjo, Ricardo V. Ullán, José-Martín Scervino, Xiaobin Wu, Tania Velasco-Conde und Juan F. Martín. „Transcriptional upregulation of four genes of the lysine biosynthetic pathway by homocitrate accumulation in Penicillium chrysogenum: homocitrate as a sensor of lysine-pathway distress“. Microbiology 155, Nr. 12 (01.12.2009): 3881–92.

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The lysine biosynthetic pathway has to supply large amounts of α-aminoadipic acid for penicillin biosynthesis in Penicillium chrysogenum. In this study, we have characterized the P. chrysogenum L2 mutant, a lysine auxotroph that shows highly increased expression of several lysine biosynthesis genes (lys1, lys2, lys3, lys7). The L2 mutant was found to be deficient in homoaconitase activity since it was complemented by the Aspergillus nidulans lysF gene. We have cloned a gene (named lys3) that complements the L2 mutation by transformation with a P. chrysogenum genomic library, constructed in an autonomous replicating plasmid. The lys3-encoded protein showed high identity to homoaconitases. In addition, we cloned the mutant lys3 allele from the L2 strain that showed a G1534 to A1534 point mutation resulting in a Gly495 to Asp495 substitution. This mutation is located in a highly conserved region adjacent to two of the three cysteine residues that act as ligands to bind the iron–sulfur cluster required for homoaconitase activity. The L2 mutant accumulates homocitrate. Deletion of the lys1 gene (homocitrate synthase) in the L2 strain prevented homocitrate accumulation and reverted expression levels of the four lysine biosynthesis genes tested to those of the parental prototrophic strain. Homocitrate accumulation seems to act as a sensor of lysine-pathway distress, triggering overexpression of four of the lysine biosynthesis genes.
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Westphal, Andreas, Weijia Cheng, Jinbo Yu, Guntram Grassl, Martina Krautkrämer, Otto Holst, Niko Föger und Kyeong-Hee Lee. „Lysosomal trafficking regulator Lyst links membrane trafficking to toll-like receptor–mediated inflammatory responses“. Journal of Experimental Medicine 214, Nr. 1 (23.11.2016): 227–44.

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Subcellular compartmentalization of receptor signaling is an emerging principle in innate immunity. However, the functional integration of receptor signaling pathways into membrane trafficking routes and its physiological relevance for immune responses is still largely unclear. In this study, using Lyst-mutant beige mice, we show that lysosomal trafficking regulator Lyst links endolysosomal organization to the selective control of toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3)– and TLR4-mediated proinflammatory responses. Consequently, Lyst-mutant mice showed increased susceptibility to bacterial infection and were largely resistant to endotoxin-induced septic shock. Mechanistic analysis revealed that Lyst specifically controls TLR3- and TLR4-induced endosomal TRIF (TIR domain–containing adapter-inducing interferon β) signaling pathways. Loss of functional Lyst leads to dysregulated phagosomal maturation, resulting in a failure to form an activation-induced Rab7+ endosomal/phagosomal compartment. This specific Rab7+ compartment was further demonstrated to serve as a major site for active TRIF signaling events, thus linking phagosomal maturation to specific TLR signaling pathways. The immunoregulatory role of Lyst on TLR signaling pathways was confirmed in human cells by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene inactivation. As mutations in LYST cause human Chédiak-Higashi syndrome, a severe immunodeficiency, our findings also contribute to a better understanding of human disease mechanisms.
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Morsing, Ole. „Det fælles er at brede lyst!“ Slagmark - Tidsskrift for idéhistorie, Nr. 11 (31.01.2018): 168–70.

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Thing, Morten. „Pornografica: lyst & frihed, profit & censur“. Magasin fra Det Kongelige Bibliotek 15, Nr. 1 (01.03.2002): 59–67.

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Grodal, Torben Kragh. „Arbejds-lyst eller Back to the Future“. K&K - Kultur og Klasse 15, Nr. 57 (28.01.1987): 41–75.

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Harris, Edward, Ning Wang, Wei-l. Wu, Alisha Weatherford, Arturo De Lozanne und James Cardelli. „DictyosteliumLvsB Mutants Model the Lysosomal Defects Associated with Chediak-Higashi Syndrome“. Molecular Biology of the Cell 13, Nr. 2 (Februar 2002): 656–69.

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Chediak-Higashi syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by mutations in a gene encoding a protein named LYST in humans (“lysosomal trafficking regulator”) or Beige in mice. A prominent feature of this disease is the accumulation of enlarged lysosome-related granules in a variety of cells. The genome of Dictyostelium discoideumcontains six genes encoding proteins that are related to LYST/Beige in amino acid sequence, and disruption of one of these genes,lvsA (large volumesphere), results in profound defects in cytokinesis. To better understand the function of this family of proteins in membrane trafficking, we have analyzed mutants disrupted in lvsA, lvsB, lvsC, lvsD, lvsE, and lvsF. Of all these, onlylvsA and lvsB mutants displayed interesting phenotypes in our assays. lvsA-null cells exhibited defects in phagocytosis and contained abnormal looking contractile vacuole membranes. Loss of LvsB, theDictyostelium protein most similar to LYST/Beige, resulted in the formation of enlarged vesicles that by multiple criteria appeared to be acidic lysosomes. The rates of endocytosis, phagocytosis, and fluid phase exocytosis were normal inlvsB-null cells. Also, the rates of processing and the efficiency of targeting of lysosomal α-mannosidase were normal, although lvsB mutants inefficiently retained α-mannosidase, as well as two other lysosomal cysteine proteinases. Finally, results of pulse-chase experiments indicated that an increase in fusion rates accounted for the enlarged lysosomes inlvsB-null cells, suggesting that LvsB acts as a negative regulator of fusion. Our results support the notion that LvsB/LYST/Beige function in a similar manner to regulate lysosome biogenesis.
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Seip, Ingebjørg. „Platon igjen: Kunst som sorgarbeid og filosofiens lyst“. Norsk filosofisk tidsskrift 43, Nr. 02 (04.06.2008): 100–102.

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Jorth, Peter, und Marvin Whiteley. „Characterization of a Novel Riboswitch-Regulated Lysine Transporter in Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans“. Journal of Bacteriology 192, Nr. 23 (01.10.2010): 6240–50.

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ABSTRACT Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is an opportunistic pathogen that resides primarily in the mammalian oral cavity. In this environment, A. actinomycetemcomitans faces numerous host- and microbe-derived stresses, including intense competition for nutrients and exposure to the host immune system. While it is clear that A. actinomycetemcomitans responds to precise cues that allow it to adapt and proliferate in the presence of these stresses, little is currently known about the regulatory mechanisms that underlie these responses. Many bacteria use noncoding regulatory RNAs (ncRNAs) to rapidly alter gene expression in response to environmental stresses. Although no ncRNAs have been reported in A. actinomycetemcomitans, we propose that they are likely important for colonization and persistence in the oral cavity. Using a bioinformatic and experimental approach, we identified three putative metabolite-sensing riboswitches and nine small regulatory RNAs (sRNAs) in A. actinomycetemcomitans during planktonic and biofilm growth. Molecular characterization of one of the riboswitches revealed that it is a lysine riboswitch and that its target gene, lysT, encodes a novel lysine-specific transporter. Finally, we demonstrated that lysT and the lysT lysine riboswitch are conserved in over 40 bacterial species, including the phylogenetically related pathogen Haemophilus influenzae.
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Petersen, Anders Klostergaard. „Religionshistorie på lyst og fromme eller hvad?: En review-artikel af Mikael Rothstein, Den kristne krop.“ Religionsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift, Nr. 69 (05.03.2019): 236–46.

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Schepelern, Peter. „Mellem lyst og pligt: Filmkultur og filmkritik i Danmark“. MedieKultur: Journal of media and communication research 11, Nr. 23 (02.09.1995): 21.

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Filmen står måske i dag for de fleste, som det af de audiovisuelle medier der er tættest på at repræsentere kunsten. Men sådan har det ikke altid været. Som alle nye medier måtte filmen først igennem en lang historisk fase, hvor den nærmest blev betragtet som en trussel mod kulturen, indtil den i dag er blevet en statsbeskyttet filmkultur. I denne artikel skriver Peter Schepelern oplagt og underholdende om den danske filmkulturs udvikling fra skadelig kultur til kunst, og samtidig fortæller han historien om kritikken og teorierne om filmen fra starten til i dag i lyset af de store ideologiske og kulturelle bevægelser og i relation til de andre kunstarter. Hans konklusion er, at filmen i dag har erhvervet respektabilitet i det etablerede kulturlivs øjne, men stadigvæk ikke har fået ligestilling.
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Ciancia, Silvia, Maria Francesca Dalla Porta, Greta Miriam Cingolani, Monica Cellini, Annarosa Soresina, Raffaele Badolato, Ilaria Mariotti, Maria del Carmen Cano Garcinuno und Lorenzo Iughetti. „La sindrome di Chediak-Higashi a esordio tardivo“. Medico e Bambino pagine elettroniche 24, Nr. 4 (30.04.2021): 118–23.

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Chediak-Higashi syndrome (CHS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the CHS1/LYST gene, encoding for LYST protein, involved in lysosomal trafficking. It is characterized by recurrent bacterial infections, oculocutaneous albinism, silver hair, haematological and neurological alterations and a possible evolution towards the socalled accelerated phase (haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis). It is classified in a classic form, with infantile onset, lethal if bone marrow transplantation is not promptly performed, and in an atypical form, with adolescent/adult onset, for which a more conservative approach may be possible. The paper describes a case of hypertrophic-hyperplastic gingivopathy associated with leuko-neutropenia. The evaluation of the bone marrow smear raised the suspicion of CHS and the analysis of the clinical history highlighted the presence of suggestive criteria for atypical CHS. The genetic investigation confirmed the diagnosis.
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Thumbigere Math, V., P. Rebouças, P. A. Giovani, R. M. Puppin-Rontani, R. Casarin, L. Martins, L. Wang et al. „Periodontitis in Chédiak-Higashi Syndrome: An Altered Immunoinflammatory Response“. JDR Clinical & Translational Research 3, Nr. 1 (03.08.2017): 35–46.

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Chédiak-Higashi syndrome (CHS), a rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in the lysosomal trafficking regulator gene (LYST), is associated with aggressive periodontitis. It is suggested that LYST mutations affect the toll-like receptor (TLR)–mediated immunoinflammatory response, leading to frequent infections. This study sought to determine the periodontal status of patients with classic (severe) and atypical (milder) forms of CHS and the immunoregulatory functions of gingival fibroblasts in CHS patients. In contrast to aged-matched healthy controls, atypical (n = 4) and classic (n = 3) CHS patients presented with mild chronic periodontitis with no evidence of gingival ulceration, severe tooth mobility, or premature exfoliation of teeth. As a standard of care, all classic CHS patients had undergone bone marrow transplantation (BMT). Primary gingival fibroblasts obtained from atypical and BMT classic CHS patients displayed higher protein expression of TLR-2 (1.81-fold and 1.56-fold, respectively) and decreased expression of TLR-4 (−2.5-fold and −3.85-fold, respectively) at baseline when compared with healthy control gingival fibroblasts. When challenged with whole bacterial extract of Fusobacterium nucleatum, both atypical and classic CHS gingival fibroblasts failed to up-regulate TLR-2 and TLR-4 expression when compared with their respective untreated groups and control cells. Cytokine multiplex analysis following F. nucleatum challenge showed that atypical CHS gingival fibroblasts featured significantly increased cytokine expression (interleukin [IL]–2, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, interferon-γ, tumor necrosis factor–α), whereas classic CHS cells featured similar/decreased cytokine expression when compared with treated control cells. Collectively, these results suggest that LYST mutations in CHS patients affect TLR-2 and TLR-4 expression/function, leading to dysregulated immunoinflammatory response, which in turn may influence the periodontal phenotype noted in CHS patients. Furthermore, our results suggest that atypical CHS patients and classic CHS patients who undergo BMT early in life are less susceptible to aggressive periodontitis and that hematopoietic cells play a critical role in mitigating the risk of aggressive periodontitis in CHS. Knowledge Transfer Statement: Results from this study can be used to create awareness among clinicians and researchers that not all CHS patients exhibit historically reported aggressive periodontitis, especially if they have atypical CHS disease or have received bone marrow transplantation. LYST mutations in CHS patients may affect TLR-2 and TLR-4 expression/function leading to dysregulated immunoinflammatory response, which in turn may influence the periodontal phenotype noted in CHS patients.
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Kamp, Annette, und Herman Knudsen. „Alt for meget arbejde“. Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv 1, Nr. 3 (01.09.1999): 93.

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For flere og flere mennesker fylder arbejdet mere og mere i tilværelsen. Det kan gå ud over forholdet til partner, familie og venner, og det kan gå ud over sundheden. arbejdet kan udvikle sig til en mani, til arbejdsnarkomani. rsagen synes at være en kombination af ydre pres og indre lyst.
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Clarke, ND, LJ Beamer, HR Goldberg, C. Berkower und CO Pabo. „The DNA binding arm of lambda repressor: critical contacts from a flexible region“. Science 254, Nr. 5029 (11.10.1991): 267–70.

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Segments of protein that do not adopt a well-ordered conformation in the absence of DNA can still contribute to site-specific recognition of DNA. The first six residues (NH2-Ser1-Thr2-Lys3-Lys4-Lys5-Pro6-) of phage lambda repressor are flexible but are important for site-specific binding. Low-temperature x-ray crystallography and codondirected saturation mutagenesis were used to study the role of this segment. All of the functional sequences have the form [X]1-[X]2-[Lys or Arg]3-[Lys]4-[Lys or Arg]5-[X]6. A high-resolution (1.8 angstrom) crystal structure shows that Lys3 and Lys4 each make multiple hydrogen bonds with guanines and that Lys5 interacts with the phosphate backbone. The symmetry of the complex breaks down near the center of the site, and these results suggest a revision in the traditional alignment of the six lambda operator sites.
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Langeland, Fredrik. „Soldater med lyst til å drepe – Krigermaskulinitet i mannebladet Alfa“. Norsk medietidsskrift 19, Nr. 04 (12.12.2012): 312–32.

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Charette, S. J., und P. Cosson. „A LYST/beige homolog is involved in biogenesis of Dictyostelium secretory lysosomes“. Journal of Cell Science 120, Nr. 14 (15.07.2007): 2338–43.

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Barrett, Alec, und Greg J. Hermann. „ACaenorhabditis elegansHomologue of LYST Functions in Endosome and Lysosome-Related Organelle Biogenesis“. Traffic 17, Nr. 5 (24.02.2016): 515–35.

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Trantow, Colleen M., Adam Hedberg-Buenz, Sachiyo Iwashita, Steven A. Moore und Michael G. Anderson. „Elevated Oxidative Membrane Damage Associated with Genetic Modifiers of Lyst-Mutant Phenotypes“. PLoS Genetics 6, Nr. 7 (01.07.2010): e1001008.

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MASUI, Norio, Masayuki MORI, Tetsu NISHIKAWA, Yumie TAKAGI, Hidekazu ASAI, Makoto YANABE, Ken-ichi YAMASAKI, Tadao SERIKAWA und Katsunori SATO. „An Allele-Specific Genotyping Method for Rat Lyst (Lysosomal Trafficking Regulator) Gene“. Experimental Animals 53, Nr. 1 (2004): 77–80.

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Suarez-Fernandez, Marta, Ana Aragon-Perez, Luis Vicente Lopez-Llorca und Federico Lopez-Moya. „Putative LysM Effectors Contribute to Fungal Lifestyle“. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22, Nr. 6 (19.03.2021): 3147.

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Fungal LysM effector proteins can dampen plant host–defence responses, protecting hyphae from plant chitinases, but little is known on these effectors from nonpathogenic fungal endophytes. We found four putative LysM effectors in the genome of the endophytic nematophagous fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia (Pc123). All four genes encoding putative LysM effectors are expressed constitutively by the fungus. Additionally, the gene encoding Lys1—the smallest one—is the most expressed in banana roots colonised by the fungus. Pc123 Lys1, 2 and 4 display high homology with those of other strains of the fungus and phylogenetically close entomopathogenic fungi. However, Pc123 Lys3 displays low homology with other fungi, but some similarities are found in saprophytes. This suggests evolutionary divergence in Pc123 LysM effectors. Additionally, molecular docking shows that the NAcGl binding sites of Pc123 Lys 2, 3 and 4 are adjacent to an alpha helix. Putative LysM effectors from fungal endophytes, such as Pc123, differ from those of plant pathogenic fungi. LysM motifs from endophytic fungi show clear conservation of cysteines in Positions 13, 51 and 63, unlike those of plant pathogens. LysM effectors could therefore be associated with the lifestyle of a fungus and give us a clue of how organisms could behave in different environments.
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Jessen, Birthe, Andrea Maul-Pavicic, Heike Ufheil, Thomas Vraetz, Anselm Enders, Kai Lehmberg, Alfred Längler et al. „Subtle differences in CTL cytotoxicity determine susceptibility to hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in mice and humans with Chediak-Higashi syndrome“. Blood 118, Nr. 17 (27.10.2011): 4620–29.

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Abstract Perforin-mediated cytotoxicity is important for controlling viral infections, but also for limiting immune reactions. Failure of this cytotoxic pathway leads to hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), a life-threatening disorder of uncontrolled T-cell and macrophage activation. We studied susceptibility to HLH in 2 mouse strains (souris and beigeJ) and a cohort of patients with partial defects in perforin secretion resulting from different mutations in the LYST gene. Although both strains lacked NK-cell cytotoxicity, only souris mice developed all clinical and histopathologic signs of HLH after infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. The 2 strains showed subtle differences in CTL cytotoxicity in vitro that had a large impact on virus control in vivo. Whereas beigeJ CTLs eliminated lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection, souris CTLs failed to control the virus, which was associated with the development of HLH. In LYST-mutant patients with Chediak-Higashi syndrome, CTL cytotoxicity was reduced in patients with early-onset HLH, whereas it was retained in patients who later or never developed HLH. Thus, the risk of HLH development is set by a threshold that is determined by subtle differences in CTL cytotoxicity. Differences in the cytotoxic capacity of CTLs may be predictive for the risk of Chediak-Higashi syndrome patients to develop HLH.
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Zhang, Jia, und Zhao Wang. „Pedigree Gene Investigation and Parameters of NK Cell Activity, CD107a Degranulation Amd HLH Related Defective Protein Play Significant Role in the Diagnosis of Primary HLH“. Blood 128, Nr. 22 (02.12.2016): 4876.

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Abstract Abstract This study aims to evaluate the significance of pedigree genetic screening and rapid immunological parameters in the diagnosis of primary HLH and explore their correlation. Twelve Chinese families of primary HLH with mutations in PRF1, UNC13D, LYST, RAB27A, SH2D1A, BIRC4 were recruited and conducted pedigree investigation, including family genetic screening, NK cell activity, CD107a degranulation and expression of HLH related defective protein. Ten patients were identified with homozygous, compound heterozygous, or hemizygous mutations in PRF1, UNC13D, RAB27A, SH2D1A and BIRC4, including one case of homozygous mutation (c.1349C>T:p.T450M) and four cases of compound heterozygous mutations (frameshift deletion c.65delC:p.P22fs and c.G503A:p.S168N; c.1168C>Tp.R390X and c.1349C>T:p.T450M; frameshift mutation c.1090_1091delCT:p.T364fsX93 and c.1349C>T:p.T450M; non-frameshift deletions c.1083_1094del:p.361_365del and c.T172C :p.S58P) in PRF1, one case of homozygous mutation (c.G2588A:p.G863D) and one compound heterozygous (c.C640T:p.R214X and c.G407A:p.C136Y) in UNC13D, one case of homozygous mutation (c.C244T:p.R82C) in RAB27A, and two male cases of hemizygous mutations in SH2D1A(c.32T>G:p.I11S) and BIRC4(c.G592A:p.V198M). Meanwhile, two patients were identified mutations in two or three different gene, including a male with a hemizygous mutation in SH2D1A(c.7G>T:p.A3S) and a heterozygous mutation(c.127C>A: p.L43M) in PRF1, and a female with three hemizygous mutations respectively in UNC13D(c.G680A:p.R227H), LYST(c.A8368C:p.K2790Q) and BIRC4(c.C962G:p.A321G).The primary HLH patients and their family members presented different levels of decreased NK cell activity. Individuals who were found mutations in PRF1, SH2D1A and BIRC4 showed low expression of perforin, SAP and XIAP. And the patients with homozygous and compound heterozygous mutations in UNC13D and RAB27A showed significant reducing of cytotoxic degranulation function and their family members presented normal or different levels of decreased CD107a. The patient with combination defects involving two genes(UNC13D and LYST) in the degranulation pathway showed decreased of CD107a degranulation which implied a digenic inheritance and diagnosed primary HLH. Pedigree genetic screening and rapid detection of immunological parameters play an important role in the diagnosis of primary HLH and demonstrate good consistency. Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
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Dame, Joycelyn Assimeng, Lee-Ann Phillips, Nico de Villiers, Komala Pillay, Carol Hlela und Brian Eley. „A novel LYST mutation causing Chédiak Higashi syndrome in a South African child“. Pediatric Hematology Oncology Journal 4, Nr. 2 (August 2019): 44–46.

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Sepulveda, Fernando E., Agathe Burgess, Xavier Heiligenstein, Nicolas Goudin, Mickaël M. Ménager, Maryse Romao, Marjorie Côte et al. „LYST Controls the Biogenesis of the Endosomal Compartment Required for Secretory Lysosome Function“. Traffic 16, Nr. 2 (06.01.2015): 191–203.

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Kypri, Elena, Kristin Falkenstein und Arturo De Lozanne. „Antagonistic Control of Lysosomal Fusion by Rab14 and the Lyst-Related Protein LvsB“. Traffic 14, Nr. 5 (12.03.2013): 599–609.

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Gomaa, N. S., J. Y. W. Lee, A. El Sharkawy, Y. F. El Chazli, H. M. A. Hassab, N. N. Doghaim, J. A. McGrath und A. Onoufriadis. „Genetic analysis in Egyptian patients with Chediak–Higashi syndrome reveals new LYST mutations“. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology 44, Nr. 7 (27.02.2019): 814–17.

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Romaniuk, Iryna, und Nataliia Mametova. „“LETTERS TO HER” FOR PIANO BY N. NYZHANKIVSKY AS AN EXAMPLE OF A SUITE GENRE IN THE UKRAINIAN MUSICAL CULTURE IN THE 1920S“. Problems of Interaction Between Arts, Pedagogy and the Theory and Practice of Education 58, Nr. 58 (10.03.2021): 22–36.

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Background. Researchers have shown a high interest in creative work of great national cultural figures who lived in the 20th century. Nevertheless, it remains little-known to music scholars, musicians and in the cultural-art space in general. Thus, the topic of the study is relevant. Nestor Nyzhankivsky (1893–1940) was a composer, pianist and musical critic. His original creativity had a great impact on the Ukrainian musical culture (specifically on Halychyna region). Majority of N. Nyzhankivsky’s manuscripts were lost during his emigration. Moreover, during the World War II his manuscript archive was completely destroyed. Original piano works of N. Nyzhankivsky still remain little known in music science, performing practice and cultural and artistic space. The objective is to determine distinctive features of N. Nyzhankivsky’s composer thinking based on the study of the Small Suite «Letters to Her» for piano as an example of a suite genre in the Ukrainian musical culture in the 1920s. The methodology of the research is based on the interaction of the specialised scientific approaches. Thus, the genre approach helped to determine typical genre features of the analysed composition. The style approach enabled the author to find stylistic constants in the composer’s piano creativity. Finally, the structuralfunctional one helped to realise the unity of the form- and meaning-creating factors in the musical composition within the system of the composer’s style. Results. The piano suite «Letters to Her» has a special place in the creative work of N. Nyzhankivsky. The work was created in 1928, during his studies at the school at the Prague Academy of Arts in the class of Professor V. Novak. In this cycle, the composer shows himself as a bold experimenter, who finds original sound and stylistic solutions and takes a new approach to the interpretation of the suite genre. N. Nyzhankivsky’s suite continues the traditions of the Romantic cycle of program miniatures. The key images of the work are concentrated in the sphere of Romantic experiences of the lyrical character, which are revealed in the existing author’s program. The unifying factor of independent contrasting parts is a single artistic idea. The small suite «Letters to Her» consists of five movements: «Zmist» («Contents»); «Pershyj lyst. Pro nizhnistj jiji ruk» («The first letter. About the tenderness of Her hands»); «Drughyj lyst. Pro Sylu» («The second letter. About force»); «Tretij lyst. Pro mriji» («The third letter. About dreams»); «Chetvetyj lyst. Pro nasmishku nad samym soboju» («The fourth letter. On mocking oneself»). Each movement appears to be completely self-sufficient, and fully reveals the deep artistic meaning embodied in a particular miniature. Conclusions. On the basis of the carried out research the original composer’s approach to interpretation of a suite genre is expressed. N. Nyzhankivsky’s small suite «Letters to Her» is an example of a Romantic suite with a generalized type of program. The logic of construction of the work corresponds to the established characteristics of the model of the suite genre. The five movements that form the suite alternate, creating tempo and figurative contrasts. The suite genre in the artist’s interpretation combines the features of the suite cycle and the cycle of piano miniatures.
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Hagedorn-Rasmussen, Peter, Jeppe Højland und John Storm Pedersen. „Strukturreformens konsekvenser for ledere og medarbejdere“. Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv 8, Nr. 4 (01.12.2006): 10.

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Artiklen sætter fokus på de udfordringer strukturreformen stiller ledere og medarbejdere i offentlige driftsinstitutioner overfor. Der tages afsæt i strukturreformens intentioner om at skabe bedre og billigere løsninger. I artiklen præsenteres to scenarier for udviklingen af offentlige institutioner. Scenarierne implicerer både krav og muligheder for ledere og medarbejdere, som bliver be lyst gennem tre cases. Desuden belyses hvordan ledere og medarbejdere kan forme udviklingsretningen. Konklusionen peger på, at ledere og medarbejdere kan få større indfl ydelse på ud viklingsprocesserne end det er tilfældet i dag.
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M. Patil, Satish, Shamkumar P. Deshmukh, Ananta G. Dhodamani, Krantiveer V. More und Sagar D. Delekar. „Different Strategies for Modification of Titanium Dioxide as Heterogeneous Cata lyst in Chemical Transformations“. Current Organic Chemistry 21, Nr. 9 (30.03.2017): 821–33.

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Zarzour, Wafika, Robert Kleta, Haydar Frangoul, Pim Suwannarat, Anna Jeong, Su Young Kim, Alan S. Wayne et al. „Two novel CHS1 (LYST) mutations: Clinical correlations in an infant with Chediak–Higashi syndrome“. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 85, Nr. 2 (Juni 2005): 125–32.

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Eng, W., M. Dorsey, J. Sleasman, A. Petrovic und W. Westbrock. „A Novel Mutation CHS1 (LYST) Mutation: Osteomyelitis in a Child with Chediak-Higashi Syndrome“. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 125, Nr. 2 (Februar 2010): AB74.

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Ravn, Anja Camilla, und Anja Camilla Ravn. „De nye proletarer-prisen for krisen?“ Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv 15, Nr. 3 (01.09.2013): 81–84.

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S marte, smukke, hurtigsnakkende unge, der på overfladen ser ud til at gå mere op i form end indhold. Et arbejdsmarked der bare skriger på profit, besparelser og billige priser. Disse to (indrømmet fortegnede) faktorer dræber langsomt vores danske selvforståelse om et stærkt, effektivt og rummeligt arbejdsmarked. Det arbejdsmarked, der skal modtage vores unge på en ansvarlig og anstændig måde, oplære dem, kræve noget af dem, honorere dem for det og give dem lyst til mere. Men i alt for mange tilfælde sker det ikke, og de unge udsættes for underbetaling, misbrug og det, der er værre.
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Holland, Petter, Maria L. Torgersen, Kirsten Sandvig und Anne Simonsen. „LYST Affects Lysosome Size and Quantity, but not Trafficking or Degradation Through Autophagy or Endocytosis“. Traffic 15, Nr. 12 (08.10.2014): 1390–405.

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Wilson, Jude, Chau Huynh, Kathleen A. Kennedy, Diane M. Ward, Jerry Kaplan, Alan Aderem und Norma W. Andrews. „Control of Parasitophorous Vacuole Expansion by LYST/Beige Restricts the Intracellular Growth of Leishmania amazonensis“. PLoS Pathogens 4, Nr. 10 (17.10.2008): e1000179.

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Lam, Hung Thai, und Ngu Trong Nguyen. „EFFECTS OF LYSINE SUPPLEMENTED ON GROWTH AND NUTRIENT DIGESTIBILITY OF NOI CHICKENS FROM 1 TO 56 DAYS OLD“. Scientific Journal of Tra Vinh University 1, Nr. 37 (25.03.2020): 89–97.

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A total of 256 one-day-old chicks were allocated into a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4replicates to evaluate growth, feed conversion ratio (FCR), and nutrient digestibility (ND) of Noi chickens. The treatments consisted of control diets (Lys0) containing 1.0 and 0.9% lysine for birds 1 to 28 and 29 to 56 daysof age respectively; 3 other treatments (Lys1; Lys2; Lys3) had 0.1, 0.2, 0.3% of lysine added to diets respectively. Dietary crude protein (CP) was calculated to 19% and 17% for 1 to 28 and 29 to 56 days old, but dietary ME was2.900 kcal/kg of feed for the entire duration of the study. On the last seven days of each period, one male and one female per replicate were selected to be assessed for apparent ND by ferric oxide (Fe2O3) marker. Birds were fed, provided fresh water ad libitum, and vaccinated to prevent some common diseases. Results showed that lysine supplemented 0.2 to 0.3% and 0.3% in diets for the birds between 1 to 28 and 29 to 56 days old significantly improved the growth and FCR of the chickens (P<0.05). Also, an additional 0.1-0.3% of lysine in the Noi chickens’ diets dramatically increased CP and average amino acid apparent digestibility (P<0.05),but did not effect the calcium and phosphorus digestibility of the Noi broilers.
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Rahman, Mokhlasur, Adam Haberman, Charles Tracy, Sanchali Ray und Helmut Krämer. „Drosophila mauveMutants Reveal a Role of LYST Homologs Late in the Maturation of Phagosomes and Autophagosomes“. Traffic 13, Nr. 12 (20.09.2012): 1680–92.

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MASUI, Norio, Tetsu NISHIKAWA, Yumie TAKAGI, Masayuki MORI, Takako SUZUKI und Katsunori SATO. „The Rat Lysosomal Trafficking Regulator(Lyst) Gene is Mapped on the Telomeric Region of Chromosome 17.“ Experimental Animals 52, Nr. 1 (2003): 89–91.

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Viken, Øystein Lydik Idsø. „Nils Johan Stoa, Kjødets lyst: fortellinger om synd og straff (Oslo: Cappelen Damm, 2010). 225 s.“ 1700-tal: Nordic Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 9 (14.01.2015): 231–33.

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Lattao, Ramona, Hélène Rangone, Salud Llamazares und David M. Glover. „Mauve/LYST limits fusion of lysosome-related organelles and promotes centrosomal recruitment of microtubule nucleating proteins“. Developmental Cell 56, Nr. 7 (April 2021): 1000–1013.

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Etzerodt, Søren Frank. „At få en idé til at vokse og gro“. Samfundslederskab i Skandinavien 35, Nr. 4 (31.08.2020): 250–74.

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Artiklen løfter sløret for, hvordan samspillet mellem forskellige tankelogikker kan forbedre innovationsprocesser i den offentlige sektor. Via et observationsstudie af Region Nordjyllands regionale innovationsenhed undersøger jeg, hvordan drifts- og innovationslogikker spiller sammen i innovationsprocessen. De empiriske analyser indikerer, at en løbende vekselvirkning mellem de to logikker forbedrer vilkårene for, at innovationsprocessen lykkes ved, at noget ukendt (innovationslogik) konkretiseres i forhold til den kendte praksis (driftslogik). Artiklen viser også, hvordan arbejdet med innovation relaterer sig til arbejdsmiljø og -glæde, idet teams der formår at foretage en løbende vekselvirkning mellem de to logikker, også udviser større drive og lyst til at innovere, mens drivet og lysten synes mere forladt i teams, der ikke formår at foretage en løbende vekselvirkning.
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Larsen, Peter. „Musik og TV-fiktion. Eller hvad bestiller Jan Hammer egentlig i Miami?“ MedieKultur: Journal of media and communication research 4, Nr. 9 (26.08.1988): 20.

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Hvad sker der med "underlægningsmusikken", når fjernsynets fiktive fortællinger som i Miami Vice bliver til et diffust påskud for en løs associering af driftsbasatte lyst- og angst-scener? For at besvare dette spørgsmål kaster Peter Larsen først et kort blik på musikken i den klassiske Hollywoodfilm og i den traditionelle TV- fiktion. Han analyserer derefter tre længere musikalske sekvenser, der eksemplificerer Miami Vice´s rockidiom, og nogle kortere musik- segmenter, hvor den klassiske Hollywoodfilms musikbrug imiteres - på grænsen til et "operaagtigt over-kill". I sin bestræbelse på at komme ud over tendensen til at sætte ligheds- tegn mellem TV-musik og musikvideo er Peter Larsens artikel en teoretisk opfølgning af Mads Thranholms pædagogiske vink om "Musik til billeder - billeder til musik" i MedieKultur nr. 6.
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Cullinane, Andrew R., Alejandro A. Schäffer und Marjan Huizing. „The BEACH Is Hot: A LYST of Emerging Roles for BEACH-Domain Containing Proteins in Human Disease“. Traffic 14, Nr. 7 (24.04.2013): 749–66.

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Björkman, John. „Tommy Kuusela: “Hallen var lyst i helig frid.” Krig mellan gudar och jättar i en fornnordisk hallmiljö.“ Temenos - Nordic Journal of Comparative Religion 54, Nr. 1 (04.07.2018): 106–8.

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Barker, Jenny C., Jacob Zbinden, Gabriel Mirhaidari, Kevin Blum und Christopher Breuer. „QS10: The Lysosomal Trafficking Regulator (LYST) Protein is a Novel and Essential Mediator of Cutaneous Wound Healing“. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open 9, Nr. 7S (Juli 2021): 11–12.

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Klein, Christoph. „Congenital neutropenia“. Hematology 2009, Nr. 1 (01.01.2009): 344–50.

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Abstract Congenital neutropenia comprises a variety of genetically heterogeneous phenotypic traits. Molecular elucidation of the underlying genetic defects has yielded important insights into the physiology of neutrophil differentiation and function. Non-syndromic variants of congenital neutropenia are caused by mutations in ELA2, HAX1, GFI1, or WAS. Syndromic variants of congenital neutropenia may be due to mutations in genes controlling glucose metabolism (SLC37A4, G6PC3) or lysosomal function (LYST, RAB27A, ROBLD3/p14, AP3B1, VPS13B). Furthermore, defects in genes encoding ribosomal proteins (SBDS, RMRP) and mitochondrial proteins (AK2, TAZ) are associated with congenital neutropenia syndromes. Despite remarkable progress in the field, many patients with congenital neutropenia cannot yet definitively be classified by genetic terms. This review addresses diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of congenital neutropenia and covers recent molecular and pathophysiological insights of selected congenital neutropenia syndromes.
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Burgess, Agathe, Jean-Paul Mornon, Geneviève de Saint-Basile und Isabelle Callebaut. „A concanavalin A-like lectin domain in the CHS1/LYST protein, shared by members of the BEACH family“. Bioinformatics 25, Nr. 10 (16.03.2009): 1219–22.

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Kunieda, Tetsuo, Michiko Nakagiri, Marika Takami, Hanako Ide und Hiroyuki Ogawa. „Cloning of bovine LYST gene and identification of a missense mutation associated with Chediak-Higashi syndrome of cattle“. Mammalian Genome 10, Nr. 12 (Dezember 1999): 1146–49.

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Runkel, Fabian, Heinrich Büssow, Kevin L. Seburn, Gregory A. Cox, Diane McVey Ward, Jerry Kaplan und Thomas Franz. „Grey, a novel mutation in the murine Lyst gene, causes the beige phenotype by skipping of exon 25“. Mammalian Genome 17, Nr. 3 (März 2006): 203–10.

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Rudelius, Martina, Andreas Osanger, Stephanie Kohlmann, Martin Augustin, Guido Piontek, Ulrich Heinzmann, Gisela Jennen et al. „A missense mutation in the WD40 domain of murine Lyst is linked to severe progressive Purkinje cell degeneration“. Acta Neuropathologica 112, Nr. 3 (22.06.2006): 267–76.

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Birkeland, Nils-Kåre. „Cloning, molecular characterization, and expression of the genes encoding the lytic functions of lactococcal bacteriophage ϕLCE: a dual lysis system of modular design“. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 40, Nr. 8 (01.08.1994): 658–65.

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The genes encoding the lysis proteins of Lactococcus lactis bacteriophage [Formula: see text] were cloned, sequenced, and expressed in Escherichia coli. The [Formula: see text] lysis genes, lysA and lysB, encode a membrane-disrupting protein (LysA) of 88 amino acids, and a cell wall degrading protein (LysB) of 429 amino acids, which shares significant sequence similarity with lysins from the Streptococcus pneumoniae phages Cp-1, Cp-7, and Cp-9, and Lactobacillus delbrueckii phage mv 1. Both LysA and LysB function in E. coli, as judged by lysis of the E. coli host cells and by lytic activity against lactococcal cells when the cloned lysA and lysB genes are expressed. The LysA protein possesses two putative transmembrane helices and highly charged N- and C-termini, and is structurally similar to phage holins that are known to induce lesions in the inner membrane through which phage endolysin can be released to its cell wall substrate. The C-terminal end of LysB contains two highly homologous sequence repeats of 43 amino acids. The LysB repeats show strong sequence similarity to repeats found in lytic enzymes from other Gram-positive bacteria and from Bacillus subtilis phage [Formula: see text] and PZA, as well as in some functionally unrelated proteins, and they are possibly involved in binding of the enzyme to the cell wall substrate. The organization of the dual [Formula: see text] lysis system supports earlier suggestions that exchange of modular units is an important principle in protein evolution.Key words: amino acid sequence repeats, bacteriophage [Formula: see text], holin, Lactococcus lactis, lysin, lytic enzyme.
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