Dissertationen zum Thema „Localisations thermiques“
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Bruant, Valentin. „Modélisation transitoire des mécanismes de localisations thermomécaniques macroscopiques dans un contact frottant : application aux freins à disque“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024ULILN040.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleObservations on brake disc reveal, generally under severe loading, that thermal localisations may occur on the disc surface. Such circumferential macroscopic localisations (hot spots) limit contact areas due to out-of-plane deformation caused by thermal expansion. The consequences are critical, as they increase the risks of cracking or low-frequency vibrations which can propagate throughout the vehicle.Several theories attempt to explain the formation of hot spots : stable thermomechanical mechanisms linked to non-uniform diffusion of heat (in case of ventilated brake disc) or instable thermomechanical instabilities (TEI), where the solution comes from studying the propagation rate of a sinusoidal perturbation in the contact pressure or temperature as function of the sliding speed. Another recently suggest approach shows that an initial deformation may evolve, under thermo-elasto-plastic stress, into a higher number of localisations (PWD : Progressive Waviness Deformation).Modelling thermal localisations remains challenging due to the multiphysic and multi-scale mechanisms encounter in frictional brakes. It requires thermal and thermomechanical solution that account nonlinear material behaviour and contact friction.The methodology of this work is based on finite element transient thermomechanical simulations and consider the importance to confront existing approaches and quantify out-of-plane deformations. In addition, numerous parameters must be considered, such as geometrical parameters or thermomechanical constrains, which experiments have proven to be factors of apparition of hot spots.The development proposed here first highlights the mechanisms involved in driving thermal localisations, by illustrating step by step the thermoelastic instabilities. The transient approach proposed here is then described and compared with analytical models from the literature (TEI) in terms of limit of stability. This approach allowed the study of several parameter and the explanation of some experimental observations. Finally, a detailed analyses of results enable a comparison between approaches from the literature, showing agreement in terms of final deformations (number of localisations) but with different thresholds. The importance of detailed modelling of the system (geometry, boundary conditions, initial conditions) is also emphasized
Wicker, Paul. „Influence des garnitures de frein sur les sollicitations thermiques des disques TGV et conséquences sur les risques de fissuration“. Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale de Lille, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00579663.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleVellettaz, Nicolas. „Optimisation d'un détecteur gazeux à micro-pistes destiné à la localisation à deux dimensions des neutrons thermiques“. Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997GRE10091.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleChabane-Sari, Nasr-Eddine. „Effets des traitements thermiques au four à lampes halogène sur la création de défauts électriquement actifs et sur le gettering interne du chrome dans le silicium“. Lyon, INSA, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993ISAL0031.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRapid Thermal Processing (RTP) is now widely used in ultra-large scale integration technology to obtain the electrical properties required for microelectronic devices. However, the RTP process involves high cooling rates which might induce hole trap levels in B-doped silicon and modifies the behaviour of oxygen in silicon, which is used for the internal gettering of chromium. In thise work, DLTS results about the formation of hole trap levels in B-dopes Si during RTP are presented with emphasis on the substrate type and the process parameters. A new hypothesis about the origin of those hole trap levels is also suggested. Furthermore, DLTS measurements associated with TEM analysis, are presented in order to point out the anomalies induced by the RTP on the behavior of oxygen and their consequences on the efficiency and the stability of internal gettering treatments. In particular, we have observed that the metal precipitation is controlled by the oxygen precipitation and established a connection between the internal gettering and the morphology of oxygen precipitation after nucleation. Besides, we have shown that the thermal instability of metallic precipitates strongly depends on the size and the destiny of oxygen precipitates at the end of the gettering treatment. Finally, our results support the concept of "oxygen precipitation gettering" previously reported by Gilles in the case of iron
Guimond, Marie-Odile. „Analyse moléculaire de la localisation cellulaire de la petite protéine de choc thermique Hsp27 de Drosophila melanogaster“. Thesis, Université Laval, 2004. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2004/22332/22332.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleReverdy, Antoine. „Localisation de défauts par stimulation thermique laser modulée en intensité : développement et application à la direction de phase“. Caen, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008CAEN2070.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAll along this PhD manuscript we study various techniques dedicated to the defect localization in the interconnection part of microelectronics devices, with a special focus on the Thermal Laser Stimulation approach and its intrinsic limitations. A theoretical model was developed to describe the thermal behavior of an elementary structure excited by a step of thermal power. We establish an analytical model that allows the identification of parameters describing the transient evolution of the Thermal Laser Stimulation signal. Then, we demonstrate the interest of this novel approach in the failure analysis of an advanced microelectronic device and particularly in the interconnection part. The third chapter describes the experimental setup evolution, providing an access to this temporal information in image mode, i. E. Compatible with a laser scan configuration which is the standard mode of utilization in a failure analysis laboratory. Finally, the last part focuses on the application of this new approach for defective advanced technology devices analysis, where the dynamics analysis of the TLS signal gives complementary information, leading to a more accurate signature interpretation
Mbailassem, Fulbert. „Contrôle du bruit par effets de localisation par géométries irrégulières“. Thesis, Lyon, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LYSEI095/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn this thesis, the acoustical behavior of irregular cavities leading to localization phenomenon is investigated for noise reduction applications. The aim of this work is to study and create by means of passive method, an accumulation of acoustical energy and dissipate it. Before addressing geometrical irregularities effects on the sound field, viscothermal dissipation mechanisms of sound are recalled and illustrated through few networks of quarter-wave resonators. In a second part, a study of the localization phenomenon is carried out by a modal analysis approach. The localization is quantified by the relative existence volume (VER), an indicator which gives a measure of the volume of the region in which a mode is localized as a fraction of the total cavity volume. The localization analysis is conducted using both regular and irregular cavities. It has been shown that only cavities with irregular geometry, such that sub-cavities are formed, can localize some acoustical modes. Moreover, the frequency of a localized mode is related to the dimensions of the localization region. Following the investigation of the localization phenomenon, the relation between cavities geometry and sound energy dissipation has been studied by the estimation of damping indicators, such as the quality factor, the sound absorption coefficient or the energy damping rate. According to this study, irregular cavities have higher capability to damp sound waves compared to regular cavities. However, for the case of irregular cavities only, the induced dissipation is not proportional to the localization. Nevertheless, when irregularities of rigid walls are not able to achieve sufficient dissipation, this can be obtained with slightly absorptive porous materials of irregular geometry. In fact, the dissipative properties of some porous materials can be optimized by giving them irregular interface. Finally, an experimental set-up has been designed to validate the localization phenomenon and to confirm the damping tendency of irregular geometries in comparison to regular ones. Moreover, measurements of the sound absorption coefficient of a hemp concrete reveal that the sample of irregular geometry achieves sound dissipation more than 40% higher than the one achieved by a regular plane sample. Finally, this thesis has addressed a technological challenge consisting of experimentally validating the localization phenomenon which is so far very difficult to obtain by the use of conventional pressure microphones. In the framework of this thesis, an optical non-conventional sound pressure measurement technique has been used. The used technique is the laser refracto-vibrometry which consists of using a laser vibrometer in some specific conditions to measure the acoustical field (sound pressure). This technique is difficult to conduct but it has the advantage of being contactless, thus less cumbersome for even very small cavities as compared to pressure microphones
Gerber-Scokaert, Delphine. „Implication de la protéine kinase CK2 dans la réponse des cellules au stress : une étude des mécanismes de régulation de la localisation de la CK2“. Grenoble 1, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000GRE10152.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBourbonnais, Roch. „Simulation numérique des vibrations dans des réseaux désordonnés, fractals et anharmoniques“. Grenoble 1, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989GRE10120.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDuprat-Oualid, Sylvia. „Évolution thermique et mécanique des zones de cisaillement : approche analytique, numérique et confrontation aux données de terrain“. Thesis, Rennes 1, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014REN1S128/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleShear zones are common structural features in the lithosphere and occur at various scales (from microscopic to lithospheric). At the lithospheric scale, they concentrate most of the relative movements between tectonic plates, and therefore, accommodate a high amount of strain. Consequently, the understanding of both their spatial and temporal mechanical behaviour is crucial for the general knowledge of the lithosphe dynamics. Rheology of rocks, which define their mechanical behaviour, is controlled by physical laws that predict how they deform under some stresses. Temperature plays a major role in the creep-dislocation behaviour, which characterizes the ductile domain (in depth), decreasing efficiently the rock strength. Furthermore, each rock has intrinsic mechanical properties, which depend on its mineralogical composition, texture and internal structures. However, due to the lack of data directly measurable deeper than a few kilometres, the lithosphere rheology, and in particular the continental lithosphere remains subject to drastically different interpretations. The mechanical behaviour of major shear zones is not fully understood, as they are the location of intense changes of both the rock internal nature and major thermal perturbations. Especially, the mechanical energy, converted into heat (shear heating) causes a close interaction between thermal ad mechanical evolutions. This thesis aims to better understand the rheological state of lithospheric scale shear zones. For this purpose, we used an original approach, based on the temperature field evolution around and within such shear zones. From 2D numerical thermo-kinematic models and analytical developments, the first order variability of thermal evolution and perturbation is anal- ysed and quantified with respect to the impact of three major thermal processes, defined as diffusion, advection and shear heating. Results are compared to metamorphic thermal signatures associated to intra-continental thrust zones for which the influence of both accretion and erosion was also investigated. The case of the Main Central Thrust (MCT) in the Himalayas, whose the inverse metamorphic thermal zonation has been extensively studied, was chosen as the main natural analogue. Our quantitative results highlight the crucial role of shear heating, and more particularly of mechanical strength variability within shear zones. We thus emphasise on the importance of rock creep parameters. The study of centimetre-scale shear zones, which developed within the granodiorite of the Zillertal nappe (Tauern window, Tyrol, Alps) thanks to little local variations of the mineralogical composition, reveals the extreme sensitivity of igneous rocks rheology, representative of the continental crust. The consequences of such an intense variability, revealed at small scale are finally discussed with regard to rheologies usually considered in models that focus on processes controlling lithosphere dynamics
Jolly, Caroline. „Étude in situ de l'organisation de la transcription des gènes de choc thermique dans le noyau cellulaire“. Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble ; 1971-2015), 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997GRE10208.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGuilhem, Yoann. „Étude numérique des champs mécaniques locaux dans les agrégats polycristallins d'acier 316L sous chargement de fatigue“. Phd thesis, Paris, ENMP, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011ENMP0108.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCyclic thermomechanical loadings lead to the formation of short fatigue cracks, the initiation phase of which is prominent over the total life of the component. Mechanisms related to the evolution of these cracks have a high dependence on the microstructure of the material, especially under low-amplitude loading. To study this dependence, a statistical study based on the results of finite element calculations of polycrystalline aggregates was conducted. First, the problem was treated in two dimensions, with a simplified crystal plasticity model. Analysis of the results allowed to highlight the neighboring effect in polycrystals and to reproduce the dispersion of fatigue results observed at the surface. Using a three-dimensional model and investigating different loadings, it was possible to correlate the localization structures of plastic deformation in the volume of the aggregate with the experimental observations. Also, the steps of surface intrusions and extrusions induced by fatigue loadings, preferential sites of initiation, have been reproduced and highlight the harmful effects of biaxial loadings. The problem of effects was raised, reducing the results sample that can be used by a statistical treatment. Second, the introduction of surface roughness in the simulated aggregates highlighted the competition between the microstructural parameters and geometric singularities of the free surface. This analysis has shown that there must exist a limiting surface state, from which the effect of the roughness takes over the crystallographic aspect concerning the plastic deformation localization at the surface of polycrystals. However, this effect fades quickly when depth increases and becomes almost nil under the first layer of surface grains. Finally, another three-dimensional model, both periodic and accounting for the free surface effect, called semi-periodic model has been implemented to eliminate boundary condition effects and to fully exploit the results of calculations. This method also brings new perspectives for the development of a new mean fields model dedicated to the behavior of surface of polycrystals
Guilhem, Yoann. „Étude numérique des champs mécaniques locaux dans les agrégats polycristallins d'acier 316L sous chargement de fatigue“. Phd thesis, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2011. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00732147.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMüller, Juliana Luisa. „Contribution à la modélisation de tests de diagnostic de courts-circuits entre tôles dans les stators de turboalternateurs“. Thesis, Lille 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LIL10081/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTurbogenerator stators are subject to faults such as interlaminar short circuits. These faults induce hot spots which may have an impact on the machine performances, leading in certain cases to irreversible damages. In this work, the short circuits, as well as the most commonly used diagnosis tests, have been studied using a 3D finite element method electromagnetic approach. One of the difficulties inherent in numerical modelling of interlaminar short circuits is to take account of the scale factor between the different parts that are involved in such problem (dimensions of the stator, short circuits and insulating varnish between laminations). A simple finite element modelling of the real geometry (lamination stack, insulation representation…) would imply a much too large number of unknowns regarding the calculation power which is classically available. Thus, in this work, to represent lamination stacks, homogenization techniques have been associated to a methodology to choose the homogenized and non-homogenized (including the fault) zones. The approach has been validated through results from an experimental prototype considering faults under different conditions (position, size…). Moreover, both main diagnosis tests, used in the industry to detect such faults, have also been modelled in the presence of a fault: the El Cid test, at low flux, and the test at 80% of the rated flux with thermal detection. The study which has been carried out shows the importance of certain parameters, such as the fault size and the material characteristics, on the diagnosis test results. This appears in particular through the diagnosis tests sensibility in these different conditions
Lalau, Yasmine. „Etude du comportement thermomécanique de matériaux céramiques sous irradiation solaire concentrée : développement expérimental et modélisation“. Thesis, Perpignan, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PERP0061/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAmong the available technologies for carbon-free and competitive electricity production, solar tower power plants can achieve the best efficiency. Commercial development is currently focused on tubular or surface receivers, as they allow a low-intricacy design. The major challenge is to cyclically operate these receivers at temperatures above 800°C, which involves the use of durable and high performance materials. Refractory alloys and ceramics have adequate properties, but their damage evolution under these specific conditions is still poorly understood. An innovative set up based on the acoustic emission technique has been designed and realized with a view to scrutinize these materials in situ behavior. Indeed, acoustic emission enables to estimate the severity, the type, and the position of a damage appearing under concentrated solar irradiation tests. Besides, an original numerical method has been developed to identify the suitable test conditions for relevant experimental aging
Sienkiewicz, Magdalena. „Méthodologie de localisation des défauts soft dans les circuits intégrés mixtes et analogiques par stimulation par faisceau laser : analyse de résultats des techniques dynamiques paramétriques“. Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010BOR14028/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis deals with Soft failure localization in the analog and mixed mode Integrated Circuits (ICs) by means of Dynamic Laser Stimulation techniques (DLS). The results obtained using these techniques are very complex to analyze in the case of analog and mixed ICs. In this work we develop a methodology which facilitates the analysis of the laser mapping. This methodology consists on combining the experimental results (laser mapping) with the electrical simulations of laser stimulation impact on the device. The influence of photoelectric and thermal phenomena on the IC (transistor level) has been modeled and simulated. The methodology has been validated primarily on test structures before being used on complex Freescale ICs existing in commerce
Bouzerar, Richard. „Théorie pour les systèmes désordonnés de spins localisés en interaction avec des porteurs itinérants : les semiconducteurs magnétiques dilués“. Phd thesis, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00367282.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePrudhomme, Christelle. „Expression d'un gène hsp70 au cours de l'ovogenèse et de l'embryogenèse précoce de l'amphibien urodèle pleurodèles Waltl après un traitement hyperthermique“. Paris 5, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA05S007.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMokni, Moncef. „Relations entre déformations en masse et déformations localisées dans les matériaux granulaires“. Grenoble 1, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992GRE10185.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePenzes, Maxime. „Caractérisation et simulation de défauts induits par laser 1340 nm continu sur la technologie 28FDSOI en analyse de défaillance électrique“. Thesis, Bordeaux, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018BORD0028/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFaced with the high density of integration of the transistors and the number of metallization level, fault localization in analysis is mainly done by the rear face of the component. This backside analysis requires the systematic use of solid immersion lenses and laser scanning microscopy to limit the stress of spatial resolution and sensitivity. The objectives are to determine the degradation induced by a continuous 1340 nm laser on the 28FDSOI technology and to provide a simulation tool for predicting the allowable dose by the transistors. The study begins with the reproduction and characterization of the laser-induced defect. The results mainly show a diffusion of grid-contact interconnections in NiPtSi. Based on these observations, a model of thermal laser stimulation is built and then tested on an elemental structure. The results show that the temperature can reach sufficiently high values to cause the diffusion of the silicide and to explain the observations. In the last part, the model is put to the test on real structures. The defect is characterized parametrically using frequency mapping. Simultaneously, the simulation is applied to these same structures faithfully. The results show a good ability of the model to predict the degradation threshold of the transistors under laser thermal stimulation
Dabos-Seignon, Sylvie. „Etudes par diffraction x du comportement sous pression d'actinides (np, pu, am-cm) et de composes d'actinides anx : :(2) (an = np, x = o, al) et anx (an = th, u, np, pu, x = as, te)“. Paris 6, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA066324.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRothman, Johan. „Etude des propriétés structurales, électroniques et magnétiques des couches minces épitaxiées de cerium“. Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999GRE10019.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleChaillout-Bougerol, Catherine. „Contribution à l'étude du système BaPb(1-x)Bi(x)O(3) : relations entre les propriétés structurales, chimiques et physiques“. Grenoble 1, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986GRE10017.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleChahmi, Emna. „Rôle et localisation intraspinale du récepteur B1 des kinines dans la douleur neuropathique“. Thèse, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/5036.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe kinin B1 receptor (B1R) plays an important role in inflammation and nociception. B1R binding sites are increased in the spinal cord and dorsal root ganglion (DRG) in rats after partial sciatic nerve ligation (PSNL). In this classic model of neuropathic pain, acute treatment with selective B1R antagonists reversed thermal hyperalgesia but not allodynia. This study aims at determining in this model of PSNL: 1- the acute and chronic effects of B1R antagonists on thermal hyperalgesia and tactile and cold allodynia; 2- the contribution of TRPV1 and the oxidative stress in the component of neuropathic pain associated to B1R; 3 - the expression of B1R in the lumbar spinal cord, the DRG and the sciatic nerve by quantitative RT-PCR (Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction); 4 - the cellular localization of B1R in the lumbar spinal cord by confocal microscopy. Thermal hyperalgesia and tactile and cold allodynia were measured by the reflex withdrawal of the hindpaw after application to the plantar surface of a radiant heat source (Hargreaves method), Von Frey filaments and a drop of acetone that produces a sensation of cold by evaporation. We have shown, firstly, that the thermal hyperalgesia and tactile and cold allodynia are reversed by chronic treatment with the B1R antagonist, SSR240612, administered by gavage at a dose of 10 mg/ kg / day from day 15 to day 20 after sciatic nerve ligation and with antioxidant treatment, N-acetyl-L-cysteine, administered by gavage at a dose of 1g /kg/ day, four days before ligation and for two weeks after ligation. Acute treatment with SSR240612 (10 mg/kg) or with the B1R antagonist R-954 (2 mg/kg, s.c.) which does not pass the blood-brain barrier blocked thermal hyperalgesia only.