Dissertationen zum Thema „Localisation des incendies de forêt“
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Kaabi, Rabeb. „Apprentissage profond et traitement d'images pour la détection de fumée“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Toulon, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020TOUL0017.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis deals with the problem of forest fire detection using image processing and machine learning tools. A forest fire is a fire that spreads over a wooded area. It can be of natural origin (due to lightning or a volcanic eruption) or human. Around the world, the impact of forest fires on many aspects of our daily lives is becoming more and more apparent on the entire ecosystem.Many methods have been shown to be effective in detecting forest fires. The originality of the present work lies in the early detection of fires through the detection of forest smoke and the classification of smoky and non-smoky regions using deep learning and image processing tools. A set of pre-processing techniques helped us to have an important database which allowed us afterwards to test the robustness of the model based on deep belief network we proposed and to evaluate the performance by calculating the following metrics (IoU, Accuracy, Recall, F1 score). Finally, the proposed algorithm is tested on several images in order to validate its efficiency. The simulations of our algorithm have been compared with those processed in the state of the art (Deep CNN, SVM...) and have provided very good results. The results of the proposed methods gave an average classification accuracy of about 96.5% for the early detection of smoke
Chiaramello, Jean-Marc. „Incendie de forêt : utilité d'un mini-tunnel du feu et de la méthode E.E.T.S. des mesures de température“. Nice, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988NICE4194.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLampin-Maillet, Corinne. „Caractérisation de la relation entre organisation spatiale d'un territoire et risque d'incendie : le cas des interfaces habitat-forêt du sud de la France“. Aix-Marseille 1, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009AIX10036.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBartoli, Pauline. „Feux de forêt : amélioration de la connaissance du couplage combustible-flamme“. Corte, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011CORT0016.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLahaye, Sébastien. „Comprendre les grands feux de forêt pour lutter en sécurité“. Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PSLEP042/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDespite the large expenditure that is dedicated to forest fire suppression in Euro-Mediterranean countries, Australia and North-America, firefighters still face large and severe fire events which eventually entrap them. Investigation of Fire Services’ internal reports addresses here the weather and terrain leading to these dangerous fires. In France, strong wind is the main driver of the largest fires and of the fires that entrap firefighters. However, high temperature is also a key contributor as it influences violent fires with high rates of surface spread. In Australia, a lot of firefighters’ entrapments are due to shifts in wind direction, but others are associated to strong winds in rugged terrain. Whatever the regional specificities, more than 100 firefighters’ entrapments across the world were investigated to find the contribution of dynamic fire behaviors in these entrapments. The results return three different types of fires. During topography-influenced fires, in mountainous area, almost all the entrapments happen on slopes steeper than 20°, prone to flame attachment. During wind-driven fires, leeward slopes prone to vorticity-driven lateral fire spread are the most prominent configurations associated with entrapments. Finally, during convective fires, which are the most violent, entrapments can happen far away from any dangerous configuration. Firefighters should adjust their training courses and promote fire behavior analysts (FBAN) capabilities to benefit from the results of this work and improve their safety. FBAN may consider feedbacks from previous fires to suggest the most efficient and secure firefighting strategies and locations
Napoli, Aldo. „Formalisation et gestion des connaissances dans la modélisation du comportement des incendies de forêt“. Phd thesis, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 2001. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00532631.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFargeon, Hélène. „Effet du changement climatique sur l'évolution de l'aléa incendie de forêt en France métropolitaine au 21ème siècle“. Thesis, Paris, Institut agronomique, vétérinaire et forestier de France, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019IAVF0025.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWildfires impacting French forests are currently concentrated in the South, especially in the Mediterranean and Aquitaine regions. Climate projections for the 21st century in France question the impact of climate change on wildfire hazard. We focus on two particular issues: the evolution of the fire danger and fire regime in regions already facing frequent wildfires today, and the potential extension of the risk to new regions in the future.Climate change effect was first determined using projections of an empirical fire danger index (FWI) under future climate, computed for five contrasted climatic models under two greenhouse gases emission scenarios. These projections highlight a very strong increase in fire danger levels in the areas already facing wildfires, especially in the Mediterranean, with a very good agreement between climate models. The range of the increase in the North and the West, though existing, is more challenging to quantify, because of climate model uncertainties.This first approach was limited by the ability of FWI to represent fire activity. Therefore, we developed a probabilistic model for fire activity, aiming at projecting fire numbers and burnt areas under future climate. The approach considers that fires result from underlying random processes that determine the occurrence and the fire size based on the FWI and various spatiotemporal factors. The model was fitted following a Bayesian approach using the Promethee database, which records fire observations in the Mediterranean area. Model projections under historical and future conditions demonstrated that FWI projections underestimated projected fire activity increases, mainly due to the non-linearity of the fire-climate relation. Thus, fire danger increases projected in summer in the Mediterranean in 2080 (pessimistic scenario) are considerably lower (25 to 59%) than those for burnt areas (48 to 202%).This approach does not apply to regions where wildfires are currently sparse, and unreliably recorded, especially in Northern France. Yet we extrapolated the model, established over the Mediterranean area, to the rest of Southern France where data were sufficient. Among the difficulties encountered while extrapolating to the national scale, the variation of fuel structure is a critical issue. It was not included in the projections, but its implications are discussed
Antoine-Santoni, Thierry. „Vers une application des réseaux de capteurs sans fil dans la problématique des feux de forêt : modélisation, simulation et plate-forme expérimentale“. Corte, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2006CORT4004.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOne of the causes which supports large scale wildfires is the alarm precision lack. Indeed, firemen need tools able to detect fast and specify a sit of a fire. A new generation of tool is appeared : Wireless Sensor Network. In environemental monitoring, these sensors networks, having decentralized architecture and deployed in a zone, must to transmit their information, by a multi-hop communication, towards a base station. For this communication, the routing protocols attempt to carry out reliable data transmission, while testing to save the energy resources. In the problems of forest fires, the networks of sensors are able to help them firemen. However, we identify three axes for which it is necessary to provide answers : these networks, are they able to envisage, detect and follow a fire ? To answer these questions, the existing simulation tools are incomplete or unusable in our context study. In this essay, we introduce a new application, DEVS-WSN, based on a DEVS description. It allows to study performance and the deployment stratégies of the Wireless Sensor Networks. Moreover, we present a new algorithm of routing VOX, which improves the energy saving and increases lifetime of the network in the particular context of destroying phenomenons. We supplement this theoretical study by a test of Wireless Sensor Network on real fire. All these work advances the conditions of use of Wireless Sensor Network in the fire problems
Gaertig-Stahl, Alice. „Modèles probabilistes de feux de forêt sur des graphes infinis“. Toulouse 3, 2012. http://thesesups.ups-tlse.fr/1884/.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis work is concerned with a probabilistic study of forest-fire models. The models studied here were introduced in the context of self-organized criticality at the end of the eighties. These models are systems of particles, the trees, defined on connected graphs. Their evolution is governed by two families of Poisson processes, one for the growth of trees, the other one for the ignition of trees by lightning. The influence of lightning is characterized by a parameter lambda > 0. These models were widely studied on Z. However, only the existence and uniqueness of more general infinitevolume forest-fire processes have been proven yet. In this thesis, we studied forest-fire models on Zd for d > 2 and on binary trees, in two directions. The first one is concerned with the existence of stationary measures. The second one is concerned with the study of these processes when the parameter lambda tends to zero. In the first part, we will show the existence of at least one stationary measure for forest-fire processes on Zd, d > 2, for all parameters lambda > 0. The forest-fire processes are Markov processes but not Feller processes, so the usual arguments cannot be used here. Moreover, the geometry of Zd does not allow using the same arguments as for Z. Tools developed while studying these processes on Zd will be used here. In the second part, we will study the behavior of the forest-fire processes on binary trees when the parameter lambda tends to zero. We will begin with the study of a model without any fires, in order to understand better how the clusters of trees grow. We will show a convergence in law of the number of sites of a set construct from a ball of radius and the intersecting clusters, after a time tn > 0, for processes rescaled in space and time. Then, we will add fires and define a modified forest-fire model. In this new model, apart from the cluster of the origin, the clusters evolve under a stationary measure which we expect at the limit in lambda, and not under the dynamic of the initial forest-fire model. For this model, we will show a convergence in law of the rescaled size of the cluster of the origin when it burns for the first time
Bisgambiglia, Paul-Antoine. „Approche de modélisation approximative pour des systèmes à évènements discrets : application à l’étude de propagation de feux de forêt“. Corte, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008CORT0003.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn this thesis report, we present an approximate modeling approach for discrete events systems. The aim of this research is to develop tools to link modeling and simulation formalism, with fuzzy logic. This new method called iDEVS allows to model and to simulate inaccurate systems. Throughout the manuscript, we discuss various concepts such: take into account inaccuracies with fuzzy sets theory; fuzzy simulation with defuzzification methods…In the first chapter, we present the theories associated with fuzzy logic. In the second chapter, we describe the modeling and simulation concepts, including DEVS formalism. In the third chapter, we explain the method iDEVS, and the tools developed for use. Before concluding, we propose an application of the approach iDEVS to study the spread of forest fires
Pelletier-Bergeron, Sylvain. „Propriétés fonctionnelles du charbon de bois en fonction de la sévérité des feux de forêt“. Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/6596.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMarcelli, Thierry. „Propagation de feux de forêt : Modélisation et étude expérimentale de la transition d'un feu de surface vers un feu de cime“. Corte, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002CORT0005.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMarchal, Jean. „Prévoir pour mieux s'adapter : sensibilité de l'activité des incendies de forêt aux changements climatiques et de couverture terrestre“. Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/27644.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAbstract Wildfire is an extremely widespread natural disturbance on the planet. In Quebec, forest fires have affected between 1990 and 2013 an average of 330,000 hectares per year against an average of 2.3 million hectares for Canada. In these times of climate change, whose effects are reported as very costly to human societies, it is important to develop adaptation strategies to climate change as soon as possible to minimize costs, environmental impacts and impacts on our societies. Climate and weather strongly influence the spatial and temporal patterns of forest fires activity. Land-cover plays an important role in the short term by modulating the effect of weather on fire activity and longer-term changes in forest composition matrix, gradual (forest succession, climate change), or rapid (disturbances). Thus, it is urgent to develop reliable projections of future activity of forest fires while reducing the uncertainty surrounding these projections. Despite the fact that these requirements have been identified for more than a decade, the methods for the preparation of these projections remained to be developed. The ability to forecast or predict how a system might behave in the future has always been a formidable challenge for the scientific community. In my first two chapters, I modeled the influence of climate change and vegetation on the frequency and size distribution of forest fires using statistical models. My third and final chapter uses models developed in the first two to project how the activity of forest fires will evolve in a context where the climate (or weather) and vegetation (or land-cover) are dynamic. Thanks to this work, we can now project what will be the future activity of forest fires in the context of climate and forest changes.
Leghouchi, Essaïd. „Application du modèle feu dans l'évaluation du risque des incendies de forêt et mise au point d'une méthode d'étude de la toxicité des retardants“. Rouen, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995ROUE03NR.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleA fire model, allowing to record simultaneously physico-chemical and toxicological data, has been used to evaluate the risk linked to materials and chemical compounds submitted to thermal degradation. During this work, the use of this fire model has been extended to the evaluation of toxicity of vegetal material decomposition gales. In the second step, the toxicity of chemical fire retardants has been studied either atone either alter application to vegetal material in fire situations. To evaluate the toxic hasard occuring during vegetals and fire retardants thermal decomposition, two bioassays have been used mite exposure to gales and growth inhibition of microalga Selenastrum capricornutum. This study allowed us to compare vegetals and to classify them according their potentiel toxic risks. Dry plants fumes were significantly more dangerous than fresh plants ones. The fire retardants tests showed the reliability of the fire model for loch a study. The fireproofing with these products shows clearly a more important effect on fire risk than on toxic risk
Rochoux, Mélanie Catherine. „Vers une meilleure prévision de la propagation d'incendies de forêt : évaluation de modèles et assimilation de données“. Thesis, Châtenay-Malabry, Ecole centrale de Paris, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014ECAP0009/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBecause wildfires feature complex multi-physics occurring at multiple scales, our ability to accurately simulate their behavior at large regional scales remains limited. The mathematical models proposed to simulate wildfire spread are currently limited because of their inability to cover the entire range of relevant scales, because also of knowledge gaps and/or inaccuracies in the description of the physics as well as inaccuracies in the description of the controlling input parameters (i.e., the vegetation, topographical and meteorological properties). For this purpose, the uncertainty in regional-scale wildfire spread modeling must be quantified and reduced. In this context, the goals of this thesis are two-fold. First, multi-physics detailed simulations of fire propagation, solving for the flame structure using Navier-Stokes equations for multi-species reacting flow and including radiation heat transfer, biomass pyrolysis as well as a flame/vegetation interface, were performed at the flame scale. These simulations were compared to measurements to provide a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms underlying fire propagation. Second, the use of a data-driven simulator that sequentially integrates remote sensing measurements and relies on an empirical spread model was explored for regional-scale fire front tracking. The idea underlying this data assimilation strategy was to translate the differences in the observed and simulated fire front locations into a correction of the input parameters of the empirical model or directly of the fire front location via the ensemble Kalman filter algorithm. Since these two approaches account for uncertainties in fire spread modeling and measurements, they improve our ability to forecast wildfire dynamics and plume emissions. These challenges have been identified as a valuable research objective with direct applications in fire emergency response for civil defense and environmental protection
Hessas, Nassima. „Évaluation cartographique et évolution diachronique par télédétection du risque incendie de forêt : simulation de la propagation du feu dans le bassin versant du Paillon, Nice, Alpes-Maritimes“. Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005GRE10248.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDue to its climate and mountainous relief, as well as the tourism, urban and economic stakes involved, Alpes-Maritimes is the most exposed to fire risks. This thesis has sought to detect and locate risks, then assess their consequences. In order to study the environmental impacts of fires, it was necessary to determine how often and where they occur. As vast areas are involved, remote sensing by aerial or satellite photography is one of the means of understanding such large-scale phenomena. Yearly statistical were made of 30 years of fires, first over the whole department, then town by town, on the basis of the following questions: What are the causes? How often do fires occur and of what amplitude? Do weather conditions play a part in starting and spreading fires? Why was summer 2003 such a catastrophe? The use of GIS for cartographic assessment was shown to be an efficient scientific tool for examining and highlighting exposure to hazard as well as for expressing vulnerability and determining the zoning which developers, prescribers and decision makers incorporate in their overall approach to local development at various appropriate. The multiplication of classifications and PCA of a satellite picture and the FCA of the entire basin contribute considerably to understanding the phenomenon. Forest fires engender fundamental modifications of land use and zoning. A diachronic study of the evolution of the Paillon, based on 3 series of aerial photographs and with the help of remote sensing and GIS, enabled extremely precise spatial-temporal dimensions to be determined. Studying simulations of the way fires spread can help with decision-making
Pugnet, Lilian. „Vulnérabilité des interfaces habitat-forêt à l'aléa incendie de forêt. : Évaluation couplant dires d’experts et simulation physique d’exposition“. Thesis, Nice, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015NICE2010/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleVulnerability is not a well-known component of forest fire risk. It is usually assessed through experts’ opinions. It can be assessed more objectively after a disaster par measuring damages, if the attributes of the disaster are known. We propose a model for vulnerability assessment formulated with a multi-criteria analysis of experts’ opinions. This one is validated by using a physical model for exposure assessment. Its inputs are provided by a fire propagation model. The system is calibrated based on the analysis of damages induced by a real wildfire. Results demonstrate the consistency of a vulnerability model based on spatial variables
Belkaid, Hamid. „Analyse spatiale et environnementale du risque d’incendie de forêt en Algérie : Cas de la Kabylie maritime“. Thesis, Nice, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016NICE2011/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAlgeria is among the countries that undergo a significant risk in terms of forest fires, it loses an average of 30 000 ha of its land cover annually. This figure shows, in itself, the forest fire risk level in this country and raises a concern about the consequences of this hazard in the longer term. To identify current and future environmental issues, we decided to study the effect of fires on forest ecosystems and Algerian highlighting current trends. In this perspective, we have chosen as a case study the forests of maritime Kabylia (Algeria North) experiencing relatively high frequency of fires and a significant vulnerability for several years now. The study is to trace the evolution of the fire risk in this forest area and highlight the morphological, structural and floral changes that have occurred there over time, but also to analyze climate change and occupation space by man. This, to capture the future impact of climate change and social behavior on the evolution of the Algerian forest and attempt to outline possible scenarios to anticipate risk situations
Jeffrey, Olivier, und Olivier Jeffrey. „Effets des coupes de récupération sur les successions naturelles de coléoptères saproxyliques le long d'une chronoséquence de 15 ans après feu en forêt boréale commerciale“. Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/24631.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCette étude vise à décrire l’état naturel des communautés de huit familles de coléoptères saproxyliques, reconnues pour être associées aux brûlis, à partir d’un échantillonnage fait au niveau des souches et à l’intérieur de peuplements commerciaux d’épinettes noires (Picea mariana (Mill)) résiduels à la coupe de récupération (état naturel) provenant de brûlis de 1995, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009 et 2010. L’étude vise également à comparer ces communautés à celles retrouvées dans des peuplements d’épinettes noires récupérés et répartis dans les brûlis de 1995, 2003, 2005 et 2007. Les coléoptères ont été inventoriés durant l’été 2010 et plus de 6 000 spécimens répartis dans les huit familles étudiées ont été capturés. À l’état naturel, quatre phases de colonisation se sont succédées pendant les cinq premières années après feu. Les assemblages des communautés de coléoptères saproxyliques sont quant à eux altérés par la récupération et ce, pour une période d’au moins sept ans.
This study aims to describe the natural state of communities of eight saproxylic beetle families known to be associated with burned forest from a sample done at stump level and in commercial black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill)) stands residual to salvage logging (natural state) from burns of 1995, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2010. The study also aims to compare these communities to those found in salvaged black spruce stands distributed in burns of 1995, 2003, 2005 and 2007. Beetles were sampled during summer 2010 and over 6 000 specimens among the eight studied families were captured. In its natural state, four colonization phases have succeeded along the first five postfire years. Saproxylic beetle assemblages were affected by salvage logging for a period of seven years.
This study aims to describe the natural state of communities of eight saproxylic beetle families known to be associated with burned forest from a sample done at stump level and in commercial black spruce (Picea mariana (Mill)) stands residual to salvage logging (natural state) from burns of 1995, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2010. The study also aims to compare these communities to those found in salvaged black spruce stands distributed in burns of 1995, 2003, 2005 and 2007. Beetles were sampled during summer 2010 and over 6 000 specimens among the eight studied families were captured. In its natural state, four colonization phases have succeeded along the first five postfire years. Saproxylic beetle assemblages were affected by salvage logging for a period of seven years.
Billaud, Yann. „Modélisation hybride stochastique-déterministe des incendies de forêts“. Thesis, Aix-Marseille 1, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011AIX10100/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMost of the area burned by forest fires is attributable to the few fires that escape initial attack to become large. As a consequence large-scale fires produce a large amount of green-house gases and particles which contribute to the global warming. Heterogeneous conditions of weather, fuel, and topography are generally encountered during the propagation of large fires. This shapes irregular contours and fractal post-fire patterns, as revealed by satellite maps. Among existing wildfire spread models, stochastic models seem to be good candidates for studying the erratic behavior of large fires, due to the above-mentioned heterogeneous conditions. The model we developed is a variant of the so-called small-world network model. Flame radiation and fuel piloted ignition are taken into account in a deterministic way at the macroscopic scale. The radiative interaction domain of a burning cell is determined from Monte Carlo simulation using the solid flame model. Some cases are studied, ranging from relatively simple to more complex geometries like an irregular flame fronts or an ethanol pool fire. Then, a numerical model is developed to investigate the piloted ignition of litters composed of maritime pine needles. A genetic algorithm is used to locate a set of model parameters that provide optimal agreement between the model predictions and the experimental data in terms of ignition time and mass loss. The model results had shown the importance of char surface oxidation for heat fluxes close to the critical flux for ignition. Finally, the small-world network model was used to simulate fire patterns in heterogeneous landscapes. Model validation was achieved to an acceptable degree in terms of contours, burned area and fractal properties, through comparison of results with data from a small controlled bushfire experiment and a historical Mediterranean fire. Therefore, it has been proven to be a powerful tool in the sizing of fortifications as fuel break areas at the wildland urban interface or in the understanding of atypical behavior in particular configurations (talweg, slope breaking, etc.). It has also been used for the optimization of an in-situ sensor network whose purpose is to detect precociously and to locate precisely small fires, preventing them from spreading and burning out of control. Our objective was to determine the minimum number and placement of sensors deployed in the forest
Maillé, Éric. „Intégration conceptuelle et opérationnelle de modèles spatiodynamiques : application à la dynamique du risque lié à l’incendie de forêt“. Aix-Marseille 3, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008AIX30021.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleEnvironmental changes lead to new risks that decision makers should manage. The aim of this research is to specify spatio-dynamic models integration solutions in order to help decision making in environmental risk dynamic management. Thematic and scale integration are distinguished. A conceptual framework for integration models of thematic model specification is proposed, based on the three semantic, spatial and temporal views of the “Peuquet triad”. Then, an operational integration architecture, based on mediator software agents and stemming from the High Level Architecture (HLA) is proposed to realise thematic model interoperability. This solution is validated by specification of software designed to decision support for forest fire risk dynamic management in relation to land cover changes
Giroud, Frédérique. „Contribution à la modélisation de la propagation des feux : approche multiphasique des feux de forêt. Développement d'un feu de propergol en milieu semi-confiné“. Aix-Marseille 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997AIX11023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWybo, Jean-Luc. „Expertgraph : analyse basée sur des connaissances et suivi temps réel d'information géographique évolutive : application à la prévention des incendies de forêt“. Nice, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991NICE4504.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn the recent years, computer techniques have brought new tools for analysis and synthesis of cartographic documents, generally called GIC (graphical information system). Likewise, monitoring of industrial processes have been improved for real time response and user interface. The work presented in this thesis is intended to enhance graphical information management, allowing the study of evoluting situations. To reach this goal, we propose a software environment for applications development, built around a real time kernel in charge of monitoring. Originality of our approach consists in allowing : Automation of the different tasks needed for real time monitoring : receive evoluting data, analyse situation and present synthetic information for user ; to specify the behaviour of the real time kernel in a declarative way, on the basis of knowledge given by experts, whatever this knowledge describe : data processing, situation analysis, or graphical aspect of date ; to supply users with a graphical interface allowing them to dicern spatial and temporal evolution of the situation. First we present the context of the problem, then we propose an architecture for the environment and finally we present an application to forest fire prevention in the mediteranean area
Gadaud, Juliette. „Une approche économique de la rémunération pour services rendus en forêt privée : le cas de l'accueil du public“. Bordeaux 4, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009BOR40059.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFree-access recreation in private forest property is gaining importance with the increasing social demand for forest-based recreation. The amended French Forest Law of 2001 encourages the implementation of financial incentive schemes to maintain an open-access forest for nature-based recreation activities, which are largely public goods. This thesis aims at opening debate on the definition of the payment schemes for the supply of outdoor recreation services by the forest owners. This debate cannot be made without the consideration of the fire risk issues due to public access. Because of the importance of the fire damages, we focus on the compensation in terms of the demand for insurance of an increasing risk due to public access. Our analysis leans on the case study in the Landes district in France. The analysis of the landowners' insurance demand reveals that the risk perception and the forest amenity valuation influence their choice to accept or not the public access contract. To take into account these results, we develop a contingent valuation in order to estimate forest landowners' willingness to accept for several constraints as a measure of the financial compensation they ask for in exchange of forest amenity values lowering by public recreational use management plan. The forest owners' perception of fire risk and of uncertainty due to free recreational use has an important impact on the forest owners' contractual choice. In terms of public policies, we conclude that a better communication on the fire risk and a better consideration of the amenity value would return more attractive contracts
Meerpoel-Pietri, Karina. „Prédiction de la vulnérabilité des constructions lors des incendies à l’interface milieu naturel/constructions“. Thesis, Corte, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021CORT0010.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle“The Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI)”, area where houses meet wildland vegetation, rises serious problems in fire risk management due to an increase in ignition sources and the vulnerability of infrastructure. The aim was to study the vulnerability of constructions in order to define recommendations for development in surronding dwellings. Firstly, flammability of two kinds of decking slabs, by focussing on radiant exposure and firebrand attack, was studied. Radiant experiments were performed with two experimental devices. At product scale, fire performance properties highlighted that the shape of the slabs influence their ignitability. The thermpolascitcs slabs were more combustible and emitted more smoke than the wood slabs. The conditions leading to the ignition of decking slabs by firebrands were performed with wood chips with different sizes and shapes. Flaming or glowing firebrands were placed in contact with the slabs at different positions. Our study showed that glowing firebrands did not lead to slab ignition. However, slabs ignition occurred in several positions with critical mass of flaming firebrands of 0.31 g for the wooden slabs and 0.28 g for the thermoplastic ones. Secondly, the thermal stresses generated by the combustion of a hedge and its impact on the degradation of construction materials was studied with a multi-scale approach. At the laboratory scale, hedge using branches of cistus was reconstrcuted. The heat release rate, the mass loss and total and radiant heat flux were measured at 1.15 m from the hedge. The burning of the hedge exhibits a high fire growth rate (FIGRA) and a high heat released rate (HRR) showing that the hedge could significantly participate in the development of a fire at WUI. In order to get closer to actual conditions, hedge burning with a surface of (6 × 1 m²) was studied at field scale for two hedge heights (1 and 2 m). Radiative and total flux heat flux were positioned 3 m from the hedge. It has been shown that the heat flux density generated by the 2 m hedge is approximately 1.6 times greater than for the 1 m hedge. A WUI configuration was also reproduced. For this, a hedge (6 × 1 × 1 m³) was placed at the edge of a terrace made of wooden slabs and at 3 m from different types of windows (PVC and aluminum). Experiments highlighted that the heat flux density generated by the hedge was sufficient to damage the openings and the wooden terrace slabs. Finaly, WFDS code (3D CFD) was used to simulate the burning hedge at laboratory scale. Experimental results were compared with simulations. The predicted HRR, mass loss and fire front geometry were very close to the experimentale results
Lowe, Fuentes Jeovanna. „Caractéristiques de la forêt boréale de l'Est du Québec en relation avec la faune aviaire“. Thesis, Université Laval, 2010. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2010/26603/26603.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe first objective of this project was to understand the effect of natural fire disturbance on the availability and abundance of dead trees (snags) and their use by cavity-nesting birds in the northeastern part of Quebec’s unmanaged boreal forest stands. Secondly, I aimed to understand the effects of the structure and composition of the boreal forest on bird species communities along two long-term chronosequences after fire (0 to >200 years postfire). Results show that tree mortality follow a U-shape pattern, with more snags in young and old-growth forests, where I also found more nest cavities and foraging signs. Although bird species richness did not vary greatly according to the different age classes, many species were lost and others recruited following succession stages. This study highlights the need to protect the forest at all stages, especially old-growth, which provides a heterogeneous environment suitable for several bird species.
Hamadeh, Nizar. „Le développement de la loi de diffusion des incendies en modélisant le niveau de danger et son évolution dans le temps. : comparaison avec des données expérimentales dans les forêts libanaises“. Thesis, Angers, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017ANGE0060/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWildland fires are one of the most complex phenomena facing our societies. Lebanon, a part of Middle East, is losing its green forests dramatically mainly due to severe fires. This dissertation studies the phenomenon of forest fires. It proposes new models and methodologies to tackle the crisis of forest fires particularly in Lebanon and Mediterranean. It is divided into two main parts: New Approaches in Forest Fire Prediction and Forest Fire modeling. The first part is sub-divided into 3 chapters. First chapter presents an analytical study of the most widely used metrological models that can predict forest fires. In the second chapter we apply five data mining techniques methods: Neural Networks, Decision Tree, Fuzzy Logic, Linear Discriminate Analysis and Support Vector Machine. We aim to find the most accurate technique in forecasting forest fires. In the third chapter, we use different correlative data analysis techniques (Regression, Pearson, Spearman and Kendall-tau) to evaluate the correlation between fire occurrence and meteorological data (Temperature, Dew point, Soil temperature, Humidity, Precipitation and Wind speed). This allows to find the most influential parameters that affect the occurrence of fire, which lead us to develop a new Lebanese fire danger Index (LI). The proposed index is then validated using meteorological data for the years 2015-2016. The second part is sub-divided into 3 chapters. The first chapter reviews the fire behavior characteristics and its morphology; and focuses on the validity of mathematical and computer fire behavior models. The second chapter manifests the importance of cellular automata, explains the main types of cellular automata and reviews some applications in various domains. In the third chapter, we use cellular automata to develop a new behavior model for predicting the spread of fire, on elliptical basis, in both homogeneous and heterogeneous landscapes .The proposed methodology incorporates the parameters of wind speed, fuel and topography. The developed model is then used to simulate the wildfire that swept through the forest of Aandqet village, North Lebanon. Obtained simulation results are compared with reported results of the real incident and with simulations done on Karafyllidis model and Gazmeh-Modified Karafyllidis model. These comparisons have proven the outperformance of the proposed model. In this dissertation, the crisis of forest fires has been studied and new models have been developed in both phases: pre-fire and post-fire. These models can be used as efficient preventive tools in forest fire management
Ricouart, Francine. „La gestion de l'espace et la prévention des incendies de forêt dans les Pyrénées Méditerranéennes : paysage, diversité des Rhopalocères et réduction de combustible“. Toulouse 2, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005TOU20040.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe present work deals with multiple topics including issues of forest fires, spatial planning and evaluation of the impact of wildland fuel-breaks. It gives a better understanding of the consequences of developments undertaken for the management of Meditarranean aeras with the aim of DFCI ("Défense des Forêts Contre l'Incendie", defense of forests against fires), not only at the level of landscape dynamics but also at the level of eventual markers of modifications introduced by these new environments. It also aims at proposing to local actors tools for a pastoral management and the DFCI for future planning. This research is based on a global analysis of the various zones and a detailed approach of vegetal formations and butterfly fauna. The impacts of the landscape and biodiversity on fuel reduction are evaluated through localized examples in the Pyrénées-Orientales which are representative of identified areas in the forested and sub-forested Mediterranean region
Mangiavillano, Adrien. „Multi-scalarité du phénomène feu de forêt en régions méditerranéennes françaises de 1973 à 2006“. Phd thesis, Université d'Avignon, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00346345.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDelaitre, Sabine. „Gestion des connaissances en gestion des risques naturels. CREAD : capitaliser et réutiliser l'expérience pour l'aide à la decision. Cas d'application : la gestion de la lutte contre les feux de forêt“. Paris, ENMP, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000ENMP0979.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleVilain-Carlotti, Pauline. „Perceptions et représentations du risque d'incendie de forêt en territoires méditerranéens : la construction socio-spatiale du risque en Corse et en Sardaigne“. Thesis, Paris 8, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA080049/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFire is not only a trivial phenomenon, it has also been used as a tool to shape space and landscapes. Thus, considering the perceptions and representations of the risk of forest fire would imply examining the relationship between men and their environment. It would then be possible to report on the way people think, live, see and understand their environment. What if the risk of fire was only pretence to impose a definite project regarding the territory? This critical approach is designed to understand how material and immaterial dimensions are defined on inhabited areas. The focus is shifted from ensuring a better protection against the risk, to deciphering the stakes that lay in the evolving perception of the fire: from simple phenomenon, to risk. This leads to questioning the ontological status of the risk, and to examine it under a new light, as an instrument in the socio-spatial construction. The forest is overgrowing due to inadequate maintenance, which causes landscape closure. In turn, these changes generate vulnerable space structures and a new image of the environment. It seems that the problem is not really fire, but rather the Mediterranean Forest as a resource to be preserved. Protecting the forest means taking possession of the territories. In what way is this forest an asset? It is perceived as a ‘paradise lost’, which should be regained. Also, it is mainly a wealth to be preserved, adding value to real estate and property
Magne, Gwenaël. „Paléo-incendies et changements climatiques dans les forêts boréales nord-européennes au cours de l'Holocène“. Thesis, Montpellier, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019MONTG068.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBoreal forest ecosystems represent almost 30% of the world forest area. These regions characterized by a complex forest mosaic are mainly structured by climate (temperature and precipitations) and fire regime. The predictive ability of forest fires is essential to mitigate their impacts on forest ecosystem dynamics, considering related ecological and social-economic aspects. Under global warming (IPCC, 2014), changes in climatically-driven fire regime (frequency and severity) are expected, which could represent a potential threat to boreal ecosystems. Consequently, it is necessary to better investigate the link between fire and climate in order to apprehend the natural variability of ecological processes. But before looking at future changes with the use of models, it is essential to understand the changes in the past with palaeoecological proxy. Paleoecological studies use time series of physical or chemical properties of paleontological, geological and glaciological records, thus allowing understanding of climatic variability even in the absence of direct meteorological observations. With this study, different methods were used to reconstruct the paleo-fires history (lacustrine charcoals and dendrochronology) and past climates (subfossil chironomids and pollens) in order to study the fire-climate link in Northern Europe during Holocene. Firstly, he was shown here that it was possible to detect surface fires in Fennoscandian boreal forests from sedimentary records. Climate change in Lapland has also been reconstructed over the last 9500 years using chironomid and pollen inferred-temperatures. These results were compared with the local fire history to study the link between fire dynamics and climate oscillations. The data resulting from the charcoal analysis indicate an increase in fire frequency since 3500 cal. BP. This dynamic seems to be linked to climate changes, as evidenced by the temperatures decrease observed during the past 4000 years. The colder and wetter climatic and environmental conditions have apparently led to a change the forest composition (including the arrival of Picea) that may have caused this change in fire regime. Furthermore, the quantity of charcoal sequestered in sediments decreases during the last 4000 years. This suggests that these changes have also changed the type of fire affecting this boreal region, from large crown fires to frequent surface fires. The increase in fire frequency has finally reached its maximum in the last 2000 years, suggesting that an increase in summer drought periods is behind these changes. In the end, this study confirms that climate and environmental changes tend to lead to a fire increase in the northern European boreal forest
Boucher, Jonathan. „Intégration de la caractérisation de la sévérité du feu dans les outils d'aménagement écosystémique en forêt boréale“. Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/26587.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleEach year in the boreal forest, wildfires generate large amounts of dead trees in Quebec. Considered a potential loss of revenue for the economy, the government asks that a part of those trees is salvaged. This is also a practice experiencing a rising trend worldwide. On the other hand, post-fire salvage logging is governed by various constraints, concerning both the profitability of operations and compliance with the standards of the forest ecosystem management (FEM) aiming at conserving the biodiversity associated with burned forests. The implementation of FEM requires knowledge on the impact that fire has on the forest in a spatially explicit manner. In this light, we first evaluated on site burn severity for 60 study sites distributed accross 5 burns. We then assessed the ability of the differenced Normalized Burn Ratio (dNBR), a remote sensing method developed by US researchers to estimate burn severity, at providing an accurate representation of the terrain conditions. The positive results of this step allowed us to consider the dNBR improve management tools of burned forests. From the viewpoint of the profitability of salvage logging, we then evaluated the density of Monochamus spp. (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) attacks, which constitute an important source of quality degradation of wood and incidentally their value. The knowledge acquired on the ecology of Monochamus spp. and established models predict the levels of these insects attacks based on tree species, stem diameter and burn severity (dNBR). Thirdly, following part of the FEM, we sought to identify high conservation value stands for biodiversity, using saproxylic beetles as an indicator group, and key variables that are tree species and diameter, as well as burn severity (dNBR). This allowed us to identify six groups of ecologically related species, of which, we identified three groups having a strong association with the burned habitat. Since these three groups contain species associated to burns, that are linked to habitats often salvaged such as jack pine and large diameters, they may be adversely affected by salvage logging. The results of our work, by using a spectral index of burn severity (dNBR) in management tools, make possible the optimization of post-fire salvage logging, from both the economic and conservation points of view, in compliance with the FEM.
Blanchi, Raphaële. „Contribution méthodologique à la conception d'une politique publique en matière de prévention des risques d'incendie de forêt : Application au plan de prévention des risques naturels“. Paris, ENMP, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001ENMP1045.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTihay, Virginie. „Contribution expérimentale et théorique pour la modélisation de la combustion dans les feux de forêt“. Phd thesis, Corte, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00376628.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBorsali, Amine Habib. „Contribution à l’évaluation de l’impact des incendies sur les écosystèmes forestiers : cas de la Forêt de Fénouane , Commune d’Ain El Hadjer, Wilaya de Saida ( Algérie)“. Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013AIXM4362.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWithin this research was to evaluate dynamic return to short and long-term of the physicochemical and microbiological properties of the burnt grounds and to study to become to it burned vegetable communities. For the study of the ground we analyzed the physical properties, chemical and microbiological of 25 samples of ground taken in the Forest of Fénouane (Wilaya of Saida, Algeria) along a chono-sequence of 2,4,8,13 and 20 years after last. This study made it possible to show the vulnerability of the forest grounds of the semi-arid stage of the Tellian Atlas at the frequencies of fires higher than 1 fire every 20 years. For the study of the effect of fire on the composition of the pine forests with Pinus halepensis Mill.de the forest of Fénouane (Algeria) one used the same small squares and chrono-sequence that selected for the study of the ground. Floristic statements were carried out according to the method sigmatist according to the last fire. The comparative method showed a progressive reconstitution of the pine forests without much variation in their floristic composition. In fact practically the same species existed before fire which reappears afterwards. It arises from the phyto-ecological study that the forest of Fénouane is very fragile and the little of plant species which it contains could decrease to reach a critical level because of the climatic and edaphic aridity accentuated by the fires and the overgrazing
Coudé, Véronique. „Amélioration de la planification opérationnelle par une connaissance plus précise des stocks forestiers (produits spécifiques) et de leur localisation en forêt“. Thesis, Université Laval, 2010. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2010/27208/27208.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePresently forest products transformation centers must be able to quickly adapt their resource supply in order to satisfy market needs. In order to react quickly to mill demands, forest harvesting activities must be deployed directly in forest stands that contain standing timber with the characteristics necessary to meet processing requirements. An inability to do this engenders involves additional costs related to the installation of corrective measures. Such measures usually result in an increase in forest stocks cut and/or in additional displacements of forest harvesting equipment. A shortage of supply -- i.e. a lack of raw material at the processing plant -- or difficulty in satisfying market needs are other possible effects. An adequate knowledge of standing tree distributions by species and diameter classes for the principal forest strata being harvested thus seems to be a useful way of ensuring adequate product-specific supply. Such knowledge indeed would seem to be required to improve forest management across the entire supply chain, and would also provide for better environmental protection. However, because forests are intrinsically highly variable, it is difficult to predict in a precise manner species and diameter distributions for specific stands in a given forest. This inherent forest variability generates uncertainty when these distributions are estimated or predicted. This project evaluates the developmental feasibility of a spatial system that can enable an immediate response in harvesting operations to a request for a specific species and size of tree by a processing facility that is motivated by clients’ needs. To accomplish this, species-specific graphic functions of volumes based on tree diameter distributions for each forest stratum were developed and compiled. Regression equations based on tree diameter were applied to these functions in order to validate those that were significant. Subsequently a link was established between the diameter distribution functions and a map of forest strata in a GIS software tool to obtain the probability of finding a sufficient volume of the desired tree type. The functionality discussed has been successfully implemented in this project in order to create a tool for forest planners that takes into account the variability of timber stocks in forests. This project has demonstrated that it is possible to use existing forest inventory information to develop relations between the forest data and the error it generates. Moreover, it was possible to integrate this information to create a functional GIS-based tool that indicates the likelihood of finding a desired quantity of a specific product in the forest.
Hamamousse, Nadjet. „Caractérisation des propriétés physiques des matériaux impliqués dans l'accélération des feux de forêt“. Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021AIXM0621.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleEvery year, fires devastate millions of hectares of wildland and cause serious impacts on natural, economical, and human resources. Firefighters highlighted that some forest fires behave differently; they are called flashover. These fires are characterized by a sudden acceleration. Those fires are called flashover. Such phenomenon was observed in September 2000 in Palasca where two young firefighters passed away, four were seriously injured and about 5 hectares burned in few minutes. This thesis is devoted to the characterization of the physical properties of materials that can contribute to the sudden and unpredictable acceleration of fires. First, the Small World network model was validated on a historical fire. The sensitivity analysis of the model allows identifying the most important parameters that affect the fire spread. Since the flammability depends on the fuel moisture content and the flammable volatile organic compounds, these two parameters were characterized experimentally
Ouarmim, Samira. „Historique et caractéristiques écologiques des îlots résiduels après feu en forêt boréale mixte“. Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013MON20206.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFire is the main natural disturbance shaping boreal forest landscapes. In North American boreal ecosystems, wildfires contribute to the creation of a complex mosaic of stands of varying age, composition, and structure, within which other disturbances and processes can interact. A burned area usually includes tree patches that partially or entirely escaped fire, called post-fire residual patches. The spatially occurrence of post-fire residual patches has been extensively described. However, the presence of fire refuges has been reported in Fennoscandia and in United-States, which can escape fire for several millennia. The aim of this study was to characterize temporal dynamics in post fire residual patches in mixedwood boreal forest of eastern Canada. The analyses concern the reconstruction of fire and forest dynamics history though Holocene and identify characteristics features of these patches. This research aimed to contribute significantly to the objectives of ecosystemic management to preserve biological diversity in the forest mosaics.Thirteen post-fire residual patches which escaped the last fire have been sampled. At each stand, cores and monoliths were extracted for paleoecological analyses. The reconstitution of fire history and forest dynamics were studies by using macroscopic charcoals and macroremains. The characteristics features of stands were also sampled, to differentiate fire refuges from other post-fire residual patches. The fuel load was also measured, and all these data were used as inputs for fire behavior modeling (Fire Behavior Prediction System, BehavePlus, FlamMap3), to identify stand characteristics prevent fire refuges to burn in comparison with other residual stands and forest matrix.The results showed the presence in the landscaped of two types of post-fire residual patches in mixedwood boreal forest: fire refuges and other post-fire residual patches. The fire refuges present less fire susceptibility than other post-fire residual patches, which escape only the last fire probably by chance. On the other hand, fire refuges can persist in the landscape for several millennia, burning in the most severe fires. The forest dynamics reconstruction in fire refuges, highlight major shift in the vegetation from Larix laricina/Picea sp. to late successional species Abies balsamea/Thuja occidentalis. Occuring at all stands, but at different periods of Holocene, these changes can be attributed to internal processes. The presence of Larix laricina was associated to the occurrence of aquatic taxa (e.g. Characear). The late successional species (Abies balsamea/Thuja occidentalis) can persist in the landscape for several centuries due to moisture conditions. The thickness of organic matter recorded in fire refuges seems to inhibit the recruitment of early successional species such as Betula papyrifera et Populus tremuloïdes.The fire refuges owe their persistence in the landscape to abiotoc and biotic factors that limit fire occurrence. Then results obtained from fire behavior simulations, suggest a minor role of fire breaks (lakes, rocks), fuel load and topography in persistence of fire refuges. Local moisture condition seems to be key factor in their occurrence in the landscape. The fire refuges occur likely in depressions, which favor organic matter accumulation. The structure of fire refuges and other residual patches revealed two main characteristics, which distinguish between the two types of residual patches: Mean diameter of trees and thickness of organic matter. The trees of fire refuges present smaller tree diameter than other post-fire residual patches. The thickness of organic matter accumulation in fire refuges affects negatively the growth of trees. These features can be used as tools for decision support in forest management strategies
Thériault, Laura. „Expérience vécue des feux de forêt et de l'évacuation chez les résidents de Fort McMurray“. Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/69374.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMindykowski, Pierrick. „Etude des mécanismes d'inflammation impliqués dans le développement des feux de végétation“. Aix-Marseille 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010AIX1A080.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe present work is an experimental, numerical and theoretical study of the mechanisms involved in the piloted ignition of wildland fuels. In the first part, the transport and combustion of firebrands, responsible for the spotting process, are modeled to determine the ignition potential of these particles at landing. Model results are in good agreement with literature data. Scaling laws based on the Froude modeling approach are proposed. The second part is devoted to the piloted ignition of wildland fuel beds exposed to a radiant heat flux. Experiments were conducted on pine needle fuel beds using the FPA. A comparative analysis between the experimental data and the results obtained using the two-phase model SAFIR, developed at IUSTI, is carried out to improve the knowledge of the ignition mechanism. An integral model is also proposed describing the transient heating of a fuel bed exposed to an incident heat flux and including convective and radiative losses. From this integral model, a relevant high-flux asymptotic solution is derived that relates linearly the inverse of the ignition time to the incident heat flux. Eventually we propose a procedure based on the asymptotic solution for the determination of the ignition time from a few experiments at high incident heat fluxes
Gennaro, Matthieu de. „Modélisation de la propagation des grands incendies de forêts et élaboration d'un outil opérationnel d'aide à la lutte tactique“. Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017AIXM0148/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis work is focused on the development of a wildfire spread model and its integration into a decision-making tool for planning firefighting operations. The fire spread model is based on a network model to represent vegetation distribution on land and considers the main heat transfer mechanisms from burning to unburnt vegetation items (i.e. radiation from the flaming zone and embers, surface convection and wind-driven convection through the fuel bed, and radiative cooling from the heated fuel element to the environment). The effects of local conditions of wind, topography, and vegetation are included. To address the challenge of real-time fire spread simulations, the model is also extended in two ways. First, the Monte Carlo method is used in conjunction with a genetic algorithm to create a database of radiation view factors from the flame to the fuel surface for a wide variety of flame properties and environment conditions. Second, the front-tracking method is introduced in order to reduce the amount of data to store and handle during propagation. The fire spread model is validated against data from different fire scenarios, showing it is capable of capturing the trends observed in experiments in terms of rate of spread, and area and shape of the burn, with reduced computational resources. It is then extended to evaluate fire risk at the wildland fire interface. In the frame of the TechForFire project coordinated by the NOVELTIS company, the new version of the fire spread model is coupled with the other modules of the operational chain. Finally, data from the fire of Velaux in 2015 are used to evaluate the TechForFire solution
Moretti, Basiliu. „Modélisation du comportement des feux de forêt pour des outils d’aide à la décision“. Thesis, Corte, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015CORT0007/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleModeling the spread of forest fires is a complex affair which can be examined in different ways (physical, semi-physical, empirical). Numerous simulators exist, each one bearing its own particularities, benefits and weak points. The work which has led to the writing of this thesis aims at improving the simplified physical model of fire propagation (Balbi et al, 2007), as well as at laying down the first foundation stones of what will favor an evolution towards a fire behavioral pattern. This study is based upon three main themes :• Modeling the spread of a surface fire with the main engine the radiative heat transfer. This modeling leads to achieve improvements in the formulation of its speed on flat ground, without wind. It finally led to the characterization of two criteria of extinction with characterization of critical values of two parameters (leaf area index and the water content of the fuel).• Quantification of the energy radiating from the flame front. This quantification was performed assuming the solid flame model. This approach has led to obtaining an analytical relationship for the evaluation of Admissible Safety Distance (ASD) in a very short time. • Sensitivity analysis of the different results attained in order to confirm them as a whole and identify the relative influence of various parameters
Zammit, Olivier. „Détection de zones brûlées après un feu de forêt à partir d'une seule image satellitaire SPOT 5 par techniques SVM“. Phd thesis, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00345683.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLe modèle est fondé sur les Séparateurs à Vaste Marge (SVM), une technique de classification supervisée qui a démontré une meilleure précision et une meilleure capacité de généralisation que les algorithmes de classification plus traditionnels. Concernant notre problème de détection, les différentes zones brûlées possèdent des caractéristiques spectrales assez similaires, au contraire des zones non brûlées (végétation, routes, eau, zones urbaines, nuage, ombre...) dont les caractéristiques spectrales varient énormément. Nous proposons donc d'utiliser les One-Class SVM, une technique qui dérive des SVM mais qui n'utilise que des exemples de pixels brûlés pour les phases d'apprentissage et de classification.
Afin de prendre en compte l'information spatiale de l'image, l'algorithme OC-SVM est utilisé comme une technique de croissance de régions, ce qui permet de diminuer les fausses alarmes et d'améliorer les contours des zones brûlées.
De plus, la base d'exemple de pixels brûlés nécessaire à l'apprentissage des techniques SVM est déterminée automatiquement à partir de l'histogramme de l'image.
Finalement, la méthode de classification proposée est testée sur plusieurs images satellitaires afin de valider son efficacité selon le type de végétation et la surface des zones brûlées. Les zones brûlées obtenues sont comparées aux vérités de terrain fournies par le CNES, Infoterra France, le SERTIT, les Services Départementaux d'Incendies et de Secours ou l'Office National des Forêts.
Lacroix, Claire. „Chronologie holocène des feux de forêt et dynamique éolienne pour le secteur de Radisson, Québec nordique“. Thesis, Université Laval, 2011. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2011/28606/28606.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMomont, Ludovic. „Sélection de l'habitat et organisation sociale de l'éléphant de forêt, Loxodonta africana cyclotis (Matschie 1900), au Gabon“. Paris, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007MNHN0015.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe African forest elephant differs from the savannah elephant in many morphological, ecological and genetic characteristics; however, few studies have focussed on the forest elephant, despite it being threatened by hunting and the destruction of primary forest habitat. This study has investigated the habitat use of the forest elephant using two natural open areas in the centre of primary forest; an area of savannah, marsh and fragmented forest in Lopé National Park, and a clearing rich in salts and minerals in Ivindo National Park. Habitat choice by forest elephants in Lopé was measured using fresh dung-counts, monitored monthly on fixed transects in the four main habitat types. Marantaceae forest and savannah marshlands were the habitat types most frequently used by the local population, but alternately during the course of the year. Visual identification of individual elephants on a standardised circuit showed that the savannah attracted almost exclusively females accompanied by their young, and young solitary males, and probably acted as a feeding area. Data on the movements of four female adults, using GPS telemetry, indicated that although the savannah zone was important at the year and season level, the animals also used different types of forest, making trips between open and closed habitat. Studies of fruiting phenology indicated that animals used increasingly open habitat as forest fruit availability decreased. The monitoring of two female adults and two male adults by GPS telemetry in an entirely forested region of Ivindo National Park showed that these animals moved between two fixed areas of their individual home ranges; the clearing, or ‘bai’, and a principal feeding area. Langoué bai was mainly used by the resident population for the consumption of mineral salts, but also served as a meeting place, especially for the male adults who then established a hierarchy amongst themselves. The movements and the home ranges of eight individuals followed in Lopé and Ivindo NP was compared with previous studies on forest and savannah elephants. The forest elephants studied here exhibited less frequent meetings between female adults; in the forest the most stable social unit was composed of the mother and her young dependant, and in the savannah groups of two female adults and their dependants were more common. This therefore differs from the social organisation of the savannah elephant and the Indian elephant
Fourcade, Benoît. „Modélisation hydrologique et hydrochimique d'un petit bassin versant méditerranéen : conséquences de la variabilité hydrologique et d'un incendie de forêt (bassin du Rimbaud, Réal Collobrier, Var)“. Montpellier 2, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001MON20131.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTra, Bi Zamblé Mathieu. „Polyphonie sur les médias socionumériques : le cas des interactions sur YouTube à propos des feux de forêt d’Amazonie“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UBFCC002.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis study examines polyphonic enunciation in online writings, focusing on that which arises from and is induced by interactions on YouTube during the Amazon rainforest wildfires. After presenting the context and the concepts and theories related to polyphony, it proposes a methodological framework for analyzing polyphony that first captures the role of techno-semiotic, socio-economic, and psychosociological aspects of YouTube in polyphony, and then interrogates this polyphony at the level of other media actors mentioned from YouTube. This allows us to identify consistencies and changes in polyphonic configurations during our observation period and to show how these polyphonic configurations during the Amazon rainforest wildfires could be influenced by exogenous contextual variables. We also observe power dynamics when this polyphony is used as a strategy by various media actors involved in the social controversy surrounding the Amazon rainforest wildfires. This study complements previous research on editorial enunciation in screen writings by considering polyphony at both the network actors’ level and the argumentation level
Stubbe, Cornelia. „Industrie et moyenne montagne : l'exemple du Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg en Forêt Noire“. Clermont-Ferrand 2, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996CLF20089.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe purpose of this study fo towns an villages in the "schwartwald-baar-heuberg" region of theblack forest is to assess the possibilities for a future industrial development in this mountainous region of medium altitude. Is the region capable of holding its own in the current context of constant mutations and movement towards a global economy, or is it a peripheral and didadvantaged region doomed to industrial decline ? a research project conducted amongst more than 100 company directors, along with a statistical evaluation, has led to 3 basic observations : (1) the region in question has many potential advantages for future development, based on a long tradition resulting in a good industrial base and a strong entrepreneurial spirit. The existence of a high density of technological structures and growth sectors is another strong point or region. In addition there is a qualified labour force, attatched to the area, and identifying with local firms, along with the availability of good local training schemes. (2) the region is losing its autonomy due to its companies' dependence on outside forces as far as industrial supplies and outlets are concerned. (3) it is a region with major local differences. Generally, it is possible to contrast the administrative centres situated in the high eastern areas with the western ones located in the heart of the black forest. The former offer conditions more vavorable to industrial development due to their greater accessibility (closeness to a motorway), availability of space for development and proximity of a large town (villingenschwenningen), whereas the latter have more handicaps (narrow valleys resulting in a lack of space for development, and transport problems). Two solutions are envisaged here : the traditional clock-making centres wish to continue their industrial vocation by making greater efforts as far as training and innovation are concerned, combined with a policy favorable to industry ; the others have preferred to pursue a touristic vocation
Asdourian, Bruno. „COMMUNICATION RELATION ET MÉDIAS SOCIAUX Étude du cas de la sensibilisation aux feux de forêt“. Phd thesis, Université de la Méditerranée - Aix-Marseille II, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00573962.
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