Dissertationen zum Thema „Linguistique italienne“
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Frugoni, Paola. „Le mot « enseignement » dans l'élaboration discursive de l'Europe de la connaissance : le discours de la presse écrite française et italienne“. Nantes, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007NANT3038.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis research focuses on the linguistic and the comparative analyses of the university teaching as it is reported in a french and an italian newspaper. This work has two main objectives : on the one hand, the comparison of lexical entities in each of the two similar languages; on the other hand, an account of the representation delivered by the media. The lexical meaning of the keywords « enseignement/insegnamento » and « universitaire/universitario » has been studied. The approach of lexical discourse and the theoretical model I have been applied, the Semantic of Possible Argumentative (SPA), has enabled us to reach our goal, which was to show how the SPA might be used as a bae for the comparison of the lexical meanings in two similar languages. This work has been carried out in three phases : (1) the construction of the lexical meaning of the aforementioned keywords, (2) the study of linguistics occurrences of the keywords in the corpus and (3) the proposition of a method in comparative analysis to be used to reveal cultural and lexical stereotypes according to the model of meaning that has been constructed
Babini, Maurizio Béjoint Henri. „Proposition de modèle de dictionnaire terminologique onomasiologique application au domaine de la législation italienne en matière d'immigration /“. [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2000. http://theses.univ-lyon2.fr/sdx/theses/lyon2/2000/babini_m.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRuscher, Pierre-Vincent. „Bernardino Ciambelli : auteur-journaliste et témoin linguistique de l'évolution de l'italien en Amérique du Nord : 1880-1914“. Thesis, Strasbourg, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018STRAC003/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAt the end of the 19th century, millions of Italians left Italy for the United States in pursuit of American Dream. Coming from all the regions of the country, speaking their own dialects, these people settled down together and founded the communities commonly known as the Little Italies. In these districts where they could find all that they needed, a cultural life also developed. Author of acclaimed popular novels, Bernardino Ciambelli, was born in Italy in 1862, and had migrated to New York in the 1880s. Basing on three of his novels, we try to identify what language was used to address these populations. In a time when the Italian language was still recent, considering also the context of mass migration and the influences of the English-speaking environment, the purpose of this research is to identify the evolutions of the literary language in America
Marquet, Isabelle. „Atlas linguistique parlant d'une région des Alpes occidentales : étude de la variabilite phonétique entre le Vercors et la frontière italienne“. Université Stendhal (Grenoble ; 1970-2015), 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995GRE39051.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleElaboration and establisment of a sonours linguistic atlas from data concerming 25 survey points located in the area of isere, savoie and hautes-alpes. This atlas, the first of its type elaborated in france, constitutes a sonorous data bank automatically consultable by clicking on a visual card on a macintosh screen, or, at a distance, through network. This atlas is completed by a study of the structure and phonetical wariability of the dialects talked in the alpine area mentioned below. The study also takes into account the data presented in other atlases like the atlas linguistique de la france (alf) and 2 regional atlases : atlas linguistique du jura et des alpes du nord (alja) and atlas linguistique et ethnographique de la provence (alp)
Babini, Maurizio. „Proposition de modèle de dictionnaire terminologique onomasiologique : application au domaine de la législation italienne en matière d'immigration“. Lyon 2, 2000. http://theses.univ-lyon2.fr/documents/lyon2/2000/babini_m.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBianchini, Claudia Savina. „Analyse métalinguistique de l'émergence d'un système d'écriture des langues des signes : SignWriting et son application à la langue des signes italienne (LIS)“. Paris 8, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA084101.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSign Languages (SL) do not have a written form and most of the systems intended to represent them have shown many failures. This study is based on SignWriting (SW), which seems to be the best system, among the existing ones, to represent the forms of SL. The aim of this work is to understand how, despite the apparent complexity of the system, SW appears to be so easy to use by trained deaf users; moreover, this work wants to show SW capacities as a tool to encourage metalinguistic observations on LIS. At first the system itself is analyzed as well as the frequent problems that emerge when expert in SL and SW deaf users use it. This approach outlines most of these difficulties, allowing to understand (and sometimes resolve) them, which in turn favors the development of the system. Users’ observations cover not only the system itself but also its adequacy for the writing and transcription of SL, highlighting its potential as a means to raise metalinguistic thinking. The final part of the analysis is dedicated to the proposals for improvement of SW, on the basis of the data gathered and the analysis carried out. These improvements aim at teaching the system to deaf adults and informatization of SW. In conclusion, SW seems to be a promising system, effective to represent the forms of SL, despite some problems and the need for improvements; the deaf community will have to decide whether to adopt it as a writing system, take it as a starting point aiming in that direction, or use it just to transmit the shape of the signs
Le Lingue dei Segni (LS) sono prive di una forma scritta e la maggior parte dei sistemi elaborati per la loro rappresentazione ha mostrato numerose lacune. Questo studio si concentra su SignWriting (SW), che tra tutti sembra meglio riuscire a rappresentare le forme delle LS. Scopo del lavoro è capire come, a fronte di un’apparente complessità del sistema, SW risulti così facile da usare per gli utenti sordi che lo hanno appreso; inoltre, esso mira a mostrare le capacità di SW come strumento per promuovere le riflessioni metalinguistiche sulla LIS. Dapprima viene analizzato il sistema stesso ma anche le problematiche ricorrenti nel suo uso da parte di utenti sordi esperti di LS e di SW. Tale approccio raggruppa e porta a comprendere (e talvolta a risolvere) gran parte di tali difficoltà, favorendo quindi lo sviluppo del sistema. Le considerazioni degli utenti spaziano sia sul sistema che sulle sue attitudini per la scrittura e la trascrizione della LS, sottolineandone la potenzialità come mezzo per suscitare riflessioni metalinguistiche. La parte finale dell’analisi è dedicata a proposte di migliorie per SW, basate sui dati e le analisi effettuate, sia in vista del suo insegnamento ad adulti sordi che della sua informatizzazione. In conclusione, SW appare come un sistema ricco di possibilità ed efficace per la rappresentazione delle forme delle LS, nonostante alcune problematiche rilevanti e la necessità di migliorie; sarà poi alla comunità sorda decidere se adottarlo come sistema di scrittura, farne un punto di partenza in tale direzione o usarlo semplicemente per veicolare la forma dei segni
Chaupré-Berki, Charlène. „Le royasque en France : un dialecte ligurien alpin ? Origines, classification, représentations et réalité sociolinguistique à la frontière franco-italienne“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lorraine, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021LORR0201.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleToday, the situation of regional languages raises many questions, particularly with regard to the hinge and transition linguistic zones, such as the Alpes Maritimes department. A language contact zone between French, Italian, and more precisely Ligurian - present as far as Menton, where it is in transition with Provençal - the Roya valley is a complex plurilingual and pluricultural territory.On the French side, our study focuses on the languages of the villages of Tende, La Brigue and Breil-sur-Roya (from the north to the south of the upper valley of the French Roya), on which the linguists Werner Forner and Jean-Philippe Dalbera have worked extensively. On the Italian side, I focused my research on the towns of the lower Roya valley, Sanremo and Ventimiglia, in the south of Western Liguria, and on the villages of Triora and Pigna, further north.Beyond the conflicts of identities and the urgency of safeguarding languages through their transmission in associations, one of the thorniest problems remains the linguistic classification of local languages. Although the territory of the valley is officially considered to be an Occitan area, linguists firmly oppose Ligurian-Alpine membership. From a sociolinguistic point of view, our aim will be to go beyond purely linguistic considerations to bring out the speakers' representations of their culture and of speaking to them.As far as our fieldwork is concerned, it is part of "the study of authentic language practices in a social context is a matter of sociolinguistics, in the broadest sense" Gadet (2003: 5) within a socioconstructivist epistemological framework of complex thinking and ethno-sociolinguistics theory (Calvet, 1993, Blanchet, 2000). Our research is situated in the field of languages in contact and is oriented towards a variationist (Labov, 1976) and interactional (Hymes, 1982; Gumperz, 1989 a and b) sociolinguistics, with the study of the heterogeneity of the linguistic systems and the linguistic heterogeneity of the social groups in our survey. We also interrogate in this framework the question of domination phenomena (Marcellesi and Gardin 1974, Blanchet 2018, Colonna 2020)
Nieddu, Laura. „Une nouvelle génération d'écrivains sardes. Entre langue italienne et "limba" : les formes et les raisons d'une caractérisation régionale“. Thesis, Paris 10, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA100050.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis aims to study the literary phenomenon called «Sardinia nouvelle vague» and more particularly the forms and reasons of linguistic mixture between Sardinian and Italian, which characterize the works of Sardinian writers published between 1995 and 2010. Through a diachronic and synchronic study of Sardinian literature we want to show that we are not talking about something new. In fact, the "Sardinian literary renaissance" is the exploit of some authors who take advantage of a climate of strong national vitality, of regional languages, but, above all, a new freedom of expression, inaugurated by the works of Sergio Atzeni in the mid 90s. Despite significant differences in the forms and effects of mixture of language used in novels examined, this feature of the contemporary Sardinian literary scene marks a special attention by the authors to the language spoken on the island in different eras portrayed, whether it's Sardinian, regional Sardinian or Italian. Moreover, the choice of the mix of Sardinian and Italian emphasizes the value attributed to the forms of expression typical of Sardinia as part of a representation of the peculiarities and internal issues, related to the relationship between progress and tradition
Ruccella, Loredana. „L’économiquement correct : analyse du discours euphémique sur la crise dans la presse française et italienne“. Thesis, Paris 10, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA100033/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe aim of this work is to study the way in which the euphemization of economic speech, vulgarized by general press, supports the elaboration of a homogeneous and standardized speech characterized by the use of some speech techniques supporting neoliberalism. This speech will be called economically correct. This work is based upon a corpus consisting of a set of articles from the economic pages of the national French and Italian dailies Le Monde, Libération, Le Figaro, La Stampa, La Repubblica et Il Corriere della Sera
Barbisan, Elisa. „Spazio grafico e stile. Un'indagine attraverso la poesia italiana del secondo Novecento“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024SORUL100.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe present work, based on Italian poetry from the second half of the 20th century, investigates graphic space as a stylistic tool. It proposes interpretative parameters and provides a catalog of forms with the aim of encouraging the reception of spatiality among the subjects of contemporary metrical studies. The research follows a general perspective while considering the peculiar directions of the Italian cultural-historical field. The corpus on which the work is based consists of around 40 authors. Extremely visually characterized poems are represented alongside graphically standard poems, observing points of contact and hybridizations between avant-garde and tradition. The discourse intentionally crosses various authors and poems, illustrating the same declinations of stylistic form related to spatiality. These are gradually approached and described through focused textual analyses. The research enhances the areas of interaction between space and the verbal component of texts (rhythm, sound and intonation, syntax and argumentative structures, semantics). Rhetorical-linguistic patterns are considered. The first part of the essay traces historically the path of the difficult integration of the spatial aspects of writing within linguistic and stylistic studies. Some fundamental issues are exposed: the process of reading, the link between the use of free metrics and the spread of graphic stylistic features in the twentieth century, the relationship with the aural component of language and with phonic features in poetry, the kinship of spatiality with the punctuation system. Specific insights are devoted to the formal relationships between poetry, music and film; then, to the graphic obligations imposed by the press and the relationship between poets and publishers in terms of mise en page choices at the time of publication
Loueslati, Samia. „Communauté et langue italiennes en Tunisie : un cas d'analyse socio-linguistique dans un pays d'ex-colonisation française“. Paris 4, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA040213.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe "extinction" of the present Italian community established in Tunisia from long ago, will be due to the non-renewal of the generations, as the majority of the working population leaves the country. Different surveys conducted on several members of this community have shown that in spite of the colonial authority of France on Tunisia and the pressure of the Tunisian government on the community, they have been under French and Tunisian influence, but they have actually assimilated neither one nor the other. They have still kept their cultural identity and the specific characteristics of their original language
Villa-Perez, Valeria. „Les dialectes des migrants : représentations sociolinguistiques et dynamiques d'intégration territoriale dans l'Italie contemporaine“. Thesis, Bordeaux 3, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014BOR30052.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn this research we analyze the dynamics of linguistic contact with the Italian language, dialects and regional varieties described by adult immigrants and their sociolinguistic representations of these varieties. Our study is based on a corpus of fifty audio-taped conversations gathered in the Emilia-Romagna region (in Bologna and Forlì) and realized at immigrants’ work places. The acquisition of dialects and regional Italian varieties has also been considered in some linguistic studies on immigration but they have mainly highlighted the use and attitudes of migrants, underlining their role in the experience of linguistic learning in some regions of the North and of the South of Italy. Neverthless, linguistic socialization practices, which involve the endogen plurilingualism, seem to be less studied and they are the focus of our research which examines the role of dialects for immigrants in their journey since their arrival in Italy and in relation to their personal social network. We considered the role of linguistic socialization practices at work places for repercussions on social and linguistic integration in the host country
Zlitni, Mériem. „Contacts de langues (italien, sicilien, arabe) : le cas du journal italien Simpaticuni (Tunis, 1911-1933)“. Thesis, Paris 10, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015PA100120/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn this thesis, we propose to highlight the linguistic aspects relating to languages in contact, more particularly between Arabic and Sicilian speakers of Tunisia, through the study of a particular column, published in the Italian newspaper Simpaticuni (1911-1933). One of the issues of this research is to analyses the linguistic base of the corpus, aiming at determining the real nature of this language. In this respect we describe the phonographic, morphological, syntactical and vocabulary features of this language, and measure in what extent the given texts are of a Sicilian nature according to their dialectal degree. We then gather the words borrowed from Tunisian Arabic in order to study their function and the way they occur inside the syntactic structure of the columns, and therefore define their typology. Would they refer to daily objects? Or to pragmatic inclusions? What do these choices mean? Finally, given the speech nature of our texts, we study the varieties in interaction, which will enable us to understand why some words have been borrowed from Arabic. Digitising the whole particular column of the Simpaticuni will enhance the glossary collection undertaken by other scholars who previously worked on this newspaper
Pierno, Franco. „"Che in lingua vulgare dice" : Problèmes linguistiques et enjeux littéraires dans un corpus de textes religieux vénitiens du début du XVIe siècle : introduction, analyse linguistique, glossaires et éditions des Moral Postille, Venise, 1517“. Strasbourg 2, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003STR20048.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe thesis consists of an edition of the marginal notes found in an Italian bible printed in Venice in 1517. The edition includes an introduction on the historico-linguistic approach of religious language in general. This introduction aims to present the general characteristics of the most important variety of Italian and to provide the first elements of a useful guide to a historico-linguistic understanding of any text written in Italian religious language. .
Santoro, Mirko. „Compounds in sign languages : the case of Italian and French Sign Language“. Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PSLEH204.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn this dissertation, I investigate the domain of compounds in sign languages. Compounding has been documented as a key strategy to enrich the lexicon of sign languages even in situations of emergent sign languages. I address this topic with three main angles: typological/empirical, theoretical and experimental. In the typological/empirical part, I offer a thorough description of compounds in two sign languages: Italian and French Sign Language (LIS and LSF). I offer a refined and more comprehensive typology of compounds, in which classifiers and simultaneous forms are also taken into account.In the theoretical part, I provide a formal account of how to derive the whole typology of compounds found in LIS and LSF. I show i) that compounds can be derived in multiple ways depending on their morphosyntactic properties and ii) that morphosyntactic derivation is not the only process that affects the combinatorial options of compounding. Post-syntactic processes, especially linearization, have to have access to at least partial representations in order to distinguish between forms that have to be spelled out either sequentially or simultaneously.In the experimental part, I investigate whether phonological reduction is a sufficient condition to identify compounds in SL. I show that importing criteria from one SL to another can be done, but with extreme caution
Zedda, Paolo. „La variante linguistique du "Belcanto" : essai de phonétique articulatoire“. Paris 3, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA030127.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIn this thesis the italian language of the operatic repertory is treated as a linguistic variant we called "belcanto variant". At the same time this term belcanto takes on a "meta-historic" meaning. The methodology undertaken to support this view relies on an exposition of the argument from the physiological perspective of articulatory phonetics. This work is divided into four parts which concern the following areas : 1)the placement of the voice which depends firstly on the quality of nasal articulation; 2)the rhythm of the italian language which is determined by the length of its vowels, the articulatory intensity of its consonants and its stress; 3)a description of new conventions comprising a new phonetic alphabet and 27 rules of "good diction" in the bel canto variant; 4)an exploration of the relationship between language and music from which are derived the principles of lyric diction described in this work. Linguistic "solfeggio" along with a number of practical exercises concludes this thesis
Usai, Antonella. „Être soi-même et un autre dans une langue étrangère. Giorgio de Chirico et Alberto Savinio, l'expérience linguistique et identitaire entre France et Italie“. Thesis, Paris 3, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA030072.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe entire history of Italian literature shows author after author who, for differing reasons, felt the need to turn to the French language for the artistic expression of their works. My work herein aims in particular to analyse the experience and the work between the two languages of the de Chirico brothers, in order to discover the way in which their relationship with the French language and culture influenced and determined their literary works. The justification of my choice of authors to be studied are the actual works of the de Chirico brothers which have revealed them-selves to be a vast field of research for the intertextual problems of the bilingual phenomenon; this is confirmed by the considerable volume of their poetic and literary works [especially to create Hebdomeros – de Chirico – and Vita di Mercurio – Savinio - ]. Equally as important is the collaboration of the de Chirico bothers with Papini’s magazine «La Vraie Italie», which has allowed us to observe not only another aspect of their bilingual writing but also the evolution of their relationship with Italy and with France which is tied to the problem of identity. Their constant relationship with France which manifests itself through the alternation of writing in Italian and French is, in fact, a clear sign of an identity which has its’ roots above all in the cultural complexity of their atypical education. Once the problem of “I, biographer” has been overcome, their works try to re-establish an “I, universal” which, in order to express itself, requires a plurality of languages
Courriol, Florence. „Pour une étude traductologique du plurilinguisme littéraire : la traduction française de l'insertion du dialecte dans le récit italien contemporain“. Thesis, Dijon, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015DIJOL027/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis PhD thesis examines Italian contemporary literary works (novels and short stories) in which dialect is used as a linguistic variety in combination with the national Italian idiom. The analysis is conducted through the works of four Italian writers, in which multilingualism is particularly significant: Andrea Camilleri, Salvatore Niffoi, Laura Pariani and Andrej Longo. Taking into account the complex linguistic situation of Italy, the thesis focuses on the translation of these works characterized by the co-existence of two different linguistic systems. Through an examination of the colourful mixture of linguistic varieties and the function of dialect in these contemporary texts, the thesis aims to make a contribution to the field of Translation Studies and of History of modern and contemporary Italian Literature (examining in particular linguistic and stylistic aspects). It begs the question of the reproducibility of the linguistic mosaic created by these Italian authors in their French translations. Translation of dialect and linguistic varieties, intended as a non-standard language usage in contemporary Italian literature, represents a challenge for countries (in this case France) in which diglossia has disappeared. However, the author argues that the use of certain regional French dialects enables to recreate the defamiliarization effect of the original Italian texts
Blondeau, Philippe. „Les dialectes et la conscience linguistique dans la province de Bergame, Lombardie“. Paris 3, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA030006.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOur study is partially based on two important fields of italian linguistics, dialectology and sociolinguistics. It is then composed of two parts: "the dialects" and "folk perceptual dialectology". We chose the province of bergamo after staying up to twenty months there which revealed to us the interest of the comparison of the data provided by dialectology (phonology, historical phonetics, morphology and syntax, lexis, the different subdialects, and their place in the italian dialectal continuum) and those provided by sociolinguistics (the oral and the written aspect, the fields of reference, the markers, the folk ethnonyms, the culture). Common bergamask culture, whatever its origins, produced several myths and it still contribues to strengthen others. Due to the devaluation the identity of the province suffered in the past, the inhabitants are even more intent on enhancing their dialect; their wish for prestigious or faraway origins, their will to be different since it is impossible to be part of the whole, are often expressed with the same words. Our study shows that linguistical originality does not belong to the bergamask dialect more than to the family of north italian dialects it is a part of
Floricic, Franck. „Aspects de la négation en italien : le cas des marqueurs "non" et "nessuno"“. Paris 3, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA030115.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHajrullau, Bashkim. „La concordance des temps dans les langues romanes : une spécificités de l’italien : l’expression du futur dans le passé (deux morphologies: ia/-ebbe ; aspect immanent / aspect transcendant)“. Paris 4, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA040100.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe Italian language uses the compound form of the conditional in certain syntactic constructions (ex. Mi ha detto che sarebbe venuto) whereas other Romance languages use a simple form in order to express future in the past (ex. : Me dijo que vendría ; Il m’a dit qu’il viendrait, etc. ). This work comprises three parts. The first part is a review of the theoretical viewpoints offered by the grammar books and linguists with regard to this problem of the Italian syntax. Thus one of the most widely spread explanations according to which the simple form of the conditional refers to an event which has already happened whereas the compound form refers to an event which has not happened is insufficient. By drawing on examples from a large corpus of literature we are going to show that the compound form may be used in both cases. The second part gives a historical overview in which we are going to show that this phenomenon is much older than we are led to believe by the grammar books. It appeared for some time in the spoken language (14th century) and much later in the literary language (16th-17th centuries). It was under the great influence of classical authors such as Dante, Petrarca and even Boccaccio that writers remained loyal to the model of sequences of tenses, which was identical to other Romance languages and imposed by the great “trecentisti”. It was not until some writers rose against these archaic attitudes, such as Crusca for example, that this phenomenon started to appear in the literary language. We believe that its firm entry into the modern Italian literature is due to authors such as Alessandro Manzoni and Antonio Fogazzaro, who used both forms of the conditional : the first one however tended to use primarily the simple form whereas the latter very clearly reversed this tendency. Yet, Italian is the only Romance language in which from the start the verbo-temporal system recognised a “double birth of the conditional” that is to say a double morphology : (-ia), which is older and (-ebbe) which became established through the written form by the Florentine writers. More importantly, we argue that there is a fundamental difference between the conditional with the form -ia (ex : verria) and the conditional with the form -ebbe (ex : verrebbe). Their structure is not the same because the first one is built from the imperfect and the second one from the preterite. Here we are thinking of their internal structure, more precisely the position of the observer who is not the same in the two tenses. Finally, through a contrastive analysis we explain why the Italian conditional does not comply with the location of the tense of the observer, which is the case in other Romance languages, but it assumes the location of the tense of the speaker, which we are going to refer to as a “double location”, and which according to our hypothesis is due to the superposition of the two forms -ia (imperfect) and -ebbe (preterite) in the course of centuries
Russo, Domenico. „A propos des indéfinis en italien contemporain“. Paris 7, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA070185.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe analysis of the indefinites in contemporary italian shows that it is necessary to construct the grammatical category of italian's determination. In its first part, the thesis resumes 166 indefinite forms including examples. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to the form uno (pronominal), alcuno and qualunque describing them in terms of "marqueurs d'opérations prédicatives et énonciatives" (Culioli)
Montermini, Fabio. „Le système préfixal en italien contemporain“. Paris 10, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA100002.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis takes into account the mechanisms by which the prefixal system within derivational morphology of Italien works. Prefixation as always been a proceed which encountered difficulties to find a precise collocation within the morphological component, moreover, it has always been difficult to identify univocal criteria to establish which elements may be fully considered as being prefixes, and finally units globally defined as "prefixes" show very heterogeneous behaviours, that seem to evoke the need for a supplementary internal division of this class. .
Serrone, Gabriella. „Figement juri-linguistique : étude des collocations dans deux corpus juridiques français et italien“. Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015USPCC318.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis purpose of this thesis is to study collocational phenomena in order to analyze the genre "judgement" and the text typology " judgement of the Cour de cassation", the highest court in the judiciary of some civil law countries. By Adopting the definition of collocation theorized by corpus linguistics and John Sinclair (1991, 2004), the research determines the values words take in their specific context in the field of law, and in particular the judicial domain, and their role in the development and progression of the genre and the text object of this study. Data for the analysis were collected from two comparable corpora, made up of judgementspassed by the Cour de cassation in two countries that have this institution at the top of their civil and criminal justice system : France and Italy. In particular, the analysis of the collocation profiles of the field key words, in French and Italian, as well as the findings of the collocational phenomena, colligation, semantic preference and prosody aim at the structure and the organization phases of text. This methodical analysis of the collocational phenomena and of the textual progression inthe two languages results in some observations concerning genre and text translation, with the purpose of underlying the advantages a corpus driven approach can provide to the judicial translator work
Jori, Constance. „La dramaturgie dialectale à Naples dans la première moitié du XVIIIème, de la comédie en prose à la commedeja pe mmuseca : parcours linguistiques, figures de l'ambigui͏̈té“. Paris 3, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA030052.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBonvino, Elisabetta. „Le sujet postverbal en italien parlé : syntaxe, zones et intonation“. Paris, EPHE, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003EPHE4002.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDarteni, Silvia. „Italian parasynthetic verbs : argument structure“. Thesis, Paris 8, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA080073/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe present dissertation investigates the argument structure of two groups of Italian parasyntheticverbs: denominal verbs paraphrased as "make X become N", where N is the base noun (henceforth BN); adjectival verbs paraphrased as "make X more A", where A is the base adjective. The two groups present different issues linked to the lexical syntax, the former can participate in a secondary predication that is unexpected for Romance languages; the latter can receive two aspectual readings (stative and eventive) which are both causative.The dissertation starts with three chapters of general interest. The first one describes new experimental methods that can be employed in generative linguistics. The second and third one describe useful frameworks and the morphological process of parasynthesis.The first part of the dissertation analyses BNs. It is shown by means of several experiments that Italian native speakers accept the pseudo-resultative construction. Results of a comparative study with French are reported and show that French behaves differently to Italian in this respect.4The second part analyses stativity diagnostics and apply them in the study of DPVs. It gives account for the causal stativity in the force-dynamic framework.The last chapter applies stativity diagnostics in the natural language processing domain
Manente, Mara. „L'aspect, les auxiliaires 'être' et 'avoir' et l'Hypothèse inaccusative dans une perspective comparative français / italien“. Paris 8, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA082980.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis dissertation is, essentially, an attempt to study the distribution of the auxiliaries 'être' and 'avoir' with some intransitive verbs in a comparative analysis French / Italian. Basically, two topics are at the centre of our attention – the aspectual value of the present perfect with the auxiliaries 'être' and 'avoir', and the role played by these auxiliaries in the Unaccusative Hypothesis. As for the aspectual value of the present perfect, we have focused on the resultative and resultant state interpretations of the auxiliary 'être' and on some of their aspectual and syntactic implications. The parameters telicity, atelicity and directionality are also involved in our analysis. In particular, we have shown that these parameters are compatible both with the selection of the auxiliary 'être' and with the selection of the auxiliary 'avoir'. These considerations have also helped us to provide more empirical evidence concerning the Unaccusative Hypothesis
Mosca, Alessandra. „Terminologie grammaticale comparative et historique du français et de l'italien : Autour de l'adjectif“. Paris 7, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA070007.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis work investigates the field of the grammatical terminology by comparing two terminological systems : the french one and the italian one. Our analysis is based on a double hypothesis: on one side, we think that the grammatical term is connected to the linguistic item that it designes; on the other side, the term may depend on an ideological choice which can be independent from the language system. We corroborate our hypothesis by a comparative and historical approach. The analysis of the terms determinants/articoli and aggettivi determnativi are supposed to show the connexion between terminology and language systems, while the opposition between attribut and attributo, which are false friends, should be taken as an example of the influence exerced by the ideological context on terminological choices. We consider grammars written between the beginning of the sixteenth century and 1910, when the first official terminologie grammaticale of french appeared
Romano, Antonio. „Analyse des structures prosodiques des dialectes et de l'italien régional parlés dans le Salento (Italie) : approche linguistique et instrumentale“. Grenoble 3, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999GRE39024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMutz, Katrin. „Die italienischen Modifikationssuffixe : Synchronie und Diachronie /“. Frankfurt am Main : P. Lang : Europäischer Verl. der Wissenschaften, 2000. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb388776777.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePepe, Francesco. „Enseignement de l'italien langue étrangère et cinéma : approche linguistique, Culturelle, historique, Nouvelles pistes didactiques“. Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013AIXM3128/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOur reflections fit in the wake of work on the use of the filmic supports in class of language and try to propose new tracks by carrying out a reflection on balance between the objectives of training of the language and the filmic studies. We will use mainly the contributions for that of research on the approach by tasks and, to a lesser extent, on “teaching with integrated contents”, in order to explore the convergence points between the objectives specific to the two disciplines. It is a question here of exposing a approach renewed for the training of the language making it possible to the students to acquire knowledge of filmic analysis and history of the cinema. The filmic studies indeed imply to learn how to analyze, i.e. to break up a whole into its constituent elements: to identify and select the significant elements thanks to preliminary knowledge, to treat on a hierarchical basis collected information, and to connect formal and contextual indices to lead to the genesis of the construction of the direction. The same type of mental operations governs the process of comprehension in language: to establish links between form and direction and to put knowledge at the service of the analyses. The stages of the filmic analysis thus approach the strategies of reception in language. Lastly, the analysis of sequence, privileged exercise of the filmic studies, can cause a large variety of tasks of production
Regis, Riccardo. „Appunti grammaticali sull'enunciazione mistilingue /“. München : LINCOM Europa, 2005. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb400617315.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBrandolini, Chiara. „Francophonie et traduction. Analyse linguistique de quatre œuvres francophones traduites vers l’italien“. Thesis, Paris 4, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA040020.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFrancophone authors often live and write in plurilingual contexts. Reflections about language and the way to articulate the relationship between language and literature are thus very frequent in Francophone literature while treating the identity issue. Complex and controversial relationships among languages in contact give birth to “linguistic overconscoiusness” (surconscience linguistique- Gauvin 1997), which is common in Francophone literature, even if it can have different forms. We take into consideration four novels originitaing from four different Francophone areas: Les Soleils des Indépendance by Kourouma, Texaco by Chamoiseau, Les Belles-soeurs by Tremblay, and Jour de silence à Tanger by Ben Jelloun. This study aims to investigate in which way it is possible to translate different sociolinguistic relations into Italian. Difficulties and strategies used by the Italian translators have been analyzed thanks to a model of analysis taking into account various factors: the context of novel creation; the representation of the francophone novel in the target culture; the connotative and denotative meanings of diatopic words and authorial neologisms; formal techniques of translation. We try to understand which image, possibly exotic, has been built in order to catch the attention of the Italian reader, and by which techniques translators succeed in transposing meanings linked to a non standard language. Finally, this dissertation relates studies in Francophony to research on translation
Lazrak, Sana. „Enseignement et langues minoritaires en Italie : l'école italienne au défi de l'immigration“. Paris 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA030130.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe work of thesis tackles the question of the relation between teaching and the new linguistic minorities in Italy. The problems are based, at first, on the observation of the following paradox: whereas the cultivated occidentals consider the mastery of several languages as a prestigious experience, there exists today in Europe, and more particularly in Italy, many ethnics groups for which the learning of another language represents a hard necessity caused by the escape of a country in war, the exile of a system in oppression, or simply due to economic needs. The linguistics minorities are clearly disadvantaged in the work research, and the problems of school insertion of their childrens led the researchers to work out various approaches for the training of the national language like second language in the large urban centers and developing, at the same time, native language. Experiments were installed in the areas most touched by immigration. The study examines the various aspects of the question of the insertion of the children of immigrants in the school and the Italian society : assessment of the existing studies, field data analysis, new didactic dimension
Legras-Vincent, Colette. „Évolution du pronom personnel sujet de troisième personne du latin à l'italien contemporain“. Paris 3, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA030179.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe aim of this thesis is to study the subject third person personal pronoun and to define the main steps that lead from latin to the current italian pronominal system. This research, both diachronic and synchronic, brings to the fore the caracteristics of the italian language that has a large number of pronouns (egli, ella, lui, lei, loro, esso, essa, essi, esse). The first two chapters present a comparative study between french and italian and show how the pronoun work s in latin and in old toscan. Chapters iii to vi cover a study of the third person personal pronoun in italian litteratu re from its origin to noadays. Percentages given at the end of each period, show the main tendencies of italian and the prominence of lui, lei, loro. The conclusion show that italian that stands between latin and french is a language that keep evolving and the personal pronouns are an evidence of this evolution
Watorek, Marzena. „La conceptualisation et la représentation linguistique de l'espace en français et en italien, langue maternelle et langue étrangère“. Paris 8, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA081104.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis examines the expression of spatial relations in a complex verbal task. Subjects were of four types : native speakers and advanced learners of french and italian, who performed a picturedescription task. A systematic comparison of the productions of these four groups allows the following research questions to be addressed : - the role of the referential domains of space and entities in the speaker's construction of this discourse-type; - characteristic differences in the conceptualisation and expression of spatial relations between learners and native speakers; - characteristic differences in the conceptualisation and expression of spatial relations between speakers of closelyrelated languages (french & italian), and possible transfert effects from french into learner italian, and from italian into learners french. An investigation of these questions contributes furthermore to a more explicit characterisation of descriptive discourse, on the one hand, and of the intermediate and advanced stages of second language acquisition, on the other
Kolb, Susanne. „Sprachpolitik unter dem italienischen Faschismus : der Wortschatz des Faschismus und seine Darstellung in den Wörterbüchern des Ventennio (1922-1943) /“. München : E. Vögel, 1990. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb366586612.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNaturale, Lisa. „Nouvelle et récit en Italie à la fin du 19e et au début du 20e siècles : De amicis, Capuana, Pirandello“. Paris 8, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA082150.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCan one extricate from the short stories of the 19th and 20th centuries specific features and/or differentiate them from narrative stories and from "bozzetto" ? If the methodical reading of a large number of anthologies has not shown up any such tendencies, one phenomena is to be remarked : the frequency of volume titles uniting short stories and narrative and the progressive replacement of the short story by narratives. A study of titles which appeared between 1857 and 1920 shows up editorial strategies and the blooming of titles having "bozzetto" followed by geographical or social detail. It was De Amicis who loved this naming which follows no criteria except for the outline given in its semantic contents. Terminological uncertainty has given rise to historical research by critics and historians of Italian literature who were interested by the short narrative form : from Tommaseo to Croce to Moravia, among others. Their remarks do not go beyond general indications. Just recently Fedi and Baldissone took into account intrinsic elements (the absence of intrigue in "bozzetto", communication with the recipient), while the essay of Florence Goyet tries to show the monological nature of the short story before the end of the 19th century. The second part of the thesis examines the works of three authors, each prolific in the short narrative form : - De Amicis, Capuana and Pirandello, the last two being famous for having described personality disorders. A thorough study of the texts shows up the defaults of Goyet's proposition. The short stories of Capuana are often dialogic, those of Pirandello sometimes are, sometimes not. A great diversity reigns : that is the characteristic indicating the evolution of the short story. A preference for one or the other designation depends on the cultural and historical context
Sini, Lorella. „Les connecteurs argumentatifs et contre-argumentatifs : perspective contrastive francais-italien“. Paris 3, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA030085.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis study analyses argumentative and counter-argumentative connectives value (from a press corpus 1990-1995), with french-italian contrastive point of vue, in the framework of syntagmatic semantic and more broadly in the framework of pragmatic semantic. The first part analyses the french traductions of "anche" or "proprio" (some of many : "aussi", "meme", "bien", "car", "parce que", "en effet", "en fait", "justement" etc. ). The second part considers the adversative and concessive connectives values round "mais" / "ma" (some of many : "pero", "comunque", "mica", "invece", "anzi" which correspond with french "quand meme", "tout de meme", "pour autant", "de toute facon", "en tout cas", "au contraire", "en revanche", "par contre", "or". . . ). The method assumed (systematic translation of statements) induce to identifie different and new categories with regard to the recent pragmatic studies
Depau, Giovanni. „Analyse du répertoire bilingue sarde-italien en milieu urbain“. Phd thesis, Grenoble 3, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008GRE39062.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDepau, Giovanni. „Analyse du répertoire bilingue sarde-italien en milieu urbain“. Phd thesis, Grenoble 3, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00758230.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleEisenkolb, Brigitte Agnès. „L'équilibre du lexique mental en cas de bilinguisme franco-allemand et franco-italien : le transfert revisité dans l'étude de l'attribution de la L1“. Nice, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012NICE2011.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLovecchio, Nicholas. „L’emprunt linguistique dans le lexique des homosexualités : étude historique et comparative des internationalismes en français, italien, espagnol, anglais et allemand“. Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SORUL034.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis is a linguistic study of the international lexicon of homosexuality, taking as its central assumption that internationalisms are the product of lexical borrowing and must be studied in a historical comparative perspective. Following a critical review of different approaches to loanword studies (philological vs. sociolinguistic), which places the problem within the more general realm of the neologism, the aim was to assess to what extent the shared homosexual lexicon in several European languages – French, Italian, Spanish, English and German – results from borrowing (loanwords or calques), by testing the hypothesis that most of these denominations can be traced back to a single origin, rather than being independently constructed. The path of each lexeme in each language is followed in order to highlight the points of contact between languages. The nomenclature consists of 13 monographic series: sodomy, against nature, buggery, bardash (with berdache), tribade, pederasty, sapphism, lesbian, uranism, inversion, homosexuality (with heterosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality), gay, queer. Each series is divided by language so that the representatives of each of the five languages are treated on their own terms. Through a wealth of textual examples – many never before studied – and an analysis drawing on a comprehensive reading of the lexicography and major secondary sources, this thesis presents numerous corrections, clarifications, antedatings and discoveries on the lexicon under study
Cervoni, Valerio. „Les marqueurs discursifs d’acceptation épistémique en français et en italien dialogiques : une étude sur corpus“. Thesis, Tours, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019TOUR2021.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis dissertation proposes to study six epistemic discourse markers (DMs) of spoken French and Italian, specialized in the dialogic operation that allows for accepting the truth-value of a propositional content proposed by an interlocutor and for grounding the propositional content in the common ground of the speakers.The originality of our research lays in our non aprioristic approach to the epistemic DMs of dialogue.Starting from a solid definition of the notions of DM, epistemicity and intersubjective negotiation, we collected a representative corpus of d’accord, mh, voilà in spoken French dialogues and ho capito, mh, esatto in spoken Italian dialogues. The corpus is composed of 60 epistemic occurrences per form, and takes into account several different speakers and contexts.The manual annotation process of the corpus revealed that the six DMs have a large and complex spectrum of functions, belonging to different levels of discourse structure.Accordingly, in the framework of a modular and corpus-driven approach, we tried to combine theoretical aspects, operationalization of theoretical choices in an annotation scheme, and analysis of the data.A comparison between the DMs of French and Italian, supported by statistical significance tests, finally showed the remarkable similarity, at the local and global levels of dialogue, between d’accord and ho capito, mh and mh, voilà and esatto
Verrecchia, Elisa. „Français et italien, langues de l'immigration sénégalaise à Brescia ( Italie) : enquête sociolinguistique“. Thesis, Paris 10, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA100056.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis presents a sociolinguistic analysis of the role of French and Italian language in the migration context, notably in the community of Senegalese immigrants in Brescia (Italy). In the first part, the first chapter is dedicated to Senegal, which is described in its historical, cultural, ethnic and religious features and depicted as far as its current linguistic and sociolinguistic situation is concerned, referring to French, Wolof and other local languages. The evolution of the Senegalese diaspora in Europe and Italy, in its different stages, is treated as well. The second chapter focuses on Brescia, elective hometown of the Senegalese in Italy, because of its socio-economic features which make it a territory particularly favorable to the creation of solidarity networks between Senegalese and Italian people. The second part is entirely dedicated to the sociolinguistic analysis of the languages involved in this context, notably Wolof, along with other national languages of Senegal, French and Italian. The survey is based on twenty interviews made with a sample of Senegalese immigrants in Brescia, from which the linguistic practices and representations of the subjects, about the languages known and spoken, emerge. To expand the scope of the survey, a sample of Senegalese immigrated in Milan has been included as well, and their interviews have been inserted in the general analysis of the linguistic practices and representations under focus. In the conclusions of the thesis, a global view on the research carried out and on the method adopted for the survey will be given
Monteleone, Mario. „Lexicographie et dictionnaires électroniques : des usages linguistiques aux bases de données lexicales“. Phd thesis, Université Paris-Est, 2003. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00627599.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTallarico, Giovanni Luca. „La dimension interculturelle dans les dictionnaires bilingues italien-français“. Paris 7, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011PA070004.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOur thesis aims at exploring the intercultural dimension of Italian-French bilingual dictionaries. The first part represents a theoretical approach to the issue. A definition of the concepts of culture and cross-cultural precedes a study of the relationships between languages and cultures. After that, we have dealt with the following themes : the epistemological status of bilingual lexicography and its relationships with linguistics; the semantic hindrances to equivalence; the peculiarity of translation in bilingual lexicography; the contributions of semantics to lexicography. Special attention is also given to the concepts of semantic, referential and cultural gaps and to the lexical gaps in general. In the last two chapters, the focus shifts to connotation and to some approaches that stress the importance of cultural values in language (keywords, mots à charge culturelle partagée, cultural scripts, the depth dimension of language). The second part of our thesis is a corpus-based study on letter A of four Italian-French contemporary dictionaries (Boch, Garzanti, Hachette-Paravia, Larousse). We have tried, in particular, to emphasize the role and the typology of the gaps occurring in the equivalence, especially of cultural gaps. Then, we focus on culture-bound examples, which show the importance of stereotypes and shared points of view in conveying the meaning of the utterances. Finally, we deal with cultural notes and some false borrowings in Italian, in order to illustrate other aspects of equivalence
Augendre, Sandra. „De la structure argumentale à l'énoncé italien : rôles respectifs de la syntaxe, de l'information et de la prosodie dans la construction des arguments directs“. Bordeaux 3, 2011. https://hal.science/tel-04233474v1.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe syntax-pragmatics-prosody interface is at the center of the study conducted in this work, in relation to forming direct arguments in Italian utterances. We reinvestigate some of the descriptions and analyses, which have already been proposed to discuss this problem, in the light of concrete data which involves both the speaker and the daily use of the language. The main objective is to provide an explanation for all realizations of syntactic arguments (the subject and an object) observed, taking into account parameters related to the three levels of the analysis of utterance, but also other factors, such as intrinsic properties of the argument to realize, the predicate on which it depends, or the modality of the utterance
Bonetti, Chiara. „L’italien, de langue ethnique, à langue étrangère à langue franque en lorraine, un territoire à vocation migratoire“. Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2020. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/ulprive/DDOC_T_2020_0024_BONETTI.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis investigates the increased interest in learning Italian at primary school level in Lorraine, whose migration background has contributed to shaping its present social structure marked by a wide cultural and linguistic diversity.The role currently played by Italian in the educational setting in Lorraine, with a focus on its transformation from ethnic language to foreign language, and then to an assumingly new ‘lingua franca’, is analysed by reconstructing the relationship between the historical and socio-demographic patterns of the past Italian migration flows in Lorraine and of the slowly gained status by the Italian language within the French institutions, In the context of students’ already varied multilingual repertoires, the role played by Italian is investigated in terms of its contribution to young people’s need to develop symbolic belonging and identity, and also to social integration.Drawing from the theories of foreign language learning and sociolinguistics, attention is focused on the relationship between linguistic and social facts. The notion of representation observed in the investigated sample with reference to the identity-building role played by the language enables to identify the reasons behind the choice to learn Italian both by children of Italian origins and others mainly with an immigrant background in the wake of the recent migration waves, who are experiencing difficulties in integrating into the French society.Following an inductive-interpretative approach, the research process is based on data collection and in-depth analysis in a specific context, then gradually extended to the varied geographical and socio-economic situations of the entire region, with the aim of comparing data collected at micro-level with a wider reality.This research concludes that Italian has gained the status of a new ‘lingua franca’ providing for freedom of expression and enhancing the personal identity-building process, for the benefit of both children of distant Italian origins – who are thus able to trace back their roots and identify with the positive reputation enjoyed by this language – and of children whose families have recently settled in France mainly from countries under the former colonial empire. The latter, in particular, have come to consider Italian as their adoptive language helping them to improve their social status and to better integrate in their host country