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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Lichens – Emploi en thérapeutique"
Doré, S., S. Kar und R. Quirion. „Emploi thérapeutique de l'IGF-I dans le traitement de maladies neurodégénératives.“ médecine/sciences 13, Nr. 4 (1997): 557.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCuny, Damien. „Aperçu de l’utilisation des lichens en thérapeutique : de la tradition aux enjeux actuels“. Revue d'histoire de la pharmacie 107, Nr. 406 (2020): 195–202.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleROBINET, C., J. É. BLATTEAU, C. PÉNY, J. M. PONTIER, P. LOUGE, E. GEMPP, S. DE MAISTRE, P. CONSTANTIN und M. HUGON. „Formations des médecins et des infirmiers en médecine de la plongée“. Médecine et Armées Vol. 43 No. 1, Volume 43, Numéro 1 (01.02.2015): 33–40.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMorvillers, Jean-Manuel, Carine Roy, Cédric Laouénan und Nathalie Goutté. „Alliance Thérapeutique Entre Les Patients Hospitalisés En Psychiatrie De Secteur Et Les Infirmier(e)s Et Aide-Soignant(e)s: Une Etude Prospective, Observationnelle Et Transversale“. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 03.07.2022, 070674372211113.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "Lichens – Emploi en thérapeutique"
Makhloufi, Hind. „Agents apoptotiques issus de la flore endolichénique pour la lutte contre les cancers chimio-résistants“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Limoges, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCancer became one of the leading causes of death worldwide, with breast, lung and colon cancers being the most prevalent. Endolichenic fungi, non-pathogenic fungi found in lichens, could offer a breakthrough by providing new bioactive compounds with anticancer potential. Currently, chemoresistance is a major challenge in cancer treatment. Our study aims to combine metabolomic analysis and biological results alongside phytochemical studies on endolichenic fungi extracts to isolate molecules with antiproliferative activity against chemo resistant colorectal cancer (HT-29) and triple-negative breast cancer (MDA-MB-231) cell lines.Thus, this work first led to the establishment of molecular networks to study the chemical diversity of endolichenic fungi extracts. This was followed by biological assays to guide phytochemical studies of extracts showing antiproliferative activity on one or both chemo resistant cancer lines. Finally, this approach enabled us to annotate, identify molecules in the molecular networks and isolate 13 molecules, whose antiproliferative activity on HT-29 cells was evaluated
Cissokho, Sophie. „Emploi de l'interleukine-2 en thérapeutique humaine“. Paris 5, 1993.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePham, Van Cuong. „Acylphénols de Myristica maingayi et M. Gigantea (Myristicaceae) : Alcaloïdes de Myrioneuron nutans (Rubiaceae) : Structure - Synthèse - Bioactivité“. Paris, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 2003.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe purpose was the research for cytotoxic and/or antimalarial compounds from three plants of South-East Asia, Myristica maingayi, M. Gigantea (Myristicaceae) and Myrioneuron nutans (Rubiaceae) screened for the cytotoxicity of their extracts against KB cells and their antiplamodial activity. Their structures were determined by spectral analysis, including mass spectrometry and 2D NMR, and were confirmed by semisynthesis and/or total synthesis. From the EtOAc extract of the M. Maingayi and M. Gigantea fruits, eight new compounds were isolated together with the previously described malabaricones A-C. The structures of giganteones A and B suggested that they were biosynthesized from two units of malabaricone C. They were synthesized by enzymatic coupling of malabaricone C. From the CH2Cl2 extract of the leaves of Myrioneuron nutans, ten new alkaloids were isolated, together with schoberine. These alkaloids, forming a new family named "Myrioneuron alkaloids", have different ring junctions and form four novel alkaloid skeletons : tricyclic oxazines : myrioxazines A and B, - tetracyclic oxazine : myrioneurinol, - tricyclic cis-decahydroquinoline derivatives: myrionine, (E) and (Z)-N-formylmyrionines, hexacyclic cis-decahydroquinoline derivative : myrobotinol. The absolute configurations were established and the total stereospecific synthesis of the tri- and tetra-cyclic alkaloids was performed. The N-in form of the cis-decahydroquinoline ring system was observed in the crystal structure of myrionine hydrochloride and the N-out form in that of its hydroiodide. The relative stability of the conformers of some 9-a et 9-b-alkyl alkyl-cis-decahydroquinolines was examined by NMR and confirmed by theoretical energy calculations. Myrionidine, its enantiomer and epimers, and the two diastereoisomers R-MTPA and S-MTPA-myrobotinols had the strongest activity in the cytotoxic and antimalarial bioassays
Fleury, Nathalie. „Les sangsues : intérêt thérapeutique“. Paris 5, 1991.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBlandeau, Jérôme. „Le cannabis et son usage thérapeutique“. Bordeaux 2, 1999.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGarcía, Pérez Martha Estrella. „Analyse des effets pharmacologiques d'extraits polyphénoliques issus d'essences canadiennes pour le traitement du psoriasis“. Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2012.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePsoriasis is an incurable skin disorder characterized by an important inflammation. Clinically approved antipsoriatic treatments present many undesirable effects, therefore it has been estimated that a non negligeable percent of patients use natural health products. Natural polyphenols are multifunctional molecules that could be used for the treatment of multi-causal diseases, such as psoriasis. The aim of this work was to study the pharmacological effect of polyphenolic extracts obtained from barks of Canadian species in order to evaluate their possible utilisation for psoriasis treatment. Extracts from barks of some Canadian species were firstly analyzed for their antioxidant, toxicological and antiproliferative properties. The black spruce (Picea mariana) extract obtained by hot water extraction was considered as the most valuable crude extract obtained from barks of Canadian species. Then, the purification of this extract was performed in order to produce a fraction enriched in polyphenols and the nature of major compounds present in the purified extract was determined using different chemical analysis methods. A total of 28 compounds were identified in the purified extract, including trans-resveratrol, which was determined to be present at significant level in the bark of Picea mariana (104.19 µg.g-1 dried bark). Finally, the influence of the purified extract on the TNF-α/NF-κB signaling pathway on psoriatic keratinocytes was evaluated. It was found that this extract has the capacity to inhibit the ICAM-1 expression as well as the production of IL-6, IL-8, fractalkine; VEGF, nitric oxide and elafin by psoriatic keratinocytes upon TNF-α stimulation, which was attributed to the inhibition of TNFα-induced NF-κB activation in these cells. This study provides new insight into the immunopharmacological role of a polyphenolic extract in impacting the TNF-induced responses by psoriatic keratinocytes. Additionally, it opens new perspectives for the analysis of the individual role of polyphenolic compounds present in this extract for psoriasis treatment.
Sallier, Ingrid. „Cannabinoi͏̈des non psychotropes : applications en thérapeutique“. Bordeaux 2, 1999.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMbodji, Khaly. „Modulation nutritionnelle de l'inflammation intestinale par les pharmaconutriments : effet de la glutamine et des acides gras omega-3“. Rouen, 2011.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLe, Moal-Sommaire Annick. „L'Imaginaire du clown : approche historique, anthropologique et psychanalytique d'un médiateur thérapeutique venu d'ailleurs“. Paris 7, 2003.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSince 1994, in the section for adults of the day-hospital of Dreux, Môssieu Gaga, a therapist-clown, wanders around on Fridays among the different work-groups, takes part in the "nursing-nursed" meeting and has a meal with all of them. After having fun on the bench during the coffee-break, he plays "Family-games" inspired by psychodrama unless he tells or let him tell face to face stories. With his accessories and pieces of string, he builds an imaginary world where "game is present". In this transitional space where weapons such as laugh, humour, derision and subversion are used, language and its poetic function get a high rank. This research aims at clarifying the pertinence of the clown delocation, from the circus to the psychiatric hospital. Therefore, it seems inevitable to study the beginning of this character, at first as a "small part", and to define his playground, the ring. Behind the obvious uselessness of this red nose, as the smallest mask of the world, the seriousness of this relies of the past comes out, a symbolic tool for controlling anguish, connected with the fear of strange, a link between Animal and Human. This baroque mediator who ensures the victory of illusion and impulse, works as a dramatic turn to events in this moment of fertile breaking off when a new form of organization can take place. His out of space therapeutic role takes all his efficiency with the borderline patients
Bougeard, Yves-Henri. „Effet d'un inhibiteur spécifique des phosphodiestérases dans le traitement de l'asthme“. Montpellier 1, 1993.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBücher zum Thema "Lichens – Emploi en thérapeutique"
Mary, Ronald. Guide familial des élixirs floraux: Se guérir par les fleurs. [Gordes]: Sully, 1995.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenNejat, Düzgüneş, Hrsg. Liposomes. San Diego, CA: Elsevier Academic Press, 2005.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenCyriax, James Henry. Manuel de médecine orthopédique: Traitement par manipulations, massages et infiltrations. 2. Aufl. Paris: Masson, 1988.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenShaw, Non. Essences florales. Cologne: Könemann, 1999.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenHaïat, Robert. Thérapeutique cardiovasculaire: Lecture transversale des grands essais cliniques. 3. Aufl. Paris: Frison-Roche, 2004.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenKnill, Paolo J. Minstrels of soul: Intermodal expressive therapy. Toronto: Palmerston Press, 1995.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenKnill, Paolo J. Minstrels of soul: Intermodal expressive therapy. Toronto: Palmerston Press, 1995.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenProgramme, Canada Therapeutic Products. Research plan for marijuana for medicinal purposes : a status report =: Plan de recherche concernant l'usage de la marijuana à des fins médicinales : état de la question. Ottawa, Ont: Health Canada = Santé Canada, 1999.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenDrouot, Patrick. Les pouvoirs secrets des cristaux. Paris: Presses du Châtelet, 2012.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenKnill, Paolo J. Minstrels of soul: Intermodal expressive therapy. Toronto: Palmerston Press, 1995.
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