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Beren, Susan E., Helen A. Hayden, Denise E. Wilfley und Ruth H. Striegel-Moore. „Body Dissatisfaction Among Lesbian College Students: The Conflict of Straddling Mainstream and Lesbian Cultures“. Psychology of Women Quarterly 21, Nr. 3 (September 1997): 431–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1471-6402.1997.tb00123.x.

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Research examining body dissatisfaction among lesbians has attempted to compare lesbians' and heterosexual women's attitudes toward their bodies. Studies have yielded mixed results, some indicating that lesbians, compared to heterosexual women, are more satisfied with their bodies, and some indicating that the two groups of women are equally dissatisfied. In an attempt to more closely explore lesbians' attitudes toward their bodies, we conducted interviews with 26 lesbian college students and inquired into how the following areas might be related to body-image concerns: (a) lesbian beauty ideals, (b) the sources through which lesbian beauty ideals are conveyed, (c) lesbian conflict about beauty, (d) negative stereotypes about lesbians' appearance, and (e) lesbian concerns about feminine identity. Results indicated that young adult lesbians embrace a beauty ideal that encompasses both thinness and fitness. Whereas mainstream sources, such as women's magazines and peer pressure seem to influence lesbian college students to value a thinner body ideal, sexual relationships with women encouraged acceptance of one's body. Conflict between mainstream and lesbian values about the importance of weight and overall appearance was repeatedly voiced by the respondents. The complexity of lesbians' feelings about their bodies is discussed, and future directions for research are suggested.
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Saraç, Leyla. „Attitudes of Future Physical Education Teachers in Turkey toward Lesbians and Gay Men“. Psychological Reports 111, Nr. 3 (Dezember 2012): 765–75. http://dx.doi.org/10.2466/11.06.21.pr0.111.6.765-775.

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This study explored male and female physical education majors' (149 men, 97 women) attitudes toward lesbians and gays in Turkey. The short form of the Attitudes toward Lesbians and Gay Men Scale was used to assess attitudes toward lesbians and gay men in relation to the education majors' sex, year of schooling, and whether or not he/she had a lesbian/gay friend or acquaintance. Female students had more positive attitudes toward gay men compared with males, and male and female students' attitudes toward lesbians were similar. Furthermore, no significant differences were found among the different cohort years in terms of attitudes toward lesbians and gay men. Results also revealed that students who had lesbian/gay friends or acquaintances held more positive attitudes toward gay men than those who did not. However, their attitudes were similar toward lesbians.
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Lopes, Lucas, Jorge Gato und Manuel Esteves. „Portuguese Medical Students’ Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Homosexuality“. Acta Médica Portuguesa 29, Nr. 11 (30.11.2016): 684. http://dx.doi.org/10.20344/amp.8009.

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Introduction: Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people still face discrimination in healthcare environments and physicians often report lack of knowledge on this population’s specific healthcare needs. In fact, recommendations have been put forward to include lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender health in medical curricula. This study aimed to explore factors associated with medical students’ knowledge and attitudes towards homosexuality in different years of the medical course.Material and Methods: An anonymous online-based questionnaire was sent to all medical students enrolled at the Faculty of Medicine - University of Porto, Portugal, in December 2015. The questionnaire included socio-demographic questions, the Multidimensional Scale of Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men (27 items) and a Homosexuality Knowledge Questionnaire (17 items). Descriptive statistics, ANOVAs, Chi-square tests and Pearson’s correlations were used in the analysis.Results: A total of 489 completed responses was analyzed. Male gender, religiosity and absence of lesbian, gay or bisexual friends were associated with more negative attitudes towards homosexuality. Attitudinal scores did not correlate with advanced years in medical course or contact with lesbian, gay or bisexual patients. Students aiming to pursue technique-oriented specialties presented higher scores in the ‘Modern Heterosexism’ subscale than students seeking patient-oriented specialties. Although advanced years in medical course correlated significantly with higher knowledge scores, items related with lesbian, gay or bisexual health showed the lowest percentage of correct answers.Conclusion: There seems to be a lack of exploration of medical students’ personal attitudes towards lesbians and gay men, and also a lack of knowledge on lesbian, gay or bisexual specific healthcare needs. This study highlights the importance of inclusive undergraduate curriculum development in order to foster quality healthcare.
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Ellis, Sonia J. „Ignorance is bliss? Undergraduate students and lesbian and gay culture“. Lesbian & Gay Psychology Review 5, Nr. 2 (Juli 2004): 42–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.53841/bpslg.2004.5.2.42.

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AbstractEmpirical studies exploring prejudice against lesbians and gay men are well represented in the psychological literature. However, discussion around knowledge and awareness of lesbian and gay culture and history as a form of prejudice appears to be absent from the psychological literature. The purpose of the study reported here was to explore awareness of specific aspects of lesbian and gay culture and history (for example, symbols, organisations and historically significant places). A convenience sample of 101 students completed a short open-response questionnaire asking them about specific lesbian and gay places, organisations and symbols (for example, ‘What is Stonewall?’, ‘What does the pink triangle symbolise?’). Findings of the study indicated that respondents had an extremely limited knowledge of lesbian and gay culture and history. The implications of the findings for maintaining lesbian and gay community and for securing recognition within human rights discourse are discussed.
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Husna, Izdihari Nisa’ul, Diah Krisnatuti und Musthofa. „RELIGIOSITY, FAMILY GENDER ROLES SOCIALIZATION, AND COLLEGE STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, AND TRANSGENDER (LGBT)“. Journal of Child, Family, and Consumer Studies 1, Nr. 1 (25.04.2022): 1–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.29244/jcfcs.1.1.1-13.

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Society’s attitudes towards LGBT can be understood through college students’ viewpoints as the university’s environment can act as a microcosm of a larger community. Their voices can act as a representation of the youth generation and fellow citizens’ tolerance. This study aims to analyze the influences of religiosity and family gender roles socialization on students’ attitudes toward LGBT. Primary data used in this study were collected through an online questionnaire filled by 60 respondents, divided into male and female, who were selected by multistage random sampling technique involving all IPB’s undergraduate programs. This study found a significant difference between male and female students’ rejection of lesbians, with female students having higher rejection than male students. Students' religiosity and family gender roles socialization are in the medium category. Sex positively correlated to attitudes toward lesbians, while the mother's Occupation positively correlated to family gender roles, socialization, and religiosity was found to positively correlate with attitudes toward lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender. Sex, explicitly being female, positively influences attitudes toward lesbians. In contrast, religiosity positively influences attitudes toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender, which means female students have a higher rejection of lesbians. The greater religiosity will result in increased rejection of LGBT.
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Hylton, Mary E. „Online Versus Classroom-Based Instruction: A Comparative Study of Learning Outcomes in a Diversity Course“. Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work 11, Nr. 2 (01.03.2006): 102–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.18084/1084-7219.11.2.102.

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This study compares the learning outcomes of a traditional, classroom-based course and an online section of the same course on the attitudes and knowledge students have regarding gay men and lesbians. The study was conducted in two sections of an undergraduate social work course entitled lesbian and gay lives. The study found that online and traditional teaching modalities were equally effective in achieving course objectives. Students in both sections had more favorable attitudes towards lesbians and gay men at the conclusion of the course than they did at the start of the course. Implications of online teaching for social work education and recommendations for further research are presented.
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Milman, Noriko, und Jerome Rabow. „Identifying with the Role of “Other”: “The Pink Triangle Experiment” Revisited“. Qualitative Sociology Review 2, Nr. 2 (17.08.2006): 61–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.18778/1733-8077.2.2.05.

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The present study examines the impact of a politically-charged symbol on the everyday interactions of student-participants. Autoethnographic data gathered by undergraduate students donning a pink triangle pin indicates that participants often became identified with a gay/lesbian identity and were subsequently “othered.” Students’ testimonies highlight how the othering process prompted greater understanding of the struggles of gay men and lesbians, as well as other historically disenfranchised groups. Finally, their writings indicate that the experiment served as an exercise in self-reflection and in some cases, produced sentiments of self-empowerment.
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Martin, Angela, Dorothee Seifen und Mary Maloney. „Lesbians, Bisexual Women, and Perceptions of Risk in the Bluegrass“. Practicing Anthropology 15, Nr. 4 (01.09.1993): 48–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.17730/praa.15.4.4q254035v3k67uu5.

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In September 1992, we embarked upon a research project designed to investigate lesbian attitudes towards HIV/AIDS risk and the impact on these attitudes of a safer sex workshop for lesbians and bisexual women. This project was part of a graduate seminar aimed at familiarizing students in the Anthropology Department at the University of Kentucky with techniques involved in community-based ethnographic research. As anthropologists, we were interested in collecting data on individual behaviors and perceptions of risk. We then wanted to contrast our findings with institutionally recognized risk categories and behaviors, such as those of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Over the course of three months, teenagers, minorities, and so on. A pamphlet aimed at teens will often employ the language teens use. Similarly, materials geared toward gay men will not present information on vaginal intercourse. If one examines a range of such materials, one finds that lesbians are nowhere represented or targeted. (See Rebecca Cole and Sally Cooper, "Lesbian Exclusion from HIV/AIDS Education," SEICUS Report, December 1990/January 1991.)
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Andharu, Devito, und Wahyu Widayati. „Feminism Radical in the Novel Keindahan dan Kesedihan by Yasunari Kawabata“. Jurnal Ilmiah FONEMA : Jurnal Edukasi Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 1, Nr. 1 (15.08.2018): 16. http://dx.doi.org/10.25139/fn.v1i1.965.

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The Purpose of this research are to describe a feminism in Keindahan dan Kesedihan Novel by Yasunari Kawabata.This research is a qualitative descriptive. The object is psychoanalysis from Keindahan dan Kesedihan, novel by Yasunari Kawabata. Data collected by using close reading technic: read, scan, and quote. Data validity use triangulation technic. Data analized by semiotic mode of reading. Analysis result is shown in terms of feminism, the role of Otoko and Keiko is the main character in Keindahan dan Kesedihan novel that she is a s lesbian. Lesbian is an example of the uprising at the radical feminism. But after reviewing the whole of Keindahan dan Kesedihan novel be able to conclude that the figures of Otoko are not included in radical feminism. Otoko chose to become lesbian with Keiko after the she met with the students painted Keiko. Otoko choice of life lived as a lesbian is to keep the sacred vision in maintaining its love for Oki. In contrast to Otoko, Keiko chose to become lesbians based on hate with men. Keiko found men always give the suffering of women. Keywords :Feminism, Novel
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Foster, Deborah, und Karen Perry. „Out of the closet, into the classroom?“ Lesbian & Gay Psychology Review 10, Nr. 1 (September 2009): 27–31. http://dx.doi.org/10.53841/bpslg.2009.10.1.27.

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This article explores whether there is merit in a lesbian educator being ‘out’ in the classroom or whether her orientation should be invisible. Only part of what we teach is our content; the other part involves acting as role models and giving students more effective tools to interact in a diverse world; as such the question of ‘out’ or not begs an answer. This article is a conversation between two lesbians teaching at a rural northern college in Alberta, Canada, discussing whether to be ‘out’ or not in the classroom.
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Ramli, Fira, Riska Ahmad und Yarmis Syukur. „The Development of Guidance and Counseling Services in 4.0 Era: Lesbian Behavior“. Jurnal Aplikasi IPTEK Indonesia 3, Nr. 3 (27.11.2019): 156–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.24036/4.33318.

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Lesbian behavior affects adolescents. It happens because, physically, adolescent have experienced growth of maturity in sexual function that is why the sexual drive is getting stronger. Several factors that influence the tendency of lesbians mostly happen in early adulthood. This research was development research with the ADDIE model. The total participants of this study were 183 junior high school students chosen by using purposive sampling. In the analysis phase, the researchers identified the tendency of adolescents to behave in lesbians in some ways, such as used self-identification instruments, determined e-module material (design), developed instruments to determine eligibility by experts and the use of e-modules by counselors (development), conducted limited trials to 30 students in the school (implementation), and assessed the overall aspects of product usage by the counselor at school (evaluation). Based on the development of this e-module, it can be concluded that the product was workable in content and appearance because it has been empirically tested and ready to be used for adolescent in school.
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Wu, Joseph, und Diana K. Kwok. „Psychometric Properties of Attitudes towards Lesbians and Gay Men Scale with Chinese University Students“. Psychological Reports 110, Nr. 2 (April 2012): 521–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.2466/03.07.pr0.110.2.521-526.

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The 10-item Attitudes Towards Lesbian and Gay Men Scale was translated into traditional Chinese, with slight modification in item wordings (by replacing the words such as “lesbians” with “female homosexuals” and “gay men” with “male homosexuals”). Data were collected with a convenient sample of 462 Chinese undergraduate students in social work training programmes from three Hong Kong universities. Analysis of the data showed responses to the scale and its two subscales were internally consistent and a one-factor structure was found on the total scale and separately on each of its two subscales. Differences by religious belief and sex were observed using the total scale scores, as in previous studies using this scale. Researchers could consider using this scale with Hong Kong Chinese and in subsequent cross-cultural studies involving a wider range of Chinese respondents.
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Rosner, Christine M., Trey W. Armstrong, Michaela V. Walsh und Linda G. Castillo. „Identity Centrality and Well-Being in Lesbian and Bisexual Women College Students“. International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 7, Nr. 3 (12.09.2020): 70–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.17220/ijpes.2020.03.007.

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Sehar, Saliqua. „Knowledge Assessment of Nursing Students Regarding Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ+) Community“. International Journal of Nursing & Midwifery Research 07, Nr. 04 (31.12.2020): 24–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.24321/2455.9318.202031.

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Introduction: Lack of knowledge regarding the community among health care providers is an important factor in the discrimination experienced by LGBTQ+ in health care facilities which affects their health and wellbeing. Healthcare providers knowledge and awareness regarding LGBTQ+ community can reduce or eliminate prejudices and discrimination against them. Objective: The objective of the study was assessment of the knowledge of students regarding Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ+) community in a selected college of Nursing of Delhi. Method: The present study has adopted quantitative approach and descriptive research design. A structured knowledge questionnaire was developed and validated by seven experts. Purposive sampling technique was used and formal permissions were obtained from the authorities. A total number of 68 students of DGNM 1st year and 2nd year has participated in the study after giving informed consent. Pilot study and final study was conducted. Data was analyzed using descriptive studies. Result: The study found that majority of Nursing Students (67.64%) had average knowledge and 32% had poor knowledge and none of the subject had good knowledge regarding LGBTQ+ community. Conclusion: The study concluded that majority of the students have average knowledge and rest have poor knowledge and none of the students have good knowledge regarding LGBTQ+ community.
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Eliason, Michele J., und Carla E. Randall. „Lesbian Phobia in Nursing Students“. Western Journal of Nursing Research 13, Nr. 3 (Juni 1991): 363–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/019394599101300306.

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Espinol, Shara May T., Carl Reman M. Maranan, Rosemarie Mayanne Q. Manalo und Ronel Marcelo. „Lived Experiences of Gay and Lesbian Adolescents on their Way to Achieving Self-actualization: Basis for the Development of U-Bahaghari: A University-Based LGBT Advocacy Program“. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 13, Nr. 2 (30.10.2021): 1–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.26803/ijhss.13.2.1.

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As part of the marginalized and minority group, members of the LGBTQ++ community have a lot of different experiences compared to heterosexual males and females. Being in the stage of identity formation, adolescent gays and lesbians have conflicting and complicated experiences. Their motivation to achieve self-actualization is affected by societal expectations and peer influences. This study aimed to explore how adolescent gays and lesbians try to achieve self-actualization and how the school environment could assist them since they spend most of their time inside the walls of educational institutions. This is done by using thematic analysis. The results indicate that self-worth, gender, coming-out, and motivation are the dominant themes related to the self-actualization of gay and lesbian adolescents. The results also indicated that an inclusive campus climate could promote self-actualization. The role of peers, family members, and the school community is very important in the process. A program that includes a proposed school policy for members of the LGBTQ++ community had been developed in response to the results of the current study. It is recommended that schools should take into consideration the LGBTQ++ students in formulating policies for the entire student body. Schools should also promote the creation of groups and facilitation of activities for LGBTQ++ students.
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Ellis, Sonja J., Celia Kitzinger und Sue Wilkinson. „Attitudes Towards Lesbians and Gay Men and Support for Lesbian and Gay Human Rights Among Psychology Students“. Journal of Homosexuality 44, Nr. 1 (20.05.2003): 121–38. http://dx.doi.org/10.1300/j082v44n01_07.

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Adeyemo, Kolawole Samuel. „Filipino University Students’ Attitude Toward Sexual Minorities“. Journal of International Students 10, Nr. 1 (15.02.2020): 203–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.32674/jis.v10i1.1030.

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Whether or not sexual minorities in the Philippines higher education system are socially acceptable is not clear. This article specifically investigates the acceptance of gay and lesbian university students in the Philippines and implications for international gay or lesbian students’ sociocultural transition. We sampled opinions of both local and international students in all the academic departments of a private university in the province of Cavite. The participants were selected using a proportionate stratified convenience sampling technique according to which they were grouped by academic department and chosen based on their availability, proximity, and convenience. We administered surveys to 368 registered students in 2011. Of the 368 questionnaires distributed, 358 responses were received, which constitutes a 97.3% response rate. Using transition theory, the article argues that the attitude toward sexual orientation had some negative implications for gay and lesbian international students transitioning into the sociocultural environment of the Philippines.
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Westefeld, John S., Michael R. Maples, Brian Buford und Steve Taylor. „Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual College Students“. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy 15, Nr. 3 (23.03.2001): 71–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.1300/j035v15n03_06.

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Legg, Kaitlin, Andy Cofino und Ronni Sanlo. „Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender College Students: Revisiting Retention“. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice 21, Nr. 4 (08.01.2020): 417–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1521025119895513.

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In 2004, Sanlo published a proposed method to examine the lives and experiences of lesbian, gay, and bisexual college students and their persistence to graduation. Transgender students were not included except with regard to their identifying as a sexual minority. To date, neither further articles nor research of a similar nature have been published. Even with heightened visibility of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students on college campuses, the literature still does not capture the specific and unique experiences of health, scholarship, and persistence of this population. These scholar–practitioner authors share their various experiences as directors of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) centers and why retention studies of the LGBTQ population are necessary as well as why transgender or gender-nonconforming students must also be included in such studies.
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Fallone, Adriana, und Daphne Hewson. „School counsellors' responses to homosexuality and to lesbian and gay students“. Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling 6, Nr. 1 (November 1996): 31–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1037291100001473.

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NSW School Counsellors were surveyed regarding their attitudes towards homosexuality and their experience and willingness to work with gay and lesbian students. Most counsellors showed low to moderate homonegativism, but 16.6% scored in the high range. Less knowledge, experience, and past training on homosexuality issues were significantly related to homonegativism, as was unwillingness to participate in future activities and workshops dealing with lesbian and gay students' issues. Many counsellors had a poor knowledge of existing support services. Counsellors who were willing to provide supportive services for gay and lesbian students expressed a need for resources, information kits and curriculum material, inservice training, executive support and a positive Departmental policy.
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Maureira, Fernando. „Conocimientos biológicos de la homosexualidad y transexualidad en estudiantes de Educación Física de Chile (Biological knowledge of homosexuality and transsexuality in Physical Education students in Chile)“. Retos 42 (06.06.2021): 805–12. http://dx.doi.org/10.47197/retos.v42i0.88708.

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Introducción: la homosexualidad y la transexualidad están mediadas por mecanismos biológicos de tipo genético, accionar temprano de hormonas y por mecanismos ambientales, lo que repercute en cambios estructurales y funcionales de diversas regiones cerebrales. El objetivo de la presente investigación es describir los conocimientos biológicos de la homosexualidad y transexualidad de estudiantes de Educación Física. Método: se construyó y valido un cuestionario diseñado ad hoc a 305 estudiantes de Pedagogía en Educación Física de tres universidades de Chile. Resultados: el cuestionario quedó constituido por 18 ítems, además presenta seis factores que explican el 58.378% de la varianza y un alfa de Cronbach de .763. El ítem que presentó mayor cantidad de respuestas acertadas fue Existe un “gen gay” que determina la homosexualidad y el lesbianismo y el que presento menor cantidad de aciertos fue Cuando una mujer es lesbiana existen más probabilidad que su hermana también sea lesbiana. Conclusión: los análisis demuestran que el instrumento es válido y confiable para evaluar el conocimiento biológico de la homosexualidad y transexualidad en estudiantes de Pedagogía en Educación Física. En 14 ítems más del 50% de la muestra contesto no sé y el 78.6% de la muestra obtuvo sólo entre una y seis respuestas correctas. Abstract. Introduction: homosexuality and transsexuality are mediated by biological mechanisms of genetic type, early action of hormones and by environmental mechanisms, affecting structural and functional changes in various brain regions. The aim of this research is describe the biological knowledge of homosexuality and transsexuality for students of Physical Education. Method: an ad hoc questionnaire was built and applied to 305 students of Pedagogy in Physical Education from three universities in Chile. Results: the questionnaire was constituted by 18 items, in addition it presents six factors that explain the 58.378% of variance and a Cronbach alpha of .763. The item that presented the most successful answers was There is a "gay gene" that determines homosexuality and lesbianism and the one that presents the least number of successful was When a woman is a lesbian there is more chance that her sister is also a lesbian. Conclusion: Analyses show that the instrument is valid and reliable for assessing the biological knowledge of homosexuality and transsexuality in students of Physical Education Pedagogy. In 14 items more than 50% of the sample answered I do not know and 78.6% of the sample obtained only between one and six correct answers.
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Tomlinson, Merideth J., und Ruth E. Fassinger. „Career Development, Lesbian Identity Development, and Campus Climate Among Lesbian College Students“. Journal of College Student Development 44, Nr. 6 (2003): 845–60. http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/csd.2003.0078.

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King, Michael. „Stigma in psychiatry seen through the lens of sexuality and gender“. BJPsych International 16, Nr. 04 (11.07.2019): 77–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1192/bji.2019.12.

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The history of psychiatry and homosexuality illuminates how stigma develops in the professions, how it is linked to cultural values and religious attitudes and how it affects patients. Homosexuality was medicalised as a disorder in the late 19th century and this led to treatments to change it. Same-gender contacts between men were decriminalised in many countries in the 1960s and 1970s, but – as recently as the 1980s – 30% of doctors in the USA did not think that gay students should be admitted to medical school and 40% would not allow gay doctors to specialise in paediatrics or psychiatry. Lesbians and gay men were effectively debarred from training in the main psychoanalytical schools in the USA and the UK. Although mainstream psychological treatments to make gay and bisexual people heterosexual fell into disrepute in the 1980s, so-called conversion or reparative treatments took their place and are still practised today. Transgender people have been the target of similar disapproval and attitudes towards them have been even slower to change than those towards lesbians and gay men. This stigma had consequences on the health, well-being and social inclusion of those who were lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT). This history suggests we need to examine where psychiatry and psychology are making similar mistakes today.
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Rensenbrink, Carla Washburne. „What Difference Does It Make? The Story of a Lesbian Teacher“. Harvard Educational Review 66, Nr. 2 (01.07.1996): 257–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.17763/haer.66.2.l5585qj508872804.

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In this article, Carla Rensenbrink explores the question of what difference it makes to be a lesbian teacher herself and for her students. Rensenbrink focuses her exploration by telling the story of Rosemary Trowbridge, a fifth-grade teacher who comes out as a lesbian to her students and colleagues. Drawing on interviews and visits to Rosemary's classroom, the author notes ways in which Rosemary's lesbianism does make a positive difference in the classroom. She makes connections between Rosemary's identity as a lesbian and the fact that her classroom represents a safe place where students feel comfortable questioning the culture and taking an active stand.
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Phillips, Julia C., und Ann R. Fischer. „Graduate Students' Training Experiences with Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Issues“. Counseling Psychologist 26, Nr. 5 (September 1998): 712–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0011000098265002.

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The doctoral training experiences of 69 counseling and 38 clinical psychology graduate students in lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) issues prior to internship were examined. Descriptive statistics revealed that training in these issues was inadequate. A majority of respondents did not feel that their course work prepared them well to work with LGB clients. Less training was provided in bisexual issues than gay or lesbian issues. Comparisons between clinical and counseling respondents indicated that counseling programs had better records of training in LGB issues. Multiple regressions revealed several predictors of respondents' feelings of preparation to work with LGB clients, including formal training experiences, encouragement to explore heterosexist biases, modeling by trainers, and personal experiences and contacts. Results varied by target group (i.e., patterns of prediction differed for preparation to work with lesbian women, gay men, or bisexual people). Implications for training and suggestions for future research are discussed.
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Porter, Judy, und LaVerne McQuiller Williams. „Intimate Violence Among Underrepresented Groups on a College Campus“. Journal of Interpersonal Violence 26, Nr. 16 (28.02.2011): 3210–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0886260510393011.

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Rape, sexual violence, psychological violence, and physical violence, among college students have been a concern. Lifetime events are often studied but not violence that specifically transpires while one is in college. Underrepresented groups such as Deaf and Hard of Hearing students, students who are gay, lesbian, and bisexual, and students who are members of racial and ethnic minorities have not been studied as extensively as White, heterosexual females. The authors used several measures to investigate the incidence of sexual violence, physical and psychological abuse among underrepresented groups in a random sample of 1,028 college students at a private, northeastern, technological campus in upstate New York, United States and analyzed victimization rates by gender, race/ethnicity, auditory status, and sexual orientation. Binary logistic regression analyses found that statistically significant differences are likely to exist between members of underrepresented groups and groups in the majority. The study found statistically significant associations between Deaf and Hard of Hearing students and students who were gay, lesbian, bisexual, or other sexual orientation with psychological abuse and physical abuse. Racial and ethnic minorities and gay, lesbian, bisexual, and other sexual orientation students were significantly more at risk for sexual abuse. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and other sexual orientation students, students who were members of a racial or ethnic minority, and female students were significantly more likely to be raped. Female heterosexual students were more likely to be the victim of an attempted rape. Suggestions for further research and policy implications are provided.
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CALLAHAN, CONNIE J. „Protecting and Counseling Gay and Lesbian Students“. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education and Development 40, Nr. 1 (März 2001): 5–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/j.2164-490x.2001.tb00097.x.

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Russell, Brenda, Kristine M. Chapleau und Shane W. Kraus. „When Is It Abuse? How Assailant Gender, Sexual Orientation, and Protection Orders Influence Perceptions of Intimate Partner Abuse“. Partner Abuse 6, Nr. 1 (2015): 47–64. http://dx.doi.org/10.1891/1946-6560.6.1.47.

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Incidents of intimate partner violence (IPV) are considered more serious when perpetrated by a male than when perpetrated by a female, and IPV among gay men and lesbians are perceived as less serious than IPV among heterosexual couples. This study examines how assailant and victim sexual orientation and protection orders (POs) influence individuals’ evaluations of abuse in a case of simple assault. Respondents (N = 640 college students) were provided with scenarios of IPV among opposite- and same-sex couples with or without a PO. IPV was more likely to be perceived as abuse when a PO was in effect but less likely to be considered abuse when the couple was gay/lesbian. The IPV incident was most likely to be considered abuse when perpetrated by a heterosexual male and least likely to be considered abuse when perpetrated by a gay male. Female respondents were more likely to consider IPV more abusive when perpetrated by heterosexuals with POs than gay/lesbians with or without a PO. Although male respondents rated IPV between opposite- and same-sex couples with a PO similarly, they were less likely to identify IPV abuse in same-sex conditions when no PO was issued. Current findings emphasize some of the disparities in perceptions of what constitutes abuse among same- and opposite-sex couples.
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McRee, Tina K., und Diane L. Cooper. „Campus Environments for Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Students at Southeastern Institutions of Higher Education“. NASPA Journal 36, Nr. 1 (01.01.1998): 1–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.2202/0027-6014.1066.

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The authors report findings of a regional survey project which assessed the current support services provided to gay, lesbian, and bisexual students and student organizations at NASPA Region III institutions. Campus climate for gay, lesbian, and bisexual students was also assessed based on academic support and resources provided to student organizations, along wth data on bias-related incidents and institutional non-discrimination statements.
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Newman, Bernie Sue. „College Students' Attitudes About Lesbians“. Journal of Homosexuality 52, Nr. 3-4 (15.05.2007): 249–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.1300/j082v52n03_12.

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Díaz, Desiree A., Annette Maruca, Laura Gonzalez, Cherrill Stockmann und Erica Hoyt. „Using simulation to address care of the transgender patient in nursing curricula“. BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning 3, Nr. 2 (02.01.2017): 65–69. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjstel-2016-000147.

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This descriptive study explored the use of simulation as a means to increase cognitive and reflective practice as well as determining if simulation can alter perceptions and attitudes related to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community. This manuscript describes how student nurses perceive their role when providing care to and, more specifically, the care of transgender patients. The research question asks: How does a transgender simulation impact the attitudes and beliefs of nursing students related to the LGBT community? One-hundred and fifty-nine students, with a subset of 120 students attending a school in central Florida and 50 students attending a Connecticut programme, participated in the completion of the instruments. The Gender Affirmative Practice (GAP) scale was used to evaluate their attitudes and practice concerning LGBT issues. Findings suggest that the majority of the students rarely or never discuss pertinent sexual orientation issues. Students are not comfortable creating a climate that allows for self-identification by gay/ lesbians, despite admitting to being open and accepting the LGBT community with their faculty. Limitations were based on multisite location and the use of the GAP. It is important for nursing students, and healthcare providers, to acknowledge and recognise the unique vulnerabilities of transgender persons who are seeking healthcare. The exposure to transgender individuals in a clinical setting may be limited; therefore, the use of simulation will offer the opportunity to examine their beliefs and reflect on their attitudes towards this population. Simulation incorporating mental health issues is a newer training technique in which psychosocial aspects of healthcare are addressed.
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Munt, Sally R. „‘I Teach Therefore I Am’: Lesbian Studies in the Liberal Academy“. Feminist Review 56, Nr. 1 (Juli 1997): 85–99. http://dx.doi.org/10.1057/fr.1997.16.

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The article discusses the origins of Lesbian Studies as arising out of an intellectually engaged grassroots lesbian community and an emergent Women's Studies within the academy. The article contrasts Lesbian Studies in the UK with the USA, which has ‘professionalized’ work in Lesbian and Gay Studies, which concomitantly has produced its own problems. Feminism bequeathed to Lesbian Studies the axiom ‘the personal is political’ and this is discussed as both a positive and a negative inheritance. The academy itself collapses the personal on to the Lesbian Studies lecturer which produces particular pressures from students, colleagues, the institution, and upon one's own intellectual trajectory in the form of the ‘taint’ of subjectivity. Finally the article attempts to identify an ambivalent relationship to liberalism which has made a limited space for Lesbian Studies but also continues to seek to police that sphere.
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Broz, William J. „Hope and Irony: Annie on My Mind“. English Journal 90, Nr. 6 (01.07.2001): 47–53. http://dx.doi.org/10.58680/ej2001787.

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A personal account of the authors realization of the importance of being aware of gay and lesbian adolescent literature, Broz shares his experiences while attending a committee meeting challenging the book, Am I Blue, which contains a lesbian scene in a story. This encounter prompted him to read, Annie on My Mind. But it was an experience with one of his students which reinforced his growing sensitivity towards the needs of gay and lesbian teens.
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Turell, Susan C., und Therese de St. Aubin. „A Relationshiop-Focused Group for Lesbian College Students“. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy 2, Nr. 3 (08.01.1996): 67–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.1300/j236v02n03_05.

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Turell, Susan, und Therese de St. Aubin. „A relationship-focused group for lesbian college students“. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health 2, Nr. 3 (1995): 67–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19359705.1995.9962182.

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Henquinet, Janet, Anne Phibbs und Barbara Skoglund. „Supporting Our Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Students“. About Campus: Enriching the Student Learning Experience 5, Nr. 5 (November 2000): 24–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/108648220000500506.

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Lambert, Eric G., Lois A. Ventura, Daniel E. Hall und Terry Cluse-Tolar. „College Students' Views on Gay and Lesbian Issues“. Journal of Homosexuality 50, Nr. 4 (16.07.2006): 1–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1300/j082v50n04_01.

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Slater, Barbara R. „Violence Against Lesbian and Gay Male College Students“. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy 8, Nr. 1-2 (19.02.1994): 177–202. http://dx.doi.org/10.1300/j035v08n01_08.

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Stephany, Theresa M. „Faculty Support for Gay and Lesbian Nursing Students“. Nurse Educator 17, Nr. 5 (September 1992): 22–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/00006223-199209000-00007.

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Stephany, Theresa M. „Faculty Support for Gay and Lesbian Nursing Students“. Nurse Educator 17, Nr. 5 (September 1992): 22–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/00006223-199217050-00007.

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Hall, William J., Amanda M. McDougald und Aimee M. Kresica. „School Counselors’ Education and Training, Competency, and Supportive Behaviors concerning Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Students“. Professional School Counseling 17, Nr. 1 (Januar 2013): 2156759X0001700. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/2156759x0001700108.

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This study examined high school counselors’ education and training, counseling competency, and supportive behavior regarding gay, lesbian, and bisexual students. Sexual minority students often face a range of school and mental health problems. Results show that participants’ counseling competency skills, knowledge, and attitudes predict affirmative behavior. Counseling competency also mediates the relationship between sexual orientation education/training and affirmative behavior. This article concludes with recommendations for preparing school counselors to work with gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth.
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Bassett, Rodney L., Marike van Nikkelen-Kuyper, Deanna Johnson, Ashley Miller, Anna Carter und Julia P. Grimm. „Being a Good Neighbor: Can Students Come to Value Homosexual Persons?“ Journal of Psychology and Theology 33, Nr. 1 (März 2005): 17–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/009164710503300102.

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Attitudes toward gay/lesbian persons and behavior were initially assessed among Christian college students. Students with either uniformly positive or negative attitudes toward homosexual persons and behavior were then exposed to psychological and spiritual interventions designed to help them see more clearly the value of homosexual persons. Attitudes toward homosexual persons and behavior were then reassessed immediately after the intervention and one month later. Generally, the intervention improved attitudes toward homosexual persons. The picture for attitudes toward homosexual behavior was more complicated. With students who were uniformly rejecting, the intervention made their attitudes toward homosexual behavior less rejecting. However, with students who were uniformly accepting, the intervention diminished their acceptance of gay/lesbian behavior.
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Snider, Kathryn. „Race and Sexual Orientation: The (Im)possibility of These Intersections in Educational Policy“. Harvard Educational Review 66, Nr. 2 (01.07.1996): 294–303. http://dx.doi.org/10.17763/haer.66.2.d51018r0q6jv89m2.

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In this article, Kathryn Snider critiques the Toronto Board of Education's Triangle Program, a program designed for lesbian and gay youth who are at risk of dropping out of high school. She questions whether this program, which provides support for students coping with issues of sexual identity, can really work for lesbian and gay youth of color unless it also includes strategies that acknowledge how issues of sexual orientation interact with issues of racial identity. She locates this critique within the larger context of the Board's approach to multiculturalism and diversity in the schools. Rather than implementing a program that further marginalizes and isolates lesbian and gay students by removing them from mainstream education, Snider suggests, schools must make fundamental changes that work to eliminate racism and homophobia within the dominant educational structure.
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Pollock, Sandra L., und Gregory S. Meek. „What about Our Lesbian/Gay Students? Results of a Survey Exploring the Experiences of Counseling Students Who Are Lesbian and Gay“. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling 10, Nr. 4 (Oktober 2016): 227–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15538605.2016.1233841.

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Geiger, Wendy, Jake Harwood und Mary Lee Hummert. „College Students' Multiple Stereotypes of Lesbians“. Journal of Homosexuality 51, Nr. 3 (11.10.2006): 165–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.1300/j082v51n03_08.

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M. Hermann–Wilmarth, Jill. „More than Book Talks: Preservice Teacher Dialogue after Reading Gay and Lesbian Children’s Literature“. Language Arts 87, Nr. 3 (01.01.2010): 188–98. http://dx.doi.org/10.58680/la201029426.

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In this paper, the author looks at how she attempted to teach her students’preservice teachers;“;to engage in dialogic conversation about gay and lesbian identity using children’s literature with gay and lesbian characters as a jumping off point. Through her analysis, the author has identified two requirements for dialogic conversation among students with divergent approaches to an issue: time and practice.
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Nguyen, Thai-Huy, AndrÉs Castro Samayoa, Marybeth Gasman und Steve Mobley. „Challenging Respectability: Student Health Directors Providing Services to Lesbian and Gay Students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities“. Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education 120, Nr. 2 (Februar 2018): 1–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/016146811812000201.

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Background Researchers have tended to favor scholarship that looks at institutional forms of support for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students in the context of resource centers specifically tailored to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender students. Our study makes two distinct contributions to the study of gay and lesbian students of color: (1) We move away from resource centers as a focal point of support for students and attempt to explore the role of student health at 11 HBCUs; and (2) We draw attention to the ways in which health administrators challenge the influence of respectability to promote the delivery of healthcare that is attuned to the needs and experiences of sexual minorities, thereby providing evidence that pushes back against dominant narratives that reinforce HBCUs as homogenous communities of conservatism and homophobia. Research Question This study seeks to answer the following questions: (1) How do student health directors at HBCUs promote policies and practices that are attuned to the health of their gay and lesbian students? and (2) What conditions are developed to cultivate a student health center that not only addresses students’ physical health, but is also “in a position to reaffirm these students”? Participants Eleven student health directors at 4-year private and public HBCUs. Research Design The inquiry is situated within the tradition of narrative analyses. Semistructured interviews were conducted with our participants. Data Collection and Analysis We structured each interview around six broad open-ended questions that offered opportunities for us to tease out unique areas of tension during the interview and to “lead the respondent on a journey, to a frame of mind from which she will understand our ‘big’ questions.” These questions included perceptions of challenges and successes of campus inclusiveness for sexual minority students, clinical services, sensitivity training for staff, and the presence of same gender loving brochures and messaging. Findings Our data offers a narrative that illuminates the forces that shape the challenges and opportunities for student health directors (SHDs) to engender change within and outside student health centers and how that ultimately affects the provision of health services to gay and lesbian students. More importantly, it showcases how efforts are made to challenge the influence of respectability to ensure student health and well-being. The findings are organized under the following themes: (a) building trust, (b) partnerships, (c) resistance, and (d) envisioning next steps. Conclusions We provide an extensive discussion in how student health directors manage the challenges associated with dominant institutional ideologies, as well as critical implications for future research and practice.
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Andrew, Yarrow. „Policy and gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex students“,. Journal of LGBT Youth 14, Nr. 3 (28.06.2017): 330–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19361653.2017.1324346.

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Sweet, Michael J. „Counseling Satisfaction of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual College Students“. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Social Services 4, Nr. 3 (12.06.1996): 35–49. http://dx.doi.org/10.1300/j041v04n03_02.

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