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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Larynx"


Rompas, Karin I., Steward K. Mengko und Ora Et Labora I. Palandeng. „Pendekatan Diagnostik Refluks Laring Faring“. e-CliniC 9, Nr. 2 (12.07.2021): 457.

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Abstract: Lifestyle and behavior changes can have bad impacts on our health. One of the diseases that can be caused by lifestyle changes is pharyngeal larynx reflux. Pharyngeal laryngeal reflux is a state of return of the contents of the stomach to the larynx and pharynx causing an inflammatory reaction to the mucous membranes of the larynx and pharynx. In an attempt to diagnose pharyngeal larynx reflux, a follow-up examination is required. In this case there are several examinations that can be done to confirm the diagnosis of pharyngeal larynx reflux. This study was aimed to obtain the diagnostic approaches in laringopharyngeal reflux cases. This was a literature review study using two databases namely PubMed and ClinicalKey. The keywords used were laringophaingeal reflux and laryngopharyngeal reflux disease. After being selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, nine literatures using experimental research methods. were obtained. The results showed that several examinations that could be performed in diagnosing laringofaringeal reflux, as follows: anamnesis, physical examination, pH-monitoring, reflux findings score, reflux symptom score, PEP-test, reflux sign assessment, reflux symptom score, immunohistochemistry, and fiber-optic laryngoscopy. In conclusion, supporting examinations are needed to confirm the diagnosis of pharyngeal larynx reflux.Keywords: refluks laring faring; laryngopharyngeal reflux disease. Abstrak: Perubahan gaya hidup dan perilaku dapat berdampak pada kesehatan tubuh. Salah satu penyakit yang dapat diakibatkan oleh perubahan gaya hidup yaitu refluks laring faring. Refluks laring faring merupakan keadaan kembalinya isi lambung ke laring dan faring sehingga menyebabkan reaksi inflamasi pada selaput lendir laring dan faring. Untuk menegakkan diagnosis refluks laring faring dibutuhkan pemeriksaan lanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendekatan diagnosis yang dapat dilakukan dalam pemeriksaan kasus refluks laring faring. Jenis penelitian ialah literature review dengan pencarian data menggunakan dua database yaitu PubMed dan ClinicalKey. Kata kunci yang digunakan yaitu refluks laring faring and laryngopharyngeal reflux disease. Setelah diseleksi berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi, didapatkan sembilan literatur yang menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimental. Hasil peneli-tian mendapatkan pemeriksaan-pemeriksaan yang dilakukan dalam menegakkan diagnosis refluks laring faring ialah: anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik, pH-monitoring, skor temuan refluks, skor gejala refluks, PEP-test, reflux sign assessment, reflux symptom score, immunohistochemistry, dan fiber-optic laryngoscopy. Simpulan penelitian ini ialah pemeriksaan penunjang perlu dilakukan untuk menegakkan diagnosis refluks laring faring.Kata kunci: refluks laring faring; laryngopharyngeal reflux disease
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Beg, M. H. A., und S. Marfani. „The larynx in pulmonary tuberculosis“. Journal of Laryngology & Otology 99, Nr. 2 (Februar 1985): 201–3.

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SummarySummary Pulmonary tuberculosis is still a common disease in the developing countries of the world. One hundred patients with pulmonary tuberculosis showed laryngeal involvement in 37 patients. The posterior part of the larynx followed by the epiglottis are the commonest sites to be involved in the laryx. Ulcerative lesions and perichondritis. so common in prechemotherapeutic days, were not seen.
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Zheng, Wen Xiang, Ting Chun Shi, Xiu Yan Yue und Xiao An. „The Research of Laryngeal Reconstruction with Personalized Artificial Larynx Using Tissue Engineering“. Advanced Materials Research 655-657 (Januar 2013): 1939–44.

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It brings the pain to the patients whether in spirit or on physiology when laryngeal cartilage is injured. The paper reviewed the previous methods of improving the pronunciation for laryngeal cartilage injury and patients whose larynxes have been cut off, and compared the advantages and disadvantages of various methods. On the basis of the studies on the artificial auricle scaffold, artificial spinal cord scaffold in our center, this paper puts forward a larynx injury repair methods with a personalized tissue engineering artificial larynx, namely taking the advantages of biological manufacturing and tissue engineering related technology to prepare laryngeal cartilage scaffolds, and then the stem cells could be cultured into the scaffold in vitro. After more study and test, this bio-manufactured larynx scaffold could be expected as one of the ideal repair methods for the larynx injury.
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Abubakar, Danmaigoro, Abdullahi Usman Yusuf, Mahmud Abdullahi Muhammad und Kabeer Abubakar. „Gross and histological study of the larynx in red sokoto goat (Capra hircus) from Sokoto, Nigeria“. World Journal of Biology and Biotechnology 8, Nr. 2 (08.04.2023): 1.

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Small ruminants are very important in securing food security and are economically significant in the rural community especially in the west African country. The larynx serves as both airway passage and organ of vocalization, which are associated with their own pathology and diseases. In the current study, 9 specimens of larynxes from apparently healthy red sokoto goats were obtained from Sokoto Modern abattoir, dissected, and morphologically and histologically evaluated. The results showed the larynx is a firm irregular tubular structure situated in between the ramii of the mandible with the laryngeal muscles are intertwined in between the cartilages. The rostral aspect of the larynx forms the caudal border of the pharynx while the caudal end of the larynx continues as the trachea. The thyroid cartilage is the largest while arytenoids are the smallest. Histologically, the thyroid, arytenoids and cricoid are of the hyaline cartilage while the epiglottis is made up of the elastic cartilage. This research work focus on evaluating the gross and microscopic anatomy of the larynx, thus, providing information for future use in both anatomical studies and clinical applications.
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Marino, G., und R. Marten Perolino. „Bladder carcinoma and respiratory tract neoplastic associations“. Urologia Journal 62, Nr. 1_suppl (Januar 1995): 155–59.

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— From 1991 to April 1995, 490 patients with urogenital tract neoplasms were diagnosed in the Hospital Mauriziano of Turin. 68 (13.9%) patients showed a multiple primary malignant neoplasm (MPMN), of whom 13 had urothelial and respiratory tract neoplasm 13/68 (10.8%): 7 cases of bladder-laryngo neoplasm, 4 of bladder-lung neoplasm, 2 of bladder-nose neoplasm. Similar aetiological factors were involved in these associations (smoking, analgesic abuse and occupational exposure to industrial toxic substances) but the increase was due to correct histopathological classification, increase in single neoplasms (in particular larynx and bladder neoplasms) and increase in survival rate. Progressive reduction in mortality from cancer of the larynx may favour the increase of bladder-larynx neoplasm association recommending extreme vigilance of the patients. The Authors propose to patients with larynx neoplasm a follow-up with cytological urinary tests aimed at early discovery and treatment of the bladder neoplasm.
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Wang, Chen-Chi, Chang-Chun Lin, Ching-Ping Wang, Shih-An Liu und Rong-San Jiang. „Laryngeal tuberculosis: A review of 26 cases“. Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery 137, Nr. 4 (Oktober 2007): 582–88.

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Objectives To review the clinical characteristics of laryn-geal tuberculosis. Study Design Retrospective case series. Subjects and Methods Medical records of 26 histopa-thology-confirmed cases in a tertiary medical center from 1992 to 2006. Results The female patients were significantly younger than male patients. Hoarseness is the most common symptom (84.6%) because true vocal fold is most commonly involved (80.8%). Infection usually involves unilateral (66.7%) and right-side larynx but multiple subsites of the larynx (57.7%). The appearance of the affected larynx may have mixed features and change before diagnosis. Laryngeal tuberculosis is usually misdiagnosed as laryngeal cancer, especially in patients with malignant signs such as enlarged cervical lymph nodes and vocal fold immobility. Chest film is better than sputum examinations for screening. Conclusion We should be especially alert about TB infection when facing young female patients with unusual laryngeal lesions. Extensive laser excision before diagnosis should be avoided because after antituberculous treatment, prognosis is usually good and vocal fold immobility could be reversible.
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Rick, Alice, und Dorothy Wobick. „LARYNX“. Gastroenterology Nursing 32, Nr. 2 (März 2009): 148.

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Huang, Benjamin Y., Michael Solle und Mark C. Weissler. „Larynx“. Otolaryngologic Clinics of North America 45, Nr. 6 (Dezember 2012): 1325–61.

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Nissenblatt, Paulina Belle. „Larynx“. Lancet 353, Nr. 9151 (Februar 1999): 508.

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NISHIMURA, TAKESHI. „The descended larynx and the descending larynx“. Anthropological Science 126, Nr. 1 (2018): 3–8.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "Larynx"


Kanemaru, Shinichi. „Regeneration of the Larynx“. Kyoto University, 2004.

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Duflo, Suzy. „Mécanismes moléculaires et cellulaires de la réparation tissulaire des cordes vocales : rôle de la matrice extracellulaire au niveau du microenvironnement tissulaire“. Aix-Marseille 2, 2008.

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La lamina propria des cordes vocales, décrite par Hirano, est l’élément clé des compétences vibratoires des cordes. Cette structure spécifique correspond au plan de glissement de la muqueuse de recouvrement sur le muscle vocal sous-jacent. Les cordes vocales, de part leur fonction de phonation, sont la cible de traumatismes minimes, constants, mais peuvent aussi subir des traumatismes plus importants dont les origines sont multiples. En réponse à ces traumatismes, il existe une réactivité responsable d’une réparation tissulaire. Cette réparation tissulaire peut se faire sur plusieurs modes : soit une réparation ad integrum des tissus avec un retour à l’état initial, soit une réparation aberrante conduisant à la formation de lésions pathologiques ou encore une réparation aboutissant, à la fin des mécanismes mis en jeu, à une cicatrice. Les lésions ou les cicatrices présentes au niveau de la lamina propria sont donc responsables de perturbations vibratoires et ainsi de dysphonies. La première partie de ce travail (Etude I), a permis d’étudier deux lésions bénignes et particulièrement communes des cordes vocales : le polype et l’œdème de Reinke, dont l’apparence macroscopique c’est à dire le phénotype peut varier ou être similaire. Nous avons été capables, grâce à l’étude de l’ADNc par Microarray, d’établir le profil d’expression génétique de ces deux lésions de façon à les différencier, mais aussi à établir les processus de réactivité tissulaire et moléculaire responsable de leur développement. L’œdème de Reinke est caractérisé par les changements relatifs au stress oxydatif avec la présence de mécanismes de défense et de protection cellulaire contre le stress oxydatif, évitant probablement toute évolution vers une transformation maligne. Le polype est le siège de mécanismes de remodelage de la matrice extracellulaire et de réparation tissulaire ; il est apparu comme une lésion inflammatoire avec un nombre élevé de fibroblastes qui assistent le processus de réparation. Il est régulé par un blocage de la progression cellulaire et n’apparaît pas comme une lésion induite par le stress oxydatif. En nous basant sur les résultats de l’étude I, nous avons, dans cette première partie, initié l’étude II, de façon à sélectionner les gènes d’intérêt au sein des lésions malignes impliqués dans les processus de développement et de réactivité tissulaire et moléculaire de ces lésions. Ces gènes jouent un rôle dans la prolifération cellulaire, l’angiogenèse et l’invasion tumorale. L’objectif final de cette étude II, est de mettre en évidence les mécanismes de développement et d’évolution des lésions bénignes et malignes des cordes vocales, en comparant le niveau d’expression des gènes sélectionnés par l’étude I et II. En effet, ces lésions bénignes et malignes, malgré une exposition chronique à des facteurs de risque « identiques » (tabac, stress oxydatif, phono-traumatisme), présentent des processus de réparation différents. Nous avons poursuivi l’étude des phénomènes de réparation tissulaire par l’étude des caractéristiques d’une matrice extracellulaire synthétique. La matrice extracellulaire de la lamina propria possède en effet des caractéristiques spécifiques responsables des caractéristiques vibratoires de l’ensemble de la lamina propria. Lors des phénomènes de réparation notamment, il peut apparaître un tissu cicatriciel très gênant pour la vibration et nous avons étudié à l’aide des procédés de la biologie moléculaire, la réparation tissulaire des cordes vocales sur un modèle animal in vivo. Nous avons ainsi montré l’intérêt de l’adjonction d’une matrice extracellulaire synthétique pour diminuer les risques de cicatrice fibreuse. L’acide hyaluronique qui est un des composants de la matrice extracellulaire est d’un intérêt majeur dans la réparation tissulaire. L’étude III a permis d’évaluer une matrice extracellulaire synthétique (MECs) à base d’acide hyaluronique et de gélatine (Carbylan TM-GSX) dans le but d’optimiser la réparation tissulaire et les propriétés biomécaniques des cordes vocales. L’injection de Carbylan TM-GSX 5% (5% de gélatine et 95% d’acide hyaluronique) a fourni un meilleur environnement moléculaire et a permis d’améliorer la réparation tissulaire et par conséquent les propriétés viscoélastiques des cordes vocales. Par la suite, nous avons été capables dans l’étude IV, d’identifier les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués et responsables de la réparation tissulaire à un stade précoce et de l’amélioration de celle ci. Dans l’étude V, nous avons évalué la réponse inflammatoire à l’injection de Carbylan TM-GSX 5% au niveau de la corde vocale et avons montré qu’elle n’avait aucune conséquence pathologique pour le tissu hôte.
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Godey, Benoit. „La laryngectomie horizontale sus-glottique dans le traitement des cancers du vestibule larynge et de la vallecule : a propos de 65 cas operes dans le service d'orl du c.h.u. de rennes“. Rennes 1, 1994.

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Hartl, Dana M. „Analyse acoustique et aerodynamique objective de la paralysie recurrentielle unilaterale : etude intra-individuelle sur deux patients“. Paris 5, 2001.

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He, Xiaoguang. „Etude anatomique des nerfs périphériques et des rameaux nerveux anastomotiques de l'anse de Galien du larynx chez l'homme (A propos de 100 dissections)“. Bordeaux 2, 1997.

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Lacis, Ugis. „Modelling air flow in the larynx“. Thesis, Umeå universitet, Institutionen för fysik, 2012.

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Yamashita, Masaru. „Regeneration of the larynx and trachea“. Kyoto University, 2007.

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Robin, Philippe. „Les formes severes du stridor larynge congenital essentiel (s. L. C. E. ) : a propos de 51 cas traites par chirurgie endoscopique ; la supra-glottoplastie“. Lyon 1, 1992.

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Pacaud, Serge. „Valeur de la tomodensitometrie dans l'etude de l'extension laryngee des carcinomes du larynx et du pharygno larynx“. Lyon 1, 1991.

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Miller, Sean Myles. „Post laryngoplasty ultrasonography of the horse larynx“. Diss., University of Pretoria, 2009.

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Bücher zum Thema "Larynx"


H, Ossoff Robert, Hrsg. The larynx. Philadelphia, Pa: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003.

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P, Fried Marvin, und Ferlito Alfio, Hrsg. The larynx. 3. Aufl. San Diego: Plural Pub., 2007.

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Nicholls, A. G. b. 1870., Hrsg. Carcinoma of larynx. [S.l: s.n., 1985.

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P, Fried Marvin, Hrsg. Larynx: Multidisciplinary approach. 2. Aufl. St. Louis: Mosby, 1996.

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Hermans, Robert, Hrsg. Imaging of the Larynx. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002.

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Meyer-Breiting, Erhard, und Arne Burkhardt. Tumours of the Larynx. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1988.

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Robin, Peter E., Jean Powell, Guy M. Holme, John A. H. Waterhouse, Christopher C. McConkey und Janet E. Robertson. Cancer of the Larynx. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1989.

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Alfio, Ferlito, Hrsg. Cancer of the larynx. Boca Raton, Fla: CRC Press, 1985.

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1934-, Bailey Byron J., und Biller Hugh F, Hrsg. Surgery of the larynx. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1985.

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Thiagarajan, Balasubramanian. Malignant tumors of larynx. India: otolaryngology online, 2011.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Larynx"


“Sara” Jiang, Xiaoyin. „Larynx“. In Practical Head and Neck Pathology, 59–76. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Hruban, Ralph H., William H. Westra, Timothy H. Phelps und Christina Isacson. „Larynx“. In Surgical Pathology Dissection, 30–34. New York, NY: Springer New York, 1996.

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Bährle-Rapp, Marina. „Larynx“. In Springer Lexikon Kosmetik und Körperpflege, 311. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.

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Baghi, M., S. Bisdas, H. Claassen, P. R. Issing, R. Knecht, F. Paulsen, A. Müller et al. „Larynx“. In Facharztwissen HNO-Heilkunde, 561–606. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.

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Greess, Holger, Lorenz Jäger und Michael Lell. „Larynx“. In Bildgebung HNO-Heilkunde, 399–453. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

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Dejonckere, P. H., und L. J. Hoeve. „Larynx“. In Keel-neus-ooraandoeningen, 219–25. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2018.

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Gedroyc, Wladyslaw, und Sheila Rankin. „Larynx“. In Practical CT Techniques, 58–59. London: Springer London, 1992.

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Burkhardt, A., und E. Meyer-Breiting. „Larynx“. In Spezielle pathologische Anatomie, 547–1064. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1999.

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Guerrieri, Patrizia, Paolo Montemaggi, Volker Budach, Carmen Stromberger, Volker Budach, Volker Budach, Anthony E. Dragun et al. „Larynx“. In Encyclopedia of Radiation Oncology, 417–23. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Greess, H., und M. Lell. „Larynx“. In Bildgebung HNO-Heilkunde, 357–412. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Larynx"


Mialland, Adrien, Elliot Bouchet, Abdoul Diallo und Agnès Bonvilain. „Implantable Active Artificial Larynx: Timing Evaluation of a Laboratory Prototype*“. In 2024 International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM), 177–82. IEEE, 2024.

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Moisik, Scott, und Bryan Gick. „The quantal larynx revisited“. In ICA 2013 Montreal. ASA, 2013.

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Whitaker, L. C., und D. J. B. Pearce. „Larynx synchronous formant analysis“. In European Conference on Speech Technology. ISCA: ISCA, 1987.

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Heidary, Moeid, Johannes Schultz und Nina Dominas. „Späte Radionekrose des Larynx“. In 94. Jahresversammlung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e.V., Bonn. Georg Thieme Verlag, 2023.

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Cheburkanov, Vsevolod, Ethan Keene, Jason Pipal und Vladislav V. Yakovlev. „Towards in vivo larynx imaging: assessing mechanical properties of larynx with Brillouin microscopy“. In Optical Biopsy XX: Toward Real-Time Spectroscopic Imaging and Diagnosis, herausgegeben von Robert R. Alfano, Stavros G. Demos und Angela B. Seddon. SPIE, 2022.

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Just, T., T. Wiechmann, O. Stachs, J. Stave, R. Guthoff, G. Hüttmann und H. W. Pau. „Confocal endomicroscopy of the larynx“. In SPIE BiOS. SPIE, 2012.

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Dominas, N., F. Dröge und BA Stuck. „Seltene Differentialdiagnose: die Larynx-Tuberkulose“. In Abstract- und Posterband – 90. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für HNO-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e.V., Bonn – Digitalisierung in der HNO-Heilkunde. Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2019.

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Heidary, Moeid, Johannes Schultz und Nina Dominas. „Delayed radionecrosis of the larynx“. In 94th Annual Meeting German Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery e.V., Bonn. Georg Thieme Verlag, 2023.

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Moritz, Florian, Stephan Hackenberg und Thomas Gehrke. „Granularzelltumore des Larynx – Zwei Fallberichte“. In 95. Jahresversammlung Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e. V., Bonn. Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2024.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Larynx"


Pacheco-Ojeda, Luis, Carolina Sáenz-Gómez, Stalin Cañizares-Quisiguiña, Tatiana Borja-Herrera, Juan Carlos Vallejo-Garzón und Sergio Poveda. Function Sparing Conservative Approach of a Low-Grade Chondrosarcoma of the Larynx: Case Report and Literature Review. Science Repository, März 2024.

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Background: Laryngeal cancer is relatively uncommon in Ecuador. Usually epithelial in origin, the most frequent histological type is squamous cell carcinoma. The most common mesenchymal tumor is chondrosarcoma. Most laryngeal chondrosarcomas are treated with total laryngectomy, but a conservative function sparing resection is recommended in low-grade limited tumors. Case Report: In a 68-year-old female nonsmoker patient, a small tumor was found in the posterior left aspect of the cricoid cartilage in a computed tomography (CT) performed immediately after an unexpected difficulty to pass the endotracheal tube for a thoracoscopic biopsy of 4 cm tumor of the left lung, in another hospital. The patient underwent, then, an initial tracheostomy, a total thyroidectomy for a goiter and a biopsy of the tumor of the cricoid cartilage whose pathological study was inconclusive. One month later, a low-grade neuroendocrine pulmonary tumor was completed resected. Two years later, a CT scan showed the cricoid lesion with the same characteristics. At endoscopic video laryngoscopy, two subglottic masses that narrowed the airway in approximately 60% of the normal caliber, were observed located at the posterior and left walls. An intraluminal resection was performed through a transcricoid anterior approach. The pathological diagnosis was a low-grade chondrosarcoma. Tracheal decannulation was performed one month later. At an endoscopic video laryngoscopy performed six months post-operatively, the tracheal caliber and mucosa were normal. The patient remained with normal voice and breathing. Conclusion: We report the second case of chondrosarcoma of the larynx in our country, treated by a conservative approach.
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Dżaman, Karolina, und Katarzyna Czerwaty. Extracellular Vesicle-Based Drug Delivery Systems for Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Systematic Review. INPLASY - International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols, April 2023.

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Review question / Objective: This systematic review aims to identify studies investigating the membrane vesicle-based drug de-livery systems (DDS) for HNSCC and define the potential of extracellular vesicles (EVs) in the treatment of this disease according to the current state of knowledge. Condition being studied: Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), which is ranked the sixth most common malignancy worldwide, originates in the epithelium of the oral and nasal cavities, pharynx, and larynx. The treatment of HNSCC remains a challenge and requires the involvement of a multidisciplinary team. Currently available methods of treatment, such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy, cause significant dysfunctions and toxicity, which highlights the necessity to explore new therapeutic options. One-third of patients treated with intended curative surgery and adjuvant therapy experience local or regional recurrence and/or distant metastasis.
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Introduction- Malignancy/cancer is a dreadful condition affecting not only physical but also mental wellbeing of a person. Surgeries associated with its treatment are also leads to morbidity. So apart from treatment we need to nd out the factors which are precipitating for any cancer.I tried to study the distribution of malignant cases received in histopathology lab of a tertiary care centre in two and a half month period with respect to its frequency, site,age gender and important histological types. In this study, we Resultshave seen 118 cases of malignancy in histopathology section in 2 and half months period. Ratio of malignancy in male and female is 0.9 that is malignancy rate is slightly more in females. The reason is increasing incidence of malignancy of uterine cervix and breast.Out of 62 cases of malignancy in females ,24 is in cervix only and 11 is in breast, which together constitute more than half of all cases in females. Among males most common malignancy was oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma, it constitute nearly half of all malignant cases in males, which is 27 out of 56 cases. Two cases of laryngeal carcinoma, and 4 cases of urinary bladder carcinoma are seen exclusively in males, Probably because all the three cancers i.e. oral cavity, larynx and urinary bladder are associated with smoking and tobacco chewing .Hence If a campaign is started to Prohibit smoking and tobacco chewing and more important if there production and selling can be banned by government, the incidence of malignancy can become nearly half in males. This study provides a framework for assessing the s Conclusion - tatus and trends of cancer in India. It shall guide for action to strengthen efforts to improve cancer prevention and control to reduce morbidity and mortality
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Sorenson, Frank C. Stratification requirements for germination of western larch (Larix occidentalis Nutt.) seed. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, 1990.

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Lepage, B. A., und J. F. Basinger. Early tertiary larix from the Buchanan Lake formation, Canadian Arctic Archipelago, and a consideration of the phytogeography of the genus. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1991.

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Гарлицька, Т. С. Substandard Vocabulary in the System of Urban Communication. Криворізький державний педагогічний університет, 2018.

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The article is devoted to substandard elements which are considered as one of the components in the system of urban forms of communication. The Object of our research is substandard vocabulary, the Subject is structural characteristics of the modern city language, the Purpose of the study is to define the main types of substandard vocabulary and their role in the system of urban communication. The theoretical base of our research includes the scientific works of native and foreign linguists, which are devoted to urban linguistics (B. Larin, M. Makovskyi, V. Labov, T. Yerofeieva, L. Pederson, R. McDavid, O. Horbach, L. Stavytska, Y. Stepanov, S. Martos). Different lexical and phraseological units, taken from the Ukrainian, Russian and American Dictionaries of slang and jargon, serve as the material of our research. The main components of the city language include literary language, territorial dialects, different intermediate transitional types, which are used in the colloquial everyday communication but do not have territorial limited character, and social dialects. The structural characteristics, proposed in the article, demonstrate the variety and correlation of different subsystems of the city language. Today peripheral elements play the main role in the city communication. They are also called substandard, non-codified, marginal, non-literary elements or the jargon styles of communication. Among substandard elements of the city language the most important are social dialects, which include such subsystems as argot, jargon and slang. The origin, functioning and characteristics of each subsystem are studied on the material of linguistic literature of different countries. It is also ascertained that argot is the oldest form of sociolects, jargon divides into corporative and professional ones, in the structure of slangy words there are common and special slang. Besides, we can speak about sociolectosentrism of the native linguistics and linguemosentrism of the English tradition of slang nomination. Except social dialects, the important structural elements of the city language are also intermediate transitional types, which include koine, colloquialisms, interdialect, surzhyk, pidgin and creole. Surzhyk can be attributed to the same type of language formations as pidgin and creole because these types of oral speech were created mostly by means of the units mixing of the obtruded language of the parent state with the elements of the native languages.
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