Dissertationen zum Thema „La phénoménologie“
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Pourahmadali, Tochahi Masoud. „Contribution à une phénoménologie de la traduction : idée et possibilité d'une recherche phénoménologique de la traduction à partir de la phénoménologie d'Edmund Husserl“. Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015USPCA179.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe central thought of the present work is the "principium redendae rationis sufficientis", the translation of which Heidegger himself dealt with in his reflections on translation, but without drawing these in relation to the issue of translation. In other words, we raise the following question: If something like translation is possible, what is then the decisive reason and why is translation more likely possible than impossible? The question with regard to the possibility of translation in the sense of ratio sufficiens enquires about the essence of translation as a specific location in which identity, but also non-identity, are simultaneously problematized and thematised. In order to elucidate our initial question, we refer to Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology. Irrespective of the fact that Husserl himself thought of a such possibility of translation, as we intend to show, the interest of Husserl’s phenomenology for a theory of translation consists in offering a formidable instrument of linguistic analysis whose specificity does not rely on a purely formal analysis, but on an analysis of form deriving from the content of consciousness, in which each form, according to the intentional mode of consciousness, is either disposing of its conscious equivalent or is explicable through a such content. The idea and the possibility of a phenomenological translation research is to carry out in this present work starting from the investigation of a such consciousness, that presents itself at the same time as a translation-consciousness
Der dieser Arbeit zugrundeliegende Leitgedanke ist das "principium redendae rationis sufficientis", mit dessen Übersetzung sich Heidegger bereits in seinen Betrachtungen zu Übersetzung befasst hat, ohne jedoch diese selbst auf die eigentliche Übersetzungsproblematik zu beziehen. Mit anderen Worten fragen wir uns: Wenn etwas wie Übersetzung möglich ist, was ist der entscheidende Grund dafür und weshalb ist etwas derartiges vielmehr möglich als unmöglich? Die Frage nach der Möglichkeit der Übersetzung im Sinne der ratio sufficiens fragt nach dem Wesen der Übersetzung als Ort, an dem sich Identität und Nicht-Identität gleichzeitig thematisieren und problematisieren. Um unsere Ausgangsfrage zu erforschen, beziehen wir uns auf die Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls. Unabhängig davon, dass Husserl selbst, wie wir zeigen werden, bereits an eine solche Möglichkeit der Übersetzung gedacht hat, besteht das Interesse der Husserlschen Phänomenologie für die Übersetzungstheorie darin, ein ausgezeichnetes Instrument zur linguistischen Analyse vorzuschlagen, dessen Spezifizität nicht in einer reinen Formanalyse besteht, sondern in der Analyse der Form ausgehend vom Bewusstseinsinhalt, in dem jede Form entweder gemäß dem intentionalen Modus des Bewusstseins über ein bewusstseinsmäßiges Äquivalent verfügt oder von einem solchen Inhalt aus erklärbar ist. Die Idee und Möglichkeit einer phänomenologischen Übersetzungsforschung wird im Ausgang von der Erforschung eines solchen Bewusstseins, das sich auch als ein Übersetzungsbewusstsein darstellt, durchgeführt
Rizo-Patrón, de Lerner Rosemary. „Art et phénoménologie“. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Departamento de Humanidades, 2013. http://repositorio.pucp.edu.pe/index/handle/123456789/112777.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFourcher, Gérard. „Phénoménologie de l'abandon“. Paris 10, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA100064.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAbandonment is viewed as a major kind of helplessness and child's rejection by parents, opening a specific and original field to rebuilding of social link. The reconstruction is centered in the second family myth and social working. Substitute family and social workers are mediators between the first family which is incestuous and violent -unable to create psychically- and the quest for a state-guaranteed social acknowledgment. Such a delegation realises a vicarious mission, the goal of which being to reconcile the family law and the city law, about a child's personalization: it is a sublimatory aim. It takes root in guilt and rivalry; but the deadly and symptomatic side of them may be perceived when vicarious action is likely to spoil. As a rule guilt and rivalry are appearing outside a therapeutic and transference settle, since they are displaying as veiled through new substitute parenthood and social organisation so as to screen their own pathologic features. Thus the matter consists of binding such an experience of vicarious action to the genesis of categories that frame and organize it in the social field. Therefore that connection deals with phenomenology and not only with clinical psychopathology. Those categories are the following: artificial parental link and public education. This collective awareness of abandonment and rebuilding of social link is typified in two shapes: firstly vicarious foster working, secondly vicarious adoptive action. The former shows a relation to state power regarding an actual kind of universality; but that sublimation most often finds out an incompleteness through its common and narcissic features with perversion. The latter reveals how the state is giving up its own power and how the adoptive family may recover the common status of basic family. So this analysis brings to light a correspondence between a process of socialization and a psychological organization. Showing sociability strata and their mutations may contribute to an anthropology of some cultural changes and enlighten the practitioner's behaviour as well as ethics
Finetti, Stéphane. „La phénoménologie de la phénoménologie de E. Fink et son problème directeur“. Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011TOU20133.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis concerns E. Fink's phenomenology of phenomenology, witch the “Sixth Cartesian meditation” (1932) is the main document. The research is focussed to address it in its basic issue and to analyse it in its different forms. To reach this result a series of investigations both in Finkian phenomenology of phenomenology and in Husserl's phenomenology were performed. In the last one we find the methodological problem that Fink explored in the “Sixth meditation”: the phenomenalizing of original temporality. This item was elaborated by Fink as the problem of unity between the transcendental reduction and the return of the phenomenological onlooker into the natural attitude. In this work we highlight the importance of concept of Schwingung to think these double movements of phenomenalizing: this does not consist for the phenomenological onlooker to put himself in the constitutive level of original temporality, bur to oscillate [schwingen] between it and the constitutive level of immanent time
S̆vec, Ondr̆ej. „La phénoménologie de l'affectivité“. Lyon, Ecole normale supérieure, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006ENSF0090.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFirst, I compare Descartes' and Spinoza's theories of passions and I evaluate the impact of those theories on the traditionnal body-mind problem. I analyze in detail Descartes' hesitation between two accounts of emotions : on one hand, Descartes explained emotions as psychological states having their reasons; on the other, he accounted for them by their physiological causes. In Spinoza's naturalistic approach, emotions are analyzed in their own terms, neither specifically material. But the problem for Spinoza remains the same and its is the one we are still facing nowadays : we can causally connect emotions with other cognitive states such as believes, desires and judgments, or we can explain them in terms of bodily processes. It seems thus necessary to bridge the explanatory gap between the psychological and physiological accounts of emotions. I resist the reductionist approach of contemporary "affective neuroscience" since objective differences on the physiological level cannot explain the qualitative discrepancy between more sensations (e. G. Headache or hunger) and emotions that can be evaluated according to their appropriatieness or (ir)rationality. This is because emotions, unlike feelings, involve implicit judgments of the changes in one's relationship to the environment. But, I also resist the cognitive approaches to emotions according to which emotions consist mostly in "propositional attitues". Finally, I present my own "somatic appraisail theory" inspired by phenomenology that should provide a reconciliation of the two approaches. I argue that through emotions, we are bodily evaluating the relationship between our goals and our environment
Beaulieu, Alain. „Deleuze et la phénoménologie“. Paris 8, 2001. http://www.bibliotheque-numerique-paris8.fr/fre/ref/165119/174493835/.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBonfanti, Thierry, und Thierry Bonfanti. „Phénoménologie de la situation médiative“. Phd thesis, Université de Bretagne occidentale - Brest, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00729040.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBarrera, Claudia Fernanda. „La phénoménologie de la séduction“. Paris 8, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA082737.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle"The phenomenology of seduction" is viewed according to Gaston Bachelard’s philosophy. The categories of seducer and seduction, which are usually derived from psychology, have been overtaken by the concept of seduction which is present at the individual levels of immanent reality. This phenomenology describes the essence of attraction and its various expressions : love, eroticism, desire, perversion, rhetoric and politics. But seduction is an intuition that becomes an additional source of joy and produces an overabundant being in the world because it holds in itself the power that is the distinctive feature of attraction. The Subject must have an emotional structure that enables him or her to bring about new forms of seduction because the latter is a political entity which everyone fashions in himself or herself. We offer an new aesthetic reason that transcends the notions of the beautiful, of art and of the sublime and put it at the heart of the being so that, with his or her will of power and imagination, he or she may develop new values to assert life and the sacred in the world of imagination
Mangiulea, Mihai. „Une phénoménologie de la photographie“. Toulouse 2, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007TOU20044.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe thesis provides an analysis of photography from a phenomenological perspective. The aim is to establish a phenomenology of the photographic image by means of a hermeneutical approach to the "perception" of the object (as "object of the experience"). My argument draws on a corpus of relevant theoretical responses to the status of the image and associated processes of imagination. The main topics of discussion are: (1) the specificity of the photographic image (which inevitably implies the couple index-icon) within the framework of a general typology of the image, (2) the relationship of photography to reality, (3) the phenomenological constitution of the photographic image and its reception, (4) the problem of the meaning, (5) the problem of truth in the photography, (6) the question of temporality and the related issues of memory and documentary evidence, (7) the postmodern discourse on photography and its proclamation of the death of photography
Lasvigne, Jean-Noe͏̈l. „Phénoménologie différentielle de la conscience“. Aix-Marseille 1, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989AIX10041.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe subject is to start a process of a phenomenological nature in order : to describe the variety of ways underwhose appear the existing concrete consciences, to compare these many consciences so as to differentiate them from one to an other, to grade them by the effect that the phenomenological analysis it. Self reveal, and design like a schematic difference of the concrete consciences letting come to light an increasing result of complexities from one conscience to an other
Bonfanti, Thierry. „Phénoménologie de la situation médiative“. Thesis, Brest, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012BRES0007/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWondering about the increasing use of the word « mediation », I reviewed some of the most common practices referring to this word which was, in some cases, misused. On this basis, I strived to draw the outline of a concept in need of definition. In doing so, I identified two characteristics of mediation, namely the triangularity and the non-directivity, as well as its two prerequisites, i.e. the consent of the participants and the recognition of the mediator. Moreover, I noted that mediation does not apply only to situations of conflict and that its stake is not exclusively emotional. It could be material, leading to a negotiating mediation. Crossing these two variables, I then propose a typology of mediation practices. In a second part of my thesis, I set up a phenomenological analysis of mediation, using video recordings of role playing. This analysis led me to broaden my own perspective, from a mediation as « mediator’s action » to a more complex scenario that I called « mediative situation », where the mediator influences the participants and is in turn influenced by them. This situation, far from being restricted to an established practice, is indeed a social and frequent phenomenon. The confidence the participants have in the mediator, the role they give him/her as a “secure base” and as an alternative to the face to face situation, and his function in supporting communication, lay the basic condition of the mediative situation, a long way ahead of mediations techniques
Blouin, Philippe S. „La phénoménologie comme manière de vivre“. Thesis, Normandie, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020NORMR009.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAt the heart of phenomenology lies a metaphysical claim according to which the phenomenal stream of lived experience (Erlebnisstrom) derives its meaning and its being from itself, rather than from some external or underlying reality. Moreover, this claim of the existential autonomy of the phenomenal stream, or of the equivalence of being and appearing, can only be verified through a complete transformation of our relationship to the world, where we seek to become mindful of things, and of the mystery in which they are steeped, rather than seeking to master them. Taken together, this metaphysical claim and this attitude of letting-be (Seinlassen) constitute the two pillars of phenomenology as a way of life, which the present thesis proposes to describe in broad outline. To do so, we focus our research on the work of the founder of phenomenology, Edmund Husserl, which we submit however to an internal critique; it is Husserl who both allows us to contemplate the idea of phenomenology as a way of life and at the same time poses the greatest obstacle to it. This tension within Husserlian thought can be seen in the two imperatives that define it: that of the “return to the things themselves”, on the one hand, and that of eidetic description, on the other. With the help of various interlocutors – who allow us to interrogate Husserl retrospectively (Pyrrho), contemporaneously (James, Bergson) and prospectively (Heidegger) – we show that these two imperatives are in fact incompatible, and propose in order to lift this contradiction to eliminate one of its terms, namely the imperative of eidetic description. Thus a path is cleared for a phenomenology that fully commits itself to its existential vocation. Finally, in parallel to this internal critique of Husserl, and to better support it, we develop a genetic explanation of the transcendental ἐποχή, where it is characterized as a conversion from the natural attitude to a post-reflective, that is mystical, form of consciousness
Cauquil, Xavier. „L'Union souveraine : phénoménologie politique de l'Europe“. Paris 1, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA010715.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBeltechi, Ligia. „La phénoménologie de l'imagination chez Husserl“. Paris 12, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA120058.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe imagination is an originary act of conscience that creates a multiplicity of imaginary worlds, based on the distinction between the different types of intentional constitution of images. Opposed to the perception that requires a sensible saturation of the intentional act, the image has no intuitive appearance and supposes an intentional conflict. The traditional concept of image has no meaning anymore, the image is understood as a dynamic reality that requires a triple intentional constitution as a physical object a "Bildoject" and a "Bildsubject". Husserl makes a difference between the images that suppose the simultaneous constitution of all three objects (photography and memories as images created by association and art as a symbolic image) and images that require the simultaneous constitution of two objects (the theater as perceptive and symbolic fictum, the fiction as action fictum, and the dream as pure fictum)
Abettan, Camille. „Phénoménologie et psychiatrie : Heidegger, Binswanger, Maldiney“. Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015MON30010.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePsychiatric phenomenology is an ambiguous object, whose status is difficult to clarify. Fundamentally, our goal is to contribute to define what is psychiatric phenomenology and to clarify its range of validity. For that purpose, we focus our study on three major authors : Heidegger, Binswanger and Maldiney. At first, we study why and how phenomenology and psychiatry were brought together by Binswanger, and why he favoured phenomenology to the detriment of others theories which were contemporary. Then we compare the different models of existence developped by each of the three autors within the framework of the psychiatric problematics. We finally rule on the relationship and the interest of psychiatric phenomenology for psychiatric pratical tasks, and on how we can conceive of the relationship between phenomenolgy and psychiatry within psychiatric phenomenology
Sales, Delachambre Marie-Françoise. „Le sourire : phénoménologie, iconographie et spiritualité“. Thesis, Paris 10, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA100092.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe smile is a distinctive funny face (grimace) appearing on a human face, with several dimensions: physiological , psychological and social. The descriptive analysis of the smile, its distinction from laughter, but also what characterizes it as a specific and expressive sign language, with respect to animal expression, make it possible to establish that the one who smiles places himself in a situation of openness to others and to the world, and in a state of non-coincidence to oneself which is a characteristic of humanity.That's why, seeing someone smile is not only about recognizing an emotion, or even sharing it. It is experiencing the way an individual inhabits the world and finds his bearings. It is to sense the possibility of a new kind of relationships between human beings, a shift to an open society and morality. Lastly, thanks to the irony and charm of some smiles, seeing someone smile is the opportunity to feel the almost imperceptible presence of a Je-ne-sais-quoi (I don't know what) which is able to fulfill our lives. Such subtle qualities of the smile have never been ignored by religious spiritualities. Within each of them, the smile has a place identifiable from writings or iconographic documents. Nevertheless this place is hardly ever highlighted. The smile, perhaps because of its openness that characterizes it, can be a threat to all the thoughts that become rigid
Mahéo, Gabriel. „Le problème de l'amour en phénoménologie“. Thesis, Rennes 1, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016REN1S109.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOur purpose in this work is to build a phenomenological description of human love through three ways of investigation. First, we describe love as a mode of intentionnality, with Scheler's and Husserl's analysis, in order to elucidate how love reveals or constitutes values. Then, in the second part, we approach the phenomenological problem of love as configuration of a new world, by reconsidering the debate between Heidegger and Binswanger about his function within the Dasein existential analysis. By doing so, the problem of love appears in his connection with ontology. In the third part of this work, we finally try to expose the human meaning of love, which appears in Sartre's phenomenology. By including love in a phenomenology of existence, Sartre allows us to understand how it must be described with the opposition of authenticity and inauthenticity, that is to say without including any theological presupposition in the phenomenological description
Cabestan, Philippe. „Psychologie et intentionnalité : l'idée d'une psychologie phénoménologique dans l'oeuvre de Husserl et de Sartre“. Paris 1, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA010692.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe relationships between phenomenology and psychology have always been problematical. Is phenomenology only a psychology ? What are the differences between psychology and phenomenology ? Is it not necessary to confer on phenomenological psychology a specific place which wouldn't be that of phenomenology and that of modern psychology ? Husserl intends to answer these questions with the concept of intentional psychology. It would seem, however, that he doesn't really succeed, because he remains prisoner of a cartesian conception of intentional subjectivity. Following husserl's reflexion, J. -P. Sarthe proposes, in l'imaginaire, a phenomenological psychology of imagination. Nevertheless, he is not content with repeating what he discovers in ideen zu einer reinen phaenomenologie ; indeed, his conception of intentionality is remarkably different and lays the foundations of a new anthropology which is to be found in l'etre et le neant. As a consequence, sartre's description of human imagination differs from husserl's and is all the more interesting as it also concerns different types of consciousness such as dreaming consciousness, hallucinating consciousness or raving consciousness. However, one can't be again totally satisfied with sartre's psychological phenomenology in so far as sartre asserts, contrary to all expectations, the absolute spontaneity of consciousness, so that he is unable to account for passivity. So, aren't we invited to another conception of intentionality?
Forestier, Florian. „Le réel et le transcendantal : enquête sur les fondements spéculatifs de la phénoménologie et le statut du " phénoménologique "“. Phd thesis, Université Toulouse le Mirail - Toulouse II, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00634267.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRochefort, Luc. „Phénoménologie sociologique du pouvoir interactionnel de l'apparence“. Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1999. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk1/tape10/PQDD_0019/MQ46626.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTalbot, François. „Phénoménologie, ontologie et réalité : Hegel et Marx“. Thesis, Université Laval, 2014. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2014/30720/30720.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleChaberty, David. „Introduction à la phénoménologie cosmologique d'Eugen Fink“. Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00713806.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMazabraud, Bertrand. „De la juridicité : approche de phénoménologie herméneutique“. Thesis, Poitiers, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013POIT5009.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAlthough everyone uses law in their daily life, no one seems to agree on juridicity. To approach juridicity, hermeneutic phenomenology, as practiced by Ricoeur, provides valuable milestones. On the one hand, hermeneutic phenomenology allows a dialogue with the positivist theories with the purpose of better explaining the structure of law, its objects (norms, institutions) and sequencing, though positivism remains incapable of explaining what establishes or authorizes such a structure (I). On the other, juridicity can be approached through its linguistic and hermeneutical modalities. In fact, law is the formulation of priority social meanings which, to be applied must be constantly amended and enriched. Legal hermeneutics is therefore understood as the dialectics between the invention of the fairest solution and its acceptability as per the existing law. However, if the legal reason is better understood, it cannot, on its own, validate the existence of a normative statement. To do that, it also requires the conventional device which enables to say what is law. Thus, whereas normativism leads to a primacy of law, legal hermeneutics lead to the primacy of the judge though the former presupposes the latter and vice versa (II). At the end, Ricoeur's philosophical hermeneutics brings back juridicity to the paradoxes of politics and ethics. Under political paradox, law is the means by which a historic community acquires the ability to decide. It is, thus, endowed with the authority to allow the sustainability of the concert of action which is at the heart of this community's existence. In the eyes of justice, on the other hand, law is understood as the exception that one can oppose to the indefinite solicitude which one owes to one's fellows. Hence the reason for the validity of the established legal statements is based on the tragedy of action, and can be understood as a presumption of moral and political validity (III)
Meessen, Yves. „Percée de l'ego : Maître Eckhart en phénoménologie“. Thesis, Poitiers, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014POIT5006/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMeister Eckhart gave to think of three big tenors of the phenomenology: Martin Heidegger, Jacques Derrida and Michel Henry. This presence of a medieval thinker, at the same time a philosopher and a theologian, is not without asking question in a contemporary context. A review of all the eckhartian occurences in phenomenology led to a double observation. On one hand, his influence is decisive and on the other hand, it is divergent. Far from being trivial, the recourse to Eckhart concerns the phenomenological method itself. It appears where the constituent power of the ego makes problem, that where the husserlian phenomenology becomes problematic. However, the solutions brought by Heidegger and by Henry are paradoxical, whereas Derrida stays in a deliberate ambiguity. Alternative or non-alternative: either let go itself in the temporality by deconstructing the ego, either get loose from the world to establish the subjectivity; either do not choose between the temporality and the ego. This conflict of interpretations can be solved only by returning to the hermeneutic principles which the Thuringian operates himself. It follows itself an opening of the ego in an athematic transcendental alterity. Because Meister Eckhart develops a real « mystic speculative », it is possible to think a theologal repercussion on the phenomenology of Husserl. The approach of formidable questions of the transcendental intersubjectivity is renewed there. Still it is necessary to accept the breakthrough of the ego
Vigneault, Luc. „Phénoménologie et concept de l'expérience : l'apport heidegerrien“. Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 1990. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/7900.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLeite, Sampaio Monteiro Luis. „Pour une phénoménologie du langage chez Wittgenstein“. Thesis, Paris 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA010610.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis dissertation suggests highlighting the existence of a phenomenology of language in the “Work in Progress” of Ludwig Wittgenstein. It will demonstrate, by a global approach of his reflection, the unit of his works developed around the project of building a science of language which would be the cement and main thread of his whole thought. Thanks to the working hypothesis, called "The Whole Wittgenstein", created for the needs of our study, this research allowed us to submit a new interpretation of the thoughts of the Vienna philosopher, overtaking the classic exegeses often attached to the traditional themes of the wittensteinian corpus. To reach this point, it was first necessary to face and solve the question of a wittgensteinian phenomenology from very convincing phenomenological clues in his works. Then we had to bring to light its phenomenological approach of language. This perspective had a double interest : on one hand, to show how Wittgenstein borrowed, forged, and integrated in the center of its philosophical concerns the husserlian phenomenology concepts, and how on the other hand, during his various changes of linguistic paradigms, he switched from the phenomenological language to a phenomenology of language. By continuing the question the relevance of the thesis of a phenomenology of language in the “Tractatus” author’s philosophy, a detour by “the history” of the phenomenology of the language has become indispensable to encircle its sense and bound its outlines
Linsefors, Linda. „Phénoménologie de la cosmologie quantique à boucles“. Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016GREAY009/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLoop quantum gravity (LQG) is an attempt to solve the problem of quantum gravity. Loop quantum cosmology (LQC) is an attempt to apply LQG to early cosmology. The purpose of LQC is to connect LQG with observations. It is very hard to observe any quantum gravity effects because enormous energy density is most likely required. This is exactly why the early Universe is chosen as a stage to search for quantum gravity phenomena.The central result of LQC is that the big bang singularity is replaced by a big bounce. However this is not something that is possible to observe today. For this reason, we have investigated how cosmic perturbations are affected by LQC. We have used the so called deformed algebra approach, and have calculated the resulting spectrums for both scalar and tensor perturbations.The spectrums that we have found are not compatible with observation. However this can not bee taken as very strong evidence against LQG since there are too many assumptions on the way. Rather this is a result for this specific interpretation of LQC.We have also studied the background dynamics (the homogenous part of the equations) of LQC. Since slow-roll inflation is essential in explaining many features of the universe, including the CMB, we want to know if slow-roll inflation is compatible with LQC. We have found that, indeed, it is. If a square potential inflation field is added to the theory, the bounce will lift the potential energy enough to provide around 145 e-folds of slow-roll inflation. However, when anisotropies are taken into account, the amount of inflation decreases, and can even disappear completely if there is too much shear at the time of the bounce.We have derived the modified Friedman equation for anisotropic LQC. This has allowed us to study anisotropic LQC not just numerically, but also analytically, which has given us a much more comprehensive understanding of the situation than what was known before.Finally, we have studied some geometric aspects of de Sitter space, which has resulted in two very different considerations. Firstly we found that we can, for a general theory of modified cosmology and under some quite conservative assumptions, derive the dynamics for a spatially curved universe, given the dynamics of a spatially flat one. This is relevant in theories such as LQC, where it is easier to find the flat solution than the curved one. Secondly, we propose a possible mechanism for the origin and rebirth of the Universe
Hanza, Kathia. „L 'art au regard de la phénoménologie“. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Departamento de Humanidades, 2013. http://repositorio.pucp.edu.pe/index/handle/123456789/112835.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleJulia-Ripoll, Brigitte. „Phénoménologie et sémiotique de la publicité institutionnelle“. Perpignan, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PERP0210.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis work of original research is intended to introduce semiotics into the heart of one particular problem in the social and human sciences, advertising, our intention in this research work is to show that theoretical considerations may be introduced into the social practices which are publicity practices, the elements of conceptual mastery and thus of control, which would improve both intelligibility and effectiveness. Coming directly from peirceian (the name of the american semiotician charles sanders peirce) semiotics, these theoretical considerations are singularly wanting in the sphere of advertising which, in the name of "creativity", seems to escape all reason. In the first part, the unedited types of the different forms of advertising permit the characteristics of institutional advertising to be put into evidence. Thi type of advertising gives the impression that its aim is to extol not the products of the enterprise or of the institution concerned, but the enterprises or institutions themselves, whatever they might be, with the aim of defining, or redefining, their proper corporate images according to the envisaged target. The instituional analysis, from the three moments of the institution, in addition to the intentions of the institutional announcer, completes the typology in defining the phaneroscopic value of this intention. It shows how the corporate advertising is presented, whatever might be the identity of the announcer, at the moment of the moment of the "institue" and thus refers to the phaneroscopic category of the thirdness
Gros, Caroline. „Phénoménologie et expérience psychiatrique chez Ludwig Binswanger“. Paris 12, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997PA120001.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis work intends showing the different stages in the philosophical development of ludwig binswanger (1881-1966), a germain-speaking swiss psychiatrist, mainly known as the founder of daseinsanalyse, an original method in understanding pathological worlds. Our work emphaszies the beginnings of his thinking (1907-1957) in preference to his last workings (1960-1965). The persistent struggle with freud's constructions constitutes the matrix for his own development. On the basis of psychiatric experience, he found in husserlian and heideggerian conceptions the tools with which he could address thee methodological problemes raised in the foundation of an empirical science. One of these problems concerns for example the notion of living body (leib). Our work is divided into three sections : partt : psychoanalysis as a branch of psychiatry part 2 : phenomenological psychology and anthropology : historicity and living body (leib) part 3 : existential analysis (daseinsanalyse) and daseinsanalyttik :spatiality and living body (leib). In an appendix, we have translated into french two writings which seemed to be relevant to our work : the problem of space in psychopathology (1932) from binswanger and an extract from heidegger's zollikoner seminare(may 11 and 14, 1965). Key words : phenomenology, psychoanalysis,daseinsanalyse,psychiatry,living body,spatiality,hermeneutics
Le, Quitte Samuel. „Phénoménologie et éthique des valeurs selon Husserl“. Thesis, Rennes 1, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013REN1S174.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleHusserl's philosophy is an attempt to obtain objective knowledge on the world, which offers a description of the cognitive consciousness, in order to distinguish a presumptive or an illusory belief and an authentic knowledge. However, such a methodological precedence of the objective knowledge should not hide the actual priority of a non-objective and pre-predicative experience of the world. Indeed, the world first appears to us as a practical and valuable world. We can see beautiful objects, useful tools, pleasant landscapes. One is drawn by a sound or disturbed by a light. How are these two points of view to be reconciled? May we conciliate the methodological priority of theoretical consciousness and the empirical precedence of values and goods? This question deals with the possibility of phenomenology itself, because this philosophical method has to transform itself in order to take into account the idiosyncratic kinds of problems that raise the experience of values. Values reach the limits of the “objectifying consciousness's” possibilities. Because they do not belong to the realm of nature, values are not one of the empirical properties of things. More precisely, ethical values query the need of unity in Reason and the need of a strict parallelism between different intentional acts. May injustice or virtue appear as do so colours or shapes in the sensible world? Can these values be intentionally constituted? Does the meaning of values ever exceed the constitutive capabilities in the subject? In order to answer these questions, two fields shall be developed. The first one questions the possibility of a value theory, which is brought by the phenomenological method, that is to say, through a demand of analogy and a demand of transcendental constitution. The second one indicates how the understanding of ethical values implies some shifting and new elaborations in the methodology itself, in order to show, behind the rationality of emotional and volitional acts, the life and work of the ethical subject
Fanfalone, Gilbert. „La phénoménologie restrictive de Jean-Henri Lambert“. Nice, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1997NICE2017.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis study includes two original translations from the works of jean-henri lambert : the fourth part of the neues organon entitled "phanomenologie", and the first section of the "semiotic". These translations serve as background to an introduction to lambertian phenomenology. Lambert's phenomenology touches on the problem of criticizing appearance in general, seeking the criteria not only of tangible appearance, but also of its intellectual and moral aspects. Appearance or apparent truth are the essential concepts of his phenomenology, defined as a theory of appearance or as a transcendent optical or perspective. The central problem of lambert's phenomenology is that of going beyond appearance, for it misleads us by hiding the real being. Because of this, we attempt to show what is specific to appearance, as well as how it relates to phenomenons and concepts. We also try to define the concept of phenomenology, and to say what it means for lambert by studying phenomenology in relation to logic, ontology, semiotics, mathematics, and aesthetics. His phenomenology is more than a simple logic of appearance, it is all the same transcendent optical and transcendent perspective ; it is restrictive rather than restricted for it is borders on the idea of logical perspectivism. Insofar as lambert's phenomenology is essentially descriptive, it can only be restrictive; it will culminate in a taxonomy of appearance
Beaumier, Jacob. „Universalité et temporalité dans la phénoménologie husserlienne“. Thèse, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2009. http://depot-e.uqtr.ca/2041/1/030175504.pdf.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePutze, Antje. „Phénoménologie et détection du rayonnement cosmique nucléaire“. Phd thesis, Grenoble 1, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009GRE10144.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOne century after the discovery of cosmic rays – a flux of energetic charged particles which bombards the upper layers of Earth's atmosphere –, many questions remain still open on its origin, nature and transport. The precise measurement of the cosmic-ray ion flux aims to study the acceleration and propagation processes. In particular, the measurement of secondary-to-primary ratios allows to constrain propagation models very effectively due to its direct dependency to the grammage seen by the particles during their transport. The knowledge and the characterisation of the processes related to the propagation make it possible to reconstruct the cosmic-ray source spectrum and thus to constrain the acceleration processes, but also to test the existence of exotic contributions such as the annihilation of dark-matter particles. This thesis treats two aspects of cosmic-ray physics: the phenomenology and the detection. Concerning the phenomenological aspect, the work presented here consists in evaluating and studying the constraints on galactic cosmic-ray propagation models provided by current measurements using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo. The experimental aspect of this work concerns the participation in the construction, the validation and the data analysis of the CherCam subdetector – a Cherenkov imager measuring the charge of cosmic-ray ions for the CREAM experiment – whose preliminary results are presented
Putze, Antje. „Phénoménologie et détection du rayonnement cosmique nucléaire“. Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00433301.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleJeudi, Marie. „Intersubjectivité et communication à travers la phénoménologie“. Paris 10, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA100045.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleWHO ? We have to solve the problem of intersubjectivity, which means to understand how a subject is recognized by another as an alter ego. This recognition of the other, first requires to get out of the solitude of a consciousness, which brings back to itself the objects that it constitutes. Entering a community provided that this community does not then overcome the coexistence of the subjects, which implies finding a middle course which at the same time favours contact and respects distance. WHAT ? The medium is language which, as act of speech, gives rise to putting subjects together, who essentially reveal themselves as donors of sense. Speech of somebody and speech to somebody, expression becomes communication and announces the speaker's singularity. HOW ? If dialogue can appear as the real experience of an intersubjectivity, communication can reduce this face to face as well, as soon as it becomes the medium of the "some say", or even when it considers the other no longer as another subject but as the object on which speech must have an impact (rhetoric, propaganda, advertising and so on). A criticism of so-called mass communication must fit in this fundamental feature of our existence - to be sensitive in our word as well as our flesh
Alexander, Robert. „La refondation richirienne de la phénoménologie : Les multiples enjeux de la refonte et de la refondation de la phénoménologie transcendantale chez Marc Richir à partir du traitement de la question de l’espace/temps phénoménologique archaïque“. Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011TOU20117/document.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOur thesis is devoted to the philosophical work of Marc Richir - work began in 1968 with over ten thousand pages in 2011, divided into twenty books and over two hundred articles - and it comes down to this dual ambition: 1 / provide demonstrate that the redesign and rebuilding of transcendental phenomenology at Marc Richer (with its specific concepts and architectonic), in its most fundamental issues, understandably, is reflected and is based in a residue, a trace or a medium (life) transcendental short, by what we call an element 'ogkorythmique' fundamental is the placenta of the transcendental, the skeleton transcendental of the transcendental. This element, present at all levels of the new phenomenology and who opens the comprehensibility, consists of a mass rhythmic non-spatial and non-temporal nevertheless moving. Equivalent to the dynamics fundamentally unrepresentable think, impossible, inconceivable and incomprehensible, a mass without mass and a rhythm without rhythm at the heart of phenomenology and phenomenologizing richiriennes become by this analysis, in our view, a fundamental phenomenological metaphysics, 2 / show the genesis of the phenomenological foundations of this thought new foundations - in the light of this element - understood as transcendental metaphysics, for the analytical study of the early writings of the 60 and 70, which is the foundational issue, and which, moreover, inform the later writings of the 80 to 2000, which promotes the treatment of these so both transverse and synthetic
Alexander, Robert. „La refondation richirienne de la phénoménologie : Les multiples enjeux de la refonte et de la refondation de la phénoménologie transcendantale chez Marc Richir à partir du traitement de la question de l'espace/temps phénoménologique archaïque“. Phd thesis, Université Toulouse le Mirail - Toulouse II, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00670173.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLavigne, Jean-François. „Théorie de la connaissance, phénoménologie et idéalisme transcendantal : la genèse de l'idéalisme transcendantal dans la phénoménologie de Husserl (1900-1913)“. Paris 4, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA040012.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleFlajoliet, Alain. „La première philosophie de Sartre (1) : métaphysique - psychologie - phénoménologie transcendentale“. Paris 1, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA010632.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBlossier, Benoît. „Phénoménologie des mésons B et Chromodynamique sur réseau“. Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00116253.
Der volle Inhalt der Quellesimulation numérique de la Chromodynamique Quantique sur réseau, qui est une approche non perturbative - basée sur les principes premiers de la Théorie Quantique des Champs - de calculer les fonctions de Green de la théorie.
Les couplages $\hat{g}$ et $\tilde{g}$ paramétrant le Lagrangien chiral effectif qui décrit les interactions entre mésons lourd-légers et pions mous ont été calculés au-delà de l'approximation quenched (à N_f=2). L'opérateur
$\bar{q}\gamma_\m \gc q$ a été renormalisé non perturbativement en utilisant les identités de Ward chirales. On trouve
$\hat{g}=0.4\div 0.6$ et $\tilde{g}=-0.1\div-0.3$.
La masse du quark étrange a été estimée par
une simulation unquenched (à N_f=2): elle a été renormalisée
dans le schéma non perturbatif RI-MOM. On obtient en faisant le raccordement avec le schéma MSbar m_s^{MSbar}(2 GeV)=101\pm 8^{+25}_{-0} MeV.
Une méthode a été proposée pour évaluer sur le réseau les facteurs de
forme associés aux transitions semileptoniques à recul nul
B \to D^{**} décrites dans le cadre de la Théorie Effective des Quarks Lourds. La constante de renormalisation de l'opérateur $\bar{h}\gamma_i \gc D_j h$ a été calculée à l'ordre d'une boucle de la théorie des perturbations.
On trouve \tau_1/2(1)=0.3\div 0.5 et \tau_3/2(1)=0.5\div 0.7.
Enfin le paramètre de sac associé à l'amplitude de mélange B_s-anti B_s a été évalué, en choisissant une action pour le quark étrange qui vérifie la symétrie chirale à maille a du réseau finie. De cette manière les erreurs systématiques, provenant des mélanges de chiralité, sont nettement réduites lors de la renormalisation de l'opérateur à 4 fermions $\bar{h}\gamma_{\m L}q\bar{h}\gamma_{\m L}q$. On obtient dans l'approximation quenched $B_{B_s}=0.92(3)$.
Boyer, Elsa. „Phénoménologie et perception artificielle : la synchronisation en conflit“. Thesis, Paris 10, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA100191.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNowadays, we are confronted with industrial objects like virtual reality or, on a more daily basis, video games, that cause a shift not so much in the perceptual objects but in the perception itself. We suggest naming this shift and the issues it raises « artificial perception ». Since the artificiality of this perception does not describe an object but the very structure of perception, it confronts husserlian phenomenology, more precisely its distinction between presentation (Gegenwärtigung) and representation (Vergegenwärtigung), with an impossibility : to ponder on the relation between perception, industrial object and imgination. Indeed, what could the husserlian phenomenology say about this relation when it disqualifies the problem of the industrial object and sets down an untouchable separation between presentation and representation ? What can we say about artificial perception apart from a denunciation of the merging between reality and imagination, of the takeover of imagination by industrial prosthesis still more impressive ? Here we find something to ponder about, a chance of unfolding the richness of husserlian phenomenology by broaching it through its posterity (Derrida, Stiegler, Richir) and working on precise cases
Valmorbida, Erika. „Phénoménologie de l'automutilation : la nouvelle scène du corps“. Paris 7, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA070085.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle'Self-harm is life that turns against itself. It touches and hurts one ofthe possibilities of the human being: his corporeality. We will attempt, within the limits of the unthinkable aspects of the issue, to understand the meaning of therelationship to the world, to oneseif and to others that is contained in these peculiar forms of violence, that are called self-harm and the extreme situations thatare associated with them. We also want to distinguish them from the intention and from the act of suicide. The question is tricky because the existential sense of self-harm car corne close to that of suicide, but also prove to be very different; that's what makes the originality of this phenomenon. The purpose of self-harming is not to die but to live. Through this distinction we will examine the intentionality and senses that these behaviors carry with them. The self-harming acting out, when looked from the perspective of immediate action, are far from having a full and unique sense. The self-destructive violence contains a hidden reference to intersubjectivity. Itis a complex act accompanied by multivalent intentions, ill-conceived, aborted or precipitated and, therefore, difficult to interpret. Nevertheless, the explorationof the phenomena of tattoos, extreme piercings or other aesthetic manifestations involving an act of violence to the skin or mucous membranes, helps to understand the dynamics. The reassembling of the process that allows these enactments to stay on this side of a self-destructive act is of great importance for clinical research, for psychopathology and for ethics
Stora, Thierry. „Coalescence des émulsions : phénoménologie et étude de cinétiques“. Bordeaux 1, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995BOR10639.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePradelle, Dominique. „Problèmes fondamentaux de la phénoménologie husserlienne de l'espace“. Paris 10, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA100072.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOur thesis investigates the signification of the "new transcendental aesthetic" planed by husserl after kant. We have tried to elucidate the most important theoretical difficulties of kant's transcendantal aesthetic, which led husserl to a general reformulation: 1) the identification of perceptive and geometrical spaces, which imply that kant project ideal structures in the perceptive space; 2) the anthropological relativity of a priori, implied by the opposition of material and form; 3) the supremacy of transcendantal analytic on aesthetic, of intellectual functions on receptivity. 1) husserl tries to produce a separated elucidation of perceptive and geometric speces : geometry has an analytical-formal field as object, which is founded on the material-perceptive field, and where the rules of production of objects are different - but there is another difficulty : the compatibility between foundation of geometric structures on perceptive space and formal independence of geometry. 2) husserl elucidates a method of variation which enables to determine a priori forms of objectivity from their necessary connection with sensible material - but this sensible material is a datum de facto, and this intuitionistic method can't avoid to refer to traditional concepts. 3) husserl understands spatial perception as a preintellectual synthesis, which is founded on relations of homogeneous or heterogeneous sensible material - but there is a difficulty : is it possible to elucidate natural objectivity disregarding their cultural components?
Ullmann, Tamás. „Signification et expérience dans la phénoménologie de husserl“. Paris 1, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001PA010554.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAlbenge, Olivier. „Phénoménologie de l'hydrophobie : essuyabiltié d'un pare-brise hydrophobe“. Toulouse 3, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003TOU30057.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleReaidy, Jean. „La Phénoménologie de la naissance chez Michel Henry“. Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003STR20057.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePhenomenological reduction is, in its essence, reduction to life dand more precisely to its birth, since life is, in its truth, a generating and powering act of generation. Life appearing in itself only in the pathos and depth of its birth, it follows that phenomenological practice finds its "place" within it. Living phenomenon can only spring out there where life generate in its self-generation in the pro-found depth of its affectivity. .
Molina, Garcia Erika Natalia. „Phénoménologie du toucher : lectures éthiques de paradigmes discontinus“. Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2018. http://dante.univ-tlse2.fr/id/eprint/9307.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePhenomenology of touch. Ethical readings on discontinuous paradigms.Touch is not only the sense that allows us to appreciate shapes and textures. It is also the sense that allows us to feel the tenderness of a caress or the violence of a punch. It allows us to feel temperature and pain, balance and the position of our body, feelings of itching and tickling, vibrations and sexual arousal. In recent years, research on touch has blossomed in the most diverse fields, and these works are unanimous in saying that touch is a crucial factor in our lives and on our health: interhuman cooperations, pain endurance, empathy, compassion and care are all touch depending activities.Starting from a scenarisation of Western philosophy in terms of opposition between continuism and discontinuism, we reinterpret the phenomenological method, by a radicalization of the meaning of its tool (epoche), to put it at service of the analysis of touch phenomena.In this context, our work is presented in a double duality:On the one hand, it unfolds around two main thematic axes, discontinuity (self-thematization) and touch (thematization).On the other hand, it takes the shape of two distinct textual bodies, a purely philosophical one and a philo-performatic one, which intersect and thus aim to perform in the writing of the text itself, the discontinuity for which the whole thesis claims great philosophical utility and importance : not only by their content, but also by the materiality of their form itself (by discontinuation, redermification and bringing into contact the textual fragments), these works want to diffract the usual thematizations of touch, to be able to welcome them all within a new phenomenology
Szigeti, Attila. „Langage et temps dans la phénoménologie de Lévinas“. Paris 12, 2004. https://athena.u-pec.fr/primo-explore/search?query=any,exact,990003947660204611&vid=upec.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe thesis shows the phenomenological meaning of Levinas's work through a critical confrontation with, especially, the phenomenology of Husserl. Against husserlian idealist egology Lévinas develop a phenomenology of otherness of the other, but also of the sensitive and of the body. Lévinas oppose to egology a heterology of language : in "Totality and Infinite" the origin of the meaning is the other; "Otherwise than being" develop a responsive heterology where intentional giving of meaning is reversed in the giving of oneself in the response of the responsibility. The responsive heterology and the idea of ethical subject repose on diachronie time, a reinterpretation of husserlian genetic temporality. In the relation to Heidegger, the phenomenology of the embodiment, of life and time is original, but the idea of otherwise than being is problematic. The influence of Rosenzweig is important, see especially the idea of the singularity of the I and of the other in the intersubjectiv relation