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Hilgers, Mathieu. „Les conflits autour de l’histoire de Koudougou (Burkina Faso)*“. Cahiers d'études africaines 47, Nr. 186 (31.05.2007): 313–44.

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Ouedraogo, Henri Gautier, Odette Ky-Zerbo, Adama Baguiya, Ashley Grosso, Sara Goodman, Benoît Cesaire Samadoulougou, Marcel Lougue et al. „HIV among Female Sex Workers in Five Cities in Burkina Faso: A Cross-Sectional Baseline Survey to Inform HIV/AIDS Programs“. AIDS Research and Treatment 2017 (2017): 1–11.

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Background. Female sex workers (FSWs) are considered a vulnerable population for HIV infection and a priority for HIV/AIDS response programs. This study aimed to determine HIV prevalence among FSWs in five cities in Burkina Faso. Methods. FSWs aged 18 and older were recruited using respondent driven sampling (RDS) in five cities (Ouagadougou, Bobo-Dioulasso, Koudougou, Ouahigouya, and Tenkodogo) in Burkina Faso from 2013 to 2014. HIV testing was performed using the HIV testing national algorithm. We conducted bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis to assess correlates of HIV in all cities combined (not RDS-adjusted). Results. Among Ouagadougou, Koudougou, and Ouahigouya FSWs, RDS-adjusted HIV prevalence was 13.5% (95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 9.6–18.7), 13.3% (95% CI: 7.6–22.4), and 13.0% (95% CI: 7.6–21.3), respectively, compared to 30.1% (95% CI: 25.5–35.1) among Bobo-Dioulasso FSWs. Factors associated with HIV infection were age (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 7.84 95% CI: 3.78–16.20), being married or cohabitating (aOR = 2.43, 95% CI: 1.31–4.49), and history of pregnancy (aOR = 5.24, 95% CI: 1.44–18.97). Conclusion. These results highlight the need to strengthen HIV prevention among FSWs, through behavior change strategies, and improve access to sexual and reproductive health services.
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Nansi, Juste Hermann, und Dramane Dahani. „Gouvernance des services d’eau potable et d’assainissement dans la commune de Koudougou, Burkina Faso“. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 16, Nr. 4 (01.11.2022): 1705–20.

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La commune de Koudougou à l’instar des autres communes du pays exerce la maîtrise d’ouvrage dans le domaine de l’eau potable et de l’assainissement. Mais, la question des ressources pour l’exercice de ces compétences est loin d’être tranchée. Pour présenter l’état des lieux de la gouvernance de ces services dans la commune de Koudougou, la méthodologie adoptée a consisté à faire une revue documentaire, des entretiens auprès des personnes ressources intervenants dans l’AEPHA et une enquête sur 518 ménages. Les résultats de l’étude montrent un faible engagement de l’autorité communale qui se traduit par une faible structuration des services en charge de l’AEPHA et leur faible dotation en ressources humaines, financières et matérielles ; une gestion des ouvrages d’AEPHA non conforme aux principes du document cadre de gestion du service public de l’eau potable en milieu rural au Burkina; une absence de stratégie de mobilisation de financements pour l’AEPHA ; un financement de l’AEPHA à hauteur de 2,05% du montant total du budget alloué sur la période 2016 à 2019. The commune of Koudougou, like the other communes in the country, is in charge of drinking water and sanitation. However, the question of resources for the exercise of these competencies is far from being settled. To present the state of play of the governance of these services in the commune of Koudougou, the methodology adopted consisted of a literature review, interviews with resource persons involved in WASH and a survey of 518 households. The results of the study show a weak commitment of the communal authority, which is reflected in the poor structuring of the services in charge of WASH and their low allocation of human, financial and material resources; management of WASH facilities that does not comply with the principles of the framework document for the management of the public drinking water service in rural areas in Burkina; an absence of a strategy for mobilizing funding for WASH; and funding for WASH of 2.05% of the total amount of the budget allocated over the period 2016 to 2019. Communal governance of the sub-sector and WASH services is not very operational and would benefit from being revitalized.
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Zongo, Zakaria, und Issa Sory. „Solid Waste Sector Tested by Stakeholder Dynamics in Koudougou (Burkina Faso)“. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection 12, Nr. 10 (2024): 308–20.

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Djibo, Moumouni, Wend Yam Serge Boris Ouedraogo, Ali Doumounia, Serge Roland Sanou, Moumouni Sawadogo, Idrissa Guira, Nicolas Koné, Christian Chwala, Harald Kunstmann und François Zougmoré. „Towards Innovative Solutions for Monitoring Precipitation in Poorly Instrumented Regions: Real-Time System for Collecting Power Levels of Microwave Links of Mobile Phone Operators for Rainfall Quantification in Burkina Faso“. Applied System Innovation 6, Nr. 1 (27.12.2022): 4.

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Since the 1990s, mobile telecommunication networks have gradually become denser around the world. Nowadays, large parts of their backhaul network consist of commercial microwave links (CMLs). Since CML signals are attenuated by rainfall, the exploitation of records of this attenuation is an innovative and an inexpensive solution for precipitation monitoring purposes. Performance data from mobile operators’ networks are crucial for the implementation of this technology. Therefore, a real-time system for collecting and storing CML power levels from the mobile phone operator “Telecel Faso” in Burkina Faso has been implemented. This new acquisition system, which uses the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), can simultaneously record the transmitted and received power levels from all the CMLs to which it has access, with a time resolution of one minute. Installed at “Laboratoire des Matériaux et Environnement de l’Université Joseph KI-ZERBO (Burkina Faso)”, this acquisition system is dynamic and has gradually grown from eight, in 2019, to more than 1000 radio links of Telecel Faso’s network in 2021. The system covers the capital Ouagadougou and the main cities of Burkina Faso (Bobo Dioulasso, Ouahigouya, Koudougou, and Kaya) as well as the axes connecting Ouagadougou to these cities.
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Cet article décrit les défis auxquels est confrontée une ville moyenne qui a connu une période faste avant de sombrer dans la décadence. En se concentrant sur l'étude de la structure, l'organisation et le fonctionnement actuel du centre-ville, une méthode mixte de recherche a permis d’identifier les problèmes de non-attractivité urbaine. Les résultats montrent que la situation du centre-ville de Koudougou, au Burkina Faso, n'est pas le seul facteur de la décadence de la ville. En effet, cette situation est renforcée par d'autres éléments liés à l'histoire politique du pays ou à la crise économique et sécuritaire qui affecte le Sahel en général et le Burkina Faso en particulier. Pour redonner vie à la ville, une intervention urbaine dynamique est recommandée, avec une opération de revitalisation qui redonnera au centre-ville sa vitalité et son attractivité.
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Ouedraogo, Henri Gautier, AR Nikiema, K. Cissé, O. Ky-Zerbo, BC Samadoulougou, AM Ouedraogo, Y. Traore, R. Ouedraogo/Traore, N. Barro und S. Kouanda. „Portage du virus de l'hépatite B chez les travailleuses du sexe dans trois villes secondaires du Burkina Faso: Koudougou, Ouahigouya et Tenkodogo“. Revue Malienne d'Infectiologie et de Microbiologie 14, Nr. 2 (04.12.2019): 32–42.

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Objectif : Les travailleuses du sexe (TS) sont un groupe à haut risque pour les infections sexuellement transmissibles dont le virus de l'hépatite B. L'objectif de cette étude est d'évaluer la prévalence du virus de l'hépatite B et les facteurs qui y sont associés chez les TS dans trois villes secondaires du Burkina Faso. Matériels et méthodes : Il s'est agi d'une étude transversale dans les localités de Koudougou, Ouahigouya et Tenkodogo, trois villes secondaires du Burkina Faso. Les TS ont été recrutées de février à mai 2014 par la méthode d'échantillonnage basé sur le répondant dans le cadre d'une étude de séroprévalence du VIH. Les échantillons de sérum archivés ont été testés à la recherche de l'antigène HBs. Les données ont été analysées en utilisant le logiciel STATA version 14.0. Résultats : Au total, 320 échantillons sériques de TS ont été testés à la recherche de l'antigène HBs. Les prévalences ajustées de l'Ag HBs étaient de 6,4% (95%IC : 3,4-11,8%) à Koudougou, 15,7% (95%IC : 09,5-25,0%) à Ouahigouya et 11,0% (95%IC : 6,8-17,2%) à Tenkodogo. Les facteurs associés à l'infection étaient l'âge élevé de l'enquêtée, le nombre élevé de clients par semaine, le statut positif au VIH, la non utilisation systématique du condom. Conclusion : La prévalence de l'hépatite B et les facteurs associés dans cette étude suggèrent la nécessité de sensibiliser davantage à l'utilisation systématique du préservatif et à la vaccination contre le VHB chez les populations à haut risque, telles que les professionnelles du sexe.
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Sawadogo, Saguedo, Doua Allain Gnabahou, Sibri Alphonse Sandwidi und Frédéric Ouattara. „Koudougou (Burkina Faso, Africa), GPS-TEC Response to Recurrent Geomagnetic Storms during Solar Cycle 24 Declining Phase“. International Journal of Geophysics 2023 (10.04.2023): 1–13.

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In this paper, we presented the effect of moderate geomagnetic storms on the TEC variation at the Koudougou station (Geo Lat 12° 15 ′ N; Geo Long: -2° 20 ′ E) in Burkina Faso (Africa) during the descending phase of solar cycle 24. For this purpose, four moderate geomagnetic storms without storm sudden commencement (SSC) or sudden impulse (SI) that occurred on May 13, 2015 (Dst: -76 nT), June 08, 2015 (Dst: -73 nT), September 11, 2015 (Dst: -80 nT), and May 08-09, 2016 (Dst: -88nT), were considered. These moderate storms were found to be associated with transients induced by fast solar winds. At the Koudougou station, TEC variation shows a positive response to the different moderate geomagnetic storms studied, with increases of order of 2-21 TECU around 1300-1500 UT except for September 11, 2015, TEC variation which shows sometimes negative responses at a few hours (mainly at night). TEC increases observed are a function of geomagnetic parameter (magnitude and polarity) variation. Storm-induced electric field and neutral winds are the main drivers of TEC changes observed during the selected geomagnetic storms. In addition, it was found that the TEC peak on storm day behaves differently compared to the days before and after the storm depending on whether Dst is positive or negative before southward inversion. Indeed, a TEC small peak relative to the days before and after the storm is observed when Dst is negative before southward inversion, and a larger peak occurs in the opposite case. The reasons for these differences are not investigated in this paper.
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Bolay, Jean-Claude. „Urban Planning in Africa: Which Alternative for Poor Cities? The Case of Koudougou in Burkina Faso“. Current Urban Studies 03, Nr. 04 (2015): 413–31.

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Sawadogo, Saguedo, Doua Allain Gnabahou, Tinlé Pahima und Frédéric Ouattara. „Total Electron Content during Recurrent and Quiet Geomagnetic Periods at the Koudougou Station in Burkina Faso“. International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics 13, Nr. 03 (2023): 259–80.

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Ouiya, Pascal, Aziz Fayçal Tarnagda und Martial Eric Fozing. „Characteristics of Gold Mineralization at the Baguiomo Gold Panning Site, Koudougou Region, Burkina Faso, West Africa“. Open Journal of Geology 14, Nr. 01 (2024): 1–18.

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Yameogo, Lassane. „Le patrimoine méconnu des bois sacrés de la ville de Koudougou (Burkina Faso) : de la reconnaissance à la sauvegarde“. Cahiers de géographie du Québec 59, Nr. 166 (06.01.2016): 71–90.

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Pour des raisons diverses, les sociétés rurales africaines ont organisé l’espace en privilégiant des lieux sacrés dotés d’interdits. Ces bois sacrés sont rattrapés par les dynamiques urbaines qui leur disputent l’espace. Le patrimoine que constituent ces jardins sacrés demeure inconnu du fait qu’il ne répond pas aux critères occidentaux du patrimoine culturel. Pour comprendre l’évolution des jardins sacrés et dans la perspective de leur valorisation, des entretiens auprès des responsables coutumiers et des services techniques complétés par une analyse spatiale ont été organisés à Koudougou. Il en ressort que ces jardins séculaires possèdent une grande biodiversité, mais sont fortement menacés par la pression foncière. Leur sauvegarde qui aurait pu provenir des structures modernes semble compromise en raison des mythes qui les entourent. Cependant, les acteurs reconnaissent que cet autre patrimoine culturel représente des lieux de mémoire dont la conservation et la valorisation contribueraient à l’entretien d’un cadre de vie sain.
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Yakun, Du, Fan Linzhou, Arbey Hernan Medina Rocha, Rodrigo Cabrera Perez und Clara Isabel Bermudez Santana. „Le Mariage Traditionnel Chez Les Moose De Koudougou Au Burkina Faso: Un Lien Sacre Entre Deux Familles“. International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature 11, Nr. 5 (2023): 31–41.

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Ouedraogo, Henri Gautier, Ivlabehire Bertrand Meda, Issaka Zongo, Odette Ky-Zerbo, Ashley Grosso, Benoit Cesaire Samadoulougou, Grissoum Tarnagda et al. „Syphilis among Female Sex Workers: Results of Point-of-Care Screening during a Cross-Sectional Behavioral Survey in Burkina Faso, West Africa“. International Journal of Microbiology 2018 (08.11.2018): 1–10.

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Background. Syphilis among female sex workers (FSW) remains a public health concern due to its potential impact on their health and the possibility of transmission to their clients, partners, and children. Recent data on the prevalence of syphilis in the population in West Africa are scarce. The objective of this study was to measure the seroprevalence of syphilis serological markers among female sex workers in Burkina Faso. Methods. We conducted a cross-sectional survey among FSW between February 2013 and May 2014. Participants were recruited using respondent-driven sampling (RDS) methods in five cities of Burkina Faso (Ouagadougou, Bobo-Dioulasso, Koudougou, Ouahigouya, and Tenkodogo). FSW were enrolled and screened for syphilis using a syphilis serological rapid diagnostic test. Data from all cities were analyzed with Stata version 14.0. Results. A total of 1045 FSW were screened for syphilis. Participants’ mean age was 27.2 ± 0.2 years. The syphilis serological markers were detected in 5.6% (95% CI: 4.4–7.2) of the participants whereas active syphilis was seen in 1.4% (95% CI: 0.9–2.4). RDS weighted prevalence of syphilis serological markers and active syphilis by city were, respectively, estimated to be 0.0% to 11.0% (95% CI: 8.1–14.7) and 0.0% to 2.2% (95% CI: 1.1–4.4). No syphilis markers were found among Ouahigouya FSW. Low education level and high number of clients were factors associated with syphilis markers among the FSW. Conclusion. The prevalence of syphilis markers was high during this study among FSW. This highlights the need to reinforce the comprehensive preventive measures and treatment of syphilis in this population.
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Dacher, Michèle. „HILGERS, Mathieu, 2009, Une ethnographie à l’échelle de la ville. Urbanité, histoire et reconnaissance à Koudougou (Burkina Faso)“. Journal des Africanistes, Nr. 79-2 (01.04.2009): 415–16.

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NORET, JOËL. „Une ethnographie à l’échelle de la ville. Urbanité, histoire et reconnaissance à Koudougou (Burkina Faso) by Hilgers, Mathieu“. Social Anthropology 20, Nr. 2 (Mai 2012): 213–14.

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Sawadogo, Yacouba, M’Bi Kaboré, Somaïla Koala, Arouna Mandé und Jean Louis Zerbo. „Total Electron Content Diurnal and Seasonal Variations and Response to Solar Events at Koudougou Station in Burkina Faso“. International Journal of Geosciences 14, Nr. 09 (2023): 827–39.

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Zoungrana, Tibi Didier. „Les déterminants du choix d’approvisionnement en eau potable des ménages ruraux de la commune de Koudougou au Burkina Faso“. Économie rurale, Nr. 377 (30.09.2021): 65–81.

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Kiendrébéogo, D., R. Kambiré, V. Jamonneau, K. Lingué, P. Solano und F. Courtin. „Histoire d’un itinéraire épidémiologique entre le Burkina Faso et la Côte d’Ivoire : le cas des foyers de maladie du sommeil de koudougou“. Parasite 19, Nr. 4 (November 2012): 397–406.

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Poda, B., W. N. Zoungrana-Yameogo, M. O. Ouedraogo, Y. L. B. Kabore, D. Yelbeogo, M. Sana und B. Sawadogo. „Évaluation du système de surveillance du paludisme au district sanitaire de Koudougou, Région du Centre-Ouest, Burkina Faso, janvier 2019-juillet 2022“. Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique 71 (September 2023): 101899.

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Thiombiano-Ilboudo, Élise-Foniyama. „L’activité du koudougou ou de la forge à Sadaba (province de l’Oubritenga, Burkina Faso) : la transmission d’une technique entre méthodes anciennes et innovations“. e-Phaïstos III, Nr. 1 (01.06.2014): 59–72.

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Goumbri, Patrice, Désiré Nanéma, Kokou Messanh Agmébélé Soedje, Boubacar Bague, Ferdinand Yameogo und Aarouna Ouédraogo. „Dépistage de la consommation de drogues chez les malades suivis dans le service de psychiatrie du centre hospitalier régional de Koudougou, Burkina Faso“. Annales Médico-psychologiques, revue psychiatrique 176, Nr. 9 (November 2018): 893–96.

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Zoungrana, Amadou, Yiing-Jenq Chou und Christy Pu. „Socioeconomic and environment determinants as predictors of severe malaria in children under 5 years of age admitted in two hospitals in Koudougou district, Burkina Faso: A cross sectional study“. Acta Tropica 139 (November 2014): 109–14.

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Salambéré, Jean-Pierre. „The Use of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) by a Local Authority: the Case of the Koudougou Bus Station in Burkina Faso“. Revue internationale de politique de développement, Nr. 11.1 (05.03.2019).

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Abroulaye, Sanfo, Zampaligré Nouhoun, Delma B. Jethro, Kulo E. Abalo, Ouédraogo Abdoulaye, Rios Esteban F., Dubeux José, Boote J. Ken und Adesogan Adegbola. „Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] and cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walpers] intercropping improves grain yield, fodder biomass, and nutritive value“. Frontiers in Animal Science 4 (11.12.2023).

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Burkina Faso livestock feeding is characterized by a hot dry season fodder deficit, which affects animal performance and causes economic losses. To overcome this challenge, improving quality fodder production through the use of dual-purpose crops is a potential alternative. Hence, this study aimed at testing dual-purpose cultivars of sorghum and cowpea under monoculture and intercropping in the North Sudan zone in Burkina Faso. To do this, a “Mother and Baby trials” approach was adopted. The mother trial was designed as a randomized complete block with eight treatments (combinations of monoculture and intercropping systems for two cowpeas and two sorghum cultivars) and four replications during two cropping seasons (2019 and 2020) at the INERA research station in Saria. The on-farm “baby” trials involved 30 farmers during two cropping seasons (2019 and 2020) in four communes: Koudougou, Poa, Nandiala, and Kokologo. Data were collected on weed biomass and density, fodder biomass and grain yield, intercropping efficiency, and fodder nutritive value. The results of the mother trial showed that intercropping significantly (p ≤ 0.05) reduced weed density and weed biomass. Sorghum cultivar Ponta Negra had the highest fodder biomass yield (10.05 kg DM/ha) while sorghum Sariaso16 had the highest grain yield (4.42 kg/ha). Cowpea cultivar KVx745-11P had greater fodder biomass (4.72 kg DM/ha) than Tiligré (3.28 kg DM/ha) with similar grain yield (2.17 and 2.17 kg/ha). Intercropping was the most efficient land-use cropping system for fodder biomass and grain yield improvement both in mother and baby trials. For fodder nutritive value, cultivars Sariaso16 and Ponta Negra had similar crude protein concentrations (ranging from 4.1 to 5.4%), and cowpea cultivar KVx745-11P haulms had greater crude protein (ranging from 16.9 to 20.3%). The use of Ponta Negra and KVx745-11P and Sariaso16 and KVx745-11P under intercropping is likely to optimize grain and quality fodder production for crop-livestock farmers in the North Sudan zone.
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Salambéré, Jean-Pierre. „Le recours au partenariat public privé (PPP) par une collectivité locale : le cas de la gare routière de Koudougou au Burkina Faso“. Revue internationale de politique de développement, Nr. 11.1 (05.03.2019).

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Birba, Noaga. „Les bois sacrés et les sites associés de la commune de Koudougou au Burkina Faso : des atouts pour la création d’un écomusée“. e-Phaïstos, Nr. VIII-1 (29.04.2020).

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