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Deer, Glenn. „Revisiting Kogawa House“. Amerasia Journal 33, Nr. 2 (Januar 2007): 126–32. http://dx.doi.org/10.17953/amer.33.2.v521681426708241.

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Stera, Gabriele. „Tetsuo Kogawa, Radio-art“. Volume !, Nr. 16 : 1 (05.12.2019): 142–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/volume.7362.

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Henderson, Jennifer. „Joy Kogawa, Obasan (1981)“. ESC: English Studies in Canada 41, Nr. 4 (2015): 9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/esc.2015.0068.

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Kogan, V. G. „Kogan replies“. Physical Review Letters 64, Nr. 17 (23.04.1990): 2103. http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/physrevlett.64.2103.

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Editorial, Comitê. „ANDRÉA KOGAN“. Último Andar, Nr. 30 (07.10.2017): 004. http://dx.doi.org/10.23925/1980-8305.2017.i30p004-007.

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Misler, Nicoletta. „Nina Kogan“. Experiment 1, Nr. 1 (1995): 241–50. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/2211730x-00101018.

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Trois, Cesar Augusto da Cunha. „Strepsiptera brasileiros: IV. Contribuição ao conhecimento dos Halictophagidae“. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 5, Nr. 3 (1988): 465–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/s0101-81751988000300011.

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São redescritas as espécies brasileiras Halictophagus lappidae Oliveira & Kogan, 1960 e H. lopesi Oliveira & Kogan, 1959 (Strepsiptera, Halictophagidae); descreve-se H. ararensis, sp. n. (localidade-tipo: Brasil, São Paulo, Araras) e assinala-se uma nova ocorrência para H. insularum (Pierce, 1908).
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Hsu, Ruth Y. „A Conversation With Joy Kogawa“. Amerasia Journal 22, Nr. 1 (Januar 1996): 197–216. http://dx.doi.org/10.17953/amer.22.1.05l8511184252t54.

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Vishnevsky, Yuriy R., Boris Z. Doktorov, Garold E. Zborovsky und Boris S. Pavlov. „Kogan: “I lived”“. Sociological Journal 24, Nr. 1 (2018): 152–75. http://dx.doi.org/10.19181/socjour.2018.24.1.5718.

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Ross, Graham, und Mikhail Shifman. „Ian Ilyich Kogan“. Physics Today 57, Nr. 6 (Juni 2004): 74. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.1784284.

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Leitner, Robert P. „Diagnostic and assessment services: The Kogarah model“. Australia and New Zealand Journal of Developmental Disabilities 19, Nr. 4 (Januar 1994): 313–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/07263869400035371.

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Gonçalves, Vansan. „Japanese-Canadian wartime history through Joy Kogawa’s Obasan“. Grau Zero – Revista de Crítica Cultural 1, Nr. 1 (11.04.2016): 225. http://dx.doi.org/10.30620/gz.v1n1.p225.

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This article intends to investigate the narration of historical facts under new perspectives trough the novel Obasan, from the Japanese-Canadian author Joy Kogawa. The choice of the mentioned novel is due to the fact that it enables the observation of the manners the concepts of identity, memory and representation interact to portray new representations of a determined people by the reinterpretation of historical facts. Throughout the article it will be analyzed the varied narrative strategies Joy Kogawa employs to represent new versions of facts related to Japanese Canadians and their internment promoted by Canadian government in inner Canada during World War II. It will also be observed the manners through which fiction can collaborate to a people’s search for redemption with their traumatic past and consequent actions towards improvements for their present.
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Shaw, John. „Court of Appeal clarifies joint authorship criteria under UK copyright law“. Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice 15, Nr. 1 (10.12.2019): 7–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jiplp/jpz158.

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Abstract Julia Kogan v (1) Nicholas Martin (2) Big Hat Stories Limited (3) Florence Film Limited (4) Pathe Productions Limited (5) Qwerty Films Limited [2019] EWCA Civ 1645 The dispute between Ms Kogan and Mr Martin (and various film companies) regarding the authorship (or joint authorship) of the screenplay for the film depicting socialite Florence Foster Jenkins has been granted a retrial following a decision by the Court of Appeal that included an explanation of the criteria for joint authorship under UK law.
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Kogan, Michael D., Milton Kotelchuck, Greg R. Alexandar und Wayne E. Johnson. „Kogan and Colleagues Respond“. American Journal of Public Health 84, Nr. 9 (September 1994): 1521–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.2105/ajph.84.9.1521-a.

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Pollitt, Christopher. „MAURICE KOGAN (1930?2007)“. Public Administration 85, Nr. 1 (März 2007): 255–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9299.2007.00643.x.

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Stricker, Lawrence J. „Nathan Kogan (1927–2013).“ American Psychologist 69, Nr. 5 (2014): 551. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/a0036094.

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Сафонова, Е. Л. „Epistolary of Leonid Kogan“. Музыкальная академия, Nr. 1(785) (25.03.2024): 228–33. http://dx.doi.org/10.34690/377.

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Рецензия на книгу «Леонид Коган. Письма» основана на изучении русскоязычных пуб­ликаций, посвященных великому скрипачу. В создании ле­топи­си его жизни и творчества главная роль принад­лежит Е. Г. Гилельс, В. Ю. Григорьеву, Н. Л. Коган, а среди опубликованных источников особо значимо его немногочисленное, но ценное литературное насле­дие, раскрывающее неделимость граней чело­веческой и артистической личности Л. Б. Когана. Включение в новую книгу цитат из статей и интервью Л. Когана, а также из воспоминаний о нем обогаща­ет эпистолярий и помогает читателю увидеть в зеркале писем многогранный и живой портрет Леонида Борисовича. Переписка Л. Когана открывает, наряду с новыми фактами его деятельности, профессиональные, интеллектуальные, психологические черты многих известных музыкантов и деятелей искусства, менеджеров, ученых, высокопоставленных особ. Она наполнена высказываниями различных стилей и форматов, при этом возможно введение части корпуса писем в научный обиход. A review of the book “Leonid Kogan. Letters” is based on the study of Russian-language publications dedicated to the great violinist. In creating his life and work chronicle, the leading role belongs to E. G. Gilels, V. Yu. Grigoriev, N. L. Kogan, and among the published sources, his small but valuable literary heritage is especially significant, revealing the indivisibility of the facets of human and artistic personality. The addition in the new book of quotations from articles and interviews with L. Kogan and from memoirs about him enriches the epistolary genre, helping the reader to see a multifaceted and live portrait of Leonid Borisovich in the mirror of letters. L. Kogan’s correspondence reveals, along with new facts about his activities, the professional, intellectual, and psycho­logical traits of many famous musicians and artists, managers, scientists, and high-ranking persons. It is replete with different styles of statements and formats and at the same time, it is possible to introduce part of the corpus of letters into scientific use.
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Katsman, Roman. „The Hebrew Poetry of the Younger Generation of Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Israel. Part 2: Yael Tomashov, Rita Kogan“. Iudaica Russica, Nr. 2(5) (22.12.2020): 5–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.31261/ir.2021.05.01.

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W kolejnych dwóch częściach artykułu na przykładzie twórczości czterech izraelskich poetek (Alex Rif, Nadi-Adiny Rose, Yael Tomashov i Rity Kogan) zaprezentowane zostały kulturowo-estetyczne właściwości poezji hebrajskiej przedstawicieli młodego pokolenia — tzw. generation one and a half — dzieci wychodźców z byłego ZSRR. Obszernie omówiono kwestię dziedzictwa oraz transformacji kulturowej i psychologicznej, a także praktyk poetyckich odróżniających poszczególnych autorów, w twórczości których wspomniane dziedzictwo i transformacja są obecne. Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest utworom Yael Tomashov i Rity Kogan (część pierwsza traktująca o twórczości Alex Rif, Nadi-Adiny Rose ukazała się w poprzednim numerze).
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Day, R. W., R. F. Prefontaine, P. A. J. Bubendorfer, M. H. Oberhardt, B. J. Pinder, D. J. Holden und R. A. Gunness. „DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE KOGAN NORTH AND TIPTON WEST COAL SEAM GAS (CSG) FIELDS, SURAT BASIN, SOUTHEAST QUEENSLAND“. APPEA Journal 46, Nr. 1 (2006): 367. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/aj05020.

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In 2001, Arrow Energy NL, a fledgling coal seam gas (CSG) explorer, drilled the first wells of a multi-well exploration program in two Authorities To Prospect (ATP) permits—ATPs 683P and 676P—that covered an area totalling 13,817 km2 of the Jurassic Walloon Coal Measures in the eastern Surat Basin. The objective was to discover significant CSG resources and, if successful, to commercialise to reserve status. Early exploration success in 2002 saw the discovery of the Kogan North and Tipton West CSG fields. This paper reviews the discovery and subsequent appraisal and development work that Arrow Energy has completed to establish production from these fields.By 2004, Arrow Energy had independently certified Probablereserves in the Kogan North field of 85 PJ, and Possible reserves of 157 PJ. Results from a five-well CSG pilot operation demonstrated the feasibility of commercial gas flow rates sufficiently to justify commercialising CSG from the Walloon Coal Measures in the Kogan North field. Under the terms of a staged development agreement, CS Energy Ltd—Queensland’s largest electricity generator—farmed into the Kogan North Project to earn a 50% interest in PL194 and an adjoining portion of ATP 676P by funding A$13.1 million of the project’s development and appraisalcosts. The funds provided by CS Energy covered the majority of the development costs required for Arrow’s Kogan North development project. The initial gas sales contract from Kogan North will supply sales gas of 4 PJ/a for 15 years to CS Energy from March 2006. Arrow Energy retains the remaining 50% interest and operates the project.With 25 PJ Probable, 90 PJ Probable and 1,980 PJ Possiblegas reserves certified independently, the Tipton West field could potentially be one of the largest onshore gas fields in eastern Australia. Final appraisal of the Tipton West field is currently underway with financial close on the development expected in late 2005. Beach Petroleum Ltd has entered into an agreement to fund the A$35 million required for upstream developmentto supply the initial 10 PJ/a sales gas from the field in 2007, in exchange for 40% interest in th Dalby block of ATP683P. Arrow Energy retains the remaining 60% interest and operates the project.Diligent environmental and land management systems are required with the development of any CSG field. For example, formation water produced from CSG activities needs to be managed effectively. To deal with this water Arrow Energy is developing and implementing several innovative strategies, including forced evaporation dams, water supply to local coal-washing plants and trialling desalination plants to provide drinking water for nearby towns, aquaculture and stock watering.Arrow Energy has also implemented a Cultural Heritage Management Plan within the development areas in cooperation with the local indigenous claimant groups, the Western Wakka Wakka and the Barunggam peoples. The plan was designed to minimise risk of any disturbance to indigenous artefacts and areas of significance during the exploration, construction and ongoing operations associated with the development of both gas fields.The discovery and future development of the Kogan North and Tipton West fields has been achieved by using an appropriate mix of geological evaluation, efficient drilling techniques, innovative well completion methods and successful marketing strategies, integrated with cooperative environmental and cultural heritage management systems.
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Mirlin, E. G., und S. A. Sviridov. „CELEBRATING THE 85th JUBILEE OF MARINE GEOPHYSICIST, DR. LAZAR KOGAN“. Journal of Oceanological Research 48, Nr. 2 (28.08.2020): 225–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.29006/1564-2291.jor-2020.48(2).17.

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The author, Dr. Lazar Kogan, who dedicated the previous article to the anniversary of geophysicist Professor Yuri Neprochnov, will have anniversary on his own – he turn 85 years on September 12, 2020. He, like Yuri Neprochnov, was born in Tashkent in 1935, where he graduated from high school in 1953. After school, on the advice his older friend of Yuri Neprochnov, Kogan decided to pursue profession of geological science, and he entered Geological Department of Tashkent Polytechnic Institute, which he graduated in 1958 with the qualification of a mining engineer - geophysicist. In 1967, he completes his qualification work and receives a Ph.D. In 1986, he defends his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences at the All-Union Research Institute of Oceanic Geology, specializing in seismic profiling of deep geological layers. From 1958 to 2015 worked as a marine geophysicist at the seas and World Ocean and since 2015, he works, as consultant is seismic geological surveillance. During his scientific career, Dr. Kogan participated in more than 40 scientific expeditions, some of which he directed himself. He published about 150 scientific works and 7 monographs.
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Aufermann, Knut, und Tetsuo Kogawa. „Knut Aufermann and Tetsuo Kogawa: fm:i/o“. Leonardo Music Journal 17 (Dezember 2007): 80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1162/lmj.2007.17.80a.

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Schcolnicov, Eugenio. „Actitudes políticas: Jaime Kogan y el Equipo Teatro Payró (1967-1980)“. Latin American Theatre Review 56, Nr. 2 (März 2023): 45–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/ltr.2023.a919119.

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Abstract: This study analyzes the trajectory and stage productions developed by the Argentine theatre director Jaime Kogan between 1967 and 1980. A unique example of the dynamics that directors assumed in the late sixties, the first phase in the production of Kogan and the Equipo Teatro Payró (ETP) took place in a context of enormous political, social, and cultural turbulence. Beyond the alternation between constitutional governments and authoritarian regimes, the period in question includes diverse phenomena that revolve around the same historical process, which is characterized by increasing state violence. In this context, we observe how the transformations in the Kogan's directorial work reveal diverse modes of "micro-political" intervention.
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Byrne, Mary Ellen. „Obasan: More than One Telling/ More than One Reading“. Teaching English in the Two-Year College 30, Nr. 1 (01.09.2002): 30–37. http://dx.doi.org/10.58680/tetyc20022036.

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In her 1981 novel Obasan, the Japanese Canadian writer Joy Kogawa recounts the saga of the internment and relocation of Japanese Canadians during and after the Second World War by juxtaposing the "factual" historic telling against the personal, "fictional" telling. This experimental approach opens multiple and diverse pathways to us as instructors of literature.
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Aravind R. „Book review: M. Tungate, 2008, Branded Male: Marketing to Men“. IIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review 7, Nr. 2 (Juli 2018): 194–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/2277975218767566.

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Tuấn, Nguyễn Quang, und Hoàng Thị Thanh Nhàn. „Nghiên cứu sử dụng công thức giải tích thay thế cho toán đồ Kogan trong tính toán kết cấu áo đường mềm theo 22TCN 211-06“. Tạp chí Khoa học Công nghệ Xây dựng (KHCNXD) - ĐHXD 13, Nr. 3V (31.07.2019): 22–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.31814/stce.nuce2019-13(3v)-03.

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Việc tính toán kết cấu áo đường mềm theo tiêu chuẩn 22TCN 211-06 dựa trên bài toán hệ đàn hồi nhiều lớp trên nền không gian bán vô hạn đàn hồi. Trong đó, toán đồ Kogan là công cụ mang lại sự tiện lợi và đơn giản trong thiết kế. Tuy nhiên việc sử dụng toán đồ cũng có những hạn chế trong việc tự động hóa thiết kế và giải các bài toán ngoài phạm vi cho phép của toán đồ. Bài báo giới thiệu một số công thức giải tích nhằm sử dụng thay thế cho toán đồ Kogan lập sẵn trong tiêu chuẩn thiết kế áo đường mềm 22TCN 211-06. Sai số khi sử dụng các công thức giải tích so với việc tra thủ công trên toán đồ được so sánh nhằm chọn ra công thức giải tích có kết quả tương đương nhất với toán đồ. Kết quả cho thấy công thức giải tích theo phương pháp của Odemark cho kết quả rất sát với toán đồ với độ lệch trung bình khoảng 2,2%. Từ khóa: kết cấu áo đường; hệ nhiều lớp; toán đồ Kogan; công thức giải tích; thiết kế áo đường.
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Moshkin, Alex. „The Poetics of Marginality in Israel: Ars Poetika and the Russophone Poets of the 1.5 Generation“. Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies 42, Nr. 1 (2024): 175–99. http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/sho.2024.a932342.

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Abstract: The article examines contemporary Israeli poetry by post-Soviet Jews who migrated to Israel after the collapse of the USSR. Complicating the dominant assessment of post-Soviet literature in Israel as an isolated and "ghettoized" phenomenon, an analysis of the poetry by Soviet-born, Hebrew-language poets Rita Kogan, Alex Rif, and Arik Eber reveals the strong influence of Hebrew literature in general, and of the Mizrahi poets of Ars Poetika in particular. Through close textual analysis and interviews with Rif, Kogan, and Eber, the article demonstrates how their verse has adopted and adapted the dominant building blocks of Ars Poetika—resistance to Ashkenazi hegemony, protest against exclusion and discrimination, and embrace of one's own culture and identity—to the situation of Russian-speaking Jews in Israel. Ultimately, the chapter shows how the cultural affinity with poets of Ars Poetika allows post-Soviet immigrants to both construct themselves as part of the Israeli-Jewish population and at the same time express their post-Soviet particularity, thereby bringing into relief the two halves of the poets' hyphenated Russian-Israeli cultural identities. Reflecting on this cultural cross-pollination, the chapter concludes by reading the poetry of Rif, Kogan, and Eber as part and parcel of contemporary Israeli literature.
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Smith, David. „Book Review: Kogan Page Limited“. International Journal of Market Research 58, Nr. 1 (Januar 2016): 153–55. http://dx.doi.org/10.2501/ijmr-2016-009.

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BOWLT, JOHN E. „PETR KOGAN, PRESIDENT OF RAKhN“. Experiment 3, Nr. 1 (1997): 125. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/2211730x97x00116.

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Sharma, Priyanka. „Book review: Carlos Gill. 2019. The End of Marketing: Humanizing Your Brand in the Age of Social Media and AI“. Metamorphosis: A Journal of Management Research 19, Nr. 2 (Dezember 2020): 129–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0972622521991936.

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Trois, Cesar Augusto da Cunha. „Strepsiptera brasileiros. IV: revisão e redescrição do gênero Brasixenos Kogan & Oliveira, 1966 (Stylopidae)“. Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 5, Nr. 2 (1988): 267–91. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/s0101-81751988000200011.

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Brasixenos Kogan & Oliveira, 1966 (Strepsiptera, Stylopidae) é revisto; sete espécies são redescritas e é descrita como nova B. myrapetrus (localidade-tipo: Brasil, São Paulo, em Polybia (Myrapetra) paulista - Vespidae).
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Oliveira Júnior, Wenceslao Machado de. „Cidades de fogo e paixão“. ETD - Educação Temática Digital 9, Nr. 1 (14.11.2008): 341. http://dx.doi.org/10.20396/etd.v9i1.751.

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Andrews, B. A. St. „Co-Wanderers Kogawa and Mukherjee: New Immigrant Writers“. World Literature Today 66, Nr. 1 (1992): 56. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/40147857.

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Rocard, Marcienne. „Obasan de Joy Kogawa, roman de la brisure“. Anglophonia/Caliban 1, Nr. 1 (1997): 167–75. http://dx.doi.org/10.3406/calib.1997.1343.

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Moloney, Peter. „Kogarah Municipal Library: library automation and innovation diffusion—a study“. Australian Library Journal 46, Nr. 2 (Januar 1997): 154–60. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00049670.1997.10755794.

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Benda, Daniel, Hans Pohl, Yuta Nakase, Rolf Beutel und Jakub Straka. „A generic classification of Xenidae (Strepsiptera) based on the morphology of the female cephalothorax and male cephalotheca with a preliminary checklist of species“. ZooKeys 1093 (07.04.2022): 1–134. http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1093.72339.

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The generic taxonomy and host specialization of Xenidae have been understood differently by previous authors. Although the recent generic classification has implied a specialization on the level of host families or subfamilies, the hypothesis that each xenid genus is specialized to a single host genus was also previously postulated. A critical evaluation of the classification of the genera of Xenidae is provided here based on morphology in accordance with results of recent molecular phylogenetic studies. External features of the female cephalothoraces and male cephalothecae were documented in detail with different techniques. Diagnoses and descriptions are presented for all 13 delimited genera. The earliest diverging genera are usually well characterized by unique features, whereas deeply nested genera are usually characterized by combinations of characters. Three new genera are described: Sphecixenosgen. nov., Tuberoxenosgen. nov., and Deltoxenosgen. nov. Five previously described genera are removed from synonymy: Tachytixenos Pierce, 1911, stat. res.; Brasixenos Kogan & Oliveira, 1966, stat. res.; Leionotoxenos Pierce, 1909, stat. res.; Eupathocera Pierce, 1908, stat. res.; and Macroxenos Schultze, 1925, stat. res. One former subgenus is elevated to generic rank: Nipponoxenos Kifune & Maeta, 1975, stat. res.Monobiaphila Pierce, 1909, syn. nov. and Montezumiaphila Brèthes, 1923, syn. nov. are recognized as junior synonyms of Leionotoxenos Pierce, 1909, stat. res.Ophthalmochlus Pierce, 1908, syn. nov., Homilops Pierce, 1908, syn. nov., Sceliphronechthrus Pierce, 1909, syn. nov., and Ophthalmochlus (Isodontiphila) Pierce, 1919, syn. nov. are recognized as junior synonyms of Eupathocera Pierce, 1908, stat. res. A preliminary checklist of 119 described species of Xenidae with information on their hosts and distribution is provided. The following 14 species are recognized as valid and restituted from synonymy: Tachytixenos indicus Pierce, 1911, stat. res.; Brasixenos acinctus Kogan & Oliveira, 1966, stat. res.; Brasixenos araujoi (Oliveira & Kogan, 1962), stat. res.; Brasixenos bahiensis Kogan & Oliveira, 1966, stat. res.; Brasixenos brasiliensis Kogan & Oliveira, 1966, stat. res.; Brasixenos fluminensis Kogan & Oliveria, 1966, stat. res.; Brasixenos myrapetrus Trois, 1988, stat. res.; Brasixenos zikani Kogan & Oliveira, 1966, stat. res.; Leionotoxenos hookeri Pierce, 1909, stat. res.; Leionotoxenos jonesi Pierce, 1909, stat. res.; Leionotoxenos louisianae Pierce, 1909, stat. res.; Eupathocera luctuosae Pierce, 1911, stat. res.; Eupathocera lugubris Pierce, 1909, stat. res.; Macroxenos piercei Schultze, 1925, stat. res. New generic combinations are proposed for 51 species: Leionotoxenos arvensidis (Pierce, 1911), comb. nov.; Leionotoxenos bishoppi (Pierce, 1909), comb. nov.; Leionotoxenos foraminati (Pierce, 1911), comb. nov.; Leionotoxenos fundati (Pierce, 1911), comb. nov.; Leionotoxenos huastecae (Székessy, 1965), comb. nov.; Leionotoxenos itatiaiae (Trois, 1984), comb. nov.; Leionotoxenos neomexicanus (Pierce, 1919), comb. nov.; Leionotoxenos prolificum (Teson & Remes Lenicov, 1979), comb. nov.; Leionotoxenos robertsoni (Pierce, 1911), comb. nov.; Leionotoxenos tigridis (Pierce, 1911), comb. nov.; Leionotoxenos vigili (Brèthes, 1923), comb. nov.; Eupathocera argentina (Brèthes, 1923), comb. nov.; Eupathocera auripedis (Pierce, 1911), comb. nov.; Eupathocera bucki (Trois, 1984), comb. nov.; Eupathocera duryi (Pierce, 1909), comb. nov.; Eupathocera erynnidis (Pierce, 1911), comb. nov.; Eupathocera fasciati (Pierce, 1909), comb. nov.; Eupathocera fuliginosi (Brèthes, 1923), comb. nov.; Eupathocera inclusa (Oliveira & Kogan, 1963), comb. nov.; Eupathocera insularis (Kifune, 1983), comb. nov.; Eupathocera mendozae (Brèthes, 1923), comb. nov.; Eupathocera piercei (Brèthes, 1923), comb. nov.; Eupathocera striati (Brèthes, 1923), comb. nov.; Eupathocera taschenbergi (Brèthes, 1923), comb. nov.; Eupathocera westwoodii (Templeton, 1841), comb. nov.; Macroxenos papuanus (Székessy, 1956), comb. nov.; Sphecixenos abbotti (Pierce, 1909), comb. nov.; Sphecixenos astrolabensis (Székessy, 1956), comb. nov.; Sphecixenos dorae (Luna de Carvalho, 1956), comb. nov.; Sphecixenos erimae (Székessy, 1956), comb. nov.; Sphecixenos esakii (Hirashima & Kifune, 1962), comb. nov.; Sphecixenos gigas (Pasteels, 1950), comb. nov.; Sphecixenos kurosawai (Kifune, 1984), comb. nov.; Sphecixenos laetum (Ogloblin, 1926), comb. nov.; Sphecixenos orientalis (Kifune, 1985), comb. nov.; Sphecixenos reticulatus (Luna de Carvalho, 1972), comb. nov.; Sphecixenos simplex (Székessy, 1956), comb. nov.; Sphecixenos vanderiisti (Pasteels, 1952), comb. nov.; Tuberoxenos altozambeziensis (Luna de Carvalho, 1959), comb. nov.; Tuberoxenos sinuatus (Pasteels, 1956), comb. nov.; Tuberoxenos sphecidarum (Siebold, 1839), comb. nov.; Tuberoxenos teres (Pasteels, 1950), comb. nov.; Tuberoxenos tibetanus (Yang, 1981), comb. nov.; Deltoxenos bequaerti (Luna de Carvalho, 1956), comb. nov.; Deltoxenos bidentatus (Pasteels, 1950), comb. nov.; Deltoxenos hirokoae (Kifune & Yamane, 1992), comb. nov.; Deltoxenos iwatai (Esaki, 1931), comb. nov.; Deltoxenos lusitanicus (Luna de Carvalho, 1960), comb. nov.; Deltoxenos minor (Kifune & Maeta, 1978), comb. nov.; Deltoxenos rueppelli (Kinzelbach, 1971a), comb. nov.; Xenos ropalidiae (Kinzelbach, 1975), comb. nov.Xenos minor Kinzelbach, 1971a, syn. nov. is recognized as a junior synonym of X. vesparum Rossi, 1793. Ophthalmochlus duryi Pierce, 1908, nomen nudum and Eupathocera lugubris Pierce, 1908, nomen nudum are recognized as nomina nuda and therefore unavailable in zoological nomenclature. The species diversity of Xenidae probably remains poorly known: the expected number of species is at least twice as high as the number presently described.
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Narkevich, Igor A., Stanislav Stepanov, Yuri Zvyagin, Svetlana Vorobeva, Vladimir Perelygin und Daria Dobrova. „Grigory Yakovlevich Kogan: Director of the Leningrad Pharmaceutical Institute in 1938-1941“. Pharmacy Formulas 2, Nr. 2 (04.07.2020): 104–9. http://dx.doi.org/10.17816/phf34072.

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On the basis of archival and little-known documents, the biography of a specialist in pharmaceutical chemistry in the field of galena drugs technology, was reconstructed in the article. Grigory Yakovlevich Kogan (1889-1956), D.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professo held senior positions in the 1920s and 1930s in the leading pharmaceutical institutions: the Leningrad Military-Medical Preparations Plant, the Leningrad Scientific and Pharmaceutical Society. In 1938-1941 G. Kogan was the Director of theLeningrad Pharmaceutical Institute (now Saint Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University), after the war, he headed the Department of Technology of Medicinal Forms and Galena Drugs at the Moscow Pharmaceutical Institute (now I.M.Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University). Based on the analysis of his scientific and pedagogical activities, his contribution to the development of national and world pharmacy and training of specialists in the USSR has been revealed.
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Chanan, A., S. Vigneswaran und J. Kandasamy. „Valuing stormwater, rainwater and wastewater in the soft path for water management: Australian case studies“. Water Science and Technology 62, Nr. 12 (01.12.2010): 2854–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.2166/wst.2010.544.

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A Water Sensitive City is now commonly acknowledged best practice for designing the cities of the future. In Australia, the National Water Initiative has allocated high priority towards offering insight into successful water sensitive urban development projects, to facilitate capacity building within the industry. This paper shares innovative water sensitive projects implemented at Kogarah City Council, in Sydney. Four key projects are discussed, demonstrating how stormwater, rainwater and wastewater can be incorporated into decentralised water systems to offer sustainable water management of the future. The case studies included in the paper highlight Kogarah's journey towards the Soft Path for Water Management.
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Ranta, Milja, Eija Lönnroos, Antti-Jussi Kouvo, Merja Miettinen und Johanna Lammintakanen. „Päivystyksen henkilöstön asenteet iäkkäitä potilaita kohtaan“. Gerontologia 34, Nr. 3 (18.09.2020): 193–208. http://dx.doi.org/10.23989/gerontologia.87891.

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Tutkimuksessamme tarkastelimme päivystyksen henkilöstön asenteita iäkkäitä ihmisiä kohtaan. Aineisto kerättiin strukturoidulla kyselylomakkeella. Kyselytutkimukseen vastasi 168 Kuopion yliopistollisen sairaalan tai Päijät-Hämeen keskussairaalan päivystyksessä työskentelevää henkilöä. Asenteita iäkkäitä kohtaan mitattiin Koganin 34 väittämän asennemittarilla. Vastaajista yli puolet (56,9 %) suhtautui iäkkäisiin positiivisesti ja viidenneksen (21,3 %) asenteet olivat neutraaleja. Lääkärit asennoituivat iäkkäisiin muita ammattiryhmiä positiivisemmin. Tilastollisesti merkitsevät erot ammattiryhmien välillä ilmenivät sukupolvien välisen kuilun merkitystä vuorovaikutussuhteisiin (p=0,004) ja vanhusten omatoimisuutta (p=0,001) tarkastelevissa asenneulottuvuuksissa. Myös vastaajien iällä oli yhteys sukupolvien välisen kuilun vaikutuksen mieltämiseen (p=0,011), 30-39-vuotiaat suhtautuivat 50 vuotta täyttäneitä positiivisemmin. Henkilöstön asenteet voivat vaikuttaa potilaiden hoidon laatuun. Asenteiden arviointi on osa hoidon laadun kehittämistä.
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Young, Mary E., und King-Kok Cheung. „Articulate Silences: Hisaye Yamamoto, Maxine Hong Kingston, Joy Kogawa“. Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature 13, Nr. 2 (1994): 395. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/464121.

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Stanley, Sandra Kumamoto, und King-Kok Cheung. „Articulate Silences: Hisaye Yamamoto, Maxine Hong Kingston, Joy Kogawa.“ American Literature 66, Nr. 2 (Juni 1994): 410. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/2928022.

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Panov, Sergei I. „On the Reception of German Expressionism in the USSR: Unpublished Article by P. Kogan about Johannes Becher“. Literary Fact, Nr. 3 (29) (2023): 323–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.22455/2541-8297-2023-29-323-352.

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The article examines early Soviet criticism of Johannes R. Becher’s works in the context of Soviet reception of German Expressionism in the 1920s. A.V. Lunacharsky and P.S. Kogan were mainly positive in their assessments of this literary movement of the 1910s, emphasizing its revolutionary intentions, typical for Expressionists’ works and social position (anti-bourgeois activism, closeness to the working class and the Communist Party). On the contrary, critics that stuck to the program of the magazine “Na literaturnom postu” and associated with the Communist Academy tended to reject Expressionism as a decadent phenomenon of bourgeois culture. They decisively separated Becher from this literary movement. The article also dwells on the Expressionist studies conducted by the research team of the State Academy of Artistic Sciences (GAKhN); in 1926 its president P. Kogan presented his research paper “Johannes Becher. (A page from the history of German Expressionism)” which is published for the first time in the addendum.
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Ueno, Toshiya. „Guattari and Japan“. Deleuze Studies 6, Nr. 2 (Mai 2012): 187–209. http://dx.doi.org/10.3366/dls.2012.0057.

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Revisiting Guattari's visits to Japan in the 1980s during the country's ‘bubble economy’, this paper investigates from a personal perspective the Radio Homerun mini-FM station as well as other stops on Guattari's Tokyo ‘pilgrimage’. Guattari's reception and influence in Japan is contextualised through the writer Kõbõ Abe and philosopher Kiyoteru Hanada, in addition to the groundbreaking work of Tetsuo Kogawa, against the backdrop of the rise of postmodernism. Similarities between Guattari's sense of Japan and Brazil are then broached.
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Chanan, Amit, und Paul Woods. „Introducing total water cycle management in Sydney: a Kogarah Council initiative“. Desalination 187, Nr. 1-3 (Februar 2006): 11–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.desal.2005.04.063.

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Russell, JS. „Soil treatment, plant species and management effects on improved pastures on a solodic soil in the semi-arid subtropics. 2. Cattle liveweight gains“. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 25, Nr. 2 (1985): 380. http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/ea9850380.

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Increased and sustained beef cattle liveweight gains were obtained during 1974-79 on improved pastures in an experiment on a solodic soil at Kogan in southern Queensland. Annual liveweight gains of almost 100 kg/ha and 160 kg/steer were obtained at a stocking rate of 0.62 steers/ha on Rhodes grass fertilized with nitrogen; Rhodes grass and medics; and Rhodes grass, medics and siratro. The latter two pastures received an initial application of hydrated lime and gypsum (HLG). Medics responded markedly to HLG and this resulted in a 54% increase in liveweight gain per hectare on the Rhodes grassmedic pasture. However, the capacity of Rhodes grass-legume pastures to sustain higher stocking rates was much less than Rhodes grass fertilized with nitrogen. Rate of liveweight gain varied seasonally. There was a marked depression in late autumn and early winter, a steady increase in spring, a minor depression in late spring and early summer, and a minor increase in late summer and early autumn. Comparison of animal production with a long term experiment at Narayen on a low-fertility soil showed similarities, except for the poor performance of siratro at Kogan in terms of productivity and persistence. The main differences in the soils (both Alfisols) were the presence of levels of exchangeable sodium exceeding 40% in the subsoil, and poorer physical properties of the Kogan soil. Although the experiment has shown potential for increased animal production from improved pastures in this environment, factors limiting sustained high production are high liveweight losses in the cool months, rainfall variability and pasture instability. Conservative pasture management is needed if improved species are to be retained in pastures on these soils.
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Hilt, Michael L. „The Kogan Attitudes toward Old People Scale: Is it Time for a Revision?“ Psychological Reports 80, Nr. 3_suppl (Juni 1997): 1372–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.2466/pr0.1997.80.3c.1372.

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The Kogan Attitudes Toward Old People scale has been used in gerontological research for more than 35 years. Criticisms of the scale, including dated wording and response bias, have increased in the 1990s. Researchers must examine the scale and decide whether a revision is now necessary.
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Musselin, Christine. „Maurice Kogan, Stephen Hanney, Reforming Higher Education“. Sociologie du travail 43, Nr. 2 (01.04.2001): 268–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.4000/sdt.34916.

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Jennings, R. E. „Directors of Education. Tony Bush , Maurice Kogan“. Comparative Education Review 29, Nr. 2 (Mai 1985): 279–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/446521.

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Stone, Marvin J. „Richard Kogan, MD: Music and the Mind“. Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings 21, Nr. 3 (Juli 2008): 242. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08998280.2008.11928402.

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GRIPAIOS, B. M. „GLUON CORRELATORS IN THE KOGAN–KOVNER MODEL“. International Journal of Modern Physics A 18, Nr. 01 (10.01.2003): 85–95. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/s0217751x0301228x.

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The Lorentz-invariant gluon correlation functions <F2(x) F2(x′)> and [Formula: see text], corresponding to scalar and pseudoscalar glueballs, are calculated for Kogan's and Kovner's variational ansatz for the pure SU (N) Yang–Mills wave functional. One expects only one dynamical mass scale should be present in QCD; the ansatz generates the expected scale for both glueballs, as well as an additional scale for the scalar glueball coming from the correlator of the color electric field. The additional mass scale must therefore vanish, or be close to the expected one. This is shown to constrain the nature of the phase transition in the Kogan–Kovner ansatz.
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STEENO, O. „E.S.E. Hafez and S.J. Kogan: Pediatric Andrology.“ Andrologia 14, Nr. 4 (24.04.2009): 321. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0272.1982.tb02269.x.

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