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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Kansenshō"


DE SILVA, NIMALI I., RUNGTIWA PHOOKAMSAK, SAJEEWA S. N. MAHARACHCHIKUMBURA, KASUN M. THAMBUGALA, DARBHE J. BHAT, ABDULLAH M. AL-SADI, SAISAMORN LUMYONG und KEVIN D. HYDE. „Monochaetia ilexae sp. nov. (Pestalotiopsidaceae) from Yunnan Province in China“. Phytotaxa 291, Nr. 2 (11.01.2017): 123.

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Monochaetia is a pestalotiopsis-like genus characterized by 3–5-septate hyaline to brown conidia with single apical and basal appendages. Monochaetia species exhibit diverse conidial morphology, but many species lack molecular data and thus it is not clear if the genus is monophyletic. In this paper, combined LSU and ITS sequence data and morphological traits are used to introduce a new Monochaetia species, M. ilexae from Yunnan Province, China from dead leaves of Ilex species. Monochaetia ilexae shares similar morphology with the type, M. monochaeta and M. kansensis having fusiform conidia and has a similar range of conidia. However M. ilexae differs from M. monochaeta and M. kansensis having different conidia length, apical and basal appendage lengths. Phylogeny agrees with morphological differences allowing Monochaetia ilexae as a new species that clusters with Monochaetia species, but is separated from the main clade with high support.
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IWAKI, Takashi, Naoya SATA, Hideo HASEGAWA, Kayoko MATSUO, Takafumi NAKANO und Takuya KOJIMA. „Ochetosoma kansense (Plagiorchiida: Ochetosomatidae) from Native Snake Species in Japan“. Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 25, Nr. 4 (24.12.2020): 129–34.

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Hall, H. Glenn. „The Squash Bee Xenoglossa kansensis Cockerell (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Found in Organic Farms in Northern Florida“. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society 83, Nr. 1 (Januar 2010): 84–88.

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AbstractThirty-two species of Pediobius (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) are reviewed, 9 newly noted from both Europe and North America. New Nearctic species include P. adelphae, disparis, geshnae, liocephalatus, louisianae, magniclavatus, ni, ocellatus, pseudotsugatae, and strobilicola. Pediobius rugosithorax (Cwfd.) and kansensis (Grlt.) are newly noted as junior synonyms of acantha (Wlk.); lithocolletidis (Ashm.) of albipes (Prov.); longfellowi (Grlt), of alcaeus (Wlk.); wilderi (How.) of brachycerus (Thoms.); (Asecodes) P. albitarsis (Ashm.), tarsalis (Ashm.), and ashmeadi (Cwfd.) of crassicornis (Thoms.); utahensis (Cwfd.), longus (Grlt.), and perdubius (Grlt.) of eubius (Wlk.); (Entedon) P. albitarsis (Ashm.) and sexdentatus (Grlt.) of facialis (Giraud); splendens (C. & D.) of foliorum (Geoffr.); glabrata Blck. of phyllotretae (Ril.). Pediobius termerus (Wlk.) is recorded for the first time in Nearctic. A key to species and a host–parasite list are included.
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Литвиненко, Ю. І. „КОПРОФІЛЬНІ ПЕРИТЕЦІОЇДНІ СУМЧАСТІ ГРИБИ ГЕТЬМАНЬСКОГО НАЦІОНАЛЬНОГО ПРИРОДНОГО ПАРКУ“. Вісті Біосферного заповідника «Асканія-Нова», Nr. 24 (22.12.2022): 41–50.

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Досліджено видову різноманітність та поширення копрофільних перитеціоїдних сумчастих грибів на території Гетьманського національного природного парку (Сумська область, Охтирський район). У результаті виявлено 32 види з 14 родів, 11 родин і 5 порядків. З них клас Sordariomycetes представлений 19 видами, Dothideomycetes – 13. Серед порядків найчисельнішими є: Sordariales – 16 видів з 8 родів і Pleosporales – 13 видів з 3 родів. У родинному спектрі домінують представники п'яти родин: Sporormiaceae – 10 видів, Podosporaceae і Schizotheciaceae – по 4 види, Delitschiaceae й Sordariaceae – по 3. Їх представники об'єднують 75% загальної кількості виявлених у парку видів копрофільних перитеціоїдних аскоміцетів. Провідні роди названих родин, а саме Delitschia Niessl, Schizothecium Corda, Sordaria G. Winter, Sporormiella Ellis & Everh. і Triangularia Boedijn, домінують у родовому спектрі. Наведено список зареєстрованих видів грибів та асоційованих з ними живильних субстратів. Всі відмічені аскоміцети є новими видами для Гетьманського національного природного парку. Два види сумчастих грибів – Preussia funiculata (Preuss) Fuckel і Sporormiella kansensis (Griffiths) S.I. Ahmed & Cain, на території парку були зареєстровані вперше в Україні. Знахідки Sporormiella corynespora (Niessl) S.I. Ahmed & Cain і Triangularia arizonensis (Griffiths) Y. Marín, A.N. Mill. & Stchigel є новими для території Лівобережного Лісостепу України та вдруге наводяться в країні. Втретє на території України зареєстровано Delitschia perpusilla Speg.
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GIBSON, GARY A. P. „Revision of the species of Jaliscoa Bouček within a review of the identity, relationships and membership of Jaliscoa, Catolaccus Thomson, Eurydinoteloides Girault, Lyrcus Walker and Trimeromicrus Gahan (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae)“. Zootaxa 3612, Nr. 1 (05.02.2013): 1–85.

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The limits of Lyrcus Walker (1842), Catolaccus Thomson (1878), Eurydinoteloides Girault (1913a), Trimeromicrus Gahan (1914), and Jaliscoa Bouček (1993) are re-evaluated and redefined to better reflect observed distribution of morphological features. Nine of 13 New World species of Catolaccus are transferred to other genera and photographs of the primary type specimens are given to assist future recognition. New features are provided to assist identification of the remaining four Nearctic species of Catolaccus and these are compared to European species, with the observation that C. kansensis (Girault 1917c) could be a junior synonym of C. crassiceps (Masi 1911). Trimeromicrus is removed from synonymy under Lyrcus for the single species T. maculatus Gahan (1914) rev. comb. Newly synonymized under Lyrcus is the Australasian genus Neocylus Bouček (1988) n. syn. Ten species are newly transferred to Lyrcus—L. nigraeneus (Girault 1915) n. comb. (from Neocylus), L. helice (Walker 1843) n. comb. and L. cyaneus (Girault 1911) n. comb. (from Catolaccus), and L. albiclavus (Girault 1917c) n. comb., L. capitis (Burks 1955) n. comb., L. chalcis (Burks 1955) n. comb., L. coeliodis (Ashmead 1896) n. comb., L. deuterus (Crawford 1911) n. comb., L. nigroaeneus (Ashmead 1894a) n. comb. and L. rosaecolis (Burks 1955) n. comb. (from Zatropis Crawford 1908). Catolaccus pallipes Ashmead (1894b) is newly transferred to Pteromalus Swederus (1795) as Pteromalus pallipes (Ashmead) n. comb. and Catolaccus fragariae Rohwer (1934) to Lariophagus Crawford (1909) as Lariophagus fragariae (Rohwer) n. comb. Nine species are newly transferred to Eurydinoteloides—E. tepicensis (Ashmead 1895) n. comb. (from Catolaccus), E. dymnus (Walker 1847) n. comb., E. hermeas (Walker 1847) n. comb., E. incerta (Ashmead 1893) n. comb., E. orontas (Walker 1847) n. comb., E. perdubia (Girault 1916) n. comb., E. platensis (De Santis in De Santis et al. 1979) n. comb. and E. timaea (Walker 1847) n. comb. (from Lyrcus), and E. eudubia (Özdikmen 2011) n. comb. (from Spintherus Thomson 1878). Four species are newly transferred to Jaliscoa—J. grandis (Burks 1954) n. comb. and J. hunteri (Crawford 1908) n. comb. (from Catolaccus), and J. townsendi (Crawford 1912) n. comb. and J. vulgaris (Ashmead 1894b) n. comb. (from Pteromalus). The species of Jaliscoa are revised to include J. nudipennis Bouček 1993, J. bouceki n. sp., J. hunteri and J. vulgaris. Re-established in synonymy under J. hunteri is J. townsendi n. comb. One new species of Pteromalus, P. grisselli n. sp., is described as an egg predator in the egg sacs of Dictyna coloradensi Chamberlin (Araneae: Dictynidae) and compared to Catolaccus species and other pteromalids that are predators of spider eggs. Lectotypes are designated for Pteromalus helice Walker (1843), Catolaccus pallipes Ashmead (1894b) and Catolaccus vulgaris Ashmead (1894b). Diagnoses are given to differentiate Catolaccus, Eurydinoteloides, Jaliscoa, Lyrcus and Trimeromicrus from each other, and more extensive descriptions given to help differentiate these genera from other Pteromalinae. Morphological features are illustrated through macrophotography and scanning electron photomicrography.
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Bücher zum Thema "Kansenshō"


kenkyūkai, Kansenshōhō, Hrsg. Kansenshō hōrei tsūchishū: Kansenshōhō to Yobō sesshuhō. 2. Aufl. Tōkyō: Chūō Hōki, 2008.

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Kansenshō to Nihonjin. Fukuoka-shi: Gen Shobō, 2020.

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Kenkyūkai, Kansenshōhō, Hrsg. Kansenshō hōrei tsūchishū. 2. Aufl. Tōkyō-to Shibuya-ku: Chūō Hōki, 2013.

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Kansenshō no Nihon shi. Tōkyō: Kabushiki Kaisha Bungei Shunjū, 2020.

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Kansenshō, arerugī, men'eki, kōgenbyō. 2. Aufl. Tōkyō: Mejikaru Furendosha, 2010.

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Aoki, Hisao. Eizu to sei kōi kansenshō. Tōkyō: Nanʼundō, 1992.

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Kenkyūkai, Kansenshōhō. Shōkai Kansenshō no yobō oyobi kansenshō no kanja ni taisuru iryō ni kansuru hōritsu. Tōkyō: Chūō Hōki, 2000.

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Japan, Hrsg. Shōkai Kansenshō no yobō oyobi kansenshō no kanja ni taisuru iryō ni kansuru hōritsu. 3. Aufl. Tōkyō: Chūō Hōki, 2008.

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Kenkyūkai, Kansenshōhō, Hrsg. Kansenshō no yobō oyobi kansenshō no kanja ni taisuru iryō ni kansuru hōritsu: Hōrei, tsūchi, kankei shiryō. Tōkyō: Chūō Hōki, 2004.

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Kinsei kansenshō no seikatsushi: Iryō, jōhō, jendā. Tōkyō: Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2022.

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