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Li, Jinjin, und Shou Lin. „k-systems, k-networks and k-covers“. Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 56, Nr. 1 (März 2006): 239–45.

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Narnhofer, H., und W. Thirring. „Algebraic K-systems“. Letters in Mathematical Physics 20, Nr. 3 (Oktober 1990): 231–50.

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Bilalov, B. T., und Z. G. Guseinov. „K-bessel and K-hilbert systems and K-bases“. Doklady Mathematics 80, Nr. 3 (Dezember 2009): 826–28.

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JONES, BUSH. „K-SYSTEMS VERSUS CLASSICAL MULTIVARIATE SYSTEMS“. International Journal of General Systems 12, Nr. 1 (Februar 1986): 1–6.

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Rustamov, G. A. „K∞-Robust Control Systems“. MEHATRONIKA, AVTOMATIZACIA, UPRAVLENIE 16, Nr. 7 (Juli 2015): 435–43.

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Warnock, David G., und Jill Eveloff. „K-Cl cotransport systems“. Kidney International 36, Nr. 3 (September 1989): 412–17.

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Hwang, F. K., und Shi Dinghua. „Redundant consecutive-k systems“. Operations Research Letters 6, Nr. 6 (Dezember 1987): 293–96.

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Chen, Rong-si, und Xiao-feng Guo. „k-coverable coronoid systems“. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 12, Nr. 1 (1993): 147–62.

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Serag, Hassan M., Abd-Allah Hyder, Mahmoud El-Badawy und Areej A. Almoneef. „Optimal Control for k × k Cooperative Fractional Systems“. Fractal and Fractional 6, Nr. 10 (02.10.2022): 559.

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This paper discusses the optimal control issue for elliptic k×k cooperative fractional systems. The fractional operators are proposed in the Laplace sense. Because of the nonlocality of the Laplace fractional operators, we reformulate the issue as an extended issue on a semi-infinite cylinder in Rk+1. The weak solution for these fractional systems is then proven to exist and be unique. Moreover, the existence and optimality conditions can be inferred as a consequence.
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Boland, Philip J., und Stavros Papastavridis. „Consecutive k out of systems with Cycle k“. Statistics & Probability Letters 44, Nr. 2 (August 1999): 155–60.

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Wang, L., und H. Cao. „Almost resolvable k -cycle systems with k≡2(mod4)“. Journal of Combinatorial Designs 26, Nr. 10 (28.05.2018): 480–86.

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Grussler, Christian, Thiago Burghi und Somayeh Sojoudi. „Internally Hankel $k$-Positive Systems“. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 60, Nr. 4 (August 2022): 2373–92.

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Golodets, Valentin Y., und Sergey V. Neshveyev. „Non-Bernoullian Quantum K-Systems“. Communications in Mathematical Physics 195, Nr. 1 (01.07.1998): 213–32.

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Daly, Charles, Jonah Gaster, Max Lahn, Aisha Mechery und Simran Nayak. „Algebraic k-systems of curves“. Geometriae Dedicata 209, Nr. 1 (21.03.2020): 125–34.

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Trivedi, Sudhir, Bush Jones und Sitharama Iyengar. „Why k-Systems Methodology Works“. Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation 42, Nr. 1 (Januar 2002): 23–31.

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Zheng, Maolin. „The K-resonant benzenoid systems“. Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 231 (Juni 1991): 321–34.

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Zinoviev, V. A., und D. V. Zinoviev. „Steiner systems S(v, k, k − 1): Components and rank“. Problems of Information Transmission 47, Nr. 2 (Juni 2011): 130–48.

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Trollier, T., J. Tanchon, J. Lacapere und P. Camus. „30 K to 2 K vibration free remote cooling systems“. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 755 (30.06.2020): 012041.

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Haggar, F. A., G. B. Byrnes, G. R. W. Quispel und H. W. Capel. „k-integrals and k-Lie symmetries in discrete dynamical systems“. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 233, Nr. 1-2 (November 1996): 379–94.

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Komninos, Theodoros, Michael Paraskevas, Zacharoula Smyrnaiou und Dimitrios Serpanos. „Cyberphysical Systems in K–12 Education“. Computer 55, Nr. 5 (Mai 2022): 81–84.

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Alseidi, Rola, Michael Margaliot und Jurgen Garloff. „Discrete-Time $k$-Positive Linear Systems“. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 66, Nr. 1 (Januar 2021): 399–405.

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Li, Fangfei, Di Wang und Yang Tang. „Pinning Controllability of $k$-ValuedLogical Systems“. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 7, Nr. 3 (September 2020): 1523–33.

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de León, Manuel, Eugenio Merino, José A. Oubiña, Paulo R. Rodrigues und Modesto R. Salgado. „Hamiltonian systems on k-cosymplectic manifolds“. Journal of Mathematical Physics 39, Nr. 2 (Februar 1998): 876–93.

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Dickson, Mark. „Coastal systems - By Simon K. Haslett“. New Zealand Geographer 66, Nr. 1 (April 2010): 94.

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Narnhofer, H. „Time reversibility for modular K-systems“. Reports on Mathematical Physics 45, Nr. 1 (Februar 2000): 107–20.

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Cohen, Stephen D., und Nikolai N. Kuzjurin. „On (n, k, l, Δ)-systems“. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 38, Nr. 1 (Februar 1995): 53–62.

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The paper is devoted to studying one generalization of Steiner systems S(n, k, l) closely related to packings and coverings of l-tuples by k-tuples of an n-set. One necessary and one sufficient condition for the existence of such designs are obtained.
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Chernov, N. I., und C. Haskell. „Nonuniformly hyperbolic K-systems are Bernoulli“. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 16, Nr. 1 (Februar 1996): 19–44.

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AbstractWe prove that those non-uniformly hyperbolic maps and flows (with singularities) that enjoy the K-property are also Bernoulli. In particular, many billiard systems, including those systems of hard balls and stadia that have the K-property, and hyperbolic billiards, such as the Lorentz gas in any dimension, are Bernoulli. We obtain the Bernoulli property for both the billiard flows and the associated maps on the boundary of the phase space.
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Aougab, Tarik. „Constructing large k-systems on surfaces“. Topology and its Applications 176 (Oktober 2014): 1–9.

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Chang, Gerard J., Lirong Cui und Frank K. Hwang. „Reliabilities for (n,f,k) systems“. Statistics & Probability Letters 43, Nr. 3 (Juli 1999): 237–42.

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Lamb, J. S. W., und G. R. W. Quispel. „Reversing k-symmetries in dynamical systems“. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 73, Nr. 4 (Juni 1994): 277–304.

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Van Daele, A. „K-theory for finite covariant systems“. K-Theory 6, Nr. 5 (September 1992): 465–85.

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KAMALJA, KIRTEE K. „BIRNBAUM IMPORTANCE FOR CONSECUTIVE-k SYSTEMS“. International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering 19, Nr. 04 (August 2012): 1250016.

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Reliability importance of components of various systems is an important part in the reliability study. In this paper Birnbaum-reliability importance (B-importance) of components of three popular consecutive-type systems as consecutive-k-out-of-n: F-system, m-consecutive-k-out-of-n: F system and r-within-consecutive-k-out-of-n: F system is studied. The B-importance is studied when the survival probabilities of components of the system are Markov dependent. This study is based on conditional distribution of number of occurrences of failure runs of length k and number of occurrences of scanning windows of length k containing r failures in the sequence of Markov Bernoulli trials. Simplified formulae for calculation of B-importance of each component of the three consecutive-type systems are developed in terms of survival probabilities. To demonstrate the simplicity of the derived results, numerical study is also included.
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Ramsay, Colin, Ian T. Roberts und Frank Ruskey. „Completely separating systems of k-sets“. Discrete Mathematics 183, Nr. 1-3 (März 1998): 265–75.

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Łoziński, A., A. Buchleitner, K. Życzkowski und T. Wellens. „Entanglement of 2× K quantum systems“. Europhysics Letters (EPL) 62, Nr. 2 (April 2003): 168–74.

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Abouammoh, A. M., und M. A. Al-Kadi. „Multistate coherent systems of order k“. Microelectronics Reliability 35, Nr. 11 (November 1995): 1415–21.

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Bermudo, Sergio, Robinson A. Higuita und Juan Rada. „$ k $-domination and total $ k $-domination numbers in catacondensed hexagonal systems“. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 19, Nr. 7 (2022): 7138–55.

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<abstract><p>In this paper we study the $ k $-domination and total $ k $-domination numbers of catacondensed hexagonal systems. More precisely, we give the value of the total domination number, we find upper and lower bounds for the $ 2 $-domination number and the total $ 2 $-domination number, characterizing the catacondensed hexagonal systems which attain these bounds, and we give the value of the $ 3 $-domination number for any catacondensed hexagonal system with a given number of hexagons. These results complete the study of $ k $-domination and total $ k $-domination of catacondensed hexagonal systems for all possible values of $ k $.</p></abstract>
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Fujita, Satoshi. „A quorum based k-mutual exclusion by weighted k-quorum systems“. Information Processing Letters 67, Nr. 4 (August 1998): 191–97.

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Guo, Xiaofeng, und Fuji Zhang. „ChemInform Abstract: k-Resonant Benzenoid Systems and k-Cycle Resonant Graphs.“ ChemInform 32, Nr. 33 (25.05.2010): no.

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Smith, J. F., und K. J. Lee. „The K−V (Potassium-Vanadium) and K−Nb (Potassium-Niobium) systems“. Bulletin of Alloy Phase Diagrams 9, Nr. 4 (August 1988): 469–74.

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Rodionova, T. V., Yu A. Dyadin, K. A. Udachin, Ya Lipkowski und K. Suwinska. „Clathrate formation in (i-C5H11)4−k (C4H9) k NF−H2O (k=1,2,3) binary systems“. Journal of Structural Chemistry 36, Nr. 3 (Mai 1995): 458–64.

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Spreafico, Elen Viviani Pereira, Paula Catarino und Paulo Vasco. „On Hybrid Hyper k-Pell, k-Pell–Lucas, and Modified k-Pell Numbers“. Axioms 12, Nr. 11 (11.11.2023): 1047.

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Many different number systems have been the topic of research. One of the recently studied number systems is that of hybrid numbers, which are generalizations of other number systems. In this work, we introduce and study the hybrid hyper k-Pell, hybrid hyper k-Pell–Lucas, and hybrid hyper Modified k-Pell numbers. In order to study these new sequences, we established new properties, generating functions, and the Binet formula of the hyper k-Pell, hyper k-Pell–Lucas, and hyper Modified k-Pell sequences. Thus, we present some algebraic properties, recurrence relations, generating functions, the Binet formulas, and some identities for the hybrid hyper k-Pell, hybrid hyper k-Pell–Lucas, and hybrid hyper Modified k-Pell numbers.
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I. Ismailov, Migdad. „On uncountable $K$-Bessel and $K$-Hilbert systems in nonseparable Banach spaces“. Azerbaijan Journal of Educational Studies 45, 2, Nr. 45, 2 (2019): 192–204.

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I. Ismailov, Migdad. „On uncountable $K$-Bessel and $K$-Hilbert systems in nonseparable Banach spaces“. Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics,National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan 45, Nr. 45 (2019): 192–204.

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Bai, Shuangshuang, Xuemei Zhang und Meiqiang Feng. „Entire positive $ k $-convex solutions to $ k $-Hessian type equations and systems“. Electronic Research Archive 30, Nr. 2 (2022): 481–91.

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<abstract><p>In this paper, we study the existence of entire positive solutions for the $ k $-Hessian type equation</p> <p><disp-formula> <label/> <tex-math id="FE1"> \begin{document}$ {\rm S}_k(D^2u+\alpha I) = p(|x|)f^k(u), \ \ x\in \mathbb{R}^n $\end{document} </tex-math></disp-formula></p> <p>and system</p> <p><disp-formula> <label/> <tex-math id="FE2"> \begin{document}$ \begin{cases} {\rm S}_k(D^2u+\alpha I) = p(|x|)f^k(v), \ \ x\in \mathbb{R}^n, \\ {\rm S}_k(D^2v+\alpha I) = q(|x|)g^k(u), \ \ x\in \mathbb{R}^n, \end{cases} $\end{document} </tex-math></disp-formula></p> <p>where $ D^2u $ is the Hessian of $ u $ and $ I $ denotes unit matrix. The arguments are based upon a new monotone iteration scheme.</p></abstract>
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Kochkarov, Zh A., und R. A. Zhizhuev. „Ternary reciprocal systems Na,K||BO2,CO3 and Na,K||BO2,Cl“. Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 61, Nr. 7 (Juli 2016): 896–902.

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Kamalja, K. K., und R. L. Shinde. „On the Reliability of (n,f,k) and 〈n,f,k〉 Systems“. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods 43, Nr. 8 (28.03.2014): 1649–65.

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Poon, Yiu Tung. „A K-Theoretic Invariant For Dynamical Systems“. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 311, Nr. 2 (Februar 1989): 515.

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Skau, Christian. „Ordered K-theoryand minimal symbolic dynamical systems“. Colloquium Mathematicum 84, Nr. 1 (2000): 203–27.

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Gràcia, Xavier, Xavier Rivas und Narciso Román-Roy. „Skinner–Rusk formalism for k-contact systems“. Journal of Geometry and Physics 172 (Februar 2022): 104429.

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Liu, Xiulong, Keqiu Li, Song Guo, Alex X. Liu, Peng Li, Kun Wang und Jie Wu. „Top- $k$ Queries for Categorized RFID Systems“. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 25, Nr. 5 (Oktober 2017): 2587–600.

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