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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Juges – Égypte"
Bernard-Maugiron, Nathalie. „Le printemps des juges et la réactualisation autoritaire en Égypte“. Politique africaine 108, Nr. 4 (2007): 67.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAndré, Valérie. „Comment peut-on être rousseau ? Étude de la perception de la rousseur au siècle des Lumières“. Analyses 50, Nr. 2 (25.11.2021): 209–31.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAteia, Azmy Abdel Fattah. „Le Rôle Actif du Juge en Matière de Procédure Civile: Étude Comparée en Droit Égyptien, Koweitïen et Quelques Pays Européens“. Arab Law Quarterly 17, Nr. 4 (2002): 355–78.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleZahir, Ilham, Asma Er-rahmany, Raja Es-sadouny und Issam El Hadri. „Activités biologiques de Tetraclinis articulata : revue de synthèse“. Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 2020, 91–114.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "Juges – Égypte"
Omar, Mennatallah. „Le juge pénal Égyptien : gardien de la liberté individuelle“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 1, 2024.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe 2011 mass protests in Egypt and the subsequent political crises reignited public debates concerning the rights of Egyptian citizens. These debates raised questions about the role played by the Egyptian judiciary in defining and protecting these fundamental rights. This interest, however, was primarily focused on issues related to constitutional law and the Supreme Constitutional Court, but hardly extended to explore the role of Egyptian criminal courts in protecting the rights to liberty and to a fair trial. However, the right to liberty – essentially linked to the respect of the presumption of innocence and guarantees of the right to a fair trial – is particularly at risk throughout the criminal proceedings. In exercising their legal powers, criminal judges can deprive individuals of their right to liberty. This can occur during the pre-trial period (in the context of ordering the arrest or the detention of the accused) or in issuing a final sentence. In this sense, it is imperative to scrutinize the role of criminal judges and investigate the guarantees of the accused in the criminal justice system. This thesis addresses the protection of the right to liberty in Egypt within the framework of criminal justice. The first part of this study examines the respect for the right to a good judge through guarantees of the independence and impartiality of Egyptian judges, as an essential condition for fulfilling their role as guarantors of the right to liberty. The second part focuses on the implementation of the protection of the right to liberty by the criminal courts, addressing judicial intervention in the pre-trial process to control deprivation of liberty, and then the trial and the judgment which forms the basis of prolonged detention
Abo, El Wafa Tarek. „Le rôle politique du juge constitutionnel : étude comparée des systèmes français et égyptien“. Paris 1, 2005.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAlkhudhair, Ahmad. „La saisine du juge des référés en matière civile : étude comparative des droits français, égyptien et koweïtien“. Thesis, Strasbourg, 2019.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis dissertation explains the issue that had a long-standing debate regarding the relationship between jurisdiction and judicial discretion on the light of three different legal jurisdictions ; France, Kuwait, and Egypt. In doing so, this thesis will explore the connection between these two principles, specifically as it pertains to recourse and interim relief. To achieve this goal, it offers two critiques of the system goals. First, strive to resolve the discrepancy between judicial discretion and their competence in determining jurisdiction through answering this question : does the judge is not competent or do not have the jurisdiction ? Does the judge have the power or the authority to grant interim relief ? I believe it is necessary to resolve this issue practically, not in theory. Second, eliminate the confusion between the concepts jurisdiction and the authority of a judge in issuing an injunction relief. The importance of this goal is arise due to the legal consequences that entailed by this distinction. The regimes of the defense, as well as procedural and substantive sanctions are no longer the same, depending on whether the judge of injunction relief declared the application is inadmissible, or the judge is not competent or when a judge exceeds a jurisdictional authority
هذه الأطروحة تهدف الى المشاركة في نقاش محل للجدل، طرح مسبقاً، حول العلاقة بين مفهوم الاختصاص وسلطة الفصل، في إطار التقاضي امام قاضي الأمور المستعجلة. فهي بهذا الشأن موجهه أولاً الى ممارسين مهنه المرافعات، وكذلك الى الفقه القانوني في الدول الثلاثة محل هذه الدراسة المقارنة ( الفرنسي، الكويتي، والمصري)، الذين تناولوا بسخاء هذه المسألة محل الخلاف، والتي دون ادنى شك لا تزال بعيده عن نهايتها. في الواقع، بالنسبة لنا هذه الدراسة، بقدر ما انها مقارنه تحليليه، بقدر ما انها ترمي الى أزاله الخلط بين مفهوم الاختصاص وسلطة الفصل. لما لهذه التفرقة من أهمية خصوصاً في المسائل المستعجلة. فهذا النقاش محل الجدل ليس في الواقع مجرد جدال نظري، وذلك بسبب العواقب القانونية المترتبة على هذه التفرقة. لاسيما إذا ما أخذنا بالاعتبار ان نظام وسائل الدافع وكذلك الجزاءات الاجرائية والموضوعية ليست متماثله؛ عندما يحكم قاضي الأمور المستعجلة بعدم القبول او بعدم الاختصاص او عندما يتجاوز حدود ولايته اَي حدود سلطته القاضية
El, Gadhafi Hamida. „La protection constitutionnelle des droits de l'Homme dans le monde arabe : étude comparée (Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie, Égypte)“. Thesis, Paris 10, 2018.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe constitutional protection of human rights in the Arab world is based on a complex process of democratization that has accelerated after the Arab Spring of 2011. The emergence of human rights is a strong political project in all the countries that are the subject of our study (Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco) and shows us that the democratic concept, in its universalist sense, is not incompatible with Islam. The constitutionalization of human rights remains a major contribution of the constitutionalist movements that have made the constitution a supreme norm of the rule of law. Despite the instrumentalization of constitutions by Arab leaders and the misuse of the state of emergency, we are witnessing the growing role of the constitutional judge in the protection of fundamental freedoms (constitutional control) under the watchful eye of civil society and international community
Bücher zum Thema "Juges – Égypte"
Anagnostou-Canas, Barbara. Juge et sentence dans l'Egypte romaine. Paris: Editions l'Harmattan, 1991.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenDiscours et Opinions de Jules Ferry: Discours Sur la Politque Extérieure et Coloniale Affaires Tunisiennes Congo. Madagascar. Égypte. Tonkin. Trois Préfaces. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2022.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenFerry, Jules. Discours et Opinions de Jules Ferry: Discours Sur la Politque Extérieure et Coloniale Affaires Tunisiennes Congo. Madagascar. Égypte. Tonkin. Trois Préfaces. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2018.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenDiscours et Opinions de Jules Ferry: Discours Sur la Politque Extérieure et Coloniale Affaires Tunisiennes Congo. Madagascar. Égypte. Tonkin. Trois Préfaces. Creative Media Partners, LLC, 2022.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenBuchteile zum Thema "Juges – Égypte"
David, Élisabeth. „Égypte pharaonique (v. 1884)“. In Jules Bourgoin (1838-1908), 32–33. Publications de l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art, 2012.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBideault, Maryse. „Première mission en Égypte (1863-1866). La Basse- Égypte et Le Caire“. In Jules Bourgoin (1838-1908), 8–9. Publications de l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art, 2012.
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