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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "John Philoponus"


Granata, Daniele. „Koinon and koinônia: A Particular Case of Participation in John Philoponus“. Peitho. Examina Antiqua 9, Nr. 1 (13.12.2018): 101–20.

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The aim of this study is to discuss an original philosophical contribution made by Philoponus, who in In Cat. 18, 14–22 equates koinon in its most peculiar meaning with the concept of koinônia understood as a particu­lar case of Platonic methexis. First, the paper analyzes the passages where the Neoplatonic commentators of the Categories distinguish four distinct meanings of the Aristotelian concept of koinon. Subsequently, this article emphasizes the differences between Philoponus’ herme­neutical suggestions and those of the other commentators. Philopo­nus clarifies that while every koinon is methekton, Aristotle’s koinon is characterized by the fact that the participation is ex isou and kata meros. Thus, koinônia, according to Philoponus, is a particular case of methexis, where everyone participating in something participates in it equally and singly. The example cited by Philoponus to explain Aristotle’s koinon is that of men participating equally and singly in human nature. The study concludes with a discussion of the relationship among the concepts of koinon, koinônia and methexis.
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Koshelev, Alexander. „The Notion of Matter in Contra Proclum of John Philoponus: Modern Scientific Discussions“. Ideas and Ideals 13, Nr. 2-1 (15.06.2021): 165–87.

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The purpose of this opening article is to give a brief overview of key foreign works, mainly monographs, concerning the account of matter in the treatise Contra Proclum John Philoponus, and thus to make evident the corresponding research situation to the Russian reader. John Philoponus is one of the last Greek commentators on Aristotle, both a neoplatonist and a Christian. In his work Contra Proclum (c. 529 AD) John Philoponus redefines the classical concept of matter, rejecting the universal qualityless prime matter of the Neoplatonists. At the beginning of the article, a brief historical introduction is given, which is necessary for the formulation of the problem. The author analyses several works relevant to the topic: an article by a Russian researcher M. N. Varlamova (2017) and foreign (German, English, Dutch, French) monographs by Michael Wolff (1971), Richard Sorabji (1988), Christian Wildberg (1988), Jeanne de Groot (1991), Frans de Haas (1997), Pantelis Golitzis (2008) and Pascal Mueller-Jourdan (2011). The overview covers the entire research history of John Philoponus’ account of matter. The author pays special attention to a detailed description of the current scientific discussions related to this issue: the positions of researchers, their approaches and perspectives. At the same time, the problem of Philoponic matter is also presented in close connection with many related research topics of the history of late-antique philosophy: the ontological status of species differences, the reception of the Aristotelian doctrine of categories, the separation of the Alexandrian and Athenian Neoplatonic traditions, etc. In conclusion, the article gives a general summary, identifying the most important discussions related to the topic of Philoponus’ matter, and finally proposes an author’s assessment of their current state.
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Mandolino, Giovanni. „On the Origin of John Philoponus’s De contingentia mundi“. Mediterranea. International Journal on the Transfer of Knowledge 9 (23.04.2024): 165–211.

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The article re-examines the question of the origin of a text by the sixth-century Greek philosopher and Christian theologian John Philoponus, extant only as an epitome in Arabic translation, the so-called De contingentia mundi. It analyses the evidence for the existence of an anti-eternalist work by Philoponus in addition to those known in Greek and examines the correspondence between a portion of the Arabic epitome and a Greek fragment of Philoponus’s Against Aristotle that was preserved by Simplicius. Based on the vocabulary and phraseology of the epitome, the article proposes to attribute the Arabic epitome to the circle of the ninth-century Muslim philosopher al-Kindī. Finally, the article attempts to explain the evidence concerning the transmission of the epitome in milieus as diverse as that early Islamic philosophical circle and the later Christian Arabic tradition, which preserved it.
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SORABJI, RICHARD. „CHAPTER 1 — JOHN PHILOPONUS“. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 56, Supplement_103 (01.02.2013): 41–81.

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Ventureyra, Scott. „JOHN PHILOPONUS CONTRA ARISTOTLE“. Science et Esprit 72, Nr. 1-2 (2020): 137.

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Krausmüller, Dirk. „Philosophia Ancilla Theologiae: Plotinus’ Definition of Sensible Substance and its Adaptation in John Philoponus’ Arbiter“. Vigiliae Christianae 73, Nr. 2 (07.05.2019): 149–58.

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Abstract This brief article discusses one particular aspect of John Philoponus’ Christology, his understanding of nature or substance. It makes the case that Philoponus adapted Plotinus’ definition of sensible substance because it helped him defend the notion that the incarnated Word is one single nature but nevertheless has two sets of natural qualities.
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Kakavelaki, Antonia. „The Authorship of Philoponus’ Commentary On the Soul iii“. Ancient Philosophy 42, Nr. 1 (2022): 291–301.

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To this day no consensus has been reached concerning the authorship of the 3rd book of Philoponus’ on the Soul. I will begin this article by surveying the discussion of the authorship. In this first section I go into some detail concerning the arguments of scholars who attribute the DAC 3 to Philoponus, and those who do not believe that it is by Philoponus, including those who attribute it to Stephanus of Alexandria. The second section of the paper consists in an analysis and evaluation of the arguments involved in the debate. Finally, I conclude by presenting my own position, including new arguments in favor of the attribution of the DAC 3 to John Philoponus.
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Varlamova, Maria. „Philoponus on the Nature of the Heavens and the Movement of Elements in Against Aristotle on the Eternity of the World“. Scrinium 14, Nr. 1 (20.09.2018): 446–61.

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Abstract This paper deals with the John Philoponus' arguments against the eternity of the heavens in context of the dispute against the eternity of the world. The theory of eternity of the heavens was defended by Aristotle in his Physics and in the 1st book On the Heavens. In his treatise On Eternity of the World against Aristotle Philoponus attacks the arguments of Aristotle in order to prove the essential finititude of the heavens. The Philoponus' arguments are related to the nature and motion of elements and especially to the nature of fire. In order to explore the Philoponus' arguments against Aristotle I compare his doctrine with the Aristotle's theories of elemental nature and celestial motion.
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Lautner, Peter. „Methods in examining Sense-perception : John Philoponus and Ps.-Simplicius“. Dossier 64, Nr. 3 (14.07.2009): 651–61.

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Abstract The paper discusses the methods applied by Philoponus and Pseudo-Simplicius in commenting on Aristotle’s theory of sense-perception, and indicates their differences. Philoponus frequently employs medical theories and empirical material, mostly taken from Aristotle, to highlight not only the activities of the particular senses, but also a certain kind of awareness and the way we experience our inner states. By contrast, his Athenian contemporary Pseudo-Simplicius disregards such aspects altogether. His method is deductive : He relies on some general thesis, partly taken from Iamblichus, from which to derive theses on sense-perception. The emphasis falls on Philoponus’ doctrine since his reliance on medical views leads to an interesting blend of Platonic and medical/empirical theories.
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McGinnis, Jon. „"For Every Time there is a Season: John Philoponus on Plato's and Aristotle's Conception of Time"“. KronoScope 3, Nr. 1 (2003): 83–111.

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AbstractThe originality of John Philoponus' temporal theory has been underestimated.The paper emphasizes Philoponus' creativity, especially in his reconciliation of Plato's and Aristotle's temporal theories (or at least one possible interpretation of Aristotle's account of time). To this end, the paper sketches both Plato's (and later Neoplatonic interpretations of Plato) and suggests an interpretation of Aristotle's accounts of time, which is at odds with the Platonic and Neoplatonic view of time. It next presents Philoponus' reconstruction of Aristotle's account along Platonic lines and concludes with the relevance of these ancient theories to contemporary temporal discussions.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "John Philoponus"


De, Haas Frans A. J. „John Philoponus on matter : towards a metaphysics of creation /“. Utrecht, 1995.

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Kyriakidis, Vasileios G. „John the Grammarian's objections to Aristotle on the eternity of the world a critical re-examination /“. Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1999.

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Lang, Uwe Michael. „Studies in the Christology of John Philoponus and its setting in the controversies over Chalcedon“. Thesis, University of Oxford, 1999.

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Anagnostidou, Christina. „La physique de la création. Le De Opificio Mundi de Jean Philopon“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2024.

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Jean Philopon (c. 490 - 575 de notre ère), commentateur influent d'Aristote et penseur chrétien, occupe une place importante dans l'histoire des sciences et de la philosophie. Formé à l'école néoplatonicienne d'Ammonius à Alexandrie, Philopon s'est éloigné de la philosophie païenne pour adopter et développer un cadre philosophique créationniste. Cette transition entre une pensée éternaliste, héritée de la tradition grecque, et une perspective créationniste chrétienne constitue l'apparente tension de son œuvre.L'objectif principal de cette thèse est d'examiner comment Philopon parvient à intégrer les principes de la philosophie naturelle dans un cadre théologique chrétien, cherchant ainsi à harmoniser ses principes avec la révélation biblique. À travers le De Opificio Mundi, un commentaire sur le récit de la création dans la Genèse, Philopon élabore un système cosmologique où la création ex nihilo et la providence divine jouent un rôle central. Ce travail explore la façon dont Philopon articule cette synthèse. Nous suivons les phases de la création exposées dans le De Opificio Mundi, traditionnellement désignées comme jours. La thèse met en lumière l'originalité du projet de Philopon, qui ne se contente pas de juxtaposer des idées grecques et chrétiennes, mais crée un véritable système unifié. L'analyse montre que le commentateur d'Aristote propose une réévaluation permanente des principes aristotéliciens à la lumière du christianisme. Les concepts hérités de la tradition hellénique, tels que la notion de mouvement, de substrat, de lieu ou la composition des corps célestes, sont adaptés pour correspondre à un cadre créationniste. Philopon parvient ainsi à résoudre les discordances entre ces deux traditions en les transformant en un système philosophique cohérent. En somme, cette thèse défend l'idée que l'œuvre de Philopon n'est pas scindée entre une phase philosophique et une phase chrétienne. Au contraire, elle reflète une continuité dans sa pensée, où les doctrines cosmologiques païennes sont réinterprétées et intégrées dans un cadre théologique chrétien
John Philoponus (c. 490 - 575 CE), an influential commentator on Aristotle and Christian thinker, holds an important place in the history of science and philosophy. Trained at the Neoplatonic school of Ammonius in Alexandria, Philoponus moved away from pagan philosophy to adopt and develop a creationist philosophical framework. This transition from an eternalist thought inherited from the Greek tradition to a Christian creationist perspective constitutes the apparent tension in his work.The main objective of this thesis is to examine how Philoponus integrates the principles of natural philosophy within a Christian theological framework, thus seeking to harmonize his principles with biblical revelation. Through the De Opificio Mundi, a commentary on the creation narrative in Genesis, Philoponus develops a cosmological system where creation ex nihilo and divine providence play a central role. This thesis explores how Philoponus articulates this synthesis.We follow the phases of creation outlined in the De Opificio Mundi, traditionally referred to as days. The thesis highlights the originality of Philoponus's project, which does not merely juxtapose Greek and Christian ideas but creates a truly unified system. The analysis shows that Aristotle's commentator proposes a continuous re-evaluation of Aristotelian principles in light of Christianity. Concepts inherited from the Hellenic tradition, such as the notion of motion, substrate, place, or the composition of celestial bodies, are adapted to fit a creationist framework. In this way, Philoponus resolves the discrepancies between these two traditions by transforming them into a coherent philosophical system.In summary, this thesis argues that Philoponus's work is not divided between a philosophical phase and a Christian phase. On the contrary, it reflects a continuity in his thought, where pagan cosmological doctrines are reinterpreted and integrated into a Christian theological framework
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Jarry, Claude. „L’astrolabe à Byzance : traités sur l’astrolabe du VIème au XIVème siècle“. Thesis, Paris 4, 2011.

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L’astrolabe, sous la forme dans laquelle il s’est répandu dans le monde arabo-persan, puis dans le monde occidental, est un instrument d’origine hellénistique. Mais nous ne disposons guère, pour témoigner de cette origine, que d’un traité d’usage de cet instrument, écrit au VIème siècle par un auteur alexandrin, Jean Philopon. Nous proposons tout d’abord une réédition de ce traité, sur une base nettement plus large que la seule édition existant à ce jour, et nous l’assortissons d’une traduction et de commentaires. Ce traité d’usage a connu un très grand succès à Byzance à l’époque des Paléologues, et nous nous posons la question de savoir dans quel environnement, astronomique et mathématique, s’est produit ce spectaculaire intérêt pour le traité alexandrin. Nous examinons pour cela ce qui a pu être disponible à Byzance à cette époque, en provenance de l’étranger, et cela nous amène à éditer et traduire deux traités d’usage, l’un en provenance du monde arabo-persan, dont l’auteur est Shams-le-Persan, et l’autre, d’auteur anonyme, en provenance du monde occidental. Nous passons ensuite en revue les œuvres de trois auteurs byzantins, Nicéphore Grégoras, Isaac Argyros, et Théodore Méliténiote, concernant cette fois la construction de l’astrolabe, et nous éditons, ou rééditons, totalement ou partiellement, les œuvres des deux premiers de ces auteurs, avec des traductions et des commentaires. Enfin, nous éditons et traduisons un traité d’origine occidentale, traduit à Chypre par Georges Lapithès, traité dont nous pensons qu’il a pu jouer un rôle dans l’existence, sous la plume de Nicéphore Grégoras, du premier texte authentiquement byzantin ayant trait à l’astrolabe. Cela nous permet de dresser un panorama critique du niveau atteint par Byzance, à cette époque, dans la maîtrise de la construction et de l’usage de l’astrolabe
The astrolabe, as it spread in the Arab-Persian world and later on in the Western world, is an instrument of Hellenistic origin. However, the only available source to substantiate this origin is a treaty written in the 6th century by an Alexandrian author, John Philoponos. This present work will first of all present an edited version of the treaty with a much broader basis than that of the only existing edition, along with a translation and commentary. Philopono’s treaty met with great success in Byzantium at the time of the Palailogus and therefore one aim here will be to make sense of the environment, astronomical and mathematical, in which such interest took place. In order to do this, this study will proceed to examine the foreign sources available at the time as well as edit and translate two treaties, one from the Arab-Persian world written by Shams the Persian and other by an anonymous Western author. This will be followed thereafter by a review of the works of three Byzantine authors, Nikephoros Gregoras, Isaac Argyros, and Theodore Meliteniotes, which refer this time to the building of the astrolabe. As well as edit or reedit (fully or partially) the works of these first two authors, the present work offers translations along with commentary. A final step will be to edit and translate a Western treaty, translated in Cyprus by Georges Lapithès and believed to have played a part in the existence of the first authentically Byzantine text related to the astrolabe, by Nikephoros Gregoras.This allows for a critical overview of the level of command reached in the building and use of the astrolabe in Byzantium at that time
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Bücher zum Thema "John Philoponus"


Richard, Sorabji, Hrsg. Philoponus and the rejection of Aristotelian science. Ithaca, N.Y: Cornell University Press, 1987.

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Wildberg, Christian. John Philoponus' criticism of Aristotle's theory of aether. Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 1988.

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Haas, Frans A. J. de. John Philoponus on matter: Towards a metaphysics of creation. [Leiden: Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden, 1995.

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Philoponus, John. John Philoponus on Aristotle's definition of nature: A translation from the Greek with introduction and notes. [Pittsburgh]: Mathesia Publications, 1987.

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Vimercati, Emmanuele, Hrsg. Reception of John Philoponus’ Natural Philosophy. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2024.

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In some of his most famous works, John Philoponus (c.490-570 CE) confronts numerous aspects of Aristotle’s philosophy and science. Yet the influence of these reinterpretations and critiques remains under-examined. This volume fills this gap by uncovering the considerable impact of Philoponus’ natural philosophy in both the medieval and Renaissance periods. Divided into three parts, the first part of the volume introduces central concepts in Philoponus’ philosophy. Highlighting the areas of crossover as well as of disagreement with Aristotle, chapters dedicate specific attention to Philoponus’ theories of place, matter and vacuum; his ideas of motion; his discussion of the heavens and the fifth element; and his anthropology. This is followed, in parts two and three, by a focus on Philoponus’ reception in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance respectively. Shedding light on the scientific ideas circulating in these periods, international experts explore a range of topics from the renewal of Aristotelianism in the Arab world, through the medieval Byzantine and Latin traditions, to Philoponus’ appearance in the early works of Galileo. Engaging with a number of Philoponus’ key tracts,The Reception of John Philoponus’ Natural Philosophyis both a much-needed study of Philoponus’ influence and a revealing analysis of how Aristotelian science was received, adapted, critiqued and mediated throughout the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
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John Philoponus on Physical Place. Leuven University Press, 2021.

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Wildberg, Christian. John Philoponus' Criticism of Aristotle's Theory of Aether. de Gruyter GmbH, Walter, 2014.

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Wildberg, Christian. John Philoponus' Criticism of Aristotle's Theory of Aether (Peripatoi). De Gruyter, 1988.

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Reception of John Philoponus' Natural Philosophy: Aristotelian Science from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2024.

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McKenna, John E., und John Emory McKenna. The Setting in Life for The Arbiter of John Philoponus, 6th Century Alexandrian Scientist. Wipf & Stock Publishers, 1997.

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Buchteile zum Thema "John Philoponus"


South, James B. „John Philoponus“. In A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages, 388–89. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007.

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Schnell, Anneliese, Richard A. Jarrell, Dorrit Hoffleit, Christoffel Waelkens, Thomas R. Williams, Thomas Nelson Winter, Narahari Achar et al. „Philoponus, John“. In The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, 900–901. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2007.

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Wildberg, Christian. „Philoponus, John“. In Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers, 1702–4. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2014.

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Edwards, Mark. „John Philoponus“. In Aristotle and Early Christian Thought, 149–70. 1 [edition]. | New York : Routledge, 2019. | Series: Studies in philosophy and theology in late antiquity: Routledge, 2019.

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Izbicki, Thomas M., Russell L. Friedman, R. W. Dyson, Vilém Herold, Ota Pavlíček, Harro Höpfl, Pekka Kärkkäinen et al. „John Philoponus“. In Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy, 642–46. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2011.

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Knuuttila, Simo, David Piché, Pieter De Leemans, Stephen F. Brown, Fabrizio Amerini, Ian Wilks, Christopher Schabel et al. „Philoponus, John“. In Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy, 978. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2011.

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Henry, Devin. „John Philoponus“. In Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy, 998–1003. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2020.

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Kakavelaki, Antonia. „John Philoponus“. In Meet the Philosophers of Ancient Greece, 243–46. London: Routledge, 2021.

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Lourié, Basil. „JOHN PHILOPONUS ON THE BODILY RESURRECTION“. In Patrologia Pacifica Tertia, herausgegeben von Pauline Allen und Vladimir Baranov, 79–88. Piscataway, NJ, USA: Gorgias Press, 2013.

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de Haas, Frans A. J. „Intellect in Alexander of Aphrodisias and John Philoponus“. In Philosophy of Mind in Antiquity, 299–316. New York : Routledge, 2018. | Series: The history of the philosophy of mind ; Volume 1: Routledge, 2018.

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