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Carvallo, H. O., E. A. Holzapfel, M. A. Lopez und M. A. Mariño. „Irrigated Cropping Optimization“. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 124, Nr. 2 (März 1998): 67–72.

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Kaduyu, Issa, und Patrick Musinguzi. „Impact of irrigated and non-irrigated cropping systems on soil physicochemical properties in a small-scale irrigation farming system in Eastern Uganda“. Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science 6, Nr. 3 (25.09.2021): 313–19.

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This study evaluated the impact of irrigation and cropping on soil physicochemical properties at Kyekide small scale irrigation farm in Jinja district, eastern Uganda. Treatments included Land-use systems under perennial and annual cropping with and without irrigation for over 20 years. The hypothesis was that there were insignificant differences in physicochemical properties of the soil under irrigated and non-irrigated cropping systems. Soil physical properties except hydraulic conductivity was not significantly different with irrigation and cropping. The pH of the soils ranged from moderately acidic to neutral pH (5.17-7.40), with irrigated soils tending to be more neutral than non-irrigated soils. SOM content was higher in the irrigated soils and perennial soils than in the non-irrigated and annual soils. The soils were moderately deficient in N and severely deficient in P (mean values =0.175% N and 1.183mg kg-1 P) compared with the critical of 0.2% and 15 mg kg-1, respectively. Irrigated soils had a significantly higher Na+ content than non-irrigated soils, with a mean value of 2.985cmol/kg. The K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ contents were higher in irrigated and perennial soils than non-irrigated and annual soils. The study suggested monitoring the soils under an irrigation scheme to prevent degradation due to increased salt accumulation or chemical fertility decline. Overall, monitoring of soil quality is vital in irrigation schemes to monitor the impacts of water on the environment.
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Rufin, Philippe, Mayra Daniela Peña-Guerrero, Atabek Umirbekov, Yanbing Wei und Daniel Müller. „Post-Soviet changes in cropping practices in the irrigated drylands of the Aral Sea basin“. Environmental Research Letters 17, Nr. 9 (01.09.2022): 095013.

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Abstract Water withdrawals for irrigated crop production constitute the largest source of freshwater consumption on Earth. Monitoring the dynamics of irrigated crop cultivation is crucial for tracking crop water consumption, particularly in water-scarce areas. We analyzed changes in water-dependent crop cultivation for 650 000 km2 of Central Asian drylands, including the entire basin of the Amu Darya river, once the largest tributary to the Aral Sea before large-scale irrigation projects grossly reduced the amount of water reaching the river delta. We used Landsat time series to map overall cropland extent, dry season cropping, and cropping frequency in irrigated croplands annually from 1987 to 2019. We scrutinized the emblematic change processes of six localities to discern the underlying causes of these changes. Our unbiased area estimates reveal that between 1988 and 2019, irrigated dry season cropping declined by 1.34 million hectares (Mha), while wet season and double cropping increased by 0.64 Mha and 0.83 Mha, respectively. These results show that the overall extent of cropland in the region remained stable, while higher cropping frequency increased harvested area. The observed changes’ overall effect on water resource use remains elusive: Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, declining dry season cultivation reduced crop water demand while, more recently, increasing cropping frequency raised water consumption. Our analysis provides the first fine-scale analysis of post-Soviet changes in cropping practices of the irrigated areas of Central Asia. Our maps are openly available and can support future assessments of land-system trajectories and, coupled with evapotranspiration estimates, changes in crop water consumption.
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Lamb, M. C., D. L. Rowland, R. B. Sorensen, C. L. Butts, W. H. Faircloth und R. C. Nuti. „Economic Returns of Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Peanut Based Cropping Systems“. Peanut Science 34, Nr. 1 (Januar 2007): 10–16.[10:eroian];2.

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Schweizer, Edward E., Donald W. Lybecker und Robert L. Zimdahl. „Systems Approach to Weed Management in Irrigated Crops“. Weed Science 36, Nr. 6 (November 1988): 840–45.

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The impact of four weed management systems on weed seed reserves in soil, yearly weed problem, and production of barley, corn, pinto bean, and sugarbeet was assessed where these crops were grown in rotation for 4 consecutive years in four cropping sequences. Weeds were controlled in each crop with only conventional tillage or conventional tillage plus minimum, moderate (system 1), and intensive (system 2) levels of herbicides. Seed of annual weeds from 11 genera were identified, with barnyardgrass and redroot pigweed comprising 66 and 19%, respectively, of the initial 90 million weed seed/ha present in the upper 25 cm of the soil profile. After the fourth cropping year, overall decline in total number of weed seed in soil was 53% when averaged over four cropping sequences and four weed management systems. Over the 4-yr period, about 10 times more weeds escaped control in system 1 than in system 2; and within a crop, the fewest number of weeds escaped control annually in barley. System 2 had the highest herbicide use in each cropping sequence, the fewest weeds at harvest, and the smallest adjusted gross return over the 4-yr period in three of four cropping sequences.
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Faisal, Faisal, Alfiansyah Yulianu und Ella Mailianda. „Studi Peningkatan Intensitas Luas Dan Pola Tanam Pada Daerah Irigasi Krueng Jreue“. Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan 1, Nr. 3 (11.09.2018): 141–49.

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Krueng Jreue irrigation area is one of the oldest irrigation in Aceh Besar district, located in the District of Indrapuri, was inaugurated in 1972 by President Soeharto. Rice area irrigated by this irrigation is 4277.6 ha. Jreue Krueng irrigated areas have rice-rice cropping intensity of plants ranging from 158% to 156%. The intensity of these plants are still below the expected crop intensity, is equal to 200%. To increase the intensity of these plants, it is necessary to study the increased intensity of Krueng Jreue tanamana irrigation area by selecting the appropriate alternative cropping patterns according to the water balance. This study aims to determine the amount of discharge mainstay available on the weir, know the size of the crop water requirement for each alternative, determine optimal crop area that can be irrigated by water that is available, and conduct studies on water balance based cropping planned. Expected to describe the water balance of alternative cropping patterns were obtained. The method used in this research including data collection and data analysis to determine the mainstay discharge, water irrigation, cropping pattern and cropping intensity. The study results obtained by the intensity of the plants can reach 200% by the water supply system using the technical rotation irrigation area is divided into two groups. The first type, cropping season from October period to 2. The second class of the cropping season from November to 2.
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Hendratta, Liany, und Dave Steve Kandey. „Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Air Sungai untuk Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Irigasi“. Jurnal Teknik Sumber Daya Air 1, Nr. 2 (05.07.2022): 89–100.

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Polimaan weir that utilizes water of the Polimaan River, is used to irrigate rice fields covering an area of 297.96 Ha. As a result of decrease in the discharge of Polimaan River, there was water shortage within the service area of Polimaan weir. In one planting season, half the total service area did not get sufficient water supply. so there is urgency to evaluate water availability of Polimaan river to keep up the performance of the irrigated padi-field. This study aimed at assessing the water availability of the Polimaan River at the point of the weir and calculating the water balance in order to optimally meet irrigation water needs. Analysis of water availability and demand were carried out using secondary data and direct observation at the study site. Water availability was evaluated using the NRECA model. The closest calibration result was with the accuracy level calculated using the Nash-Sutcliffe Coefficient (E) of 0.731. Water requirements were examined by simulating the cropping system ie.: varying the cropping pattern and changing the rotation coefficient of tertiary plots. After 18 variations of cropping pattern only 3 patterns did not show that the patterns experienced water shortages. They included: 2 cropping patterns which used a water distribution system for 3 groups and 1 other pattern which implemented it for 2 groups. The three cropping patterns were carried out only 1 planting season for each group with different scheduling and rotation was carried out for each tertiary plot. Consequently, only half the irrigated land can be utilized in each planting season.
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S.N. HONNALI und B.M. CHITTAPUR. „Efficient cropping systems and their energetics for sustainable irrigated tropical ecosystems“. Indian Journal of Agronomy 59, Nr. 4 (10.10.2001): 556–60.

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An experiment was conducted at Bheemarayanagudi, Karnataka, during 201011, 201112 and 201213 to find out efficient cropping systems and to know energetics of different cropping systems. Ten cropping systems, viz. sole Bt cotton ( Gossypium spp.), Bt cottongreengram [Vigna radiate (L.) Wilczek], Bt cottongreen-manure crop sun hemp (Crotalaria juncea (L.), Bt cottonsesame (Sesamum indicum L.), maize (Zea mays L.)chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)wheat [Triticum aestivum (L.) Emend. Fiori & Paol.], sun- flowerchickpea, chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) + onion (Allium cepa L.) (1:2 row proportion), transplanted Bt cot- ton and ricerice (Oryza sativa L.) as check were evaluated under irrigated condition to find out efficient cropping systems. The transplanted Bt cotton gave the maximum cotton-equivalent yield (2.73 t/ha ) and was significantly superior to that of ricerice (2.29 t/ha), while Bt cottongreengram (2.53 t/ha), Bt cottonsesame (2.61 t/ha), maizechickpea (2.47 t/ha) and chilli + onion (2.41 t/ha ) were at par with transplanted Bt cotton as well as rice rice. All cropping systems gave significantly higher net returns over ricerice cropping system ( 44,730/ha) ex- cept sunflowerwheat or chickpea; highest being with transplanted cotton ( 79,507/ha). All the systems were sig- nificantly superior to ricerice (0.96) in benefit: cost ratio and maizechickpea recorded the highest benefit: cost ratio (3.31). Energetics revealed different trend, wherein protein yields were higher with maizechickpea (0.73 t/ ha), while carbohydrate yield (6.32 t/ha) was higher with rice-rice. Among all the systems, the highest land-utiliza- tion index was observed with Bt cottonsesame cropping system (76.7%).
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GOMGNIMBOU, Alain P. K., Abdramane SANON, DEMBELE Basirou, David Alexander CARROLL II und Hassan B. NACRO. „Impact of Agroecological Practices on Fertility of Hydromorphic Soils for Sweet Potato Cultivation in the South Sudanian Zone of Burkina Faso“. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology 43, Nr. 11 (28.10.2024): 13–20.

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Aims: This study aims is to assess the effects of agroecological practices’ effects on soil chemical parameters in the irrigated area of the Tiébélé plain. Study Design: The cropping systems used can contribute to significant changes in the physical and biochemical properties of the soil. This study combined data collected on a developed plan and laboratory analyses. Place and Duration: The data was collected from producers' plots in the dry season (March-April) of 2022. Methodology: 24 farms were monitored during the cropping season 2021-2022, based on the existing practices: crop rotation on upland areas; vegetable growing - irrigated rice rotation; potato - irrigated rice rotation; irrigated rice - fallow rotation; short fallow; long fallow. In each plot, soil samples were taken from 0-20 cm depth for laboratory analysis. Results: The results show that the sweet potato - irrigated rice rotation leads to an increase in total carbon of 22.5% and 48.5% compared to the fallow - irrigated rice and vegetable - irrigated rice systems, respectively. This practice resulted in a 12.5% increase in total nitrogen compared to the irrigated rice - vegetable rotation. Compared to the irrigated rice - sweet potato rotation, the irrigated rice - vegetable rotation resulted in a 16% increase in pH. The vegetable - irrigated rice system resulted in a 269.05% increase in available phosphorus compared to the fallow - irrigated rice system. Compared to the sweet potato - irrigated rice rotation, the vegetable - irrigated rice rotation resulted in a 17.63% increase in cation exchange capacity and a 24.7% increase in the sum of exchangeable bases. Conclusion: The adopting of agroecological practices based on crop rotation improves soil fertility in irrigated rice production.
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Bjornestad, Lyle R., und Joseph G. Lauer. „Research Plot Planter for Furrow Irrigated Cropping Systems“. Agronomy Journal 83, Nr. 1 (Januar 1991): 266–68.

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MALIK, A. I., M. NASIM, K. FLOWER, M. A. HOSSAIN, M. S. RAHMAN, B. ANWAR, M. O. ALI, M. M. RAHMAN und W. ERSKINE. „Cropping system intensification: vegetable pea can replace fallow between rainfed monsoon rice and irrigated spring rice“. Journal of Agricultural Science 155, Nr. 8 (08.08.2017): 1287–98.

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SUMMARYThe Eastern Gangetic Plain is among the world's most intensively farmed regions, where rainfed and irrigated agriculture coexist. While the region and especially Bangladesh is a major producer of rice (Oryza sativa L. ssp. indica), there is potential to further develop sustainable rice production systems. Specifically, there is scope to include a replacement crop for the short fallow between rice crops in the dominant cropping pattern of rainfed monsoon rice harvest followed by irrigated spring rice. The aim of the current research was to identify a suitable cool-season legume crop – pea (Pisum sativum L.) or lentil (Lens culinaris Medik. ssp. culinaris) – that could be grown in the brief period between rice crops. The study comprised four crop sequence experiments comparing legume cultivars differing in maturity grown in between both long and short duration rice cultivars. These experiments were done at the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute regional station at Rajshahi over three cropping cycles. This was followed by an evaluation of pea vs. fallow between rice crops on three farmers’ fields in one cropping cycle. Here it is demonstrated that green pod vegetable pea is one of the best options to intensify the rainfed monsoon rice–fallow–spring irrigated rice cropping system, notwithstanding other remunerative rabi cropping options that could displace boro rice. The inclusion of an extra crop, pea as green pod vegetable, increased farm productivity by 1·4-fold over the dominant cropping sequence (rice–fallow–rice) and farm net income by fourfold. The study highlighted the advantages in total system productivity and monetary return of crop intensification with the inclusion of a pea crop between successive rice crops instead of a fallow period.
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Panozzo, Luís Eduardo, Dirceu Agostinetto, Pedro Valério Dutra de Moraes, Deivid Araújo Magano, Adilson Harter und Luciana Barros Pinto. „Control ofEchinochloasp. in the Irrigated Rice Crop“. International Journal of Agronomy 2014 (2014): 1–6.

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The species ofEchinochloa(barnyardgrass) stand out among major weeds infesting rice cropping and damages are variable depending on the weed population, rice cultivar, and management practices adopted by rice farmers. The objective of this work was to measure the control of barnyardgrass in rice cropping, cultivar Qualimax 1, due to the early times of flood irrigation, application times, and doses of penoxsulam. The experiment was conducted in the field, where the experimental design used a randomized block design with a split plot design with four replications. The treatments consisted of two application periods (early and late) of penoxsulam three times of irrigation start (1, 15 and 30 days after treatment application—(DAT)) and herbicide doses (0, 24, 36, 48 and 60 g ha−1). The herbicide penoxsulam revealed that combined with irrigation starting 15 days after herbicide application promoted efficient control of barnyardgrass.
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Larkin, Robert P., C. Wayne Honeycutt, Timothy S. Griffin, O. Modesto Olanya und Zhongqi He. „Potato Growth and Yield Characteristics under Different Cropping System Management Strategies in Northeastern U.S.“ Agronomy 11, Nr. 1 (16.01.2021): 165.

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Cropping systems and management practices that improve soil health may greatly enhance crop productivity. Four different potato cropping systems designed to address specific management goals of soil conservation (SC), soil improvement (SI), disease suppression (DS), and a status quo (SQ) standard rotation, along with a non-rotation (PP) control, were evaluated for their effects on potato crop growth, nutrient, and yield characteristics under both irrigated and non-irrigated (rainfed) conditions in field trials in Maine, USA, from 2004 to 2010. Both cropping system and irrigation significantly (p < 0.05) affected most potato crop parameters associated with growth and yield. All rotations increased tuber yield relative to the non-rotation PP control, and the SI system, which included yearly compost amendments, resulted in overall higher yields and a higher percentage of large-size tubers than all other systems with no irrigation (increases of 14 to 90%). DS, which contained disease-suppressive green manures and cover crops, produced the highest yields overall under irrigation (increases of 11 to 35%). Irrigation increased tuber yields in all cropping systems except SI (average increase of 27–37%). SI also resulted in significant increases in leaf area duration and chlorophyll content (as indicators of photosynthetic potential) and root and shoot biomass relative to other cropping systems, particularly under non-irrigated conditions. SI also resulted in higher shoot and tuber tissue concentrations of N, P, and K, but not most micronutrients. Overall, cropping systems that incorporate management practices such as increased rotation length and the use of cover crops, green manures, reduced tillage, and particularly, organic amendments, can substantially improve potato crop growth and yield. Irrigation also substantially increased growth and yield under normal field conditions in Maine, but SI, with its large organic amendments, was essentially a substitute for irrigation, producing comparable results without irrigation.
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Umaru, I. I. und Maurice, D. C. „ANALYSIS OF TECHNICAL EFFICIENCY AMONG SMALL-SCALE IRRIGATED CROP FARMERS IN TARABA AND GOMBE STATES, NIGERIA“. Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development 2, Nr. 1 (01.06.2019): 1–13.

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The study determined the technical efficiency of small-scale irrigated crop farmers in Taraba and Gombe States, Nigeria. Data were collected from a cross section of 337 irrigated crop farmers in five Local Government Areas of Taraba State and eight Local Government Areas of Gombe State using purposive and simple random sampling techniques. Structured questionnaire was the main instrument for primary data collection. The analytical tools employed were descriptive statistics and stochastic frontier production function model. The socio-economic characteristics of the respondents revealed that majority (92.28%) of them were males, with mean age of 44 years and had some form of formal education. Most (59.05%) of them cultivated an average of 2.54 hectares using personal savings. On their cropping systems, fourteen cropping systems were identified with mixed cropping system accounting for 61.12% of the cropping systems and 83.56% of the total hectares allocation, an indication that mixed cropping was the dominant cropping system among the irrigated farmers. The result of the maximum likelihood estimates of the stochastic frontier production function revealed that the coefficients of farm size (p = 0.01), seed (p = 0.01) and agrochemicals (p = 0.05) were all significant and positively related to crop output among the respondents. The technical efficiency indices of the sampled farmers ranged from 0.44 - 0.96 with a mean of 0.78, indicating that crop farmers in the study area were technically efficient in their production systems although were operating below the frontier output. The inefficiency model revealed that age, gender, farming experience and extension contact were found to increase technical efficiency of the farmers. The study recommends more subsidies on farm inputs, more extension services and the training of farmers on farm management among others.
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B, SUBBALAKSHMI, und SIVASUBRAMANIAN V. „EFFECT OF ENVIRONMENT IN THE VARIABILITY OF CHARACTERS IN SAFFLOWER (Carthamus tinctorius L.)“. Madras Agricultural Journal 73, Augest (1986): 450–56.

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Twenty-eight gonotypes of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) were evaluated under rainfod and irrigated systems of cropping. The D analysis has revealed that twenty oight genotypes formed into as many as nine and thirteen clustors under rainted and irrigated cropping systems. There is some amount of parallelism in the genotypes, PI 248849 and PI 209291, not only in the clustering but also the distance between the clusters. The path analysis indicated that number of branches and number of heads per plant are the important contributing factors for yield both directly and indirectly. The genotypes K-1. Pl 199901 and PI 248827 are the desirable types for these traits.
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Núñez, Agustín, Ryan Ball und Meagan Schipanski. „Plant and soil microbial responses to irrigation retirement in semiarid cropping systems“. Environmental Research Communications 4, Nr. 3 (01.03.2022): 035004.

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Abstract Water scarcity limits irrigated agriculture, and there is an increasing frequency of situations where farmers must transition from irrigated to dryland cropping systems. This transition poses several challenges, and it is necessary to understand the changes in crop productivity and soil health for the design of viable cropping systems. Our objective was to compare the impact of irrigation retirement on crop production and soil microbial dynamics under the two major crops of the semiarid High Plains. In a formerly irrigated field, we installed a transition experiment that consisted of two irrigation managements, irrigated and non-irrigated (retired), under two cropping systems: continuous maize and continuous winter wheat. Lower soil moisture after irrigation retirement decreased plant biomass production in both crops, with a higher effect on maize (2 to 6-fold decrease) than on wheat (20% less aboveground biomass production). In both crops, irrigation retirement affected crop development in the order grain yield > aboveground biomass > belowground biomass. Soil microbial communities were less affected by irrigation retirement than the evaluated crops and changes were concentrated in the maize agroecosystem. After three seasons, the high decrease in maize productivity and soil moisture resulted in 50% less extracellular enzyme activity in the dryland treatment, but without consistent effects on microbial biomass or community composition assessed by phospholipid fatty acids. Winter wheat appears as a viable option not only to sustain crop production but also to minimize the negative impacts of irrigation retirement on soil health. However, root production was lower in wheat than in maize, which may affect the long-term evolution of soil organic carbon.
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Odubanjo, O. O., A. A. Olufayo und P. G. Oguntunde. „Water use, growth, and yield of drip irrigated cassava in a humid tropical environment“. Soil and Water Research 6, No. 1 (01.03.2011): 10–20.

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Field experiments were conducted at the Agricultural Engineering Experimental Farm of The Federal University of Technology, Akure, during 2006/2007 and 2007/2008 seasons to investigate the response of cassava under drip irrigation. The experiment was laid out in a randomised complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The treatments were based on four different water regimes; with T100 receiving 100% available water (AW), T<sub>50</sub> and T<sub>25</sub> receiving 50% and 25% of AW and T<sub>0</sub> with zero irrigation (control treatment). Disease free stems of the cassava cultivar TMS 91934 were planted at a spacing of 1 m by 1 m. The results indicated that T<sub>100</sub> full treatment produced the highest average total dry matter yield of 49.12 and 37.62 t/ha in 2006/07 and 2007/08 cropping seasons, respectively. However, the average total dry matter production in T<sub>50</sub>, T<sub>25</sub>, and T<sub>0</sub> showed significant differences in their values. Low total dry matter yields of 7.12 and 5.92 t/ha, respectively, were associated with T<sub>0</sub> for the two cropping seasons. The total water use of 1491.75 and 1701.13 mm was recorded for T<sub>100</sub>, while total water use of 729.00 and 651.13 mm were obtained for T<sub>0</sub> in the two cropping seasons. The water use efficiency determined for the two cropping seasons ranged between 7.38 kg/ha and 32.93 kg/ha. The percentages of total water applied from total water use for T<sub>100</sub> were 51.11% and 61.72%, while 14.83% and 17.85% were recorded for T<sub>25 </sub>for 2006/07 and 2007/08 cropping seasons, respectively.
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W.N. NARKHEDE, M.S. DESHMUKH, V.M. BHALE, M.S. GILL, G.D. GADADE und S.S. MORE. „Diversification of cropping systems under assured irrigated conditions in central plateau zone of Maharashtra“. Indian Journal of Agronomy 56, Nr. 2 (10.10.2001): 104–8.

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A field experiment was conducted for three consecutive years (2005-2007) at Parbhani to find out most produc- tive and profitable cropping system. Among the different cropping systems, highest wheat [( Triticum aestivum (L.) emend. Fiori & Paol] equivalent yield (19.9 t/ha) and net monetary returns (`107.8x103/ha) were obtained from soybean [ Glycine max (L. Merr.)]onion ( Allium capa L.) cropping system, followed by turmeric ( Curcuma domestica L.)+ castor ( Ricinus communis L.) (WEY-14.0 t/ha, and NMR `89.8x103/ha). The soybeanonion sys- tem also recorded maximum net monetary advantage per unit time (`573/ha/day), employment (374 mandays) and water use efficiency (221 kg/ha-cm), followed by turmeric+castor intercropping system. The highest nutrient uptake was recorded in sorghum [ Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]wheat followed by maize ( Zea mays L.) + cow- pea ( Vigna sinensis L.)wheat and maizewheat cropping systems. The highest soil nutrient status was observed in cotton ( Gossypium sp.)summer groundnut ( Arachis hypogaea L.) followed by soybeanonion cropping sys- tems.
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Ndayishimiye, Elysee, Japhet Dushimeyesu, Yvon Ukwishaka, Chittaranjan Ray, David Fleisher, Dennis Timlin, Vangimalla Reddy und Arindam Malakar. „On‐field Agroecosystem Research Experience: An Undergraduate Perspective“. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education 179, Nr. 1 (Januar 2024): 40–52.

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AbstractUndergraduate hands‐on research can foster innovation and critical thinking among young scholars to delve into real‐world challenges. Specifically, exploring the critical nexus between water usage and agricultural yield, can foster academic growth and holds the key to addressing global food security in an era of increasing environmental constraints, where students can unlock insights crucial to enhancing crop yield and sustainability. Investigating the intricate relationship between water management and crop productivity through undergraduate research is exemplified in this article. Undergraduate students acquired hands‐on research experience by collecting, processing, and analyzing destructive (crop biomass samples) and non‐destructive (plant height, nodes, and leaf chlorophyll content) cropping system data on soybeans under irrigated and dryland production systems, where they worked closely with the farmer. Identifying the current research problem and study site selection, scientific decision‐making during the field study, developing critical thinking while ensuring research communication skills, and quality assurance and quality control through technology during data collection and analysis were learning outcomes. The research highlights the observed distinct performance between irrigated and non‐irrigated soybeans using non‐destructive plant health and growth indicators with plant biomass, following appropriate quality control and assurance steps. Statistically, irrigated soybeans outperformed non‐irrigated soybeans in terms of average plant height at maturity (irrigated: 97.0±1.7 cm vs. non‐irrigated: 37.4±0.6 cm; p<0.01) and number of nodes on the mainstem (irrigated: 19.5±1.2 vs. non‐irrigated: 12.6±0.8; p<0.01). Findings from this study can help ensure quality control and assurance in future cropping system projects. Through the agroecosystem study, we exhibit the importance and role of undergraduate research opportunities in developing the next generation of problem solvers.
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Kakade, Nirmala, und Rituja Satpute. „COMPARATIVE SOIL PROFILE STUDY IN IRRIGATED AND NON-IRRIGATED AREA“. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Scientific Innovation 10, Nr. 1 (26.02.2021): 23–28.

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Soil analysis is useful for cropping pattern so as to increase crop yield and to maintain long term productivity. The farmer's main objective is to maintain the productivity of his soil. An excessive use of fertilizer which is not utilized for crop production can pollute the environment. For this purpose, it is very important to consider as to what the crop requirement for various nutrients is and what their actual use is. In this study, components of soil such as pH, Salinity (EC), Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn were analyzed by different instruments like pH-meter, spectrophotometer, flame photometer and conductivity meter. The soil analysis was done for both Irrigated and Non-Irrigated area. The values of pH, Salinity (EC), Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium, Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn were observed in moderate to slight increased or decreased range. The values for Irrigated areas were observed different than Non-Irrigated areas.
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MacCarthy, Dilys S., Eric Darko, Eric K. Nartey, Samuel G. K. Adiku und Abigail Tettey. „Integrating Biochar and Inorganic Fertilizer Improves Productivity and Profitability of Irrigated Rice in Ghana, West Africa“. Agronomy 10, Nr. 6 (25.06.2020): 904.

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The efficiency of mineral fertilizer use in most soils in Sub-saharan Africa is low. Prominent among the reasons for this is low soil carbon stock. In this study, we hypothesized that in the short term, combined use of biochar and inorganic fertilizer in irrigated rice (Oryza sativa var KRC Baika) cropping systems will increase soil organic carbon storage, N recovery and agronomic efficiency of N use (above world average of 55% and 20 kg grain·kg−1·N respectively) and improved economic returns compared to the sole use of inorganic fertilizer. A two-year (4‒cropping cycles) field trial was, thus, conducted on a Vertisol. The experiments were designed as split–plot with two (0 and 10 t·ha−1) biochar and four (0, 45, 90, 120 kg·ha−1·N) nitrogen application rates. Additionally, the effect of biochar on the chemical properties of the soil was investigated using standard protocols. Biochar application improved the soil organic carbon storage in the topsoil. There were significant interactions between the application of biochar and nitrogen fertilizer on yield parameters. Introducing biochar significantly increased root volume and nutrient (N, P and K) uptake, resulting in increased grain and straw yield. Grain yields under biochar amended plots were higher than sole fertilizer amended plots in 14 out of 16 instances (cropping cycles × N rates). The increase in grain yield was between 12 to 29% across N rates. Biochar amendment also enhanced agronomic N use and apparent N recovery efficiencies in 3 out of the 4 cropping cycles. Gross margin indicated that biochar application under irrigated rice cropping systems is economically feasible in all cropping cycles and N rates. However, the value cost ratio of biochar application was higher than for sole inorganic fertilizer in three out of the four cropping cycles (each cropping cycle has three N rates). The soil organic carbon storage of biochar amended soil increased by 17% under unfertilized condition and by 32% under fertilized condition. To enable the promotion and efficient use of the biochar technology in enhancing productivity and profitability in irrigated rice, extension officers and farmers will need to be trained on how to char the rice husk to reduce emissions prior to upscaling the technology to farmers.
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Naher, Aminun, Lal K. Almas, Bridget Guerrero und Sania Shaheen. „Spatiotemporal Economic Analysis of Corn and Wheat Production in the Texas High Plains“. Water 15, Nr. 20 (12.10.2023): 3553.

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The aim of this study is to visualize the historical changes in wheat and corn cropping patterns in the Texas High Plains from the perspective of geographical concentration and spatial autocorrelation. Historical county-level agricultural census data were collected from the United States Department of Agriculture and the National Agricultural Statistics Service from 1978 to 2017. Exploratory data analysis techniques were employed to examine the geographical concentration and spatial dependence of crop production among nearby locations. The results of temporal changes indicate that the harvested acres of corn and wheat tended to decrease throughout the study period. Total and irrigated harvested corn and wheat acreages were concentrated in a smaller number of counties over time while wheat production was mainly concentrated in the northern part of the region. The Moran’s I test statistic for total and irrigated areas of cropland suggest that there was spatial dependence among the neighboring counties in crop production in this region. In summary, there was a spatiotemporal change in cropping patterns in the Texas High Plains over the study period. Based on the results of the spatiotemporal changes in cropping patterns in the Texas High Plains, policy makers should promote and support non-irrigated varieties of crops in order to decrease the dependence on irrigation water from the Ogallala Aquifer.
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Shreya, Sirse, S. M. Kurmavanshi, R. Muniya und B. M. Maurya. „Evaluation of Different Cropping System Module under Irrigated Condition“. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 8, Nr. 12 (10.12.2019): 982–88.

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Brackin, Richard, Scott Buckley, Rhys Pirie und Francois Visser. „Predicting nitrogen mineralisation in Australian irrigated cotton cropping systems“. Soil Research 57, Nr. 3 (2019): 247.

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Cotton cropping systems in Australia have poor nitrogen (N) use efficiency, largely due to over-application of N fertiliser. The N mineralisation from soil organic N reserves is often overlooked, or underestimated despite recent studies indicating that it may contribute the majority of N exported with the crop. Predicting N mineralisation is a major challenge for agricultural industries worldwide, as direct measurements are time-consuming and expensive, but there is considerable debate as to the most reliable methods for indirect estimation. Additionally, laboratory incubations assess potential (rather than actual) mineralisation, and may not be representative of N cycling rates in the field. We collected 177 samples from most major Australian cotton growing regions, and assessed their mineralisation potential using ex situ laboratory incubations, along with an assessment of potential indicators routinely measured in soil nutrient tests. Additionally, at three unfertilised sites we conducted in situ assessment of mineralisation by quantifying soil N at the beginning of the growing season, and soil and crop N at the end of the season. We found that Australian cotton cropping soils had substantial mineralisation potential, and that soil total N and total carbon were correlated with mineralisation, and have potential to be used for prediction. Other potential indicators such as carbon dioxide production and ammonium and nitrate concentrations were not correlated with mineralisation. In parallel studies of ex situ and in situ mineralisation, we found ex situ laboratory incubations overestimated mineralisation by 1.7 times on average. We discuss findings in terms of management implications for Australian cotton farming systems.
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Suyker, Andrew E., und Shashi B. Verma. „Evapotranspiration of irrigated and rainfed maize–soybean cropping systems“. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 149, Nr. 3-4 (März 2009): 443–52.

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Pearson, Calvin H., Robert W. Hammon, Harold M. Golus und James P. Hain. „Conservation‐Tillage Grain Drill for Furrow‐Irrigated Cropping Systems“. Agronomy Journal 86, Nr. 6 (November 1994): 1128–31.

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Saidulu, Yedavelli. „Impact Of Irrigation Cropping Pattern: A Case Study of Kethepalli Mandal Nalgonda District“. Journal of South Asian Studies 8, Nr. 3 (23.12.2020): 91–98.

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The present study is concerned with major crops, cropping patterns, area, production, and yield of major crops in both spatial and temporal aspects, and socioeconomic change due to agriculture, both irrigated and dryland agriculture in Kethepalli Mandal are part of Nalgonda district of Telangana State, India. The study intends first to identify the major crops and the cropping patterns of the district, by Mandals as well as overtime. Upon identification, an examination and analysis of the pattern of cropping and related aspects are attempted. The interpretation of the analysis is expected to yield an understanding of the development problems of, and prospects for, the irrigated and dryland farming of the district. The present research is introductory in that it introduces a broad overview of agriculture and global development perspectives, Indian agricultural sector, Indian and Telangana agriculture, and then introduces the problem of study, the schemes by the government, the objectives, the study area, the methodology, and the conclusion.
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Sharma, Amit Kumar, Laurence Hubert-Moy, Sriramulu Buvaneshwari, Muddu Sekhar, Laurent Ruiz, Hemanth Moger, Soumya Bandyopadhyay und Samuel Corgne. „Identifying Seasonal Groundwater-Irrigated Cropland Using Multi-Source NDVI Time-Series Images“. Remote Sensing 13, Nr. 10 (18.05.2021): 1960.

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Groundwater has become a major source of irrigation in the past few decades in India, but as it comes from millions of individual borewells owned by smallholders irrigating small fields, it is difficult to quantify the actual irrigated area across seasons and years. This study’s main goal was to monitor seasonal irrigated cropland using multiple optical satellite images. The proposed research was performed over the Berambadi watershed, an experimental site in southern peninsular India. While cloud cover during crop growth is the greatest obstacle to optical remote sensing in tropical regions, the cloud-free images from multiple optical satellite platforms (Landsat-8 (OLI), EO1 (ALI), IRS-P6 (LISS3 and LISS4), and Spot5Take5 (HRG2)) were used to fill data gaps during crop growth periods. The seasonal cumulative normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was calculated and resampled at 5 m spatial resolution for various cropping seasons. The support vector machine (SVM) classification was applied to seasonal cumulative NDVI images for irrigated cropland area classification. Validation of the classified irrigated cropland was performed by calculating kappa coefficients for three cropping seasons (summer, kharif, and rabi) from 2014–2016 using ground observations. Kappa coefficients ranged from 0.81–0.96 for 2014–2015 and 0.62–0.89 for 2015–2016, except for summer 2016, when it was 1.00. Groundwater irrigation in the watershed ranged from 4.6% to 16.5% of total cropland during these cropping seasons. These results showed that multi-source optical satellite data are relevant for quantifying areas under groundwater irrigation in tropical regions.
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B, SUBBALAKSHMI, und SIVASUBRAMANIAN V. „VARIABILITY AND CORRELATION IN SAFFLOWER“. Madras Agricultural Journal 82, November (1995): 596–97.

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Twenty-eight diverse genotypes of safflower studied for the extent of genetic variability for yield and yield components revealed that maximum difference between GCV and PCV under rainfed and irrigated cropping was observed for number of heads and branches per plant indicating the susceptibility of these traits to environment. In general, the spiny types performed under irrigated condition and the non-spiny genotypes under rainfed conditions. The dwarf genotypes recorded high seed yield under irrigated conditions and the non-spiny genotypes under rainfed conditions. The dwarf genotypes recorded high seed yield under irrigated conditions and the intermediates under rainfed condition. Number of branches and heads were interrelated under both conditions..
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Lamb, Marshall C., William F. Anderson, Timothy C. Strickland, Alisa W. Coffin, Ronald B. Sorensen, Joseph E. Knoll und Oliva Pisani. „Economic Competitiveness of Napier Grass in Irrigated and Non-irrigated Georgia Coastal Plain Cropping Systems“. BioEnergy Research 11, Nr. 3 (21.05.2018): 574–82.

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Ball, Daniel A., und Stephen D. Miller. „Weed Seed Population Response to Tillage and Herbicide Use in Three Irrigated Cropping Sequences“. Weed Science 38, Nr. 6 (November 1990): 511–17.

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Research was conducted to evaluate the effects of primary tillage (moldboard plowing and chisel plowing), secondary tillage (row cultivation), and herbicides on weed species changes in the soil seed bank in three irrigated row cropping sequences over a 3-yr period. The cropping sequences consisted of continuous corn for 3 yr (CN), continuous pinto beans for 3 yr (PB), and sugarbeets for 2 yr followed by corn in the third year (SB). A comparison between moldboard and chisel plowing indicated that weed seed were more prevalent near the soil surface after chisel plowing. The density of certain annual weed seed over the 3-yr period increased more rapidly in the seed bank after chisel plowing compared to moldboard plowing. Species exhibiting the most pronounced increase included hairy nightshade and stinkgrass in the PB cropping sequence and redroot pigweed and common lambsquarters in the SB sequence. Conversely, kochia seed density in the SB sequence decreased more rapidly in chisel-plowed plots. Row cultivation generally reduced seed bank densities of most species compared to uncultivated plots. Herbicide use in each cropping sequence produced a shift in the weed seed bank in favor of species less susceptible to applied herbicides. In particular, seed of hairy nightshade became prevalent in the PB cropping sequence, and seed of kochia, redroot pigweed, and common lambsquarters became prevalent in the SB sequence.
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Fan, Yuwen, Zhao Yang, Min-Hui Lo, Jina Hur und Eun-Soon Im. „Applying double cropping and interactive irrigation in the North China Plain using WRF4.5“. Geoscientific Model Development 17, Nr. 18 (18.09.2024): 6929–47.

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Abstract. Irrigated cultivation exerts a significant influence on the local climate and the hydrological cycle. The North China Plain (NCP) is known for its intricate agricultural system, marked by expansive cropland, high productivity, compact rotation, a semi-arid climate, and intensive irrigation practices. As a result, there has been considerable attention on the potential impact of this intensive irrigated agriculture on the local climate. However, studying the irrigation impact in this region has been challenging due to the lack of an accurate simulation of crop phenology and irrigation practices within the climate model. By incorporating double cropping with interactive irrigation, our study extends the capabilities of the Weather Research Forecast (WRF) model, which has previously demonstrated commendable performance in simulating single-cropping scenarios. This allows for two-way feedback between irrigated crops and climate, further enabling the inclusion of irrigation feedback from both ground and vegetation perspectives. The improved crop modeling system shows significant enhancement in capturing vegetation and irrigation patterns, which is evidenced by its ability to identify crop stages, estimate field biomass, predict crop yield, and project monthly leaf area index. The improved simulation of large-scale irrigated crops in the NCP can further enhance our understanding of the intricate relationship between agricultural development and climate change.
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Macêdo, Antônia B. M., Raimundo N. T. Costa, Danielle F. de Araújo und Kenya G. Nunes. „Water productivity with localized irrigation using groundwater and reuse water in the cultivation of plant species“. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental 24, Nr. 4 (April 2020): 219–24.

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ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze the water saving potential of replacing the traditional, furrow-irrigated banana crop in the Curu-Pentecoste Irrigated Perimeter with localized systems by inserting new cropping plans and sources of groundwater and reuse water. An analysis of the support capacity in shallow tube wells for irrigation was also performed, considering the scenario of full recharge and water scarcity. The economic analysis was performed using the profitability indicators of the investment analysis: benefit/cost ratio, net present value, internal rate of return and payback period. Water productivity data reveal that cropping plans associated with alternative sources of water from shallow tube wells and reuse of the excess surface irrigation water in localized systems are economically more attractive than traditional, furrow-irrigated banana crop. The support capacity of shallow tube wells reveals that the exploitation of this underground water resource in the region is a viable alternative for irrigation of small areas. With the exception of banana, the other scenarios analyzed showed positive cash flows from the second year.
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Crusciol, C. A. C., R. P. Soratto, O. Arf und G. P. Mateus. „Yield of upland rice cultivars in rainfed and sprinkler-irrigated systems in the Cerrado region of Brazil“. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 46, Nr. 11 (2006): 1515.

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In upland rice, the reduced grain yield that originates from the moisture stress period is related to the plant’s tolerance of water deficiency and may vary between cultivars. The purpose of the work presented here was to evaluate the performance of upland rice cultivars in both rainfed and sprinkler-irrigated systems. A split-plot scheme with 8 replicates in a randomised block design was used. The plots were composed of 2 cropping systems (rainfed and sprinkler-irrigated) and the split-plot consisted of 2 cultivars (IAC 201 and Carajás) which are suggested for cultivation in upland ecosystems. Carajás had a greater number of panicles per square metre, higher spikelet fertility and grain mass, and, consequently, a higher grain yield than IAC 201 regardless of cropping system. IAC 201 was more sensitive to water deficiency than Carajás. Sprinkler irrigation improved spikelet fertility, grain mass and upland rice grain yield. Even when cultivars with a higher tolerance of water deficiency are used, a sprinkler-irrigated system may be a viable method to increase upland rice yield throughout most of the Brazilian Cerrado.
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A new high yielding sesamum culture DPI 1523, a hybrid derivative of the cross Si 2511 X Si 2314, has been released as Paiyur 1. Maturing in 90-95 days duration, it is best suited to summer irrigated cropping in Tamil Nadu. It gives on an average, 650 Kg of seed yield per hectare under irrigated condition. Resistance to powdery mildew under field condition is an added virtue of this strain.
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DEVKANT PRASAD, M.S. YADAVA und C.S. SINGH. „Diversification of rice (Oryza sativa)-based cropping systems for higher productivity, profitability and resource-use efficiency under irrigated ecosystem of Jharkhand“. Indian Journal of Agronomy 58, Nr. 3 (10.10.2001): 264–70.

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A field experiment was conducted at Kanke, Ranchi under irrigated condition in 200809 and 200910 to evaluate the production potential, nutrient uptake, resource use efficiency and economics of eight rice (Oryza sa- tiva L.)-based cropping systems. Eight cropping systems viz. ricefallow, ricewheat {Triticum aestivum (L.) emend. Fiori & Paol}, ricemustard {Brassica juncea (L.) Czernj & Cosson}greengram {Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek}, ricerajmash (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)greengram, ricepotato (Solanum tuberosum L.)greengram, ricewheat + mustard (5:1)greengram, ricewheat + rajmash (5:1)greengram, and ricepotato + wheat (1:1) greengram were evaluated in the study. Among the cropping systems, ricepotato + wheat (1:1)greengram crop- ping system recorded highest system productivity (20.39 t REGY/ha), land use efficiency (95.89), production effi- ciency (55.58 kg REGY/ha/day) and employment generation (293 man days/ha) as compared to other cropping systems. Crop sequences with potato as rabi crop resulted in significantly higher N, P and K uptake, while S up- take was significantly higher in ricemustardgreengram sequence. Economic analysis revealed that the maxi- mum net profit (125 103 /ha), benefit:cost ratio (1.61) and monetary efficiency (342.7 /ha/day) were recorded in ricepotatogreengram crop sequence closely followed by ricepotato + wheat (1:1)greengram, which were significantly superior over other cropping systems. Based on study, ricepotato + wheat (1:1)greengram and ricepotatogreengram were found to be the most productive, resource-use efficient and remunerative cropping system under irrigated conditions and can be followed in place of ricewheat or ricefallow systems for higher profitability.
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Tedeschi, Anna. „Irrigated Agriculture on Saline Soils: A Perspective“. Agronomy 10, Nr. 11 (23.10.2020): 1630.

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Approximately 6.5% of the world’s arable and marginal soils are either saline or sodic. The situation will worsen due to climate change. Regardless of the cause that generated the salinity, i.e., whether primary or secondary, the effect of soil salinization on plant growth and on living organisms will be severe. To mitigate such impacts, several studies have been carried out over the years with the aim of providing technical or management solutions to deal with the multiple consequences of soil salinity. A review by Cuevas et al. proposes a new approach looking for solutions through soil-improving cropping systems (SICSs). The SICSs have to prevent, mitigate or remediate the negative impacts of soil salinization. The efforts of Cuevas et al. were to organize the analyses by focusing on SICSs that would: (1) prevent or halt secondary salinization; (2) cope with salinization; (3) reverse salinization. The study is concluded by an effort to assess the impacts of each SICS and of the combined SICSs application in terms of agronomic, economic, and environmental aspects. Both economic constraints and the collective willingness of stakeholders to innovate are taken into in the evaluation of feasibility. It is important to put into practice and/or identify a number of sustainable actions, at low environmental input, to improve crop tolerance to water deficit and high salinity as well as to preserve biodiversity and mitigate the impact of climate changes. At the same time, these actions would ensure crop productivity in the area, thus guaranteeing environment and social benefits to the local population, and thus weakening the motivation to abandon the land. The aim of this editorial is to propose a broader perspective on the review by Cuevas et al. “A Review of Soil-Improving Cropping Systems for Soil Salinization”. In the review, the authors go through several soil-improving cropping systems (SICSs) by considering them separately or in combination with the aim to provide guidelines towards resolving, counteracting or mitigating soil salinity. I tried to highlight the strengths of the study by Cuevas et al., while suggesting related topics that may deserve further attention by the community.
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Chouchane, Hatem, Maarten S. Krol und Arjen Y. Hoekstra. „Changing global cropping patterns to minimize national blue water scarcity“. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24, Nr. 6 (09.06.2020): 3015–31.

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Abstract. Feeding a growing population with global natural-resource constraints becomes an increasingly challenging task. Changing spatial cropping patterns could contribute to sustaining crop production and mitigating water scarcity. Previous studies on water saving through international food trade focussed either on comparing water productivities among food-trading countries or on analysing food trade in relation to national water endowments. Here, we consider, for the first time, how both differences in national average water productivities and water endowments can be considered to analyse comparative advantages of countries for different types of crop production. A linear-optimization algorithm is used to find modifications in global cropping patterns that reduce national blue water scarcity in the world's most severely water-scarce countries, while keeping global production of each crop unchanged and preventing any increase in total irrigated or rainfed harvested areas in each country. The results are used to assess national comparative advantages and disadvantages for different crops. Even when allowing a maximum expansion of the irrigated or rainfed harvested area per crop per country of only 10 %, the blue water scarcity in the world's most water-scarce countries can be greatly reduced. In this case, we could achieve a reduction of the global blue water footprint of crop production of 21 % and a decrease of the global total harvested and irrigated areas of 2 % and 10 % respectively. Shifts in rainfed areas have a dominant share in reducing the blue water footprint of crop production.
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Cha-un, Nittaya, Amnat Chidthaisong, Kazuyuki Yagi und Sirintornthep Towprayoon. „Simulating the Long-Term Effects of Fertilizer and Water Management on Grain Yield and Methane Emissions of Paddy Rice in Thailand“. Agriculture 11, Nr. 11 (15.11.2021): 1144.

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Rice is an important economic crop in Thailand. However, paddy rice fields are one of the largest anthropogenic sources of methane (CH4) emissions. Therefore, suitable crop management practice is necessary to reduce CH4 emissions while rice grain yield is maintained. This study aimed to evaluate appropriate options of fertilizer and water management practices for Thai rice cultivation with regards to improving rice grain yield and reducing CH4 emissions. The Denitrification–Decomposition (DNDC) model was used to simulate grain yield and the emission of CH4 under the three fertilizer options (chemical fertilizer (F), manure (M) and chemical fertilizer + manure (F + M)) with three water management options (continuous flooding (CF), mid-season drainage (MD) and alternate wet and dry (AWD)) during the years 2011–2050. Rain-fed and irrigated rice cropping systems were used. A total of 24 sites distributed in 22 provinces were studied. The data sets of daily climate, soil properties, and rice management practices were required as inputs in the model. Model validation with observation data in a field experiment indicated that simulated grain yields (R2 = 0.83, slope = 0.98, NRMES = 0.30) and cumulative seasonal CH4 emissions (R2 = 0.83, slope = 0.74, NRMES = 0.43) were significantly and positively correlated with the observation. At the end of the simulation period (2046–2050), fertilizer management options of F and F + M gave more grain yield than the M management option by 1–44% in rain-fed rice cropping and 104–190% in irrigated rice cropping system, respectively. Among options, the lower CH4 emissions were found in AWD water management options. The appropriate options with regard to maintaining grain yield and reducing CH4 emissions in the long term were suggested to be F + M with AWD for the rain-fed rice, and F with AWD for the irrigated rice cropping systems.
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Garcia, Andre Dalla Bernardina, Ieda Del’Arco Sanches, Victor Hugo Rohden Prudente und Kleber Trabaquini. „Characterization of Irrigated Rice Cultivation Cycles and Classification in Brazil Using Time Series Similarity and Machine Learning Models with Sentinel Imagery“. AgriEngineering 7, Nr. 3 (04.03.2025): 65.

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The mapping and monitoring of rice fields on a large scale using medium and high spatial resolution data (<10 m) is essential for efficient agricultural management and food security. However, challenges such as managing large volumes of data, addressing data gaps, and optimizing available data are key focuses in remote sensing research using automated machine learning models. In this sense, the objective of this study was to propose a pipeline to characterize and classify three different irrigated rice-producing regions in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. To achieve this, we used Sentinel-1 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) polarizations and Sentinel-2 optical multispectral spectral bands along with multiple time series indices. The processing of input data and exploratory analysis were performed using a clustering algorithm based on Dynamic Time Warping (DTW), with K-means applied to the time series. For the classification step in the proposed pipeline, we utilized five traditional machine learning models available on the Google Earth Engine platform to determine which had the best performance. We identified four distinct irrigated rice cropping patterns across Santa Catarina, where the northern region favors double cropping, the south predominantly adopts single cropping, and the central region shows both, a flattened single and double cropping. Among the tested classification models, the SVM with Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data yielded the highest accuracy (IoU: 0.807; Dice: 0.885), while CART and GTBoost had the lowest performance. Omission errors were reduced below 10% in most models when using both sensors, but commission errors remained above 15%, especially for patches in which rice fields represent less than 10% of area. These findings highlight the effectiveness of our proposed feature selection and classification pipeline for improving the generalization of irrigated rice mapping in large and diverse regions.
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Wesley, R. A., L. G. Heatherly, C. D. Elmore und S. R. Spurlock. „Net Returns from Eight Irrigated Cropping Systems on Clay Soil“. Journal of Production Agriculture 7, Nr. 1 (Januar 1994): 109–15.

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Bierer, Andrew M., April B. Leytem, Robert S. Dungan, Amber D. Moore und David L. Bjorneberg. „Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics in Semi-Arid Irrigated Cropping Systems“. Agronomy 11, Nr. 3 (05.03.2021): 484.

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Insufficient characterization of soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics in semi-arid climates contributes uncertainty to SOC sequestration estimates. This study estimated changes in SOC (0–30 cm depth) due to variations in manure management, tillage regime, winter cover crop, and crop rotation in southern Idaho (USA). Empirical data were used to drive the Denitrification Decomposition (DNDC) model in a “default” and calibrated capacity and forecast SOC levels until 2050. Empirical data indicates: (i) no effect (p = 0.51) of winter triticale on SOC after 3 years; (ii) SOC accumulation (0.6 ± 0.5 Mg ha–1 year–1) under a rotation of corn-barley-alfalfax3 and no change (p = 0.905) in a rotation of wheat-potato-barley-sugarbeet; (iii) manure applied annually at rate 1X is not significantly different (p = 0.75) from biennial application at rate 2X; and (iv) no significant effect of manure application timing (p = 0.41, fall vs. spring). The DNDC model simulated empirical SOC and biomass C measurements adequately in a default capacity, yet specific issues were encountered. By 2050, model forecasting suggested: (i) triticale cover resulted in SOC accrual (0.05–0.27 Mg ha–1 year–1); (ii) when manure is applied, conventional tillage regimes are favored; and (iii) manure applied treatments accrue SOC suggesting a quadratic relationship (all R2 > 0.85 and all p < 0.0001), yet saturation behavior was not realized when extending the simulation to 2100. It is possible that under very large C inputs that C sequestration is favored by DNDC which may influence “NetZero” C initiatives.
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Tindall, Terry A., und Galen Mooso. „Use of NPK Liquids in Managing Irrigated Alfalfa Cropping Systems“. Crops & Soils 53, Nr. 6 (November 2020): 14–18.

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Le Gal, Pierre-Yves, und François Papy. „Co-ordination processes in a collectively managed cropping system: Double cropping of irrigated rice in Senegal“. Agricultural Systems 57, Nr. 2 (Juni 1998): 135–59.

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G P, Manjunatha, CH Pragathi Kumari, M. Goverdhan, G. Kiran Reddy, Mandapelli Sharath Chandra und G. Vinay. „Nutrient Uptake Patterns and Soil Fertility Assessment in Diverse Crop Rotations under Irrigated Dry Conditions in Telangana, India“. Asian Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 10, Nr. 4 (13.11.2024): 451–62.

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An experiment was conducted during the 2023-24 kharif and rabi seasons at the College Farm, AICRP on the IFS unit, PJTSAU, Hyderabad. To develop efficient cropping systems for the Telangana region, it is essential to evaluate them based on productivity, nutrient uptake and economic viability. This study assessed various cropping sequences with regard to nutrient absorption and soil fertility status specific to Telangana and the findings were presented here. The rice-maize cropping system demonstrated higher nutrient uptake, resulting in a higher rice grain equivalent yield compared to Bt cotton under region-specific system. The Bt cotton + greengram (1:2) - sesame cropping system exhibited significantly higher nutrient uptake compared to the pigeonpea + foxtail millet (2:5) - sweet corn, making it more effective for sustaining long-term soil health. Among the crops cultivated for family nutritional security, the fingermillet – groundnut demonstrated significantly higher nutrient uptake compared to the pigeonpea + sorghum (2:3) - sesame. The nutrient uptake in the fodder bajra - lucerne system was higher than that in the fodder sorghum - fodder oats system when comparing the two fodder cropping systems. It has been observed that fodder systems required a greater amount of nutrients for their growth and development compared to other cropping systems.
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Multsch, Sebastian, Maarten S. Krol, Markus Pahlow, André L. C. Assunção, Alberto G. O. P. Barretto, Quirijn de Jong van Lier und Lutz Breuer. „Assessment of potential implications of agricultural irrigation policy on surface water scarcity in Brazil“. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 24, Nr. 1 (21.01.2020): 307–24.

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Abstract. Expanding irrigated cropping areas is one of Brazil's strategies to increase agricultural production. This expansion is constrained by water policy goals to restrict water scarcity to acceptable levels. We therefore analysed the trade-off between levels of acceptable water scarcity and feasible expansion of irrigation. The appropriateness of water use in agricultural production was assessed in categories ranging from acceptable to very critical based on the river flow that is equalled or exceeded 95 % of the time (Q95) as an indicator for physical water availability. The crop water balance components were determined for 166 842 sub-catchments covering all of Brazil. The crops considered were cotton, rice, sugarcane, bean, cassava, corn, soybean and wheat, together accounting for 96 % of the harvested area of irrigated and rain-fed agriculture. On currently irrigated land irrigation must be discontinued on 54 % (2.3 Mha) for an acceptable water scarcity level, on 45 % (1.9 Mha) for a comfortable water scarcity level and on 35 % (1.5 Mha) for a worrying water scarcity level, in order to avoid critical water scarcity. An expansion of irrigated areas by irrigating all 45.6 Mha of the rain-fed area would strongly impact surface water resources, resulting in 26.0 Mha experiencing critical and very critical water scarcity. The results show in a spatially differentiated manner that potential future decisions regarding expanding irrigated cropping areas in Brazil must, while pursuing to intensify production practices, consider the likely regional effects on water scarcity levels, in order to reach sustainable agricultural production.
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U.S. SURVE, E.N. PATIL, J.B. SHINDE, P.S. BODAKE und A.D. KADLAG. „Evaluation of different integrated farming systems under irrigated situations of Maharashtra“. Indian Journal of Agronomy 59, Nr. 4 (10.10.2001): 518–26.

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Three farming system models were evaluated during 200809 and 200910 at Rahuri, Maharashtra, to study their effect on the economic returns, water productivity, employment generation, energy balance and soil health improvement. On-station integrated farming system (IFS), model-I, involving field crops, horticulture, dairy, poultry and fishery was developed at the research farm. Similarly, an on-farm IFS model involving crop, dairy, poultry was developed in Digraj village of Ahmednagar district (model-II). An on-station cropping sequence model involving soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]wheat [Triticum aestivum (L.) emend. Fiori & Paol.] was taken for comparison (model-III). These models were developed in 2.0 ha area under irrigated condition. On-station and on-farm IFS models were found more remunerative than the on-station cropping sequence model, showing maximum net re- turns of 1,99,848, water productivity ( 991/ha-cm), employment generation (1,275 mandays/ha/year) and en- ergy balance (4,11,949 MJ/ha), while the on-farm IFS model resulted 48,477, 406/ha-cm, 657 man-days/year and 3,25,528 MJ/ha values of these parameters respectively. These values for the Model-III were the minimum with 32,613, 375/ha-cm, 227 man-days and 1,53,379 MJ respectively. Thus, integrated farming system (IFS) proved promising and remunerative to soybeanwheat cropping system with higher net returns, water productivity, employment generation and energy output.
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VIVEKANANDAN, N., und K. VISWANATHAN. „Optimization of multi-objective cropping pattern using linear and goal programming approaches“. MAUSAM 58, Nr. 3 (26.11.2021): 323–34.

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Irrigation planning and scheduling are essential components of water management in irrigated agriculture. For this purpose, optimal allocation of land and water is required for optimization of cropping pattern under a set of limitations. In this paper, an attempt was made to optimize the cropping pattern for Barna irrigation project using Linear and Goal Programming (LP and GP) approaches. Three different objectives such as maximization of net return, protein and calorie values were considered for optimization of cropping pattern. The factors like amount of net return, values of protein and calorie, and quantum of water utilized for irrigation by LP and GP were considered for selection of best approach for optimization of cropping pattern for the project. The paper presents the methodology adopted in optimizing the cropping pattern using LP and GP approaches and the results obtained from the study. GP approach was found to be best for optimization of cropping pattern for the project.
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Pandit, K., und M. K. Balla. „An Assessment of soil Fertility Management Issues in Pokhare Khola Watershed, Dhading“. Nepal Journal of Science and Technology 7 (30.08.2007): 89.

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Changes in traditional ways of cropping and fertility maintenance have posed a serious threat of the sustainability of soil fertility in the mid hills of Nepal. This paper tries to bring to the front different issues directly or indirectly related to the sustainability of soil fertility based on a study carried out in Pokhare Khola Watershed, Dhading in 2003. Data were collected through questionnaire survey and focus group discussions and interpretation made using simple statistical tools and logical discussions. Cultivation of short growing season varieties of crops supplemented with high rates of chemical fertilizers has substantially increased the cropping intensity in irrigated low land. Farm yard manure (FYM) is used in higher proportion than chemical fertilizers both in Khet (irrigated lowland) and Bari (non-irrigated upland). Nonetheless, Khet land gets lower amount of FYM and higher amount of chemical fertilizers compared to Bari. Farmers are practicing the traditional methods of preparing FYM. Erosion in Bari and sedimentation in Khet lands are the major threats to soil fertility but no adequate prevention and restoration measures are carried out to cope with these threats. Farmers have not only conserved natural forests but also, planted fodder trees in their farmlands. Nearly half of demand for forest products is met from private farmland, which has considerably reduced the pressure on nearby forests. Farmers have markedly positive perceptions regarding the fertilizer application, cropping pattern and importance of forests in farming system. <i>Nepal Journal of Science and Technology</i> Vol. 7, 2006
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Field experiments were conducted at the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore during 1991-92 and 1992-93 under irrigated conditions to identify suitable cotton based cropping system under Coimbatore conditions. Results revealed that cotton (MCU 5)-tomato (Co 3) gave a maximum net income of Rs.26,900 and Rs.33, 150 during 1991-92 and 1992-93 respectively. Cotton (MCU'S)- soybean (Co 1) and cotton (MCU 5) - maize (Col) systems also recorded more net income next to the cotton-tomato cropping system.
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