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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Irrigated cropping"


Carvallo, H. O., E. A. Holzapfel, M. A. Lopez und M. A. Mariño. „Irrigated Cropping Optimization“. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 124, Nr. 2 (März 1998): 67–72.

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Kaduyu, Issa, und Patrick Musinguzi. „Impact of irrigated and non-irrigated cropping systems on soil physicochemical properties in a small-scale irrigation farming system in Eastern Uganda“. Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Science 6, Nr. 3 (25.09.2021): 313–19.

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This study evaluated the impact of irrigation and cropping on soil physicochemical properties at Kyekide small scale irrigation farm in Jinja district, eastern Uganda. Treatments included Land-use systems under perennial and annual cropping with and without irrigation for over 20 years. The hypothesis was that there were insignificant differences in physicochemical properties of the soil under irrigated and non-irrigated cropping systems. Soil physical properties except hydraulic conductivity was not significantly different with irrigation and cropping. The pH of the soils ranged from moderately acidic to neutral pH (5.17-7.40), with irrigated soils tending to be more neutral than non-irrigated soils. SOM content was higher in the irrigated soils and perennial soils than in the non-irrigated and annual soils. The soils were moderately deficient in N and severely deficient in P (mean values =0.175% N and 1.183mg kg-1 P) compared with the critical of 0.2% and 15 mg kg-1, respectively. Irrigated soils had a significantly higher Na+ content than non-irrigated soils, with a mean value of 2.985cmol/kg. The K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ contents were higher in irrigated and perennial soils than non-irrigated and annual soils. The study suggested monitoring the soils under an irrigation scheme to prevent degradation due to increased salt accumulation or chemical fertility decline. Overall, monitoring of soil quality is vital in irrigation schemes to monitor the impacts of water on the environment.
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Rufin, Philippe, Mayra Daniela Peña-Guerrero, Atabek Umirbekov, Yanbing Wei und Daniel Müller. „Post-Soviet changes in cropping practices in the irrigated drylands of the Aral Sea basin“. Environmental Research Letters 17, Nr. 9 (01.09.2022): 095013.

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Abstract Water withdrawals for irrigated crop production constitute the largest source of freshwater consumption on Earth. Monitoring the dynamics of irrigated crop cultivation is crucial for tracking crop water consumption, particularly in water-scarce areas. We analyzed changes in water-dependent crop cultivation for 650 000 km2 of Central Asian drylands, including the entire basin of the Amu Darya river, once the largest tributary to the Aral Sea before large-scale irrigation projects grossly reduced the amount of water reaching the river delta. We used Landsat time series to map overall cropland extent, dry season cropping, and cropping frequency in irrigated croplands annually from 1987 to 2019. We scrutinized the emblematic change processes of six localities to discern the underlying causes of these changes. Our unbiased area estimates reveal that between 1988 and 2019, irrigated dry season cropping declined by 1.34 million hectares (Mha), while wet season and double cropping increased by 0.64 Mha and 0.83 Mha, respectively. These results show that the overall extent of cropland in the region remained stable, while higher cropping frequency increased harvested area. The observed changes’ overall effect on water resource use remains elusive: Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, declining dry season cultivation reduced crop water demand while, more recently, increasing cropping frequency raised water consumption. Our analysis provides the first fine-scale analysis of post-Soviet changes in cropping practices of the irrigated areas of Central Asia. Our maps are openly available and can support future assessments of land-system trajectories and, coupled with evapotranspiration estimates, changes in crop water consumption.
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Lamb, M. C., D. L. Rowland, R. B. Sorensen, C. L. Butts, W. H. Faircloth und R. C. Nuti. „Economic Returns of Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Peanut Based Cropping Systems“. Peanut Science 34, Nr. 1 (Januar 2007): 10–16.[10:eroian];2.

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Schweizer, Edward E., Donald W. Lybecker und Robert L. Zimdahl. „Systems Approach to Weed Management in Irrigated Crops“. Weed Science 36, Nr. 6 (November 1988): 840–45.

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The impact of four weed management systems on weed seed reserves in soil, yearly weed problem, and production of barley, corn, pinto bean, and sugarbeet was assessed where these crops were grown in rotation for 4 consecutive years in four cropping sequences. Weeds were controlled in each crop with only conventional tillage or conventional tillage plus minimum, moderate (system 1), and intensive (system 2) levels of herbicides. Seed of annual weeds from 11 genera were identified, with barnyardgrass and redroot pigweed comprising 66 and 19%, respectively, of the initial 90 million weed seed/ha present in the upper 25 cm of the soil profile. After the fourth cropping year, overall decline in total number of weed seed in soil was 53% when averaged over four cropping sequences and four weed management systems. Over the 4-yr period, about 10 times more weeds escaped control in system 1 than in system 2; and within a crop, the fewest number of weeds escaped control annually in barley. System 2 had the highest herbicide use in each cropping sequence, the fewest weeds at harvest, and the smallest adjusted gross return over the 4-yr period in three of four cropping sequences.
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Faisal, Faisal, Alfiansyah Yulianu und Ella Mailianda. „Studi Peningkatan Intensitas Luas Dan Pola Tanam Pada Daerah Irigasi Krueng Jreue“. Jurnal Arsip Rekayasa Sipil dan Perencanaan 1, Nr. 3 (11.09.2018): 141–49.

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Krueng Jreue irrigation area is one of the oldest irrigation in Aceh Besar district, located in the District of Indrapuri, was inaugurated in 1972 by President Soeharto. Rice area irrigated by this irrigation is 4277.6 ha. Jreue Krueng irrigated areas have rice-rice cropping intensity of plants ranging from 158% to 156%. The intensity of these plants are still below the expected crop intensity, is equal to 200%. To increase the intensity of these plants, it is necessary to study the increased intensity of Krueng Jreue tanamana irrigation area by selecting the appropriate alternative cropping patterns according to the water balance. This study aims to determine the amount of discharge mainstay available on the weir, know the size of the crop water requirement for each alternative, determine optimal crop area that can be irrigated by water that is available, and conduct studies on water balance based cropping planned. Expected to describe the water balance of alternative cropping patterns were obtained. The method used in this research including data collection and data analysis to determine the mainstay discharge, water irrigation, cropping pattern and cropping intensity. The study results obtained by the intensity of the plants can reach 200% by the water supply system using the technical rotation irrigation area is divided into two groups. The first type, cropping season from October period to 2. The second class of the cropping season from November to 2.
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Hendratta, Liany, und Dave Steve Kandey. „Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Air Sungai untuk Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Irigasi“. Jurnal Teknik Sumber Daya Air 1, Nr. 2 (05.07.2022): 89–100.

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Polimaan weir that utilizes water of the Polimaan River, is used to irrigate rice fields covering an area of 297.96 Ha. As a result of decrease in the discharge of Polimaan River, there was water shortage within the service area of Polimaan weir. In one planting season, half the total service area did not get sufficient water supply. so there is urgency to evaluate water availability of Polimaan river to keep up the performance of the irrigated padi-field. This study aimed at assessing the water availability of the Polimaan River at the point of the weir and calculating the water balance in order to optimally meet irrigation water needs. Analysis of water availability and demand were carried out using secondary data and direct observation at the study site. Water availability was evaluated using the NRECA model. The closest calibration result was with the accuracy level calculated using the Nash-Sutcliffe Coefficient (E) of 0.731. Water requirements were examined by simulating the cropping system ie.: varying the cropping pattern and changing the rotation coefficient of tertiary plots. After 18 variations of cropping pattern only 3 patterns did not show that the patterns experienced water shortages. They included: 2 cropping patterns which used a water distribution system for 3 groups and 1 other pattern which implemented it for 2 groups. The three cropping patterns were carried out only 1 planting season for each group with different scheduling and rotation was carried out for each tertiary plot. Consequently, only half the irrigated land can be utilized in each planting season.
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S.N. HONNALI und B.M. CHITTAPUR. „Efficient cropping systems and their energetics for sustainable irrigated tropical ecosystems“. Indian Journal of Agronomy 59, Nr. 4 (10.10.2001): 556–60.

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An experiment was conducted at Bheemarayanagudi, Karnataka, during 201011, 201112 and 201213 to find out efficient cropping systems and to know energetics of different cropping systems. Ten cropping systems, viz. sole Bt cotton ( Gossypium spp.), Bt cottongreengram [Vigna radiate (L.) Wilczek], Bt cottongreen-manure crop sun hemp (Crotalaria juncea (L.), Bt cottonsesame (Sesamum indicum L.), maize (Zea mays L.)chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)wheat [Triticum aestivum (L.) Emend. Fiori & Paol.], sun- flowerchickpea, chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) + onion (Allium cepa L.) (1:2 row proportion), transplanted Bt cot- ton and ricerice (Oryza sativa L.) as check were evaluated under irrigated condition to find out efficient cropping systems. The transplanted Bt cotton gave the maximum cotton-equivalent yield (2.73 t/ha ) and was significantly superior to that of ricerice (2.29 t/ha), while Bt cottongreengram (2.53 t/ha), Bt cottonsesame (2.61 t/ha), maizechickpea (2.47 t/ha) and chilli + onion (2.41 t/ha ) were at par with transplanted Bt cotton as well as rice rice. All cropping systems gave significantly higher net returns over ricerice cropping system ( 44,730/ha) ex- cept sunflowerwheat or chickpea; highest being with transplanted cotton ( 79,507/ha). All the systems were sig- nificantly superior to ricerice (0.96) in benefit: cost ratio and maizechickpea recorded the highest benefit: cost ratio (3.31). Energetics revealed different trend, wherein protein yields were higher with maizechickpea (0.73 t/ ha), while carbohydrate yield (6.32 t/ha) was higher with rice-rice. Among all the systems, the highest land-utiliza- tion index was observed with Bt cottonsesame cropping system (76.7%).
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GOMGNIMBOU, Alain P. K., Abdramane SANON, DEMBELE Basirou, David Alexander CARROLL II und Hassan B. NACRO. „Impact of Agroecological Practices on Fertility of Hydromorphic Soils for Sweet Potato Cultivation in the South Sudanian Zone of Burkina Faso“. Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology 43, Nr. 11 (28.10.2024): 13–20.

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Aims: This study aims is to assess the effects of agroecological practices’ effects on soil chemical parameters in the irrigated area of the Tiébélé plain. Study Design: The cropping systems used can contribute to significant changes in the physical and biochemical properties of the soil. This study combined data collected on a developed plan and laboratory analyses. Place and Duration: The data was collected from producers' plots in the dry season (March-April) of 2022. Methodology: 24 farms were monitored during the cropping season 2021-2022, based on the existing practices: crop rotation on upland areas; vegetable growing - irrigated rice rotation; potato - irrigated rice rotation; irrigated rice - fallow rotation; short fallow; long fallow. In each plot, soil samples were taken from 0-20 cm depth for laboratory analysis. Results: The results show that the sweet potato - irrigated rice rotation leads to an increase in total carbon of 22.5% and 48.5% compared to the fallow - irrigated rice and vegetable - irrigated rice systems, respectively. This practice resulted in a 12.5% increase in total nitrogen compared to the irrigated rice - vegetable rotation. Compared to the irrigated rice - sweet potato rotation, the irrigated rice - vegetable rotation resulted in a 16% increase in pH. The vegetable - irrigated rice system resulted in a 269.05% increase in available phosphorus compared to the fallow - irrigated rice system. Compared to the sweet potato - irrigated rice rotation, the vegetable - irrigated rice rotation resulted in a 17.63% increase in cation exchange capacity and a 24.7% increase in the sum of exchangeable bases. Conclusion: The adopting of agroecological practices based on crop rotation improves soil fertility in irrigated rice production.
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Bjornestad, Lyle R., und Joseph G. Lauer. „Research Plot Planter for Furrow Irrigated Cropping Systems“. Agronomy Journal 83, Nr. 1 (Januar 1991): 266–68.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "Irrigated cropping"


Gomes, Maryjane Diniz de AraÃjo. „Sustainability of organic and conventional family based irrigated cropping systems“. Universidade Federal do CearÃ, 2015.

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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico
Family farming has contributed to social development because through millions of small producers it has been a growing industry of entire relevance for the development of the country. Despite the high current production efficiency in agriculture it has been observed many environmental and social impacts, such as: soil erosion, contamination of surface and groundwater, loss of biodiversity, loss of traditional knowledge associated with economic dependence, reducing of job opportunities and income as well as rural exodus and social exclusion. For this reason, in the past few years it has been giving very strong focus on ecological benefits from cultivation of organic products. The general objective of this research is to comparatively analyze, based on indicators of economic, social and environmental indicators, two irrigated cultivation systems of organic and conventional production. The value of production and income of the farmer were respectively evaluated as variables associated to social and economic dimensions. The microbial activity of the soil was used as an environmental variable and the statistical analysis was performed using the program "ASSISTAT 7.5 BETA". The generation of direct jobs per area unit in the conventional tillage system corresponds to the reference values. Nevertheless, the organic system provides a generation of direct jobs that may reach three times the average capacity of employment generation per area unit of irrigated agriculture in the Brazilian semi-arid region, thus creating in a sustainable way, maintenance conditions for peasants. The organic system has a lower risk associated with the economic dimension compared to conventional tillage system. Current useful agricultural areas of the two production units allow them to remain in agricultural activity ensuring the social reproduction of farmers in a scenario with funding from the Pronaf. The results of the evaluated environmental variables demonstrate that production unit with organic farming has higher environmental sustainability, since the soil has good physical and chemical conditions that are more satisfactory to the development of microorganisms.
A agricultura familiar vem contribuindo para o desenvolvimento social, pois atravÃs de seus milhÃes de pequenos produtores à um setor em crescimento e de inteira relevÃncia para o desenvolvimento do paÃs. Apesar da elevada eficiÃncia produtiva atual na agricultura, tem se observado diversos impactos ambientais e sociais, tais como erosÃo dos solos, contaminaÃÃo das Ãguas superficiais e subterrÃneas, reduÃÃo da biodiversidade e perda de saberes tradicionais associados, dependÃncia econÃmica, reduÃÃo das oportunidades de trabalho e renda, Ãxodo rural e exclusÃo social. Por este motivo, nos Ãltimos tempos, tem se dado Ãnfase aos benefÃcios ecolÃgicos provenientes do cultivo de produtos orgÃnicos. A pesquisa tem como objetivo geral analisar comparativamente, a partir de indicadores de sustentabilidade econÃmica, social e ambiental, dois sistemas irrigados de produÃÃo, um orgÃnico o outro convencional. O valor da produÃÃo e da renda do agricultor foram avaliados como variÃveis associadas com dimensÃes sociais e econÃmicas, respectivamente. A anÃlise estatÃstica dos dados ambientais foi realizada atravÃs do programa âASSISTAT 7.5 BETAâ submetidos à anÃlise de variÃncia e as mÃdias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey. A geraÃÃo de empregos diretos por unidade de Ãrea no sistema de cultivo convencional corresponde aos valores de referÃncia. Jà o sistema de cultivo orgÃnico proporciona uma geraÃÃo de empregos diretos que chega a corresponder trÃs vezes à mÃdia da capacidade de geraÃÃo de emprego por unidade de Ãrea da agricultura irrigada na regiÃo do semiÃrido brasileiro, criando assim de forma sustentÃvel, condiÃÃes de permanÃncia do homem no campo. O sistema de cultivo orgÃnico apresenta um menor risco associado à dimensÃo econÃmica comparativamente ao sistema de cultivo convencional. As superfÃcies agrÃcolas Ãteis atuais das duas unidades de produÃÃo permitem que as mesmas se mantenham na atividade agropecuÃria assegurando a reproduÃÃo social dos agricultores num cenÃrio com financiamento do Pronaf. Os resultados das variÃveis ambientais avaliadas demonstram que a unidade de produÃÃo com cultivo orgÃnico apresenta maior sustentabilidade ambiental, uma vez que o solo encontra-se em condiÃÃes fÃsicas e quÃmicas mais satisfatÃrias para o desenvolvimento dos microrganismos.
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Pachta, Christopher James. „Improving irrigated cropping systems on the high plains using crop simulation models“. Thesis, Manhattan, Kan. : Kansas State University, 2007.

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Maxwell-Benson, Kelli S. „Balancing biological and chemical nitrogen in irrigated Phaseolus vulgaris (L) cropping systems“. Laramie, Wyo. : University of Wyoming, 2007.

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Kyoto University (京都大学)
(主査)教授 海田 能宏, 教授 古川 久雄, 教授 堀江 武
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Siegfried, Konrad [Verfasser]. „Gaseous and leaching losses of carbon and nitrogen in irrigated organic farming of a coastal oasis in Oman : effects of manure quality and cropping system / Konrad Siegfried“. Kassel : Universitätsbibliothek Kassel, 2011.

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Latimer, James. „Aqueous Nitrogen Dynamics in Irrigated Cropping Systems: Improving precision agriculture and environmental performance for the Australian cotton industry“. Phd thesis, 2021.

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The Australian cotton industry is an archetypal example of precision agriculture in action, having achieved significant efficiency gains in yield (kg lint ha-1) and water use (kg lint ML-1) over the past 50 years through sustained research and development investment. Unfortunately, nitrogen fertiliser use efficiency (NFUE) has not experienced the same gains over this period, and has instead declined. Australian irrigated cotton production requires high nitrogen (N) inputs to maintain its high yields. N application rates (kg N ha-1) have increased over recent decades due to a range of factors, including low fertiliser costs and grower risk appetites. Average yields have also increased over this period; however, they have not been proportional to the rise in N applications, resulting in steadily declining NFUE. While significant research describing N dynamics in Australian cotton systems already exists, there remain many research gaps to be filled. This thesis aims to address four research gaps to provide additional management levers for the Australian cotton industry to improve NFUE. The four topics explored herein are: (1) the effectiveness of aqueous N application (fertigation or water-run); (2) the mechanisms driving surface runoff N losses in flood irrigation; (3) the reaction rates and residence times of aqueous N; and (4) the degree of plant access to different soil N molecules. A series of field, laboratory, and glasshouse experiments were used to address these questions. Three field experiments measuring fertigation application efficacies were conducted on private farms in the Riverina, New South Wales (NSW) over the 2016-17 summer season. Another field experiment was performed at the Australian Cotton Research Institute (ACRI) in Narrabri, NSW over the 2017-18 season, measuring N runoff variations in alternate furrow irrigation configurations. Two laboratory experiments were performed at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Black Mountain site in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, measuring the reaction rates and residence times of dissolved urea in soil-water systems. Finally, a glasshouse experiment was performed at CSIRO Black Mountain in January 2019, assessing the N uptake capabilities and preferences of three cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) varieties using 15N 13C stable isotope analysis. Chapter 2 aims to answer the question: "How effective are current Australian irrigated cotton fertigation practices at delivering consistent N to crops, and what management levers can be identified to improve outcomes?". Chapter 3 aims to answer the question: "How does N surface runoff vary spatially and temporally at sub-field and intra-irrigation scales respectively, and can this high resolution be used to identify specific mechanistic drivers of N runoff?". Chapter 4 aims to answer the question: "What is the residence time of dissolved N in irrigation water, and how does it vary across the farm environment?". Chapter 5 aims to answer the question: "Which soil N species can commercial cotton (G. hirsutum) directly take up, and what preferences does it exhibit when given a choice?". Improving NFUE represents a triple bottom line opportunity for the Australian cotton industry. Economically, it will save growers the cost of wasted fertiliser, and reduce yield from over-application. Environmentally, it will reduce N2O greenhouse gas emissions, increase soil carbon stocks, and reduce N deep drainage. And socially, it can help to grow Australian cotton's reputation as the most resource efficient in the world, and build its public profile and brand recognition. This thesis aims to improve precision agricultural practices and environmental performance for the Australian cotton industry by providing new information and management tools to increase NFUE.
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Bücher zum Thema "Irrigated cropping"


Alfredo, Valera, und International Irrigation Management Institute, Hrsg. Crop diversification in irrigated agriculture in the Philippines: Proceedings of a national workshop, 5-7 October 1988, Puerto Azul Beach and Country Club, Ternate, Cavite, the Philippines. Digana Village via Kandy, Sri Lanka: International Irrigation Management Institute, 1989.

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Institute), Training on Location-Specific Technologies for Rice-Based Cropping Systems Under Irrigated Conditions (1998 Bangladesh Rice Research. Resource manual: Location specific technologies for rice based cropping systems under irrigated conditions. Dhaka: [Thana Cereal Technology Transfer and Identification Project], 1998.

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Derek, Byerlee, Hrsg. Increasing wheat productivity in the context of Pakistanʼs irrigated cropping systems: A view from the farmers' field. [Islamabad]: PARC/CIMMYT Collaborative Program, 1986.

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Mahrouf, Abdul R. M. Economic evaluation of different cropping patterns under irrigated agriculture: A multidisciplinary approach. 1992.

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Cropping patter [i.e. pattern] and optimum planting time for irrigated crops in northern Nigeria. Samaru-Zaria, Nigeria: Institute for Agricultural Research, Ahmadu Bello University, 1987.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Irrigated cropping"


Evans, Robert G. „Advanced Technologies for Irrigated Cropping Systems“. In Environmental Science and Engineering, 475–89. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2013.

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Halvorson, A. D., und S. J. Del Grosso. „Nitrogen Source Effects on Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Irrigated Cropping Systems in Colorado“. In ACS Symposium Series, 15–27. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2011.

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Halvorson, Ardell D., Ronald F. Follett, Curtis A. Reule und Stephen Del Grosso. „Soil Organic Carbon and Nitrogen Sequestration in Irrigated Cropping Systems of the Central Great Plains“. In SSSA Special Publications, 141–57. Madison, WI, USA: American Society of Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America, 2015.

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Kadyampakeni, Davie M., Isaac R. Fandika und Lawrent L. M. Pungulani. „Nutrient Management Strategies for Coping with Climate Change in Irrigated Smallholder Cropping Systems in Southern Africa“. In Phytoremediation, 423–37. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.

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Nguyen-Van-Hung, Nguyen Thi Ha-An, Grant Robert Singleton und Melanie Connor. „Carbon Footprint Reduction from Closing Rice Yield Gaps“. In Closing Rice Yield Gaps in Asia, 149–76. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.

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AbstractRice production significantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE), especially methane (CH4) emissions at various cropping stages. A major source of methane emissions is the decomposition of fertilizers and organic residues in flooded fields during the irrigation cycle. CORIGAP technologies and practices are mainly associated with closing yield gaps by increasing productivity and profitability but have been co-designed to address climatic challenges and to minimize negative environmental impacts. Therefore, over the last decade, the CORIGAP interventions not only helped to reduce yield gaps substantially but also resulted in a significant reduction of the carbon footprint (CF) in rice production. This chapter starts with an in-depth synthesis of scientific-based evidence and knowledge on challenges and constraints to reducing rice CF in CORIGAP countries. The chapter introduces solutions that have been proven to reduce GHGE, in particular, Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD), rice-straw management, mechanization, and postharvest management. The latter two approaches include laser land leveling, mechanized direct seeding and transplanting, and paddy grain drying will be described in more detail. In addition, life cycle assessments will outline the quantification of the carbon footprint in rice production, for these specific technologies. The chapter presents three country case studies (Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam) from data collected through CORIGAP activities to estimate GHGE reductions associated with implementation of best practices for lowland irrigated rice production. Lastly, this chapter provides the outcomes related to GHGE reduction and offers specific recommendations that can be easily implemented in other countries.
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Bado, B. V., A. Aw und M. Ndiaye. „Long-Term Effect of Continuous Cropping of Irrigated Rice on Soil and Yield Trends in the Sahel of West Africa“. In Innovations as Key to the Green Revolution in Africa, 145–53. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2011.

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Propper, Catherine R., Grant Robert Singleton, Jodi L. Sedlock, Richard E. Smedley, Oliver B. Frith, Molly E. Shuman-Goodier, Renee P. Lorica et al. „Faunal Biodiversity in Rice-Dominated Wetlands—An Essential Component of Sustainable Rice Production“. In Closing Rice Yield Gaps in Asia, 93–120. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.

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AbstractRice agriculture provides wetlands and complex habitats supporting biodiversity. Wetlands associated with rice agriculture since the 1960s have increased by 32% and now form nearly 12% of wetlands globally at a time when vast areas of natural wetlands are being lost. In this chapter, we set our sights beyond Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 that focuses on ending hunger and achieving food security via the promotion of sustainable agriculture. Often, agricultural scientists are so motivated to achieve food security that they pay insufficient attention to the need to have a healthy and dynamic agroecosystem that promotes floral and faunal biodiversity, which may also provide ecosystem services including support for food security of smallholder families. Because of their aquatic, semi-aquatic, and terrestrial ecological phases, rice fields represent a changing mosaic of ecological niches and have the potential to sustain a broad diversity of wildlife. In addition, a multitude of studies have investigated how modifications to rice cultivation have the potential to support a greater diversity of species across biological scales while often maintaining or increasing yield. SDG 15 emphasizes the need to promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems and halt biodiversity loss. Given the high losses in global biodiversity, especially in tropical zones where most of the world’s rice is grown, we set our sights on achieving both SDGs 2 and 15. We provide case studies on amphibians, bats, birds, and rodents living in and around irrigated rice-cropping systems. We report on transdisciplinary studies supported by CORIGAP that include agronomic, sociological, ecological, biochemical, environmental physiological, and genomic studies. Most of these studies identify potential positive ecosystem services provided by wildlife, which can lead to more sustainable and healthier rice production landscapes. We conclude that our current management of rice landscapes contributes to the biodiversity crisis. Rice production often overuses pesticides and fertilizers and applies unsustainable intensification practices and land modifications, which result in biodiversity loss. Finding a balance, where human population requirements for food are met without degrading the natural environment, is critical to the health of smallholder agricultural communities. We propose that future research and development projects need to: build capacity of countries to scale-up use of proven practices that reduce rice farming’s ecological footprint and conserve biodiversity, increase investment in biodiversity research in rice production landscapes, promote Green “Rice Value Chains” and “Agri-input Markets,” and monitor and evaluate the ecological benefits to biodiversity of broadscale promotion of sustainable rice production.
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Rauschkolb, Roy S., und Arthur G. Hornsby. „Environment“. In Nitrogen Management in Irrigated Agriculture, 140–52. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 1994.

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Abstract Climate is an integral aspect of environment and in one sense the words are synonymous. Plant growth is easily recognized as being greatly influenced by the environment. Less readily apparent is the influence of climate on soils. However, it has long been recognized by soil scientists that climate is one of five basic soil-forming factors. In this chapter the climatic environment is examined from the standpoint of its influence on distribution of irrigated lands, nitrogen pools and transformation, and cropping patterns. The principal features of the environment that will be considered are precipitation and temperature.
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Singh, Ajay Kumar, und Bhim Jyoti. „Effect of Climate Change and Agricultural Factors on the Technical Efficiency of the Industrial Sector Across Indian States“. In Advances in Environmental Engineering and Green Technologies, 105–34. IGI Global, 2024.

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This chapter estimates the TE of the industrial sector across Indian states using a stochastic frontier analysis. It also observes the impact of climatic and agricultural factors on gross value added (GVA) and TE of the industrial sector using a log-linear regression model. Annual average values of maximum and minimum temperature, precipitation and actual rainfall are considered as climatic factors, and irrigated area, cropping intensity, gross sown area, and credit deposit ratio are used as control variables in the empirical model. It compiles state-wise panel data of mentioned variables during 1991 – 2021. The results reveal that there is significant diversity in TE across states. TE and GVA are negatively impacted due to climate change. Gross irrigated area, cropping intensity, and gross sown showed a significant impact on TE and GVA. It provides policy proposals to reduce diversity in TE of industries across Indian states.
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„Energy, water and food: exploring links in irrigated cropping systems“. In Sustainable Energy Solutions in Agriculture, 211–34. CRC Press, 2014.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Irrigated cropping"


„Evaluation of SWAT for Estimating ET in Irrigated and Dryland Cropping Systems in the Texas High Plains“. In 2015 ASABE / IA Irrigation Symposium: Emerging Technologies for Sustainable Irrigation - A Tribute to the Career of Terry Howell, Sr. Conference Proceedings. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 2015.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Irrigated cropping"


Taheripour, Farzad, Thomas Hertel und Jing Liu. The Role of Irrigation in Determining the Global Land Use Impacts of Biofuels. GTAP Working Paper, Dezember 2011.

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In recent years there has been a flurry of activity aimed at evaluating the land use consequences of biofuels programs and the associated carbon releases. In this paper we argue that these studies have tended to underestimate the ensuing land use emissions, because they have ignored the role of irrigation, and associated constraints on cropland expansion. In this paper, we develop a new general equilibrium model which distinguishes irrigated and rainfed cropping industries at a global scale. Using the new model we evaluate the implications of land use change due to US ethanol programs, in the context of physical constraints on the expansion of irrigated cropland. We find that models which mingle irrigated and rainfed areas underestimate the global land use changes induced due to the US ethanol expansion by about 5.7%. They tend to underestimate the corresponding land use emissions by more than one fifth.
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