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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Inverse desing"


Chen Yiteng, 陈毅腾, 邱吉芳 Qiu Jifang, 董振理 Dong Zhenli, 潘宥西 Pan Youxi, 陈玉琛 Chen Yuchen, 郭宏翔 Guo Hongxiang und 伍剑 Wu Jian. „基于逆设计的新型垂直耦合器“. Acta Optica Sinica 41, Nr. 17 (2021): 1713001.

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HONG Peng, 洪鹏, 胡珑夏雨 HU Longxiayu, 周子昕 ZHOU Zixin, 秦浩然 QIN Haoran, 陈佳乐 CHEN Jiale, 范烨 FAN Ye, 殷同宇 YIN Tongyu, 寇君龙 KOU Junlong und 陆延青 LU Yanqing. „光子学逆向设计研究进展(特邀)“. ACTA PHOTONICA SINICA 52, Nr. 6 (2023): 0623001.

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Liao Junpeng, 廖俊鹏, 田野 Tian Ye, 杨子荣 Yang Zirong, 康哲 Kang Zhe, 郑紫薇 Zheng Ziwei, 金庆辉 Jin Qinghui und 张晓伟 Zhang Xiaowei. „基于边界逆向优化算法的任意分光比耦合器设计“. Acta Optica Sinica 43, Nr. 1 (2023): 0113001.

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MA Dina, 玛地娜, 程化 CHENG Hua, 田建国 TIAN Jianguo und 陈树琪 CHEN Shuqi. „人工光子学器件的逆向设计方法与应用(特邀)“. ACTA PHOTONICA SINICA 51, Nr. 1 (2022): 0151110.

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Wei Heming, 魏鹤鸣, 胡文琛 Hu Wenchen und 庞拂飞 Pang Fufei. „高性能近红外聚合物超透镜的逆向设计“. Acta Optica Sinica 44, Nr. 8 (2024): 0822002.

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Sahoo, Abhilipsa, und Kaushika Patel. „Machine Learning-based Inverse Design Model of a Transistor“. Indian Journal Of Science And Technology 17, Nr. 7 (15.02.2024): 617–24.

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Objectives: To develop an inverse design model for transistors, utilizing machine learning algorithms to predict key design parameters specifically, the length and width based on specified gain and bandwidth requirements. And to conduct a comprehensive comparative analysis with existing literature, evaluating the efficacy and novelty of the proposed model in the context of semiconductor engineering challenges and methodologies. Methods: The comprehensive dataset, comprising 30,000 values generated through LTspice simulations, forms the basis for training the machine learning model. Utilizing a Random Forest regressor as the base model and a multi-output regressor as the main model, the project involves extensive data analysis, model development, and iterative fine-tuning. Findings: The outcomes demonstrate the efficacy of the developed model in accurately predicting transistor dimensions. Performance metrics, including Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Squared Error (MSE), and R-squared, highlight the precision of the model in fulfilling the specified objectives. Novelty: This study introduces a novel approach to semiconductor device design optimization, showcasing the potential of machine learning to streamline the inverse design process. The use of a multi-output regressor, feature engineering, and fine-tuning through log transformation contribute to the innovative nature of the developed model. Keywords: Machine Learning (ML) model, Random Forest regressor, multi­output regressor, Feature engineering, Fine­tuning
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Gu Qiongchan, 谷琼婵, und 张睿哲 Zhang Ruizhe. „基于残差架构的超表面逆向设计方法“. Acta Optica Sinica 45, Nr. 3 (2025): 0324001.

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Roh, Hee-Jung, und Jeong-Hwan Cho. „Design of Inverse E Class Frequency Multiplier with High Efficiency“. Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers 25, Nr. 11 (30.11.2011): 98–102.

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Muin, Abdul, Arista Ambar Pratiwi und Gusni Satriawati. „Didactical Design for Overcoming Students' Learning Obstacles on the Inverse Function Concept“. TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society 7, Nr. 2 (20.04.2021): 183–91.

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AbstractThe inverse function in secondary schools is still a difficult concept to learn. Meanwhile, in national exams or competitions this problem often arises. Didactic design is an attempt to improve the learning process. The purpose of this study is to identify the epistemological obstacle, to develop the learning designs, and to describe the students’ responses regarding the implementation of inverse function’s concept learning designs in the class. This research was held in one of Senior High School in South Tangerang of 38 people from class X. The research method is Didactical Design Research (DDR). This method is conducted from three stages, prospective analysis, metapedia didactic analysis, and retrospective analysis. The result of the study was indicated that the student’s obstacles are according to predictions and didactical design still generates some new epistemological obstacle. The revised didactical design was obtained by updating the initial didactical design to resolve the obstacle. The revised didactical design includes choosing vocabulary, adding new instructions, and expanding predictions and anticipating student responses.AbstrakFungsi invers di sekolah menengah masih merupakan konsep yang sulit dipelajari. Sedangkan dalam ujian atau kompetisi nasional masalah ini sering muncul. Desain didaktik merupakan upaya untuk meningkatkan proses pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi hambatan epistemologis, mengembangkan desain pembelajaran, dan mendeskripsikan tanggapan siswa terkait penerapan desain pembelajaran konsep fungsi invers di kelas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di salah satu Sekolah Menengah Atas di Tangerang Selatan yang berjumlah 38 orang dari kelas X. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Desain Didaktik. Metode ini dilakukan dari tiga tahap yaitu analisis prospektif, analisis metapedadidaktik, dan analisis retrospektif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kesulitan yang dialami siswa sesuai dengan prediksi dan desain didaktis masih menimbulkan hambatan epistemologis baru. Desain didaktis yang direvisi diperoleh dengan memperbarui desain didaktis awal untuk menyelesaikan kesulitan. Desain didaktis yang direvisi terdiri atas: memilih kosakata, menambahkan instruksi baru, dan memperluas prediksi dan mengantisipasi respon siswa. How to Cite: Muin, A., Pratiwi, A. A., Satriawati, G. (2020). Didactical Design for Overcoming Students' Learning Obstacles on the Inverse Function Concept. TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society, 7(2), 183-191. doi:10.15408/tjems.v7i2.13041.
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Hunek, Wojciech, und Krzysztof Latawiec. „A study on new right/left inverses of nonsquare polynomial matrices“. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 21, Nr. 2 (01.06.2011): 331–48.

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A study on new right/left inverses of nonsquare polynomial matricesThis paper presents several new results on the inversion of full normal rank nonsquare polynomial matrices. New analytical right/left inverses of polynomial matrices are introduced, including the so-called τ-inverses, σ-inverses and, in particular,S-inverses, the latter providing the most general tool for the design of various polynomial matrix inverses. The applicationoriented problem of selecting stable inverses is also solved. Applications in inverse-model control, in particular robust minimum variance control, are exploited, and possible applications in signal transmission/recovery in various types of MIMO channels are indicated.
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Dissertationen zum Thema "Inverse desing"


Rosset, Nicolas. „Simulation rapide d'interactions vent-obstacle. Application à la modélisation de paysages désertiques et à la conception de voiture“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Côte d'Azur, 2024.

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L'omniprésence de l'air autour de nous en fait un élément indispensable à prendre en compte pour simuler des phénomènes naturels et concevoir des objets immergés dans ce fluide. En fonction de leur taille et de leur nature, les objets sont des obstacles qui peuvent être transportés, déformés ou ralentis au contact de l'air. Ainsi, le vent érode et modèle les paysages naturels, et les véhicules sont conçus pour lui offrir une moindre résistance. Étudier ces phénomènes implique de comprendre et de modéliser les interactions vent-obstacle. Cette modélisation représente un défi de par la nature non linéaire des équations qui gouvernent l'écoulement des fluides. Représenter précisément le comportement d'un fluide requiert souvent de faire appel à des solveurs très couteux en temps, ce qui limite grandement leur utilisation dans certains contextes. Nous explorons dans cette thèse des méthodes permettant de décrire efficacement ces influences vent-obstacle afin de les simuler et d'anticiper leurs impacts dans deux cas d'usage où le besoin de résultats rapides est crucial :Dans un premier temps, nous nous intéressons à la conception de voiture en proposant un outil fournissant des retours aérodynamiques aux designers automobiles sur les formes qu'ils proposent. Afin de permettre de rapides itérations sur le design, ces retours sur le comportement de l'écoulement autour des formes proposées doivent être interactifs. Dans un second temps, nous étudions différentes approches permettant de modéliser des paysages désertiques, permettant à la fois de simuler des dunes et de décrire les motifs créés par érosion/déposition du sable autour de bâtiments. Ici, l'obstacle, à savoir le terrain, évolue constamment à mesure que le sable est érodé puis déposé par le vent. Le vent doit être à son tour mis à jour lors de chacune de ces étapes. Ces itérations nécessitent une méthode appropriée afin de ne pas produire des temps de calcul trop importants. Nous surmontons ces problèmes en proposant des méthodes cherchant les meilleurs compromis temps de calcul/précision des phénomènes à l'œuvre dans chacun des cas. Nous identifions pour cela les caractéristiques nécessaires de l'écoulement afin de limiter la complexité de nos algorithmes et présentons notamment des méthodes à base d'apprentissage qui nous permettent d'accélérer nos algorithmes. Dans le cas du design de voiture, nous montrons comment entraîner notre système d'aide sur des observations instantanées et synchronisées, plus riches en informations que des données moyennées. Le modèle neuronal que nous obtenons, associé à une paramétrisation apprise des formes, nous permet en outre d'inverser la formulation du problème et de proposer au designer des formes optimisées. Nous assemblons ces outils et démontrons leur efficacité dans le cas de profils 2D. Dans le cas de la modélisation de paysages désertiques, nous notons que la saltation est le mode de transport de sable prédominant, ce qui nous permet de simplifier notre algorithme. Couplé à une simulation rapide de vent, nous obtenons une méthode efficace inspirée des sciences naturelles et de l'informatique graphique. Nous validons nos approximations en comparant nos résultats à des mesures effectuées dans le monde réel. Enfin, dans la perspective d'inverser l'algorithme de dépôt de sable pour le design inverse d'infrastructure, nous décrivons des résultats préliminaires d'accélération de la simulation de d'air en développant une formulation auto-apprenante prédisant un vent moyenné au-dessus d'un terrain. Cette méthode étant basée sur des réseaux de neurones, elle est prometteuse pour le design inverse
The air being ubiquitous around us, it is a vital element to take into account to simulate natural phenomena, and design object immersed in this fluid. Depending on their size and nature, objects can be transported, deformed or slowed down by contact with air. In this way, wind erodes and shapes natural landscapes, and vehicles are designed to offer them less resistance. Studying these phenomena involves understanding and modeling wind-obstacle interactions. This is a challenging task, given the non-linear nature of the equations governing fluid flow. Accurately representing fluid behavior often requires the use of time-consuming solvers, which severely limits their use in certain contexts. In this thesis, we explore methods for efficiently describing these wind-obstacle influences in order to simulate them and anticipate their impacts in two use cases where the need for rapid results is crucial: Firstly, we focus on car design, proposing a tool to provide aerodynamic feedback to car designers on the shapes they propose. To enable rapid iterations on the design, this feedback on the flow behavior around the proposed shapes must be interactive. In a second step, we study different approaches to modeling desert landscapes, both simulating dunes and describing the patterns created by sand erosion/deposition around buildings. Here, the obstacle - the terrain - is constantly changing as sand is eroded and deposited by the wind. The wind must in turn be updated at each of these stages. These iterations require an appropriate method to avoid excessive computation times. We overcome these problems by proposing methods that seek the best compromise between computation time and accuracy of the phenomena at work in each case. We identify the necessary flow characteristics to limit the complexity of our algorithms, and present learning-based methods to speed up our algorithms. In the case of car design, we show how to train our aid system on instantaneous, synchronized observations, which are richer in information than averaged data. The neural model we obtain, combined with a learned parameterization of shapes, enables us to invert the problem formulation and propose optimized shapes to the designer. We assemble these tools and demonstrate their effectiveness in the case of 2D profiles.In the case of modeling desert landscapes, we note that saltation is the predominant mode of sand transport, which enables us to simplify our algorithm. Coupled with a fast wind simulation, we obtain an efficient method inspired by both natural sciences and computer graphics. We validate our approximations by comparing our results with real-world measurements.Finally, with a view to inverting the sand deposition algorithm for reverse infrastructure design, we describe preliminary results for accelerating air simulation by developing a self-learning formulation predicting averaged wind over a terrain. As this method is based on neural networks, it shows promise for inverse design
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Tarnoff, David. „Episode 7.05 – Flipping Bits using the Bitwise Inverse and Bitwise-XOR“. Digital Commons @ East Tennessee State University, 2020.

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Inverting or flipping the bits of an integer is the third and last method of “bit bashing” we will discuss. There are two ways to invert bits: either flip all of them at once or use a mask to identify which bits to flip and which to leave alone.
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Mas, Baixeras Albert. „Optimization of inverse reflector design“. Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Girona, 2011.

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Aquesta tesi presenta un nou mètode pel disseny invers de reflectors. Ens hem centrat en tres temes principals: l’ús de fonts de llum reals i complexes, la definició d’un algoritme ràpid pel càlcul de la il•luminació del reflector, i la definició d’un algoritme d’optimització per trobar més eficientment el reflector desitjat. Les fonts de llum estan representades per models near-field, que es comprimeixen amb un error molt petit, fins i tot per fonts de llum amb milions de raigs i objectes a il•luminar molt propers. Llavors proposem un mètode ràpid per obtenir la distribució de la il•luminació d’un reflector i la seva comparació amb la il•luminació desitjada, i que treballa completament en la GPU. Finalment, proposem un nou mètode d’optimització global que permet trobar la solució en menys passos que molts altres mètodes d’optimització clàssics, i alhora evitant mínims locals.
This thesis presents new methods for the inverse reflector design problem. We have focused on three main topics: the use of real and complex light sources, the definition of a fast lighting simulation algorithm to compute the reflector lighting, and the definition of an optimization algorithm to more efficiently find the desired reflector. The light sources are represented by near-field datasets, that are compressed with a low error, even with millions of rays and for very close objects. Then, we propose a fast method to obtain the outgoing light distribution of a reflector and the comparison with the desired one, working completely in the GPU. Finally, a new global optimization method is proposed to search the solution in less steps than most other classic optimization methods, also avoiding local minima.
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Medd, Adam Jon. „Inverse design of turbomachinery blades“. Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998.

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Okamoto, Kei. „Optimal numerical methods for inverse heat conduction and inverse design solidification problems“. Online access for everyone, 2005.

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Djedidi, Mouad. „Design of a Fast Antenna Characterization Method Exploiting Echoes“. Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016.

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Les techniques de mesure de diagramme de rayonnement d’antenne actuelles partagent un paradigme commun qui stipule que l’information utile est exclusivement portée par le signal de test généré. Cela implique un effort mécanique fastidieux en faisant tourner l'antenne sous test ou en déplaçant le système de sondes afin de couvrir des angles de mesure différents jusqu'à ce qu'une caractérisation complète soit effectuée ; une limitation qui est généralement surmontée en utilisant des systèmes multisondes coûteux. En outre, toute réflexion provenant du site de mesure et des équipements de test est considérée comme parasite perturbant le signal de test et est ainsi minimisée.Dans cette thèse, un concept de mesure du diagramme de rayonnement d'antenne remettant en cause ce paradigme commun est présenté comme un moyen d'accélérer le processus de caractérisation en utilisant des systèmes économiques. Le paradigme proposé consiste en la génération d'un ensemble d'échos contrôlées, en utilisant des configurations impliquant des plaques réfléchissantes, qui contribueraient directement à la mesure en couvrant différents angles, et récupérer les informations portées par l'ensemble des signaux générés simultanément. Une diversité fréquentielle est introduite afin de générer un système d'équations équilibré où le vecteur inconnu contenant les valeurs du diagramme de rayonnement est récupéré en inversant un problème matriciel. Par conséquent, une attention considérable est accordée au conditionnement du modèle mathématique afin d'assurer la stabilité et la robustesse du systèmeTrois configurations de différents niveaux de complexité en termes d'échos contrôlés sont étudiées, en mettant l'accent sur la configuration la plus simple impliquant un seul écho contrôlé. Des modèles ont été mis au point, avec des contraintes de conception des configurations proposées en termes de dimensionnement et de bandes passante de fonctionnement, mettant en évidence la viabilité mathématique du concept. Les aspects pratiques ont également été évalués en étudiant la tolérance des modèles développés vis-à-vis des erreurs systématiques, ainsi qu’à l'impact de l’application d'un ensemble d’hypothèses simplificatrices. La faisabilité du concept ainsi que son utilité pour accélérer le processus de caractérisation par rapport aux techniques classiques ont été mises en évidence par des simulations numériques. Ce travail ouvre la porte à l'exploitation des échos, généralement considérés comme perturbateurs, dans un contexte de mesure d’antennes
Current antenna radiation pattern measurement techniques share a common paradigm which states that useful information is exclusively carried by the generated test signal. This implies an excessive, time consuming, mechanical effort by rotating the antenna under test or displacing the probe system in order to cover different measurement angles until a complete scan is performed; a limitation that is typically overcome using costly multi-probe systems. Moreover, any reflection from the measurement site and test equipment is considered spurious as it perturbs the test signal and thus is minimized.In this thesis, an antenna radiation pattern measurement concept challenging this common paradigm is introduced as a mean of accelerating the characterization process using cost-efficient systems. The proposed paradigm consists in the generation of a set of controlled echoes, using set-ups involving highly-reflective plates, which would directly contribute to the measurement alongside the line-of-sight signal by covering different measurement angles, and retrieving the ARP information carried by the set of all generated signals concurrently. Frequency diversity is used in order to generate a balanced system of equations where the unknown ARP vector is retrieved by inverting a matrix problem. Consequently, a considerable attention is paid into the conditioning of the mathematical model in order to ensure the system stability and accuracy.Three configurations of different complexity levels in terms of controlled echoes are studied, with focus on the simplest configuration involving a single controlled echo. Models have been developed with design guidelines for the proposed configurations in terms of set-up dimensions and operating frequency bandwidth highlighting the mathematical viability of the concept. Practical issues were also assessed by studying the tolerance of developed models to systematic practical errors, as well as to the impact of an applied set of simplifying assumptions. The feasibility of the concept as well as its usefulness in accelerating the measurement process with respect to classical techniques were highlighted via numerical simulations. This thesis opens the door for exploiting echoes, generally regarded as a nuisance, in an antenna measurements context
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Garcia, Martin Juan Antonio. „RNA inverse folding and synthetic design“. Thesis, Boston College, 2016.

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Thesis advisor: Welkin E. Johnson
Thesis advisor: Peter G. Clote
Synthetic biology currently is a rapidly emerging discipline, where innovative and interdisciplinary work has led to promising results. Synthetic design of RNA requires novel methods to study and analyze known functional molecules, as well as to generate design candidates that have a high likelihood of being functional. This thesis is primarily focused on the development of novel algorithms for the design of synthetic RNAs. Previous strategies, such as RNAinverse, NUPACK-DESIGN, etc. use heuristic methods, such as adaptive walk, ensemble defect optimization (a form of simulated annealing), genetic algorithms, etc. to generate sequences that minimize specific measures (probability of the target structure, ensemble defect). In contrast, our approach is to generate a large number of sequences whose minimum free energy structure is identical to the target design structure, and subsequently filter with respect to different criteria in order to select the most promising candidates for biochemical validation. In addition, our software must be made accessible and user-friendly, thus allowing researchers from different backgrounds to use our software in their work. Therefore, the work presented in this thesis concerns three areas: Create a potent, versatile and user friendly RNA inverse folding algorithm suitable for the specific requirements of each project, implement tools to analyze the properties that differentiate known functional RNA structures, and use these methods for synthetic design of de-novo functional RNA molecules
Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2016
Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Discipline: Biology
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Sakamoto, Julia. „Inverse Optical Design and Its Applications“. Diss., The University of Arizona, 2012.

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We present a new method for determining the complete set of patient-specific ocular parameters, including surface curvatures, asphericities, refractive indices, tilts, decentrations, thicknesses, and index gradients. The data consist of the raw detector outputs of one or more Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors (WFSs); unlike conventional wavefront sensing, we do not perform centroid estimation, wavefront reconstruction, or wavefront correction. Parameters in the eye model are estimated by maximizing the likelihood. Since a purely Gaussian noise model is used to emulate electronic noise, maximum-likelihood (ML) estimation reduces to nonlinear least-squares fitting between the data and the output of our optical design program. Bounds on the estimate variances are computed with the Fisher information matrix (FIM) for different configurations of the data-acquisition system, thus enabling system optimization. A global search algorithm called simulated annealing (SA) is used for the estimation step, due to multiple local extrema in the likelihood surface. The ML approach to parameter estimation is very time-consuming, so rapid processing techniques are implemented with the graphics processing unit (GPU).We are leveraging our general method of reverse-engineering optical systems in optical shop testing for various applications. For surface profilometry of aspheres, which involves the estimation of high-order aspheric coefficients, we generated a rapid ray-tracing algorithm that is well-suited to the GPU architecture. Additionally, reconstruction of the index distribution of GRIN lenses is performed using analytic solutions to the eikonal equation. Another application is parameterized wavefront estimation, in which the pupil phase distribution of an optical system is estimated from multiple irradiance patterns near focus. The speed and accuracy of the forward computations are emphasized, and our approach has been refined to handle large wavefront aberrations and nuisance parameters in the imaging system.
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Ahmadi, Majid. „Aerodynamic inverse design of transonic turbomachinery cascades“. Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998.

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Skare, Steven Edward. „An Inverse Design Method for Supersonic Airfoils“. DigitalCommons@CalPoly, 2012.

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Airfoil design is one of the most important aspects of aircraft design. Slight changes in airfoil geometry can lead to significant changes in a wide variety of aircraft performance metrics. Inverse design methods offer an efficient alternative to standard direct methods. The key to this design problem is to derive a direct relationship between changes in airfoil geometry and changes in pressure or velocity distributions. This relationship is then used to modify an initial airfoil and its pressure distribution to match a target pressure distribution, which is specified by design parameters. At this point, the engineer now has a final airfoil based off of the design requirements. This paper attempts to provide a quick and easy inverse design method for a wide variety of supersonic scenarios. This is accomplished by using the class-shape transformation technique to parameterize airfoils during an iterative process. The robustness of the method is demonstrated through several distinct design cases including supersonic airfoils, unique geometries, and a Sears-Haack body.
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Bücher zum Thema "Inverse desing"


United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., Hrsg. Simplified, inverse, ejector design tool. [Washington, DC]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1993.

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Takewaki, Izuru. Dynamic structural design: Inverse problem approach. Southampton: WIT Press, 2000.

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United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Scientific and Technical Information Branch., Hrsg. Lewis inverse design code (LINDES): Users manual. [Washington, D.C.]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Scientific and Technical Information Branch, 1987.

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Fujii, Kozo. Recent Development of Aerodynamic Design Methodologies: Inverse Design and Optimization. Wiesbaden: Vieweg+Teubner Verlag, 1999.

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Comi, Claudio Umberto. In prospettiva inversa: Riflessioni sulla contemporaneità. Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN): Maggioli editore, 2018.

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Zhang, Kunyuan. Hypersonic Curved Compression Inlet and Its Inverse Design. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.

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Development, North Atlantic Treaty Organization Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and. Computational methods for aerodynamic design (inverse) and optimization. Neuilly-sur-Seine: AGARD, 1990.

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Neittaanmäki, P. Inverse problems and optimal design in electricity and magnetism. Oxford [England]: Clarendon Press, 1996.

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den, Braembussche R. van, Manna M und Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics., Hrsg. Inverse design and optimisation methods: April 21-25, 1997. Rhode St. Genèse, Belgium: Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, 1997.

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North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development. Inverse methods for airfoil design for aeronatuical and turbomachinery applications. Neuilly sur Seine, France: AGARD, 1990.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Inverse desing"


Freeman, Randy A., und Petar Kokotović. „Inverse Optimality“. In Robust Nonlinear Control Design, 65–100. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser Boston, 2008.

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Miller, Owen D., und Eli Yablonovitch. „Inverse Optical Design“. In Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 729–32. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015.

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Balaji, C. „Inverse Problems“. In Thermal System Design and Optimization, 339–52. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Das, Malay Kumar, und Pradipta K. Panigrahi. „Inverse Problems“. In Design and Analysis of Thermal Systems, 331–38. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2023.

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Han, Xu, und Jie Liu. „Computational Inverse Techniques“. In Numerical Simulation-based Design, 29–65. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.

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Seber, George A. F., und Mohammad M. Salehi. „Inverse Sampling Methods“. In Adaptive Sampling Designs, 49–60. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.

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Han, Xu, und Jie Liu. „Computational Inverse for Modeling Parameters“. In Numerical Simulation-based Design, 67–87. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.

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Dulikravich, G. S. „Aerodynamic Shape Inverse Design Methods“. In New Design Concepts for High Speed Air Transport, 159–73. Vienna: Springer Vienna, 1997.

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Dulikravich, G. S. „Thermal Inverse Design and Optimization“. In New Design Concepts for High Speed Air Transport, 201–12. Vienna: Springer Vienna, 1997.

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Dulikravich, G. S. „Structural Inverse Design and Optimization“. In New Design Concepts for High Speed Air Transport, 213–21. Vienna: Springer Vienna, 1997.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Inverse desing"


ten Thije Boonkkamp, Jan M., Koondanibha Mitra, Martijn Anthonissen, Lisa Kusch, Pieter Braam und Wilbert IJzerman. „Inverse methods for freeform optical design“. In Optical Design and Testing XIV, herausgegeben von Rengmao Wu, Yongtian Wang und Tina E. Kidger, 24. SPIE, 2024.

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MacLellan, Benjamin, Piotr Roztocki, Julie Belleville, Luis Romero Cortés, Kaleb Ruscitti, Bennet Fischer, José Azaña und Roberto Morandotti. „Inverse Design of Photonic Systems“. In Novel Optical Materials and Applications, NoW2D.4. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 2024.

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We present a framework for identifying the optimal topologies and operational parameters of photonic systems. Leveraging automatic differentiation and topology search, it facilitates the discovery of physically-feasible designs for applications like waveform generation and sensing.
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Crozier, Kenneth B. „Inverse design of plasmonic nanotweezers“. In Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XXI, herausgegeben von Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop, Kishan Dholakia und Giovanni Volpe, 13. SPIE, 2024.

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Spires, J., und Joseph Horn. „Multi-Input Multi-Output Model-Following Control Design Methods for Rotorcraft“. In Vertical Flight Society 71st Annual Forum & Technology Display, 1–17. The Vertical Flight Society, 2015.

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We compare two MIMO model-following control design methods for rotorcraft flight control. The first, Explicit Model Following (EMF), employs SISO inverse plants with a dynamic decoupling matrix, which is a purely feed-forward approach to inverting the plant. The second is Dynamic Inversion (DI), which involves both feed-forward and feedback path elements to invert the plant. The EMF design is purely linear, while our DI has some nonlinear elements in vertical rate control. For each of these methods, an architecture is presented that provides angular rate model-following with selectable vertical rate model-following. We also cover implementation challenges of both EMF and DI, and present our methods of dealing with them. These two MIMO model-following approaches are evaluated regarding (1) fidelity to the command model, and (2) turbulence rejection. We find that both provide good tracking of commands and reduction of cross coupling.
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Jensen, Steven A., Yung C. Shin und Patricia Davies. „Inverse Filtering of Unwanted System Dynamics in Cutting Force Measurement“. In ASME 1996 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1996.

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Abstract The need for accurate measurement of cutting force frequently arises in manufacturing processes. Dynamics of the measurement system, however, becomes a major hindrance in obtaining accurate data. Use of a direct inverse filter to compensate for these dynamics is often times not realizable due to the occurrence of non-minimum phase zeros in the transfer function to be inverted. The main objective of this paper is to develop an algorithm which would successfully invert a stable transfer function with non-minimum phase zeros. The design procedure is described and illustrated with some examples. Finally, the algorithm is applied to a face milling case and the successful extraction of the true cutting force signature is demonstrated.
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Lee, Kyeong Ha, Seung Guk Baek und Ja Choon Koo. „Real-Time High Bandwidth Feedforward Position Control of Electro-Hydraulic Actuator Using Non-Minimum Phase Inverse Model“. In ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2017.

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In this paper, real-time feedfoward position control algorithm of electro-hydraulic actuator (EHA) is proposed. To reduce nonlinearity of EHA, model uncertainty and disturbance, feedback system with proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller is used. The feedback system is estimated as linear dirsrete time transfer function by recursive least squares algorithm. Feed-forward controller using inverse model generates filtered signals that compensate magnitude and phase of feedback system. For high bandwidth control, fast sample rate is necessary and it causes NMP zeros of estimated transfer function. The NMP transfer function is inversed by zero phase error tracking control (ZPETC) method and the inverse model is used to feedforward controller. The real-time experiment is conducted by NI-CompactRio and Labview, and the simulation is programmed in MATLAB/Simulink. The results of simulation verify the validity of proposed control strategy.
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Watanabe, H., und M. Zangeneh. „Design of the Blade Geometry of Swept Transonic Fans by 3D Inverse Design“. In ASME Turbo Expo 2003, collocated with the 2003 International Joint Power Generation Conference. ASMEDC, 2003.

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The application of sweep in the design of transonic fans has been shown to be an effective method of controlling the strength and position of the shock wave at the tip of transonic fan rotors, and the control of corner separations in stators. In rotors sweep can extend the range significantly. However, using sweep in conventional design practice can also result in a change in specific work and therefore pressure ratio. As a result, laborious iterations are required in order to recover the correct specific work and pressure ratio. In this paper, the blade geometry of a transonic fan is designed with sweep using a 3D inverse design method in which the blade geometry is computed for a specified distribution of blade loading. By comparing the resulting flow field in the conventionally and inversely designed swept rotors, it is shown that it is possible to apply sweep without the need to iterate to maintain pressure ratio and specific work when using the inverse method.
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Tucker, M., und N. D. Perreira. „Inverse Kinematics Solutions for General Spatial Linkages“. In ASME 1987 Design Technology Conferences. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1987.

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Abstract A procedure for obtaining solutions to the general inverse kinematics problem for both position and velocity is presented. Solutions to this problem are required for improved robot control and linkage synthesis. The procedure requires obtaining the inverse of the actual robot linkage Jacobian. A procedure to detect the presence of singularities in the Jacobians and their causes are given. Inverse solution techniques applicable to robots with less than, equal to, or greater than six degrees of freedom and their implementation to robots with various types of singularities is outlined. For each case, the implementation of both the complete Moore-Penrose inverse and a robot specific pseudo inverse are included. Although it is not necessary to use the complete Moore-Penrose inverse on any particular robot, it can be used to obtain generic inverse routines for general purpose applications.
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Gibbs, Jonathan, und Volker Gollnick. „Inverse Aircraft Design“. In AIAA AVIATION 2020 FORUM. Reston, Virginia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2020.

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Yang, Li-Bin, Wei-Liang Liu, Wen-Ying Chen, Yin-Song Wang und Hong-Bo Zhou. „Implementation of voltage inverse control scheme for micro grid energy storage inverter based on FPGA“. In The 3rd Annual International Conference on Design, Manufacturing and Mechatronics (ICDMM2016). WORLD SCIENTIFIC, 2017.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Inverse desing"


Deitrick, Kirsten Elizabeth. Inverse compton light source: a compact design proposal. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Mai 2017.

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Kamath, C. Final Report: MINDES - Data Mining for Inverse Design. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2012.

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Dulikravich, George S. IPDO-2007 - Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Symposium. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Dezember 2007.

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Dulikravich, George S. IPDO-2007: Inverse Problems, Design and Optimization Symposium. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, August 2007.

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Ganapathysubramanian, Baskar. Context-Aware Learning for Inverse Design in Photovoltaics. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Mai 2022.

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Landwehr, Philipp, Paulius Cebatarauskas, Csaba Rosztoczy, Santeri Röpelinen und Maddalena Zanrosso. Inverse Methods In Freeform Optics. Technische Universität Dresden, 2023.

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Traditional methods in optical design like ray tracing suffer from slow convergence and are not constructive, i.e., each minimal perturbation of input parameters might lead to “chaotic” changes in the output. However, so-called inverse methods can be helpful in designing optical systems of reflectors and lenses. The equations in R2 become ordinary differential equations, while in R3 the equations become partial differential equations. These equations are then used to transform source distributions into target distributions, where the distributions are arbitrary, though assumed to be positive and integrable. In this project, we derive the governing equations and solve them numerically, for the systems presented by our instructor Martijn Anthonissen [Anthonissen et al. 2021]. Additionally, we show how point sources can be derived as a special case of a interval source with di- rected source interval, i.e., with each point in the source interval there is also an associated unit direction vector which could be derived from a system of two interval sources in R2. This way, it is shown that connecting source distributions with target distributions can be classified into two instead of three categories. The resulting description of point sources as a source along an interval with directed rays could potentially be extended to three dimensions, leading to interpretations of point sources as directed sources on convex or star-shaped sets.
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Beratan, David N., Weitao Yang, Michael J. Therien und Koen Clays. Sculpting Molecular Potentials to Design Optimized Materials: The Inverse Design of New Molecular Structures. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Mai 2010.

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Nealis, James, und Ralph C. Smith. Partial Inverse Compensation Techniques for Linear Control Design in Magnetostrictive Transducers. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Januar 2001.

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Prasher, Ravi, Sean Lubner, Andrei Fedorov, Devesh Ranjan, Vassilia Zorba und Anubhav Jain. Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing for Accelerated Inverse Design of Optical Metamaterials. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 2022.

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Prasher, Ravi, Sean Lubner, Andrei Fedorov, Devesh Ranjan, Vassilia Zorba, Anubhav Jain, Adrian Albert et al. Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing for Accelerated Inverse Design of Optical Metamaterials. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Mai 2024.

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