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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Integrated Sensing and Communications"


Chen, Xu, Zhiyong Feng, J. Andrew Zhang, Zhaohui Yang, Xin Yuan, Xinxin He und Ping Zhang. „Integrated Communication, Sensing, and Computation Framework for 6G Networks“. Sensors 24, Nr. 10 (07.05.2024): 2968.

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In the sixth generation (6G) era, intelligent machine network (IMN) applications, such as intelligent transportation, require collaborative machines with communication, sensing, and computation (CSC) capabilities. This article proposes an integrated communication, sensing, and computation (ICSAC) framework for 6G to achieve the reciprocity among CSC functions to enhance the reliability and latency of communication, accuracy and timeliness of sensing information acquisition, and privacy and security of computing to realize the IMN applications. Specifically, the sensing and communication functions can merge into unified platforms using the same transmit signals, and the acquired real-time sensing information can be exploited as prior information for intelligent algorithms to enhance the performance of communication networks. This is called the computing-empowered integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) reciprocity. Such reciprocity can further improve the performance of distributed computation with the assistance of networked sensing capability, which is named the sensing-empowered integrated communications and computation (ICAC) reciprocity. The above ISAC and ICAC reciprocities can enhance each other iteratively and finally lead to the ICSAC reciprocity. To achieve these reciprocities, we explore the potential enabling technologies for the ICSAC framework. Finally, we present the evaluation results of crucial enabling technologies to show the feasibility of the ICSAC framework.
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Masouros, Christos, J. Andrew Zhang, Fan Liu, Le Zheng, Henk Wymeersch und Marco Di Renzo. „Guest Editorial: Integrated Sensing and Communications for 6G“. IEEE Wireless Communications 30, Nr. 1 (Februar 2023): 14–15.

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Gao, Ying, Hongmei Xue, Long Zhang und Enchang Sun. „UAV Trajectory Design and Power Optimization for Terahertz Band-Integrated Sensing and Communications“. Sensors 23, Nr. 6 (10.03.2023): 3005.

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Sixth generation (6G) wireless networks require very low latency and an ultra-high data rate, which have become the main challenges for future wireless communications. To effectively balance the requirements of 6G and the extreme shortage of capacity within the existing wireless networks, sensing-assisted communications in the terahertz (THz) band with unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is proposed. In this scenario, the THz-UAV acts as an aerial base station to provide information on users and sensing signals and detect the THz channel to assist UAV communication. However, communication and sensing signals that use the same resources can cause interference with each other. Therefore, we research a cooperative method of co-existence between sensing and communication signals in the same frequency and time allocation to reduce the interference. We then formulate an optimization problem to minimize the total delay by jointly optimizing the UAV trajectory, frequency association, and transmission power of each user. The resulting problem is a non-convex and mixed integer optimization problem, which is challenging to solve. By resorting to the Lagrange multiplier and proximal policy optimization (PPO) method, we propose an overall alternating optimization algorithm to solve this problem in an iterative way. Specifically, given the UAV location and frequency, the sub-problem of the sensing and communication transmission powers is transformed into a convex problem, which is solved by the Lagrange multiplier method. Second, in each iteration, for given sensing and communication transmission powers, we relax the discrete variable to a continuous variable and use the PPO algorithm to tackle the sub-problem of joint optimization of the UAV location and frequency. The results show that the proposed algorithm reduces the delay and improves the transmission rate when compared with the conventional greedy algorithm.
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Matzeu, G., C. O'Quigley, E. McNamara, C. Zuliani, C. Fay, T. Glennon und D. Diamond. „An integrated sensing and wireless communications platform for sensing sodium in sweat“. Analytical Methods 8, Nr. 1 (2016): 64–71.

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Ni, Zhitong, Andrew Jian Zhang, Ren-Ping Liu und Kai Yang. „Doubly Constrained Waveform Optimization for Integrated Sensing and Communications“. Sensors 23, Nr. 13 (28.06.2023): 5988.

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This paper investigates threshold-constrained joint waveform optimization for an integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) system. Unlike existing studies, we employ mutual information (MI) and sum rate (SR) as sensing and communication metrics, respectively, and optimize the waveform under constraints to both metrics simultaneously. This provides significant flexibility in meeting system performance. We formulate three different optimization problems that constrain the radar performance only, the communication performance only, and the ISAC performance, respectively. New techniques are developed to solve the original problems, which are NP-hard and cannot be directly solved by conventional semi-definite programming (SDP) techniques. Novel gradient descent methods are developed to solve the first two problems. For the third non-convex optimization problem, we transform it into a convex problem and solve it via convex toolboxes. We also disclose the connections between three optimizations using numerical results. Finally, simulation results are provided and validate the proposed optimization solutions.
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Ouyang, Chongjun, Yuanwei Liu, Hongwen Yang und Naofal Al-Dhahir. „Integrated Sensing and Communications: A Mutual Information-Based Framework“. IEEE Communications Magazine 61, Nr. 5 (Mai 2023): 26–32.

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Zhou, Wenxing, Ruoyu Zhang, Guangyi Chen und Wen Wu. „Integrated Sensing and Communication Waveform Design: A Survey“. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 3 (2022): 1930–49.

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Rana, Biswarup, Sung-Sil Cho und Ic-Pyo Hong. „Characterization of Unit Cells of a Reconfigurable Intelligence Surface Integrated with Sensing Capability at the mmWave Frequency Band“. Electronics 13, Nr. 9 (26.04.2024): 1689.

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Integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) is emerging as a main feature for 5G/6G communications. To enhance spectral and energy efficiencies in wireless environments, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) will play a significant role in beyond-5G/6G communications. Multi-functional RISs, capable of not only reflecting or transmitting the beam in desired directions but also sensing the signal, wirelessly transferring power to nearby devices, harvesting energy, etc., will be highly beneficial for beyond-5G/6G applications. In this paper, we propose a nearly 2-bit unit cell of RISs integrated with sensing capabilities in the millimeter wave (mmWave) frequency band. To collect a very small fraction of the impinging signals through vias, we employed substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology at the bottom of the unit cell and a via. This enabled the sensing of incoming signals, requiring only a small amount of the impinging signal to be collected through SIW. Initially, we utilized Floquet ports and boundary conditions to obtain various parameters of the unit cells. Subsequently, we examined 1 × 3-unit cells, placing them on the waveguide model to obtain the required parameters of the unit cell. By using the waveguide and 1 × 3-unit cell arrays, the sensing amount was also determined.
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Mihret, Estifanos Tilahun, und Kebebew Ababu Yitayih. „Operation of VANET Communications“. International Journal of Smart Vehicles and Smart Transportation 4, Nr. 1 (Januar 2021): 29–51.

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This work proposed an integrated novel architecture of UAV System, LTE/4G, and WAVE technologies with its forwarding schemes in highway scenario to enhance the VANET communications and achieve the requirements of its basic applications, particularly safety and traffic. Algorithms for UAV sensing, tagging (based on the proposed safety and traffic info model), and broadcasting operations, and forwarding of safety or traffic info to respective infrastructures, and then smart ground vehicles are designed, particularly to minimize intermittent connectivity and bandwidth usage as well as to satisfy the requirements of VANET applications. The authors have evaluated the performance of the integrated novel architecture with its forwarding schemes/algorithms through integrated and simulated VANETs and wireless access technologies (LTE/4G and UAV system) environment.
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Li, Lan, Hongtao Lin, Jerome Michon, Sarah Geiger, Junying Li, Hanyu Zheng, Yizhong Huang et al. „(Invited) Mechanically Flexible Integrated Photonic Systems for Sensing and Communications“. ECS Transactions 77, Nr. 7 (19.04.2017): 37–46.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "Integrated Sensing and Communications"


Bemani, Ali. „Affine Frequency Division Multiplexing (AFDM) for Wireless Communications“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.

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La recherche de nouvelles formes d'onde robustes, lorsque utilisées sur des canaux doublement sélectifs, est primordiale. De telles formes d'onde permettraient donc d'assurer des communications fiables pour les réseaux sans fil de nouvelle génération dans les scénarios de haute mobilité. Dans cette thèse, une nouvelle solution, le affine frequency division multiplexing (AFDM), est proposée. Cette nouvelle forme d'onde de type multichirps est basée sur la transformée de Fourier affine discrète (DAFT), une variante de la transformée de Fourier discrète caractérisée par deux paramètres pouvant être adaptés pour mieux faire face aux canaux doublement dispersifs. Cette thèse offre une enquête complète sur les principes de l'AFDM au sein des communications à haute mobilité. Elle fournit un aperçu de la relation explicite entrée-sortie dans le domaine DAFT, révélant l'impact conséquent des paramètres de l'AFDM. Le manuscrit détaille le réglage précis des paramètres DAFT qui permette d'assurer une représentation complète délai-Doppler du canal de propagation sans fil. À travers des démonstrations analytiques, il est affirmé que l'AFDM atteint de manière optimale l'ordre de diversité des canaux doublement dispersifs en raison de la représentation complète délai-Doppler du canal qu'il permet d'obtenir. La thèse propose également deux algorithmes de détection à faible complexité pour l'AFDM, tirant parti de la parcimonie inhérente du canal. Le premier est un détecteur de type minimum mean squared error (MMSE) à faible complexité basé sur la factorisation LDL. Le deuxième est un égaliseur de type decision feedback equalizer (DFE) à faible complexité basé sur la combinaison cohérente, grace à la méthode maximum ratio combining (MRC), de différentes copies des symboles d'entrée du canal ayant été altérés par différents trajets de ce dernier. De plus, la thèse présente une technique de type embedded d'estimation de canal pour les systèmes AFDM, exploitant la capacité de l'AFDM à obtenir une représentation complète délai-Doppler du canal. Dans cette approche, un seul symbole pilote est inséré dans le domain DAFT du symbole AFDM, et les interférences que ce pilote pourrait générer pour les symboles de donnée sont évitées par des intervalles de garde. Un algorithme pratique d'estimation de canal, compatible avec ce schéma de transmission de pilote et basé sur une approche de type approximate maximum likelihood (ML), est aussi proposé. La thèse est conclue en se penchant sur de possibles applications de l'AFDM au delà de celles conçues pour les environnements marqués par une haute mobilité, spécifiquement les applications de type integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) et les communications dans les bandes de hautes fréquences. Il est démontré que pour identifier tous les composants de délai et de Doppler liés au milieu de propagation, on peut utiliser soit le signal AFDM complet, soit seulement sa partie pilote constituée d'un symbole de domaine DAFT et de son intervalle de garde. De plus, la nature chirp de l'AFDM permet une annulation simple de l'auto-interférence, éliminant ainsi le besoin de méthodes coûteuses normalement nécessaires dans les systèmes full duplex. La thèse met également en évidence les bonnes performances de l'AFDM pour les communications sans fil dans les bandes de hautes fréquences sans ou avec mobilité, grâce à la répartition maximale du signal AFDM en temps et en fréquences, assurant un gain de couverture. Contrairement à d'autres formes d'onde, l'AFDM ne fournit pas seulement une répartition maximale temps-fréquences mais assure également une détection robuste et efficace et une résilience au décalage de fréquence de porteuse et au bruit de phase
In the realm of next-generation wireless systems (beyond 5G/6G), the vision is clear: to support a broad range of services and applications. This includes ensuring reliable communications in environments marked by high mobility, such as high-speed railway systems and various vehicular communications. Despite the deployment of various multicarrier techniques like orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) and single-carrier frequency division multiple access (SC-FDMA) in standardized communication systems, the challenge persists. These techniques, while effective in time-invariant frequency selective channels, face performance degradation in high mobility scenarios due to the destruction of orthogonality among subcarriers caused by significant Doppler frequency shifts. Addressing this, the search for new, robust modulation techniques is paramount. It stands as a key area of investigation aiming to resolve the reliable communications issue for next-generation wireless networks within doubly-selective wireless channels. In this thesis, a novel solution, affine frequency division multiplexing (AFDM), is proposed. This new chirp-based multicarrier waveform is based on the discrete affine Fourier transform (DAFT), a variant of the discrete Fourier transform characterized with two parameters that can be adapted to better cope with doubly dispersive channels. This thesis provides a comprehensive investigation into the principles of AFDM within high mobility communications. It provides insight into the explicit input-output relation in the DAFT domain, unveiling the consequential impact of AFDM parameters. The manuscript details the precise setting of DAFT parameters, ensuring a full delay-Doppler representation of the channel. Through analytical demonstrations, it asserts that AFDM optimally achieves the diversity order in doubly dispersive channels due to its full delay-Doppler representation. The thesis also proposes two low-complexity detection algorithms for AFDM, taking advantage of its inherent channel sparsity. The first is a low complexity MMSE detector based on LDL factorization. The second is a low complexity iterative decision feedback equalizer (DFE) based on weighted maximal ratio combining (MRC) of the channel impaired input symbols received from different paths. Additionally, the thesis presents an embedded channel estimation strategy for AFDM systems, leveraging AFDM's ability to achieve full delay-Doppler representation of the channel. In this approach, an AFDM frame contains a pilot symbol and data symbols, with zero-padded symbols employed as guard intervals to prevent interference. A practical channel estimation algorithm based on an approximate maximum likelihood (ML) approach and compatible with this pilot scheme is also provided. The thesis concludes by delving into the expanded applications of AFDM, specifically in integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) and extremely high frequency (EHF) band communications. It is demonstrated that to identify all delay and Doppler components linked with the propagation medium, one can use either the full AFDM signal or only its pilot part consisting of one DAFT domain symbol and its guard interval. Furthermore, the chirp nature of AFDM allows for unique and simple self-interference cancellation with a single pilot, eliminating the need for costly full-duplex methods. The thesis also highlights AFDM's efficient performance in high-frequency bands (with or without mobility), where the maximal spreading of its signal in time and frequency ensures a coverage gain. Unlike other waveforms, AFDM not only provides maximal time-frequency spreading but also ensures robust and efficient detection, characterized by one-tap equalization and resilience to carrier frequency offset (CFO) and phase noise
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Theurer, Michael Andreas Davy [Verfasser], Martin [Akademischer Betreuer] Schell, Martin [Gutachter] Schell und Frank [Gutachter] Peters. „Electroabsorption modulated lasers and hybridly integrated lasers for communication and sensing / Michael Andreas Davy Theurer ; Gutachter: Martin Schell, Frank Peters ; Betreuer: Martin Schell“. Berlin : Technische Universität Berlin, 2021.

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Cook, Benjamin Stassen. „Vertical integration of inkjet-printed RF circuits and systems (VIPRE) for wireless sensing and inter/intra-chip communication applications“. Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2014.

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Inkjet-printing is a technology which has for the last decade been exploited to fabricate flexible RF components such as antennas and planar circuit elements. However, the limitations of feature size and single layer fabrication prevented the demonstration of compact, and high efficiency RF components operating above 10 GHz into the mm-Wave regime which is critical to silicon integration and fully-printed modules. To overcome these limitations, a novel vertically-integrated fully inkjet-printed process has been developed and characterized up to the mm-Wave regime which incorporates up to five highly conductive metal layers, variable thickness dielectric layers ranging from 200 nm to 200 um, and low resistance through-layer via interconnects. This vertically-integrated inkjet printed electronics process, tagged VIPRE, is a first of its kind, and is utilized to demonstrate fully additive RF capacitors, inductors, antennas, and RF sensors operating up to 40 GHz. In this work, the first-ever fully inkjet printed multi-layer RF devices operating up to 40 GHz with high-performance are demonstrated, along with a demonstration of the processing techniques which have enabled the printing of multi-layer RF structures with multiple metal layers, and dielectric layers which are orders of magnitude thicker than previoulsy demonstrated inkjet-printed structures. The results of this work show the new possibilities in utilizing inkjet printing for the post-processing of high-efficiency RF inductors, capacitors, and antennas and antenna arrays on top of silicon to reduce chip area requirements, and for the production of entirely printed wireless modules.
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Dandin, Marc Péralte. „Towards integrated fluorescence sensing“. College Park, Md.: University of Maryland, 2007.

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Thesis (M.S.) -- University of Maryland, College Park, 2007.
Thesis research directed by: Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Title from t.p. of PDF. Includes bibliographical references. Published by UMI Dissertation Services, Ann Arbor, Mich. Also available in paper.
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Ayerra, Raquel, Manuel Jimenez und Asier Vega. „Integrated Marketing Communications in Advertising“. Thesis, Halmstad University, School of Business and Engineering (SET), 2007.

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This research is made with the aim of find out how Iberostar communicates its values through Offline and Online advertising campaigns and if those campaigns send the same message to the target audience

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Сагер, Людмила Юріївна, Людмила Юрьевна Сагер, Liudmyla Yuriivna Saher, Алла Миколаївна Дядечко, Алла Николаевна Дядечко und Alla Mykolaivna Diadechko. „Integrated marketing communications: theoretical bases“. Thesis, Видавництво СумДУ, 2010.

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Kunzelman, Jill Nicole. „Polymers with Integrated Sensing Capabilities“. Cleveland, Ohio : Case Western Reserve University, 2009.

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Soltanalian, Mojtaba. „Signal Design for Active Sensing and Communications“. Doctoral thesis, Uppsala universitet, Avdelningen för systemteknik, 2014.

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Man-made active sensing systems such as active radar and sonar have been a vital part of our civilization's advancement in navigation, defense, meteorology, and space exploration. Modern active sensing systems rely heavily on the significant progress in the science and technology of communications made within the last century. Not surprising, the fast growing communications technology has changed each and every aspect of our everyday lives. This thesis is concerned with signal design for improving the performance of active sensing and communication systems: The target detection and estimation performance of the active sensing systems can be considerably improved by a judicious design of the probing signals. Similarly, signal design has a crucial role in the implementation and efficiency of communication systems. Signal optimization for active sensing and communications usually deals with various measures of quality. This thesis focuses on several quality measures including (i) correlation and spectral metrics, (ii) signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and mean-square error (MSE) performance metrics, (iii) information-theoretic criteria, (iv) sparsity-related metrics, and (v) beam-pattern matching metrics. The associated problems are studied and several novel algorithms are proposed to tackle the generally difficult arising problems.
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Lith, Joris van. „Novel integrated optical sensing platforms for chemical and immuno-sensing“. Enschede : University of Twente [Host], 2005.

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Randell, Damian P. „Integrated antenna diplexer for mobile communications“. Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2004.

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The rapid growth in second generation mobile telecommunications has resulted in the design of the third generation mobile telecommunication system together with proposals for the fourth generation system. Much of this has been driven by consumer requirements for a global telecommunications system, allowing connection from anywhere around the world and offering data rates that facilitate access to a range of multimedia services. Therefore, continual research into mobile handsets, improving standards and delivering smaller, lower cost devices, is required. The work presented reviews the different mobile technologies and highlights trends in design and application, presenting research into new configurations of RF front-end systems and antennas for mobile communications, specifically the third generation mobile telecommunication system. Developments in the integration of digital circuits has dramatically reduced handset sizes in recent years. However, the same progress has not been seen within RF circuitry. This work, therefore, investigates the properties of microstrip patch antennas for use within mobile handsets and the development of an integrated diplexer antenna. Having reviewed microstrip filters, further designs for a diplexer are also presented. The limitations of these designs are investigated and solutions proposed.
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Bücher zum Thema "Integrated Sensing and Communications"


Liu, Fan, Christos Masouros und Yonina C. Eldar, Hrsg. Integrated Sensing and Communications. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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Hu, Xiaoling, Chenxi Liu, Mugen Peng und Caijun Zhong. Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Enabled Integrated Sensing and Communication in 6G. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.

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Kitchen, Philip J., und Marwa E. Tourky. Integrated Marketing Communications. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Schultz, Don E. Integrated marketing communications. Lincolnwood, Ill., USA: NTC Business Books, 1993.

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author, Luck Edwina, Barker Nigel author, Sassenberg Anne-Marie author, Shimp Terence A. author und Andrews J. Craig author, Hrsg. Integrated marketing communications. 5. Aufl. South Melbourne, Victoria: Cengage, 2018.

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Integrated marketing communications. 3. Aufl. Toronto: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2011.

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Amanda, Broderick, Hrsg. Integrated marketing communications. 2. Aufl. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Hall Fiancial Times, 2004.

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Kevin, Morley, und Chartered Institute of Marketing, Hrsg. Integrated marketing communications. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1995.

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Funk, Tobias, und Bernhard Wicht. Integrated Wide-Bandwidth Current Sensing. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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1949-, Pujolle G., Hrsg. Integrated digital communications networks. Chichester: Wiley, 1988.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Integrated Sensing and Communications"


Xu, Jie, Zhonghao Lyu, Xianxin Song, Fan Liu, Yuanhao Cui, Christos Masouros, Tony Xiao Han, Yonina C. Eldar und Shuguang Cui. „ISAC with Emerging Communication Technologies“. In Integrated Sensing and Communications, 589–619. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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Sen, Padmanava, Farhad Bozorgi, Armen Harutyunyan, André Noll Barreto, Ahmad Nimr und Gerhard Fettweis. „Correction to: RF Front-Ends for ISAC—Design Challenges and Potential Solutions“. In Integrated Sensing and Communications, C1. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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Liu, An, Min Li, Mari Kobayashi und Giuseppe Caire. „Fundamental Limits for ISAC: Information and Communication Theoretic Perspective“. In Integrated Sensing and Communications, 23–52. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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Shen, Yuan, Xiao Shen und Santiago Mazuelas. „Fundamental Limits for ISAC—Localization Perspective“. In Integrated Sensing and Communications, 89–117. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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Ahmed, Ammar, Elias Aboutanios und Yimin D. Zhang. „Sensing-Centric ISAC Signal Processing“. In Integrated Sensing and Communications, 179–209. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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Cui, Yuanhao, Fan Liu, Christos Masouros, Jie Xu, Tony Xiao Han und Yonina C. Eldar. „Integrated Sensing and Communications: Background and Applications“. In Integrated Sensing and Communications, 3–21. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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Wang, Zhen, Qian He und Rick S. Blum. „Fundamental Limits for ISAC—Radar Perspective“. In Integrated Sensing and Communications, 53–87. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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Zhang, Qixun, Zhiyong Feng und Ping Zhang. „Hardware Testbed Design and Performance Evaluation for ISAC Enabled CAVs“. In Integrated Sensing and Communications, 567–86. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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Ma, Dingyou, Tianyao Huang, Nir Shlezinger, Yimin Liu und Yonina C. Eldar. „Index Modulation Based ISAC“. In Integrated Sensing and Communications, 241–68. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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Zheng, Le, Marco Lops, Xiaodong Wang, Zhen Gao und Ziwei Wan. „Receiver Design for Integrated Sensing and Communication“. In Integrated Sensing and Communications, 297–323. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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Konferenzberichte zum Thema "Integrated Sensing and Communications"


Di Renzo, Marco. „Holographic Integrated Sensing and Communications“. In XXXVth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. Gent, Belgium: URSI – International Union of Radio Science, 2023.

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Yuan, Pu, Hao Liu, Junjie Tan, Dajie Jiang und Lei Yan. „Underlaid Sensing Pilot for Integrated Sensing and Communications“. In 2023 IEEE 13th International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems (CYBER). IEEE, 2023.

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Zhang, Kexin, und Chao Shen. „UAV Aided Integrated Sensing and Communications“. In 2021 IEEE 94th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2021-Fall). IEEE, 2021.

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Saikia, Prajwalita, Anand Jee, Keshav Singh, Cunhua Pan, Theodoros A. Tsiftsis und Wan-Jen Huang. „RIS-Aided Integrated Sensing and Communications“. In GLOBECOM 2023 - 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference. IEEE, 2023.

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Ni, Yuanhan, Zulin Wang, Peng Yuan und Qin Huang. „An AFDM-Based Integrated Sensing and Communications“. In 2022 International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS). IEEE, 2022.

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Xue, Na, Xidong Mu, Yuanwei Liu, Yue Liu und Yue Chen. „Hybrid NOMA Empowered Integrated Sensing and Communications“. In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops). IEEE, 2023.

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Wang, Qi, Anastasios Kakkavas, Xitao Gong und Richard A. Stirling-Gallacher. „Towards Integrated Sensing and Communications for 6G“. In 2022 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Joint Communications & Sensing (JC&S). IEEE, 2022.

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Gwarek, Wojciech, Pawel Kopyt, Marek Krok und Pawel Wegrzyniak. „Project Wise (Integrated Wireless Sensing)“. In 2006 International Conference on Microwaves, Radar & Wireless Communications. IEEE, 2006.

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Tsai, Chen S. „Integrated acousto-optic circuits for communications, signal processing, and computing“. In Aerospace Sensing, herausgegeben von Dennis R. Pape. SPIE, 1992.

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Zou, Jiaqi, Songlin Sun, Christos Masouros und Yuanhao Cui. „Sensing-Centric Energy-Efficient Waveform Design for Integrated Sensing and Communications“. In GLOBECOM 2023 - 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference. IEEE, 2023.

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Berichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Integrated Sensing and Communications"


Gage, Douglas W. Telerobotic Requirements for Sensing, Navigation, and Communications. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Mai 1994.

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Norton, Michael L. Integrated Sensing Using DNA Nanoarchitectures. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Mai 2014.

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Qamer, Faisal M., Sravan Shrestha, Kiran Shakya, Birendra Bajracharya, Shib Nandan Shah, Ram Krishna Regmi, Salik Paudel et al. Operational in-season rice area estimation through Earth observation data in Nepal - working paper. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), März 2023.

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In an effort to adopt emerging technologies in food security assessment through a codevelopment approach, the Government of Nepal’s Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development (MoALD) and the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development’s (ICIMOD) SERVIR-HKH Initiative undertook a pilot study in Chitwan District in 2019 to jointly develop methods for satellite remote sensing and machine learning-based in-season crop assessment. MoALD experts and relevant stakeholders thoroughly reviewed the approach before the honourable minister approved it for formal use in the national-level assessment for 2020 and onwards. For wider adoption of the advanced data science methods established in the pilot study, we customised the technology by developing a digital suite of software, including GeoFairy (a mobile app to facilitate field data collection by field extension professionals at the district level) and RiceMapEngine (a simplified platform for machine learning-based crop classification to facilitate crop area map production by MoALD’s GIS Section). In the current federal governance structure of Nepal, high-quality crop maps and yield estimates will not only bridge information needs among the federal and subnational institutions but also provide a means for consistent cross-country crop status assessments and communication.
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Teillet, P. M., R. P. Gauthier, A. Chichagov und G. Fedosejevs. Towards Integrated Earth Sensing: The Role of In Situ Sensing. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 2002.

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Reed, Kyle, Nance Ericson, N. Dianne Ezell, Gavin Long, Siddharth Rajan, Raymond Cao, Adithya Balaji und Chandan Joishi. GaN HEMT Fabrication for Radiation-Hardened Sensing and Communications Electronics. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Juli 2022.

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Schmitt, Harry A. Integrated Sensing and Processing in Missile Systems. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, März 2004.

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Yoshimi, B., T. H. Hong, M. Herman, M. Nashman und W. G. Rippey. Integrated vision and touch sensing for CMMS. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 1997.

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Batalama, Stella N. Theory and Practice of Compressed Sensing in Communications and Airborne Networking. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, Dezember 2010.

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Schmidt, Henrik, John J. Leonard und David Battle. GOATS 2005: Integrated, Adaptive Autonomous Acoustic Sensing Systems. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 2006.

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Schmidt, Henrik, John J. Leonard und David Battle. GOATS 2005 Integrated, Adaptive Autonomous Acoustic Sensing Systems. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 2007.

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