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1968-, Hammond Vincent H., und United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., Hrsg. Verification of a two-dimensional infiltration model for the resin transfer molding process. Blacksburg, Va: Center for Composite Materials, Virginia Polytechnic and State University, 1993.

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1968-, Hammond Vincent H., und United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., Hrsg. Verification of a two-dimensional infiltration model for the resin transfer molding process. Blacksburg, Va: Center for Composite Materials, Virginia Polytechnic and State University, 1993.

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Center for Environmental Research Information (U.S.), United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Water Program Operations und United States. Environmental Protection Agency. Office of Research and Development, Hrsg. Process design manual for land treatment of municipal wastewater: Supplement on rapid infiltration and overland flow. Cincinnati, Ohio: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Center for Environmental Research Information, 1985.

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King, R. B. Overview and bibliography of methods for evaluating the surface-water-infiltration component of the rainfall-runoff process. Urbana, Ill: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1992.

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King, R. B. Overview and bibliography of methods for evaluating the surface-water-infiltration component of the rainfall-runoff process. Urbana, Ill: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1992.

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King, R. B. Overview and bibliography of methods for evaluating the surface-water-infiltration component of the rainfall-runoff process. Urbana, Ill: U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1992.

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author, Stinnett Melanie Wachtell, Hrsg. Captured: The corporate infiltration of American democracy. The New Press, 2017.

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Verification of a two-dimensional infiltration model for the resin transfer molding process. Blacksburg, Va: Center for Composite Materials, Virginia Polytechnic and State University, 1993.

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An Infiltration/cure model for manufacture of fabric composites by the resin infusion process. Blacksburg, Va: College of Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1992.

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Grundy, Seamus. Pleural effusion. Herausgegeben von Patrick Davey und David Sprigings. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Pleural effusion is a common clinical problem which can present both to primary and secondary care. The process by which fluid accumulates can be divided into transudative or exudative. Transudative effusions occur in the presence of normal pleura and are caused by increased oncotic or hydrostatic pressures. Exudative effusions are associated with abnormal pleura and are caused either by increased pleural fluid production due to local inflammation or infiltration or by decreased fluid removal which is caused by obstruction of the lymphatic drainage system. Patients may be entirely asymptomatic or they may present with breathlessness, particularly if the effusion is large. Other symptoms include a cough and systemic symptoms such as weight loss, anorexia, and fever. Chest pain is suggestive of inflammation/infiltration of the parietal pleura and points towards malignancy or empyema. This chapter describes the assessment and diagnosis of the patient with pleural effusion.
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Wheaton, Michael, Dustin Nowacek und Zachary London. Radiculopathy and Plexopathy. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Disorders of the nerve roots and neural plexi present with pain, numbness, or weakness in the neck, back, or extremities. Although the history and physical examination provide essential diagnostic information, imaging and electrodiagnostic studies may further aid in localizing and characterizing the underlying lesion. Causes of radiculopathy include intervertebral disc herniation, spondylosis, spinal synovial cysts, infection, metastatic disease, hematoma, or infiltrative disease. The brachial and lumbosacral plexi are susceptible to trauma, structural anomalies, neoplastic infiltration, and inflammatory processes. Management of these disorders is directed at treating the underlying cause, alleviating pain, and focused physical rehabilitation.
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Keshav, Satish, und Palak Trivedi. The liver in systemic disease. Herausgegeben von Patrick Davey und David Sprigings. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The liver may be involved in systemic diseases that primarily affect other organs. In most cases, the systemic disease should be treated effectively first. Circulatory disturbances can cause liver dysfunction by ischaemia (due to arterial hypoperfusion) and hepatic venous congestion. The liver is a key organ in sepsis, both as source of inflammatory mediators and as a victim of the inflammatory response. An oncological process may affect hepatic function in a number of ways. For example, tumours in and around the liver can affect function by directly reducing the volume of healthy, functioning tissue or by causing biliary obstruction, and portal venous infiltration or hypercoagulability may compromise the liver’s vascular supply. This chapter discusses the liver in systemic disease, including sections on etiology, symptoms, demographics, complications, diagnosis, and treatment.
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Lancellotti, Patrizio, und Bernard Cosyns. Cardiomyopathies. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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This chapter focuses on the role of echocardiography in dilated cardiomyopathy, showing diagnostic and associated findings along with the prognostic role of echocardiography. Primary myocardial disease is inadequate hypertrophy, independent of loading conditions and often other affected structures such as mitral valve apparatus, small coronary arteries, and cardiac interstitium. Arrhythmogenic RV cardiomyopathy is fatty or fibro-fatty infiltration of the RV with apoptosis and hypertrophied trabeculae of the RV. This chapter also details diagnostic findings and progression of this condition alongside relevant echocardiographic findings. Previously known as ‘spongy heart syndrome’, left ventricular non compaction is characterized by the absence of involution of LV trabeculae during the embryogenic process. This chapter demonstrates the diagnostic findings of this condition, and looks at the diagnostic findings and complications of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, illustrating typical, RV apical and variant views. It also shows diagnostic findings in myocarditis in both the acute phase and follow-up.
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Bellingan, Geoffrey, und Brijesh V. Patel. Repair and recovery mechanisms following critical illness. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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Inflammation is the beneficial host response to foreign challenge or tissue injury that ultimately leads to the restoration of tissue structure and function. Critical illness is associated with an overwhelming and prolonged inflammatory activation. Resolution of the inflammatory response is an active process that requires removal of the inciting stimuli, cessation of the pro-inflammatory response, a timely coordinated removal of tissue leukocyte infiltration, a conversion from ‘toxic’ to reparative tissue environment, and restoration of normal tissue structure and function. Mortality may result from deficits in these resolution mechanisms. Improved delivery of critical care through prevention of harm and removal of stimuli has already delivered significant mortality benefits. Most critically-ill patients present with uncontrolled inflammation, hence anti-inflammatory strategies ameliorating this response are likely to be too late and thus futile. Rather, strategies augmenting endogenous pathways involved in the control and appropriate curtailment of such inflammatory responses may promote resolution, repair, and catabasis. Recent evidence showing that inflammation does not simply ‘fizzle out’, but its resolution involves an active and coordinated series of events. Dysfunction of these resolution checkpoints alters the normal inflammatory pathway, and is implicated in the induction and maintenance of states such as ARDS and sepsis. Improved understanding of resolution biology should provide translational pathways to not only improve survival, but also to prevent long-term morbidity resulting from tissue damage.
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Ahuja, Christopher S., und Michael Fehlings. Neuroprotection for Spinal Cord Injury. Herausgegeben von David L. Reich, Stephan Mayer und Suzan Uysal. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Traumatic spinal cord injuries (SCI) often have a devastating impact on quality of life for patients and their families. Neuroprotection for spinal cord injury is aimed at improving functional outcomes by limiting secondary injury processes that occur within the first minutes, hours, and days following the primary injury. The primary mechanical trauma initiates a secondary injury cascade where ischemia, inflammatory cell infiltration, and cytotoxic changes in the microenvironment cause further cell death and loss of function. Time-sensitive neuroprotective measures targeting these secondary insults have emerged as key therapeutic strategies. This chapter summarizes current evidence-based neuroprotective treatments, such as blood pressure augmentation, early surgical decompression, and intravenous methylprednisolone, as well as important emerging interventions, including therapeutic hypothermia, sodium channel blockade using riluzole, and the anti-inflammatory actions of minocycline. The chapter concludes by summarizing the current guidelines that all practitioners should be well-versed in prior to providing care for patients with SCI.
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Spoormans, Lidwine, Wessel de Jonge und John Stevenson-Brown, Hrsg. ANNE LACATON: Visiting Professor 2016-2017/ Chair of Heritage & Architecture. TU Delft Bouwkunde, 2018.

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Anne Lacaton has been a visiting professor at the TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment during the Fall Semester 2016-2017, hosted by the Chair of Heritage & Design. In the professional field of Heritage & Design the starting point for design is not just a functional brief and a blank sheet of paper but the challenge of an existing spatial setting and cultural-historical context. It is a dynamic and innovative field in architecture that deals with the architectural re-interpretation, adaptive reuse and restoration of historic buildings. This book reports on her workshops and studios during her time at TU Delft. It presents re-use projects at different scales, in different situations and with different programs. These projects generated reflection along with pertinent and inventive ideas that made it possible to overturn the situations in a positive manner, to change the approach and bring forth interesting solutions, a new situational intelligence and a new intelligence towards thinking about architecture and the urban situation. In these projects, what is initially seen as obsolete and as a constraint or restriction through an opening of the mind and a change in outlook and approach, becomes an opportunity, a chance and an asset. If you look at a situation without a frame or filter and with an open spirit, a building that no longer has a purpose and is a hindrance becomes a liberty. The students adhered to this specific approach: No longer looking at something existing as imperfect, constraining, obsolete, not beautiful etc., but instead as a resource, a component, a stratum/layer and a basis for creativity. The idea of drawing value from everything existing, producing richness with less money but with the greater means and parameters offered by existing situations. Extending the story to do better and more of it. A process of regeneration, extension, adaption and re-use rather than replacement. This way of seeing, thinking, projecting is not really widespread. Making new, remove and replace, restarting from the empty remains mostly the way of doing; whereas the superposition, addition, combination, overlapping, infiltration, appear accurate, contemporary, rich, innovative. Therefore, with regard to this work of the semester and to conclude the guest invitation, I think it’s important to collect and publish these ideas and positions by students and teachers involved with the semester’s work. We hope that this booklet will leave a trace and a lasting material for reflection and discussion.
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Thomas, Ranjeny, und Andrew P. Cope. Pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. Oxford University Press, 2013.

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In depth molecular and cellular analysis of synovial tissue and fluid from patients with rheumatoid arthritis has provided important insights into understanding disease pathogenesis. Advances in the 1980s and 1990s included modern cloning strategies, sensitive and specific assays for inflammatory mediators, production of high-affinity neutralizing monoclonal antibodies, advances in flow cytometry, and gene targeting and transgenic strategies in rodents. In the 21st century, technological platforms offer unparalleled opportunities for systematic and unbiased interrogation of the disease process at a whole-genome level. Here we describe the key molecular and cellular characteristics of the inflamed synovium and how infiltrating cells get there. With this background, we outline current concepts of the different phases of disease, how the first phase of genetic susceptibility evolves into autoimmunity, triggered by the exposome, prior to the onset of clinically apparent inflammatory disease. We then describe the pathways that actively contribute to this early inflammatory phase and document the key effector cells and molecules of the innate and adaptive immune systems that orchestrate and maintain chronic synovial inflammatory responses. We summarize how this inflammatory milieu translates to cartilage destruction and bone resorption in synovial joints, and conclude by reviewing those factors in inflamed synovium that promote immune homeostasis.
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Karatasakis, G., und G. D. Athanassopoulos. Cardiomyopathies. Oxford University Press, 2011.

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Echocardiography is a key diagnostic method in the management of patients with cardiomyopathies.The main echocardiographic findings of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy are asymmetric hypertrophy of the septum, increased echogenicity of the myocardium, systolic anterior motion, turbulent left ventricular (LV) outflow tract blood flow, intracavitary gradient of dynamic nature, mid-systolic closure of the aortic valve and mitral regurgitation. The degree of hypertrophy and the magnitude of the obstruction have prognostic meaning. Echocardiography plays a fundamental role not only in diagnostic process, but also in management of patients, prognostic stratification, and evaluation of therapeutic intervention effects.In idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, echocardiography reveals dilation and impaired contraction of the LV or both ventricles. The biplane Simpson’s method incorporates much of the shape of the LV in calculation of volume; currently, three-dimensional echocardiography accurately evaluates LV volumes. Deformation parameters might be used for detection of early ventricular involvement. Stress echocardiography using dobutamine or dipyridamole may contribute to risk stratification, evaluating contractile reserve and left anterior descending flow reserve. LV dyssynchrony assessment is challenging and in patients with biventricular pacing already applied, optimization of atrio-interventricular delays should be done. Specific characteristics of right ventricular dysplasia and isolated LV non-compaction can be recognized, resulting in an increasing frequency of their prevalence. Rare forms of cardiomyopathy related with neuromuscular disorders can be studied at an earlier stage of ventricular involvement.Restrictive and infiltrative cardiomyopathies are characterized by an increase in ventricular stiffness with ensuing diastolic dysfunction and heart failure. A variety of entities may produce this pathological disturbance with amyloidosis being the most prevalent. Storage diseases (Fabry, Gaucher, Hurler) are currently treatable and early detection of ventricular involvement is of paramount importance for successful treatment. Traditional differentiation between constrictive pericarditis (surgically manageable) and the rare cases of restrictive cardiomyopathy should be properly performed.
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