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Müller, Thomas Rüdiger [Verfasser]. „Kooperationsformen von Segelsport und Industrie / Thomas Rüdiger Müller“. Hamburg :, 2000.

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Rohsig, Lopez Nicole Sofia. „Développement d'un outil d'aide à la décision pour favoriser l'économie circulaire basé sur les considérations techniques et le comportement des consommateurs : application à l'industrie du sport“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.

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Cette thèse CIFRE a été réalisée en partenariat avec Decathlon, notamment au sein du Watersports Center d'Hendaye, qui développe des équipements pour les sports aquatiques. Cette thèse vise à étudier la transition de l’entreprise vers l'économie circulaire afin de remplacer la logique linéaire « extraire-produire-utiliser-jeter ». Ce système propose de fermer les boucles de matériaux pour extraire leur valeur intégrée maximale, ce qui entraîne l'élimination des déchets grâce à la conception supérieure des matériaux, des produits, des systèmes et des modèles commerciaux (Fondation Ellen MacArthur, 2013).Les modèles d’affaires circulaires impliquent le cyclage, l'extension, l'intensification et/ou la dématérialisation des boucles de matériaux et d'énergie pour réduire les apports de ressources, les déchets et les fuites d'émissions (Geissdoerfer et al. 2017). Dans ce contexte, la question qui a guidé le début de notre recherche émerge : comment pouvons-nous contribuer à développer des modèles économiques circulaires dans l'industrie du sport, compte tenu de la nature diversifiée de ses produits ?Après avoir cartographié 154 projets circulaires internes, les chefs de projet ont mentionné des défis tels que le manque de gouvernance forte et d'un réseau circulaire structuré pour faciliter la progression des projets circulaires, en plus de la difficulté d'inciter les consommateurs à adopter des solutions circulaires. Cela nous a motivés à explorer les facteurs qui pourraient influencer le comportement des consommateurs à l'égard des modèles d’affaires circulaires, qu'ils soient internes ou externes. Nous avons interrogé 60 praticiens de sports aquatiques afin d'identifier les facteurs internes (par exemple, économiques, environnementaux, temps et efforts, esthétique) et les facteurs externes (par exemple, accès à des solutions circulaires, prix, état du produit). Suite à cette étape, nous avons lancé une enquête avec 1735 répondants pour mesurer l'intérêt des consommateurs pour différents modèles d’affaires circulaires (réparation, seconde main, location courte durée, abonnement, alternatives de fin de vie) concernant des natures de produits spécifiques (équipements de protection, textile première couche, textile deuxième couche, chaussures économiques et haut de gamme, accessoires et équipements volumineux) pour certains sports (natation, football, cyclisme, randonnée, fitness et course à pied).En nous appuyant sur ces résultats et sur les conclusions de la littérature, nous avons créé un outil pour aider les équipes de conception à identifier les modèles d’affaires circulaires adaptés à leurs produits et à obtenir des recommandations sur la manière d'améliorer la circularité, en tenant compte des caractéristiques du produit et du comportement des clients. L'outil a été testé et approuvé par des chefs de produit, en particulier pour les débutants, concernant l'adoption de l'économie circulaire. Notre contribution repose sur la création d'un outil d'aide à la décision interactif et facile à utiliser, permettant de mieux comprendre comment appliquer l'économie circulaire en tenant compte à la fois des aspects techniques et comportementaux. Les travaux futurs pourraient explorer l’adaptation de l’outil à d’autres industries, ainsi que la compréhension de l’acceptation de la circularité par des consommateurs d’autres cultures hors de France
This CIFRE thesis was done in partnership with Decathlon, particularly in the Watersports Center in Hendaye, where they develop gear for aquatic sports. This thesis aims to explore the transition of the company to the circular economy, an industrial system that replaces the linear logic of “extract- produce-use-throw away”. This system proposes closing the material loops to extract their maximum embedded value, resulting in the elimination of waste through the superior design of materials, products, systems, and business models (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2013).In a press release from March 2024, Decathlon positioned the development of Circular Business Models at the core of its strategy to achieve a 20 % reduction in absolute CO2 emissions by 2026 and a 42 % reduction in absolute CO2 emissions by 2030 and net zero by 2050. Circular Business Models (CBM) involve cycling, extending, intensifying, and/or dematerialising material and energy loops to reduce resource inputs, waste, and emission leakage (Geissdoerfer et al. , 2017). In this context, the question that guided the beginning of our research emerges: How can we help develop circular business models in the sports industry, given its diverse nature of products?After mapping 154 internal CBM projects, project leaders mentioned challenges such lack of strong governance and a structured circular network to facilitate the progression of circular projects, besides the difficulty of engaging consumers to adopt circular solutions. This motivated us to explore what factors could influence consumer behaviour towards CBMs, whether internal or external. We interviewed 60 aquatic sports practitioners to identify internal factors (e.g., economic, environmental, time and effort, aesthetics) and external factors (e.g. access to circular solutions, prices, product condition). Following this step, we launched a survey with 1735 respondents to measure the consumer interest in different CBMs (repair, second-hand, short-term rental, subscription, end-of-life alternatives) regarding specific product natures (protective equipment, first-layer textile, second-layer textile, budget and premium shoes, accessories, and bulky equipment) for certain sports (swimming, soccer, cycling, hiking, fitness, and running).Building on these results and the literature findings, we created a tool to help sports design teams identify suitable CBM for their products and get recommendations on how to improve circularity, considering product characteristics and customer behaviour. The tool was tested and approved by product managers, especially for beginners, regarding circular economy adoption. Our contribution relies on in the creation of an interactive decision-aid tool that is easy to use, enabling a better understanding of how to apply circular economy considering both technical and behavioural aspects. Future works could explore the adaptation of the tool for other industries, as well as the understanding of the acceptance of circularity by consumers from other cultures outside France
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Vivarelli, Agathe. „Comprendre la digitalisation de l’expérience du spectacle sportif médiatisé et in situ“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris sciences et lettres, 2024.

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Cette thèse par essais explore les différentes facettes de la digitalisation de l’expérience de spectacle sportif, du point de vue des gestionnaires et des consommateurs, à la fois dans les enceintes sportives et en dehors de ces dernières. En proposant un système de délivrance de l’expérience et une cartographie du parcours du consommateur de spectacle sportif, le premier essai met en lumière pourquoi et comment les différentes parties prenantes, notamment les clubs, intègrent des technologies dans l’expérience. Le deuxième essai explore quant à lui de quelle manière les applications mobiles des clubs modifient l’expérience des consommateurs, soulignant les tensions entre connexions sociales réelles et virtuelles et les effets ambivalents de la digitalisation (création versus destruction de valeur). Enfin, le troisième essai élargit l’analyse en s’intéressant aux technologies embarquées par les joueurs (bodycams), qui modifient la médiatisation et par là-même, l’expérience du spectacle sportif : elles induisent pour le spectateur, une transition d’une forme d’incarnation vers celle d’une désincarnation vis-à-vis du sportif sur le terrain. Ensemble, ces trois essais offrent une vision large et complète de la manière dont la digitalisation modifie l’expérience du spectacle sportif, en mettant au jour les opportunités et les défis qu’elle engendre
This thesis, structured as a series of essays, explores the various facets of the digitalization of the sports spectacle experience from the perspectives of both managers and consumers, both within and outside sports venues. The first essay introduces an experience delivery system and a mapping of the sports spectacle consumer journey, highlighting why and how different stakeholders, particularly clubs, integrate technologies into the experience. The second essay examines how club mobile applications transform consumer experiences, emphasizing the tensions between real and virtual social connections, as well as the ambivalent effects of digitalization (value creation versus value destruction). Finally, the third essay expands the analysis by focusing on player-embedded technologies (such as bodycams), which alter media coverage and, consequently, the sports spectacle experience itself. These technologies lead spectators through a transition from a form of embodiment to a sense of disembodiment in relation to the athlete on the field. Together, these three essays offer a broad and comprehensive view of how digitalization is reshaping the sports spectacle experience, revealing both the opportunities and challenges it creates
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Baillergeau, Delphine. „Les stratégies de positionnement : les voies de la légitimité : le cas de l'industrie du surfwear“. Pau, 2006.

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Dans cette thèse nous défendons l’idée selon laquelle il est possible de penser les stratégies de positionnement des marques selon une approche socio-politique des marchés au cœur de laquelle se trouve le concept de champ social. Le principal apport de notre recherche est d’avoir permis de produire une typologie originale des stratégies de positionnement des firmes challengers, ou tout du moins d’en avoir formulé une proposition. Cette dernière n’est pas seulement descriptive mais présente l’avantage d’être théoriquement construite : elle se construit sur la base du rapport aux règles édictées par les entreprises leaders du marché. Le deuxième apport de notre recherche est d’offrir un cadre conceptuel qui permette de mieux penser la position des entreprises leaders en posant leur problème stratégique. Pour pouvoir être la référence du marché, et parvenir à conserver et à perpétuer cette position nécessite de penser le positionnement en termes de légitimité. La classification weberienne des trois types de domination légitime nous parait particulièrement indiquée comme une grille de lecture possible. Le troisième apport de notre recherche est lié à la perspective sociologique du marché dans laquelle nous nous sommes inscrits. Plutôt que de considérer le marché uniquement comme un lieu où se rencontrent l'offre et la demande d'un certain bien, nous l’avons envisagé comme un champ dynamique
In this thesis we defend the idea according to which it is possible to think strategies of brand positioning according to a socio-political approach to markets to the heart of which is the social field concept. The main contribution of our research is to attempt to produce an original typology of strategy of positioning of the challenger firms, or at least to have formulated a proposition. This is not only descriptive but presents the advantages to be constructed theoretically: it constructs itself on the basis of the report by the rules dictated by the market enterprise leaders. The second contribution of our research is to offer a framework that permits to think better the position of enterprises leaders identifying its strategic problem. In order to become the market leader and to preserve and to perpetuate this position this requires thinking through the positioning in terms of legitimacy. The Weber classification of the three types of domination legitimate appears to us especially indicated like a possible reading grid. The third contribution of our research is linked with the sociological perspective of the market in which we take place. Rather than to consider the market only like a place where meets the offer and the demand of a certain good, we consider it more of a dynamic field
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Palmer, Jocelyn Anne, und n/a. „Attitudes of Australian sports administrators to unions, awards and enterprise bargaining“. University of Canberra. Human & Biomedical Sciences, 2000.

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Sport, once an amateur pursuit has evolved in to a lucrative industry. The most recent development in the evolution of Australian sport has been the emergence of industrial regulation. Unlike other Australian labour markets, the sports administrators labour market was entirely market regulated until 1994. Over the last five years the sports administrators labour market has transformed into a centralised award based system. On the surface it appears that there is no obvious explanation for the dramatic re-regulation of this labour market. In order to determine the factors behind the re-regulation, this thesis investigated Australian sports administrators attitudes to unionism, awards and enterprise bargaining, including their preferences to awards and enterprise bargaining agreements. The attitudes of 229 Australian sports administrators were surveyed. The response rate was 67.25%. Findings from the survey indicated a number of points: (1) union membership predicted 8% of their attitude to unionism, (2) non union members were more likely to have positive and accepting attitudes to unions, (3) sports administrators working under Enterprise Bargaining agreements had more positive and accepting attitudes of unions, (4) Enterprise Bargaining was considered to be more beneficial than not in sport, (5) Enterprise Bargaining had more than double the support of Award regulation, and (6)Award regulation had almost equal amounts of rejection and support. Other results indicated that the sports administrators labour market remained market regulated until 1994 because a majority of sports administrators belonged to demographic groups which were less inclined to become union members. Factors behind the reregulation were determined to be: strong support for targeted services within workplaces rather than generic services across an industry, and strong support for increased union interaction when negotiating terms and conditions of employment which effects sports administrators' attitudes to unionism. It was evident that the re-regulation was not caused by a large shift in the attitudes of sports administrators or a result of problems stemming from the market being entirely by market regulation. It is more than likely that the sudden re-regulation of the sports administrators labour market was the sports industry's first step towards industrial maturity.
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Tourism and Sport
Esports, or competitive video gaming competitions, have grown in popularity to have millions of global fans, spectators, and participants. Sport organizations, including leagues and teams, are increasingly affiliating, or dovetailing, with esports organizations. Although the meteoric rise of esports presents sport organizations with growth opportunities to connect with these markets, esports remain shrouded in uncertainty, stigma, and stereotypes that impede the convergence of industries. The growing affiliation between these two industries allows researchers to gain insight into the strategic actions of sport organizations despite the institutional constraints that influence their behavior. This dissertation includes three essays that address—with respect to esports—the (1) strategic resources and core competencies of sport organizations; (2) sensemaking of actors within sport organizations; and (3) institutional creation strategies within heavily regulated fields. Essay one consists of an explanatory, qualitative study of professional sport teams diversifying into the esports industry. As sport organizations mature, they will need to seek growth opportunities beyond their core industry and compete with formally tangentially related firms. The nascent esports industry has been embraced by sport organizations (e.g., leagues, teams), many of whom use existing resources and best practices from traditional sport to manage their esports property. This trend provides a salient context to identify how sport organizations are using their resources in a new marketspace and what they can provide to non-sport organizations. Guided by strategic management perspectives of the resource-based view (RBV), knowledge-based view (KBV), and resource orchestration (RO), the purpose of essay one is to examine how sport organizations leverage their core competencies to create a sustainable competitive advantage. The findings support the hypothesis that the existing resources of sport organizations such as physical venues and existing departments (e.g., legal, marketing, sales departments) are used to support sport organizations operations in the esports industry. Moreover, the findings identify that the tacit knowledge embedded in the human capital of sport organizations is a salient resource that helps them generate a competitive advantage against non-sport organizations. While tacit knowledge is a driver of competitive advantage, it is the supporting structures and departments that allows sport organizations to use this knowledge efficiently and effectively. Thus, by operating at the intersection of sport, entertainment, and media, sport organizations are increasingly competing with formally tangentially related firms, and can use their embedded resources and structure when competing with these firms. Essay two focuses on the integration of esports by a first-mover sport organization. Essay two employs an exploratory case study of the Philadelphia 76ers of the National Basketball League (NBA) and their integration of an esports team. The 76ers were the first North American professional sports organization to purchase and integrate an esports team. Novel technologies and practices, such as esports, are surrounded by uncertainty and are generally met with resistance (Huber, 1990) with their integration contingent upon internal and external constituent support. Actors, individuals within the 76ers, had to position and garner support for esports, which are representative of the novel practices and technologies influencing the way sport organizations are managed. In essay two an institutional creation work perspective is linked with sensemaking and related constructs to examine how actors within the 76ers helped create and give meaning—sensemaking—to esports. The findings of essay two support how actors within the 76ers were able to foster a progressive culture to create a shared understanding of esports and use this understanding to influence the sensemaking of others—sensegiving. In particular, the 76ers linked the managerial components of operating a sports team to operating an esports team. Yet the 76ers were deliberate in their approach, limiting cross-promotions between the fanbases of the 76ers and their esports team. By connecting institutional creation work with sensemaking, essay two contributes to how actors can proactively take actions to garner constituent support. Moreover, the findings of essay two support that sensemaking is a critical antecedent of sensegiving, as a shared understanding within an organization is a necessary prerequisite to influence the sensemaking of others (i.e., sensegiving). Essay two provides actors within the field of sport integrating novel practices and activities (e.g., augmented and virtual reality, in-game sports betting, wearable fitness devices, mediated sports consumption) strategies to proactively garner support for their integration. Essay two focuses on the integration of esports by professional sport organizations. Essay three utilizes an exploratory qualitative approach to identify the institutional creation strategies associated with integrating collegiate esports programs within the heavily regulated field of U.S. collegiate athletics. The findings of essay three support how actors need to go beyond creating a shared understanding to integrate novel activities. Actors must also influence the cognitive schema of other actors to facilitate the integration of novel practices and activities. Specifically, they can build on the concept of sportification (Heere, 2018) to both communicate and present esports in a manner consistent with traditional sports, using the concept of sport as a legitimizing agent. Collectively, the three essays support how sport organizations can seize growth opportunities with respect to their institutional environment. Sport organizations must recognize their institutional confines, but also can be strategic in their actions by focusing on their financial performance and sustainability in lieu of their constraints. This research contributes to a deeper understanding regarding how the institutional and strategic concerns of sport organizations influence their efficient and effective management. The research lays a foundation for a stream of future research on the strategic growth and long-term viability of sport organizations both within and beyond the esports industry.
Temple University--Theses
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List, David Ian. „Marketing principles applied to sport in Hong Kong“. Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1990.

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Baldwin, Deborah. „Experiencing heritage : making sense of industrial heritage tourism“. Thesis, University of Bristol, 1999.

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André, Stéphane. „Caractérisation et écologie microbienne de lignes de production de conserves“. Thesis, Montpellier, 2015.

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Si les flores contaminantes représentent la plupart du temps, dans les conserves, un risque industriel aujourd'hui maitrisé, la flore d'altération, de par sa résistance importante à la température, continue à constituer une cause de pertes économiques majeures. Pourtant cette dernière restait cependant peu caractérisée. En s'appuyant sur les travaux réalisés ces dernières années au sein de l'unité de microbiologie EMaiRIT'S du CTCPA (unité d'Expertise dans la Maitrise du Risque Industriel en Thermorésistants Sporulés du Centre Technique de la Conservation des Produits Agricoles), les principaux objectifs de cette thèse ont été (i) d'identifier et caractériser, en vue de sa maitrise ultérieure, la flore d'altération sporulante (ii) d'identifier l'origine de ces flores dans les conserveries et enfin (iii) de déterminer des moyens de maitrise.Pour cela, un état des lieux des bactéries sporulées d'altération des conserves a été effectué avec la collaboration de 122 conserveries sur plus de 10 ans en France. Cette caractérisation des espèces altérantes a permis l'élaboration d'un outil de biologie moléculaire (SporeTraQTM) afin d'identifier rapidement ces germes ou de pouvoir les détecter au sein d'une population complexe. En parallèle, l'amélioration de la connaissance de la thermorésistance de ces espèces, principale caractéristique de la flore sporulante, a été menée. A ce paramètre, il a été associé une relation avec la chimio résistance des spores. Identifiée, nous avons cherché à localiser cette flore d'altération au sein des usines à l'aide de plusieurs campagnes de prélèvements sur différents légumes. Au final, la flore spécifique du procédé de fabrication des conserves a été identifiée, caractérisée et localisée en vue d'améliorer la maitrise du risque microbien soit par une maitrise des contaminations et/ou un nettoyage plus performant (localisation au niveau d'étapes unitaires, efficacité de molécules sporicides) soir par un barème optimisé (en relation avec la thermorésistance). De plus, ce travail a été conduit au sein d'une approche bénéfice/risque représentant le futur de l'évolution des procédés agro-alimentaires associant amélioration de la qualité nutritionnelle et maintien de la maitrise sanitaire. Cette thèse s'appuie sur 5 publications de rang A
Microbial contaminants of safety concern represent most of time, in canned food, an industrial risk which is well mastered. However, the spoilage flora, due to its high heat resistance, is responsible for major economic losses. Nevertheless, these bacteria remained poorly characterized. Based on the works realized during last 10 years within the EMaiRIT'S unit of microbiology of the CTCPA (expertise unit of the French Technical Center of the Preservation of Food, focused on Management of Industrial Risk liked to Heat Resistant Spores), the main objective of this thesis were: i) to identify and to characterize, with the aim of its later control, the spoilage spore forming bacteria florae ii) to identify the origin of these florae in canning factories and finally iii) to determine ways of control.For that purpose, a current inventory of spore forming bacteria in spoiled canned food was made with the cooperation of 122 canning factories over more than 10 years in France. This characterization of the spoilage species allowed the elaboration of a molecular biology tool (SporeTraQTM) for quick identification of these germs or their detection within a complex population. In parallel, the improvement of the knowledge about the heat resistance of these species, main characteristic of the spores, was led. In addition, the chemical resistance of spores was investigated. When identified, we tried to localize these spores on canning factories lines, with several sampling plans, on various vegetables. At the end, the specific spore forming bacteria related to the industrial canning process was identified, characterized and localized, allowing to improve the microbial risk control either by a more efficient cleaning, and through optimized process schedules. Furthermore, this work was driven within a benefic / risk approach representing the future of the food-processing evolution with improvement of the nutritional quality and the preservation of the sanitary control.This thesis leans on 5 publications of rank A
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Brosed, Marta. „Beyond the game: Three essays on how economics links to the industry of basketball“. Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2016.

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This dissertation is conducted to the study of a current topic in the economic scope, which is the result of the application of techniques and methodologies of analysis typical of Economics to the sports field. Sports Economics is a rather novel discipline, compared to other branches of Economics, whose results have a growing consideration within the academic world, sparking the interest of many researchers. The final motivation of the three chapters presented in this work is to delve into some crucial aspects of sports such as production function, efficiency, competitive balance and heterogeneity of the inputs included in the team, from an economic perspective. In all of them this dissertation tries to contribute to the literature on the sports economics with new variables and experiments, as well as to debate about the most spread theories and assumptions. The first chapter analysis the efficiency and the evolution of the Total Productivity in Spanish First division Basketball teams during their productive process, just considering the performance on the field. The empirical part relies on the use of non-parametric techniques of optimization, measuring efficiency with respect to the best observations of the sample through a data envelopment analysis (DEA). This technique is the more suitable for sports given that it does not consider a specific functional form for the frontier as well as the absence of errors. The results obtained make sense for both, the teams themselves (coaches and managers) and for the regulatory body. Fort he case of the teams as much as they can undertake actions that improve their productivity. Fort he regulatory body the results are determinant to take initiatives, which encourage the evolution of the efficiency of the teams as a whole. The second part addresses the issue of the competitive balance comparing the two conferences in which are divided the NBA teams, and its relationship with demand, which is not clear in the literature. The methodology of analysis is based on Gibrat’s clasical model using the number of relevant competitors as an indicator of competitive balance which avoids some of the problems that the typical indexes of concentration present when it comes to sports competitions. This paper delves into the relationship between competitiveness and spectator’s demand, keeping in mind the Rottenberg’s hypothesis, or which is the same, the willingness of attending the sport event increases with the level of competitiveness. The Granger causality tests are not conclusive due to the level of spectacle reached by the competition independently of the sport game in particular, which makes very common the sold-out in almost every game. Chapter 3 tackles the configuration of the teams in terms of optimal level of diversification providing experimental evidence on the relationship between outcomes achieved and heterogeneity of the inputs. The methodology is based on the diversification index of Gollop and Monahan whose decomposition provides much more information. Every component of the index make sense by themselves and are used in the second part of the paper in different estimations as determinants of the performance of the teams. All in all, the three pieces contained in this dissertation address the relationship between economy and sports, but every paper can be read independently considering the different analysis accomplished in each of them.
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Wright, Justin. „Human Aggression and Sports Media Violence“. TopSCHOLAR®, 2006.

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The present study was designed to gain more perspective on human aggression and how sports media violence affects aggression levels. Anderson (1997) defined aggression as behavior that is intended to harm others or one's self. Anderson (2001) defined media violence as a portrayal of intentional harmful behavior directed at another person or the self. To define sports aggression, the definition of aggression must be manipulated slightly. The definition should be changed to a form of behavior intended to injure, whether or not an actual injury occurs, directed at an opposing team or opposing player to gain an advantage during the progression of play. An example of this would be trying to hurt a key player of the opposing team so that this player can no longer perform at a level expected of him by others. This definition does not include aggressive behavior toward people watching the game or officials during the game. It only pertains to playeron-player aggression and those actions taken that are allowed with in the rules of the game. Sports media violence does not include players and fan interaction, two fans fighting, or violent acts between players and officials. Many studies have been completed looking at human aggression levels and how certain media types affect aggression levels. In a study completed in 2001, it was shown that viewing violent movies can increase aggression levels in participants (Bushman & Anderson, 2001). Another study completed by Phillips (1986), examined and compared the homicide rates in America the day after a major boxing match had occurred to the average homicide rate. His findings suggest that a relationship between viewing boxing and homicide rates exists. The more people who viewed the fight the night before, the higher the homicide rates were in America the next day. The present study is attempting to look specifically at the effects of sports violence in the media on aggression levels of its viewers. Participants completed a Buss-Perry Aggression Scale before the experiment began to assess their pre-experiment aggression levels. Then the participants were randomly assigned to view one of the video groups: non-violent sport, violent sport, nonviolent movie, or violent movie. The participants were randomly assigned to conditions based on the times at which they signed up to complete the study. They next watched a five-minute video clip. The content of each video varied by the conditions of the experiment, for example, nonviolent sport, violent sport, nonviolent movie, or violent movie. After watching the video, each group was given the Word Completion Task to assess post-video aggression levels. Results indicated that after viewing violent forms of video material, sports and non-sports, aggression levels increased in participants significantly. But when participants viewed non-aggressive material their aggression levels did not increase significantly. Therefore, exposure to violent sports has the potential to increase levels of aggression following such exposure, just as exposure to violent movies and television shows increases aggression. However, there are other factors that play a role in the development of aggressive behavior.
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Todorovic, Jelena. „The New Gym Bag“. Thesis, Malmö högskola, Fakulteten för teknik och samhälle (TS), 2015.

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Detta examensarbete omfattar 15 hp och utfördes av Jelena Todorovic, student på Malmö Högskola, Produktdesignprogrammet.Syftet med arbetet var att utveckla en sportbag för personer som bor i närheten av ett gym och som efter träningen duschar hemma. Projektets bas var Användarcentrerad design, som innebär att utvecklingen av konceptet sker efter användarens behov, önskemål och preferenser. Användaren inkluderades i projektet i allt från skisser, intervjuer, observationer, utvärderingar och urval av koncept till slutkonceptet.Studenten såg ett behov av en annan väska än den traditionella sportbagen. Projektets förstudie resulterade i att studenten sammanställde en kravlista på målgruppens önskemål och behov. En sportbag där funktionaliteten var viktigast kom att bli projektets fokus. Studenten hade som krav att miljö och hållbarhet skulle genomsyra projektet och slutprodukten. Vi behöver tänka på vår planet och för en designer är det en utmaning att utveckla en produkt som är snäll mot miljön, som går att använda länge och fylla sin funktion på ett bra sätt. Slutligen resulterade projektet i en funktionsmodell på den nya mer behovsanpassade sportbagen.
This final thesis is written by Jelena Todorovic, studying Product Design at Malmö Högskola.The purpose with this project was to develop a sport bag for people living nearby a gym and who showers at home instead of the gym after training. The main focus of the project is User Centered Design, which means that the product development of the concept is based on the end users, or the customer’s preferences, needs and wishes. The user is included in every step of the project development, such as commenting and criticizing sketches and concepts, being interviewed and observed, and evaluating the different stages of the concept and product.The student saw a need of a different bag than the traditional sport bag. The pilot study resulted in a list of requirements based on the target group and their needs and preferences. A gym bag with focus on the functionality became the project. The student wanted the project and the final concept to be environmentally friendly, why a research in that field was necessary. We need to think about our planet, and for a Designer, it is a challenge to develop a product which is environmentally friendly and sustainable. It is also desirable for a product to fill its function and last for a long time. Finally, the project resulted in a functionality model of the new gym bag.
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Frederiksen, Lars Frode. „Industriel forskningsledelse : på sporet af mønstre og samarbejde i danske forskningsintensive virksomheder /“. København, 2004.

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Agüero, Montoya Miguel Fernando, García Edgar Alexander Benites, Carpio Sheen Karina Jazmín Del und Vivanco Lisbeth Karin Robles. „Business consulting - Lear Sport International S.A.C. plan de mejora de la rentabilidad medida en términos de roic“. Master's thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019.

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Lear Sport International (LSI) es una empresa peruana con más de 17 años en la industria del calzado deportivo, fabrica zapatillas de lona y suela de PVC y las comercializa bajo la marca Aster. La empresa posee una planta industrial ubicada en el distrito de Puente Piedra al norte de Lima. Sus productos están dirigidos a clientes de los niveles socio económicos D y E y se comercializan principalmente en los conos de Lima y en las principales ciudades del país. Al cierre del año 2017 la empresa declaró ingresos por 11,5 millones de soles y obtuvo una rentabilidad medida en términos del ROIC del 8.5% En base al análisis del entorno y del contexto de la empresa se identificó una serie de problemas que impiden alcanzar un crecimiento saludable. La informalidad del sector, competencia desleal, el alto poder de los proveedores, una estructura organizacional incompleta y falta de personal calificado, son algunos de los factores que contribuyen a agravar el problema. En ese sentido, considerando que el objetivo de toda empresa es la creación de valor, se ha determinado que el problema principal de la empresa en la baja rentabilidad medida en términos del ROIC. De acuerdo con lo anterior, se propone un plan de mejora en base a soluciones orientadas a fortalecer la estructura organizacional de la empresa mediante la contratación de personal calificado que contribuya a implementar medidas para incrementar la rentabilidad. El plan de mejora tiene un costo estimado de 285 mil soles; los beneficios estimados que se obtendrán a un año de implementado el plan de mejora serán de 373 mil soles. El periodo de recuperación de la inversión se logra en menos de un año.
Lear Sport International (LSI) is a Peruvian company with more than 17 years in the sports footwear industry, they manufacture PVC-textile sneakers and sell them under the brand Aster. The company has an industrial plant located in Puente Piedra, north of Lima. Its products are aimed at clients of socioeconomic levels D and E and are commercialized mainly in the cones of Lima and in the main cities of the country. At the end of 2017 the company declared revenues of 11.5 million soles and obtained a return measured in terms of ROIC of 8.5% Based on the analysis of the environment and the context of the company, a series of problems that prevent achieving healthy growth were identified. Informality of the sector, unfair competition, high power of suppliers, an incomplete organization structure and the lack of qualified personnel, are some of the factors that contribute to aggravate the problem. In this sense, considering that the objective of a company is the creation of value, it has been determined that the main problem of the company in the low profitability measured in terms of the ROIC. In accordance with the above, an improvement plan is proposed based on solutions aimed at strengthening the organizational structure of the company by hiring qualified personnel to help to implement measures to increase such profitability. The improvement plan has an estimated cost of 285 thousand soles; estimated benefits that will be obtained one year after the plant implementing will be around 373 thousand soles. The period of recovery of the investment is achieved in less than a year.
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Crewe, Steven. „Sport, recreation and the workplace in England, c.1918-c.1970“. Thesis, De Montfort University, 2014.

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Over the fifty years from the end of the First World War, the experience of work in England was increasingly shaped by a concern for industrial welfare which manifested itself in various forms. Large-scale employers, in both the manufacturing and service sectors, often saw the provision of sports and recreational facilities as an important aspect of their commitment to industrial welfare and as a way of maintaining harmonious industrial relations. Sport, along with various recreational activities, increasingly provided a way of encouraging workers to identify with their employer; it was as important in this respect as the company outing or the annual dance. This thesis seeks to build on the existing historiography relating to the ‘sports and social’ side of corporate industrial welfare. Whereas historians to date have focussed on single companies or on a particular sector, it examines four separate case studies – two (Robinsons of Chesterfield and Raleigh of Nottingham) located in the manufacturing sector and two (Lyons and the Bank of England) located primarily in the service sector – to provide an account of this aspect of industrial welfare that is cross-sector in its scope. Company magazines, which played an important part in sustaining clubs and societies by publishing their activities, are the principal primary source used in each case. While underpinning previous work which has emphasised the commitment of employers to industrial welfare, it is argued here that workers themselves had an important part to play in the making of sports and social provision in factories and offices and other places of work, such as the catering establishments and hotels run by Lyons. Often the role of management was simply to respond positively to suggestions made by employees, providing the strategic support that enabled an activity to take off and then sustain itself. In all four case studies here the day-to-day organisation of particular activities was usually undertaken by interested employees. Thus, the characteristics of works-based recreation in a particular workplace could be shaped as much by ‘bottom-up’ initiatives as it was by ‘top-down’ directives. This especially applied to the numerous hobby or interest-based societies – amateur dramatic societies, camera clubs and horticultural societies, for example – which were an important feature of works-based recreation. It is argued here that the importance of such activities has been underestimated in studies to date. They have attracted less attention than company commitment to sport, for example, which manifested itself in the provision of expensive facilities. Yet, clubs and societies which could appeal to employees beyond the age at which most were likely to engage in sport were a relatively inexpensive way of extending the reach of an organisation’s welfare strategy. Accordingly, they are given substantial coverage here.
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Reese, Lisa A. „Marketing the authentic surfer authenticity, lifestyle branding, and the surf apparel industry /“. Pullman, Wash. : Washington State University, 2009.

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Thesis (M.A. in apparel, merchandising, and textiles)--Washington State University, December 2009.
Title from PDF title page (viewed on Jan. 19, 2010). "Department of Apparel, Merchandising, Design, and Textiles." Includes bibliographical references.
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Nunes, Paula Alexandra Jacinta. „Sagres beer and its sponsorship strategy: will Sagres score with Sport Lisboa e Benfica?“ Master's thesis, NSBE - UNL, 2010.

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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
In the last day of 2008, Sagres signed a “long-term” sponsorship contract with Sport Lisboa e Benfica that reinforced the support of the beer brand to football, as well as, to one of the greatest Portuguese sports clubs. This case reviews Sagres’ search for leadership in the Portuguese beer market along with its strategy of association with football. It focuses on understanding Sagres’ gains and the implications for the dynamics of the Portuguese beer market.
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Kaur, Tarminder. „Sporting lives and "development" agendas : a critical analysis of sport and "development" nexus in the context of farm workers of the Western Cape“. University of the Western Cape, 2016.

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Philosophiae Doctor - PhD
This thesis is about the sporting lives of people who work and/or live at the commercial grape and wine farms of the Western Cape. Collectively referred to as farm workers, they are identified by the Western Cape Provincial Government as a priority group in need of "development". Over the past 15 or so years, proclamations and practices of "sport for development and peace" (SDP) have emerged as globally recognised phenomena, where sport is promoted as a tool to achieve a broad range of "development" objectives, including the Millennium Development Goals. As a research topic, SDP scholars examine the practical and theoretical usefulness of sport as a tool for addressing a diverse set of social, health, political and economic issues through education, diplomacy, inclusion, and awareness programmes. Instead of attending to the questions of whether or how sport might serve "development" ends, this study offers a critical analysis of the nexus between sport and "development" (SDN) in the context of farm workers of the Western Cape. Informed by James Ferguson‘s analysis of "development" as an 'anti-politics machine' (1990), I adopt a deconstructionist approach that examines issues beyond the narrow confines of "development" problems and programmes. As he argues, "development" continues to serve as a-central organising concept‘ to discuss and assess desired change in social and economic realms, which is evident in the programmes of farm worker "development" and how these continue to retain a place in the policy and political discourses on agrarian transformation in post-apartheid South Africa. With an appreciation of the Western Cape‘s agrarian history and politics and how they shape present-day farm labour conditions, I have critically analysed the discourses and practices of farm worker "development" and SDP in the light of broader structural realities, everyday sporting lives and the "development" experiences of farm workers. The central organising question of this thesis is: how do "development" problems and the solutions sought for in SDP discourses and programmes correspond to the social, economic and political realities of their subjects? Drawing on my ethnographic fieldwork conducted at farmlands in and around Rawsonville, a small rural town, from April 2012 to May 2013, I illustrate different and seemingly disconnected frames and positions from which theories of SDP and farm workers‘ experiences of sport and "development" were observed. The analysis is organised around three contrasting frames of observation, namely: 1) historical and contemporary discourses and politics of farm worker "development" and SDP programmes and practices, 2) structural arrangements of competitive and physical infrastructure for official sport, and 3) everyday (official and unofficial) sporting practices and experiences of the rural working class people. With a particular attention to continuities and contradictions in historical and contemporary farm worker "development" discourses and selected SDP case studies, I demonstrate that while SDP agendas directed at farm workers may serve divergent and at times conflicting interests, farm workers' own agency, initiative and aspirations do not feature in SDP programmes and broader "development" discourses. The contrasts and counter-narratives presented in discussing these case studies and stories complicate and contest simplified notions commonly projected in global SDP discourses and locally specific "development" agendas. Beyond the confines of sporadic and temporary SDP projects, there was a vibrant and active world of formal and informal sport among the farm workers of Rawsonville. By focusing on the everyday sporting lives of athletes, coaches, managers, organisers and soccer clubs, I paint a picture that reveals the diversity and inconsistency of experiences and meanings of farm worker as an identity, a class position and an occupation. Interrogating how farm workers were embedded within the broader rural sport structures, I describe the complex set of factors that shaped their experiences of, access to, and participation in, sport. I argue that while sport was passionately pursued irrespective of direct or corollary "development" benefits, it was unofficial and under-the-radar sport networks and practices that served as vital spaces of autonomy, initiative and self-realization, even for those who may not otherwise have had such opportunities. And while the politically disengaged and enthusiastically embraced qualities of sport may continue to be among the reasons for its traction in "development" and peace agendas, these very same qualities allow sport to be usefully employed as an ethnographic method. Among the formative turns I took in conducting and presenting my research observations was to implicate myself and invite the reader into the confusing and complex process of learning and knowledge production. By way of conclusion, I argue for refocusing the gaze of research on studying sport as part of the broader scope of subaltern sociality.
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DIVANO, ALESSANDRO. „Prosthetics Design for SuperAbilities: Union between Research and Sport Industry for Human Centered Design Solutions“. Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Genova, 2018.

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Frade, Daniel Vinicio Morais. „Equity research - Adidas AG“. Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2018.

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Mestrado em Finanças
O projeto presente foi realizado de acordo com o projeto de trabalho final do programa de Mestrado de Finanças do ISEG, o mesmo constitui uma representação extensiva da avaliação da Adidas AG. Tendo como base as recomendações do CFA Institute. O motivo que estimulou a escolha da Adidas deveu-se ao interesse no recente crescimento considerável da marca, sendo nos últimos 3 anos o seu preço por ação quadruplicou. Este relatório foi feito tendo em conta a informação pública disponível a 1 de Outubro de 2018, pelo que qualquer informação posterior não foi considerada. O preço por ação definido como alvo através deste projeto para a Adidas é de €266,61 a 1 de Outubro de 2018, sendo expectável que a empresa alcance este valor até ao final de 2019. O valor alcançado teve por base o método de Fluxos de Caixa Descontados, a recomendação deste projeto é de compra dado que o valor apresentado representa um potencial de valorização de 30,07% um valor que embora seja inferior ao aumento registado nos anos passados, continua a ser um valor atrativo.
This project was done with the goal to obtain an extensive evaluation of Adidas AG, having into consideration the recommendations of the CFA Institute, made according to ISEG's Master in Finance final work project. The reason behind the decision to choose Adidas was due to my curiosity about the brand recent growth acceleration and how its share value quadruplicated in 3 years. This report was written having into consideration the information available until 1th October, 2018, disregarding any information following this date. The procedure used to reach the target price was the Discounted Cash Flow method, achieving a target price of €266,61 at 1st of October, 2018 representing an upside potential of 30,07%. My recommendation is to Buy, the momentum growth of Adidas is still on growing even though not as strong as in the past years it is still a reliable investment.
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Hatem, Imad. „Le marché spot, partie intégrale du marché pétrolier : origine, fonctionnement, influences et perspectives /“. Fribourg : Editions universitaires, 1985.

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Apostolis, Nicolas. „Environmental Responsibility of a Canadian Alpine Sport Area: A Case Study“. Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2012.

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This Master’s thesis explores environmental corporate social responsibility (ECSR) in the alpine sport industry. A mixed methods case with a single alpine sport provider in Quebec was performed. The first study is a qualitative examination of how and why ECSR is employed and communicated. Results indicate ECSR is strategically motivated, and as such, the focal organization runs the risk of using several greenwashing techniques in communications that could jeopardize gaining competitive advantage. The second study quantitatively investigates alpine sport consumers’ environmental expectations, engagement with environmental products, and perceptions of the focal organization’s environmental reputation. The results show the focal organization’s customers do indeed have environmental expectations, but believe the focal organization’s environmental reputation remains neutral. The thesis supports arguments of corporate social responsibility (CSR) being strategically motivated and other findings of skiers having conflicting environmental values. Lastly, the thesis provides insight regarding greenwashing, a phenomenon that remains unexplored in sport management.
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Inoue, Yuhei. „Investigating the Role of Corporate Credibility in Corporate Social Marketing: A Case Study of Environmental Initiatives by Professional Sport Organizations“. Diss., Temple University Libraries, 2011.

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Tourism and Sport
Corporate social marketing (CSM) refers to "a means whereby a corporation supports the development and/or implementation of a behavior change campaign intended to improve public health, safety, the environment, or community well-being" (Kotler & Lee, 2005a, p.114). The examination of CSM by professional sport organizations (PSOs) is significant since these organizations have the potential to serve as a particularly meaningful vehicle for promoting socially beneficial ideas and behavior (Chalip, 2006; Kaufman & Wolff, 2010; Loakimidis, 2007; Smith & Westerbeek, 2007). Despite this, little investigation has been undertaken in this research area (Irwin, Irwin, Miller, Somes, & Richey, 2010; Sparvero, 2010). Furthermore, no comprehensive framework exists that explains the process of how CSM influences consumer voluntary behavior in general business disciplines (Du, Sen, & Bhattacharya, 2008). The purpose of this study was to address this gap and investigate the role of corporate credibility in understanding the process of how PSOs influence consumer voluntary behavior through their CSM initiatives. The current research focused on corporate credibility based on previous research findings indicating that the credibility of a message source greatly influences the persuasiveness of its communication (e.g., Hovland, Janis, & Kelley, 1953; Pornpitakpan, 2004). This study developed a theoretical model positing that consumers would formulate their perceptions regarding the credibility of a PSO on supporting environmental protection ("environmental credibility") based on: (1) characteristics of the organization, (2) characteristics of the CSM initiative, and (3) characteristics of the cause. Environmental credibility, in turn, was expected to influence consumer pro-environmental behavior measured by daily recycling involvement and recycling intentions during the PSO's home games. The model further proposed that value congruence would have mediating and moderating effects on the relationship between environmental credibility and pro-environmental behavior. To test this theoretical model, the study collected data from fans of two PSOs that currently operate environmental initiatives. Structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis was employed to analyze the data (n = 368) obtained through web-based questionnaires. The SEM results indicated that the following four of the eight hypothesized antecedents of environmental credibility had significant positive effects: general credibility, perceived effort, perceived impact, and cause importance. Furthermore, environmental credibility was found to positively influence the two recycling behaviors as expected. Contrary to the theoretical propositions, however, the results did not find support for the positive mediating and moderating effect of value congruence. Overall, the findings of this study contribute to the literature by highlighting the role of corporate credibility when PSOs engage in CSM initiatives. Moreover, this research, as well as future endeavors, helps PSOs become an effective vehicle for promoting socially beneficial behavior, which ideally can lead to positive social change.
Temple University--Theses
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Buy, Frédéric. „L'organisation contractuelle du spectacle sportif /“. Aix-en-Provence : Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille, 2002.

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Matos, Francisco Silvério de. „Equity Research - Sport Lisboa e Benfica - Futebol, SAD“. Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 2016.

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Mestrado em Finanças
Este projeto contem uma avaliação detalhada da Sport Lisboa e Benfica - Futebol, SAD, de acordo com o trabalho final do programa de Mestrado de Finanças do ISEG. Este relatório foi elaborado de acordo com as recomendações do CFA Institute. A escolha desta empresa deve-se, principalmente, pelo grande interesse na indústria desportiva e também na empresa em si, com o objetivo de entender cada vez melhor o lado financeiro e o potencial desta indústria de negócio. Este relatório foi elaborado de acordo com a informação pública disponível a 10 de Setembro de 2016. Qualquer informação ou evento subsequente a esta data não foi considerada. O preço-alvo foi obtido através de um método de avaliação absoluto, o método dos Fluxos de Caixa Descontados (DCF em inglês), reforçado por um método de avaliação relativo, o método dos múltiplos comparáveis. Com um preço alvo final de €1.63, representando um potencial de valorização de 79% face ao preço atual de €0.91, a nossa recomendação final para Benfica SAD (SLBEN) é de Compra, apesar dos riscos que possam ocorrer como o risco desportivo a que a empresa está exposta, dado que a empresa depende em parte dos resultados desportivos, que pode influenciar fortemente os resultados e afetar o preço-alvo da empresa.
This project contains a detailed evaluation of Sport Lisboa e Benfica - Futebol, SAD, according to ISEG´s Master in Finance final work project. This report was written in accordance with the recommendations of the CFA Institute. The choice of this company was mainly due to the great interest for the sports industry and for the company itself in order to understand even better the financial side and potential of this business. This report was written with respect to the public information available on September 10, 2016, any information or event subsequent to this date has not been considered. The target price was obtained using an absolute valuation method, the method of Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), complemented by a relative valuation method, the method of Comparable Multiples. With a final target price of €1.63, representing an upside potential of 79% from the current price of €0.91, our final recommendation for the Benfica SAD (SLBEN) is to Buy, despite the risks that the company faces as it depends highly on the sports results that can affect strongly the company results and affect the target price of the company.
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Johansson, Lars, und Johan Pettersson. „"Det är alldeles för mycket sport inom idrotten" : En studie av svenska sportchefer“. Thesis, Linnaeus University, School of Social Sciences, 2010.

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Authors: Lars Johansson & Johan Pettersson

Title: “There is way to much sports in the athletics” – A study of Swedish sports

Football has gone from being a hobby and a popular pastime into a billion-dollar industry, and clubs around Europe are therefore operated more and more like regular companies. Sweden's position in the UEFA rankings is a modest 23 rd place, behind nations such as Austria, Switzerland and Belarus. The economic climate in Sweden is often highlighted as a strong factor. When we started our study we agreed that this could be a major contributing factor to this relatively modest rank, but believed that there were also other factors that played a big role. We therefore carried out a quantitative study to identify the Swedish sports manager’s skills of running their clubs as companies within the creative industry. Our theoretical framework was built on organization and leadership theories in general, and in the creative industries in particular and resulted in a four-leg model of sport management requirements: Apart from organizational structure, managerial skills, communicative skills and sport skills were all deemed necessary. Empirical data were collected to see how well the Swedish sports managers' profile fit into our theoretical model. According to our studies, the organizations and sports managers' held-views that were consistent with our theories. Our study suggests that although the sports managers distributed their time equally between the three areas of skills identified (economical, communicational and production knowledge) their competences were unequally divided between the areas.

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Williams, Louise Ruth. „Sports sponsorship : an examination of consumer and practitioner perspectives“. Thesis, Liverpool John Moores University, 2009.

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Ali, Rita. „Effective Leadership Strategies, Employee Performance, and Organizational Sustainability in the Boxing Industry“. ScholarWorks, 2018.

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Ineffective leadership impedes employee performance and threatens organizational sustainability, causing U.S. businesses to spend billions of dollars addressing such issues. Correspondingly, boxing promotion companies are challenged as some leaders lack strategies to improve employee performance. This single case study was focused on leadership strategies utilized in the boxing promotion industry to improve employee performance. Transformational and charismatic leadership theories were the conceptual framework for this study. The data consisted of semistructured interviews with 8 participants from 1 organization (4 leaders and 4 subordinates), as well as document review of company training materials. The 6-step model for thematic analysis coding procedure was used for data analysis. Five themes/strategies emerged: leading by example, inspiring/fostering teamwork, honest communication, people-driven actions, innovative/adaptive organizational change, and providing rewards were each associated with effective transactional leadership for increasing performance and sustainability. The consensus among participants was that effective leadership is a significant factor in improving employee performance, maintaining constructive leader-subordinate relationships, and increasing organizational sustainability. The social change implications include community economic enhancement. When organizational performance, as well as local economies and communities have the potential to thrive, local spending and use of community resources may also increase to stimulate local economies.
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Drake, Dale. „Technical training for the application of L*a*b* color space to spot color matching“. Online version, 2004.

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Sanchez, Chapa Katherine Rosaly. „Propuesta de planificación y control de la producción en la empresa de confecciones todo sport para reducir la tercerización“. Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, 2019.

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La presente investigación plantea desarrollar la propuesta de Planificación y Control de la Producción para reducir la tercerización en la empresa “TODO SPORT”, la cual se encuentra ubicada en departamento de Lambayeque, Ciudad de Chiclayo. La empresa se dedica a la producción y comercialización de productos escolares, así como también pedidos deportivos exclusivos requeridos por empresas para alguna actividad en especial. Con el pasar de los años, la producción de la empresa TODO SPORT ha ido aumentando debido a la alta demanda que presenta, sobre todo en época escolar, es por ello que se ve en la necesidad de tercerizar algunos de sus productos para cumplir con los pedidos a tiempo. La empresa no tuvo previsto dicho aumento de la demanda ya que no contaba con una planificación y control de la producción que estableciera que producirse y en qué cantidades es por ellos que al tratar de cumplir todos los pedidos recurre a la tercerización. La siguiente investigación se realizó con la finalidad de reducir la tercerización de aquellos productos que generan más impacto económico en la empresa: polo deportivo escolar y el buzo escolar. Este objetivo se logró mediante realización de un diagnóstico de la situación actual del proceso productivo de la empresa. Se propuso el plan de mejora para los problemas identificados respectivo y finalmente se realizó un análisis costo-beneficio del proyecto. Como resultado de la investigación se ha obtenido que el índice de tercerización se redujo a 0% de los productos principales de la empresa, cuando se ha realizado una redistribución de la planta la cual minimice los transportes dentro del proceso. Se estableció tiempos estándar para que la empresa conozca el tiempo real que demora una operación incluyendo los suplementos que requiere la realización de una actividad. Luego de ello se realizó el plan maestro de producción con las proyecciones para el año 2018 junto al plan de requerimiento de materiales.
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Chen, Chi-Chih. „Virtual Sports Stock Exchange“. CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2005.

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The goal of this project is to create a web application to help people learn about the stock market. The Virtual Sports Stock Exchange (VSSX) simulates market trading based on the world of sports. It allows users to experiment with different economic models. Virtual Sports Stock Exchange (VSSX) uses HTML and Java Server Page to generate the output and calculations and it uses Java Servlet to interact with the Oracle 9i database.
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Como o advento da internet os mercados estão cada vez mais integrados e arbitrados. A possibilidade de se comprar e vender ativos instantaneamente através da internet contribuiu para a eficiência de mercado, ou seja, ficou mais fácil difundir informações novas e para se reagir em cima dessas informações. A teoria de mercados eficientes estabelece que os preços dos ativos devam responder instantaneamente a novas informações, logo, não havendo espaço para arbitragem. Todavia, muitas vezes isso não é verificado no mundo real. Ao contrário do que a teoria de mercados eficientes estabelece, existem fatores que tornam os mercados assimétricos e ineficientes. Um exemplo de fonte geradora de ineficiência é o custo de transação que muitas vezes impossibilita a prática de arbitragem. Outra questão fundamental geradora de assimetria entre mercados à vista e mercados futuros é a possibilidade de se operar muito mais alavancado no mercado futuro do que no à vista, pois só é necessário disponibilizar uma fração do montante utilizado na operação. Esses fatores unidos ocasionam um efeito de mercado conhecido no meio acadêmico como efeito lead-lag. Isto é, existe um ativo que antecipa (lead) o movimento do outro ativo (lag), em outras palavras, podemos dizer que um ativo reage primeiro a novas informações que o outro.
With the internet birth, markets are more connected and accurately priced each day. The possibility to buy and sell assets online contributed to markets efficiency, hence now it’s easier to spread and price new information. The efficient market theory says that assets prices must react instantly to new information, thus there should be no space for arbitrage. Nevertheless this is frequently not true in the real world. In contrast with what the efficient market theory establishes, there are several factors that contribute to market inefficiency and asymmetry. A source of market inefficiency, for instance, is the transactional cost, which many times turn arbitrages practice impossible. Another example that contributes to market asymmetry is the possibility to leverage much more in the future markets than in the spot markets, since just a small fraction of the traded amount is required. These issues putted together create an effect known in the academy as the Lead-lag effect. More precisely, there is an asset that anticipates (lead) the movement of another asset (lag), in other words, we can say that one asset reacts faster to new information than the other one.
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Zocca, Filippo. „GOG-Fit : Sistema servizio-prodotto di mascherer da sci su misura“. Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016.

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GOG-Fit è un servizio che offre maschere da neve personalizzate, stampate in 3D su misura del cliente. Il modello di maschera prodotto è composto da due moduli, uniti tra loro grazie a incastri magnetici.
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Richard, Guillaume. „Le Concept de "milieu innovateur" et la filière sports-loisirs en région Rhône-Alpes : analyses et études de cas dans le secteur des sports et des activités en relation (SAR)“. Strasbourg 2, 2006.

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Cette recherche vise à mettre en évidence l'application, en état, du concept de milieu innovateur (MI) au secteur des Sports et Activités en Relation (SAR), plus précisément, aux Très Petites Entreprises (TPE) et Petites Entreprises (PE) liées à la fabrication d'articles de sport (36. 4 Z NAF), implantées en Rhône-Alpes. L'auteur établit d'abord un cadre conceptuel pour une théorie de l'innovation. Pour cela, il sollicite les apports théoriques du groupe de recherche européen sur les milieux innovateurs (GREMI) afin de préciser le concept de " milieu innovateur " et de " réseau d'innovation ". Il établit ensuite un panorama de l'innovation " sportive ", souligne les spécificités de l'industrie des articles de sport (IAS), de l'économie régionale en Rhône-Alpes et présente la méthodologie adoptée (GREMI 3). En considérant cette région comme une concentration apparente de MI, l'auteur mène une recherche de terrain auprès d'hypofirmes ayant conçues un produit sportif innovant
This research aims at highlighting the application, in state, the concept of innovating environments (IE) to the sector of the Sports and the Activities in Relation (SAR), more precisely, in Small and Very Small Firms (SF/VSF) related to the manufacture of articles of sport (36. 4Z NAF), established in Rhône-Alpes. The author establishes initially a conceptual framework for a theory of the innovation. For that, it requests the theoretical contributions of the European group of research on the innovating environments (GREMI), in order to specify the concept of "innovating environments" and "network of innovation". It establishes then a panorama of the "sporting" innovation, underlines specificities of the Industry of Sport Equipment (ISE), of the regional economy in Rhône-Alpes and presents adopted methodology (GREMI 3). By regarding this area as a concentration the IE ones connect, the author undertakes a search for ground near "hypofirmes" having conceived a sporting product innovating
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May, Thomas Alexander. „Negotiating marginality : young men's post-industrial transitions in the context of a sports-based intervention project“. Thesis, Durham University, 2015.

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This thesis is about two socio-culturally and economically distinct urban locales undergoing an ongoing evolution into post-industrial neighbourhoods, and how the young men who inhabit them are exploring and constructing new identities in attempts to transcend the exclusionary logic of post-industrial living. In expanding this argument, this thesis has also comparatively considered the ways in which sports-based interventions (SBIs) approach the popular manifestations of local-global transformations (i.e., unemployment, criminal behaviour, and social exclusion) and seeks to alleviate them, and has detailed how my participants experience SBIs and whether they offer a sufficient form of intervention to address the aforementioned symptoms of post-industrial change. Ultimately, this thesis has explained the ‘lived experiences’ of young men residing in the post-industrial inner city and their inevitable attempts at adapting to changes in the socio-cultural economy via their use of an SBI. The young men described in this thesis are therefore considered cultural products of the changes occurring in the post-industrial metropolis, adapting and responding to macro-sociological changes. Hence, this thesis has uncovered that contemporary, post-industrial youth identities are varied, diverse, and heterogeneous across populations, shaped and fashioned by global social, political, and economic transformations, and the embedded habitus that operate in two distinct post-industrial locales. Youthful experiences of unemployment are therefore not singular or homogeneous across the UK, and neither is there a standardised or consistent youthful subjectivity within these post-industrial neighbourhoods and communities. In detailing the transformations and evolving practices of young working-class men, this thesis does three things. First, this thesis demonstrates that there is no ‘standardised’ progression through SBIs and beyond. This is because the divergent groups of young men that ‘make use’ of SBIs and the differing cultural contexts, labour markets, and habitus of the de-industrialised urban areas in which they reside results in deviating and opposing post-SBI pathways. Second, the identification of four contrasting ‘types’ of young men means that diverse modalities of SBI work are likely to be more effective for different young men at different stages in their unemployment ‘careers’. Hence, a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to SBI policy is hopelessly idealistic and destined to fail in making a considerable impact on structural unemployment. Finally, I conclude that to address the issue of contemporary urban marginality and worklessness, a radical overhaul of SBI work is required. Instead of functioning as a conventional educational arena in which young men are socialised and recalibrated into a preordained social world without consultation, SBIs need to become a transformative context in which its participants recognise and respond to structural impediments and become empowered citizens, ready to challenge and transform society.
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Capparelli, R. Cary. „The World Formula One Championship and North America : the development of a globalized industrial sports complex?“ Thesis, Birkbeck (University of London), 2016.

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This research seeks to recognize the World Formula One Championship as a global industrial sports complex through both its direct and indirect connections with North America. The study analyses the visibly linked and imperceptible separate commercial, cultural, political, and technological inputs from data retrieved from several accepted disciplines that can be prejudiced based on the sport’s respective nationalism. The study examines the entangled but corresponding economic and social engines that constitute the global framework of the World Formula One Championship. It does this by examining those commercial, cultural, political, and technological dimensions that form this autonomous industrial sports complex. This thesis presents research that scrutinizes how the World Formula One Championship cannot be understood as strictly a European enterprise and discovers intricate global relationships, particularly North American contributions, which are often disregarded, despite its historical existence on the continent and the more recent presence of the sport in the United States. These connections include a vast array of shared relationships that reveals how the World Formula One Championship is a globalized and evolving industrial sports complex of its own significance. Competition from other major league sports, lack of media coverage, and a small, isolated audience has caused the World Formula One Championship to be misunderstood in much of North America. The verified associations that materialize in this study demonstrate its importance and influence as an all-encompassing business and worldwide sport, in fact, one of three Mega Sports.
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Deng, Daniel. „Three essays on electricity spot and financial derivative prices at the Nordic power exchange /“. Göteborg : Department of Economics, School of Economics and Commercial Law [Nationalekonomiska institutionen, Handelshögskolan], Göteborg University, 2006.

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Lundberg, Hans. „Kommunikativt entreprenörskap : underhållningsidrott som totalupplevelse före, under och efter formeringen av den svenska upplevelseindustrin 1999-2008 /“. Växjö : Växjö University Press, 2009.

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Terblanche, Lee-Anne. „Supply chain planning : processes of a sports retail company“. Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2015.

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Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2015.
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There are numerous supply chain planning processes and activities that need to take place to ensure efficiency and effectiveness in a company. For the case study retailer, these planning processes and activities contribute to the end goals and objectives of the company. In order to reach these goals and objectives, the importance and contribution of each of the planning processes and activities must be determined. Supply chain planning can provide a company with a competitive advantage, but it can also lead to catastrophic events when it is not fully utilised or poorly executed. A case study was done on a South African sports retailer to determine to what extent the different supply chain planning processes and activities contribute to the end goals and objectives of this retailer and how these goals and objectives are tracked within the company. The implementation of planning processes and -activities were also investigated and what the consequences may be when the planning processes and activities are poorly executed. Goals and objectives which were given to the retailer‟s planners were investigated and thoroughly studied. Some of these goals included achieving effective stock policies, managing gross sales margins for products and accurate forecasting. A hybrid research method was used to gather both qualitative and quantitative data. Interviews were conducted with planners in the company to explore their current planning methods as well as to highlight the shortcomings thereof. A job satisfaction questionnaire determined the motivators and hygiene factors (where hygiene factors refer to factors such as the employee‟s relationships with their supervisor, salaries and working conditions) of the employees in the company. A low level of motivators and hygiene factors may contribute to employee‟s responses at the workplace: exit, voice, loyalty and neglect. The importance of supply chain planning in the sports retail industry and the shortcomings this retailer has on supply chain planning methods were determined and the crucial role planning plays in this retailer was effectively determined and comprehended. Areas for improvement include, realistic budgeting and planning, enhanced forecasting methods and investing in employee training. Results also show that the retailer is managing effective levels of planning to reach the goals and objectives of the company. However, there are key areas for improvement where focus should be placed upon.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is talle beplanningsprosesse en beplanningsaktiwiteite wat moet plaasvind om die effektiwiteit en doeltreffendheid van n maatskappy te verseker. Vir die kleinhandelaar in die gevallestudie dra hierdie beplanningsaktiwiteite, en -prosesse by tot die doelwitte en doelstellings van die maatskappy. Om hierdie doelwitte en doelstellings te kan bereik, moet die belangrikheid en bydrae van die beplanningsprosesse en beplanningsaktiwiteite bepaal en ten volle begryp word. Voorsieningskettingbeplanning kan aan „n maatskappy „n mededingende voordeel verskaf, maar kan ook lei tot katastrofiese gebeure indien die voosieningskettingbeplanning swak uitgevoer word of nie ten volle aangewend word nie. „n Gevallestudie is gedoen op „n Suid-Afrikaanse kleinhandelaar in sporttoerusting om te bepaal watter tipe beplanningsprosesse en beplanningsaktiwiteite plaasvind in hierdie landswye kleinhandelaar. Die implementering van die beplanningsprosesse en beplanningsaktiwiteite is ook ondersoek en wat die nagevolge kan wees wanneer hierdie beplanningsprosesse en beplanningsaktiwiteite swak uitgevoer word. Doelwitte en doelstellings wat aan die beplanners van die besigheid deurgegee word, is deeglik bestudeer. Sommige van hierdie doelwitte sluit in die bereiking van effektiewe voorraadbeleide, handhawing van bruto verkope marges vir produkte en akkurate vooruitskattings. „n Hibriede navorsingsmetode is gebruik vir die insameling van kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe data. Onderhoude is met die beplanners van die maatskappy gevoer om die huidige beplanningsmetodes te verken en om die tekortkomings in die beplanningsmetodes uit te wys. „n Werkstevredenheid vraelys het die motiveerders en higiëne faktore (waar higiëne faktore verwys na werknemers se verhouding met die toesighouer, salarisse en werksomstandighede) van die werknemers bepaal. Lae vlakke van motiveerders en higiëne faktore kan lei tot die volgende reaksies: ontrekking, stem, lojaliteit en verwaarlosing. Die kritieke belangrikheid wat beplanningsprosesse en beplanningsaktiwiteite behels vir hierdie kleinhandelaar was vasgestel, asook die tekortkominge wat hierdie kleinhandelaar met voorsieningskettingbeplanningsmetodes het. Verbeteringsareas sluit in, realistiese beplanning en „n realistiese begroting, verbeterde vooruitskattingsmetodes en om in die werknemer se opleiding te investeer. Dit is bepaal dat hierdie kleinhandelaar handaaf effektiewe vlakke van beplanning om einddoelstellings en einddoelwitte te bereik. Daar is egter, sekere areas, waar fokus op geplaas moet word. Sleutelwoorde: Voorsieningskettingbeplanning, beplanningsprosesse, beplanningsaktiwiteite.
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Crossman, Georgina Katrina. „The organisational landscape of the English horse industry : a contrast with Sweden and the Netherlands“. Thesis, University of Exeter, 2010.

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This thesis contrasts the equine policy networks and organisational landscapes of the horse industry in England, Sweden and the Netherlands. In order to analyse each network the conceptual framework offered by the Marsh-Rhodes policy network typology is adopted, while the dimensions of membership, integration, resources and power are specifically considered. The origins and development of each policy network studied are analysed, along with an appraisal of their inherent characteristics. The cultivation and maintenance of consistency, communication and collaboration within a diverse policy network are examined. In addition, the influence of a diverse policy network on policy decision making is explored. The importance of relationships between key individuals within policy networks is analysed, along with the significance of the micro and macro levels of the networks. Finally, the future development of the equine policy network and horse industry in England for the benefit of interest groups and the government is considered. Within each policy network a specific organisation which acted as the mouthpiece for interest groups within the network to the government was identified. However, the structure of each of these bodies and their mode of operation differed considerably between countries. In Sweden and the Netherlands, the connection between the equine and agricultural policy networks was shown to be significant in the development of the relationship between interest groups within the horse industry and the government. In both countries an organisation from the agricultural sector expedited the development of this relationship. The level of government intervention and financial support afforded to each horse industry varied. Significant differences in key sub-sectors of each of the policy networks studied, specifically sport and recreation, and breeding, were identified, while recent developments in the European-wide equine policy network were also examined.
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Dittmer, Jacob. „Sporting Capital: Dissecting the Political Economy of the National Football League“. Thesis, University of Oregon, 2013.

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The popularity and economic strength of professional football is unsurpassed among other sports in the U.S. due in part to the ascendency of television as the most popular form of mass media. Though aided by the popularity of that medium, the National Football League's success is also tied to governmental favors, monopolistic practices, nonprofit tax status, complicated subsidiary structure and other factors forming a beneficial economic context. The structure of the league and its business ventures reflect the nature of these arrangements, all of which are borne out of the commodification of the game. This study examines the nature and structure of the political economy of the NFL. In particular, it focuses on the relationships among the NFL (including individual teams and subsidiary businesses), the government, and the media. Employing a political economic analysis of the policy and business agreements among these agents will further elaborate the structural dimensions of the NFL as well as the implications for other sports and media in the culture industries.
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Phumchusri, Naragain. „Innovative policies to manage demand in service systems with limited capacity“. Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2010.

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This dissertation presents innovative demand management techniques for service systems with limited resources. The first study analyzes demand management policies of animal shelters with limited Kennel space as a set of interacting stochastic queueing systems. In practice, there are two main policies being used, which we call "Kill" and "No-Kill" policies. In a "Kill" system, animals may be euthanized if a shelter is full. Many shelters have moved to a "No-Kill" policy, where they avoid killing for space and adopt other approaches to reduce supply and demand mismatch. Our goal is to provide insights on how No-Kill policies, such as coordination, adoption and neutering campaigns, help reduce the animals' killing rate so that the shelter management can choose the way to effectively solve their problems. In the second part, we consider a topic of demand management for the Sports and Entertainment (S&E) industry, called "Scaling the house", i.e., how to divide seats into zones for different prices to maximize revenue across the venue. From the data obtained from several performance venues in the U.S., we find ticket demand is impacted by locations of seats as well as by price. We characterize closed-form solutions for the optimal two-dimensional zoning decision (with row and column cuts) and the one-dimensional decision (with row cuts), and explore when each model should be applied. The third study considers pricing as a tool to manage demand for the S&E tickets. We develop dynamic pricing with demand learning models where demand is also affected by time left until the show dates. Since the show's popularity is usually uncertain to the seller, we propose a method to learn the overall popularity via Bayesian updates. We perform computational experiments to understand properties of the model solutions and identify when demand learning is most beneficial.
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Bastos, Lucas Lopes Albuquerque. „A construção e desconstrução de narrativas midiáticas de idolatria futebolística: um estudo de caso sobre Adriano, o "Imperador"“. Niterói, 2017.

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Submitted by Programa de Pós-Graduação em Mídia e Cotidiano ( on 2017-05-16T20:15:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 LUCAS BASTOS - Dissertação.pdf: 2254326 bytes, checksum: 18c398a9b3c36dbf0bb431e9d791af94 (MD5)
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Essa dissertação busca compreender como se dá a influência das narrativas midiáticas da imprensa esportiva nos processos de construção e desconstrução de ídolos futebolísticos na contemporaneidade. Para atingir os objetivos de pesquisa investiga-se os interesses que a mídia poderia atender em suas narrativas acerca desses jogadores, a partir de conceitos como indústria cultural e sociedade do espetáculo. Também explorase o perfil multifacetário do ídolo futebolístico contemporâneo a partir dos conceitos de mito, herói e celebridade, assim como a relação entre o futebol e a identidade nacional brasileira. Para tanto, realiza-se um estudo de caso sobre o jogador Adriano, a partir das análises de conteúdo e de discurso das reportagens veiculadas pelos jornais Extra e O Globo em diferentes momentos da carreira do atleta. Essa análise revela variações no tratamento dado à Adriano pela imprensa mediante principalmente a oscilações no desempenho esportivo do jogador mas também pela adequação ou não da conduta social e comportamental do atleta às diretrizes de produção de conteúdo desses veículos
This dissertation seeks to understand how is the influence of the media narratives of the sports press in the processes of construction and deconstruction of football idols nowadays. To achieve the research objectives investigates the media concerns that could fit in their narratives about these players, from concepts such as culture industry and the society of spectacle. It also explores the multifaceted profile of contemporary football idol from the concepts of myth, hero and celebrity, as well as the relationship between football and the Brazilian national identity. The study presents a case study on Adriano, from the analysis of content and discourse of articles published in the newspapers Extra and O Globo in different athlete career moments. This analysis reveals variations in the treatment given to Adriano by the press mainly to fluctuations in the sporting performance of the player but also the adequacy or not of social and behavioral conduct of the athlete to the content of these vehicles production guidelines
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Aguiar, Noury Alice. „Empirical Analysis of the European Football Industry: The Role of Sports Performance, Media Visibility, and Brand Value in Revenue Generation and Talent Compensation“. Doctoral thesis, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, 2020.

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This doctoral thesis examines empirically the sport industry as part of the entertainment sector, focusing on European football, whose business competes with other leisure and sports activities in a global context. The thesis comprises four articles that analyse economic issues in the sport industry: the degree of media visibility of the most relevant sports leagues, the rationality behind decisions affecting revenues and talent investment of European football clubs, and the role of the historical brand status. The different empirical analyses are carried out with data for the period between 1996 to 2016. The structure of this research work responds to the nature of the professional sport industry in the current time. Actually, the analysis of modern sports demands taking into account their degree of exposure in the media and the fact that entertainment activities benefit from the expanded worldwide market due to the new technologies. The analyses shown in these pages progress from a general view of the sports industry, and its evolution over time, to eventually focus on professional football, an entertainment activity where brand consolidation and development plays an essential role. The first chapter addresses the economic dimension of the sports industry and introduces an empirical analysis between leagues’ revenues and their visibility in the media. It further examines the economic contribution of the sports and entertainment sectors to total output and employment for the European Union (EU-28) and the United States. Then, the comparative status of the main team-sports leagues, both North American and European, is compared globally using two approaches: the first one, based on total annual revenues; and the second one, using the Google Trends tool. The latter procedure permits comparing the intensity with which Internet users search for contents related to each of the selected top sports leagues. An empirical analysis is carried out to explain the relationship between leagues’ annual revenues and the degree of media visibility. Finally, this chapter studies the extent to which football clubs have capacity to generate revenues and to retain popularity status, regardless of their recent sport achievements. The appraisal of the potential revenues and visibility status that are not contingent on the risk attached to poor sport achievements is captured by estimating the clubs’ time-invariant fixed effects, after having filtered out their sport performance. The second chapter deepens the analysis of the comparative status of professional team-sports leagues and empirically compares the capacity to transform the degree of visibility into both total revenues and broadcasting revenues; the analysis includes the principal North American and European leagues. The outcomes obtained from the Google Trends approach are used to compute multiplying and weight factors, and a market penetration index, which allows us to explain the extent of internationalisation of the “Big-5” European football leagues, including shifts to non-traditional markets. The empirical analysis introduces a number of econometric models to understand the prospects of the leagues concerning popularity and capacity to transform the degree of the fans’ interest into total and broadcasting revenues. The third chapter offers a comprehensive empirical analysis of the behaviour of European football clubs concerning investment in talent (and wage compensations) and the annual revenues. To this aim, we use a rich dataset that includes financial data of the clubs playing in the 1st division category of the English Premier League, Spanish La Liga, Italian Serie A, and French Ligue 1. A thoroughly regression analysis is made to estimate behavioural equations of annual revenues and annual wages in order to test hypotheses regarding the impact of current, recent past, and historical sport performance, along with the role of media visibility and brand status of the clubs. In addition to the traditional sport performance indicators, the empirical study introduces two innovative variables: the Elo Rating, as a proxy variable for the clubs’ historical sporting status (or brand value); and the Media Visibility Index, obtained with the MERIT approach, to capture the clubs’ ability to awake the interest of fans and the public. The econometric analysis, performed for variables expressed in levels and in deviations from the mean, involves estimations by means of Ordinary Least Squared (pooled models), Fixed Effects models; as well as some Dynamic Panel-Data analyses and several diagnostic tests. This chapter is the core of the thesis and its complexity has offered the opportunity to learn how to perform genuine applied research in economics. The fourth chapter presents a systematic review of the literature related to the brand management of football clubs. It provides a descriptive analysis of brand equity, brand drivers, and brand strategies research in the football industry. The exhaustive revision of the previous research on this topic lead us to identify models to assess brand value, brand drivers, and some main strategic factors to build a strong football brand. Thus, the last chapter is a natural extension to complement the understanding of how football brand may be developed and reinforce, given the crucial role it plays concerning the financial outcomes and economic perspectives of the football clubs.
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Latino, Steven. „Social Media Portrayals of Three Extractives Companies’ Funding of Sport for Development in Indigenous Communities in Canada and Australia“. Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2020.

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The extractives industry (mining, oil, and gas) engages in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities to reinforce its organizational legitimacy and enhance its public image. One such approach to CSR that is popular in the industry is through funding sport initiatives aimed at Indigenous peoples (often termed Sport for Development; SFD). On the surface, such funding may seem commendable and innocuous; however, questions have been raised about the ways in which such funding may obfuscate the harmful impacts that the extractives industry has had and continues to have on Indigenous peoples and their traditional territories. Through the adoption of a postcolonial theoretical perspective and in conjunction with netnographic methods and discourse analysis, this project involved a consideration of how extractives companies portray their funding of sport programs in Indigenous communities on social media. Given the research focus on Indigenous communities in the countries known as Canada and Australia, between country differences were also examined. Three discourses related to the extractives industry’s funding of SFD in Indigenous communities in Canada and Australia were developed. These discourses included the following: 1) Extractives companies are proud “partners” of Indigenous communities; 2) Extractives companies are committed to helping Indigenous communities in Canada and Australia; and 3) Canadian extractives companies are future focused and past-blind, while Australian extractives companies are advocates for reconciliation. Overall, extractives companies in Canada and Australia were found to use social media to portray themselves as responsible and committed partners of Indigenous communities, while obscuring the ongoing histories of colonialism through discourses of empowerment and development through sport. Suggestions are made regarding ongoing interrogation of the ways in which the extractives industry perpetuates colonialism.
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Guo, Zhi. „Strategies for Chinese companies to enter the Port Elizabeth sports-shoe market“. Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2006.

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This research addressed the study of entry strategies by Chinese sports-shoe manufacturers into the South African sports-shoe market. The goal of this research is to investigate what are the appropriate entry strategies for Chinese sports-shoe companies to enter the South African sports-shoe market. A Chinese sports-shoe company, Li Ning Limited, was used as a case study to illustrate the methods to explore appropriate entry strategies. The research methodology included: {u10007A} A literature study to explore the popular entry strategies used to enter the South African and also global markets was conducted. In addition, the South African and Chinese market environments were investigated. {u10007A} An empirical study, a survey of sports-shoe customers and sports-shoe shops owners, was done in order to explore the advisable entry strategies for Chinese sports-shoe companies to enter the South African sports-shoe market. According to the literature study as well as the empirical study, the research explored some advisable entry strategies for Chinese sports-shoe companies into the South African domain.
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Buy, Frédéric. „L'organisation contractuelle du spectacle sportif“. Aix-Marseille 3, 2001.

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Malgré l'interventionnisme croissant de l'Etat et l'indéniable publicisation qui en résulte, le sport reste profondément ancré dans le droit privé. Le contrat constitue en effet l'élément fondateur de l'activité, et son rôle apparaît au grand jour à travers la façon dont s'organise le spectacle sportif. Quelles sont les caractéristiques de l'activité contractuelle qui crée le spectacle ? Le spectacle justifie-t-il un régime contractuel spécifique ? Telles sont les deux questions essentielles auxquelles se propose de répondre la présente étude. Sont ainsi évoqués, en premier lieu, les principaux contrats constitutifs du spectacle. Entre acteurs du mouvement sportif et agents économiques extérieurs, se développe un tissu de relations fort complexe fondé sur des contrats d'engagement, de télévision, de publicité, d'intermédiaire, d'assurance, etc. . . , et régi par un ensemble de règles originales dont la source est à la fois étatique et corporatiste. .
Despite increasing State intervention and the undeniable application of public law that follows, sport remains firmly anchored in private law. Indeed, the contract is the founding element of this activity, and its role is clearly shown in the manner in which sporting events are organized. What are the characteristics of the contract-related activities which create the sporting event ? Do sporting events require specific contracting regulations ? These are the two main questions that the present study aims to answer. First, the main contracts establishing the event will be considered. A complex web of relations develops between figures in the sporting world and external financial agents based on employment, television, advertising, intermediary and insurance contracts, etc. . . Which is governed by a set of regulations of state and corporatist origin. .
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Milligan, Gemma. „Fitness standards for the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and the oil and gas industry“. Thesis, University of Portsmouth, 2013.

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The studies presented in this thesis were conducted to develop two minimum fitness standards, one for the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and the second for the Oil and Gas Industry. This provided the opportunity to compare across the essential tasks and resultant standards. The following stages were used for both the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and Oil and Gas Industry: a. Review the tasks requiring a significant physical fitness component (Task Analysis); b. Determine the importance of the physically demanding tasks and identify those which are critical for success and safe work (Task Assessment); c. Establish the method of best practice (Technique) for undertaking the essential tasks; d. Establish and agree the minimum performance standard for the essential tasks (Task Performance) when performed using the method of best practice; e. Assess the physical and physiological demands of these tasks (Task Quantification); f. Design and validate a simple-to-administer minimum fitness standard. The essential tasks and fitness requirements of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency fell into three groups, these were: Group 1 (All Operations): achieve a maximum aerobic score of at least 31¹.min-¹ based on the aerobic demand of 21.8¹.min-¹ required to carry a stretcher at the head-end 200 m at a speed of 3.2 km.h-¹; continuously lift a 3 kg sledge hammer 10 times above shoulder height, based on hammering a stake into the ground; pull a rope, with a resistance of 35 kg, and maintain this load for 15 s based on manning a main rescue-line; carry a 19 kg hand-held load 200 m in 3 min 45 s allow 3 min 45 s rest, then carry a 25.5 kg hand held load, 200 m in 3 min 45 s, based on the ability to carry a stretcher (89 kg) as part of a four person team. Group 2 (Rope Technicians) should complete all the tasks as Group 1, plus pass all the technical competencies currently in place for Rope Technicians. Group 3 (Mud Technicians) as Group 1, plus achieve a predicted maximum aerobic score of at least 39 ¹.min-¹ based on the aerobic demand of 27.4¹.min-¹ required to pull a stretcher across the mud at 0.8 km.h-¹, (this equates to covering 200 m in 15 minutes), prior to performing a simulated mud rescue. The essential tasks and the minimum fitness requirements of the Oil and Gas Industry were: Stair and Ladder-Climbing, achieve a predicted maximum aerobic score of at least 31¹.min-¹ based on the aerobic demand of 23.4 ¹.min-¹ required to climb a flight of stairs at a rate of 80 steps.min-¹ and 23.6 ¹.min-¹ to climb a ladder at 24 rungs.min-¹; Manual Handling, based on the requirement to climb a flight of stairs at a rate of 80 steps.min-¹ for a minute carrying a load of 10 kg, 20 kg or 25 kg; Valve Turning, based on the requirement to continuously turn a medium size valve (25.4 cm diameter) set at a torque of 8.3 N.m, for 5 min; Emergency Response Team, achieve a predicted maximum aerobic score of at least 41¹.min ¹, based on the aerobic demand of 30.7¹.min-¹ required to pull a trailer/foam monitor at a speed of 5 km.h-¹. If trailer/foam monitors are not used achieve a predicted maximum aerobic score of at least 39¹.min-¹ based on the aerobic demand of 28.9¹.min-¹ required to climb a ladder at 34.5 rungs.min-¹. Stretcher carry 89 kg either in a two or four person lift (dependant on the facility), rope haul the heaviest anticipated load (10 kg first aid kit) up 10 m gantry, roll out a 23 m fire hose. There were no time constraints recommended for hauling kit and rolling out a hose. For those essential tasks that could not be assessed by a direct task measurement or a direct task simulation, a Predictive selection test was recommended and validated. Prediction intervals were used to take into account the inherent error between the predictive tests and the direct measurements, to determine “Pass”, “Borderline” and “Fail” categories. As a result of this work a modular approach was adopted in which individuals only undertake those test applicable to their job, with a combination of direct task measurements, direct task simulations, and Predictive selection tests recommended. It is suggested that, where possible, the use of a direct task measurement or simulation should either be progressive e.g. stretcher-carrying, or performed after a Predictive selection test, in order to reduce the risk of injury when the individuals proceed to undertake the direct task measurement or simulation e.g. manual handling. This approach has meant that consideration is given to the health and safety of the individuals undertaking the fitness standard whilst maintaining a high level of face validity.
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Understanding consumer behavior is one of the pivotal elements for success in any business. Among the various concepts in consumer behavior, the consumer decision-making process has gained much attention from both academics and practitioners. In Taiwan, scholars and practitioners have paid significant attention to external factors that influence consumer decision-making in various industries. However, few such studies have focused on external factors regarding purchases of products and services in the Taiwanese sport industry. The purpose of this study was to investigate the external factors that influence Taiwanese college students' shoe purchase intention. Data were collected to examine do external factors differed between genders and grade levels. Six external factors were identified from the literature review. The external factors were brand, price, style, durability, comfort, and athletic ndorsement/ promotion. This study utilized a 5-point Likert scale survey to examine the external factors influence Taiwanese college students' shoe purchase intention. A total of 416 Taiwanese college students from Southern Taiwan University were surveyed. Descriptive analysis, multiple regressions analysis, and one-way ANOVA were employed in this study. First of all, descriptive statistic analysis is used to categorize the participants based on their gender, age, grade, favorite athletic shoe brand, and how often did they purchase athletic shoes. Second, multiple regression analysis was used to predict which external factors had the most influence in Taiwanese college students' athletic shoe purchase intention. The results of multiple regression analysis demonstrated that comfort and style were the most influential factors in Taiwanese college students. Third, one-way ANOVA were used to measure the difference between gender and grade level for Taiwanese college students shoe purchase.
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Ross, Robert B. „"We are the people!" geographies of the industrial production of culture and the rise and fall of the 1890 Players' National League of Professional Base-Ball Clubs /“. Related electronic resource: Current Research at SU : database of SU dissertations, recent titles available, full text:, 2007.

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