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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Includes bibliographical references (p. [118])"


Davis, Jean J. „Ethics and Authority in International Law. By Alfred P. Rubin. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Pp. xxvi, 228. Includes bibliographical references and index.“ International Journal of Legal Information 27, Nr. 1 (1999): 128–31.

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Tewell, Eamon C. „Accurate Answers to Reference Queries May Be Provided Less Frequently Than Expected“. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice 5, Nr. 4 (17.12.2010): 125.

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A review of: Hernon, P., & McClure, C. (1986). Unobtrusive reference testing: The 55 percent rule. Library Journal, 111(7), 37-41. Objective – To determine the number of government documents reference questions that are answered correctly by professional library staff. Design – The authors utilized unobtrusive reference testing: reference queries posed to library personnel who were unaware they were being evaluated. As opposed to other designs that require the researcher’s presence in the setting, unobtrusive testing utilizes proxies to administer test questions to the subjects, reducing the possibility of reporter bias. Setting – Twenty-six public and academic libraries participating in the U.S. Government Printing Office Depository Program located in the Western, Southern, and Midwestern United States. The Federal Depository Program consisted of 1400 libraries at the time of the study. One public and one academic library were chosen for each city. Subjects – Reference and government documents librarians. These two staff types were selected in order to compare the accuracy of each group’s responses to the queries. Methods – A set of 15 predetermined factual and bibliographic questions were developed by the authors and administered to library staff respondents by proxies. Government documents were selected as the foundation for the test questions. In selecting federal depository libraries for their sample the authors could ensure all queries may hypothetically be answered using U.S. Government Printing Office documents, as all of the libraries would hold the resources in question. Graduate students enrolled in the University of Arizona and University of Oklahoma library science programs were trained by the authors to serve as proxies. The proxies posed as library users and administered the set of queries at each selected library. Reference librarians and government documents librarians were tested separately, receiving seven and eight questions respectively at each library visited. Over a four-month period a total of 390 questions were posed and their answers recorded. Main Results – The respondents correctly answered 241 of 390 queries (62 percent). Government documents librarians accurately answered 65 percent of questions, while reference librarians successfully responded to 59 percent. Hernon and McClure derived the “55 percent rule” for reference accuracy from these results and previous unobtrusive studies conducted by both the authors and other researchers. This body of research estimates the rate of accurate answers of factual and bibliographic questions to be between 50 and 62 percent. Data regarding the “interview and search process” (I&S), defined as the activities between the time a query was posed and when a resolution was provided, also yielded intriguing findings. Regardless of the question asked, the average I&S duration was three to five minutes. Two-thirds of the accurate answers were supplied within three minutes, and 89 percent within five minutes of the initiation of I&S. The duration of I&S did not vary significantly by library type or librarian type. Reasons for the provision of inaccurate answers included providing the wrong data (64 percent of instances), responding with “don’t know” and ending the interaction (20 percent), or claiming the library did not own a source that would answer the query (15 percent). Other findings included the fact that respondents infrequently offered referrals, which took place in 17 percent of all interactions, and that the three geographic regions studied had an even distribution of correct answers. Conclusions - Based on their research results as well as those of similar unobtrusive studies, the authors propose two rules regarding reference assistance that apply to public and academic libraries. First, reference librarians correctly answer approximately 55 percent of factual and bibliographic queries received (the 55 percent reference rule). Second, librarians spend no more than five minutes on most factual and bibliographic questions (the five-minute answer rule). Ultimately, Hernon and McClure recommend reevaluating the centrality of reference services to library operations. If trained professionals are unable to answer more than 60 percent of factual questions correctly, should reference services continue to receive such considerable staffing and funding? Or, alternatively, should libraries increase efforts to improve the accuracy of answers? The authors close by challenging the profession to address the need for strategic assessment of reference effectiveness.
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Falco, Marisa, Claudio Gerbaldi, Sofia Saffirio und Federico Smeacetto. „Si-Drive European Project: Developing Crosslinked Polymer and Composite Membrane Electrolytes for Lithium-Based Batteries“. ECS Meeting Abstracts MA2023-02, Nr. 2 (22.12.2023): 377.

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Currently the main application of lithium ion batteries is in portable electronics, but new emerging applications such as electric cars require lower cost, improved cycle life, sustainability, safety and energy density. The ambition of Si-DRIVE European project is proposing next-generation batteries for electric cars built in Europe, designed to ensure recycling above 50%. Si-Drive battery will contain a Silicon anode, which has a high specific capacity, and a high voltage cathode without cobalt to reduce the cost and improve sustainability. As an alternative to conventional organic solvents, ionic liquids have been widely investigated over the years, due to their excellent properties in terms of safety and stability. The 1st generation of electrolytes for Si-Drive includes selected ionic liquids with high ionic conductivity and wide electrochemical stability. The 2nd generation of electrolytes combines the ionic liquids and the precursors of the polymer matrix in the formulation, in order to obtain crosslinked self-standing flexible films. The addition of ceramic super lithium ion conductors to obtain composite polymer electrolytes is also envisaged to improve the electrochemical stability window of the electrolyte. Here we present several different polymer electrolytes and semi interpenetrating polymer networks encompassing ionic liquids and ceramic materials having ionic conductivity > 10 mS/cm at 20 °C, which can be in situ-deposited and crosslinked on top of the electrodes, and combined to form bi-layered electrolyte membranes to tune the compatibility with the electrode materials. The cycling performance with different positive and negative electrodes at ambient temperature is also demonstrated. Acknowledgements: The Si-DRIVE project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research&Innovation programme, under Grant Agreement 814464. References J.-Y. Hwang, S.-T. Myung, Y.-K. Sun, Chem. Soc. Rev. 46, 3529-3614 (2017) M. Falco, C. Simari, C. Ferrara, J.R. Nair, G. Meligrana, F. Bella, I. Nicotera, P. Mustarelli, M. Winter, C. Gerbaldi, Langmuir 35, 8210-8219 (2019) M. Falco, L. Castro, J.R. Nair, F. Bella, F. Bardé, G. Meligrana, C. Gerbaldi, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2, 1600-1607 (2019) M. Falco et al., Electrochem. Commun. 118 106807 (2020) S. Saffirio, M. Falco, G.B. Appetecchi, F. Smeacetto, C. Gerbaldi, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 42(3), 1023-1032 (2022).
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Shocron, Amit N., Eric N. Guyes, Jouke E. Dykstra und Matthew E. Suss. „Analysis of Boron Removal By Capacitive Deionization“. ECS Meeting Abstracts MA2022-02, Nr. 27 (09.10.2022): 1049.

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Climate change and water overextraction are some of the reasons for a growing global water stress, with seawater desalination being the leading solution worldwide. The state-of-the-art technology for seawater desalination is reverse osmosis (RO), utilizing mechanical pressure to push seawater through membranes, leaving the dissolved species in the brine. However, boron, which is considered toxic in high concentrations, is poorly removed by RO. This is because under normal conditions boron is present as boric acid, a small neutrally-charged compound. The most common technique to overcome this problem includes multiple RO stages combined with chemical dosage of the effluent, ensuring boron is present as borate, a charged species, present in high pH conditions. Capacitive deionization (CDI) is an emerging membraneless technique for water treatment and desalination, based on electrosorption of salt ions into microporous electrodes. Large internally-generated pH gradients develop during CDI operation, and thus CDI can potentially remove boron without chemically adjusting the feed pH. Here, we present a novel theoretical framework predicting the adsorption of boron in micropores, while considering pH-dependent chemical surface groups in the micropores, ion transport in the macropores, and local electrolyte pH. Moreover, we account for association and dissociation reactions of boron-consisting compounds in the electrolyte[1]. We analyzed the effects electrodes order have on pH dynamics, where panels a. and b. in the attached figure present spatiotemporal plots of the pH for the case where cathode is placed upstream (panel a., cat-an) and the anode placed upstream (panel b., an-cat). This analysis shows that higher pH in the anode are expected for the an-cat configuration, counter to common-wisdom in the field. Panel c. follows this trend, by presenting the removed boron as a function of scaled flow velocity for both configurations. The results show, both experimentally and theoretically, that an-cat configuration should be preferred. Similarly, we found that an optimum charging voltage exists, even without accounting for parasitic reactions. Moreover, we found that also the discharging voltage significantly affects boron removal. Overall, CDI is a promising technology for boron removal, but a deep theoretical understanding of the problem is crucial towards future optimization. References: [1] Amit N. Shocron, Eric N. Guyes, Huub H. M. Rijnaarts, P. M. Bieshuvel, Matthew E. Suss, Jouke E. Dykstra, "Electrochemical removal of amphoteric ions", PNAS, 118, 40, e2108240118, 2021. Figure 1
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Zarzo, Esther. „Book Review: Aullón de Haro, P. (2016), La Escuela Universalista Española del siglo XVIII. Madrid: Sequitur, pp. 255.“ International Journal of Comparative Literature and Translation Studies 5, Nr. 3 (31.07.2017): 80.

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Recently published by the Madrid publishing house Sequitur, La Escuela Universalista Española del siglo XVIII is an introductory work to a study of the so-called Universalist School. Its author, Pedro Aullón de Haro from the University of Alicante, Spain, and Head of the Research Group “Humanism-Europe” since 1994, has coordinated various volumes whose main objective is the historical reconstruction of the Late Spanish Enlightenment Period, which was truncated by Charles III of Spain’s expulsion of the Jesuits, affecting a great many of its members. This Enlightenment Period, in contrast to the victorious French Enlightenment, offered not a political, but a scientific and humanistic view of knowledge, taking a comparative and universalist approach, but, due to the aforementioned expulsion of the Jesuits, the authors dispersed, leaving their work unfinished; and it is only now, under the label of the Universalist School, coined by Prof. Aullón de Haro, that they have been gathered together furthering the possibility of recovering their meaning and systematic cohesion. This volume serves as an introduction to the publications that the author has announced for 2018, in which the detailed study of the main authors within this scientific community will be undertaken following an encyclopaedic structure, which will finally give recognition to the Universalist School movement, and whose stand out authors include: Juan Andrés, creator of the Universal History of the Humanities and Sciences; Lorenzo Hervás y Panduro, creator of Universal and Comparative Linguistics; and Antonio Eximeno, creator of a universal aesthetic concept of music as language and expression.The common thread of the School is precisely the "universalist ideation" that assumes the unity of knowledge in a harmonious integration of experimental sciences, fine arts and human sciences within a humanistic epistemological framework, and consequently, comparativism as a methodology of study, based on the unity of its object: the destiny of man, with his knowledge integrated into a unitary vision of the universe and the world. All this is ultimately based on the work of Dionysius of Halicarnassus, historically rooted in the process of Greco-Roman cultural parallels, and with the main figures of Macrobius, Scaliger and Morhof.Furthermore, 2017 is the second centenary of the death of Juan Andrés, commemorated by an international Congress held at the Complutense University of Madrid and featuring an important bibliographical exhibition in the History Library of this Madrid University, titled "Juan Andres y la Escuela Universalista Española" (2017).The great scientific and thematic scope of the School means that it is possible to discern several sectors or "sub-schools", although the authors often practice several disciplines: the linguistic sub-school (Hervás and his extensive circle of collaborators), bibliographical (Miguel de Casiri, Diosdado Caballero…), botanical-naturalist (Antonio José Cavanilles, Pedro Franco Dávila, Juan José Ruperto de Cuéllar, José Celestino Mutis, Eduardo Romeo…), musicological (Antonio Eximeno, Josef Pintado, Vicente Requeno, Buenaventura Prats, Joaquín Millás…), Americanist-Mexicanist (Francisco Javier Clavijero, Juan Bautista Muñoz, Miguel del Barco González, José Lino Fábregas, Juan Nuix y Perpiñá…), on the Philippines (Juan de la Concepción, Antonio de Tornos, Bernardo Bruno de la Fuente…), meteorology (Andrés, Viñes, Faura…), studies on translation (Carlos Andrés, Juan Bautista Colomés, Pedro Cantón…) etc.The work is divided into three sections: "Teoría general", "Textos de y sobre autores de la Escuela", and "Bibliografía fundamental y selecta".The first section begins with an introductory chapter in which the conceptual principles of the School are explained in relation to the particularity of the Hispanic cultural history, where both its antecedents and theoretical limits are determined. Next comes a description of the sequence of milestones, historical circumstances and accidents that resulted in the formation of the School, as well as an in-depth explanation of the concept of "universalist ideation". Finally, "La ideación del primer programa epistemológico", is a necessary exposition of the important and almost inaccessible Prospectus Philosophiae Universae, a work that was written and directed by Juan Andrés. It is a general and pluridisciplinary programmatic text published in 1773 in Ferrara, and access to it for consultation is hard to come by. That is, it is a kind of program that intends to carry out a radical overcoming of the culture and thought of the Baroque era, through the integration of empiricist science and philosophy with classical humanism and its evolution through a historically founded and revisable concept of progress. The fourth chapter, entitled "La Ilustración universalista: creación de la Comparatística moderna y Literatura Universal", lists the conceptual keys to understanding the particularity of this late Spanish age of Enlightenment of Hispanic-Italian roots, Christian, integrative, international, intercontinental, founded on a unitary vision of the universe and the world. The fifth chapter, "La clasificación de las ciencias, la universalidad tematológica y la estética de la expresión", analyses the variables of the Enlightenment Period, the various types of European illustrations and their internal conceptual sectors, in an attempt to bring to light the lack of historical and intellectual homogeneity of a process of great relevance, and analyses the universalistic classification of scientific disciplines by comparison with the classification of the French illustration, showing the flagrant reduction of the French classification, and also includes a revealing study on the concept of "expression" elaborated by Antonio Eximeno, which was later also recovered by Benedetto Croce, although without him acknowledging the precedence of Eximeno’s work.The second part, "Textos de y sobre autores de la Escuela", presents a series of documents as a critical support of the School and its authors. This is especially true of the textual references from the three main authors with respect to the other members of the School, which provides an account of the indisputable existence of a productive and active scientific community.The last part records essential bibliographical sources and information intended to enable a continuation of the study by the authors of this School, a bibliographic selection of the most important works of all the members of the School, and another selection of general and monographic studies on relevant theoretical, historical and cultural issues.In short, this work succeeds in refuting one of the most important historical and intellectual fallacies of our time: the absence of a Spanish Enlightenment Period, and consequently, proves the existence of an original and consistent modern Hispanic thought. In this way, it opens up a field of study that demands new research that will bring to light better-informed reinterpretations of both Spanish and Hispanic America pasts in general, which will lead to a search for unity, not in political and economic terms, as seems to be the objective of economic globalization, but on the basis of the concept of universality. For this purpose, the Research Group Humanismo-Europa has affiliated itself with the Instituto Juan Andrés de Comparatística y Globalización, as well created links to its online network Biblioteca HumanismoEuropa, where all the information about the authors of the School and their texts has been gathered and made available to the general public.
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Hunsucker, R. Laval. „Master’s Students in History Could Benefit from a Greater Library Sensitivity and Commitment to Interdisciplinarity, and from More Efficient Document Delivery“. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice 6, Nr. 3 (14.09.2011): 64.

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Objective – This study sought to determine the characteristics of research materials used by history students in preparing their master’s theses. Of which information resources formats did such students make use, and in what proportions? What was the age distribution of resources used? What was the dispersal over journal titles and over subject classification, i.e., the degree of interdisciplinarity? To what extent did the master’s students make use of non-English-language materials? To what extent did their institution’s library hold the resources in question? The investigator was especially interested in finding quantitative support for what he terms two “hypotheses.” The first of these is that historical research depends to a high degree on monographs, journal articles being far less important to it than they are to research in, especially, the natural sciences and technology. The second is that the age distribution of resources important to historical research is much flatter and longer than that of resources upon which researchers in the natural sciences and technology rely. Design – Citation analysis, supplemented with comprehensive catalogue searches. Setting – Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU), a mid-sized public university located in New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A. Subjects – MA and MS theses (N=47) successfully submitted to the Department of History over the period from academic year 1998/1999 through academic year 2007/2008, inclusive. Methods – The investigator initially identified the theses through a search of the online catalogue (“Consuls”) of the Connecticut State University system, and retrieved all of them in either electronic or hard-copy form. He then subjected all citations (N=3,498) listed in the references sections of these theses to an examination in order to identify for each cited resource the format, the age, the language, and, in the case of scholarly journal articles, the journal of publication. He carried out bibliographic searches in order to rectify any citations which he had noted to be faulty or incomplete. The study took no account of possible additional citations in footnotes or endnotes or in the text, and did not measure citation intensity (whether, for instance, a thesis referred only once, or perhaps many times, to a given resource). Duplicates “were ignored.” He furthermore performed systematic searches in Consuls and in the Library of Congress (LC) online catalogue in order to establish, insofar as possible, into which assigned LC Classification class each resource fell, and whether it belonged to the holdings of the SCSU library. “Holdings,” as used here, includes physical resources owned, as well as those resources to which the library has licensed access. Not marked as either “held” or “not held” were: resources available online without restriction or charge, items not identified in either Consuls or the LC catalogue, and all government documents. Ages of cited resources were calculated based on the edition or version date actually given in a student’s citation, without any consideration of a possible earlier date of the original version of the publication or document concerned. Main Results – Format, age distribution, and journal frequency. The local citation analysis found that 53.2% of all cited resources were monographs, 7.8% were scholarly articles, 5.3% were contributed chapters in books, and 0.6% were dissertations or theses. Non-scholarly periodicals accounted for 15.7%, government documents for 6.7%, and freely available web documents for 4.1%. The remainder, approximately 6.5%, comprised archival papers, judicial documents, directories, interviews, posters, audiovisual materials, and 13 other formats. Cited resources, measured back from the date of acceptance of the citing thesis, ranged from 0 to 479 years old; the mode was 3 years, but the median was “25” (p. 170) or “26” (p. 177) years. Just over 70% (i.e., 2,500 cited resources) were more than ten years old. Almost one thousand of the cited resources were fifty or more years old. The 274 scholarly journal articles included in the references sections were spread over 153 distinct journal titles, of which 105 titles made only one appearance, and 136 titles three or fewer appearances. The mean was 1.8 appearances. Subject dispersal and language. Of the 2,084 cited resources for which LC classification was locatable, 51.5% had a classification other than history, i.e., other than class C, D, E, or F. Nearly two thirds (66.0%) of the cited scholarly journal articles had appeared in journals with a focus other than history. (Note: table 4 is incorrect, precisely reversing the actual ratio.) Of all cited items, 98.5% were in the English language. Half (27) of the non-English-language resources cited were in Korean, all cited in the same thesis. Books (i.e., monographs plus compilations from which contributed chapters were cited) accounted for 87.0% of foreign-language citations. More than four fifths of the examined theses (83.0%) cited not a single non-English-language resource. Local holdings. Of all 3,498 cited items, 3,022 could be coded as either “held” or “not held” by the SCSU library. Of the items so coded (not, as indicated on p. 180, of all cited items), scarcely two fifths (41.0%) belonged to the library’s holdings. The holdings percentage was highest (72.6%) for the 274 scholarly journal articles cited, followed by the 186 contributed chapters (50.0%), the 550 non-scholarly periodical items (49.5%), and the 1,861 monographs (46.8%). For other cited formats, the percentage was much lower, and in some cases, e.g., for the 55 archival and the 44 judicial documents, it was 0.0%. Of the 54 foreign-language resources cited, the institution’s library held only two. Conclusion – The investigator concludes that his study’s findings do indeed lend quantitative support to his two “hypotheses.” This outcome will surprise few, if any, librarians; it is in accord with what Koenig (1978) long ago saw as a matter of “intuition” and “all conventional wisdom,” something that many subsequent studies have confirmed. Sherriff accordingly recommends, firstly, that collections which strive to support historical research should, in matters of acquisition policy and budget allocation, take serious account of that field’s relatively strong dependence on monographs. Secondly, the data on age distribution carry obvious implications for librarians’ decision-making on matters such as de-accessioning and weeding, relegation to remote storage, and retrospective acquisitions. This finding should also be considered, for instance, in connection with preservation policy and the maintaining of special collections. He even suggests that librarians “need to teach students the value of reviewing literature historically and showing them how to do so effectively” (p. 177). Sherriff considers a number of further (tentative) conclusions to be warranted or suggested by the results of this study. First of all, that historical research is now characteristically an interdisciplinary matter, in the sense that it requires extensive access to information resources, including journals, which libraries have traditionally not classified as belonging to the discipline of history itself. For a library supporting such research, this phenomenon “has implications for matters including collection budgets, reference work, bibliographic instruction, and the location of collections and departmental libraries” (p. 168). It also means “that librarians working with history students and history collections need to be aware of the relevant resources in other disciplines. This can improve reference work, research assistance, and bibliographic instruction; it may also help the coordination of acquisitions across departmental lines” (p. 179). Secondly, one may conclude that “there is no ‘core’ collection of journals for history” (p. 178) which will be able to satisfy a large proportion of master’s students’ research needs. Thirdly, the fact that a library such as SCSU’s holds significantly less than half of what master’s students require for preparing their theses “may exercise a narrowing effect on students’ awareness of the existing literature on their topics” (p. 180), “increases the importance of departmental faculty, reference librarians, and subject specialist librarians drawing students’ attention to resources beyond the library’s catalogues and collections” (p. 180), and requires that the library give serious attention to effective document delivery arrangements. Finally, this study’s finding that only a small percentage of master’s students in history made use of non-English-language materials, but then in certain cases used them rather extensively (27 Korean items cited in one thesis, ten Italian in another, nine Spanish in yet another), suggests that acquisition, or at least proactive acquisition, of such materials needn’t be a priority, as long as, once again, the students concerned have easy access to efficient and affordable document delivery services. Sherriff does concede, however, that his finding could indicate “that students are unaware of relevant resources in other languages or are aware of them but lack the language skills necessary to use them” (p. 179).
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Kelson, Jennifer. „Clinical Informatics Consult Service Positively Affects Some Clinical Decisions in the ICU“. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice 4, Nr. 2 (14.06.2009): 174.

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A Review of: Mulvaney, Shelagh A., Leonard Bickman, Nunzia B. Giuse, Warren E. Lambert, Nila A. Sathe, and Rebecca N. Jerome." A Randomized Effectiveness Trial of a Clinical Informatics Consult Service: Impact on Evidence-based Decision-making and Knowledge Implementation." Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 15.2 (2008): 203-11. Objective – To determine whether the provision of synthesized research evidence provided by the Clinical Informatics Consult Service (CICS) affects the clinical decision-making of clinicians working in intensive care units (ICUs). Design – Non-blinded randomized control effectiveness trial. Setting – ICUs in United States-based 658 bed university hospital providing tertiary care for adults and children. Subjects – Clinical staff working within one of four ICUs who submitted a request for clinical information during the study period. Methods – Valid requests submitted by clinical staff from the four clinical ICUs (medical, paediatric, trauma, or neonatal) were randomly allocated to receive information from the CICS (CICS provided) or no information (no CICS provided). Pre-consult forms, completed at the time of the request, examined reasons for the request and the clinical actions clinicians thought might be influenced by the search results. Requestors could opt out of the no CICS provided group either before or after the randomization of their request. Responses to requests, supplied within 0.5 to 7 days as agreed with the requestor, included a search strategy and bibliographic references, a targeted list of full-text articles, and a written synthesis and critique of the relevant research. Clinicians within both groups were free to conduct their own searches and reviews. An online evaluation form, emailed to recipients, was used to assess the impact of the information supplied. The evaluation form asked clinicians to record the time spent on their own searches, sources of information consulted including colleagues, the immediate and future impact of the information provided (either from the CICS or their own searches), what influence the information had on their clinical actions, whether there were any barriers to using the information, and quality and overall satisfaction with the results provided by the CICS. Data was analyzed according to the randomized group assignment using standard intention-to-treat analysis for the main outcomes between the two groups. Statistical adjustments were made to control for possible clustering of responses or multiple ratings from individual clinicians. The data was also analyzed on an efficacy basis depending on who provided the search results. The groups were Clinician only, CICS librarian-only, or Both Clinician and CICS librarian. Results from the Clinician only search group were used as a comparison to the remaining groups. This assessment did not take account of the randomization and therefore constitutes a cohort analysis. Results were analysed by one of two methods using statistical software SAS Proc Mixed (v9) for multi-level quantitative data analysis, e.g., analysis of variance, and SPSS (v14) for all other quantitative data analysis, including descriptive statistics. Main Results – The study period was conducted over 19 months: August 2004 to March 2006. During this time, 299 valid requests were received and 226 post consult evaluation forms were returned giving a response rate of 76%. Post consult forms were returned for 108/146 of the CICS provided group and 118/153 of the no CICS provided group. The 24% of requests that had no post consult evaluation were excluded from further analysis. Statistical tests, conducted to check for potential bias relating to missing data, suggested that the missing data had little impact on the findings. Medical and neonatal ICUs accounted for the majority of completed forms (40.3% and 38.1% respectively). The majority of opt-outs (10.2% overall) were from the medical ICU. No significant difference in outcome variables was found between opt-out and other requests when tested using analysis of variance (ANOVA). Evaluation forms were completed by 89 unique clinicians and over half (49) submitted more than one request. The average requests per clinician was 2.96, SD 3.17, range 1-15, and the average number of requests per clinician who submitted more than one request was 4.57, SD 3.55, range 2-15. Total number of responses, mean, standard deviation, and Cohen’s d effect size were reported for the outcome variables based on intention to treat analysis. Results showed no significant difference between the groups on the immediate impact of the information provided, the number of articles read or the frequency with which clinicians consulted colleagues, either formally or informally. The potential future impact of the information was rated higher in the CICS group (p=
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Black, Jeremy. „Historical Atlas of the United States, with Original MapsHISTORICAL ATLAS OF THE UNITED STATES, WITH ORIGINAL MAPS / HayesDerek. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 2006. 280 p.: ill. (chiefly col.), maps (chiefly col.); 35 cm. Includes bibliographical references (pp. 270–71) and index. ISBN-10 1-55365-205-3, ISBN-13 978-1-55365-205-2, CAD$55.00. Available from: .“ Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and Geovisualization 42, Nr. 2 (Juni 2007): 189–90.

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Colaci, M., C. Schinocca, Y. Dal Bosco, M. L. Aprile, G. Guggino, I. De Andres, A. A. Russo, D. Sambataro, G. Sambataro und L. Malatino. „AB0564 HEART VALVULAR ALTERATIONS IN A MULTICENTRE ITALIAN COHORT OF SSC PATIENTS“. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 79, Suppl 1 (Juni 2020): 1579.2–1579.

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Background:systemic sclerosis (SSc) in a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by endothelial dysfunction, diffuse microangiopathy, and fibrosis of skin and visceral organs. Typical cardiac involvement may includes microvascular ischemia, contraction band necrosis, and patchy fibrosis, leading mainly to arrythmias and conduction defects, diastolic dysfunction, or right ventricular failure (secondary to pulmonary arterial hypertension) [1]. Valvular diseases are poorly described and generally not considered a typical sign of SSc [2-4].Objectives:we aimed to describe valvular alterations in a multicentre cohort of SSc patients.Methods:we consecutively recruited 118 SSc patients (M/F: 14/104, mean age 56.7±12.4 years, median disease duration 10 years, limited/diffuse skin subsets: 95/23, anti-centromere/anti-Scl70/others autoantibodies: 35/37/46) in 3 Rheumatology Centres in Sicily, Italy, from January to December 2019.Considering the cardiovascular risk factors, 40 (34%) patients were smokers, 7 (6%) diabetics, 12 (10%) showed hypercholesterolemia, 38 (32%) arterial hypertension, while none was obese. Transthoracic echocardiogram was carried out in all patients during their follow-up.Results:valvular abnormalities were as follow: mitral valve: insufficiency 85 (72%) cases - mild in 77/85, stenosis 2 (2%) - mild in 25/28, sclerosis/tickening 36 (30%), and calcification 9 (8%) patients; aortic valve: insufficiency 28 (24%), stenosis 4 (3%), sclerosis 29 (25%), and calcification 7 (6%) patients; tricuspid valve: insufficiency 91 (77%) cases, no cases of stenosis, sclerosis 5 (4%), and calcification 1 (1%) patients; pulmonary valve: insufficiency in 13 (11%) patients.As expected, tricuspid insufficiency (TI) was associated with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) (moderate TI in 20% of patients with every TI and PAH vs. 4% of patients with TI without PAH, p=0.019).Aortic sclerosis (AS) was associated with the presence of arthritis (AS in 35% of patients with arthritis vs. 16% of patients without, p=0.029).No association was found with age, gender, disease duration, skin subset, autoantibodies, capillaroscopic patterns, presence of digital ulcers, lung, renal, or digestive involvements.Conclusion:in this multicentre SSc cohort study, we found that cardiac valve alterations are very common, even though generally not clinically relevant. The presence of PAH was associated with more severe TI. Finally, AS was associated with arthritis that could be considered sign of chronic inflammatory state, which is often linked with accelerated atherosclerosis and remodeling process of aortic valve [5].References:[1]Lambova S. Cardiac manifestations in systemic sclerosis. World J Cardiol 2014; 6:993-1005.[2]D’Angelo W, Fries JF, Masi AT, Shulman LE. Pathologic observations in systemic sclerosis (scleroderma).A study of fifty-eight autopsy cases and fifty-eight matched controls. Am J Med 1969; 46:428-440.[3]Kazzam E, Caidahl K, Hallgren R, et al. Mitral regurgitation and diastolic flow profile in systemic sclerosis. Int J Cardiol 1990; 29:357-363[4]Wranicz J, Zielińska M, Cygankiewicz I, et al. Early cardiovascular involvement in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc). Med Sci Monit. 2002; 8:CR78-82.[5]Coté N, Mahmut A, Bosse Y, et al. Inflammation is associated with remodeling of calcific aortic valve disease. Inflammation 2013; 36:573-581.Disclosure of Interests:Michele Colaci: None declared, Claudia Schinocca: None declared, Ylenia Dal Bosco: None declared, Maria Letizia Aprile: None declared, Giuliana Guggino Grant/research support from: Pfizer, Celgene, Speakers bureau: Celgene, Sandoz, Pfizer, Ilenia De Andres: None declared, Alessandra Azzurra Russo: None declared, Domenico Sambataro: None declared, Gianluca Sambataro: None declared, Lorenzo Malatino: None declared
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Gao, Burke, Shashank Dwivedi, Matthew D. Milewski und Aristides I. Cruz. „CHRONIC LACK OF SLEEP IS ASSOCIATED WITH INCREASED SPORTS INJURY IN ADOLESCENTS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS“. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 7, Nr. 3_suppl (01.03.2019): 2325967119S0013.

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Background: Although sleep has been identified as an important modifiable risk factor for sports injury, the effect of decreased sleep on sports injuries in adolescents is poorly studied. Purpose: To systematically review published literature to examine if a lack of sleep is associated with sports injuries in adolescents and to delineate the effects of chronic versus acute lack of sleep. Methods: PubMed and EMBASE databases were systematically searched for studies reporting statistics regarding the relationship between sleep and sports injury in adolescents aged <19 years published between 1/1/1997 and 12/21/2017. From included studies, the following information was extracted: bibliographic and demographic information, reported outcomes related to injury and sleep, and definitions of injury and decreased sleep. Additionally, a NOS (Newcastle-Ottawa Scale) assessment and an evaluation of the OCEM (Oxford Center for Evidence-Based Medicine) level of evidence for each study was conducted to assess each study’s individual risk of bias, and the risk of bias across all studies. Results: Of 907 identified articles, 7 met inclusion criteria. Five studies reported that adolescents who chronically slept poorly were at a significantly increased likelihood of experiencing a sports or musculoskeletal injury. Two studies reported on acute sleep behaviors. One reported a significant positive correlation between acutely poor sleep and injury, while the other study reported no significant correlation. In our random effects model, adolescents who chronically slept poorly were more likely to be injured than those who slept well (OR 1.58, 95% CI 1.05 to 2.37, p = 0.03). OCEM criteria assessment showed that all but one study (a case-series) were of 2b level of evidence—which is the highest level of evidence possible for studies which were not randomized control trials or systematic reviews. NOS assessment was conducted for all six cohort studies to investigate each study’s individual risk of bias. Five out of six of these studies received between 4 to 6 stars, categorizing them as having a moderate risk of bias. One study received 7 stars, categorizing it as having a low risk of bias. NOS assessment revealed that the most consistent source of bias was in ascertainment of exposure: all studies relied on self-reported data regarding sleep hours rather than a medical or lab record of sleep hours. Conclusions: Chronic lack of sleep in adolescents is associated with greater risk of sports and musculoskeletal injuries. Current evidence cannot yet definitively determine the effect of acute lack of sleep on injury rates. Our results thus suggest that adolescents who either chronically sleep less than 8 hours per night, or have frequent night time awakenings, are more likely to experience sports or musculoskeletal injuries. [Figure: see text][Figure: see text][Table: see text][Table: see text][Table: see text] References used in tables and full manuscript Barber Foss KD, Myer GD, Hewett TE. Epidemiology of basketball, soccer, and volleyball injuries in middle-school female athletes. Phys Sportsmed. 2014;42(2):146-153. Adirim TA, Cheng TL. Overview of injuries in the young athlete. Sports Med. 2003;33(1):75-81. Valovich McLeod TC, Decoster LC, Loud KJ, et al. National Athletic Trainers’ Association position statement: prevention of pediatric overuse injuries. J Athl Train. 2011;46(2):206-220. Milewski MD, Skaggs DL, Bishop GA, et al. Chronic lack of sleep is associated with increased sports injuries in adolescent athletes. J Pediatr Orthop. 2014;34(2):129-133. Wheaton AG, Olsen EO, Miller GF, Croft JB. 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One night of partial sleep deprivation increased biomarkers of muscle and cardiac injuries during acute intermittent exercise. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2017;57(5):643-651. Mejri MA, Yousfi N, Mhenni T, et al. Does one night of partial sleep deprivation affect the evening performance during intermittent exercise in Taekwondo players? Journal of exercise rehabilitation. 2016;12(1):47-53. Hirshkowitz M, Whiton K, Albert SM, et al. National Sleep Foundation’s updated sleep duration recommendations: final report. Sleep health. 2015;1(4):233-243. Dennis J, Dawson B, Heasman J, Rogalski B, Robey E. Sleep patterns and injury occurrence in elite Australian footballers. J Sci Med Sport. 2016;19(2):113-116. Bergeron MF, Mountjoy M, Armstrong N, et al. International Olympic Committee consensus statement on youth athletic development. Br J Sports Med. 2015;49(13):843-851. Riley M, Locke AB, Skye EP. Health maintenance in school-aged children: Part II. Counseling recommendations. 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Dissertationen zum Thema "Includes bibliographical references (p. [118])"


Verwey, Adala Michelle Prévost. „Mute articulations representing the body when the self isn't what it used to be“. Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2005.

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The topic of my research is an exploration of the concept of the 'mute body. The mute body is the body which stages a certain inderminacy and distance from the viewer. It is a form of hiding, but also a form of play with narcissistic implications and perhaps even seductive intent. The mute body is a response to the fear of power and what power has done to bodies in history. Conversely, it is also the location of power - the exercising of the choice to remain silent is a wilful act of retention or withholding. The mute body is not the vacant body. It is the body of which we are unable to say with certainty whether it is unable to signify or unwilling to signify.
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Stretton, Pamela Jayne. „The encoded body : hearing the voice, reading the text, decoding the sign : the body and meaning in the case of anorexia nervosa“. Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2005.

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Young, Ed. „I can explain : the work of art is no longer necessary“. Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2005.

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The bulk of our knowledge of the international art world, and in many cases within the local South African art scene, is based largely on what we read in magazines, art books and the art press. To most individuals these exhibitions exist mainly in written form and within the viewer's personal mental constructions.
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Bocanegra, Cheryl D. „Accent and Grouping Structures in the String Quartets of Béla Bartók“. Thesis, University of North Texas, 2001.

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The music of Béla Bartók is defined in part by its unique blend of rhythmic vitality and inventiveness, and his string quartets offer a glimpse into a consistency of technique evident throughout his compositional career. Bartók's rhythmic environments are primarily metrical, but many of his rhythmic configurations are placed in such a way as to potentially override established meter. It is necessary, therefore, to institute an analytical means by which the delineation and comparison of rhythmic structures both within and without the metrical context may be accomplished. An analytical method using Timepoint Accent Structures (TAS) allows for the comparison of rhythms resulting from patterns of accent produced by pitch onset, dynamic stress, articulation or any other accentual factors. Timepoint Grouping Structures (TGS) delineate the number of timepoints present in alternating groups/blocks in a texture, thereby allowing for the recognition of patterning created by these larger groups. By applying TAS and TGS analysis, relationships of rhythmic equivalency, rotation, retrograde, complementation, augmentation, diminution, subset, superset, exchange, compression and expansion are clearly confirmed in the string quartets. In addition, symmetrical structures and arithmetic progressions are discovered. In many ways, Bartók's rhythmic organization mimics his procedures of pitch structuring.
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Inc, ebrary, Hrsg. Cheese: A global history. London: Reaktion Books, 2009.

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الحريات العامة في ظل الظروف الإستثنائية. Bayrūt: Manshūrāt al-Ḥalabī al-Ḥuqūqīyah, 2009.

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