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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Immigrés – Pays en développement"
de Charentenay, Pierre. „Les Émirats arabes unis : des gratte-ciel sur le sable“. Études avril, Nr. 4 (16.03.2016): 17–28.
Der volle Inhalt der Quellede Guibert-Lantoine, Catherine. „Permanence et diversification l'immigration au Canada“. Population Vol. 47, Nr. 1 (01.01.1992): 47–83.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDaum, Christophe. „Quand les immigrés construisent leur pays“. Hommes et Migrations 1165, Nr. 1 (1993): 13–17.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMahnig, Hans. „La question de "l'intégration" ou comment les immigrés deviennent un enjeu politique. Une comparaison entre la France, l'Allemagne, les Pays-bas et la Suisse“. Sociétés contemporaines 33-34, Nr. 1-2 (01.07.1999): 15–38.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAllouche, Abdelwahed. „Les modes de lecture de la presse quotidienne par les immigrés“. Migrants formation 96, Nr. 1 (1994): 84–90.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSeuret, Franck. „Afrique : ces immigrés qui rentrent au pays“. Alternatives Économiques N° 340, Nr. 11 (01.11.2014): 79.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePerrin-Espinasse, Marie Thérèse. „L’impact des programmes sociaux d’insertion sur les modes d’intégration des immigrés“. III. Insertion sociale et multiethnicité : quelques portraits, Nr. 21 (17.11.2015): 185–89.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleK., Vk. „Daum (Christophe) — Quand les immigrés construisent leur pays“. Population Vol. 49, Nr. 4 (01.04.1994): 1190–91.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKabanza, Faustin. „L'enfant immigré et l'ntégration linguistique et culturelle“. Diversité 157, Nr. 1 (2009): 203–7.
Der volle Inhalt der Quellede la Vega, Xavier. „Les pays en développement financent les pays développés“. Sciences Humaines N°198, Nr. 11 (01.11.2008): 0.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDissertationen zum Thema "Immigrés – Pays en développement"
Roton, Armelle de. „Migrants et politiques de développement : Le cas des migrants originaires du Maghreb et des pays du bassin du fleuve Sénégal“. Nice, 2004.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNaseem, Muhammad. „The Role of FDI and Migrant Remittances in Economic Growth : An Empirical Analysis“. Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Clermont Auvergne (2021-...), 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis contributes to the literature on the impact of external financial inflows on economic growth. Chapter 2 studies the impact of FDI and migrant remittances on economic growth in a sample of developing countries to empirically explore the combined impact of remittances and FDI on economic growth. Additionally, identifying transmission channels through which they can impact economic growth. In this respect, we investigate the impact of FDI and migrant remittances on economic growth and introduce the interaction of FDI and remittances. Moreover, total factor productivity (TFP) is used as a transmission channel to investigate productivity growth in recipient economies. The increase in TFP can result from technology spillovers from foreign companies that bring in advanced production techniques and knowledge, which can enhance the productive capacity of domestic firms. At the same time, remittances can influence TFP through their effects on investment in physical and human capital and innovation in recipient countries. Therefore, TFP is a helpful transmission channel to analyze the impact of FDI and remittances on economic growth in developing countries. By doing so, a more comprehensive understanding of how FDI and remittances affect economic growth in developing countries can be achieved. These results indicate a strong complementarity between these two financial inflows in promoting productivity growth in recipient economies. In other words, when FDI and migrant remittances work together, they have a significantly more positive impact on TFP than when they work separately.Chapter 3 draws on the role of remittances on economic complexity to help improve understanding of the economic effects of remittances and inform policies and interventions aimed at leveraging remittances to promote economic transformation and diversification. The empirical analysis reveals that the interaction of remittances and education is positively associated with economic complexity. Specifically, we find that the positive effect of migrant remittances on economic complexity is amplified in the presence of higher education levels. These findings suggest that while migrant remittances may not necessarily lead to economic complexity on their own, they can contribute to it when combined with higher levels of education. Our study sheds light on the potential role of education in maximizing the positive impact of remittances on economic development. The results of this study carry significant implications for policymakers and highlight the need for a more nuanced approach to understanding the impact of remittances on economic development.Chapter 4 analyzes the role of sectoral-level greenfield FDI on economic growth in developing and developed economies. In our analysis, we use the data of greenfield FDI at aggregated and sector-level to check their impact on economic growth. Using 2SLS regression analysis, we find that the overall impact of greenfield FDI on economic growth is positive and statistically significant. Moreover, at the sector level, the manufacturing sector is the main driver in stimulating the economy. The positive impact of manufacturing greenfield FDI on economic growth can be attributed to various factors, such as the transfer of technology, increased competition, job creation, and increased productivity. These factors can help to spur innovation, enhance efficiency, and ultimately increase output in the manufacturing sector. A key policy implication of our findings is that greenfield FDI directed towards the manufacturing sector is more helpful in bringing economic development and increasing overall welfare. Although, a favorable political and social environment is required for productive investment. Moreover, a well-developed institutional framework and enabling environment are necessary to ripe the benefits of FDI
Renaud, Thomas. „Action sanitaire et changement social dans un pays en voie de développement : Le cas du Sénégal“. Rouen, 1988.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe sanitary situation in Africa is the aim of a lot of actions. One of the successes in prevention and sanitary education is the exemple of the catholic private dispensaries in Senegal. By studying health as a complicated element of a cultural system, we show that , behind the proper qualities of theses dispensaries, we must look for the conditions of the sanitary behaviouring change in the transformation of the interaction system of the designed social group. This transformation is the product of foreign constraining elements and inner elements of the system. The emigrated workers'situation is a good picture of it. By the comparative studying of two ethnic groups of economical immigrated people in France, we tend to show that sanitary education is subjected to complicated sociological mechanisms, especially in acculturation, and that it cannot be alone, mover of change in its sphere
Mohamed, Youssouf. „Parcours migratoire, mobilisation transnationale et efforts de développement villageois aux Comores - Les migrants et leurs descendants à l’épreuve de l’engagement solidaire“. Thesis, Paris, EHESS, 2020.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAt the northern entrance to the Mozambique Channel, the Comoros archipelago’s four islands – Grande Comore, Anjouan, Mohéli and Mayotte – are situated between Madagascar and Mozambique. Until the first half of the 19th century, the islands of this archipelago of the Southwest Indian Ocean shared a tragic common destiny, being exposed to the conflicts of fighting sultans and looting by Malagasy pirates. The consequences of these abuses were the impoverishment of the archipelago and the deportation of men out of the Comoros. Since Mayotte was ceded to France in 1841, Franco-British rivalries in the Indian Ocean allowed the other three islands of the archipelago to remain more or less independent.This thesis analyzes the factors at the origin of the different waves of Comorian migration in the Southwest Indian Ocean since the second half of the 19th century, as well as their consequences, based on archives documents, literature and some testimonies. Towards the end of the 19th century, the arrival of western planters, followed by the signing of conventions and commercial agreements with the sultans, disinherited the Comorian peasants from their lands. The protectorate agreements with France from 1886 onwards exacerbated the vulnerability of the peasants by attributing remaining lands to the colonial societies. Dispossessed and hungry, many Comorians’ only choices were slave labor or exile. With the arrival of maritime couriers in the Indian Ocean, many Comorians fleeing misery chose to settle in Zanzibar, Madagascar and Reunion island. Later, in Zanzibar, the Okello revolution of 1964 led to Comorian migratory surges on the island, and twelve years later, in 1975, those settled in Madagascar were ultimately victims of the massacres perpetrated against them in Majunga. These two events marked the end of Comorian migration in the sub-region.Additionally, the migration of Comorians to France in the 1970s, a consequence of the bloody events that occurred in the Indian Ocean, are subsequently discussed. The development of this new migration, its mode of organization and the migrants’ relationship to the country of origin are broadly analyzed. For this, we relied on directed and semi-directed interviews, participant observation, as well as on existing literature. Today, a quarter of all Comorians live in France and Marseille, welcoming more Comorians than Moroni, the capital of Comoros. The Comorian diaspora in France keeps very strong links with the country of origin, it is one of the most active in sub-Saharan Africa both in terms of social associations and in terms of remittances. This diaspora is by far the largest funder of the Comoros. Village development is supported by migrants through their association structures and every village in the Comoros has its migrant associations in France. The current migration policy in France is generating drip-feed entries at a time when the first generation of migrants is gradually weakening and fading. From now on, the exchanges with the village will rest on the descendants of migrants who alone will decide to maintain or abandon these ties
Baudet-Caille, Véronique. „Le retour du travailleur étranger dans son pays d'origine : politiques nationales et négociations internationales“. Paris 1, 1990.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSince the seventy's crisis, in all common market countries, the aspects of the immigration policy tends to be the foreign workers momecoming. The main purpose of such a policy is to unblock the labor market, mainly composed of unskilled. The homecoming policy isn't only authorities' privilege. Different private organizations are favorable to reintegration within the scope of developing aids. All they do is based on partnership with the morkers and their countries. Thus, those public initiatives haven't reached their quantitative aims. The foreign morkers come back home either when they retire or when they don't succed. That's how only private initiatives play a promissing part in reintegration policy
Beduschi, Ana. „La garantie par l'Union européenne des droits sociaux fondamentaux des ressortissants de pays tiers“. Thesis, Montpellier 1, 2010.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThird-country nationals have become veritable subjects of the EU Law. Nevertheless, their protection is fragmented by the increasing categorization of their status, in consequence of their fact and juridical situation. The emergence of a common standard of protection of fundamental social rights based on the EU regulations and policies may be however noted. Thus the coordination of social security systems applies explicitly to the regular staying third-country nationals. EU social regulations and directives also apply to those persons when the nationality condition is not specified. The same situation is also considered on the non-discrimination principle field. Then, this common standard of protection can offers a base to the development of a social status that is an attribute of the social citizenship, materialized by the social participation in the community. This social status could come itself the foundation of the construction of a truly European status dedicated to the regular staying third-country nationals. It could contribute to the realization of the European Council Tampere's objective to give a fair treatment to those persons. It could also contribute to the reinforcement of their integration at the member States community. It consists in a social integration, by the practice of fundamental social rights like working, funding social security, or getting involved with trade unions representation
Mercier, Marion. „Migration, development and politics in the homeland“. Paris, EHESS, 2014.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis tackles the effects of migration on the political economy of development in the homeland. The first part of the thesis is based on a case study of Mali. In Chapter 1, we explore the impact of return migrants on political behaviors, and put forward the existence of transfers of electoral norms from Malian returnees toward non-migrants. Chapter 2 focuses on monetary transfers sent collectively by migrants through hometown associations, and shows that the provision of local public goods has increased relatively more rapidly in the Malian villages which have been targeted, since the 1990s, by hometown associations settled in France. The second part of the thesis leaves the Malian soil and adopts a more macro-economic approach. In Chapter 3, we study the migration background of political leaders, and find that, between 1960 and 2004, developing countries headed by foreign-educated leaders reached higher average levels of democracy. Last, Chapter 4 presents a theoretical model that analyzes the effect of a diaspora on civil war in the homeland, and the circumstances under which diasporas can fuel violence or promote peacebuilding. The thesis thus highlights four mechanisms through which migration can affect local political economy and opens numerous new research questions. It also emphasizes the importance of adopting different approaches, based on both theoretical and empirical tools, and of implementing innovative methodologies and data collection devices in order to investigate these questions
Ukrayinchuk, Nadiya. „La localisation des personnes d'origine étrangère dans les pays d'accueil“. Thesis, Lille 1, 2008.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThis thesis contributes to our understanding of the mechanisms guiding the residential choices of immigrants, especially those leading to geographical concentrations inside host countries. The thesis is rooted in recently developed theoretical and empirical advances in many fields, in particular the spatial analysis methods. This work followed three main objectives. Firstly, a consistent and sound theoretical framework has been coherently developed to conduct such an analysis. To do so, 1 synthesized results on migration, even though they did not have explicitly analyzed immigrants' location problems, from economics and related fields, in particular sociology. Secondly, 1 developed an applied comparative study of the location choices of immigrants in three European countries (France, Switzerland, and Italy) using spatial methods. ln general, the results confirm the existence of network effects in immigrants' location patterns. The results of the econometric estimations show however, that the theoretical assumption that economic factors fundamentally explain an immigrant's location decision does not prevail empirically. It is also worth noting that the model gives to local characteristics a significant role in the residential decisions of immigrants. Finally, 1 studied the economic performance of immigrants located in ethnically concentrated areas and addressed the role of ethnic employment
Rakotomalala, Arilantovao Jean Bruno. „L'indépendance financière des Pays en développement“. Bordeaux 4, 2010.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleThe knowledge of the nature, the evolution and the financial independence statement of the developing countries constitute an analysis tool to project the future economic policies and to plan the various axes of economic orientation in sync with the existing local and international context. How and in what measure does the financial independence exist ? Can we draw up a global typology of the developing countries by their financial independence level ? The object of this article is to treat these questions by highlighting the configuration of financial reports between United Nations and the other actors of the economy of the developing countries focusing the analysis on the two approaches of financial independence that are rhe flow approach and monetary approach. The first part will be dedicated to a positive analysis of the financial independence and is particularly interested in his reality. The second part will be dedicated on the normative analysis by trying to see the existence or not of a level of desirable financial independence
Salmi, Merzouk. „Le retour définitif des immigrés algériens et leur réinsertion dans le pays d'origine“. Paris 5, 2001.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBücher zum Thema "Immigrés – Pays en développement"
Charef, Mohammed. Emigrés - Immigrés dans le développement local. Agadir, Maroc: Observatoire Régional des Migrations, Espaces et Sociétés (ORMES), 2005.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenDaoud, Zakya. Marocains de l'autre rive: Les immigrés marocains, acteurs du développement durable. Paris: Paris-Méditerranée, 2005.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenRigby, Vincent. La promotion d'un développement équitable entre les pays développés et les pays en développement. Ottawa, Ont: Bibliothèque du Parlement, Service de recherche, 1993.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenCouet, Jean-François. Pays-sous-développés ou pays en voie de développement? 2. Aufl. Paris: Hatier, 1985.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenCharbit, Yves. La population des pays en développement. Paris: La documentation française, 2000.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenMainguet, Monique. Les pays secs, environnement et développement. Paris: Ellipses, 2003.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenVincent, Philippe. L'OMC et les pays en développement. Bruxelles: Larcier, 2010.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenJean-Louis Rastoin et Coordonné par Michel Petit. LIBÉRALISATION AGRICOLE ET PAYS EN DÉVELOPPEMENT. Paris: Editions L'Harmattan, 2006.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenCoordonné par Maurice Catin et El Mouhoub Mouhoud. DÉVELOPPEMENT ÉCONOMIQUE ET OUVERTURE DES PAYS MÉDITERRANÉENS. Paris: Editions L'Harmattan, 2007.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenÉconomie des pays en voie de développement. Kinshasa: Médiaspaul, 2007.
Den vollen Inhalt der Quelle findenBuchteile zum Thema "Immigrés – Pays en développement"
„Contribution des immigrés aux finances publiques“. In Comment les immigrés contribuent à l'économie des pays en développement, 187–216. OECD, 2018.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle„Avant-propos“. In Comment les immigrés contribuent à l'économie des pays en développement, 3–4. OECD, 2018.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle„Abréviations et acronymes“. In Comment les immigrés contribuent à l'économie des pays en développement, 15. OECD, 2018.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle„Synthèse“. In Comment les immigrés contribuent à l'économie des pays en développement, 17–19. OECD, 2018.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle„Contribution des immigrés à l'économie des pays en développement : Aperçu et recommandations de politiques publiques“. In Comment les immigrés contribuent à l'économie des pays en développement, 21–54. OECD, 2018.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle„Paysage migratoire : Tendances, facteurs et politiques“. In Comment les immigrés contribuent à l'économie des pays en développement, 55–86. OECD, 2018.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle„Intégration des immigrés : Performances sur le marché du travail et capital humain“. In Comment les immigrés contribuent à l'économie des pays en développement, 87–121. OECD, 2018.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle„Impact de l'immigration sur le marché du travail“. In Comment les immigrés contribuent à l'économie des pays en développement, 123–50. OECD, 2018.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle„Immigration et croissance économique“. In Comment les immigrés contribuent à l'économie des pays en développement, 151–86. OECD, 2018.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDuval, Laetitia. „12. Motifs et effets des transferts des migrants à destination des pays en développement. Le cas de l’Albanie“. In De l'ouvrier immigré au travailleur sans papiers, 271. Editions Karthala, 2010.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKonferenzberichte zum Thema "Immigrés – Pays en développement"
García Casado, Margarita. „De Mektoub (1970) de Ali Ghanem à Harragas de Merzak Allouache: ce Mare nostrum, mer porteuse de civilisations à une mer tombeau.“ In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRussu, Ariadna. „Développement économique de la République de Moldova: défis et solutions“. In Simpozion stiintific al tinerilor cercetatori, editia 20. Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleEl Abed, Mohamed Ould. „L’investissement en Mauritanie État des lieux et perspectives“. In Quelles politiques économiques en faveur de l’investissement et de l’emploi en période de crises et de reconstitution de l’économie mondiale ? Francisco Baptista Gil, 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleStratila, Marina. „Embaucher des étudiants de l'ASEM dans marché du travail“. In Simpozion stiintific al tinerilor cercetatori, editia 20. Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRAHEM, Salima. „Le rôle de la femme dans le domaine de la recherche scientifique“. In I . I N T E R N A T I O N A L R E S E A R C H S C I E N T I F I C C O N G R E S S O F H U M A N I T I E S A N D S O C I A L S C I E N C E S. Rimar Academy, 2022.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMartin, Justine Anne-Sophie Céline. „Développement des compétences transversales et surtout de la compétence numérique des apprenants dans un projet de télécollaboration entre deux universités du pourtour méditerranéen“. In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBerichte der Organisationen zum Thema "Immigrés – Pays en développement"
Cervantes-Godoy, Dalila, Shingo Kimura und Jesús Antón. Gestion des risques dans les petites exploitations agricoles des pays en développement. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), Juli 2013.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCorlin Christensen, Rasmus, Martin Hearson und Tovony Randriamanalina. Une tablée plus grande, mais toujours le même menu ? Evaluer l’inclusion des pays en développement dans les négociations fiscales mondiales. Institute of Development Studies, Dezember 2020.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePark, Walter G., und Douglas Lippoldt. Licences internationales et renforcement des droits de propriété intellectuelle dans les pays en développement. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), März 2005.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAndrew, Dale, Karim Dahou und Ronald Steenblik. Répondre aux préoccupations des pays en développement au sujet des mesures environnementales et sanitaires. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD), Oktober 2004.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMachiyama, Kazuyo, Francis Obare, Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli, Doris Chou, Mario Festin, Rajat Khosla, James Kiarie und Lale Say. Accélérer l’adoption de la planification familiale volontaire et fondée sur les droits dans les pays en développement. Population Council, 2018.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleColes, R. L., und D. R. K. Rao. Problèmes posés dans les pays en voie de développement par l'enregistrement numérique des données aux observatoires magnétiques. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1988.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGeorgalakis, James, und Fajri Siregar. L’application des connaissances dans les pays du Sud : Établir des liens entre les différents systèmes de connaissances pour un développement équitable. Institute of Development Studies, August 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGeorgalakis, James, und Fajri Siregar. Synthèse : L’application des connaissances dans les pays du Sud : Établir des liens entre les différents systèmes de connaissances pour un développement équitable. Institute of Development Studies, August 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSantoro, Fabrizio, und Ronald Waiswa. De petits filets pour de gros poissons ? Imposition des plus riches – l’exemple de l’Ouganda. Institute of Development Studies, April 2023.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBrinkerhoff, Derick W., Sarah Frazer und Lisa McGregor. S'adapter pour apprendre et apprendre pour s'adapter : conseils pratiques tirés de projets de développement internationaux. RTI Press, Januar 2018.
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