Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema „Ideologies of XXth century“
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Vakhitov, Rustem R. „Russia – Turkey relations in the XIXth – first half of the XXth century. Peacefulness of conservatism and conflictogenity of liberalism“. Civilization studies review 5, Nr. 1 (2023): 90–113. http://dx.doi.org/10.21146/2713-1483-2023-5-1-90-113.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKolchinsky, Eduard I. „Failed revival: some results of the development of Russian evolutionary theory in the second half of the XX century“. Science management: theory and practice 2, Nr. 1 (2020): 117–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.19181/smtp.2020.2.1.6.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMIHAILESCU, Clementina Alexandra. „AN INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH TO RUTA SEPETYS’ I MUST BETRAY YOU VIA LACAN“. Revista Economica 74, Nr. 1 (01.04.2022): 125–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.56043/reveco-2022-0010.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleШаф, Ольга. „«Матеревбивство» як симптом мутації національної психіки під колоніально-тоталітарним пресингом (на матеріалі української лірики 1920–1930-х років)“. Pomiędzy. Polonistyczno-Ukrainoznawcze Studia Naukowe 7, Nr. 4 (2022): 187–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.15804/ppusn.2022.04.17.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOrtega López, Teresa M;aría. „Contra el feminismo. Movilización, represión y sublimación del modelo femenino tradicional en la primera mitad del siglo XX en España“. Revista de Humanidades, Nr. 41 (30.12.2020): 157. http://dx.doi.org/10.5944/rdh.41.2020.24030.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRuiz-Domènec, José Enrique. „Heidegger and XXth Century“. Enrahonar. Quaderns de filosofia 34 (07.01.2002): 95. http://dx.doi.org/10.5565/rev/enrahonar.390.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNeklessa, A. „Requiem to XXth Century“. World Economy and International Relations, Nr. 1 (2000): 3–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.20542/0131-2227-2000-1-3-13.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleCarvalho, Ana P., M. Fatima Vaz, Maria J. Samora und João Pires. „Characterisation of Ceramic Pastes of Portuguese Ancient Tiles“. Materials Science Forum 514-516 (Mai 2006): 1648–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/msf.514-516.1648.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMarchuk, Oxana. „The Problems of the Youth Education and Up-Bringing on the Volin Territory of the Nineteenth - the First Half of the Twentieth Century in Scientific Research“. Professional Education: Methodology, Theory and Technologies, Nr. 10 (19.11.2019): 127–42. http://dx.doi.org/10.31470/2415-3729-2019-10-127-142.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRogacheva, Yelena. „American Makarenko and soviet Dewey: a search for pedagogical renewal“. Espacio, Tiempo y Educación 8, Nr. 2 (23.12.2021): 5–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.14516/ete.539.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMatsevko-Bekerska, L. V. „M. Bulgakov and XXth century lyterary process“. Fìlologìčnì traktati 12, Nr. 2 (2020): 155–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.21272/ftrk.2020.12(2)-18.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSánchez Ron, José M. „Alan Turing: person of the XXth century?“ Arbor 189, Nr. 764 (30.12.2013): a085. http://dx.doi.org/10.3989/arbor.2013.764n6008.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleNeklessa, A. „Requiem to the XXth Century (the end)“. World Economy and International Relations, Nr. 2 (2000): 3–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.20542/0131-2227-2000-2-3-14.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAltynbaeva, G. M. „A.P. Chekhov’s novel «In the Gully» in the Perception of the XXth Century Writers“. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philology. Journalism 10, Nr. 3 (2010): 76–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.18500/1817-7115-2010-10-3-76-81.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleVoloshina, O. A. „Two essays about E. D. Polivanov’s linguistic activity (to the 130th anniversary of the birth)“. Russian language at school 82, Nr. 6 (20.11.2021): 92–100. http://dx.doi.org/10.30515/0131-6141-2021-82-6-92-100.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleБЕРЕСТЕННИКОВА, Елена Александровна. „РАЗВИТИЕ КООПЕРАЦИИ НА РОССИЙСКОМ ДАЛЬНЕМ ВОСТОКЕ В НАЧАЛЕ XX в.“ Гуманитарные исследования в Восточной Сибири и на Дальнем Востоке, Nr. 1 (22.03.2024): 68–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.24866/1997-2857/2024-1/68-74.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleLanteri, P., und R. Longeray. „Chemometrics: Tools of XXth century, methods of XXIst century? (in French).“ Analusis 26, Nr. 8 (Oktober 1998): 15–18. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/analusis:199826080015.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAzarova, Valentina Vladimirovna. „Themes of Christian Spirituality, New Plastic Forms and Perception of Visual Formulas in the XXth Century French Musical and Theatrical Works“. Культура и искусство, Nr. 2 (Februar 2023): 10–24. http://dx.doi.org/10.7256/2454-0625.2023.2.39800.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKali, Gergely, und Anil K. Bhowmick. „Special Issue “Green Synthesis Processes of Polymers & Composites”“. Processes 9, Nr. 4 (02.04.2021): 628. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/pr9040628.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleOglezneva, Elena A. „RUSSIAN DIALECTS IN CHINA IN THE XXth CENTURY“. Proceedings of the V.V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute 12 (Juni 2017): 301–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.31912/pvrli.2017.12.21.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSwiggers, Pierre. „XXth-century theories of language: an epistemological diagnosis“. Linguistica 36, Nr. 1 (01.12.1996): 3–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.4312/linguistica.36.1.3-16.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBoiko, Olga A. „XXTH CENTURY VISUAL ARTS: THE GREAT MOTHER ARCHETYPE“. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Kul'turologiya i iskusstvovedenie, Nr. 34 (Juni 2019): 19–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.17223/22220836/34/2.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleBrdar, Milan. „Heidegger as a delusion of XXth century philosophy“. Theoria, Beograd 65, Nr. 4 (2022): 111–35. http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/theo2204111b.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGAL'PERIN, E. M. „ABOUT THE DEMAND FOR RELIABILITY VALUES OF WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE SYSTEMS“. Urban construction and architecture 1, Nr. 1 (15.02.2011): 57–61. http://dx.doi.org/10.17673/vestnik.2011.01.12.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKolodnyi, Anatolii M., und Liudmyla O. Fylypovych. „"Russian world" – theological doctrine and religious ideology that ruin the humanity“. Ukrainian Religious Studies, Nr. 76 (01.12.2015): 158–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.32420/2015.76.608.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleSYSOEVA, E. A. „WООDEN ARCHITECTURE OF SYZRAN AT THE BEGINNING OF THE XXth CENTURY“. Urban construction and architecture 1, Nr. 2 (15.07.2011): 46–48. http://dx.doi.org/10.17673/vestnik.2011.02.12.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMarkov, A. D. „PRODIGAL SON IN THE CITY: INTERPRETATIVE POTENTIAL OF THE IMAGE“. Culture and Text, Nr. 43 (2020): 170–77. http://dx.doi.org/10.37386/2305-4077-2020-4-170-177.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMarkova, Ekaterina A. „Notes from Underground by F.M. Dostoevsky in XXth Century English Criticism“. RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism 26, Nr. 3 (15.12.2021): 479–89. http://dx.doi.org/10.22363/2312-9220-2021-26-3-479-489.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleЭзри, Г. К. „Европейский теизм XIX в. и диалогическая интенция в европейской персоналистической философии XX в.“ Гуманитарные исследования в Восточной Сибири и на Дальнем Востоке 53, Nr. 3 (2020): 174–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.24866/1997-2857/2020-3/174-182.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleЭзри, Г. К. „Европейский теизм XIX в. и диалогическая интенция в европейской персоналистической философии XX в.“ Гуманитарные исследования в Восточной Сибири и на Дальнем Востоке 53, Nr. 3 (2020): 174–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.24866/1997-2857/2020-3/174-182.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePopova, Kristina. „The First Research of the Social History of Tuberculosis in Bulgaria“. Balkanistic Forum 30, Nr. 2 (01.06.2021): 367–71. http://dx.doi.org/10.37708/bf.swu.v30i2.23.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGolovan, Ievgeniia. „The latest approaches to piano interpretation in chamber and ensemble creativity of V. Silvestrov (the case of the "Drama" cycle for violin, cello and piano)“. Culturology Ideas, Nr. 20 (2'2021) (2021): 107–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.37627/2311-9489-20-2021-2.107-114.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleIvanović, Darko. „Ecclesiastical court of Diocese of Branicevo in XXth century“. Sabornost, Nr. 12 (2018): 151–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.5937/sabornost1812151i.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleKholbekov, Mukhammadjon. „EVOLUTIONARY INTERPRETATION OF MODERNIST PROSE OF THE XXTH CENTURY“. International journal of word art 1, Nr. 1 (02.02.2018): 4–17. http://dx.doi.org/10.26739/2181-9297-2018-1-1.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePadyan, Yu Yu. „PERFORMANCE AS A CONTEMPORARY ART PHENOMENON“. Arts education and science 1, Nr. 1 (2021): 148–56. http://dx.doi.org/10.36871/hon.202101017.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleISLEEVA, S. Ya. „CITY AS AN OBJECT OF ARCHITECTURAL pHOTORGApHY IN THE ХХth CENTURY“. Urban construction and architecture 1, Nr. 2 (15.07.2011): 23–26. http://dx.doi.org/10.17673/vestnik.2011.02.6.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePetrukhina, Natalia M. „Russian Historiosophy of the ХXth Century in the Context of the Tradition of the Moral and Psychological Novel by F. Dostoevsky“. RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism 26, Nr. 3 (15.12.2021): 363–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.22363/2312-9220-2021-26-3-363-374.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleVolynska, O. S. „The contents of an education Galichiny in the beginning of XX century“. Educational Dimension 16, Nr. 1 (14.12.2006): 93–105. http://dx.doi.org/10.31812/educdim.6079.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleVolynska, O. S. „The contents of an education Galichiny in the beginning of XX century“. Educational Dimension 16, Nr. 1 (14.12.2006): 93–105. http://dx.doi.org/10.31812/educdim.6079.
Der volle Inhalt der QuellePrilutskiy, V. V. „AMERICAN-MEXICAN BORDER CONFLICTS IN THE 1870–1910S“. Vestnik Bryanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta 03, Nr. 07 (27.09.2021): 139–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.22281/2413-9912-2021-05-03-139-147.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGuseva, Olga, Andrey Babanov und Viktoriya Mushchinskaya. „Fairy Tales of Angel Karaliychev in Russian Translations“. Bulgarski Ezik i Literatura-Bulgarian Language and Literature 64, Nr. 4 (02.08.2022): 355–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.53656/bel2022-4-2-gm-a.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleEgamqulova, Nodira. „National press, literature and literary language in Turkestan“. Uzbekistan: language and culture 4, Nr. 2 (10.06.2022): 89–103. http://dx.doi.org/10.52773/tsuull.uzlc.2022.4.2/ozov2227.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleV. D. Mishalov, T. V. Khokholieva, О. O. Hurina, H. A. Zazyts’kyi und A. Yu. Petroshak. „An analysis of the number and causes of air crashes with numerous people’s victims on the territory of the Ukranian Soviet Socialist Republic in the 70s of the XXth century“. Bukovinian Medical Herald 17, Nr. 3 (67) p.1 (02.08.2013): 108–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.24061/2413-0737.xvii.3.67.2013.153.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMarkevych, Larysa. „Development of Choreographic Language of the Ukrainian Ballet Performance in the First Half of the XXth Century“. Culturology Ideas, Nr. 15 (1'2019) (2019): 144–51. http://dx.doi.org/10.37627/2311-9489-15-2019-1.144-151.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleMinhalov, Pavlo. „Five preludes of Mykola Roslavets in the reflection of academic and avant-garde trends of his time“. Culturology Ideas, Nr. 20 (2'2021) (2021): 179–87. http://dx.doi.org/10.37627/2311-9489-20-2021-2.179-187.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleDolinskaya, Elena B. „INNOVATIVE WAYS OF RUSSIAN MUSICOLOGICAL PEDAGOGY IN THE XXTH – EARLY XXIST CENTURIES“. Arts education and science 2, Nr. 35 (2023): 6–11. http://dx.doi.org/10.36871/hon.202302006.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleGaripova, Gulchira T. „“Possible Worlds” and the Meanings of F. Dostoevsky's Providence in the Messianic Receptions of the ХХth Century“. RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism 26, Nr. 3 (15.12.2021): 349–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.22363/2312-9220-2021-26-3-349-362.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleAZAR, DANY, JACEK SZWEDO, EDMUND JARZEMBOWSKI, NEAL EVENHUIS und DIYING HUANG. „“Palaeoentomology”: A modern journal for a science dealing with the past“. Palaeoentomology 1, Nr. 1 (28.12.2018): 1. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/palaeoentomology.1.1.1.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleRogacheva, Yelena. „The Reception of John Dewey’s Democratic Concept of School in Different Countries of the World“. Espacio, Tiempo y Educación 3, Nr. 2 (18.07.2016): 65. http://dx.doi.org/10.14516/ete.2016.003.002.003.
Der volle Inhalt der QuelleTereshchenko, V. P. „THE INFLUENCE OF TANEYEV’S STYLISTIC PRINCIPLES ON RUSSIAN CHORAL MUSIC OF THE XXTH CENTURY“. Arts education and science 1, Nr. 2 (2020): 75–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.36871/hon.202002009.
Der volle Inhalt der Quelle