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Zeitschriftenartikel zum Thema "Husbanken"


Telnes, Margot. „Husbanken satser på kvalitet“. Plan 38, Nr. 06 (04.01.2007): 70–72.

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Eliesen, Gry. „Husbanken, eneboligen og folket“. Plan 38, Nr. 02 (18.05.2006): 12–19.

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Søholt, Susanne. „HUSBANKEN FRA BOLIGBANK TIL KOMPETANSEBANK“. Stat & Styring 18, Nr. 01 (30.04.2008): 10–14.

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Råd, Oddny Grete, und Henning Sunde. „Boligsosiale handlingsplaner – en suksess for Husbanken“. Plan 35, Nr. 01 (19.02.2003): 55–57.

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Kiøsterud, Tore W. „Ny lov om Husbanken, men hva med utfordringene i boligmarkedet?“ Plan 40, Nr. 04 (08.10.2008): 50–53.

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Grytten, Ola Honningdal. „Jardar Sørvoll: Husbanken og boligpolitikken 1996–2021.JardarSørvollHusbanken og boligpolitikken 1996–2021.Cappelen Damm Akademisk, Oslo, 2021, 312 s.“ Historisk tidsskrift 101, Nr. 3 (14.10.2022): 257–58.

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Yulianawati, Yulianawati, Tria Rosana Dewi und Umi Nur Solikah. „Dampak Status Penguasaan Lahan terhadap Pendapatan Usahatani Padi di Desa Tambakmerang Kecamatan Girimarto“. Daun: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian dan Kehutanan 9, Nr. 2 (27.12.2022): 129–37.

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The purpose of this research is (1) to analyze the income level of rice farming in the farmer-owners, tenants, and Husbandmen at Tambakmerang Village Girimarto District. 2 to analyze the efficiency of rice farming in the farmers, tenants, and Husbandmen in Tambakmerang village Girimarto subdistrict. This study was implemented using the method of detailed analysis with disproportionate sampling in random sampling. The methods of analysis used in this research are revenue analysis and efficiency analysis. The results of the research concluded that the level of income of rice farming in the farm owner of the Pengrake, renter, and Husbandmen in the village of Tambakmerang Girimarto District Wonogiri is for farmers owners of the tenants amounting to Rp. 38,239,416.7, the tenant farmers amounting to Rp. 20,153,625 and farmer of a Pengrake Rp. 18,762,662.50. The efficiency of rice farming in the farmer's owner, tenants, and Husbandmen at Tambakmerang Village Girimarto District Wonogiri Regency is for the owner of a pengrake 4.34, the tenant farmer of 2.87 and farmer of the husbandmen of 2.52. This suggests that rice farming in the area of research has been finalized and can still be improved.
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Rebbestad, Lars Rune. „Go' vær og uvær – Husbankens arbeid med klimatilpasning“. Plan 35, Nr. 05 (05.09.2003): 28–29.

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Como, David R. „City on the Other Hill: The Plough Patent, the Company of Husbandmen, and a Radical Puritan Colonization Project“. New England Quarterly 92, Nr. 3 (September 2019): 348–90.

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This article provides a comprehensive account of the “Company of Husbandmen” created to settle southern Maine in 1631 under the “Plough Patent.” Partly inspired by radical religious ideas, the project quickly collapsed. The scheme nevertheless offers insight into early New England history, while illuminating transatlantic Puritan controversies and colonization aspirations.
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Havens, Hilary. „Omitting Lady Grace:The Provok'd Husbandin Frances Burney'sCamillaandThe Wanderer“. Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies 38, Nr. 3 (05.08.2014): 413–24.

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Dissertationen zum Thema "Husbanken"


Johnson, Ben J. M. „The story of the vineyard Jesus' retelling of Isaiah 5:1-7 in the parable of the wicked tenants /“. Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 2009.

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Kim, Choo Sung. „Salvation of the gentiles by faith in the parable of the wicked husbandmen Luke 20:9-19 /“. Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1992.

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Ruchelka, Thomas R. „The connection between the obduracy of the people of Israel (Mark 4:10-12 parr) and their rejection of Jesus (Mark 12:1-10 parr)“. Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1993.

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Silva, André Eduardo Ribeiro da. „A territorialização da agroindústria sucroalcooleira: o processo de reestruturação produtiva no campo e os trabalhadores canavieiros da fazenda Amália/SP“. Universidade de São Paulo, 2007.

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Estas reflexões terão como base o processo de territorialização e reestruturação da produção e do trabalho na agroindústria canavieira, especificamente na cultura da cana-de-açúcar processada pelas Usinas Ibirá e Santa Rita, em terras que, no ano de 1993 faziam parte da Fazenda Amália, sediada no município de Santa Rosa de Viterbo, nordeste do estado de São Paulo. Reestruturação da produção e do trabalho que impinge marcas, novas relações no território então dominado pelos canaviais. Marcas, relações que se fazem, dissipam-se e reconstroem-se historicamente. Para tanto nos apoiamos no conceito de território, interpretado como o espaço do político, portanto dotado de possibilidades de transformações e mudanças, cuja efetivação dependerá das forças dos sujeitos sociais empenhados nesta ação. Com isto, o território é marcado por lutas e contradições que se processam no interior da sociedade. Dessa forma, pretendemos compreender, a partir dessa concepção de território, o processo de territorialização da agroindústria canavieira e as significativas reestruturações que perpassaram as esferas de produção tendo como base a Fazenda Amália. Boa parte desta pujança da agroindústria canavieira se deve à grande disponibilidade de força de trabalho com baixos rendimentos, o que favorecia o processo de reprodução ampliada desse capital, assim como a consolidação do processo de territorialização do monopólio das agroindústrias canavieiras. Assim, a analise tem como norte as implicações sociais do processo de reestruturação da produção e do trabalho nos canaviais para a vida dos sujeitos sociais, a qual não se encontra separada do trabalho, embora cada vez mais condenada a uma existência subalterna ou a uma condição humana negada, em que o trabalho é percebido como algo separado, estranho, sem sentido.
These reflections will be based the in territorialization and re-structure process of production and cane agrarian industry labor, specifically inside the sugar-cane culture processed by \"Usina Ibirá\"and \"Usina Santa Rita\" plants, on lands which, in the year of 1993, belonged to Amália Farm, headquarted at Santa Rosa de Viterbo city, northeast of São Paulo state. Reorganization of production and labor, which imposes marks, new territorial relations, vanquished by sugar cane plantations. Boundaries, constructed relations, vanishes and reconstructs historically. To perform it we centered our studies on the concept of territory, read by the space of politics, endowed of possibilities of transformations and changes whose attainments will depend on the forces of social subjects exerted in this action. By that, territory is branded by struggles and contradictions processed inside society. That way, we intend to comprehend, from this concept of territory, the process of territorialization of sugar cane agrarian industry, and the so significant reorganizations which crosses the entire production spheres based on Amália Farm. A good part of the puissance of sugar cane industry owes its availability of labor forces with low incomes, which favors the extended capital reproduction process, as so the consolidation of territorialization process of monopoly of sugar cane industries. Therefore, the analysis is compassed by the social implications of the reorganization process of labor and field work at the cane harvest to the lives of social subjects, which isn\'t apart from labor, however, immersed and doomed to a subaltern existence or a denied human condition, in which labor is felted as something aside, strange, senselessness.
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Olmstead, Wesley G. „Matthew's trilogy of parables : the nation, the nations and the reader in Matthew 21.28 - 22.14 /“. Cambridge [u.a.] : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2003.

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Bücher zum Thema "Husbanken"


Clarke, Rowena. The Downes family, husbandmen in the New Mylne 1571-1697. New Mills: New Mills Local History Society, 1993.

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Ordorika, Ianire Angulo. "¿No habéis leído esta Escritura?" (Mc 12,10): El trasfondo veterotestamentario como clave hermenéutica de Mc 12,1-12. Roma: G&BP, Gregorian & Biblical Press, 2019.

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Dixon, Piers. Puir labourers and busy husbandmen: The medieval countryside of Lowland Scotland in the Middle Ages. Edinburgh: Birlinn with Historic Scotland, 2002.

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Jesus und das Schicksal der Propheten: Das Winzergleichnis (Mk 12,1-12) im Horizont des Markusevangeliums. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener, 2003.

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Weihs, Alexander. Jesus und das Schicksal der Propheten: Das Winzergleichnis (Mk 12,1-12) im Horizont des Markusevangeliums. Neukirchen-Vluyn: Neukirchener, 2003.

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Reading viticulture: The social context of the parable of the tenants in Mark and Thomas. Claremont, CA: Institute for Antiquity and Christianity, 2002.

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Matthew's trilogy of parables: The nation, the nations and the reader in Matthew 21:28-22:14. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

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The wicked tenants and Gethsemane: Isaiah in the wicked tenants' vineyard, and Moses and the high priest in Gethsemane : Judaic traditions in Mark 12:1-9 and 14:32-42. Atlanta, Ga: Scholars Press, 1996.

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Nutting, Clair. And Those Who Husbanded the Golden Grain. Independently Published, 2017.

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The Last of the Husbandmen: A Novel of Farming Life. Ohio University Press, 2008.

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Buchteile zum Thema "Husbanken"


„husbander, n.“ In Oxford English Dictionary. 3. Aufl. Oxford University Press, 2023.

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„husbanded, adj.“ In Oxford English Dictionary. 3. Aufl. Oxford University Press, 2023.

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„well-husbanded, adj.“ In Oxford English Dictionary. 3. Aufl. Oxford University Press, 2023.

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Marx, Leo. „Epilogue: The Garden of Ashes“. In The Machine in the Garden, 354–66. Oxford University PressNew York, NY, 2000.

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Abstract “So,” say the parable-makers, “is your pastoral life whirled past and away.” We cannot deny the fact without denying our history. When the Republic was founded, nine out of ten Americans were husbandmen; today not one in ten lives on a farm. Ours is an intricately organized, urban, industrial, nuclear-armed society. For more than a century our most gifted writers have dwelt upon the contradiction between rural myth and technological fact.
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„The Middling and Lower Sort: Yeomen, Husbandmen and Labourers“. In Rich Apparel, 239–48. Routledge, 2017.

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Thomas, Keith. „Wealth and Possessions“. In The Ends of Life, 110–46. Oxford University PressOxford, 2009.

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Abstract In the early modern period it was often said that wealth was something which everybody desired. ‘All men studied on every side how that they may wax rich,’ complained a late medieval writer, ‘and every man almost is ashamed to be holden a poor man.’ In fact, most people were more concerned to avoid poverty than to become rich. What small husbandmen, cottagers, and day-labourers in Tudor England sought was a reliable supply of the resources necessary to sustain life.
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„12. The Seuen Sorowes That Women Haue When Theyr Husbandes Be Deade“. In Robert Copland. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993.

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Zangeneh, Tirdad T., Marc Traeger und Stephen A. Klotz. „Anthrax“. In Schlossberg's Clinical Infectious Disease, herausgegeben von Cheston B. Cunha, 854–59. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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This chapter describes anthrax as a disease caused by the gram-positive, aerobic bacterium Bacillus anthracis, which was recognized in antiquity. Anthrax figures prominently in the history of modern medicine because it was the first bacterial illness for which successful vaccines were prepared by William Smith Greenfield in London and Louis Pasteur in Paris. Anthrax is a zoonosis of herbivores encountered worldwide, and human cases continue to be seen in southern Europe, Eurasia, south Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa. Grazing wild ruminants and cattle are very susceptible to anthrax, and human disease in animal husbandmen and herders is closely tied to exposure to infected beasts. The chapter analyzes reports of some areas of rural Kenya in which a substantial percentage of herdsmen are serologically positive for B. anthracis.
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Larson, Peter L. „Agrarian Development“. In Rethinking the Great Transition, 89–103. Oxford University Press, 2022.

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There were four main periods of agrarian transformation. The first came in the decades following the Black Death, as stable holdings of 45–60 acres emerged. In the first decades of the fifteenth century, the practice of leaseholding of customary lands stabilized. At the end of the fifteenth century, each of the three villages settled into its own balance of copyhold and leasehold; farms larger than 60 acres began to emerge. At the end of the sixteenth and into the early seventeenth century, a new yeoman elite emerged that was able to set up its younger sons as yeoman farmers. The townfields began to be enclosed, the end of a longer process of piecemeal enclosure. Through all this, cottagers and husbandmen continued to be found with 12-, 15-, and 30-acre farms. Enclosure and the creation of large farms occurred without the dispossession of smaller tenants.
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Herrmann, Rachel B. „Victual Imperialism and U.S. Indian Policy“. In No Useless Mouth, 157–77. Cornell University Press, 2019.

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This chapter studies the rise of American victual imperialism in the 1790s. During the 1780s and 1790s, U.S. Indian commissioners had copied generous British diplomacy because they feared Native hunger. As the federal government gained an advantage over the states, U.S. officials tried to decrease the cost of such practices by telling Native Americans about alternative ways to prevent hunger: by producing crops, meat, and dairy. The Plan of Civilization relied upon the idea that Indians who adopted American notions of proper husbandry could become usefully independent, and could use less land to do so. By the mid-1810s, the Plan of Civilization's promoters had succeeded in decreasing food aid and distributing provisions that physically sickened Native Americans. The scheme, rather than preventing Indian hunger by transforming Indians into husbandmen, instead ate up Indians' territory while killing Indians. American victual imperialism worked alongside the Native and non-Native diplomacy that continued into the 1810s. Victual imperialism and food diplomacy both mischaracterized Native hunger while encouraging select groups of Indians to collaborate with non-Native officials to implement and enforce changes in the food system. Once this process was underway, victual imperialism replaced food diplomacy, and Native Americans lost this particular battle.
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