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Mansurov, Uktam. „The History Of Trade Relations Of Central Asian Countries With Foreign Countries“. American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations 02, Nr. 10 (24.10.2020): 110–16. http://dx.doi.org/10.37547/tajssei/volume02issue10-17.

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The article describes the history of trade relations of Central Asian countries with foreign countries in ancient and medieval times, the importance of the Great Silk Road, the impact of these relations on political, economic, diplomatic, ethnic and cultural relations. It states that due to diplomatic and trade relations with foreign countries, mutual relations have been established, and the movement of citizens abroad and their entry is based on certain rules. Attention is paid to such factors as the impact of such relations on the socio-political and economic situation in those countries, the specific way of life of the peoples of the region, the way in which diplomatic relations are established. The article focuses on the development of trade relations with foreign countries during the reign of ancient Khorezm, Sogdiana, Parthia and the medieval Hephthalites, the Turkish Khanate, the Arab Caliphate, Amir Temur and the Temurids, the Central Asian khanates, Khiva, Kokand, Bukhara khanates.
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Srnec, K., und E. Svobodová. „Microfinance in less developed countries: history, progress, present – charity or business?“ Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika) 55, No. 10 (09.11.2009): 467–74. http://dx.doi.org/10.17221/45/2009-agricecon.

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This paper describes the development of micro-financial activities in less developed countries in the world. The history of this development is divided into four periods with their short characteristics. Currently, the main questions in each period are highlighted and discussed by experts in microfinance. In the past, these problems were published in many scientific periodicals. It concerns mainly opinions, as for example, if the influence of microfinance on poverty reduction is overestimated, or on the other hand, the analysis related to the position of informal and formal micro-financial institutions, their development and acceleration of transformation, the influence of non-governmental organizations etc. At present, there is discussed the question of the preference – the model of ‘charity’ or ‘business’, which is mainly related to the fourth, current development period. For these reasons, this question is intensively focused and analysed. The conclusion of this paper concerns just this area which is fundamentally related to the future development of microfinance as a factor of poverty reduction in the less economically developed regions in the world.
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Urusmambetova, L. A. „School History education in European countries: history, methodology, specifics“. Poisk nauchnykh resheniy, Nr. 2 (2023): 109–25. http://dx.doi.org/10.61077/2949-4818-2023-2-109-125.

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В статье рассматриваются особенности развития школьного исторического образования в европейских странах. Цель исследования заключается в выявлении особенностей развития школьного исторического образования в европейских странах. Задачами работы являются исследование истории становления исторического образования в странах Европы; выявление особенностей методики и содержания курсов истории в школах стран Европы; проведение сравнения принципов современного школьного исторического образования в России и странах Европы. Научной новизной исследования является комплексный анализ тенденций развития школьного исторического образования в странах ЕС, изучение механизмов взаимодействия стран в выработке стратегий школьного образования в период после окончания холодной войны до настоящего времени и их характеристика. В ходе работы выявлены общие принципы методики исторического образования в странах Европы и России, основанные на необходимости формирования критического мышления, активной гражданской позиции, самоидентификации школьников. Главное различие основывается на содержательной характеристике курсов истории. Европейская концепция основана на создании образа единой Европы и акцентировании внимания на событиях истории, социальной жизни и культуры, которые могут стать основой европейского сознания людей, порой в ущерб национальным интересам отдельных стран. Концепция изложения фактов истории в формате единой Европы, но с акцентом на национальные особенности и интересы отдельных стран, влияет на полярность восприятия событий и фактов исторического прошлого в угоду субъективным интересам.
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Wood, Curtis W. „The History of the Low Countries“. History: Reviews of New Books 28, Nr. 1 (Januar 1999): 29–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03612759.1999.10527769.

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Hansen, Henning, und Maria Simonsen. „Book History in the Nordic Countries“. Mémoires du livre 13, Nr. 1 (2022): 1. http://dx.doi.org/10.7202/1094119ar.

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Mahaletskyi, Andriy. „HISTORICAL MEMORY ABOUT THE FIRST WORLD WAR IN UKRAINE: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS“. Intermarum history policy culture, Nr. 12 (31.03.2023): 67–81. http://dx.doi.org/10.35433/history.112049.

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The aim of the work is to investigate the state and development of the historical memory of the First World War in Ukraine, to find out the reasons that led to the forgetting one of the bloodiest pages of Ukrainian history. The methodology of the investigation is based on using application of the principles of historicism and objectivity, which are important in the characterization of historical events related to the state policy and memory. The historical-genetic method allows to find out the path of the Great War memory in Ukraine. The historical-systemic method provides consideration of the socio-political processes in their interrelationship and cause-to-effect dependence. The scientific novelty consists in systematization of the processed literature and sources regarding commemoration of the First World War, its origin and evolution. The indicated archival documents were introduced into scientific circulation by the author for the first time. Conclusions: The First World War marked the end of the long XIX century and brought drastic changes in the political, social and economic systems of the world. It was a fratricidal war for Ukraine that had extremely important long-term consequences. This is a forgotten war despite more than 4 million Ukrainian participants and about 1,5 million dead people in modern Ukraine. Commemoration in the different countries differs. Though there are certain common trends. Most of participating countries, except for Eastern European countries, actively supported the memory of the dead from the very first years. However, on the territory of the former Russian Empire, revolutionary events and the memory of it displaced memories of the “imperialist” war. The end of the XX century becomes a turning point in the historical policy of individual countries and since 2014, interest in studying the history of the First World War in Ukraine has been actively growing.
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Khormi, Sameer. „Can Developed Countries Make History of Poverty?“ Archives of Business Research 8, Nr. 7 (13.07.2020): 58–66. http://dx.doi.org/10.14738/abr.87.8538.

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Since poverty is a serious issue that has had its impacts on human internationally, this paper aims to discuss poverty from different aspects and the reasons for making a history of poverty, as well as if the developed countries caused in making history of poverty. Furthermore, this paper discussed the history of poverty in the past 50 years and some initiatives have undertaken by UN and international bank to overcome the impacts of poverty in developing countries, particularly on education and healthcare. Then, a comparison was made between some developing countries how they benefited from these initiatives, while others remained poor.
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Jones, Michael. „History of cartography of the Nordic countries“. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography 74, Nr. 4 (07.08.2020): 209–13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00291951.2020.1809512.

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Sekretaryov, Roman Viktorovich. „Superficies in foreign countries: history and modernity.“ Право и политика, Nr. 10 (Oktober 2023): 38–49. http://dx.doi.org/10.7256/2454-0706.2023.10.44162.

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The institution of superficiality originated in Ancient Rome and exists in various models today in the legal systems of many countries, which proves the high value and universality of this legal structure. He was analyzed as classics of the law of the past centuries, and there are modern leading civilists. However, as our research has shown, not all the achievements of foreign specialists in the field of civil law are available to domestic theorists. This is explained both by the significant amount of accumulated information itself and by the difficulty of choosing it when preparing specific scientific publications. The author understands the monumentality of the raised problem and sought to focus on those aspects of it that other Russian scientists do not always pay attention to in their publications. The novelty of the undertaken research is the introduction into the domestic scientific circulation of modern English-language publications on the legal regulation of superficies in the countries of Eastern and Central Europe and Japan. The relevance of the article is seen in an attempt to use the examples of foreign legislation to assess the prospects for using this concept to improve Russian legislation. In addition to the formal legal method, which is traditionally the main tool for the author, the comparative legal method, typology and classification were used in the preparation of the article. The object of the study is legal relations mediated by the institute of superficies. The subject of the study is the legislative acts of modern foreign states and the norms of law governing super-official relations in earlier historical periods.
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Shokhrukh, Sokhatov. „HISTORY OF POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC RELATIONS OF ASIAN COUNTRIES IN THE TURKESTAN COLLECTION“. Oriental Journal of History, Politics and Law 02, Nr. 03 (01.06.2022): 1–6. http://dx.doi.org/10.37547/supsci-ojhpl-02-03-01.

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Chakiath, Jacob Antony, und Ravi kumar Chittoria. „History of Burns: A Review“. Indian Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 10, Nr. 2 (15.12.2023): 79–85. http://dx.doi.org/10.21088/ijmhs.2347.9981.10223.3.

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Burn Injuries represent one of the most important public health problems faced by both developing as well as industrialized nations today. This review article highlights the history of burns in both the developed and developing countries especially pertaining to Indian Scenario.
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Ugli Utkirov, Abdulazizbek Fahriddin. „THE HISTORICAL PHENOMENON OF PHILANTHROPY IN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES (ON THE EXAMPLE OF GERMANY)“. CURRENT RESEARCH JOURNAL OF HISTORY 02, Nr. 05 (31.05.2021): 37–41. http://dx.doi.org/10.37547/history-crjh-02-05-11.

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This article is devoted to the reformation of charity and charitable societies in Germany. The subject is the study of the formation and development of charity in Germany under the influence of socio-economic and cultural-historical factors.
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The article provides a brief overview of the socio-political, economic and cultural life of Khiva and neighboring regions in the Middle Ages, coverage of ethnic processes in the work of Abulgazi Bakhodirkhan "Shajaray Turkish".
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Kuzminskis, Vytautas, Mai Rosenberg, Harijs Cernevskis und Inga Arune Bumblyte. „History of renal replacement therapy in Baltic countries“. Journal of Nephrology 24, Suppl. 17 (2011): 97–99. http://dx.doi.org/10.5301/jn.2011.6456.

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Jones, Michael. „History of cartography of the Nordic countries II“. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography 75, Nr. 1 (01.01.2021): 1–6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00291951.2021.1874510.

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Arnberg, Klara, Eirinn Larsen und Ann-Catrin Östman. „Gender and economic history in the Nordic countries“. Scandinavian Economic History Review 70, Nr. 2 (04.05.2022): 113–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03585522.2022.2078403.

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لاشین, عبد الخالق محمد. „نقد کتاب modern history of the Arab countries“. المجلة التاریخیة المصریة 18, Nr. 18 (01.10.2021): 265–72. http://dx.doi.org/10.21608/jejh.2021.198063.

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Jones, Michael. „History of cartography of the Nordic countries III“. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography 75, Nr. 5 (20.10.2021): 271–73. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00291951.2021.2014952.

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Kudryavtseva, E. V., und I. O. Vtorushin. „CLASS ACTIONS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES: HISTORY AND MODERNITY“. Zakon 16, Nr. 2 (2021): 46–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.37239/0869-4400-2021-16-2-46-57.

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Lazovic, Biljana, Sanja Mazic, Marina Djelic, Jelena Suzic-Lazic, Radmila Sparic und Zoran Stajic. „History of sports medicine in east European countries“. Medical review 68, Nr. 1-2 (2015): 59–65. http://dx.doi.org/10.2298/mpns1502059l.

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The purpose of this article is to provide a historical background of medicine, science and sports with the focus on the development of modern sports medicine in European countries, with an accent on Eastern European countries that have a long sports medicine tradition. The development of modern sports medicine began at the end of 19th and the beginning of 20th century, and it has been associated with social and cultural changes in the world of medicine, science and sports. Advanced medical knowledge, skills and practices, and the progress of scientific achievements enabled sports people to improve their performance level. Increased popularisation and commercialisation of sports have resulted from urbanization and city lifestyle, leading to the lack of physical activity and increased psychological pressure. In addition, the growing need and interest in sports and successes in professional sports have become a symbol of international recognition and prestige for the nations.
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Аласов, И. Ф. „The history of the new Caspian countries’ formation“. Herald of Dagestan State University 34, Nr. 3 (2019): 13–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.21779/2542-0313-2019-34-3-13-20.

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Ginda, Vladimir. „«CHILDREN OF THE OCCUPATION» – EXILES OF POSTWAR SOCIETIES“. Intermarum history policy culture, Nr. 9 (25.12.2021): 237–52. http://dx.doi.org/10.35433/history.112026.

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The purpose of this scientific investigation is to analyze the postwar life of children born to enemy soldiers during World War II. The attitude of postwar societies and governments to them. Methodology. The research methodology is based on the application of the principles of scientificity, historicism, systematics, objectivity. The use of historical-comparative, historical-systemic, and functional methods allowed the author to investigate the process of the problem of «children of occupation», to compare the attitudes of societies and governments in different warring countries and attempts to resolve the issue. Scientific novelty of the research. In the article, for the first time, on the basis of the existing domestic and foreign narrative, an attempt is made to cover the problem of «children of occupation», which was quite acute in the first postwar years in many European countries and the USSR. A number of problems that children born to soldiers of enemy armies and their mothers had to face were revealed. Conclusions. It was found that the «children of occupation» were usually doomed to be stigmatized by society, which distorted their future life solely due to the factor of fatherhood. There was hatred for the parents-invaders, and complexes of guilt and inferiority (especially if the children were born of different races). That is, children who should not be held accountable for their parents' actions had to be patient only because their parents were soldiers of the enemy army. For many «children of occupation» in Europe, the search for a father became the goal of their lives.
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Stelnykovych, Sergiy. „EUROPEAN MIGRANT CRISIS AS CONDITIONED BY THE FULL-SCALE RUSSIAN-UKRAINIAN WAR“. Intermarum history policy culture, Nr. 14 (29.05.2024): 129–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.35433/history.112073.

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The aim of the paper is to analyse the current European migrant crisis, as the massive movement of Ukrainian refugees to the EU countries, beginning after the full-scale Russian military invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. The methodology of the research is based on general scientific and special historical methods, sociological and demographic tools, the theory of human capital, the concept of «push and pull factors», the foundations of the neoclassical economic macro-level theory of migration. The topicality of the research is conditioned by the fact that it is the first attempt to examine the European migrant crisis. The cause of this is the movement of millions of Ukrainian refugees to the European Union because of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war. As a result, the author comes to the conclusion that the largest European migrant crisis since the Second World War has been caused by the Russian full-scale military invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. It has led to the displacement of millions of Ukrainian refugees, mostly women and children particularly to the EU. The Temporary Protection Directive for refugees from Ukraine has been activated for the first time, and all EU countries have supported it unanimously. Due to the relative front line stability, most Ukrainians have returned to their motherland. Today, there are about 6.5 million Ukrainian refugees in the world, and more than 6 million of them are in the EU. The solution to the European migrant crisis caused by the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war is only possible if Ukraine wins.
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Bell, P. M. H., und M. R. D. Foot. „SOE in the Low Countries“. Journal of Military History 66, Nr. 3 (Juli 2002): 894. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/3093417.

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Jones, Gavin W. „Ageing in Developing Countries“. Population Studies 44, Nr. 3 (Januar 1990): 526–27. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0032472031000145036.

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Tavobova, Ozoda F. „THE HISTORY OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION POLICY IN THE COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD AND ITS DEVELOPMENT“. Oriental Journal of Education 02, Nr. 01 (01.03.2022): 29–34. http://dx.doi.org/10.37547/supsci-oje-02-01-05.

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Children with physical and mental disabilities are the most pressing and waiting for solutions to the problems of the inclusive education sector, which is established with the aim of taking their place in society and helping them to find their positions among the society. The article covers the issues of inclusion education in the world, its development today. The article serves as a source for the growth of the sector that is developing in our country
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Andrii Mahaletskyi. „THE MYTH OF THE GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR AS A TOOL OF RUSSIA’S PROPAGANDA INFLUENCE IN THE HYBRID WAR AGAINST UKRAINE“. Intermarum history policy culture, Nr. 8 (30.12.2020): 121–39. http://dx.doi.org/10.35433/history.11208.

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The purpose of this paper is to observe the formation of Russia’s myth of the Great Patriotic War as a tool of Russian propaganda influence and its uses in the Russo-Ukrainian war. The research methodology. The study applies the principles of historicism and objectivity that are essential for revealing historical events in the state policy sphere. The historic and genetic method is employed to determine the sources, development and uses of the myth of the Great Patriotic War as an element of the Russian Federation’s propaganda. The historical and systematic method sustains the analysis of socio-political processes in their interrelation and causal dependence. The scientific novelty of the paper. The research determines the preconditions for the formation of the myth of the Great Patriotic War, its development and subsequent use by the Russian Federation for propaganda purposes in the hybrid war against Ukraine. Conclusions. President Putin’s rise to power in Russia and his goal to assert Russian strength and power in the world, active imperial ambitions, and attempts to maintain control over the post-Soviet space, supported by military actions, necessitated the revival and active use of the myth of the Great Patriotic War. Mythologization of the events of the Second World War became an element of ideological struggle and propaganda activity in Ukraine and other post-Soviet countries. Armed actions against Ukraine were preceded by the formation of the “victorious people” attitude in the Russian society, with the myth of the Great Patriotic War being its integral part. Therefore, the Kremlin has managed not only to distract the population from internal problems, but also achieved massive support for Russiaʼs hostilities on the territories of other countries. By pursuing the policy of “appropriating” victory in the war, the Russian government thereby diminishes the contribution of both the allied states and the former Soviet republics to the defeat of Nazism.
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Spielman, Andrew I., und Judit Forrai. „History of the Dental Therapist“. Kaleidoscope history 14, Nr. 28 (2024): 407–10. http://dx.doi.org/10.17107/kh.2024.28.29.

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Dental Therapists were introduced because of the global need to alleviate oral disease, especially those in low- and middle-income countries. It started in New Zealand in 1921. Today 54 countries and in the US, 14 states employ it.
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Druwé, Wouter. „Legal education in the Low Countries“. Tijdschrift voor rechtsgeschiedenis 83, Nr. 1-2 (31.05.2015): 288–300. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/15718190-08312p13.

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Sperling, Norman. „Investigating Astronomy’s History“. International Astronomical Union Colloquium 98 (1988): 31. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0252921100092101.

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AbstractAmateur astronomers play an important role in historical astronomy and publish a wide range of studies. They can participate nearly as well as professional astronomers since neither are professional historians or archaeologists. Amateurs often restore old instruments and facilities, discovering clues to their design, manufacture and use that would not be noticed by non-astronomical historians.Possible studies include histories of institutions and of astronomy in different countries, biographies, and evolution of ideas. Publications and manuscripts could be studied for matters of current and historical importance. Folklore (of all countries) should be recorded before it dies out, and the beliefs behind it examined. More study groups involving amateurs, professionals and others should be established.
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Smirnov, Alexander M. „History of development of male prostitution in foreign countries“. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Istoriya, Nr. 72 (01.08.2021): 176–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.17223/19988613/72/25.

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Pérez-Lloréns, José Lucas, Yanet Acosta und Fernando G. Brun. „Seafood in Mediterranean countries: A culinary journey through history“. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 26 (Dezember 2021): 100437. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijgfs.2021.100437.

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Pérez-Lloréns, José Lucas, Yanet Acosta und Fernando G. Brun. „Seafood in Mediterranean countries: A culinary journey through history“. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science 26 (Dezember 2021): 100437. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijgfs.2021.100437.

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Grothusen, Klaus-Detlev. „Biographical Dictionary of the History of the Bohemian Countries.“ Philosophy and History 19, Nr. 2 (1986): 178. http://dx.doi.org/10.5840/philhist1986192114.

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Klotzbach, H., R. Krettek, H. Bratzke, K. Püschel, R. Zehner und J. Amendt. „The history of forensic entomology in German-speaking countries“. Forensic Science International 144, Nr. 2-3 (September 2004): 259–63. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2004.04.062.

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Van Oort, Thunnis, und Clara Pafort-Overduin. „New Cinema History in the Low Countries and Beyond“. TMG Journal for Media History 21, Nr. 1 (28.06.2018): 10. http://dx.doi.org/10.18146/2213-7653.2018.347.

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Meier, Matt S., und Lester D. Langley. „Mex-America: Two Countries, One Future.“ Journal of Southern History 56, Nr. 3 (August 1990): 573. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/2210336.

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ul Haque, Nadeem. „Institution-Building – Lessons from History“. LAHORE JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS 2, Nr. 1 (01.01.1997): 31–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.35536/lje.1997.v2.i1.a3.

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In the post war world, numerous attempts at all levels – multinational, bilateral and domestic – have been made to foster growth and development in the low income world so that these countries can catch up with their richer brethren from the industrial countries. Why has growth not been faster? What can be done to make these countries achieve more balanced and sustainable growth? These are important questions of the day that are preoccupying all serious positive social science and development policymaking. To a large extent, many of the answers that are being derived relate to the failure of these countries to develop key institutions. Most practitioners and thinkers are now in agreement on this issue but remain perplexed at what is required to develop these institutions. The public sector’s attempts at developing the institutions within its fold have not succeeded. The fostering of non-governmental institutions also remains fairly uneven in its results. Donor funding for institutional support too has had very limited results despite the extensive history of sectoral and institutional reform that has been supported by substantial financial and technical assistance and resources.
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Eichengreen, Barry. „Bad Credit History“. Current History 108, Nr. 714 (01.01.2009): 14–19. http://dx.doi.org/10.1525/curh.2009.108.714.14.

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Lu, Hui Jing, Yuan Yuan Liu, Jiaqing O, Shaolingyun Guo, Nan Zhu, Bin Bin Chen, Jennifer E. Lansford und Lei Chang. „Disease History and Life History Predict Behavioral Control of the COVID-19 Pandemic“. Evolutionary Psychology 19, Nr. 1 (01.01.2021): 147470492110007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/14747049211000714.

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It is puzzling why countries do not all implement stringent behavioral control measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 even though preventive behaviors have been proven to be the only effective means to stop the pandemic. We provide a novel evolutionary life history explanation whereby pathogenic and parasitic prevalence represents intrinsic rather than extrinsic mortality risk that drives slower life history strategies and the related disease control motivation in all animals but especially humans. Our theory was tested and supported based on publicly available data involving over 150 countries. Countries having a higher historical prevalence of infectious diseases are found to adopt slower life history strategies that are related to prompter COVID-19 containment actions by the government and greater compliance by the population. Findings could afford governments novel insight into the design of more effective COVID-19 strategies that are based on enhancing a sense of control, vigilance, and compliance in the general population.
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Hinkelammert, Franz J. „Changes in the Relationships Between Third World Countries and First World Countries“. Mission Studies 12, Nr. 1 (1995): 133–44. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/157338395x00141.

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AbstractI wish to develop some theses on the changes in the relationship between Third World countries and First World countries, which have been strongly affected by the crisis of socialism in the Soviet Union and in the Eastern European countries. It is a profound change, which came about in the '80s but which had already been developing in the decades prior to that.
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Zaromb, Franklin M., James H. Liu, Dario Páez, Katja Hanke, Adam L. Putnam und Henry L. Roediger. „We made history: Citizens of 35 countries overestimate their nation's role in world history.“ Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 7, Nr. 4 (Dezember 2018): 521–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/h0101827.

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Zaromb, Franklin M., James H. Liu, Dario Páez, Katja Hanke, Adam L. Putnam und Henry L. Roediger. „We Made History: Citizens of 35 Countries Overestimate Their Nation's Role in World History“. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition 7, Nr. 4 (Dezember 2018): 521–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jarmac.2018.05.006.

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Rele, J. R. „Fertility Policies of Asian Countries“. Population Studies 45, Nr. 1 (März 1991): 175–76. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/0032472031000145336.

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Nong, Xintang. „State Formation Patterns: China, European Countries, and Decolonized Countries“. Lecture Notes in Education Psychology and Public Media 24, Nr. 1 (20.11.2023): 17–25. http://dx.doi.org/10.54254/2753-7048/24/20230549.

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The exploration of state formation patterns is a multifaceted and intricate field of study, encompassing a range of factors such as geography, history, and culture. It is essential to comprehend different nations various state formation models to gain a holistic understanding of their political, societal, and economic structures. This study seeks to conduct a comparative analysis of state formation patterns in diverse countries and elucidate their unique characteristics within their respective historical and cultural contexts. By examining historical facts and taking into account the geographical, historical, and cultural dimensions, this research aims to contribute to the understanding of the political, societal, and economic systems in China, European nations, and formerly colonized regions. These elements have given rise to distinct state formation traits in these areas, firmly rooted in their distinctive historical and cultural heritages. Furthermore, this analysis sheds light on the interconnectedness of these factors, offering a comprehensive perspective on state formation across the globe.
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Ellegaard, Ole. „Online development in the Nordic countries“. Revy 43, Nr. 3 (09.09.2020): 18–21. http://dx.doi.org/10.22439/revy.v43i3.6049.

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Ugli Turgunov, Abdurakhman Gulomjon. „The History Of Korean Deportation To Central Asia“. American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations 03, Nr. 01 (30.01.2021): 340–43. http://dx.doi.org/10.37547/tajssei/volume03issue01-66.

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In the article has been analyzed the history and the process Korean deportation to Central Asia by the helping scientific literatures and mess media documents as well. Besides, it shown that some Koreans living in Uzbekistan, as well as representatives of other non-indigenous peoples, began to emigrate from Uzbekistan to other countries, primarily Russia and Kazakhstan.
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Samosiuk, I., V. Orzheshkovsky, W. Zukow und A. Sikorska. „To the history of hydrothermotherapy: pages of history“. Journal of Education, Health and Sport 1, Nr. 1 (03.03.2011): 7–14. http://dx.doi.org/10.12775/jehs.2011.01.01.001.

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In 1921 in London, was created by the International Society of Medical Hydrology, which included scientificsocieties of scientists from over 40 countries, in 1928 they were joined by scientists of the Soviet Union. In 1937 wasorganized by the International Federation of the health resort, which in 1947, renamed the "International Federation ofHydrotherapy and Climatology (FITEC). In 1999, Congress in Yalta, it was called "The World Federation ofHydrotherapy and Climatotherapy (FEMTEC). FEMTEC is the most representative association of Spa and healthorganizations in the world. FEMTEC composed of national Spa and health resorts associations and federations, as wellas central state organizations dealing with Spa problems from many countries and continents. FEMTEC functions underthe aegis of the World Health Organization and submits every three years report on its activities. The principal functionsof the Federation are following: representing world thermalism matters and promote them internationally before statesand public organization; international business-like co-operation in health resorts' sector; study, research and experienceexchanges in the sphere of Spa treatments; popularization of Spa and health resorts of the FEMTEC member-countriesin different countries of the world. With a view of organizing fruitful activities of FEMTEC there function 4 permanentcommissions: medical, economic, technical and social. FEMTEC members actively participate in international scientificsymposia, exhibitions, conferences; there are held annual General Assembly, Executive Board and ExecutiveCommittee meetings. Every year FEMTEC organizes Scientific Congress along with a competition of scientific works,marks of the best thermalists etc. The Federation maintains close contacts with European Spas Association (ESPA),World Tourism Organization (WTO) and other international organizations. The Board of FEMTEC includes thefollowing member: Prof. Nikolay Storozhenko - (Russia) President of FEMTEC from 1998, President National SpaAssociation D.M., Honored Physician (http://www.naturmed.unimi.it/femtec.html). In 1996 he joined the Federation ofRussia, which was timed to the International Congress "The resort medicine, science and practice", held in May 1996 inSt. Petersburg. In 1998 the Federation adopted the Ukrainian Association of Physiotherapists and health resort. One ofthe main problems is FEMTEC: cooperation of scientific institutions, exchange of information in the study oftechnological and scientific problems associated with water-and climate-through scientific committees, convening theannual congresses, conferences, symposia, seminars, publications, etc.
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Микола Володмирович Кордон. „ENERGY SECURITY AS A COMPONENT OF NATIONAL SECURITY“. Intermarum history policy culture, Nr. 5 (01.01.2018): 332–40. http://dx.doi.org/10.35433/history.111824.

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Ukraine's energy security is part of its national security. Nuclear power plays the largest role in Ukraine among the four components of the electric power industry, which accounts for almost 60% of all electricity generated. Ukraine belongs to the countries that advocate further development of nuclear energy. An important task for Ukraine is to increase the share of renewable energy. The sun and the wind must work for the economy. Energy saving remains a problem for Ukraine. Ukraine has enormous potential in energy efficiency, so it (energy efficiency) needs to be strengthened.There are huge reserves here. So, if Ukraine raises the level of energy efficiency to the average European, it will save gas as much as a country like Spain consumes it per year. After satisfying internal needs, gas can be sold abroad. According to other sources, in 2030, energy savings in Ukraine could reach as much as the amount consumed per year by a country like the United Kingdom. Therefore, the reduction of energy consumption remains relevant both in industrial production and in the residential sector.
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Andersson, Jenny, und Mary Hilson. „Images of Sweden and the Nordic Countries“. Scandinavian Journal of History 34, Nr. 3 (23.09.2009): 219–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03468750903134681.

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